1 /96 Chapter 1 Fundamentals No-slip of real fluid

Chapter 1 Fundamentals · 2018. 4. 20. · • state: solid. liquid increasing spacing increasing inter. fluid gaseous and latitude of molecular cohesive. plasma particle motion force

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    Chapter 1


    No-slip of real fluid

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    Chapter 1 Fundamentals

    Contents1.1 Scope of Fluid Mechanics

    1.2 Historical Perspective

    1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State

    1.4 Units and Density

    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity

    1.6 Viscosity

    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    1.8 Vapor Pressure


    - Present concept of fluidity

    - Introduce fundamental properties of fluid

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    1.1 Scope of Fluid Mechanics

    • Problems of water supply

    flood prevention

    navigation need to know fluid phenomena

    water power


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    1.2 Historical Perspective

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

    • d'Alembert (1744)

    "The theory of fluids must necessarily be based upon experiment"

    • d'Alembert paradox theory - ideal, inviscid fluid

    practice - real fluid (viscous)

    • Two schools theoretical group → hydrodynamics

    practical group → hydraulics

    • Navier and Stokes

    → general equations for viscous fluid → equation of motion

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

    [Re] Navier-Stokes equation

    Claude-Louis Navier (1785-1836, French engineer) and George Gabriel

    Stokes (1819-1903, UK mathematician & physicist)

    - one continuity equation + three momentum equations

    - model the weather, ocean currents, water flow in a pipe, the air's flow

    around a wing, and motion of stars inside a galaxy

    - design of aircraft and cars, the study of blood flow, the design of power

    stations, the analysis of pollution,

    - exact solution - one of the seven most important open problems in

    mathematics → “Gifted (2017)”

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

    ( )2 2 2

    2 2 2

    13x x

    p u u ug aqx xx y z

    ρ µ µ ρ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂

    − + + =+ + ∇ ⋅ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂

    ( )2 2 2

    2 2 2

    13y y

    p v v vg aqy yx y z

    ρ µ µ ρ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂

    − + + =+ + ∇ ⋅ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂

    ( )2 2 2

    2 2 2

    13z z

    p w w wg aqz zx y z

    ρ µ µ ρ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂

    − + + =+ + ∇ ⋅ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂

    ( ) ( ) ( ) 0u v wt x y zρ ρ ρ ρ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂+ + + =

    ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂

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    1.2 Historical Perspective

    • New problems in modern times

    - dispersion of man's wastes in lakes, rivers, and oceans

    → Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Hydraulics)

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    • state: solid

    liquid increasing spacing increasing inter

    fluid gaseous and latitude of molecular cohesive

    plasma particle motion force

    • fluid – continuum (연속체) → no voids or holes

    1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State

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    1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State


    solid fluid


    elastic deformation

    → permanent distortion

    unable to support tension

    (surface tension)

    compressionelastic deformation

    (compressible fluid)

    shear (tangential forces)

    permanent distortion or flow

    (change shape) to infinitesimal

    shear stress

    (연속적 변형 또는 흐르는 물질)

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    1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State

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    1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State


    real fluid (viscous fluid; 실제유체)

    ideal fluid


    Fluid; 이상유체)

    in motion at restat rest and

    in motion


    (pressure)○ ○ ○

    shear ○ × ×

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    1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State

    incompressible fluid (비압축성 유체) compressible fluid (압축성 유체)

    ① Compressibility is of small important. ① Compressibility is predominant.

    ② Liquids and gases may be treated


    ② Behavior of liquids and gases is quite


    ③ Fluid problems may be solved with

    the principles of mechanics.

    ③ Thermodynamics and heat transfer

    concepts must be used as well as

    principles of mechanics.

  • 17/961.4 Units and Density

    물리량 SI unit English Unit (FSS) Korean Unit

    Length (L) metre (m) feet (ft) 자=0.3m, 리=392m

    Mass (M) kilogram (kg) slug (-) 근=600g

    Time (t) second (s) second (s) 경=2시간, 나절=6시간

    Temp. (T) kelvin (K)degree Rankine (°


    Basic units (기본단위)

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    1.4 Units and Density

    ■ International System of Units; SI system – metric system (국제표준단위계)

