Chapter 01 - Testbank

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  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


    Chapter 01 - Testbank

    Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

    True / False Questions

    1. A strong predictor of cheating in the workplace is cheating in school.True False

    2. In the post-trust era, few employees v iew their leaders a nd colleagues s keptically.True False

    3. Competence ca n be de veloped through real-world business expe riences.True False

    4. A focus on action implies t hat a p erson se izes bu siness o pportunitiesTrue False

    5. Individuals’ ability t o gain cred ibilitytronglyepends o n their ability oshow that they c are for the needs o f others.True False

    6. Effective communicators g ain trust by connecting with others.True False

    7. Speaking about one’s o wn needs i nstead of others’ needs h elps achieve mutual benet.

    True False

    8. A sense of accountability involves a n enlarged vision of those affected by o ne’s b usiness activities.True False

  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


    19. E xtensive rese arch has sh own that high-trust relationships lead to less e fficient and inferior work outcomes.True False

    20. The level of trust in working relationships s trongly i mpacts nancial performance.True False

    Multiple Choice Questions

    21. In t he post-trust era:A. businesses a re often thought to operate against the public?s b est interests.B. communication has b ecome increasingly linear.C. transparency i s n o longer important in the workplace.D. st akeholders do n?t require b usinesses to be a ccountable to them.

    E. character-based traits p lay a very s mall role in establishing cred ibility.

    22. Which of the following is t rue of the post-trust era?A. C ommunication has be come increasingly linear.B. Transparency is n o longer prioritized in the workplace.C. B usinesses et hics a re h eld unimportant.D. S takeholders d on't require b usinesses t o b e a ccountable t o them.E. Most employees vi ew their leaders a nd colleagues ske ptically.

    23. Which o f the following is t rue o f competence?A. I ts importance has d ecreased in the p ost-trust erB. I t is o ften e valuated b y o nes t rack r ecord o f achievements.C. I t is innate a nd c annot be g ained through e xperience.D. I t is u nrelated to o ne’s co mmunication s tyle.E. I t cannot be d eveloped through s tudy o r observation.

    24. People can demonstrate com petence by:A. seeking p assive roles w ithin an organization.B. obscuring their motivation and s ources o f information.C. b eing a ccountable o nly to themselves a nd nobody e lse.D. h iding their mistakes from their team members.E. e mphasizing results a nd focusing on a ction.

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    25. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet-manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award, and o ne of her teams t he “Stars o f the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould s he c hoose if she i s looking for the e mployee w ith the h ighest level of competence?A. J ack, who adheres t o h igh moral and e thical valuesB. D ora, who has a m e-oriented communication styleC. M aria, who focuses o n a ction and e mphasizes resultsD. P eggy, who works i ndependently o f the interests o f stakeholdersE. T erry, who se eks p assive rol es in the o rganization

    26. A sense o f caring ca n be e stablished by:A. cultivating a sense of community in t he w orkplace.B. f ocusing o n a ction a nd e mphasizing results.C. developing the s kills n eeded to accomplish business tasks.D. d iscouraging employees f rom working in teams.E. f avoring a me-oriented c ommunication st yle.

    27. In what way does ca ring help establish credibility in the business world?A. I t helps pe ople u nderstand se rious bu siness pr oblems.B. It encourages p eople to work a s i ndividuals i nstead of teams.C. I t promotes cl osed co mmunication st ructures.D. I t encourages pe ople to demonstrate a ccountability.E. I t makes individuals l ess t ransparent.

    28. Which of the following indicates t hat the sales m anager of Blue Inc., Tom, lacks a sense of caring?A. Tom strives t o c ultivate a s ense of community in the workplace.B. To m attempts t o u nderstand the dreams an d a spirations o f his em ployees.C. Tom encourages em ployees t o bond and w ork in teams.D. T om ignores h is e mployees’ need to d evelop their skills.E. Tom prioritizes t he welfare of his e mployees o ver that of the company.

