=== Classifieds === Authors: Author: Ivan Shaovchev, Andrey Shipilov (Incsub), Arnold Bailey (Incsub ) Plugin Page: http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/classifieds == Changelog == = Arnold Bailey = * Fixed Attachment custom fields save that got broken in WP 3.5 = Arnold Bailey = - Fixed finding virtual pages where content protecting plugins like membership h ides them. = Arnold Bailey = - Changed Duration field to reset after updating expiration date. Also display e xpiration date now. - Changed Role dropdown to not display non-editable roles. - CC Sender checkbox saved wrong value. = Arnold Bailey = - BOM in file causing problems = Arnold Bailey = * Changed author links to only display BuddyPress author urls on BP_ROOT * Made contact email editable * Added setting to disable contact form * CustomPress = Arnold Bailey = * CustomPress * Added class="term-list" div around the subcategories in the grid display so it canbe made scrollable. = Arnold Bailey = * Fixed incorrect required message on Feature image on the backend; * Added "period" to price display for things like 4 Month => 4 Month period. = Arnold Bailey = * CustomPress = Arnold Bailey = * Fixed glitch where recurring only payment would hide purchase button. * Fixed saving of PayPal return URL * Stopped changing the user role on successfull purchase if the purchaser is "ad ministrator" * Changes to checkbox custom field code. = Arnold Bailey = * Removed PHP 4 type constructors which now cause Warnings * Fixed Feeds for custom types so all are sent instead of just the first one. = 2.3.4 Arnold Bailey = * Fixed problem with required images switch. * Removed explicit author setting on saving post. Sometimes set the wrong author . * Changed signin to better handle Buddypress registration. = Arnold Bailey = * Changes cabapility for Classifieds Settings to create_users from edit_users to

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classified plugin update

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=== Classifieds ===Authors: Author: Ivan Shaovchev, Andrey Shipilov (Incsub), Arnold Bailey (Incsub)Plugin Page: http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/classifieds

== Changelog ==

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed Attachment custom fields save that got broken in WP 3.5

= Arnold Bailey =- Fixed finding virtual pages where content protecting plugins like membership hides them.

= Arnold Bailey =- Changed Duration field to reset after updating expiration date. Also display expiration date now.- Changed Role dropdown to not display non-editable roles.- CC Sender checkbox saved wrong value.

= Arnold Bailey =- BOM in file causing problems

= Arnold Bailey =* Changed author links to only display BuddyPress author urls on BP_ROOT* Made contact email editable* Added setting to disable contact form* CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* CustomPress* Added class="term-list" div around the subcategories in the grid display so it canbe made scrollable.

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed incorrect required message on Feature image on the backend;* Added "period" to price display for things like 4 Month => 4 Month period.

= Arnold Bailey =* CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed glitch where recurring only payment would hide purchase button.* Fixed saving of PayPal return URL* Stopped changing the user role on successfull purchase if the purchaser is "administrator"* Changes to checkbox custom field code.

= Arnold Bailey =* Removed PHP 4 type constructors which now cause Warnings* Fixed Feeds for custom types so all are sent instead of just the first one.

= 2.3.4 Arnold Bailey =* Fixed problem with required images switch.* Removed explicit author setting on saving post. Sometimes set the wrong author.* Changed signin to better handle Buddypress registration.

= Arnold Bailey =* Changes cabapility for Classifieds Settings to create_users from edit_users to

better handle changes in WP 3x

= Arnold Bailey =* CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed author overwrite* CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed date formatting to allow localization* Author slug incorrect if has_archive and rewrite sluga changed in BuddyPress* CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Updated wpmu-assist.php mu Plugin* Spelling corrections for language file* Stripslashes fix* Blank empty fields on Checkout confirm

= Arnold Bailey =* CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixes for BuddyPress in Theme comaptability mode.

= Arnold Bailey =* If credits are disabled then don't display credit oprice on duration field in My Classified renew.

= Arnold Bailey =* Correct problem with simple feature image upload.* Added parameters to PayPal ordering for line item calculation on some PayPal servers.* Added Purchase Ad button on One time purchase.

= 2.3.3 Arnold Bailey =* Changed login url calculation

= Arnold Bailey =* Allow virtual pages to be moved to Trash* Fixed query loop count

= Arnold Bailey =* Simple upload was acting as if it's always empty when required.* Changed Simple Upload css* Fixed duration and credit calculation in Buddypress version

= Arnold Bailey =* Added CustomPress* Fixed required field notice on featured image.

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed typo on delete button

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed signup credits not being registered.* Hide delete button if user doesn't have delete rights

= Arnold Bailey =

* Fixed problem with First page pagination link* Fixed datepicker java script

= Arnold Bailey =* Update to Custompress 1.3.2.. Fixes display problem with custom Multi select box

= Arnold Bailey =* Reworked contact email to handle the captcha a little better.* Added "Simple" image upload mode choice. Default is the Simple mode. Settings > General > Media manager to enable full media manager.* Added CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Added CustomPress

= 2.3.2 Arnold Bailey =* Version 1.3.1 of CustomPress* Fixed currency display.

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed some translation items.* Reset Virtual pages to 'virtual' if user edits them.

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed bread crumbs in Buddypress.

= Arnold Bailey =* Added breadcrumbs to the taxonomy pages.

= Arnold Bailey =* Update to CustomPress

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed problem when sending credits to other users

= Arnold Bailey =* Modified image manager to work with v3,5 and Buddypress

= 2.3.1 Arnold Bailey =* Modified image manager to work with v3,5

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed some problems in the language file* Fixed some missing text domains.

