Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Tissue Optics

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Tissue Optics

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Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Tissue Optics

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Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Tissue Optics


2.1 Introduction

The application of lasers and other optical technology to problems in

biomedicine is a rapidly growing field. These applications can be classified as

either therapeutic or diagnostic. In therapeutic applications, the transformation

of light energy into chemical, thermal or mechanical energy, via light

absorption, can cause a direct and selective cell death (Niemz, 1999). In this

project the fluence rates are chosen to be sufficiently small, thus these effects

can be ignored. The light-tissue interactions in the diagnostic approach must

by contrast be non-destructive and the main goal is to study the physiology or

pathology of the tissue. There are a variety of potential optical methods to

evaluate the light-tissue interactions, such as diffuse reflection spectroscopy

and time resolved transmittance among others.

The fundamental optical characteristics that are exploited for diagnostic

information are absorption and scattering (elastic and inelastic) in the

wavelength region of 600 – 1000nm (near-infrared, NIR range) where tissue

scattering predominates over absorption. This research project concerns the

use of sources in the near-infrared range only.

2.2 Optical properties

Photon propagation in biological tissue is characterised by the basic optical

properties of absorption, scattering, and refractive index. These properties

govern the numbers of photons that are transmitted between points on the

surface of tissue.

2.2.1 Refractive Index

The simplest of the optical properties of tissues is the refractive index n, which

determines the speed of light in the medium. Changes in the refractive index,

either continuous or abrupt (at boundaries), give rise to scattering, refraction

and reflection. Refraction usually occurs when light is incident at the boundary

between two media of different indices of refraction (Figure 2.1),

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Figure 2.1 Refraction of light between two media with different refractive index (n1<n2).

and is governing by Snell’s law. It states that:

)sin(.v)sin(.v 2211 θθ = [2.1]

where θ1 is the angle of incidence, θ2 is the angle of refraction (to the normal

of the interface), and ν1 and ν2 are the speeds of light in the media, and are

related to the refractive index of each media (n = cvacuum/ν). Since tissues are

heterogeneous in composition, one may need to know the refractive indices

for the various tissue constituents or an averaged value for the tissue as a

whole. The overall refractive index is considered to be around 1.4 for most

tissue types (Delpy et al, 1988).

2.2.2 Absorption

The transmitted light intensity I(d) across a homogeneous and non-scattering

medium of thickness d, which is illuminated by a collimated beam of light of

intensity I0 at the wavelength λ will be given by: )d.(

)d(ae.II µ−= 0 [2.2]

Figure 2.2 Attenuation of light through a non-scattering medium.

where µa is the absorption coefficient of medium [mm-1] for a given

wavelength λ, and it represents a probability per unit length of a photon being


µa I(d)





θ2 θ1



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Other parameters are also defined from the ratio of the transmitted to incident

intensity, such as the Transmittance T, which is usually what a spectroscopic

instrument measures:

0I/IT )d(= [2.3]

and Absorbance A (representing the loss in light intensity), which is usually

measured in units of optical density (OD), and is given by equation [2.4].

( ) d.kIIlogTlogA


== 0



An equivalent absorbance relationship was developed by Beer in 1852

(equation [2.5]). It states that for an absorbing compound dissolved in a non-

absorbing medium, the attenuation is proportional to the concentration of the

compound in the solution ([C], [molar]), the specific extinction coefficient of the

compound (ε, [molar-1.mm-1]) and distance between the points where the light

enters and leaves the solution (the optical pathlength d).


)d(IIlogd.kd].C.[A 0

10ε [2.5]

The equation [2.5] can be extended if the solution contains several different

absorbing compounds, considering the contributions of each compound (for

instance, components of blood like oxy and deoxy- haemoglobin, water, etc):

=++= d].C).[(...d].C).[(d].C).[()(A nn λελελελ 2211 d.]C).[(

nnn∑= λε


Rewriting the equation [2.6] using the natural logarithm base yields:

d].C).[(...d].C).[(d].C).[(IIlog nn

)d(e λαλαλα ++=



nn∑= λα


where α is the specific absorption coefficient of the compound

([molar-1.mm-1]). This differs from the specific extinction coefficient (ε) by a

scaling factor equal to loge(10).

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2.2.3 Scattering

Scattering is a physical process by which light interacts with matter to change

its direction, so if the medium is scattering, the path taken by the photons are

no longer direct (see section 2.6.1). Light scattering in tissue depends upon

many variables including the size of the scattering particle, the wavelength of

the light and the variation of the refractive indices of the various tissue

components, such as cell membranes and organelles.

Figure 2.3 Attenuation of light through a scattering medium.

Elastic scattering (i.e. no loss of energy) can still give rise to attenuation of a

light beam by deflecting photons from their initial path. In the same manner as

for absorption, the final non-scattered intensity component of light I(d),

transmitted through a medium of thickness d when illuminated by a source of

intensity I0 is described by: )d.(

)d(se.II µ−= 0 [2.8]

where µs is the scattering coefficient of the medium [mm-1] for a given

wavelength λ, and represents a probability per unit of length of a photon being


2.2.4 Anisotropy and the Coefficient of Anisotropy g

The practical effect of scattering and absorption by a particle upon a parallel

beam of light propagating in one given direction is that the beam intensity in

this direction is reduced. Light which is absorbed is dissipated as thermal

energy, and light which is scattered keeps its intensity but travels in another

direction (Cope, 1991). Therefore, it is convenient to describe the angular





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distribution of scattered light by defining an angular probability function of a

photon to be scattered by an angleθ. If all scatter directions are equally

probable, the scattering is isotropic. Otherwise, anisotropic scattering occurs.