    29. A _____ takes a stakeholder view that includes a ll groups i n s ociety a ffected b y a person’s b usiness.A. s ense of accountabilityB. s ense of individualityC. se nse o f team cultureD. se nse o f opportunityE. se nse o f application

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    30. Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and forthe company’s sh areholders, indicates a sense of _____.A. individualityB. accountabilityC. opportunityD. future-orientationE. endurance

    31. A _____ involves a feeling o f duty to other employees and c ustomers.A. se nse o f opportunityB. s ense of individualityC. se nse of accountabilityD. se nse o f cultureE. se nse o f application

    32. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet-manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award, and o ne of her teams t he “Stars o f the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould she choose if she is l ooking for an employee with a strong sense of caring?A. Ja ck, who focuses on a ction and e mphasizes resultsB. D ora, who has a m e-oriented communication styleC. P eggy, who has t he skills ne eded to a ccomplish b usiness t asksD. Je nny, who cultivates a sense o f community in the workplaceE. T erry, who se eks p assive rol es in the o rganization

    33. Character can be dened a s:A. the stated and lived values o f a company.B. the knowledge and s kills n eeded to a ccomplish business t asks.C. a reputation for adhering to high moral and ethical values.D. a set of principles t hat govern behavior in the workplace.E. the ability t o cultivateasense of community in the workplace.

    34. Which of the following is t rue of character?A. I t is se ldom important in long-term, collaborative relationships.B. C haracter is i nnate a nd c annot be c ultivated.C. I ts importance has d ecreased in the p ost-trust erD. C haracter-based t raits a re c entral in e stablishing t rust.E. It increases w hen the level of transparency d ecreases.

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    35. Which of the following refers t o a reputation for staying true to commitments m ade to stakeholders?A. Team cultureB. CharacterC. I ndividualityD. ExpertiseE. Deliverables

    36. Which of the following statements a bout business e thics i s t rue?A. T hey ar e sk ills ne eded to identify an d overcome b usiness p roblems.B. T hey a re o f decreasing s ignicance in t he p ost-trust erC. They a re self-formulated values p rioritized and adhered to by individual people.D. T hey measure the extent to which e mployees car e for the needs of the company.E. T hey a re co mmonly he ld principles in the b usiness co mmunity for acceptable b ehavior.

    37. W hich of the f ollowing is t rue o f transparency?A. Its r elevance in the post-trust era has d ecreased.B. It implies sh aring a company?s t rade s ecrets w ith its co mpetitors.C. I t necessitates t he o bscuring o f motives a nd b usiness p ractices.D. It is t he dominant business ethic i n recent years.E. It implies b eing accountable only to yourself.

    38. Which of the f ollowing is t rue of corporate values?A. Corporate values a re those that are formulated and adhered to by individuals.B. P ublicly traded co mpanies ca n d ecline to a dopt a co de of conduct.C. T he e mployees of a com pany ar e no t bound by cor porate val ues.D. Corporate values a re most effective when aligned with personal values.E. C orporate v alues a re i mplied a nd u nwritten rul es w hich are o pen t o interpretation.

    39. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet-manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award, and o ne of her teams t he “Stars o f the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould s he c hoose if she i s looking for an e mployee w ith a strong s ense of ethics?A. J ordan, who s hares a ll relevant information w ith s takeholdersB. D ora, who has t he skills ne eded to a ccomplish b usiness t asksC. Terry, who shares t he company’s t rade secrets w ith its co mpetitorsD. P eggy, who focuses o n a ction and e mphasizes r esultsE. Jack, who co nducts personal business on co mpany time

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    40. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet-manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award, and o ne of her teams t he “Stars o f the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould she choose if she is l ooking for an employee who communicates f airly in business?A. J ordan, who d oesn't obscure h is m otives o r sources of informationB. D ora, who has t he skills ne eded to a ccomplish b usiness t asksC. M aria, who g ives st akeholders l ittle o pportunity to p rovide i nput during d iscussionsD. P eggy, who sh ares the co mpany’s t rade se crets w ith its co mpetitorsE. Terry, who s eldom checks his r eports f or errors

