Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

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Page 1: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Chapter 10Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease

B. Lee GreenTexas A&M University

Page 2: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Figure 10.1 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease

Figure 10.1

Page 3: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University
Page 4: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Characteristics of Chronic Illness

• Chronic illness: an illness marked by gradual onset, long duration, or frequent recurrence.

• Involves some degree of permanence

• Results in some form of disability

• Progressive

• Require a long period of care or supervision

Page 5: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Characteristics of Chronic Illness

• Chronic Versus Infectious Diseases• Causes differ

• Development and duration time differ

• Outcomes differ

Page 6: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Characteristics of Chronic Illness

• Natural History of Chronic Disease• Asymptomatic period: a period in which a disease

exists without any outward signs or clinical symptoms.

• Symptomatic period: a period during the course of a disease in which symptoms appear.

• Diagnosis: a physician’s opinion of the nature or cause of a disease.

• Biopsy: the removal of bits of living tissue and fluid from the body for diagnostic examination.

Page 7: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Characteristics of Chronic Illness

• Lifestyle Choices and Disease• Common Lifestyle Causes

• Smoking

• Poor diet

• Failure to exercise

• Heavy consumption of alcohol

Page 8: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Characteristics of Chronic Illness

• Lifestyle Choices and Disease• Uncontrollable Causes

• Genetic predisposition

• Gender

• Advancing age• Other Contributing Causes

• Not taking advantage of available health screening techniques

• Not taking medicine

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Table 10.1 Characteristics of Chronic Illness

Table 10.1.1

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Table 10.1 Characteristics of Chronic Illness (cont'd.)

Table 10.1.2

Page 11: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Cardiovascular disease: a disease of the heart and blood vessels.

• Hypertension: high blood pressure.

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Figure 10.2 Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

Figure 10.2

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Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Who Is at Risk?• Major Lifestyle Risk Factors

• Smoking • Elevated iron in the blood• Hypertension • Overweight• Elevated cholesterol • Adult-onset diabetes• Sedentary lifestyle

Page 14: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death (cont'd.)

• Non-Lifestyle Risk Factors• Family history of the disease• Age• Sex

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Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Diagnosing Heart Disease• Heart disease is diagnosed in two ways:

screening and detection. • Screening: the analysis of risk factors

done on a person thought to be well for the purpose of preventing disease or making an early diagnosis.

• Electrocardiogram (ECG) • Stress Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Page 16: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Forms of Heart Disease• Atherosclerosis: a thickening and loss of

elasticity of the inner walls of the arteries.

• Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction): a condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle (the myocardium) is severely reduced or stopped.

Page 17: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Forms of Heart Disease• Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

1. Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, or pain in the center of the chest lasting more than two minutes

2. Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms

3. Severe pain, lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea, or shortness of breath

Page 18: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Forms of Heart Disease• Angina pectoris• Arrhythmia • Tachycardia • Bradycardia • Fibrillations

Page 19: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Forms of Heart Disease• Stroke• Hemiplegia• Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)• Systolic Pressure • Diastolic Pressure

Page 20: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Repairing the Heart• Preventative Measures

• Regular Aerobic Exercise

• Weight Loss

• Medications

• Common Aspirin

• Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Page 21: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cardiovascular Disease: The Nation’s Leading Cause of Death

• Repairing the Heart• Surgical options

• Coronary angioplasty • Coronary artery bypass • Heart transplant

Page 22: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• The Basics of Cancer• Carcinogens: cancer-causing agents or factors.• Tumors: masses of tissue that accumulate in the body.

• Benign Tumor • Malignant Tumor

• Metastasize: to spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymph system.

• Initiators: carcinogens that start cell damage that leads to cancer.

• Promoters: carcinogens that help cancer to grow.

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Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• Who is at Risk?• Smoking

• Repeated exposure to sunlight over a long period of time

• Large doses of X-rays or ionizing radiation

• Excessive amount of alcohol

• Foods are linked with certain cancers

• Occupational carcinogens• Hereditary factors

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Table 10.2 Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• Types of Cancer

Table 10.2.1

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Table 10.2 Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death (cont'd.)

Table 10.2.2

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Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• Types of Cancer• Lung Cancer• Breast Cancer• Prostate Cancer• Colon and Rectum (Colorectal) Cancers• Skin Cancer

Page 27: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• Types of Cancer• Skin Cancer

• Basal cell

• Squamous cell

• Melanoma• Keratosis

Page 28: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• Screening for Cancer• Pap Smear • Mammography • Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test • Breast Self-Examination (BSE) • Sigmoidoscopy

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Cancer: The Nation’s Second Leading Cause of Death

• The Benefits and Risks of Treatment• Radical mastectomy

• Lumpectomy

• Partial mastectomy

• Modified radical mastectomy • Radiation and chemotherapy• Psychoneuroimmunology

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Other Chronic Conditions• Type 2 Diabetes

• Insulin resistance or insulin deficiency• Asthma

• Chronic lung disease, severe or mild–aggravated by environmental pollutants

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Other Chronic Conditions

• Dental Disease• Dental Caries: tooth decay.• Periodontal Disease: gum disease.

• Dental Plaque

• Gingivitis

• Periodontitis • Calculus/tartar

Page 32: Chapter 10 Reducing the Risk for Chronic Disease B. Lee Green Texas A&M University

Living with Chronic Conditions

• Psychological Adjustments • Realistic changes in lifestyle and leisure

activities must occur.• Take positive steps to cope with illness.• Keep illness in proper perspective.