In elastic scattering, when a photon is scattered from its original direction (s)

by a particle, it emerges in a new direction (s’), as shown in Figure 2.4. The

angular probability of this change in direction is given by the phase function

p(s,s’) over its domain (solid angle Ω of 4π steradians).

Figure 2.4 Elastic scattering event, based on (Vo-Dinh, 2003) (p2-7).

For a random medium that is isotropic in terms of its physical properties

(refractive index, density), it can be assumed that this probability is

independent of direction s and only depends on the angle between the

incident and scattered directionsθ. Thus, the phase function can be expressed

as a function of the scalar product of the unit vectors in the initial and final

directions, which is equal to the cosine of the scattering angle θ:

( ))cos()'.()',( θ== psspssp [2.9]

A measure of the anisotropy of scattering is given by the coefficient of

anisotropy g, which represents the average value of the cosine of the

scattering angle. This can be expressed as:

( ) ( )∫−



)cos(d.)cos(p).cos(g θθθ [2.10]

The value of g approaching 1, 0, and -1 describe extremely forward, isotropic,

and highly backward scattering respectively, and in biological tissue, g lies in

the range 0.69 ≤ g ≤ 0.99 (Cheong et al, 1990).




SCATTERER Direction S’

Direction S cos(θ)

Differential solid angle

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It is also convenient to express the characteristic scatter of tissue in terms of

the transport scatter coefficient (µs’), which represents the effective equivalent

number of isotropic scatters per unit of length, usually [mm-1], and is used in

the diffusion theory of light propagation in random media. Thus,

)g.(' ss −= 1µµ [2.11]

Finally, the total transport attenuation coefficient (µtotal) can be found:

asastransport_total )g.(' µµµµµ +−=+= 1 [2.12]

2.3 Absorption characteristics of the main chromophores in tissue

The tissue compounds which absorb light in the spectral region of interest are

known as chromophores. Each chromophore has its own particular absorption

spectrum which describes the level of absorption at each wavelength. In the

near-infrared range (NIR), known as the absorption window or therapeutic

window, the major absorbing components in the soft tissues are water,

oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin. There are also minor contributions

from other tissue chromophores, such as melanin, lipids, etc. The absorption

spectra of some common chromophores are shown in figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 The absorption spectra for the main chromophores found within tissue.

At the shorter wavelength end, the window is bound by the absorption of

haemoglobin (in both its oxygenated and deoxygenated forms). At the IR end

of the window, penetration of light is limited by the absorption properties of

water. Within the therapeutic window, scattering is dominant over absorption,

and the propagation of light becomes diffuse (Niemz, 1999), (Elwell, 1995).

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The concentration of water and melanin remains virtually constant with time

(static absorbers). On the other hand, the concentrations of dynamic

absorbers, such as oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin (related with

blood oxygenation), and cytochrome oxidase (an enzyme in the oxidative

metabolic pathway that provides an indicator of tissue oxygenation and cell

metabolism), provide clinically useful physiological information. However, the

concentration of cytochrome oxidase in tissue is inferior when compared with

haemoglobin (at least one order of magnitude below that of haemoglobin)

(Elwell, 1995), (Cope and Delpy, 1988).

2.3.1 Water

The average water content of the neonatal brain is 90% (Cope, 1991) and in

adult brain is about 80% of its weight (Woodard and White, 1986). Because of

its high concentration in most biological tissue, water is considered to be one

of the most important chromophores in tissue spectroscopy measurements.

Nevertheless, for the purposes of most clinical measurements the water

concentration in tissue can be thought of as constant, and as such water acts

as a fixed constant absorber (Elwell, 1995). From figure 2.6, it can be seen

that water has a low absorption over the NIR range (µa = 0.0022 mm-1 at

800 nm). Beyond 900 nm absorption rises sharply with increasing wavelength,

with a spectral peak being visible at 970 nm and this sets an upper limit for

spectroscopic or imaging measurements.

Absorption Curve of Water

Wavelength (nm)

650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050






ent (


-1), µ a








Figure 2.6 The Absorption spectrum for pure water at 37oC over the wavelength range

from 650 –1050 nm (Matcher et al, 1993).

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2.3.2 Lipids (fat)

The absorption spectrum of lipids is similar to that of water. However, its

overall contribution to absorption is relatively small due to the low content of

fat in the brain (about 5% of the total net weight of a newborn infant’s brain)

(Cope, 1991). The lipids are considered a fixed constant absorber with

concentration normally unchanging during clinical measurements and so the

measurements of changes in attenuation are not affected (Elwell, 1995).

Figure 2.7 shows the absorption spectrum of pure pork fat between 650 nm

and 1000 nm, which is thought to be similar to that of human lipids in muscle

tissue (Conway et al, 1984).

Absorption Curve of Lipids

Wavelength (nm)

650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000






ent (


), µ a









Figure 2.7 Spectrum of pork fat in the NIR from 650 to 1000 nm (van Veen et al, 2000).