    41. Which of the following is c haracteristic of people in high-trust relationships?A. A willingness t o co operateB. H igh resistance t o n ew ideasC. C omplicated and formalized communication st ylesD. A tendency t o a ssume the worst of other peopleE. A strong d isinclination t o h elp o ther people

    42. Which of the following is t rue of people in low-trust relationships?A. T hey ar e h ighly efficient and easy t o motivate.B. T hey assu me t he best of each o ther.C. T hey g ive e ach other the benet of the doubt.D. T hey com municate po orly an d inefficiently.E. T hey help e ach other freely a nd w illingly.

    43. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet-manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award, and o ne of her teams t he “Stars o f the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing teams s hould she choose for the “Stars o f the Year” award if she is l ooking for one that operates i n a high-trustenvironment?A. Te am A, whose m embers ar e h ighly efficient and easy to motivateB. Team B, whose m embers tend to assum e the worst of each o therC. Te am C, whose m embers rarely give ea ch ot her the benet of the d oubtD. Team D, whose m embers have poor communication stylesE. Te am E, whose m embers ar e o ften disinclined to h elp e ach other

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    44. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet-manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award, and o ne of her teams t he “Stars o f the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing teams i s s he least likely to pick for the “Stars o f the Year” award if she is l ooking for one that operates i n a high-trust environment?A. Tea m A, whose m embers ar e efficient and easy t o motivateB. Team B, whose m embers always ass ume the be st of each ot herC. Te am C, whose m embers rarely give ea ch ot her the benet of the d oubtD. Tea m D, whose m embers have si mple an d direct communication st ylesE. Te am E, whose m embers he lp ea ch ot her freely an d frequently

    Essay Q uestions

    45. W hy h as e stablishing c redibility b ecome s o important in t he p ost-trust era?

    46. Discuss the role of competence in establishing credibility.

    47. What role does c aring play in the establishment of credibility?

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  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


    52. What are corporate values? Why is i t important that they be aligned w ith p ersonal values?

    53. W hat are the issues asso ciated with d ishonest communication?

    54. W hat are t he a dvantages of high-trust relationships?

    Chapter 01 - Testbank Key

    True / False Questions

    1. A strong predictor of cheating in the workplace is c heating in school.TRUE

    A strong predictor of cheating in the workplace is c heating in school. Sadly, recent research has f ound that cheating is s o pervasive thatit has b een labeled as a “global cheating culture.”

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning O bjective: 01-01 E xplain t he i mportance o f establishing credibility for bu siness c ommunications.Topic: The Role of Trust in the Post-Trust Era

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  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


    10. Character-based traits a re cruc ial in determining trust at the workplace.TRUE

    Character i s central in crea ting trust. Hence, character-based traits are crucial in determining trust at the workplace.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    11. It is the duty of civil servants to act vi sibly, predictably, and understandably.TRUE

    Transparency involves s haring all relevant information with stakeholders. I t is t he duty o f civil servants t o act visibly, predictably, andunderstandably.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    12. Where t he law and ethical principles d o not provide a c lear answer, transparency se ldom helps.FALSE

    Where the law and ethical principles do not provide a clear answer, transparency i s key. Decision making needs t o be open,documented, and based on the collective co nscience o f your work team and a ffected stakeholders.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    13. Employees often speak up when they o bserve potentially u nethical behavior.FALSE

    Often e mployees f ail to s peak up w hen they o bserve potentially u nethical behavior.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

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    14. You can create a transparent workplace b y b eing accessible and a cknowledging the concerns of others.TRUE

    You can creat e a transparent workplace b y being accessible, acknowledging the concerns of others, and following through when yo udon’t have immediate an swers.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    15. Aligning p ersonal values w ith c orporate values i s a n important element of character.TRUE

    Aligning personal values w ith corporate values i s a n important element of character. After all, if one is l iving corporate values t hat do notmatch one’s p ersonal values, then there is a lack of integrity.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    16. By avoi ding open and h onest communication of business pr oblems, employees do om a b usiness t o p oor nancialperformance.TRUE

