What’s inside... Preschool...pg. 2 Upcoming Events...pg. 2 Children’s Ministry...pg. 3 Youth Ministry...pg. 3 Women’s Ministry...pg. 4 Missions...pg.5 New Class Starting...pg.6 Wellness...pg. 6 Fine Arts...pg. 7 Our People in Our Community...pg. 7 Currently, taking up residence in our home, we have a skittish dog, a meddlesome puppy, a cat who has laid claim to every soft surface, including our bed, a red corn snake, a colorful chameleon and dozens of crickets who are awaiting their visit by the aforementioned chameleon. So, in addition to our three kids, Stacy and I can honestly say of our home, “Life’s a zoo!” Typically, when we use this idiom, we are often referring to a situation that is disorganized, cluttered, crowded or out of control, as if the animals were running amok throughout the park, lions chasing penguins through the zebra habitat, or monkeys swinging from the neck of a giraffe. Yet, whenever I have visited a zoo, I have found the experience to be peaceful, tidy and overall quite serene. The animals and the people each have their place. Food is portioned out, either by the trainers or at the hot dog and churro stand. Plus, there is no need to watch your step, as would be the case in the woods. What do we find in a zoo? An amazing variety of animals and insects from the world over, all within walking distance. As we travel from habitat to habitat, we can witness, first-hand, the amazing variety and adaptability of God’s creation to nearly every environment across the face of the earth. We share our days hurdling around the Sun with these creatures, living through the good and the bad that nature and nations have to offer. So, what can we learn from our fellow travelers, outside of their rating on the dangerous to cuddliness scale? Over the next several weeks we will embark on a safari through the Scriptures exploring the lives and lessons of the animals of the Bible. Grab your binoculars and pith hat, invite a friend or neighbor and remember, keep your arms and legs inside the pews at all times…! z Life’s a Zoo... z BEING THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST TO OUR COMMUNITY C HAPARRAL family F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1 the

Chaparral Family Newsletter for February

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February Newsletter for the Chaparral Christian ChurchFamily

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Page 1: Chaparral Family Newsletter for February

What’s inside...Preschool...pg. 2

Upcoming Events...pg. 2Children’s Ministry...pg. 3

Youth Ministry...pg. 3 Women’s Ministry...pg. 4

Missions...pg.5 New Class Starting...pg.6

Wellness...pg. 6 Fine Arts...pg. 7

Our People in Our Community...pg. 7

Currently, taking up residence in our home, we have a skittish dog, a meddlesome puppy, a cat who has laid claim to every soft surface, including our bed, a red corn snake, a colorful chameleon and dozens of crickets who are awaiting their visit by the aforementioned chameleon. So, in addition to our three kids, Stacy and I can honestly say of our home, “Life’s a zoo!”

Typically, when we use this idiom, we are often referring to a situation that is disorganized, cluttered, crowded or out of control, as if the animals were running amok throughout the park, lions chasing penguins through the zebra habitat, or monkeys swinging from the neck of a giraffe. Yet, whenever I have visited a zoo, I have found the experience to be peaceful, tidy and overall quite serene. The animals and the people each have their place. Food is portioned out, either by the trainers or at the hot dog and churro stand. Plus, there is no need to watch your step, as would be the case in the woods.

What do we find in a zoo? An amazing variety of animals and insects from the world over, all

within walking distance. As we travel from habitat to habitat, we can witness, first-hand, the amazing variety and adaptability of God’s creation to nearly every environment across the face of the earth. We share our days hurdling around the Sun with these creatures, living through the good and the bad that nature and nations have to offer. So, what can we learn from our fellow travelers, outside of their rating on the dangerous to cuddliness scale? Over the next several weeks we will embark on a safari through the Scriptures exploring the lives and lessons of the animals of the Bible. Grab your binoculars and pith hat, invite a friend or neighbor and remember, keep your arms and legs inside the pews at all times…!

z Life’s a Zoo...zB E I N G T H E P R E S E N C E O F C H R I S T T O O U R C O M M U N I T Y

CHAPARRAL familyF E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1


Page 2: Chaparral Family Newsletter for February

Calendar...Dates to Remember!

Love...Time to celebrate with

your love! The men’s ministry hosts a lovely

Sweetheart Breakfast

that is sure to start your morning right! Sign

up online today!