    [Cf] English Unit System (영국계 단위계)

    f• Frequency ( ): hertz (HZ = s-1) F

    F ma=

    2/ /a v t L t= = 2Lt− /v L t= 1Lt−

    21kg m/s 1N( )F Newton∴ → ⋅ =

    • Force,

    → introduce Newton's 2nd law of motion

    Force = mass × acceleration



    ■ 기본단위 vs 유도단위

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    1.4 Units and Density

    E2 2kg m /s ( )E FL J Joule= → ⋅ =

    P2 3/ / kg m sP E t J s= → = ⋅

    p ,σ τ2 2/ N/m Pa (pascal) kg/m sp F A= → = = ⋅


    • Energy, (work)

    • Power,

    • Pressure, ; Stress,

    • Temperature, : degree Celsius (°C)

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    1.4 Units and Density



    ρ = →

    • Density (밀도),

    = mass per unit volume → heaviness

    ~ depends on the number of molecules per unit of volume

    ~ decreases with increasing temperature


    3 2 2N/m kg/m sWV

    γ = → = ⋅

    • Specific weight (weight density; 단위중량),

    = weight (force) per unit volume

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    1.4 Units and Density


    W Mg=g

    gγ ρ∴ =

    [Re](Newton’s 2nd law of motion)

    = acceleration due to gravity

    1/ ρ• Specific volume=volume per unit mass=

    • Specific gravity, s.g. , ~ r. d. (relative density; 비중)

    = ratio of density of a substance to the density of water at a specified

    temperature and pressure

    . . f fw w

    s gρ γρ γ

    = =

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    1.4 Units and Density

    [Re] s.g. of sea water = 1.03

    s.g. of soil = 2.65

    s.g. of mercury = 13.6

    SI unit English unit

    1,000 kg/m3 1.94 slugs/ft3

    9,806 N/m3 62.4 lb/ft3

    9.81 m/s2 32.2 ft/s2




    Water at 5 °C

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    Density measurement

    Pycnometer (specific gravity bottle; 비중병)– Equipment to weigh accurately a known volu

    me of liquid.– The specific weight of the liquid,

    – W2 is total weight of the pycnometer,– W1 is the weight of empty pycnometer– γt is specific weight of the liquid

    2 1t

    W WV



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    Density measurement

    Hydrometer (비중계)– Float with different immersions

    in liquids of different densities

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    1.4 Units and Density

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    1.4 Units and Density


    β,γ Γ

    ,δ ∆εζη

    ,θ Θ


    • Greek Alphabet

    Alpha angle

    Beta [beitə] angle

    Gamma specific weight, circulation

    Delta thickness of boundary layer

    Epsilon eddy viscosity, height of surface roughness




    Iota [aioutə]

    Kappa [kæpə]κ

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    1.4 Units and Density

    ,λ Λ




    ,σ ∑



    Mu [mju:] dynamic viscosity

    Nu kinematic viscosity

    Xi [gzai, ksai] vorticity


    Pi [pai]

    Rho mass density

    Sigma Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society, 1886

    honor society for scientists & engineers

    Tau shear

    Upsilon,υ ϒ

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    1.4 Units and Density

    ,ϕ Φ


    ,ψ Ψ

    ,ω Ω

    Phi [fai] Phi Beta Kappa

    Chi [kai]

    Psi [psai, sai] stream function

    Omega angular velocity

    • Prefixes

    E exa 1018

    P peta 1015

    T tera 1012

    G giga 109

    M mega 106

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    1.4 Units and Density


    M mega 106

    k kilo 103

    h hecto 102

    da deca 101

    d deci 10-1

    c centi 10-2

    m milli 10-3

    micro 10-6

    n nano 10-9

    p pico 10-12

    f femto 10-15

    a atto 10-18

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    1.4 Units and Density

    유체역학 계산 (문제풀이)• 동차성의 원리

    - 모든 항은 동일한 차원을 가져야 함. 또한 동일한 단위계로 계산하여야 함

    • 정확도

    - 계산과정에서 유효숫자가 4자리 이상으로 표시되더라도,해답은 3자리로 반올림함.

    이유는 유체의 물성데이터나 실험 결과의 정확도가 유효숫자 3자리를 넘지 않기 때문임

    • 문제풀이

    - 주어진 데이터를 나열하고, 문제 풀이에 필요한 그림(개념도, 그래프)을 그림

    - 유체 원리에 해당하는 수학적 식을 쓴다.

