Reducing the risk of transmisson Ensure all the team are trained on handwashing technique and all regularly wash hands Have paper towels, soap and alcohol sanitiser available Provide alcohol gel for the public to use when entering and leaving Encourage or insist on contactless payments rather than cash Request that a patient signs the back of the prescription with their own pen, or make the declaration on their behalf (England only) Regularly clean surfaces including counters, chairs, door handles, stationery, phones, keyboards, mouse, tills and eating areas Create a cleaning rota and have plenty of cleaning products available Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is readily available and that all members of the team are trained in its correct use (putting on and taking off ) Facemasks (Fluid-resistant Type IIR) must be worn if working in an area with possible or confirmed cases and unable to maintain 2 metres social distancing Current guidance is that pharmacy teams should have access to appropriate PPE where it is a necessary addition to social distancing measures, for example when working in small dispensaries Make sure you have enough waste bins keeping a separate clinical waste bin for used PPE Monitor the health of your team. Send them home immediately if they feel unwell. Championing health... Practical information and advice for pharmacy teams Coronavirus Measures to maintain social distancing Put up information posters on coronavirus and handwashing that can be seen before people enter the pharmacy Consider using a nominated member of the team to lead on ensuring that materials are up-to- date and in place e.g. Health Champion Keeping the public at least 2 metres (3 steps) apart from each other and you is a key measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus Put up signs telling people to keep their distance Create ‘Do Not Cross’ lines using tape on the floor to indicate 2-metre distances Use chairs in front of counter or reception area to increase distance between patients and your team Install perspex screens to provide a physical barrier Limit the number of people in the pharmacy, perhaps a 1 in 1 out policy Consider closing the door and have a team member or a volunteer at the doors controlling entry and exit Introduce a one-way system in and out of the pharmacy where practical Identify as many patients as possible that you can deliver to, possibly using the NHS volunteers, to minimise footfall into pharmacy

Championing health Coronavirus - Pharmacy Complete · • Put up information posters on coronavirus and handwashing that can be seen before people enter the pharmacy • Consider

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Page 1: Championing health Coronavirus - Pharmacy Complete · • Put up information posters on coronavirus and handwashing that can be seen before people enter the pharmacy • Consider

Reducing the risk of transmisson

• Ensure all the team are trained on handwashing technique and all regularly wash hands• Have paper towels, soap and alcohol sanitiser available• Provide alcohol gel for the public to use when entering and leaving• Encourage or insist on contactless payments rather than cash• Request that a patient signs the back of the prescription with their own pen, or make the

declaration on their behalf (England only)• Regularly clean surfaces including counters, chairs, door handles, stationery, phones, keyboards,

mouse, tills and eating areas• Create a cleaning rota and have plenty of cleaning products available• Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is readily available and that all members of the

team are trained in its correct use (putting on and taking off )• Facemasks (Fluid-resistant Type IIR) must be worn if working in an area with possible or

confirmed cases and unable to maintain 2 metres social distancing• Current guidance is that pharmacy teams should have access to appropriate PPE where it is a

necessary addition to social distancing measures, for example when working in small dispensaries

• Make sure you have enough waste bins keeping a separate clinical waste bin for used PPE• Monitor the health of your team. Send them home immediately if they feel unwell.

Championing health...

Practical information and advice for pharmacy teams


Measures to maintain social distancing

• Put up information posters on coronavirus and handwashing that can be seen before peopleenter the pharmacy

• Consider using a nominated member of the team to lead on ensuring that materials are up-to-date and in place e.g. Health Champion

• Keeping the public at least 2 metres (3 steps) apart from each other and you is a key measureto prevent the spread of coronavirus

• Put up signs telling people to keep their distance• Create ‘Do Not Cross’ lines using tape on the fl oor to indicate 2-metre distances• Use chairs in front of counter or reception area to increase distance between patients and

your team• Install perspex screens to provide a physical barrier• Limit the number of people in the pharmacy, perhaps a 1 in 1 out policy• Consider closing the door and have a team member or a volunteer at the doors controlling

entry and exit• Introduce a one-way system in and out of the pharmacy where practical• Identify as many patients as possible that you can deliver to, possibly using the NHS

volunteers, to minimise footfall into pharmacy

Page 2: Championing health Coronavirus - Pharmacy Complete · • Put up information posters on coronavirus and handwashing that can be seen before people enter the pharmacy • Consider

Guidance is correct at time of going to print (April 2020). Please continue to regularly review government and professional guidance to ensure your practiceis current and in line with that guidance. #KeepSafe

Key coronavirus resources and updates• NHS England: www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ • NHS Inform Scotland: www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19• Public Health Wales: https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/latest-information-on-novel-coronavirus-covid-19/• Northern Ireland Public Health Agency: www.publichealth.hscni.net/news/covid-19-coronavirus• UK Government: www.gov.uk/coronavirus • PSNC: https://psnc.org.uk/the-healthcare-landscape/covid19/• CPS: www.cps.scot/news-insight/news/coronavirus-covid-19/• CPW: www.cpwales.org.uk/The-Health-Landscape/Coronavirus-Information-Updates.aspx• CPNI: www.communitypharmacyni.co.uk/2020/03/covid-19/• RPS: www.rpharms.com/coronavirus/ • PSNI: www.psni.org.uk/• GPhC: www.pharmacyregulation.org/contact-us/coronavirus-latest-updates • E-Learning for Health COVID-19 programme: www.e-l� .org.uk/programmes/coronavirus/

Other measures to care for your team

• Keep up to date on new policies and have daily briefi ngs• Nominate a COVID-19 lead to stay up to date with government or local guidance • Keep your consultation room clutter-free and clean as it may need to be used as an isolation

room• Reduce the number of non-essential pharmacy services you o� er to reduce the risk of burnout

and exhaustion, and to focus on core provision of medicines • If a member of your team is a vulnerable person (pregnant, older person, underlying medical

condition) or lives with a vulnerable person then follow relevant Government guidance to ensure they are protected

• Follow the stay at home guidance if a member of your team has symptoms or is living with someone in self isolation

• Create a rota so your team change who is person-facing throughout the day• Keep pharmacy well ventilated • Check in with individuals daily to understand how they are managing both physically and



© Pharmacy Complete | Date of production: April 2020 | Pharmacy Complete is a registered trading name of The Tipping Point Limited,

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