Chailights FROM OUR PRESIDENT MAY 2017 Michele Schipper President Rabbi Jeffrey Kurtz-Lendner May will be Busy at Beth Israel It seems like events are winding down. So far during 5777, we have had the dedication of our new Holocaust Memorial, the celebration of our fiftieth anniversary in the building and our phenomenal bazaar. These three events alone seem like they have dominated our energies at Beth Israel. Yet we also enjoyed visits from Ron Bernstein from Kibbutz Yahel, Rabbi Bob Alper in conjunction with the Jackson Jewish Federation and Israel Consul General Lior Haiat. We shared an inspiring visit of the Freedom Song presentation, and of course, our Passover Seder. One might think that this was enough for this year, except that May will also prove to be an exciting month. On May 12th, we will have our Teacher Appreciation Family Shabbat. May 14th, follows with the last day of Sunday school and Religious School Picnic. And on May 19th, we will celebrating Confirmation with our 10th grade students. Keep a close eye out for these events, along with other programs and events our Congregation offers. It may seem like the season at Beth Israel is winding down, but your spiritual home is always a fun, exciting and inspirational home in which to participate. As I bid farewell to a congregant who is moving out of state for a new job, she said, “I’ll never find another congregation as wonderful as Beth Israel.” Many of us feel the same way. We find joy in celebrating together; when we have challenges in our lives, we support one another. Saying goodbye to old friends and welcoming new ones is part of the life of a congregation. In particular this month, I feel the passage of time, as our son, Eric and his friends in the confirmation class lead our Shabbat services on May 19th. Eric was only 6 when our family moved to Jackson (and I moved back to my childhood home). Ten years later, we’ve forged new friendships, shared in holiday celebrations and participated in and helped continue Jewish life here at Beth Israel with so many of you. Please attend the Semi-Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 4th at 4:30 p.m. We will have social time, hear congregational updates, share future programming ideas and enjoy a nosh together. I look forward to seeing you there!

Chailights - Congregation Beth Israelbethisraelms.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/May-2017-Chailights.pdf · Chailights FROM OUR PRESIDENT ... 5 Jacob Craig 19 Morgan Samuels 5

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MAY 2017

Michele Schipper President

Rabbi Jeffrey Kurtz-Lendner

May will be Busy at Beth Israel

It seems like events are winding down. So far during 5777, we have had the dedication

of our new Holocaust Memorial, the celebration of our fiftieth anniversary in the

building and our phenomenal bazaar. These three events alone seem like they have

dominated our energies at Beth Israel. Yet we also enjoyed visits from Ron Bernstein

from Kibbutz Yahel, Rabbi Bob Alper in conjunction with the Jackson Jewish

Federation and Israel Consul General Lior Haiat. We shared an inspiring visit of the

Freedom Song presentation, and of course, our Passover Seder.

One might think that this was enough for this year, except that May will also prove to be an exciting month. On

May 12th, we will have our Teacher Appreciation Family Shabbat. May 14th, follows with the last day of

Sunday school and Religious School Picnic. And on May 19th, we will celebrating Confirmation with our 10th

grade students.

Keep a close eye out for these events, along with other programs and events our Congregation offers. It may

seem like the season at Beth Israel is winding down, but your spiritual home is always a fun, exciting and

inspirational home in which to participate.

As I bid farewell to a congregant who is moving out of state for a new job, she said,

“I’ll never find another congregation as wonderful as Beth Israel.” Many of us feel the

same way. We find joy in celebrating together; when we have challenges in our lives,

we support one another. Saying goodbye to old friends and welcoming new ones is part of

the life of a congregation.

In particular this month, I feel the passage of time, as our son, Eric and his friends in the confirmation class

lead our Shabbat services on May 19th. Eric was only 6 when our family moved to Jackson (and I moved

back to my childhood home). Ten years later, we’ve forged new friendships, shared in holiday celebrations

and participated in and helped continue Jewish life here at Beth Israel with so many of you.

Please attend the Semi-Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 4th at 4:30 p.m. We will have social time, hear

congregational updates, share future programming ideas and enjoy a nosh together. I look forward to seeing

you there!

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Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday: 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

Thursday: 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Closed for lunch: 12:30-1:30 p.m.


Article Deadline for the following:




1:30 P.M. Wednesday

BIC Semi Annual Meeting

Sunday, June 4 at 4:30 p.m.

Confirmation Students

will lead Shabbat Services

May 19, 2017 at 6: 15 pm

Celebrate Shavout

with Cheesecake* and Torah

Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Start the evening with a Yizkor service for Shavout in the sanctuary.

After the service we will continue with a Torah study, accompanied

by a dairy product dessert in honor of the “land flowing with milk and


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to bring food.

If you are interested in supplying dairy products for our dessert,

please let Rabbi Kurtz-Lendner know at the Temple office or by email

at [email protected]

Dairy products could include blintzes, kugel, cheese and crackers and


*Depending on donations

The Office will be closed May 31, 2017

in celebration of Shavout.