    - 식에 대입하는 수치들의 단위를 포함하고 동차성의 원리를 따르는지 점검

    - 식을 풀고 해답은 유효숫자 3자리로 표기함

    - 구한 답이 공학적인 상식에 부합하는 지 판단함. 또한 의미를 찾아서 자신만의 토론

    을 붙임

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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity

    • Elastic behavior to compression

    • Compressibility (압축성) ≡ change in volume due to change in pressure

    solid - modulus of elasticity, E (N/m2)fluid - bulk modulus

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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity




    dVdp EV

    → = −



    ( , )dp dpE V const fn p TdV dVV

    = − = − ≠ = → p E↑ → ↑


    1 1dVCE V dp

    = = −

    • Stress-strain curve (E↑, difficult to compress)

    = modulus of compressibility (m2/N)

    Minus means that increase in

    pressure causes decrease in


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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity

    , 1E C= ∞ ρ

    [Re] large E or small C → less compressible• incompressible fluid (inelastic):

    → constant density =const.

    ~ water is incompressible fluid.

    • compressible fluid

    → changes in density → variable density

    ~ gas

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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity


    106 N/m2

    Temperature, °C

    0° 20° 50° 100° 150°

    0.1 1950 2130 2210 2050

    10.0 2000 2200 2280 2130 1650

    30.0 2110 2320 2410 2250 1800

    100.0 2530 2730 2840 2700 2330

    Bulk modulus of water, E (106 N/m2)

    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity

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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity

    Compressibility Modulus of Elasticity, E (kPa)

    steel 1/80 of water water 2,170,500

    mercury 1/12.5 of water sea water 2,300,000

    nitric acid 6 of water mercury 26,201,000

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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity



    - increases as pressure increases.

    - is maximum at about 50 °C.

    → The water has minimum compressibility at about 50 °C.

    1dpE VdV

    = −


    V pV E∆ ∆

    ≈ −

    2 1 2 1


    V V p pV E− −

    ≈ −

    • For the case of a fixed mass of liquid at constant temperature

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    1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity

    62,200 10 PaE = ×6

    2 1 7 10 Pap p= + ×

    2 1 2 1


    0.0032V V p pV E− −

    ∴ ≈ − = −

    2 1(1 0.0032)V V∴ = −

    0.3%V∆ ≈

    [Ex] For water; @ 20˚C


    → water is incompressible


    7 10 Pa 70101.3 10 Pap×∆ = ≈


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    1.6 Viscosity

    [Re] From Wikipedia

    Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid which is being

    deformed by either shear stress or tensile stress. (상대적인 운동에 저항

    하는 성질)

    Viscosity ~ "thickness" or "internal friction"

    ▪ water ~ "thin (묽다)", having a lower viscosity

    ▪ honey ~ "thick (진하다)", having a higher viscosity

    The less viscous the fluid is, the greater its ease of movement (fluidity).

    Viscosity describes a fluid's internal resistance to flow and may be

    thought of as a measure of fluid friction.


    τ µ=

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    1.6 Viscosity

    For example, high-viscosity felsic (규장질) magma will create a tall, steep

    stratovolcano, because it cannot flow far before it cools, while low-viscosity

    mafic (철질암) lava will create a wide, shallow-sloped shield volcano.

    All real fluids (except superfluids) have some resistance to stress and

    therefore are viscous, but a fluid which has no resistance to shear stress is

    known as an ideal fluid or inviscid fluid.

    [Re] super fluid – a fluid having frictionless

    flow, and other unusual properties

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    1.6 Viscosity

    • Two types of fluid motion (real fluid)

    1) laminar flow:

    - viscosity plays a dominant role

    - fluid elements or particles slide over each other in layers (laminar)

    - molecular diffusion

    [Ex] flow in a very small tube, a very thin flow over the pavement, flow in

    the laminar flow table

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    1.6 Viscosity

    Re Vdν


    where V = flow velocity; d = characteristic length; ν = kinematic viscosity

    diameter of pipe,depth of stream

    2) turbulent flow:

    - random or chaotic motion, eddies of various sizes are seen

    - common in nature (streams, rivers, pipes)