This group of retired (or wannabe retired) people will travel to Tucson for lunch at the Tanque Verde Ranch. This is a working dude ranch that serves a sumptuous buffet lunch. Our second stop will be the Pima Air and Space Museum.

This is a great opportunity to join the Saguaro Club fun. Just stop by the South counter and register on Sunday!

The Captain’s AyeClub 45 will leave for Prescott at 4:00 p.m. On Friday the 18th and

return at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Be sure to bring warm clothes and get ready for a spectacular weekend!

Baby Dedication, February 27th.

Baby dedication is always a special time to share with your family and friends. Celebrate your sweet baby as you dedicate them to the

One who created them. Contact Stacy

for details at the church office.

Revolve Tour:

"A one-of-a-kind inspirational weekend for 6th– to 12th–grade girls that combines award-winning bands and speakers with real, relevant messages in a high-energy event." Cost is $59, includes lunch on Saturday. www.revolvetour.com

FEB 12Sweetheart Breakfast

FEB 17 Saguaro Club

Day Trip

FEB 18-20Club 45 Winter


FEB 18-20Women’s Retreat

FEB 25 & 26Revolve Tour Youth Girls

Preschool and KindergartenDo You Want Your Kids to Succeed in College?

Then, Let Them Play! Recently CNN highlighted Erika and Nicholas Christakis, a couple from Massachusetts. Ericka is an early childhood teacher and Nicholas is a professor of medicine at Harvard University. This couple has noticed for years that many of the students at Harvard are extremely intelligent but have a very difficult time getting along with others. The reason for this deficiency of social skills, find the Christakis’, is the lack of practice.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to preparing preschool children for school. The argument is if you want to protect your youngster’s childhood then choose a play-based program but if you want your child to go to a good college then you need to be drilling skills and using flashcards every night in a skills-based program. The Christakis find it to be the opposite, “if you want your child to succeed in college, the play based curriculum is the way to go.”* Why? Success in college requires more than just book learning. It requires impulse control, the ability to understand another person’s perspective, problem solving, the capability to be flexible and empathy for others. A play-based program allows kids to practice these types of skills, whereas a skills-based programs tends to isolate children not giving them opportunity for meaningful interactions with other students.

At Chaparral Christian Preschool and Kindergarten we strongly feel learning through play is crucial to the social and emotional development of our students and we find it makes kids better learners all around. There is plenty of research to support this idea. As Christians, we feel God created kids to be so good at play for a reason and developing empathy and impulse control is a fundamental part of Christian values. If you want to read more about this, go to:


February 1st Registration for current and church families begins

February 9th Snow Day with REAL SNOW!

February 14th &15th Valentine Parties

February 16th Dentist Visit

February 17th & 18th St. Jude Trike-a-thon February 21stPresident’s Day (No School)

February 24th Art Walk 6 PM

MARCH 4-530 Hour Famine

MARCH 9Ash Wednesday


MARCH 16Lenten Dinners & Class Begin

MARCH 24-26

Teen Choir Trip

MARCH 11Me & My GuyWestern Night

Page 3: Chaparral Family Newsletter for February

What is N21? Perhaps you've seen the N21 logo on monthly newsletters and in weekly bulletins and have wondered what it's about.  N21 is a series of weekly challenges designed to promote spiritual growth within our students.   Each week, students receive a specific "challenge" (for lack of a better word) such as reading or meditating on a passage of scripture, praying, or encouraging someone.  You can really help with this program's success by encouraging your student(s) to participate and holding him/her accountable. 

The name comes from the element Nitrogen, a key ingredient in fertilizer and in N02  boosters in high-performance combustion engines. Since spiritual disciplines are basic (like an element of our faith) and since practicing them yields a boost of growth, we chose the N.  The program lasts for the 21 weeks before school ends.   

Retreat Rewind Big thanks to Kenny Bump and Jennifer Rice for encouraging, leading, and praying with students at the winter spiritual retreat. We had a wonderful time re-centering and refocusing our lives, tuning in to the frequency of the Spirit.  Check out pictures (with a snowy backdrop) on the youth website and facebook page.   

Facebook Speaking of facebook....Love it or hate it, this social networking site is now part of our social infrastructure.  Especially if you already have an account, be sure to "like" Chaparral's many ministry pages for frequent information updates, links to event registration, pictures, videos and more.  