2.3.3 Haemoglobin

The average composition by volume of blood is: 54% of plasma, 45% of red

blood cells and 1% of white blood cells and platelets in the normal adult

(Marieb and Hoehn, 2006). Haemoglobin molecules, which can be found

within the red blood cells, carry 97% of the oxygen in the blood, while 3% is

dissolved in the plasma. Each haemoglobin molecule consists of the four

haem groups (iron atom at the centre of its structure, which has certain

paramagnetic properties, see section 3.6) bound to the protein globin (figure

2.8) (Martini et al, 1998). Haemoglobin has an important role in the transport

and delivering of oxygen from the lungs to tissues (oxyhaemoglobin), and

carrying carbon dioxide from the tissue (deoxyhaemoglobin) back to the lungs.

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Figure 2.8 The structure of Haemoglobin, which consists of four globular protein subunits

(α and β chains), and each subunit contains a single molecule of haem, a porphyrins ring surrounding a single ion of iron, (Martini et al, 1998) (p630).

The amount of haemoglobin in the blood determines how much oxygen the

red blood cells are capable of carrying to other cells. The normal ranges for

haemoglobin concentrations are (which change according age and sex) 14 to

20 grams per decilitre in infants, 13 to 18 g/dL in adult males, and 12 to

16 g/dL in adult females (Marieb and Hoehn, 2006). Haemoglobin molecules

(Hb) in the red blood cells are responsible for almost all of the absorption of

light by blood. However, the absorption spectrum of haemoglobin (figure 2.9)

changes when oxygenation/de-oxygenation occurs. Oxygenated haemoglobin

is a strong absorber up to 600 nm (sets a lower limit for spectroscopic or

imaging measurements); then its absorption drops off very sharply and

remains low. The absorption of deoxygenated haemoglobin, however, does

not drop sharply; it stays relatively high, although it decreases with increasing

wavelengths. The two absorption spectra cross around 800 nm (the isosbestic

point, αHbO2 = αHb).

Absorption Curves of Haemoglobin

Wavelength (nm)

650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000








ent (




)-1), α









Isosbestic point

Figure 2.9 Specific absorption coefficients (α) of the states of haemoglobin (Cope, 1991).

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In addition, foetal haemoglobin (HbF) has higher affinity to oxygen than adult

haemoglobin (HbA). This facilitates the uptake of oxygen by the foetus from

the mother’s blood by placenta. The visible absorption spectra of HbF and

HbA are slightly different but they are virtually identical in the NIR range

(figure 2.10). Zijlstra et al (1991) studied these differences and determined the

specific extinction coefficients (ε) for enriched and reduced states of HbF and

HbA in the range of 450-1000 nm. He showed in his calculations of blood

oxygen saturation (SO2) that a method based on 2 wavelengths, such as

pulse oximetry (660/940 nm), can result in an underestimation of SO2 if HbF

instead of HbA is being measured. However, the studies of Wickramasinghe

et al (1993) have shown that adult Hb can be assumed for infants without

introducing a significant error.

Absorption Curves of Haemoglobin for Adult and Foetus

Wavelength (nm)

700 750 800Spec




n C



t (cm



)-1), ε




Foetal Hb Adult HbFoetal HbO2 Adult HbO2

Figure 2.10 Spectra of adult and foetal absorption curve (Zijlstra et al, 1991). 2.4 The origin of optical contrast in the human brain

The delicate tissues of the brain, which contains tens of billions of neurons

arranged in a 3D structure and performs a complex array of functions, are

protected and surrounded by the skin, the flat bones of the cranium, the

cranial meninges (dura mater, arachnoid mater and pia mater), and the watery

fluid cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (figure 2.11).

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Figure 2.11 Human brain and surrounding structures (Martini et al, 1998) (p441).

In applications involving NIR spectroscopy of the brain, light must pass

through the skull and surface tissues layers before entering and exiting the

brain. Firbank et al (1993) stated the optical properties of these tissues and

surrounding structures must be known in order to model the effects of the

tissue layers and determine chromophores concentrations. Some of the

optical characteristics of these biological tissues will be discussed in the

following sections.

2.4.1 Skin

Skin covers the entire surface of the body and protects internal organs from

the harsh elements of the environment. It also protects the body from injury by

acting as a shock absorber (figure 2.12).

Figure 2.12 Skin and underlying subcutaneous tissue (Martini et al, 1998) (p199).

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The main component layers of the skin are:

• the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin, and is composed of

millions of dead skin cells, has no blood vessels and has the natural

protective pigment responsible for skin colour, known as melanin;

• the underlying connective tissue of the dermis, which is compose of nerves

and is vascularised, with sweat glands and hair follicles, and

• beneath the dermis, the hypodermis is a subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Due to melanin in the epidermis layer, light is highly absorbed, as shown in

table 2.1, and especially in the ultraviolet region (Elwell, 1995). Simpson et al

(1998) concluded that transmission of light through the skin will be highly

dependent on the pigmentation of the skin.

Table 2.1 Optical coefficients of human dermis, (Simpson et al, 1998).

SKIN LAYER µa [mm-1] µs’[mm-1] DERMIS + EPIDERMIS CAUCASIAN 0.033 ± 0.009 2.73 ± 0.54

HYPODERMIS CAUCASIAN 0.013 ± 0.005 1.26 ± 0.34 DERMIS + EPIDERMIS NEGROID 0.241 ± 0.153 3.21 ± 2.04


It is noticeable from the values shown in table 2.1 that the attenuation of light

by the skin is strongly dominated by scattering. Simpson et al (1998) also

concluded that for both dermis and epidermis the transport scattering

coefficient decreases monotonically, with increasing wavelength (i.e. a

general decrease of scatter due to the size of the particle in comparison with

the wavelength).