    - large scale mixing between the layers

    • Reynolds number

    [Ex] flows in the water supply pipe, flows in the storm sewer pipe, flows in

    the canals and streams

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    1.6 Viscosity

    • Reynolds experiments

    laminar flow: Re < 2,100

    transition: 2,100 4,000

    The same fluid withdifferent velocity

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    1.6 Viscosity




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    1.6 Viscosity



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    1.6 Viscosity

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    1.6 Viscosity

    Symmetric shape,No separation

    Re < 1

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    1.6 Viscosity

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    1.6 Viscosity

    Separation, eddyformation

    Growthof eddy

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    1.6 Viscosity

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    1.6 Viscosity


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    1.6 Viscosity




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    1.6 Viscosity

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    1.6 Viscosity

    • Deformation of solid between two plates

    Shear stress total angular displacement

    yxdGdyζτ =

    yxddyζτ ∝

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    1.6 Viscosity

    • Laminar flow between two plates

    2 1d d dvdt dv dtdy dy dy−

    = = =

    2 2 1 1

    2 1 2 1

    ;( )

    d v dt d v dtd d v v dt

    = =− = −

    strain = angular displacement (전단변형도)


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    1.6 Viscosity

    τ• Experiment has shown that, in many fluids, shearing (frictional) stress

    per unit of contact area, is proportional to the time rate of relative

    strain (Newton).

    /dv dvdt dtdy dy

    τ∴ ∝ =


    τ µ= →

    (velocity gradient)

    Newton’s equation of viscosity (1.2)

    µwhere = coefficient of viscosity

    = dynamic (absolute) viscosity (점성계수)

    • Viscosity ~ measure of fluid's resistance to shear or angular deformation

    ~ internal resistance of a fluid to motion (fluidity)

    Large → sticky, difficult to flowµ

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    1.6 Viscosity

    du duu y t u t y tdy dy

    = + ∆ ∆ − ∆ = ∆ ∆

    /du duy t y tdy dy

    = ∆ ∆ ∆ = ∆

    [Re] rate of angular deformation (전단변형도의 시간변화율)

    (i) displacement of AB relative to CD

    (ii) angular displacement of AC

    (iii) time rate of angular deformation

    /du dut tdy dy

    = ∆ ∆ =


    τ µ=

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    1.6 Viscosity

    µ• dynamic viscosity,

    /F Aτ =

    [ ] 2 2 1 2 2/ kg/(m s ) PaMLt L ML tτ − − − = = ⋅ = 1

    1dv Lt tdy L

    −− = =

    [ ]1 2

    1 1 21/ kg/m s N s / m Pa s

    dv ML t ML tdy t

    µ τ− −

    − −−

    ∴ = = = = ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅

    11 ( ) 10 Pa spoises Poiseuille −⇒ = ⋅

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    1.6 Viscosity

    ν• kinematic viscosity (동점성계수),µνρ


    [ ]1 1

    2 1 23 m /s

    ML t L tML

    ν− −


    = = =


    1 m2/s = 104 stokes =106 centistokes

    ,τ µ

    τ τ

    • Remarks on Eq. (1.2)

    ① are independent of pressure.

    [Cf] friction between two moving solids

    ② Shear stress (even smallest ) will cause flow (velocity gradient).

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    1.6 Viscosity

    0 0dvdy

    τ= → = µregardless of

    ③ Shearing stress in viscous fluids at rest will be zero.


    ≠ ∞ τ→ ≠ ∞④ At solid boundary, ( (no infinite shear))→ Infinite shearing stress between fluid and solid is not possible.

    ⑤ Eq. 1.2 is limited to laminar (non-turbulent) fluid motion in which

    viscous action is predominant.

    [Cf] For turbulent flow

    ε µ( )dvdy

    τ µ ε= +

    where ε = eddy viscosity

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    1.6 Viscosity

    ⑥ Velocity at a solid boundary is zero.

    → No-slip condition (continuum assumption; 점착조건, 비활조건)

    • Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids

    i) Newtonian fluid ~ water

    ii) Non-Newtonian fluid ~

    plastic, blood, suspensions, paints,

    polymer solutions → rheology

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    1.6 Viscosity


    τ τ µ− =




    1n >

    1n <

    • Non-Newtonian fluid

    1) plastic, = threshold

    2) Shear-thickening fluid

    Shear-thinning fluid

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    1.6 Viscosity

    • Couette flow: laminar flow in which the shear stress is constant

    - thin fluid film between two large flat plates

    - thin fluid film between the surfaces of coaxial cylinders

    dv Vdy h



    τ µ∴ =

    ~ linear velocity gradient

    ~ constant

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    1.6 Viscosity

    [IP 1.1] Couette flow

    Upper plate is moving on the oil (µ = 0.0652 N·s/m2) with the constant velocity

    0.2 m/s. Find force F. The thickness of oil is 0.1 mm, and the contact area of the upper plate is 75 cm2.