Sunday Nights We are resuming our Sunday night meetings and look forward to a semester of contemplative worship, group games, small group discussions and off campus events.  If your student only comes to Sunday morning worship and Bible study, he/she is missing out! Sunday nights provide a very laid back atmosphere conducive to relationship building between the students' peers and youth ministry leaders. 

Children’s Ministry Happenings...

Gloop Recipe

(noise putty)

8 oz bottle of glue8 oz water1 cup water1 1/2 tsp borax powder

Pour 8 oz bottle of glue into bowl. Fill empty bottle with water and add to the glue - stir constantly. If you want to add a color, add a few drops of food coloring to this part of the mixture.In another bowl, stir together 1 cup of water and 1 1/2 tsp of borax powder until dissolved.

Mix the 2 bowls together - Instantly they will become slime! Working it with your hands to make it a little more stiff.To make this "noise" putty put in a small container, then stick your fingers through the putty, it makes some "interesting" noises!

Keep in a covered container in the refrigerator.

Youth Group

First Sunday...what is it?You’ve seen the new signs, you’ve heard the kids say it ...its first Sunday! The first Sunday of the month is a

unique service for our 1st-5th graders that allow them to play, worship and learn about God together through fun games, great lessons, and skits from both the kids and leaders. It is also a

great platform to invite friend to. Consider using this as an outreach time to families that you have wanted to invite to church.

February 6th is our next First Sunday, which is also the day we kick off our new sermon series, Life’s a Zoo and we will have a petting zoo here! Make sure you are here to enjoy

the fun! Don’t forget the rest of the month has classes for every age with the best teachers anywhere! Chaparral is a GREAT place for kids & families!

Page 4: Chaparral Family Newsletter for February

Mary Katherine Blakeman

(same first two names as Mary Cartwright)

Birthplace: Fairbanks, Alaska (before it was officially a state)

School:  NAU (BS in Dental Hygiene)

Husband: Keith

Kids: Stephanie and David

Hobbies: Cake Decorating, Sewing, and anything that’s crafty!

Involvment at CCC: Married to Keith in the adult center in 1983, but did not become a member of CCC until 1997, when we moved back from Europe.  Enjoy children (especially the little toddlers), sub for the Children’s Sunday School & help with the Annual Women’s retreat.   Crazy about the Wellness Forum, especially the aquatics on T, TH and S since it’s at my dad’s pool!

Favorite...Chaparral memory:  getting married in the adult center in 1983!

Favorite Quote:  One of my favorite quotes is by Michael J Fox:  “I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection.  Excellence I can reach for, perfection is God’s business”

Years attended Women's Retreat:  I think six times, but not sure

Religious background:  Born and raised Catholic, then married a Protestant.

If you were an animal, which would you want to be and why?  Hummingbird…enough said!

“Wonder Full World”Women’s Retreat

February 18-20, 2011Living Water Retreat Center

www.livingwaterretreatcenter.com 595 North Aspaas Road, Cornville, AZ

Every year the women at Chaparral and their guests look forward to a wonderful weekend together.  It is a time of inspiration, relaxation, and a place to build close relationships.  These important ingredients tend to slip through our fingers as we find ourselves busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life; so we want to urge you to take time for yourself and enjoy a little pampering. This year we will be taking a journey AROUND THE WORLD without ever leaving the retreat center. We will be exploring the “I wonders” in a woman’s heart. This is an open invitation for women to draw closer together…to dream….to engage....and to experience the vastness of God’s love.  Living Water Retreat Center is a lovely retreat center less than two hours away from Phoenix.  It is a quiet and peaceful area and an ideal setting for our gathering.  As of February 1st, cost per person, including two nights lodging and four meals, range from $120-$180. Register online at chaparral.org/register. See Sharon Alger if you need financial assistance.  (Note:  The Women’s Ministry was very important to Conni Resler who died in September of 2007.  At her request, a scholarship fund was established to help women attend this weekend.  You may be in need of financial help or you may be in a position to donate to this worthy fund in memory of Conni.) Our weekend officially begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night.  You may have dinner before you arrive or join us for a no-host picnic dinner at 5:30 p.m.  A $5 donation will cover the Friday meal.  Near the retreat weekend we’ll ask for your reservation for Friday’s dinner and hope you will be there.  You may arrive at the center any time after 4:00 p.m. on Friday, checking in at the front office.  The retreat will conclude before lunch on Sunday. We hope that you will consider this weekend a top priority.  It is a great opportunity to connect or get re-connected with women at Chaparral.  You are encouraged to invite friends—ANY woman (18 and older) will find this to be a most rewarding weekend.  Don’t miss it, ladies! Contact Mary at [email protected].