2.4.2 Bones & Skull

The skull grows and expands in proportion to the growth of the brain. At (term)

birth, the majority of the bones of the skull are ossified (i.e. the bones have

developed from dense connective tissue and cartilage). The areas where the

bones join together are called sutures, and where they have not come

together is covered by areas of fibrous connective tissue known as fontanelles

(figure 2.13).

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Figure 2.13 The skull of a term neonate, extracted from (Martini et al, 1998) (p211).

These connections are quite flexible enabling distortion without damage to the

skull, and ease the passage of the infant through the birth canal. Damage

could occur if pressure is applied to the head. In addition, the skull is a smooth

bone, made up of two thin layers of compact bone (responsible for the

skeleton's strength) compressing an irregular layer of spongy bone (made up

of a network of tiny strands of bone called trabeculae), which contains red

bone marrow (diploë) (figure 2.14).

Figure 2.14 Cross section of flat bone of skull (Martini et al, 1998) (p170).

Firbank et al (1993) have studied the optical properties of adult skull in the

wavelength range 650 to 950 nm, obtaining values of µa = 0.04 to 0.05 mm-1

and µs’ = 2.7 to 1.3 mm-1. The average value of g varied from 0.925 to 0.945.

The presence of a small quantity of blood in bone has little effect on the

overall absorption by the bone (Elwell, 1995).

2.4.3 Cerebrospinal fluid and membranes

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and membranes surround the brain and much of the

spinal cord. CSF circulates through the cerebral ventricles (internal structures

in the brain, formed by four chambers), supporting, cushioning and sustaining

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the brain (Martini et al, 1998). CSF is optically very similar to water (i.e. CSF is

non-scattering) with an absorption coefficient (µa) of 0.0022 mm-1 at 800 nm.

Some membranes that surround the brain are thin, delicate and highly

vascularised (pia matter), and others are tough and fibrous, forming a sack

around the brain (dura matter). The scattering properties of each membrane

depend on its structure, although the membranes are very thin. The

vascularised membranes will absorb according to the amount of blood

present. The membranes themselves are low absorbing (Hillman, 2002). Very

few models of light propagation in the adult and neonatal heads take into

account the presence of CSF fluid and the surrounding membranes.

2.4.4 Characteristics of the human brain Neurons and Cerebral cortex

Nerve tissue in the brain has two cell types: neurones (or nerve cells) and

supporting cells knows as neuroglia. The number of neurons in the human

body is estimated to be 200 billions and around half them can be found in the

brain. The neurones with their nerve cell bodies (soma) and their axons (figure

2.15) are the main components of the grey and white mater in the brain.

Figure 2.15 A neurone or nerve cell, extracted from (Martini et al, 1998) (p134).

The cerebral cortex constitutes a superficial layer of grey matter (high

proportion of nerve cell bodies) and internally the white matter which is

responsible for communication between axons. The white matter appears

white because of the multiple layers formed by the myelin sheaths around the

axons, which are the origin of the high, inhomogeneous and anisotropic

scattering properties of brain (figure 2.16).

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Figure 2.16 Representation of cross section of the adult brain, showing the grey and

white matter.

Extracted from Rolfe (2000) and van der Zee (1992), table 2.2 shows values

of optical properties of brain tissue for the adult and neonatal brain.

Table 2.2 Optical coefficients of human dermis, (Simpson et al, 1998).



WHITE MATTER 0.957* 0.982* g GREY MATTER 0.82* 0.978* WHITE MATTER 0.0032 – 0.01 0.037 – 0.048 µa [mm-1] GREY MATTER 0.032 – 0.038 0.033 – 0.05 WHITE MATTER 9.26 – 7.78 1.2 – 0.85 µs’[mm-1] GREY MATTER 2.64 – 2 0.62 – 0.43


A comparison between values of the optical properties shows that white

matter is more scattering than grey matter (µs’WHITE MATTER>>µs’GREY MATTER) for

both adult and neonatal brain, due to the high refractive index of the myelin

(lipid-rich) of the axons (van der Zee, 1992). The values of absorption and

scattering coefficients of the neonatal brain are smaller than the adult brain. Functional and Anatomical areas of the brain

The cerebral cortex is responsible for conscious behaviour and contains

various functional areas: (a) the motor cortex is the area in the frontal lobe in

charge of movement and the area on each side of the brain is in charge of the

contralateral side of the body. Consequently activation of the right side of the

body produces a response on the left side of the brain and vice-versa. The

size of the area involved in the task depends on its complexity: the more

complex the task, the bigger the area involved; (b) the somatosensory cortex

is the region concerned with processing tactile and proprioceptive (position

sense) information; (c) the visual cortex is in charge of processing visual data,

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and lies in the occipital lobe at the back of the head. This is highly specialized

for processing visual information from moving or static objects and for pattern

recognition; and (d) the auditory cortex is concerned with the hearing and lies

in the temporal lobe within the Sylvian fissure (Webster, 1992). The cerebral

cortex is further anatomically divided into the frontal, parietal, occipital, and

temporal lobes, named after the overlying bones of the skull and as shown in

figure 2.17.

Figure 2.17 Representation of the functional regions where are located the motor,

somatosensory, primary visual and auditory cortices (Webster, 1992) (p197), and the anatomically division of the brain (Marieb and Hoehn, 2006).

