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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jsDOMenu Changelog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16 January 2005 (Version 1.3) ~ Changed the method signature of global public constructor jsDOMenu(). Order of arguments is changed, and a new argument id is added. This new argument is required when mode = "static" (see below). ~ Added new mode of menu "static". A static menu is fixed at a particular position with respect to the document structure, i.e. the position of the menu will "flow" with the document when the browser is resized. Thus, it is not required to call methods like setX(), moveTo(), etc to position the menu. To achieve this, users need to specify the id of the element that will contain the menu. ~ Menu item can now have an icon before the display text. ~ Added public method showIcon(). Shows the icon before the display text. ~ Added public method setIconClassName(). Accepts a string that specifies the CSS class selector for the icon of the menu item. ~ Added public method setIconClassNameOver(). Accepts a string that specifies the CSS class selector for the icon of the menu item when the cursor is over the menu item. ~ Added global public property menuMode. String that specifies the default mode of the menus. ~ Fixed a bug reported by Stas Ovcharenko. ~ Some other miscellaneous bug fixes/improvements/changes.15 July 2004 (Version 1.2.1): ~ Fixed a bug that caused Javascript errors if you do not install jsDOMenuBar. ~ Added some semi-colons so that the script will still work after going through safe compress, i.e. removing comments and unnecessary whitespaces.04 July 2004 (Version 1.2):There are a lot of new features and improvements/changes in this release.New features: ~ Horizontal menu bars are now possible by installing jsDOMenuBar Version 1.0. The menu bar menus are created using jsDOMenu. ~ Works in Mac browsers like Safari 1.2 and Camino 0.8. Earlier versions of Safari 1.x should also work. ~ Users can now change the theme (appearances, colour, style, etc) of the menus through the click of a menu item (e.g. clicking the "Switch to an alternate stylesheet" icon in Mozilla Firefox). This is done using alternate stylesheets.Improvements/Changes: ~ Due to huge changes in this version, it is not backward compatible. That is, configuration codes for previous version of jsDOMenu may not work in this version. ~ Relative menu is now being called fixed menu. Absolute menu is still being called absolute menu. This is to be consistent with the fact that absolute menu has property "position: absolute", while fixed menu have property "position: fixed". ~ Allow values for the mode of menu are "cursor", "absolute", and "fixed" (see above). ~ Change in the implementation of fixed menus by making use of fixed positioning. This is to prevent the "dragging" effect of fixed menus in browsers that support it. For browsers that do not support fixed positioning (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6), the "dragging" effect will still be seen. ~ The arrow image is now loaded as the background-image of a div element. This allows complete change of theme without user writing extra codes to change the arrow image source to suit the new theme. ~ Deleted public method setImgSrc(). Use setArrowClassName() method (see below) to change the arrow image by setting a different CSS class selector. ~ Deleted public method setImgSrcOver(). Use setArrowClassNameOver() method (see below) to change the arrow image over by setting a different CSS class selector. ~ Deleted public method setImgSrcOffset(). The arrow offset will be set using CSS class selectors "jsdomenuarrow"/"jsdomenuarrowover". ~ Added public method setArrowClassName(). Accepts a string that specifies the CSS class selector for the arrow. ~ Added public method setArrowClassNameOver(). Accepts a string that specifies the CSS class selector for the arrow when the cursor is over the menu item. ~ Added global public method hideMenus(). Accepts a menu object and hides the menu, as well as all submenus of it. ~ Deleted global public method preloadImg(). Not needed to preload the arrow image/arrow image over as they will be loaded using stylesheet (using CSS class selectors "jsdomenuarrow"/"jsdomenuarrowover"). ~ Renamed several global public properties (see below). This is to be consistent with the naming convention. ~ Renamed global public property menuClass to menuClassName. ~ Renamed global public property itemClass to menuItemClassName. ~ Renamed global public property itemClassOver to menuItemClassNameOver. ~ Renamed global public property sepClass to sepClassName. ~ Deleted global public property imgSrc. The arrow image source will be set using CSS class selector "jsdomenuarrow". ~ Deleted global public property imgSrcOver. The arrow image over source will be set using CSS class selector "jsdomenuarrowover". ~ Deleted global public property imgOffset. The arrow offset will be set using CSS class selectors "jsdomenuarrow"/"jsdomenuarrowover". ~ Added global public property arrowClassName. String that specifies the default CSS class selector for the arrow. ~ Added global public property arrowClassNameOver. String that specifies the default CSS class selector for the arrow when the cursor is over it. ~ Deleted global public property menuDelay. Does not seem to be useful in the previous versions.30 December 2003 (Version 1.1.3): ~ Fixed a bug that causes an error if no pop-up menu is defined. ~ In order to style the menu separator, the menu separator is created as a child of a div element.29 December 2003 (Version 1.1.2): ~ Fixed another bug that causes incorrect menu positioning in some browsers.27 December 2003 (Version 1.1.1): ~ Fixed a small bug so as to allow it to work in earlier version of Mozilla 1.x.16 December 2003 (Version 1.1):There are a lot of new features/improvements/bug fixed. Some are outlined below: ~ Now works in IE5 (SP2), IE5.5 (SP2), Opera 7.23. ~ Determine the mode of the page using document.compatMode, instead of user having the need to define it. ~ Besides pop-up menus, 2 additional menu modes are introduced: absolute and relative. Absolute menu is fixed at a point in the web page, while relative menu is fixed at a point in the web page, but moves with scrolling. ~ Pop-menu can show/hide differently. For example, show by left click, hide by right click, etc. ~ Preloading of arrow images (including image over) is done now. ~ The arrow image should be positioned correctly now. ~ Test whether the browser is DOM-compatible before creating the menus. ~ Additional methods and properties are available to control the menus/ menu items. Refer to Documentation page for more information.31 July 2003 (Version 1.0): ~ Initial release.