    Nothing short of complete honesty is d emanded in the business w orld. By avo iding open and h onest communication of businessproblems, employees doom a business t o poor nancial performance.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    17. Today, most organizational cultures a re moving to hierarchical and closed communication structures.FALSE

    Today, most organizational cultures are m oving to atter, more o pen co mmunication st ructures.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

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    18. The FAIR test fails t o evaluate whether a person is h iding information in business c ommunications.FALSE

    The FAIR test helps you examine how well you have provided the facts; how well you have granted access t o your motives, reasoning,and information; how well you have exa mined impacts on stakeholders; and how well you have sh own respect.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    19. Extensive research has sh own t hat high-trust relationships l ead t o less e fficient and inferior work o utcomes.FALSE

    Establishing credibility a llows yo u to communicate more easily a nd more i nuentially. Extensive research has s hown that high-trustrelationships lead to m ore e fficient and s uperior work outcomes.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

    20. The level of trust in working relationships strongly impacts nancial performance.TRUE

    Establishing cred ibility a llows yo u to communicate more easily a nd more inuentially. The level of trust in working relationships s tronglyimpacts w ork ou tcomes a nd nancial performance.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

    Multiple Choice Questions

  • 8/19/2019 Chapter 01 - Testbank


    21. In the post-trust era:A. b usinesses a re often thought to operate against the public’s best interests.B. co mmunication has b ecome increasingly linear.C. transparency i s n o longer important in the workplace.D. st akeholders d on’t require businesses t o be a ccountable t o t hem.E. ch aracter-based traits play a very small role in establishing cred ibility.

    In the post-trust era, the public o verwhelmingly v iews b usinesses a s o perating against the public’s b est interests, and the majority o femployees v iew their leaders a nd colleagues ske ptically.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning O bjective: 01-01 E xplain t he i mportance o f establishing credibility for bu siness c ommunications.Topic: The Role of Trust in the Post-Trust Era

    22. Which of the following is true of the post-trust era?A. Communication has b ecome increasingly linear.

    B. Tran sparency is n o longer prioritized in the workplace.C. Businesses et hics a re h eld u nimportant.D. Stakeholders d on't require b usinesses t o b e a ccountable t o t hem.E. Most employees vi ew their leaders a nd colleagues s keptically.

    In the post-trust era, the public o verwhelmingly v iews b usinesses a s o perating against the public’s b est interests, and the majority o femployees v iew their leaders a nd colleagues ske ptically.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning O bjective: 01-01 E xplain t he i mportance o f establishing credibility for bu siness c ommunications.Topic: The Role of Trust in the Post-Trust Era

    23. Which of the following is t rue of competence?A. Its i mportance has d ecreased in the post-trust era.B. It is o ften evaluated by o ne’s t rack record of achievements.C. It is i nnate a nd cannot be gained t hrough experience.D. It is u nrelated to one’s c ommunication style.E. It cannot be d eveloped through study o r observation.

    Competence refers t o the knowledge and ski lls ne eded to a ccomplish business t asks, approach business p roblems, and get a j ob done.Most people w ill judge your competence b ased o n yo ur track record o f success an d a chievement.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Competence in E stablishing C redibility

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    24. People can demonstrate com petence by:A. se eking passive roles w ithin an organization.B. obscuring their motivation and sources o f information.C. b eing accountable only t o themselves and nobody else.D. h iding their mistakes f rom their team members.E. em phasizing results a nd focusing o n a ction.