2.4.5 Summary

In the composition of biological tissue, static absorbers like water (and CSF),

melanin, and lipids, have fixed concentrations, and their contributions to the

overall attenuation are low within the therapeutic window. Although the CSF

layer is non-scattering its presence has been shown to affect light propagation

in the head (Okada and Delpy, 2003), (Okada et al, 1997), and it is sometimes

considered together with its surrounding membranes in light propagation

models (Fukui et al, 2003). However, the principal interaction of interest occurs

when light strikes a blood vessel. The light is absorbed by the dynamic

absorbers: oxyhaemoglobin (HbO2) and deoxyhaemoglobin (Hb). Changes in

the intensity of the incoming light can be converted into changes in

concentrations of oxyhaemoglobin and deoxyhaemoglobin, which can be used

to provide information on blood oxygenation status. Also, indirect information

can be gained from the different optical properties of the tissues, which are the

basis of several potential clinical applications, such as cerebral imaging

modality for mapping oxygenation and haemodynamics in the brain of

newborn infants or cortical functional activity in adults, (Hebden, 2003).

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2.5 Optical monitoring of the brain injury in infants

2.5.1 Brain Injury during birth

Occasionally during the birth process, the baby may suffer a physical injury

that is simply the result of being born. This is sometimes called birth trauma or

birth injury. Premature babies (< 37 weeks of gestation) are more fragile and

may be more easily injured. The most common types of neurological problems

associated with birth injury in newborn babies are listed below and all manifest

themselves as disruption to the supply of blood and oxygen to vulnerable

areas of the brain (Gibson et al, 2005a):

I. Hypoxic ischemia encephalopathy (HIE) is a brain injury resulting from

(perinatal) asphyxia, and is one of the most commonly recognized causes of

severe, long-term neurological deficits in children, due to impaired CBF

(Shalak and Perlman, 2004). When the infant newborn brain is subject to the

asphyxia, its circulation becomes vasodilated with an increase of cerebral

blood volume (CBV) (Meek, 2002), (Meek et al, 1999 a), (Wyatt, 1993).

II. Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is the damage and softening of the

white matter around the ventricles (with subsequent cyst formation) due to an

incomplete state of development of the vascular supply and impairment in

regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) (Volpe, 2001). Studies in preterm

infants during the first 3 days of their life demonstrated an increased risk of

development of both IVH and PVL due to a low level of CBF (normal response

to extrauterine life) (Meek, 2002), (Meek et al, 1999 a).

III. Intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) is a bleeding inside or around the

ventricles due to damage of capillaries occurring during periods of fluctuation

in blood pressure, which are common during birth (Gibson et al, 2005a),

(Whitelaw, 2001). The amount of bleeding varies and it is often described in

four grades: grades I (bleeding occurs just in a small area of the ventricles)

and II (bleeding also occurs inside the ventricles) are most common, and

grades III (ventricles are enlarged by the blood) and IV (bleeding into the brain

tissues around the ventricles) are the most serious and may result in long-

term brain injury to the baby (figure 2.18).

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Figure 2.18 LEFT: Periventricular - intraventricular haemorrhage grades. Extracted from (Merestein et al, 1998) (p599), and RIGHT: Massive intraventricular haemorrhage, without distension of the ventricles (Whitelaw, 2001).

2.5.2 Monitoring brain injury

Currently, birth injuries have been diagnosed clinically by cranial ultrasound

(US- which gives only anatomical information), computerised tomography

(CT- rarely used on newborns because of the ionizing radiation and limited

due to high water content in the preterm infant brain (Halliday et al, 1998)),

and MRI (which is often not appropriate due to the fragile state of the infant

and the reluctance to transport the infant out of an intensive care unit) (Gibson

et al, 2005a). Other techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG),

magnetoencephalography (MEG), PET, and fMRI can be used to non-

invasively investigate cerebral function. Although these techniques are widely

used clinically, the instruments are expensive (with the exception of EEG),

require specially trained technical staff to operate, and patients have to be

moved from their controlled environment and taken to specially constructed

rooms where the investigation is carried out. In the case of PET, patients have

to be injected with radioisotopes, which is not appropriate for multiple

repeated studies. All of these factors make these imaging methods unsuitable

for imaging cerebral function in babies in real time, especially if they are being

cared for in an intensive care unit. It is desirable to have a clinical test that

would allow detection of potential brain injury before it occurs or as it is

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occurring, when it is possible to intervene and reverse or prevent the brain

injury (Vainthianathan et al, 2004), (Hebden, 2003). Cerebral near-infrared

spectroscopy (NIRS) has the potential for immediate real-time assessment of

the adequacy of brain perfusion. NIRS is based on the physical principle that

oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin have different light-transmitting

characteristics in the near-infrared region. Thus, a light-emitting/detecting

system can be used to assess the relative amount of oxygen saturated

haemoglobin in the tissue being sampled or adapted as a cotside instrument

for continuous monitoring (Cope and Delpy, 1988).

2.6 Modelling of photon transport in tissue

An understanding of the propagation of light in tissue enables optical

techniques, such as NIR spectroscopy to yield quantitative information about

tissue oxygenation and haemodynamics, and NIR imaging to produce surface

maps of the cortex activation or volume images of spatial/temporal changes in

[HbO2], [Hb] and [total Hb] in the infant brain.