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Sisterhood Spotlight

Chailights Page 3

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart." ~Elizabeth Andrew


It is such a pleasure to be a part of the Beth Israel Congregational (BIC) family, and to serve as Co-Presidents

for BIC's Sisterhood. We have an amazing group of members and for that we are so thankful.

By the time you are reading this edition of Chailights, we already had our 50th Annual Bazaar - a truly

tremendous event. The Co-Chairpersons will recap the success stories, but we want to extend our sincere

thanks again to Jo Ann Gordon and Paula Erlich for a job well done, including all of the committee chairs and

the volunteers. The BIC Bazaar would not be able to happen, certainly not to the extent that we had, without

all of the support behind the scenes, and on the day of working the event. We're also proud of all of the publicity

and recognition, both local media coverage, and regional coverage (Southern Jewish) highlighting our Temple

in such a positive way. Kudos!!

Also, Sisterhood celebrated Passover by hosting the 2nd Seder for our temple members and community. This

is such an important event because for some, this may be the only Seder they are able to attend during the

holiday. So thank you to our Sisterhood Chairperson, Susan Snyder, and the team of volunteers for making this

all happen!

We are getting ready to wrap up the year before the summer break. We are still in the process of planning a

wonderful event for May, so please be sure to look for the updates.


Suzanne Freedman & Frankie Springer

Sisterhood Co-Presidents

A huge thank you to Phil Pollack from the White

Elephant Sale and Silent Auction.

Your generosity in supplying us with the labor

and resources to unload our storage unit was


For more pictures of the

50th Annual Bazaar

see Page 6

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Dear All:

Here is a poem that I gave out to over 100 volunteers on

March 29th. You as individuals, gave of your time and

energy to Beth Israel's successful 50th bazaar. I am

continually humbled and appreciative of the time and effort

that is always given before and on this special day.

This year exceeded my expectations, in that the community

showed up in mass and celebrated these 50 memorable years

with us.

Every visitor was elated to share the day with us. They also

assured us of their continued support and dedication to Beth

Israel due to what we stand for in the Jackson community.

Once again, I will never be able to express enough gratitude

to the Bazaar Chairman and Volunteers for your support and

very very hard work.

Thank you again from the bottom, top, and sides of my heart.

Jo Ann Gordon


Beth Israel 50th Bazaar

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Religious School

Religious School Calendar:

Sunday, May 7th, 14th

Wednesday, May 3rd, 10th

Grade 7-8 Family Ed, May 7th End-of-year assembly followed by picnic celebration:

May 14th, 11:00 a.m.

Teacher Appreciation Shabbat

May 12th 6:15 p.m. Let’s all take an evening to honor our religious school

and Hebrew teachers, and let them know how much

they mean to us. Students will help lead the service.

Dinner following service.



May 5, 2017

BITY is once again sending a team to the Relay for Life

to raise funds for cancer research and cancer patient support. If you would like to make a donation,

please send a check made out to “American Cancer

Society” with “BITY Relay for Life” in the memo

line. Online donations will be forthcoming in weekly



2 Jonathan Evan 15 Charna Schlakman

3 Bernice Silberman 15 Deborah Crystal

5 Beth Orlansky 17 Ashley Rubinsky

5 Jacob Craig 19 Morgan Samuels

5 Kenneth Schipper 19 Kira Giammarco

5 Dorothy Printz 19 Halina Mitchell

5 Steven Williams 20 Carol Thompson Finn

5 Melanie Leonard 21 Manny Grossman

6 Becci Jacobs 22 Wyatt Davidson

8 Jeanne Rozman 22 Hulbert Crystal

8 Benjamin Hearon 23 Peggy Goldstein

10 Allen Salvage 24 Alana Bowman

10 Jerry Branson 24 Richard Schwartz

10 Randy Harris 24 Vera Davis

11 Julie Paul 26 Robert Kay

11 Gary Friedman 27 Sarah Buxbaum

12 Buddy Fish 27 Allen Weiss

12 Sondy Berman 27 Wendy Giammarco

13 Samuel Orlansky 29 Lily Katz

13 Hannah Guimbellot 29 Petra Kay

14 Jacob Schneider 29 Bobby Jacobs

14 Peter Zapletal 20 Ida Schwartz

14 Karen Hunter


12 Rachel and Chris Myers

18 Hannah and Abram Orlansky

26 Charna and Bruce Schlakman

27 Mary Gail and Harold Kolodney

30 Tara and David Blumenthal

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Donations may be applied to the following funds, per your request:






CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CEMETERY FUND (continued) In Memory of A. J. Orkin, Sr.—Donna & Ted Orkin In Memory of Asher Katz Dr. Susan Sanders Danielle Wahba CARING FUND (SISTERHOOD) Mattie Bogoslavsky Lynn Watkins In Memory of Robert Lynch—Arna & Richard Miller Christine & Jerry Branson Judy & Josh Wiener In Memory of Asher Katz—Steven Goodman Lauren Rosenbaum Brown Terry & Thomas Williamson Gail Chadwick & Jonathan Fratkin Jarmila & Peter Zapletal GENERAL FUND Julia & Price Chadwick NeuroRestorative Louisiana Donation—Morgan & Aaron Samuels Susan & William Colbert, Jr. Greenberg Sales Company In Memory of Judy Wahba—Nell and Vic Wyatt Deborah & Clay Crystal Jackson Dental Care In Memory of Judy Wahba—Susan Tritell & Joel Gendler Lynn Crystal St. Andrews Parents Association In Memory of Judy Wahba—Mindy & Clay Humphrey Carey & Robert Emmich Wilkins Patterson, Attorneys Ellen Ann Fentress RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Bea Gavant Anonymous Brooke Emmich & Allen Gentry Wendy, Molly & David Goldberg HIGH HOLIDAY FUND Peggy & Larry Goldstein In Memory of David Kweller—Alyssa Silberman Beth & Collier Graham Monique Guimbellot

Ellen & Herb Kahn Emily Kamber Dana & Jonathan Larkin Ellen & Herbert Lebovits Tom & Edward Manning Teri & Scott McGehee Trey Morris Priscilla & Dave O’Donnell Deb Oberman & Mark Gittleman Donna & Ted Orkin Beth & Steve Orlansky Nikita Pozdnikov Isabella & Meredith Rand Stacey & Jonthan Rockman J. B. Sandifer Don Sawyer Mary & Patrick Scanlon, Jr. Michele & Ken Schipper Kimberly & Gary Schneider Dr. Robert C. Sevier Tamar & Peter Sharp Vickie & Gary Smith Carol Thompson-Finn Urmilla Harish & Harish Vasanji Vishira

CEMETERY FUND In Memory of A. J. Orkin, Sr.—Donna & Ted Orkin Donation—Morgan & Aaron Samuels In Memory of Gene Hesdorffer—Mindy & Clay Humphrey In Memory of David Kweller—Melanie Dobel In Memory of Pinia Stotland—Joe Harris In Memory of Lillian Sawyer—Don Sawyer In Memory of Jesse Dobel—Steven Dobel In Memory of Lou Shornick—Syril Portnoy In Memory of Lou Shornick—Honorine and Allen Weiss In Memory of Ray Mandel—Molly and David Mandel In Memory of Oscar Larkin—Dana and Jonathan Larkin In Memory of Jill Gavant—Suzanne Rotwein In Memory of John Hart Lewis—Reba Lewis In Memory of Eugene Hesdorffer—Gilda Hesdorffer In Honor of Evelyn Goodman—Lisa Palmer In Memory of David Kweller—Danielle Wahba In Memory of Laura Bregman—Helen Leighton In Memory of Isabella Greenberg—Helen Leighton In Memory of Julius Greenberg—Helen Leighton In Memory of David Harris—Joe Harris In Memory of Gerald Crystal—Lynn Crystal In Memory of Benjamin Freedman—Lynn Crystal In Memory of David Alan Hesdorffer—Lynn Crystal

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P.O. Box 13249 Jackson, MS 39236

Phone: (601) 956-6215 Fax: (601) 952-0895

We Remember — Yahrzeits for May 2017


Non-Profit Org



Permit #123


May 7-May 13, 2017 Anna Marcus Mildred Wise Rufus Branson Jeanette Altshool Dorothy Alter Alice Mackevich Marx Rosenzweig *Vivian Ascher Sidney Rubin Lou Humphrey *Rose Sherman Estelle Binswanger *Sydney Geiger, Sr. *Ann Joseph Jack Wallick Bess Tubias Abe Berman Ben Applebaum Charles Shapero

May 14-May 20, 2017 Irving Jacob Ratner Louis Katz Richard Parker *Selma Glass Rita Printz Roston Lucas Morris Silverman Esther Gavant John Hirko Stanley Cohen Mel Feldman Alex Feldman Isadore Schwartz Adele Gamzon Paul Hubal Leota Blaw Bernard Lehman Gilbert Balkin Mollyne Karnofsky Florence Libglid Allen Latzman

Florence P. Stiebel *Sydney Geiger May 21-May 27, 2017 Katherine Saik Wanda Calliss Pompey Ucci Lola Muskin Jenia Howell Charles Sandler Judy Hazen *Meyer Falk Florence Weinberg *Mark Benjamin Hesdorffer *Ralph Daniel, Jr. May 28-June 3, 2017 *David Shornick Birgitta Hoffberg Judith Rivlin *Jonathan Blumental Morris Erlich

Tony Sharp David Salomon William Ettinger Lee Ross Jimmie Jacobs Jerel Price Mae Robbins Friedel Nash *D. H. Orkin Margaret Laboda Ike Grundfest Charles Hendrix Harry Ades *Memorial Alcove