    Competence refers t o the knowledge and ski lls ne eded to a ccomplish business t asks, approach business p roblems, and get a j ob done.There a re t wo traits a ssociated with c ompetence: a f ocus on action and a n e mphasis o n resu lts.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Competence in E stablishing C redibility

    25. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award a nd one o f her teams t he “Stars of the Year” award. Which o f the

    following managers sh ould s he c hoose if she is l ooking for the employee with t he highest level of competence?A. Ja ck, who adheres to high moral and ethical valuesB. Dora, who has a me-oriented communication styleC. Maria, who focuses on action and e mphasizes r esultsD. P eggy, who works i ndependently o f the interests o f stakeholdersE. Te rry, who seeks p assive roles i n the organization

    Competence refers t o the knowledge and ski lls ne eded to a ccomplish business t asks, approach business p roblems, and get a j ob done.The two t raits a ssociated with c ompetence are: a focus o n a ction and a n e mphasis o n results.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Competence in E stablishing C redibility

    26. A sense of caring can be established b y:A. cu ltivating a sense of community in the workplace.B. focusing on action a nd emphasizing r esults.C. d eveloping the s kills n eeded to accomplish business t asks.D. d iscouraging employees f rom working in teams.

    E. favoring a m e-oriented c ommunication style.

    In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstratingaccountability.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

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    27. In what way does c aring help establish credibility i n the business world?A. It helps people understand serious b usiness problems.B. It encourages p eople to work a s i ndividuals i nstead of teams.C. It promotes cl osed c ommunication structures.D. It encourages p eople to demonstrate accountability.E. It makes i ndividuals l ess t ransparent.

    Caring for ot hers plays an important role in establishing cred ibility. In the business world, caring implies understanding the interests ofothers, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstrating accountability.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

    28. Which of the following indicates t hat the sales m anager of Blue Inc., Tom, lacks a sense of caring?A. To m strives t o cultivate a sense of community in the workplace.

    B. Tom attempts t o u nderstand the dreams an d a spirations of his em ployees.C. Tom encourages em ployees t o bond a nd work in teams.D. Tom ignores h is e mployees’ needs t o develop their skills.E. To m prioritizes t he welfare of his e mployees o ver that of the company.

    In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstratingaccountability. Less t han h alf (42 p ercent) of employees b elieve their managers ca re a bout them. Even w orse, less t han o ne-third (29percent) of em ployees believe their managers ca re about whether they d evelop skills.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: ApplyDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

    29. A sense of _____ t akes a stakeholder view that includes a ll groups i n s ociety a ffected b y a person’s b usiness.A. accountabilityB. i ndividualityC. team cultureD. o pportunityE. a pplication

    In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstratingaccountability. A sense of accountability t akes a stakeholder view that includes a ll groups i n society a ffected by a person’s business.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

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    30. Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and forthe co mpany’s sh areholders, indicates a sense of _____.A. i ndividualityB. ac countabilityC. o pportunityD. future-orientationE. end urance

    In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstratingaccountability. To perform every d ay at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer,and for the company’s s hareholders, indicates a sense of accountability.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

    31. A sense of _____ involves a feeling of duty to o ther employees and cu stomers.A. opportunityB. i ndividualityC. ac countabilityD. c ultureE. a pplication

    In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstratingaccountability. A sense of accountability involves a feeling of responsibility otakeholdersnd a duty to o ther employees a ndcustomers.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

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    32. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award a nd one o f her teams t he “Stars of the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould s he c hoose if she i s looking for an e mployee w ith a strong s ense of caring?A. Ja ck, who focuses on action and emphasizes resultsB. Dora, who has a me-oriented communication styleC. Peggy, who has t he s kills n eeded t o a ccomplish business t asksD. Je nny, who cultivates a sense of community in the workplaceE. Te rry, who seeks p assive roles i n the organization

    In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstratingaccountability.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

    33. Character r efers to:A. the stated and lived values o f a company.B. the knowledge and s kills n eeded to accomplish business t asks.C. a reputation for adhering to high moral and ethical values.D. a set of principles t hat govern behavior in the workplace.E. the ability t o cultivate a sense of community i n the workplace.

    Managers ca n c ontrol their reputation as credible c ommunicators b y focusing on t hree well-established factors: competence, caring,and character. Character r efers t o a reputation for s aying truetocommitments m ade to stakeholders a nd adhering to high moral andethical values.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

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    34. Which of the following is t rue of character?A. It is s eldom important in long-term, collaborative relationships.B. It is i nnate and cannot be cultivated.C. Its i mportance has d ecreased in t he post-trust era.D. It is central in establishing trust.E. It increases w hen the level of transparency d ecreases.