2.6.1 Modified Beer-Lambert Law (MBLL)

Scattering causes light to travel extra distance in tissue, increasing the

probability of photon absorption. The differential pathlength DP, the real

optical pathlength, can be obtained from the differential pathlength factor DPF,

given by:

d.DPFDP = [2.13]

where the geometrical distance between the source and detector is d. The

differential pathlength factor or scaling factor will depend on the number of

scattering events that occur. The DPF will in practise be a function of the

scattering coefficient (it will increase with increasing µs), the anisotropy g, the

absorption coefficient (it will decrease with increasing µa), and the geometry of

the medium. It must be included in the Beer-Lambert law to describe

attenuation in a scattering medium (Matcher et al, 1993). The DPF can be

considered approximately constant for a given tissue, since the measured

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difference in attenuation is small compared with the large constant

background attenuation in tissue (Elwell, 1995). It is also necessary to

introduce an additive term G due to the scattering losses. Thus, )Gd.DPF.(

)d(ae.II +−= µ

0 [2.14]

This is known as the modified Beer-Lambert Law. G is dependent on the

measurement geometry and the scattering coefficient of the tissue under

study and is largely unknown. Consequently, spectroscopic measurements

generally assume that G is constant during the measurement period and

attempt to quantify changes in the absorption instead of absolute values:


=−= 21


1221 µ∆∆ .d.DPFIIlogAAA e

2112 ]C[).(.d.DPFAA ∆λα=−


The differences in attenuation measured between two oxygenation states is

given by ∆A21 corresponding to an absorption change of ∆µa21. The DPF can

be measured by two methods: intensity modulated optical spectroscopy (see

section 3.10.2) or time of flight (see section 3.10.3). According to Duncan et al

(1995), the values of the differential pathlength factor are 4.99 (± 9%) for

infant head and 6.26 (± 14.1%) for adult head at 807 nm. Determination of the blood oxygenation status with NIR light

The parameter which establishes the degree of the oxygenation of blood is

the oxygen saturation (SO2) and it is calculated using the absolute values of

concentration and is given by:


22 .




Considering the contribution of oxy and deoxy-haemoglobin (equation [2.7]), it

is possible to determine the absorption coefficient of blood at two different λ’s

as follows:

]).[(]).[( 1211 2HbHbO HbHbO λαλαµλ += [2.17]

]).[(]).[( 2222 2HbHbO HbHbO λαλαµλ += [2.18]

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By solving the simultaneous equations [2.16], [2.17] and [2.18], it is possible

to obtain the oxygen saturation as shown in equation [2.19].














Figure 2.9 provides the values of αHbO2, αHb for any two wavelengths in the

NIR range, so by measuring the µλ1 and µλ2, the oxygen saturation can be

determined by using equation [2.19]. SO2 is directly related to the supply of

blood and usage by the tissue, and indicates its functional activity. For

instance, non-invasive measurement of SO2 is a common bedside procedure

in hospitals. It is performed continuously, safely and instantaneously by pulse

oximeters. The measurements are typically made on fingers and/or ear lobes.

A two-wavelength method is used to quantify changes in light attenuation

during the systolic phase of blood flow in tissue, which are converted to levels

of oxygen blood saturation. For more details about pulse oximetry see

Mendelson (1992). Determination of the chromophores concentrations

Because the two forms of haemoglobin have different absorption spectra in

the NIR range, it is possible to measure the relative concentration of

oxyhaemoglobin ([HbO2]) and deoxyhaemoglobin ([Hb]) using measurements

at two wavelengths (λ1,λ2) of the differences in attenuation or absorption

(∆A(λ1),∆A(λ2)). If just the contribution of two chromophores is considered, the

equations [2.7] and [2.15] can be written as follows:

( )]Hb[).(]HbO[).(.d).(DPF)(A HbHbO ∆λα∆λαλλ∆ 12111 2+= [2.20]

( )]Hb[).(]HbO[).(.d).(DPF)(A HbHbO ∆λα∆λαλλ∆ 22222 2+= [2.21]

In order to determine the changes in concentrations of the two states of

oxygenation, the equations [2.22] and [2.23] are rearranged. These values

can describe how well the blood is oxygenated.

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2.6.2 The Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE)

In the RTE approach light is treated as composed of distinct particles

(photons) propagating through a medium. The model is restricted to

interactions between light particles themselves and is derived by considering

changes in energy flow due to incoming, outgoing, absorbed and emitted

photons within an infinitesimal volume dV in the medium (energy balance).

The model considers a small packet of light energy defined by its position r,

direction of propagation ŝ, over a time interval dt, and with propagation speed

c (figure 2.19).

Figure 2.19 Model for RTE

The change in energy radiance I(r,t,ŝ) is equal to the loss in energy due to

absorption and scattering out of ŝ, plus the gains in energy from light

scattered into the ŝ-directed packet from other directions and from any local

source of the light at r. This energy balance is represented by the individual

terms in the RTE:


∂ ),,(),,(1 strIst




2 strqsdstrIsspstrI ssa))))))

+++−= ∫π



Each term in equation [2.24] represents in time domain:

direction ŝ’





dV r


z y

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Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Tissue Optics


),,(),,(1 strIs





The difference between the number of photons entering the volume and the number of photons leaving it per

unit time

),,().'( strIsa)

µµ +

The attenuation given to light due to absorption and scattering



2 ').',,().',(' sdstrIssps))))

The increase in the light due to

scatter from all directions to final direction ŝ’

),,( strq)

Local sources [W/m3/sr]

(for instance, fluorescence)

Two important parameters are Φ(r,t) which represents photon density or

diffuse photon fluence (inside the element), and J(r,t) which is the photon flux

or current (at its boundary). The latter is a measurable parameter and allows

equation [2.24] to be solved for µs’ and µa, respectively (Kaltenbach and

Kaschke, 1993).