    2 23

    2 2 2

    (0.2 / )(0.0652 / ) 130.4 /(0.1 10 )

    (130.4 / )(75 10 ) 97.8 ~10

    F Adv Vdy h

    m sN s m N mm

    F N m m N kg


    τ µ µ

    τ −


    = =

    = ⋅ =×

    = × = 중

  • 64/961.6 Viscosity

    gas liquid

    main cause of


    exchange of molecule's momentum →

    interchange of molecules between

    the fluid layers of different velocities

    intermolecular cohesion

    effect of



    temp↑ → molecular activity↑

    → viscosity↑ → shearing stress↑

    temp↑ → cohesion↓

    → viscosity↓ → shear stress↓

    [Re] Viscosities of gas and liquid

    Friction forces result from

    - cohesion for liquid

    - momentum interchange between molecules for gas

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    1.6 Viscosity

    Two layers tendto stick togetheras if there issome viscositybetween two.

    [Re] Exchange of momentum

    fast-speed layer (FSL)

    molecules from FSL speed up molecules in LSL

    molecules from LSL slow down molecules in FSL

    low-speed layer (LSL)

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    1.6 Viscosity


    - Exchange of momentum (운동량 교환): exchange momentum in either

    direction from high to low or from low to high momentum due to random

    motion of molecules ~ molecular scale

    - Transport of momentum (온동량 전달): transport of momentum from

    layers of high momentum (high velocity) to layers of low momentum ~

    continuum scale

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    Viscosity measurement

    Rotational Viscometers

    Outer cylinder is rotating at constant angular velocity (각속도), ωMeasure torque (회전모멘트) on the inner cylinder

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    Rotational Viscometers- Measure torque, T on the inner tank

    2 322

    R h V R VTR h

    π µ π µ= +

    ∆ ∆

    T F r Ardvdy


    τ µ

    = =























    T Fr Ar

    dV V

    dy R

    A R h

    r R

    R hVT



    A R


    R VT



    τ µ µ



    τ µ



    = =

    = =∆









    Viscosity measurement

    V Rω=

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    • Surface tension

    - occur when the liquid surfaces are in contact with another fluid (air) or


    - Forces develop in the liquid surface that cause the surface to behave as

    if it were a “skin” or “membrane” stretched over the liquid mass

    • Engineering problems related to surface tension

    - capillary rise of liquids in narrow spaces

    - formation of liquid drops

    - small models of larger prototype

    → dam, river model

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    σ /F L• surface tension, ( , N/m)- force per unit length

    - force attracting molecules away from liquid

    - function of (relative sizes of intermolecular cohesive and adhesive

    forces to another body)

    - as temp↑ → cohesion↓ → σ↓ ☞ Table A2.4b, p. 694

  • 72/961.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    Consider the small element dx dy of a surface of double curvature with radii R1and R2

    0F∑ =

    0( ) 2 sin 2 sinip p dxdy dy dxσ α σ β− = +

    where pi = pressure inside the curvature; po = pressure inside the



    sin ,2dxR

    α ≈2

    sin ,2dyR

    β ≈ 12( sin )dx R α=

    01 2

    1 1ip p R R


    ∴ − = +


    → for the force components normal to the element

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    • Cylindrical capillary tube

    - due to both cohesion (응집력) and adhesion (부착력)

    cohesion < adhesion → rise (water)

    cohesion > adhesion → depression (mercury)

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    1 2R R R= = ≈

    0p hγ= −

    0ip =

    For a small tube, given conditions are as follows

    (liquid surface section of sphere)

    (hydrostatic pressure)


    01 2

    1 1ip p R R


    − = + 2h

    Rγ σ∴ =

    Substitute above conditions into Eq. 1.4: (1.5)

    cosr R θ=2 2 cos

    / cosh

    r rσ θγ σ

    θ∴ = =

    2 coshr

    σ θγ


    By the way,


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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    h r hθr ≤

    in which = capillary rise → ↑ → ↓

    = angle of contact

    = radius of tube 2.5 mm for spherical form

    12r > h

    [Ex] water and mercury

    If mm, is negligible for water.