    Character i s ce ntral in creating trust. Business e xecutives w ere asked what the most important determinants o f trust in workplaceprojects were. Overwhelmingly, character-based traits—that is, honesty, ethical behavior, and willingness to exchange information—ranked a t the t op.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    35. Which of the following refers t o a reputation for staying true to commitments m ade to stakeholders?

    A. Te am cultureB. CharacterC. IndividualityD. ExpertiseE. Deliverables

    Managers ca n c ontrol their reputation as credible c ommunicators b y focusing on t hree well-established factors: competence, caring,and character. Character r efers t o a reputation for s aying truetocommitments m ade to stakeholders a nd adhering to high moral andethical values.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    36. Which of the f ollowing statements a bout business e thics i s t rue?A. They a re skills n eeded to identify a nd overcome business p roblems.B. They are of decreasing signicance in the post-trust era.C. They a re self-formulated values p rioritized and adhered to by individual people.D. They measure t he extent to which e mployees car e for the needs of the company.

    E. They are commonly h eld principles i n the business co mmunity for acce ptable behavior.

    Ethics a re rul es o f conduct or moral principles t hat guide individual or group b ehavior. Business e thics a re t he c ommonly a cceptedbeliefs a nd principles i n the business c ommunity for acceptable behavior.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

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    37. Which of the following is t rue of transparency?A. Its r elevance in the post-trust era has d ecreased.B. It implies sharing a company’s t rade secrets w ith its c ompetitors.C. It necessitates t he obscuring of motives a nd b usiness p ractices.D. It is t he dominant business ethic i n recent years.E. It implies b eing accountable only t o yourself.

    The dominant business ethic in recent yea rs is transparency. Transparency involves sharing all relevant information with stakeholders.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    38. Which of the following is t rue of corporate values?A. Corporate values a re those that are formulated and adhered to by individuals.B. P ublicly t raded companies ca n decline to adopt a code of conduct.

    C. The employees o f a co mpany ar e n ot bound by cor porate val ues.D. Corporate values a re most effective when aligned with personal values.E. Corporate values a re i mplied a nd unwritten rules w hich are open to interpretation.

    Aligning p ersonal values—those values t hat individuals p rioritize and adhere to—with corporate values i s a n important element ofcharacter. After all, if one is l iving corporate values t hat do not match one’s p ersonal values, then there is a lack of integrity.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.

    Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    39. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award a nd one o f her teams t he “Stars of the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould s he c hoose if she i s looking for an e mployee w ith a strong s ense of ethics?A. Jo rdan, who shares a ll relevant information with stakeholdersB. Dora, who has t he skills n eeded to accomplish business t asksC. Te rry, who shares t he company’s t rade secrets w ith its c ompetitorsD. P eggy, who focuses o n a ction and e mphasizes r esultsE. Jack, who conducts pe rsonal business on company t ime

    The dominant business ethic in recent yea rs is transparency. Transparency involves sharing all relevant information with stakeholders.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

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    40. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award a nd one o f her teams t he “Stars of the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing managers sh ould she choose if she is l ooking for an employee who communicates f airly in business?A. Jo rdan, who doesn't obscure his m otives o r sources o f informationB. Dora, who has t he skills n eeded to accomplish business t asksC. Maria, who gives st akeholders l ittle opportunity t o provide input during discussionsD. Peggy, who s hares t he c ompany’s t rade secrets w ith its co mpetitorsE. Te rry, who seldom checks his r eports for errors

    One way t o e valuate yo ur communications is t o u se t he FAIR test. The FAIR test helps yo u e xamine how well you have p rovided thefacts; how well you have g ranted access t o yo ur motives, reasoning, and information; how well you have e xamined impacts onstakeholders; and how well you have sh own respect.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    41. Which of the following is c haracteristic o f people in high-trust relationships?A. A willingness to cooperateB. High resistance to new ideasC. Complicated and formalized communication stylesD. A tendency to a ssume t he worst of other peopleE. A strong disinclination to help other people