Spotlight on the Retreat Director

For more information on other Women’s Ministryevents and activities, please visit our website,

chaparralwomen.org or contact Sharon Alger at [email protected]

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Reflections on Haiti by Wayne WorthingtonWhen my brother Del started going to Haiti years ago, I knew I wanted to join him someday. I felt called to go with him, but had no idea what I would do if I were to go. After all, this is a medical mission, and I'm not a medical professional. I would tell Del about my concern and he would simply say "oh, there's plenty to do."

In 2007 I took a leap of faith and went to Haiti for the first time. On that trip, God made something I already knew more real to me. He showed me that He knows my talents, and knows how to use them, even when I'm not so sure. Del was right. There was no lack of things to do. From building projects, to painting, to praying with patients, to fixing equipment, to doing dishes, to delivering food to the village, to sterilizing surgical instruments, to moving furniture, to playing with kids at the orphanage, and holding babies, the opportunities were there.

One of the opportunities I didn't expect was the opportunity to make life long friendships - not only with the other missionaries, but with the Haitian people. These friendships make the pains in Haiti not something that is happening to unnamed strangers in a far away land, rather something much more personal. With that pain also comes the true blessing of growing closer to our brothers and sisters - for we are all God's children, and I am far richer for those relationships despite the pain.

If you missed Dr. Hostetler's sermon on anniversary Sunday and his discussion about his "bucket list" I recommend you listen to it. It is available on the Chaparral website (www.chaparral.org). Please consider what God may be putting on your "bucket list."

Is going to Haiti on your bucket list? It was on Del's, Dr. Hostetler's and mine, and there are so many opportunities, that in April we will all be going back to pick up where we left off. If you think God might be putting Haiti on your bucket list, please let me know. You can reach me at [email protected] or (480) 993-3146. I look forward to hearing from you.

Arizona CityFest, coming to Tempe Town Lake, March 19-20

Be prepared for the one of the biggest Christian events to hit the Phoenix area. Besides featuring a variety of musical artists and speakers, Arizona CityFest is centered on family entertainment. Let the kids loose! On Saturday and Sunday young ones will find entertainment galore at the Family Fun Zone. Let them burn some energy belly laughing at a hilarious stage performance, hugging VeggieTales® characters, getting air beneath their feet in the inflatables, creating masterpiece crafts, playing carnival games, getting their faces painted, and much more. And everything (except the food n’ grub, of course) is FREE.

If you are looking for a way to serve, there are plenty of opportunities including prayer counselors, and helping in the Family Fun Zone, security, clean up, and parking attendants. If you are interested in volunteering contact Sara Perrine or sign up on-line.

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A New Class...on what you don’t have to do!Most people think of Christianity, and “religion,” as a list of things they have to do.  In some cases, theyʼre right!  The Christ revealed to us in Scripture calls us to love our neighbors, to live prayerfully, and to share the Good News.  Unfortunately, our list of Biblical “to doʼs” has become infused with cultural catch phrases.

This Sunday, we will be tackling one of these cultural catch phrases that masquerades as a Biblical concept: “Let God take control of your life.”  Letʼs be clear about something right away.  God does not want to take control of your life, and we have no right to think that we have the power to give God anything.  This implies God canʼt or wonʼt do something in

our lives unless we let him.  This precedent is not the norm in Scripture.

God wants you to take moral responsibility for your life.  The Bible never instructs us to “give him control.”  Instead, as early as the garden of Eden, we see God creating the world and then handing it over to man and woman so that they would be co-rulers with him.  Like a Wise Master, he has endowed his stewards with certain gifts, not so that we would “give them back” or “let him take control,” but so that we would use them responsibly.  

This is good news, because this is one less thing you have to do. So, I implore you, donʼt give God control, but instead, use the talents given to you by our Master wisely!

Funtastic Fitness and AquaticsThe focus for the Funtastic Fitness program is fun in

motion!  Each class is specifically designed to

encourage everyone, regardless of age or ability, to

build core stability, increase movement and improve

their overall health in a fun, safe and encouraging

environment.  Classes are geared to accommodate

various ages, needs and abilities.  See our calendar

online at www.cccwellnessforum.org.