    • Pressure measurement using tubes in hydraulic experiments

    → Ch.2 manometer

    ~ capillarity problems can be avoided entirely by providing

    tubes large enough to render the capillarity correction negligible.

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    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    • Formation of curved surface, droplet

    - At free liquid surface contacting the air, cohesive forces

    at the outer layer are not balanced by a layer above.

    → The surface molecules are pulled tightly to the lower layer.

    → Free surface is curved.

    [Ex] Surface tension force supports small loads (water strider).

  • 78/96

    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    0 1.0ip p− =

    0.0728σ =At 20°C, N/m ← App. 2

    [IP 1.10] For a droplet of water (20 °C), find diameter of droplet

    Given: kPa

    01 2

    1 1 2ip p R R R


    − = + =


    0.000146m 0.146mmR∴ = = 0.292d→ =



    1×103 N/m2 = 2(0.0728)


  • 79/96

    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    [IP 1.11] Find height of capillary rise in a clean glass tube of 1 mm

    diameter if the water temperature is 10°C or 90°C.


    From App. 2 Table A 2.4b;

    σ γ

    σ γ@ 10°C =0.0742 N/m, = 9.804 kN/m3

    @ 90°C =0.0608 N/m, = 9.466 kN/m3

  • 80/96

    1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity

    Use Eq. 1.16

    For water, 0θ =

    2 coshr

    σ θγ


    1̀02(0.0742)(1) 0.030m=30mm

    9804(0.0005)h = =

    902(0.0608)(1) 0.026m=26mm

    9466(0.0005)h = =


  • 81/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    • Vapor pressure is the partial pressure exerted by ejected

    molecules of liquid.

    • 증기압 – 분자의 운동에너지에 기인

  • 82/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    • Liquids tend to vaporize or evaporate due to molecular thermal

    vibrations (molecular activity).

    - Evaporation takes place because some liquid molecules at the

    surface have sufficient momentum to overcome the intermolecular

    cohesive forces and escape into the atmosphere.

    - If the container is closed with a small air space left above the surface,

    a pressure will develop in the space as a result of the vapor that is

    formed by the escaping molecules.

  • 83/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    55.2 kPavp =2.34 kPavp =

    0.00017 kPavp =

    • volatile liquids (휘발성 액체):

    ~ easy to vaporize → high vapor pressure

    gasoline: at 20 °C

    water: at 20 °C

    mercury: at 15.6 °C

    • mercury: low vapor pressure and high density → difficult to vaporize

    → suitable for pressure-measuring devices

    • Vapor pressure → Table A2.1 and A2.4b

    temperature↑ → molecular activity↑ → vaporization↑ → vapor pressure↑

  • 84/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    In the interior and/or boundariesof a liquid system

    • Cavitation (공동현상): App. 7 (p. 672)

    In a flow fluid wherever the local pressure falls to the vapor pressure of

    the liquid, local vaporization occurs.

    → Cavities (공동) are formed in the low pressure regions.

    → The cavity contains a swirling mass of droplets and vapor.

    → Cavities are swept downstream into a region of high pressure.

    → Then, cavities are collapses suddenly.

    → it causes erosion (pitting) of solid boundary surfaces in machines, and


    → boundary wall receives a blow as from a tiny hammer

    [Cf] 지하동공 (싱크홀) -> 지반함몰

  • 85/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

  • 86/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    • Prevention of cavitation

    ~ cavitation is of great importance in the design

    of high-speed hydraulic machinery such as

    turbines, pumps, in the overflow and underflow

    structures of high dams, and in high-speed

    motion of underwater bodies (submarines,


    → design improved forms of boundary surfaces

    → predict and control the exact nature of

    cavitation → set limits

  • 87/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    atm vp p≤

    • Boiling:

    = rapid rate of vaporization caused by an increase in temperature

    = formation of vapor bubbles throughout the fluid mass

    ~ occur (whatever the temperature) when the external absolute pressure

    imposed on the liquid is equal to or less than the vapor pressure of the


    ~ boiling point = fn (imposed pressure, temp.)→ boiling occurs

  • 88/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure


    (El. m)





    boiling point


    m.s.l. 101.3 101.3 at 100°C 100 well cooked

    12,000 19.4 19.9 at 60°C 60 undercooked


    • Boiling point of water at high altitude

    - 해발이 낮은 곳에서 대기압은 101.3 kPa 이나,- 높은 산에 올라가면 공기가 희박하여 기압이 낮아짐- 해발 12,000 m에서는 대기압이 19.4 kPa로 떨어짐 (Table A2.5b)- 한편 물의 증기압은 온도의 함수로서 기온이 60 °C 일 때 19.9 kPa 임 (Table A2.4b)- 따라서 해발 12,000 m에서는 물이 60 °C 에서 끓기 시작함.