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed old data (pre 2.3) conversion problem.* Fixed duplicate signup emails on BuddyPress.

= Arnold Bailey =* Changed the class name for the pagination section to avoid clash with some sliders.* Hide the Add Listing link in BP profile screen if the user cannot create_listing.

= Arnold Bailey =* Updated Custompress.* Fixed cf_list_catagories shortcode.

= Arnold Bailey =* Updated Custompress.* Fixed Buddypress redirection

= Arnold Bailey =* Fixed improper credit of signup credits.

= Arnold Bailey =* Added default classifieds statuses if left blank.* Added 'classifieds_full_access' filter. If the filter returns true it gives the user the right to enter classifieds without further payment.

= 2.3 Arnold Bailey 2012-10-27 =* New classifieds front end WYSIWYG entry screen.* Added control of the post status a member can save a classified as.* Expanded capabilites list* Added control of member roles for classifieds* Added Authorizenet support.* New checkout work flow. Users can register before purchasing.* Field regex validation and required fields.* Control post statuses so you can setup moderation* Weeks are now editable. You can add other options as long as they are number Weeks (8 Weeks).* CustomPress 1.3* Multisite support.* BuddyPress support fixes.* Plugin to automatically join member with the subsite they signup on in Multisite.* Member role and capabilities editor.* MU plugins to handle recurring payments on Multisite.* Added uninstall to remove directory custom types if plugin is deleted.* Added captcha to the contact form.* Category display in Dashboard.

= =* Changed BuddyPress styling for pagination* CustomPress updated* Changed post type, taxonomy, and custom field creation so they can recreate themselves if deleted.* Classifieds core property custom_fields corrupted causing foreach error.

= =* Fixed pagination problem in BuddyPress

= =* New CustomPress updated

= 2.2.2 =* New CustomPress updated* Fixed display of other taxonomy custom fields.

= 2.2.1 =* Corrected Validation on Checkout Page

= 2.2 =* Replaced Submodule with actual CustomPress for easier code maintenance* Changes default page tracking (classifieds, my-classifieds, checkout) to numeric triggers* Added send credits* Lots of Buddy press fixes

= 2.1.6 =* Corrected CF_PLUGIN_URL & CT_SUBMODULE_URL for SSL* Allowed author.php to be relocated to the theme directory* Fixed inability to edited Saved or Ended Ads on the Front End* Added new Pagination features with settings in 'General'* Got pagination working when the Classifieds page is set as the static front page* Added CSS for the pagination feature* Fixed disappearing custom fields when ads are Quick edited* Added Ads per page settings* Added top and bottom pagination position settings* Range setting for the number of page links on the pagination display

= 2.1.5 =* Fixed problem compatibility with some BP components;* Fixed redirection problem on Classifieds page;* Removed selectbox when try delete Classified;

= 2.1.4 =* Fixed problem compatibility with BBPress;* Fixed problem of redirection after updating values of the Post Type;* Added pagination for classifieds pages;* Ability to use WP-PageNavi plugin for pagination;* Added filter for replacement pagination (cf_pagination);

= 2.1.3 =* Fixed conflict with values of the "Theme Options";* Fixed duplication of pages as "Classifieds" and "My Classifieds";

= 2.1.2 =* Fixed problem with allow user edit/delete other users classified posts;

= 2.1.1 =* Fixed problem with loop of categories;

= 2.1.0 =* Changed template for "Contact user" email;* Added feature for to make field of image as not required (general tab in settings);* Added feature for set default image for ads without any images (general tab in settings);

= 2.0.9 =* Fixed Warning\Notice message;* Fixed display classifieds on 'My Classifieds' page (general);* Fixed "Purchase History";* Fixed some HTML\CSS* Added 'My Credits' page on front end;* Rewrited some logic for 'Annual' and 'One Time' payments;

= =* Display status text after sent message to author of ad;

* Added title of the ad in the subject of the message;* Added link on ad in bottom of message;* Added auto filling of some fields of the contact author form for logged users;

= 2.0.8 =* fixed problem of display classifieds (under the influence of other plugins).* added feature for create new ad with status as "draft" without any credits

= 2.0.7 =* fixed display menu credits for all user* fixed display page of edit classifieds* fixed problem with deduction credits when create new ad* some template changes of checkout page* fixed problem with adding credits of checkout (when we logged)* some text changes* fixed problem with deduction credits when create new/edit/renew ad for BP* fixed display count of available credits for BP

= 2.0.6 =* fixed problem with permalink structure* fixed header error* fixed page of classified tags* fixed link on page of classified author

= 2.0.5 =* Fixed problem of adding/editing "Post Types", "Taxonomies", "Custom Fields".

= 2.0.4 =* Fixed problem with template of the categories page for not "classifieds" categories.

= 2.0.3 =* Added feature to change title of pages as "Classifieds" and "My Classifieds".

= 2.0.2 =* fixed problem of redirect when creating new Ad

= 2.0.1 =* Add .pot file.* Fix bug with load_plugin_textdomain() not properly loading the .pot file.* Fix bug with BP admin bar drop-down ( .padder issue ).

= 2.0.0 =

* Front-end classifieds management added.

* Front-end classifieds management added for BuddyPress ( integrated with BP user profiles )

* Improved Admin UI.

* Internal code architecture entirely rewritten for version 2.0 all legacy code removed.

* Custom database tables eliminated. Replaced by core "wp" tables.

* Content Types submodule added.

* Localization available ( You need to generate a PO/MO file )

= 1.1.1 =

* Initial release.