Challenge #3 Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates? T. Trimpe 2008 http://sciencespot.net/

Challenge #3 Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates? T. Trimpe 2008

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Page 1: Challenge #3 Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates? T. Trimpe 2008

Challenge #3

Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates?

T. Trimpe 2008 http://sciencespot.net/

Page 2: Challenge #3 Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates? T. Trimpe 2008

Can you unscramble the letters below to reveal the names of these vertebrates?

K H A S R 1. My skeleton is made out of cartilage.

O M T A O T 2. I’m a bright red amphibian with poison glands behind O T D A my eyes.

O G A R T A L I L 3. I am a large reptile that lives mainly in fresh water.

E T R T O I S O 4. I am a land-dwelling turtle with a domed-shaped shell.

D A L B G E L A E 5. I’m a raptor that can be found on flags, money, and other governmental items.

Page 3: Challenge #3 Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates? T. Trimpe 2008

1. My skeleton is made out of cartilage.

2. I’m a bright red amphibian with poison glands behind my eyes.

3. I am a large reptile that lives mainly in fresh water.

4. I am a land-dwelling turtles with a domed-shaped shell.

5. I’m a raptor that can be found on flags, money, and other governmental items.

The answers are ...






Page 4: Challenge #3 Can you figure out the names of these vertebrates? T. Trimpe 2008

Image Credits

Shark – http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/NYG/78027~Great-White-Shark-Posters.jpg

Tomato Toad – http://images.wildmadagascar.org/pictures/masoala/Tomato%20frog%201.jpg

Alligator – http://www.knowledgerush.com/wiki_image/1/1c/Florida_Alligator.jpg

Tortoise – http://spot.colorado.edu/~humphrey/fact%20sheets/tortoise_galapagos/images/tortoise_photo.jpg

Bald Eagle - http://islandfox.org/uploaded_images/beagle-706532.jpg