  • 89/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    • Evaporation (증발): When the space surrounding the liquid is too large,

    the liquid continues to vaporize until the liquid is gone and only vapor

    remains at a pressure less than or equal to pv.

    [IP 1.12] For a vertical cylinder of diameter 300

    mm, find minimum force that will cause the water

    boil. (patm = 100 kPa)



  • 90/96

    1.8 Vapor Pressure

    'vp p≤

    ' 100 31.16FpA

    ∴ = − =

    2(0.3)(100 31.16) 4.87 kN4

    F π∴ = − =

    [Sol] From Table A2.4b: At 70 °C, Pv = 31.16 kPa; patm = 100 kPa

    For water to boil;

  • 91/96

    Homework Assignment # 1

    Due: 1 week from today

    1. (Prob. 1.10)

    A rocket payload with a weight on earth of 8,900 N is landed on the moon

    where the acceleration due to the moon’s gravity gm ≈ gn /6. Find the mass of

    the payload on the earth and the moon and the payload’s moon weight.

    2. (Prob. 1.27)

    The flux of momentum F of a flow through a pipe is F = QγV / gn . Given

    that Q is the flowrate with dimensions of ( L3 / t ), what are the dimensions of

    F ?

    Homework Assignment # 1

  • 92/96

    3. (Prob. 1.46)

    Calculate velocity gradients for y = 0, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 m from the

    boundary, if the velocity profile is a quarter-circle having its center 0.6 m

    from the boundary.

    Homework Assignment # 1

  • 93/96

    4. (Prob. 1.49)

    The velocity profile for laminar flow in a pipe is

    where r is measured from the centerline where υ = υcand R is the pipe radius. Find τ(r) and dυ / dr . Plot both versus r.

    ( ) 2 2 1 /( )– c rr Rυ υ=

    Homework Assignment # 1

  • 94/96

    5. (Prob. 1.60)

    Crude oil at 20°C fills the space between two concentric cylinders 250

    mm high and with diameters of 150 mm and 156 mm. What torque is

    required to rotate the inner cylinder at 12 rpm, with the outer cylinder

    remaining stationary? Ignore end effects.

    Homework Assignment # 1

  • 95/96

    6. (Prob. 1.69)

    The weight falls at a constant velocity of 50 mm/s in the cylinder.

    Calculate the approximate viscosity of the oil.

    Homework Assignment # 1

  • 96/96

    7. (Prob. 1.72)

    Calculate and plot the maximum capillary rise of water (20℃) to be

    expected in a vertical glass tube as a function of tube diameter (for

    diameters from 0.5 to 2.5 mm).

    8. (Prob. 1.82)

    At what temperature will water boil at an altitude of 6,100 m? See

    Appendix 2.

    Homework Assignment # 1

    Chapter 1Chapter 1 Fundamentals1.1 Scope of Fluid Mechanics��슬라이드 번호 4슬라이드 번호 5슬라이드 번호 6슬라이드 번호 71.2 Historical Perspective��1.2 Historical Perspective��1.2 Historical Perspective��1.2 Historical Perspective��1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State��1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State��1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State��1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State��1.3 Physical Characteristics of the Fluid State��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��Density measurementDensity measurement 1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.4 Units and Density��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.5 Compressibility, Elasticity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity���1.6 Viscosity��1.6 Viscosity��Viscosity measurement슬라이드 번호 681.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��Consider the small element dx dy of a surface of double curvature with radii R1 and R21.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.7 Surface Tension, Capillarity��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��1.8 Vapor Pressure��슬라이드 번호 91Homework Assignment # 1��Homework Assignment # 1��Homework Assignment # 1��Homework Assignment # 1��Homework Assignment # 1��