').',,(),( sdstrItr))



').',,(.),( sdstrIstrJ)))


Exact solutions for the RTE exist for simple cases such as isotropic scattering

in simple geometries. A more in-depth treatment of the subject is given in the

review papers by (Arridge and Hebden, 1997) and (Patterson et al, 1991). The diffusion approximation to the RTE

Three variables in the RTE depend on direction ŝ: the radiance I(r,t,ŝ), the

phase function p(ŝ,ŝ’) and the source term q(r,t,ŝ). If these are expanded into

spherical harmonics, an infinite series of equations which approximate to the

RTE is obtained. The PN approximation is obtained by taking the first N

spherical harmonics, of which the simplest is the time-dependent P1

approximation. If the following assumptions are made: (a) scatter is the

dominant interaction: µs’ >> µa, (b) phase function p(ŝ,ŝ’) is independent of the

Photons out

Photons scattered to

Photons absorbed in the volume dV


Photons in


another direction

direction ŝ’


Photons scattered from

another direction to direction of interest

Local sourcesdirection ŝ’

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absolute angle, (c) photon flux J(r,t) changes slowly dJ(r,t)/dt = 0 and (d) all

sources are isotropic, the result is the time-dependent Diffusion equation:


)t,r(c a =+∇•∇−

∂∂ ΦµΦκΦ1



)t,r()r()t,r(J Φκ ∇−= (1st Fick’s Law) [2.28]

κ(r) is the diffusion coefficient defined as:



sa µµκ



The diffusion equation [2.27] has been widely used to model light transport in

tissue, although it is necessary to assume that light propagates diffusively

(which is generally the case in bulk tissue), and the source and detector are

separated in space and time, to ensure that the light is diffuse when it reaches

the detector. By contrast, these assumptions generally do not hold near the

source, near the surface and internal boundaries and in anisotropic tissues,

and in regions of either high absorption or low scatter (voids regions, such as

the ventricles and CSF). For these cases, higher order approximations to the

RTE may be required (Gibson et al, 2005a), and models which incorporate

void regions within a diffusing model (Riley et al, 2000). Green’s functions

A general method for solving partial differential equations (PDE) such as the

diffusion equation is the application of Green’s functions, where the source

term q(r,t) consists of an infinitely short pulse or δ-function (any other source

can be obtained by convolution (Arridge et al, 1992)). An example of analytical

solution was developed by Patterson et al (1989) for a homogeneous slab

where boundaries are described using the so-called method of images. This

yields time-resolved reflectance and transmittance equations, and least-

squared fitting to experimental data allows the optical coefficients to be

determined. For instance, during the determination of the optical properties of

a liquid slab of intralipid solution (mixture used for reference phantoms, see

section, a rectangular transparent receptacle is filled with the

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homogenous solution (nominal properties of the mixture are µs’ = 1 mm-1,

µa = 0.01 mm-1). A connector for a light source is attached on one of the

faces, and another for a detector is attached on the opposite face. Both

connectors are at the same height and located in the middle of each face. A

representation of the experiment is shown in figure 2.20. A short pulse from a

laser source (see section 4.2.1) is applied and the time-resolved transmitted

intensity across the solution is detected (50 mm of thickness). The values of

the absorption and scattering coefficients are obtained from the temporal

distribution of transmitted light due by fitting with the corresponding Green

function (figure 2.20). For more details see (Patterson et al, 1989).

time (ps)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000



e Tr










Temporal distribution of transmitted light

Fitted data curve

µa = 9.344135e-03 +/- 9.383923 10-6


µs'= 0.982167 +/- 0.000561 mm-1

χ2= 1.020439

Figure 2.20 TOP: A measured transmittance signal and the correspondent fitted curve,

BOTTOM: A measured transmittance signal and the correspondent fitted curve.

Other analytical solutions for simple geometries, such as spheres and

cylinders, as well as the frequency domain equivalents of the equations, are

given in (Arridge et al, 1992). For more complex geometries, the solutions are

solved numerically. Finite element method (FEM)

The finite element method can be applied in order to solve numerically the

partial differential equations (such as diffusion equation) for arbitrary and

Transparent recipient

50 mm




Intralipid solution

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complex geometries. Arridge et al (1993) stated that FEM can be applied

anywhere where a differential equation formulation is available for the

transport model. The method involves dividing a region of interest (or domain)

into a finite number of volume or area elements. The boundary of one element

consists of discrete points called nodes (or connecting points). Surface

domains may be subdivided into triangles and volumes may be subdivided

into tetrahedral (polyhedrons) shapes. Each element has its individual set of

optical properties (µa and µs’). The shape and distribution of the elements is

ideally defined by automatic meshing algorithms (e.g. NETGEN developed by

Schöberl, (1997)). Figure 2.21 shows a finite element (volume) mesh

generated using automatic meshing algorithms (NETGEN).





Figure 2.21 A head-shaped finite element mesh (left) and the surface cut away to show internal structures (right).