    Extensive research has sh own that high-trust r elationships lead to more efficient and superior w ork ou tcomes. In terms o f ease ofcommunication, cred ibility leads t o less resistance from others, increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood ofmiscommunication.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

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    42. Which of the following is true of people in low-trust relationships?A. They a re highly efficient and easy t o motivate.B. They assu me t he best of each o ther.C. They g ive e ach other the b enet of the doubt.D. T hey co mmunicate poorly a nd inefficiently.E. They help each other freely a nd willingly.

    Extensive research has sh own that high-trust r elationships lead to more efficient and superior w ork ou tcomes. In terms o f ease ofcommunication, cred ibility leads t o less resistance from others, increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood ofmiscommunication. In low-trust w ork en vironments, people tend to assume the negative regarding others’ actions.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

    43. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet manufacturing company. She wishes t o give one

    of her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award a nd one o f her teams t he “Stars of the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing teams s hould she choose for the “Stars o f the Year” award if she is l ooking for one that operates i n a high-trustenvironment?A. Tea m A, whose m embers ar e h ighly efficient and e asy t o m otivateB. Team B, whose m embers tend to assum e the worst of each o therC. Te am C, whose members r arely give e ach other t he benet of the doubtD. Team D, whose m embers have poor communication stylesE. Tea m E, whose m embers a re o ften disinclined to h elp e ach other

    Extensive research has sh own that high-trust r elationships lead to more efficient and superior w ork ou tcomes. In terms o f ease ofcommunication, cred ibility leads t o less resistance from others, increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood of


    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

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    44. Tess i s t he general manager of Choc-a-block, an international sweet manufacturing company. She wishes t o give oneof her managers t he “Employee o f the Year” award a nd one o f her teams t he “Stars of the Year” award. Which o f thefollowing teams i s s he least likely to pick for the “Stars o f the Year” award if she is l ooking for one that operates i n a high-trust environment?A. Team A, whose members ar e efficient and easy t o motivateB. Team B, whose m embers always assume the be st of each ot herC. Te am C, whose members r arely give e ach other t he benet of the doubtD. Tea m D, whose members have si mple a nd direct communication stylesE. Tea m E, whose m embers he lp e ach other freely an d frequently

    Extensive research has sh own that high-trust r elationships lead to more efficient and superior w ork ou tcomes. In terms o f ease ofcommunication, cred ibility leads t o less resistance from others, increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood ofmiscommunication. In low-trust w ork en vironments, people tend to assume the negative regarding others’ actions.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

    Essay Q uestions

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    45. Why has e stablishing credibility b ecome so important in the post-trust era?In the post-trust era, the public overwhelmingly views businesses a s o perating against the public’s best interests, and themajority o f employees v iew their leaders a nd colleagues s keptically. In the business world, you often start from a decit oftrust. As a result, one of your rst goals s hould be to gain trust or credibility f rom colleagues, clients, customers, and othercontacts.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: Remember

    Difficulty: EasyLearning O bjective: 01-01 E xplain t he i mportance o f establishing credibility for bu siness c ommunications.Topic: The Role of Trust in the Post-Trust Era

    46. Discuss the role of competence in establishing cred ibility.

    Competence r efers t o the knowledge and ski lls ne eded to a ccomplish b usiness t asks, approach b usiness pr oblems, andget a job done. You demonstrate competence by taking an active role in your business a nd by getting results. How youcommunicate your plan of action and the results o f those actions w ill determine how others p erceive your competence andyour c redibility.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Competence in E stablishing C redibility

    47. What role does c aring play in the establishment of cred ibility?Your colleagues, clients, and customers w ill trust you far more if they know you care about them. Once an individual isperceived as u nconcerned about the interests o f others o r disinterested in causes a bove and beyond him- or herself,others d istrust such a person. In the business world, caring implies u nderstanding the interests o f others, cultivating asense of community, and d emonstrating a ccountability.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

