Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles

Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

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Page 1: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPointCentral Asia Struggles

Page 2: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

I. Freedom Brings New Challenges1. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, 15 independent nations

emerged in Central Asia2. Geographers groups these nations into two geographic regions. 3. Transcaucasia Republic: These nations lie in the Caucasus Mts. between

the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Countries are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

4. Central Asian Republics- Countries are Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. They are found east of the Caspian Sea and near the Tian Shan & Pamir Mts. The ‘stan’ part means mountains.

Transcaucasia Central Asia

Page 3: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

A. Economic Struggles1. Most of these countries have faced economic struggles as

a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union2. Reason being is that the Soviets had these countries

produce one cash crop called ‘white gold’ (cotton).3. This makes it hard to diversify when the only country

buying it is now defunct (that being the Soviet Union).4. One country has a better chance for success, Azerbaijan,

because it has oil as a resource.

Page 4: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

B. Ethnic and Religious Strife1. Another issue facing the region is the ethnic and religious

differences that exist.2. Much of these hostilities surfaced once the iron fisted rule

of the Soviets ended and these different groups began to fight for power with their new found independence.

3. Azerbaijan is an example of this when the Christian Armenians tried to break away from the dominant Muslim government would have none of it. War broke out from 1991-94 and the conflict remains unresolved.

Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved.

Page 5: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

II. Afghanistan and the WorldA. Struggle for Freedom

1. Afghanistan lies just south of Central Asia and has grabbed headlines two different time with wars against the Soviets and the US.

2. Early in the 19th century, Afghanistan has fought off rule the Czar led Russians and King ruled Great Britain. They have always been successful maintaining their independence.

3. A democratic style govt. was attempted in 1967 but officials could agree on reform and thus the system failed to take hold.

Page 6: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

B. Pushing Back the Soviets1. In 1973, Soviet influence within the Afghan military created an

opportunity for them to overthrow the govt. with the military support of the Soviets

2. Many Afghan citizens were unhappy with this as they felt it conflicted with the Islamic beliefs.

3. An opposition force called the Mujahideen (Holy Warriors) resisted the pro-communist Afghan govt. with the help of the US who would supply military arms for resistance.

4. US arms and guerilla war tactics helped end Soviet control after 10 years of fighting. It was the Soviets version of the Vietnam War.

Mujahideen fighting force supported by the US government

Page 7: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

C. Rise and Fall of the Taliban1. With the Soviets gone and communism over in the Afghanistan, a

conservative Islamic group called the Taliban emerged victorious amongst the different resistance fighters.

2. By 1998, they controlled over 90% of the country and initially the world was happy with them as they appeared to bring law and order to Afghanistan.

3. Later it was discovered they followed extreme interpretation of Islamic Law which forbid women to go to school or work. Punishment would lead to beatings or execution.

4. The Taliban was also known to harbor terrorists like Osama bin Laden which would eventually lead the US to invade Afghanistan after it was determined he was responsible for 9/11.

Osama bin Laden

Page 8: Chapter 18 Section 5 PowerPoint Central Asia Struggles · 2021. 1. 7. · Nagorno-Karabakh is the area of conflict with Armenia getting involved. II. Afghanistan and the World A

D. Challenges Ahead1. The invasion of the US after 9/11 led to the defeat of the

Taliban and a new govt. was formed under the new leadership of Hamid Karzai.

2. The difficulty that lays ahead for the new govt. are the dozen or so different ethnic groups that exist and being able to make all of them happy.

3. Currently, the Taliban is still resisting but the new govt. is still in charge and the US military is still in Afghanistan providing assistance.

Hamid Karzai

US soldiers in Afghanistan