Chapter 1

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Grey, dull, and cold, a typical day in the place I now call home. I cant help but feel cynical towards the ever-boring place. The only time of the year theres ever anything interesting going on is around June when the carnival comes to town. Other than that, there are just the same nosy people in the same monotonous town. Not to mention, its tiny. News spreads like wildfire, quick and unstoppable. Hey Sam. The usual? Freddy, the barista whom Ive known for almost a year, asks me. I always grimace when he calls me Sam, something polar opposite of my real name. I dont enjoy lying to everyone, but its a matter of pure survival. I offer a forced smile and nod. Ive been into his shop nearly every day for the past few months. I get the same thing, stay the same amount of time, and then go home. At first I was worried picking a small city to hide wasnt such a good idea, but when the news of me moving in died down, I knew it was perfect. No doubt the Company would be looking for me in a big city. Thats where my training had prepped me to blend in the best. I had to do the unexpected to stay hidden.Yes, thank you. I sit in my typical seat, next to the window, overlooking the never-ending field of tall grass. Come winter it will all die off, leaving an ugly, frozen tundra. Its my favorite time to come and sit with a cup of tea, quietly overlooking the bare land. Its comforting in a way, almost like the horizon offers a consoling peace that theres no hidden meaning or surprises. Everything is as real as the way you see it.Here you go. Freddy smiles warmly before setting my cup of tea down on the old wooden table in front of me. I hand him a five dollar bill, knowing I dont have to tell him to keep the change. Its become a typical, boring routine for us. Did you cut your hair? I ask him suddenly, noticing the the usual black strands arent falling messily into his pretty blue eyes. Ive always had kind of a weakness for blue eyes. He merely smile and shrugs, a hint of surprise on his face caused by me speaking outside of our usual script.It was getting kind of long. He replies. I nod and continue to look out of the window, contemplating what Im going to eat for lunch. I try and go to the supermarket as little as possible. I decide that Ill have a ham sandwich, maybe with a little bit of salad on the side. The door chimes and I look over, taking careful notice of the man walking in. He definitely isnt from around here. Immediately, my muscles tense and I stare, waiting for him to suddenly see me and begin an attack. If my senses werent so dulled, I might be able to tell, but its been too long since Ive tapped into them for it to be effective anyways. I cant get a good look at his face, its hidden behind the shadow cascading from his black hat.He sits down at the counter just as I finish the last of my tea. I silently get up and open the front door, walking out into the chilling autumn wind. I pull my jacket more tightly around myself and bury my neck in my scarf. The wind whips against my face, and I feel the sting of the cold against the tips of my ears. My teeth chatter as the coolness penetrates my flimsy jacket and sweater and makes contact with my skin. The cold never used to bother me, but the longer the time Im separated from the Company, the weaker I become. The non-humane part of me fades into the background, forcing me to sink deeper and deeper into the weaker side of myself.My humanity.Ive made it about a fourth of the way down the street when I see yet another man in a black suit and long beige trench coat coming towards me at a quick pace. I assume that hes going after the man who just entered the small coffee shop, seeing as theyre both dressed in formal attire. I wonder if theyve just gotten lost as not many people find their way to this tiny town. Something in the back of my mind tells me I couldnt be more wrong, but I push the thought away. As he gets closer, I feel like his eyes are on me, somewhat of a ridiculous notion. Ive got no special attributes. Im made to fit in, not to stand out. Thats the way its always been. Ive grown comfortable being able to blend into the background, its my talent.Hes so close that hell be right next to me in a few steps. The training that had become second nature to me is causing my muscles to tense with anticipation. I know at this point that hes looking directly at me, theres no doubt about that fact that his blue eyes are trained on mine. I can almost feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, putting me on full alert.Miss Preston, Im afraid youre in danger. He says once hes stopped in front of me. My chest tightens at the use of that last name. Nobody here knows me by that name anymore, and it can only mean one thing. Theyve found me. Thats not my name. I remark bitterly, stale anger re-familiarizing itself with me. I feel it pushing through my veins, bringing a strange sense of nostalgia along with it. Fine, Miss Wells. You need to come with me. He says seriously. I narrow my eyes at the strange man.I dont know what youre talking about. I try and push past him, but he steps in front of me once again, blocking my path. I look up at him through my lashes before clenching and unclenching my fists. You dont have a choice, Miss Wells. Youre coming with me. He says. Just like that, the old familiar rush of adrenaline releases, exploding throughout my body, and I swing my left fist up towards his face without warning. He catches it swiftly, but fails to see my right fist darting towards his ribcage. As it makes contact he twists my left fist in his hand. I cringe before bringing my leg up in-between his. He closes his knees together, locking my ankle between them before shoving me backwards and releasing me. I fall on my butt but take his legs out from underneath