Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from www.pptpoint.com library

Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from library

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Chalkboard Challenge

Grade 4 - 5

100’s of free ppt’s from www.pptpoint.com library

Page 2: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Students Teachers

Game Board

NounsNouns PronounsPronouns VerbsVerbs CapitalizationCapitalization PunctuationPunctuation

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Let’s PlayFinal Challenge

Page 3: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Students Teachers

Game Board

This is _________ house.

a. Mrs. Wilsons

b. Mrs. Wilson’s

c. Mrs’s Wilsons

d. Mrs.’s Wilsons100B. Mrs. Wilson’s

Nouns for 100

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Those ___________ have white fur.

a. Mice

b. mouses’s

c. Mices

d. mices’s200A. mice

Nouns for 200

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Those ________are very friendly.

a. seal’s

b. seals’

c. seals’s

d. seals300D. seals

Nouns for 300

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Students Teachers

Game Board

The ________ toy was found near the mall.

a. child’s

b. Childs

c. childs’

d. childrens

400A. Child’s

Nouns for 400

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Students Teachers

Game Board

The _______ were glad to be back at school.

a. teacher’s

b. Teachers

c. teachers’s

d. teachers’

500B. teachers

Nouns for 500

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Correct the pronoun in this sentence.

Jeff rides his new bike. Him rides it down the block.100He

Pronouns for 100

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Students Teachers

Game Board

When he asked ___to dance, I nodded my head.

a. I

b. You

c. She

d. me

200D. me

Pronouns for 200

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Speed bumps help to slow down cars. _____ are found in many

parking lots.

a. It

b. You

c. Them

d. They

300D. They

Pronouns for 300

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Madeline went to ballet class on Saturday. They really enjoyed the

class.400Change They to She

Pronouns for 400

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Students Teachers

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Becca and Robin go to the movies. She buy popcorn and nachos.500Change she to they

Pronouns for 500

Page 13: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Students Teachers

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The siblings ________ constantly.

a. Will have fight

b. Have fighting


d. Has fought100C. fought

Verbs for 100

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Students Teachers

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Mr. Hernandez _________ us softball in gym class.

a. Teached

b. Taught

c. Teach

d. teaching

200B. taught

Verbs for 200

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Students Teachers

Game Board

George and Rachel have ______ in that pool before.

a. Swum

b. Swimmed

c. Swam

d. swimming

300A. swum

Verbs for 300

Page 16: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Students Teachers

Game Board

Kyle _______ before sunrise to get ready for his camping trip.

a. Risen

b. Rose

c. Rised

d. rosed

400B. rose

Verbs for 400

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Sally ________ the principal a letter tomorrow.

a. gave

b. has given

c. will give

d. gived

500C. will give

Verbs for 500

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Students Teachers

Game Board

The shop is on the corner of Flanders drive and Manor street.100Drive and Street

Capitalization for 100

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Students Teachers

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Kelly and Wendy live on ________.

a. Fifth Avenue

b. fifth Avenue

c. Fifth avenue

d. fifth avenue200A. Fifth Avenue

Capitalization for 200

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Which sentence does not contain a mistake?

a. We watch fireworks on the fourth of July.

b. We watch Fireworks in the fourth of July.

c. We watch fireworks on the fourth of july.

d. We watch fireworks on the Fourth of July.

300D. We watch fireworks on the Fourth of July.

Capitalization for 300

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________ owns that store.

a. Ms. Anderson

b. ms. Anderson

c. Ms. Anderson

d. ms. anderson400C. Ms. Anderson

Capitalization for 400

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Students Teachers

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Cocker spaniels are great Dogs to have as pets.500Cocker Spaniels are great dogs to have as pets.

Capitalization for 500

Page 23: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Students Teachers

Game Board

Which sentence is correct?

a. The purse contained the following items; a wallet, a brush, mirror, keys, and gum.

b. The purse contained the following items: a wallet, a brush, mirror keys, and gum.

c. The purse contained the following items: a wallet, a brush, mirror, keys, and gum.

d. The purse contained the following items- a wallet, a brush, mirror, keys, and gum.

100C. The purse contained the following items: a wallet, a brush,

mirror, keys, and gum.

Punctuation for 100

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Which part of the sentence below contains a punctuation error?

To set the table,/ make sure you include/ forks, knives, spoons,/plates, and, napkins.

a. plates, and, napkins

b. To set the table,

c. Make sure you include

d. forks, knives, spoons,

200A. plates, and, napkins

Punctuation for 200

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Which sentence is correct?

a. The accusations: I suppose are false.

b. The accusations - I suppose, are false.

c. The accusations: I suppose, are false.

d. The accusations, I suppose, are false.

300D. The accusations, I suppose, are false.

Punctuation for 300

Page 26: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Students Teachers

Game Board

How can the error in this sentence be fixed?

The birds chirping outside woke me from a deep sleep, only later did I realize that it had

never happened before.

a. Change the word “birds” to “bird”

b. Change the comma after “sleep” to a semicolon.

c. Remove the word “only.”

d. Remove the word “outside.”

400B. Change the comma after “sleep” to a semicolon.

Punctuation for 400

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Students Teachers

Game Board

Which part of the sentence below contains a punctuation error?

I would love to invite Lillian,/ Rayne, Shailoh,/ Lroi-Beth, and/ Maritza, to my party.

a. Lori-Beth, and

b. I would love to invite Lillian,

c. Rayne, Shailoh,

d. Maritza, to my party

500D. Maritza, to my party

Punctuation for 500

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Write Your

Final Challenge


Choose the answer that shows the best capitalization and punctuation for the underlined part of the


Raphael checked out the book ramona forever from the library.

a. “Ramona Forever”

b. Ramona Forever

c. Ramona Forever

d. “ramona forever”

Final ChallengeEnd Game



C. Ramona Forever

Page 29: Chalkboard Challenge Grade 4 - 5 100’s of free ppt’s from  library

Game Over

Mrs. Gruchy

Piedmont Elementary