    48. What does a sense of accountability imply?A sense of accountability implies a n o bligation to meeting t he needs a nd w ants o f others. It also involves a n enlargedvision of those affected by yo ur business a ctivities. It takes a stakeholder view that includes a ll groups i n society a ffectedby yo ur business.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: The R ole o f Caring i n E stablishing C redibility

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    49. Discuss the role of character in establishing cred ibility.Character refers t o a reputation for staying truetoommitments m ade to stakeholders a nd a dhering to h igh moral andethical values. Character ha s always been important in business relationships, especially long-term, collaborativerelationships. Character is c entral in creating trust.Businessxecutivesw ere asked what the most important determinantsof trust in workplace projects were. Overwhelmingly, character-based traits—that is, honesty, ethical behavior, andwillingness t o e xchange i nformation—ranked a t the top.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and ch aracter affe ct your credibility a s a communicator.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

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    50. What are business e thics?

    Business e thics a re the commonly a ccepted b eliefs a nd principles i n the business c ommunity for acceptable behavior. Ata minimum, business e thics involve adhering to laws; safeguarding condential or proprietary information; avoidingconicts o f interest and misusing company a ssets; and ref raining f rom accepting o r providing inappropriate gifts, gratuities,and entertainment.

    AACSB: Ethics

    Blooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    51. Dene transparency.Transparency involves sh aring all relevant information with stakeholders. As d ened by Transparency I nternational,transparency “is a principle that allows those affected by administrative decisions, business transactions or charitable workto know not only t he basic f acts a nd gures b ut also the mechanisms a nd processes. It is t he duty o f civil servants,managers a nd trustees t o act visibly, predictably a nd understandably.”

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    52. What are corporate values? Why is i t important that they be aligned with personal values?Corporate values a re the stated and lived values o f a company. Aligning personal values—those values t hat individualsprioritize and adhere to—with corporate values i s an important element of character. If one is l iving corporate values t hatdo not match one’s p ersonal values, then there is a lack of integrity.

    AACSB: EthicsBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    53. What are the issues associated with dishonest communication?First, by a voiding open and honest communication of business pr oblems, employees d oom a b usiness t o poor nancialperformance. Second, dishonesty is a mong the primary reasons f or lower em ployee morale. Many e mployees l eft anorganization because of lack o f trust—the key reason being lack o f communication and dishonesty. Finally, dishonesty ca nbe reason for dismissal.

    AACSB: CommunicationBlooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-03 Dene a nd explain b usiness e thics, corporate va lues, and p erson al values.Topic: Th e Role of Charact er i n Establishing Credibility

    54. What are the advantages o f high-trust relationships?

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    Establishing credibility a llows you to communicate more easily and more inuentially. High-trust relationships l ead to moreefficient and superior work outcomes. In terms of ease of communication, credibility leads t o less resistance from others,increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood of miscommunication. In high-trust relationships, since individualswillingly a nd freely g ive the benet of the doubt, communication is s impler, easier, quicker, and more effective.

    AACSB: Communication

    Blooms: RememberDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: 01-04 Explain the FAIR approach to e thical business co mmunications.Topic: High-Trust Relationships, Ease of Communication, and Improved Work Outcomes

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    Chapter 01 - Testbank Summary

    Category # of Questions

    AACSB: Communication 41

    AACSB: Ethics 13

    Blooms: Apply 1

    Blooms: Remember 38

    Blooms: Understand 15

    Difficulty: Easy 38

    Difficulty: Hard 1

    Difficulty: Medium 15

    Learning Objective: 01-01xpl 5

    Learning Objective: 01-02 Describe how competence, caring, and character affect your credibility as acommunicator.


    Learning Objective:01- 15

    Learning Objective:01 9

    Topic: High-Trust Rel 7

    Topic: The Role 14

    Topic: The Role of 22

    Topic: The Role pet 6

    Topic: The Role 5