Introducing CrossFit ChaparralCrossFit Chaparral in 101 words:

Keep workouts short, intense, and varied. Practice

and train functional, compound movements:

Squats, dead lifts, presses, cleans, and snatches.

Master the body weight movements: pull ups, push

ups, hand stands, sit ups, throws, holds, and rope

climbs.  Run, jump, bike, swim, row and climb, hard

and fast.  Combine these exercises in as many

combinations as creativity allows. Routine is the

enemy; keep your body guessing.  Eat meat and

vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch

and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support

exercise but not body fat. And remember: Physical

fitness void of moral character is worthless.  

Visit us a www.crossfitchaparral.com

Dr. Hostetlerʼs High Flight Class begins a new study in February titled, The Bible in LIVING COLOR. The class will attempt to encounter the Bible in a way that will reveal the brilliant colors of life and

Spirit which it paints. In this way we hope to cause the events of the Bible to come alive in LIVING COLOR.

The class meets in the East Hall at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday morning. This series will take us through the entire Bible. It promises to be an exciting and challenging time of study. This is a brand new and original approach to studying the WORD 0F GOD. We know of no other study like it. Hereʼs a preview of

how this approach works:

The Bible begins in DARKNESs- Genesis 1:2 - “Darkness on the face of the deep.”The creation continues with light as God proclaims, “Let there be light.”

The sky is set in place and then LiFe is brought forth.Finally HUMANKIND is created in the image of God.

Everyone is welcome. Come join a great Bible study experience.

Page 7: Chaparral Family Newsletter for February

Teen Stained Glass ChoirHi, my name is Jennifer Banchik. I am a Junior at Xavier College Prep and I

am the President of the Teen Choir. We have so many exciting events

coming up this spring! This month we have our Cupid's Messengers

fundraiser where we provide carnations February 13, the Sunday before

Valentine's Day for donations. Secondly, we have our annual trip to

California coming up in March. Not only do we spend time in Disneyland,

but we also sing at a church Sunday morning and for the first time this year

we will have a concert at the church.  We fundraise all year to go on this

trip and it is a special reward for the teen choir members after all of our

hard work. Finally, we have our spring musical, Trial by Jury coming up in

April. We are so excited for our eventful spring calendar and we really

appreciate all of your continuous support!

Our People in Our Community...Rhonda AndersonRecently a group or our women had the opportunity to tour the beautiful state-of-the-art Cardon Childrenʼs Hospital, part of Banner Health at the Dobson campus in Mesa. Thousands of children benefit each year from the services thoughtfully provided by a well-trained, caring staff whose collective goal is doing what is best for each child. Overseeing the massive construction project and now the day-to-day operations is longtime Chaparral member, Rhonda Anderson.

Rarely does one actually have the opportunity to walk through the halls of what represents a personʼs life work. Rhonda has been devoted to this endeavor and has the unique skill set to manage the immense scope the project required. As she led us on a tour it was clear that an incredible amount of time and thought went into every detail. The typically sterile and frightening environment we expect in a hospital had been transformed into homey rooms that accommodate a childʼs family. Teachers are available to help children of all ages maintain school work so they can stay connected to the outside world. Painful procedures are administered in a treatment room so the child can be confident that their room will remain a safe zone. Colorful walls, floors and ceilings were selected to serve as distractions from difficult circumstances. Children are allowed to set personal goals for each day so the staff can help them succeed. A Tibetan gong was donated by a family whose child requested a way to celebrate a medical milestone. Imagine the special ceremonies that take place when a series of treatments is completed!It is no wonder that Cardon Childrenʼs Hospital serves as a model for the international community eager to adopt some of the many innovative ideas they have initiated. Interestingly, they do not simply focus on physical, mental and emotional needs, though that is a worthy and daunting mission. They are also committed to caring for the spiritual needs of each child. Staff members are educated in various beliefs and practices of our diverse religious community so that they may serve the children and their families with sensitivity and individuality. Congratulations to Rhonda and all of her caring staff members. Chaparral begins from the foundation of a faith community. Like Cardon, we too are concerned with the whole person. Become aware of the variety of ways you can become involved in ministries and activities that have been designed to meet many levels of personal health. Donʼt miss opportunities to be the best ʻyouʼ you can be!

Jennifer BanchikChoir President

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