The photon density approximation Φi(t) is then calculated at each node i, and

summed over all N nodes in the region. It can be expressed using the

piecewise polynomial function:



h )r(u)t()t,r( ΦΦ [2.30]

The h superscript denotes the iterative process that is calculated at the nodes

and which provides an approximate solution for photon density Φ(t). The ui(r)

is a basis function and it describes the way that the function Φi(t) is allowed to

vary over an element (between nodes). Its simplest form is to be a constant,

although a variety of basis functions can be used (Arridge and Schweiger,

1993). The advantages of this method are its computational speed, the high

flexibility (as for the Monte Carlo method) when applied to complex

geometries and it can model photon density and flux everywhere. The

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disadvantages are that there is no means of deriving individual photon

histories and it is subject to the same limitations as the diffusion equation

(Arridge et al, 1993). The Monte Carlo Method

Many problems of practical interest often involve a range of light sources,

multiple tissues types, and complex geometries. Analytical solutions for

realistic scenarios are complicated, even when possible. These more realistic

cases are instead solved with numerical techniques. For RTE problems, the

most widely used approach is the Monte Carlo (MC) method. In this approach

to photon transport, single photons are traced through the sample step by

step, and the distribution of light is built up from these single-photon

trajectories. The parameters of each step are calculated using functions

whose arguments are random numbers (Vo-Dinh, 2003). The advantages of

the MC method are simple implementation, the ability to handle any complex

geometries and inhomogeneous media (Patterson et al, 1991). The main

disadvantage is the associated high computational cost, since the statistical

accuracy of results is proportional to [number of traced photons]½. As the

numbers of photons in the simulation grows toward infinity, the MC prediction

for the light distribution approaches an exact solution of the RTE (Niemz,

1999). A MC simulation of absorption and scattering has 5 main steps: source

photon generation, pathway generation, absorption, elimination, and


2.6.3 Optical image reconstruction

Optical image reconstruction involves deducing the internal distribution of µa

and µs’ that correspond to a set of measurements recorded. The process

applied to optical tomography involves the solution of the forward and the

inverse problems. The forward problem is to predict the distribution of light y in

the object under examination. This uses a model of photon migration in the

object to generate a sensitivity matrix J (or forward operator) which relates the

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distribution of light on the boundary of the object with its internal properties x,

as shown in equation [2.31].

x.Jy = [2.31]

The forward problem can generate model data for comparison with

experimental data or to test reconstruction techniques. The distribution of light

y can be determined with previous knowledge of the geometry of the object,

the location of the sources and detectors, and background parameters. In a

similar way, in the inverse problem an image (2D or 3D) of the internal

properties of the object can be recovered from the distribution of

measurements on the boundary y by inverting the forward operator J, as

shown in equation [2.32].

yJx .1−= [2.32]

However, this inversion is ill posed (the solution may not be unique) and is

generally highly underdetermined (the number of unknowns exceeds the

amount of data), and does not yield to straightforward analytical methods

(Arridge and Hebden, 1997). Image reconstruction methods can be

categorised as either linear and or non-linear. Linear reconstruction

The linear reconstruction method is the simplest way to recover an optical

image. This involves considering changes in the optical properties ∆x = (x-x0),

and corresponding changes in the measured data ∆y = (y-y0). By expanding

equation in terms of the Taylor series yields:

...)xx(F)xx)(x(Fyy ''' +−+−+= 20000 [2.33]

where F’, F’’ … are the first derivative, second derivative and so on. In the

case of difference imaging, which is usually employed (see section,

the changes in the optical properties ∆x are small, and equation [2.33] can be

linearized, yielding:

x.Jy ∆=∆ [2.34]

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As described earlier, the image reconstruction consists of the product of the

inversion of the forward operator J and the change in measurements or

difference between two states (∆y):

y.Jx ∆∆ 1−= [2.35]

There are several techniques to invert a matrix; one of the most common is

the Tikhonov regularisation of the Moore-Penrose generalised inverse


y.)I.J.J(Jx TT ∆λ∆ 1−+= [2.36]

where the parameter of regularisation λ is typically ~0.01 and I is the identity

matrix. An advantage of linear reconstruction is that it does not require a

good forward model for good results to be achieved, although this method can

only reconstruct small changes in the optical properties, otherwise the

reconstruction will probably fail, especially if the reference phantom has

optical properties that are not close to those of the tissue analized. For more

details see (Gibson et al, 2005a) and (Gibson et al, 2005b). Non-linear reconstruction

Non-linear reconstruction is a method where the difference between the

values calculated by a forward model and the experimental data is used to

update the sensitivity matrix J of the model and to minimise this difference

between the estimated and the measured data. The image reconstruction

package developed at UCL, known as TOAST (Temporal Optical Absorption

and Scattering Tomography) is a software for image reconstruction in diffuse

optical tomography, which involves:

• a forward solver, a finite element model (FEM) to simulate the light

transport in tissue (scattering medium), which has the flexibility to handle

complex geometries (essential for imaging a real infant’s brain); and

• an iterative inverse solver, a non-linear reconstruction algorithm which

compares the measured TPSF data and the data generated by the FEM

model (forward solver), acting iteratively on the trial solution. Once the

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difference is below a set limit, the generated model is considered a good

approximation with the true tissue optical properties.

A more detailed description of the method of reconstruction and the main

theoretical principles involved in TOAST are given elsewhere (Arridge, 1999),

(Arridge, 1993).