him with a swift kick to his ankles. He stumbles and I get up and begin running. Its been too long since Ive done this and my strength isnt what it should be. My best option is to run. I dont make it five steps before his arm is wrapping around my waist and dragging me backwards. I fight back, but fail miserably, only making myself angrier. I dont bother screaming, theres no one around here for two miles, and Freddy wont hear a thing inside that practically sound-proof coffee shop.Youre weak, Miss Preston. He notes as he holds me still. My breathing is labored, meanwhile he hasnt broken a sweat. He turns me to face him, a very stern grip on my shoulders. I find myself growing even angrier as he uses my real name. Its not who I am anymore.What do you want? I hiss. His expression turns grave as I see him looking at something behind me. Before I get the chance to turn around he pulls us both into the tiny alleyway to our left. His hand comes over my mouth as he pulls me tightly against him. Im hyper-aware of the way our chests are pressed tightly together, one of his legs in-between mine and his warm breath traveling over my neck from our close proximity. I internally debate whether or not I should head-butt him and make another run for it. I decide against it, assuming that whatever hes hiding us from is a more pressing issue.Not a word, or youll get us both killed. He whispers so quietly Im not sure if he actually said something or if I imagined his voice.He wants the girl, and you will find her. Send operatives to her house, and I want tails if anyone is seen coming or going. We have to find her before he does, and youre fully aware of whats shes capable of. Elliott must not know were here. The man who had been wearing the black hat says as he walks past our small piece of darkness between the two outdated buildings. The man with his hand over my mouth counts to fifty before pulling us back out of the alleyway and into the gloomy grey weather, still holding tightly to my hand to ensure that I dont run again. His use of my real name is causing thousands of scenarios to run through my head at a lighting fast speed. I think of all the times I couldve slipped up, but realize that its impossible. Ive been too careful. Whats going on? I ask him, suddenly feeling somewhat more trusting of the man whod dragged me into the alleyway. If hed wanted to kill me, he couldve easily done it by now. I know hes not normal, but given my previous line of work, I have no doubt about my being in danger. Id just hope Id have a few more years of peace before my past came back to catch up with me. That man is looking for you. He works for a company thats been looking to kill you since you defected, and it was Damiens last request to my boss that we keep you safe. So here I am. He says. A jolt of realization goes through me when he uses my fathers real name. Now Im sure I can trust him as only a very small number of people knew him by his name. My father didnt give it to anyone that he didnt completely trust with his life and mine. What man? I ask. I carefully watch the pupils of his eyes, waiting for any sign that hes lying to me. Ill answer your questions later. Right now, we have to figure out how were going to get you out of here. He says seriously. I take a single deep breath to compose myself before pulling my hair into a ponytail.How do I know I can trust you? I ask him.You cant. But your only options are me, or the man who just put tails on your house. Besides, cant you sense it? He asks me. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I realize what he means. Suddenly, he pulls down the collar of his shirt, exposing the top of intricate red markings. I study the familiar patterns and furrow my brows. Theres only one way to be sure.Give me your hand. I demand. He reaches it towards me without hesitation. I place my palm against his and close my eyes, sinking myself into eep concentration. In a matter of moments, a jolt goes through my body and my eyes fly open as I snatch my hand away from his. He smirks at me and I narrow my eyes.Youre an Assassin. I say it as a statement, not as a question. He solely nods and I run a hand through my hair and allow myself a few seconds to think.Ive been waiting for the day Id be compromised. Didnt think itd be so soon. I have a spare apartment out in the city thats paid for in cash. They wont be able to trace it, there I have enough money stashed to get us to wherever it is were going. Do you have a car?I ask him. He nods and I pull off my sweater, scarf and jacket before dumping them in a trashcan nearby. A cool breeze goes by again, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin. I see him studying my arms, but he says nothing. Hes figured out that my sensitivity to everything is at a normal level, and that the alternate gene in my body is lying dormant. Give me your coat. I demand as I hold my hands towards him. He complies without question and I drape the trench coat around my shoulders. Lose the blazer and the tie. Undo the top few buttons of your shirt. I add. He does as asked before tossing them in the trashcan with my things and I reach up, running my fingers through his light brown hair, fluffing it up and causing it to become unruly. Thisll have to do. We need to get to your car before one of his men double back. I say. He nods solemnly and I look around once more. Put your arm around my shoulders and keep your eyes trained on the ground. Is the last command I give. He throws his lanky arm over me and keeps a snug grip on my shoulder. We begin walking, he leads me down the street and around a corner. He watches carefully without ever turning his head to either side. Its obvious hes had very good training, and I cant help but wonder from where. Though, the red marking give me a pretty good idea.Benedetti Enterprises.* * *