Ch.3 Overview Birth of Modern America Sec.1 - Settling the West Sec.2 - Industrialization Sec.3 - Immigration & Urbanization Sec.4 - Early Reforms Sec.5 - Politics and Reforms

Ch.3 Overview Birth of Modern America

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Ch.3 Overview Birth of Modern America

Sec.1 - Settling the West

Sec.2 - Industrialization

Sec.3 - Immigration & Urbanization

Sec.4 - Early Reforms

Sec.5 - Politics and Reforms

Industrialization of the United States

Chapter 3 - Section 2

Big Idea

Industry in the United States flourished following the Civil War. Natural resources industries needed were available from the mining in the west, people were moving to the cities for work which created a large labor pool and railroads were making the U.S. accessible for more people. Modern inventions were making life easier and forcing the price of materials and food items to all time lows.

U.S. Industrializes U.S. industrialized because of: Resources, Work Force, Free Enterprise,& new inventions

With recent inventions, the U.S. became the worlds leading industrial nation

GNP - Natural Resources - Labor

Gross National Product (GNP) was 8 times greater than when the Civil War war ended

GNP = Total value of all goods and services produced by a country

Natural ResourcesU.S. Contained vast amounts of resources

could obtain cheaply

gold, iron, silver, lumber, oil & kerosene

railroad would transport resources from the west to where industry was located

American Oil Market - Kerosene was used in lanterns & stoves

Large workforceHuman resource just as important as natural resources

between 1870 - 1910 U.S. population tripled - Due to arrival of 20 million immigrants

Immigrants/Moving to city - many moved for a better life

more people created greater demand for goods & increased Production

Free Enterprise

People have the ability to start business for profit

Laissez-faire - hands off govt - let people do as they please

allowed people to operate businesses without govt control

New InventionsAlexander Graham Bell

believed you could talk verbally through the telegraph

invented telephone, revolutionized personal communication & business

Bell & others started telephone co. “Bell Telephone Co.” (AT&T)

Thomas Edison

Invented Phonograph (record Player)

“Perfected” the lightbulb, electric generator

Who invented it than??

Sir Humphrey Davy

Motion Picture

Edison also Invented:

Batteries and motion pictures

Edison Electric Illuminating Co. (General Electric or GE)

Other “Electric” Inventions.....

Harold Brown made equipment to perform electric executions for $8,000.

August 1890, a convict named William Kemmler became the first person to be executed by electrocution.

Executed for 17 seconds with 1000 volts


Executed again with 2000 volts

Total execution lasted 8 minutes

Westinghouse commented “They could have done better with an axe”


Thaddeus Lowe - Ice Box AKA - Refrigerator

!  Steam&revolution&!  Railroad&fueled&growing&economy:&!  First&big&business&!  Financial&Investment&!  �opening�&of&the&West&!  Aided&in&development&of&other&industries&

Refrigerated Rail CarsGustavis Swift - Refrigerated rail car

Able to transport meat from ranches to markets - meat would stay fresh

potatoes travel an average distance of 741 miles; peaches, 843 miles; cabbage, 970 miles. average journey being 1,084 miles, and apples, which travel 1,162 miles. tomatoes, 1,894 miles; oranges and grapefruit, 2,126 miles; and cantaloupe and melons come 2,434 miles-about as far as from Los Angeles to Cincinnati. But the record-holder among domestic fruits is the grape. This little fellow journeys 2,597 miles to reach our tables!

Typewriter Keyboard

Invented by C.L. Sholes 1878

Created QWERTY Keyboard

Fix jamming problem

Originally keys in alphabetical order (2 rows)

Only typed in capitals

Sholes went to Remington to mass produce


3 5 7 9 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 4 6 8 . A B C D E F G H I J K L M

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - ,Q W E . T Y I U O PZ S D F G H J K L MA X & C V B N ? ; R

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -    A E I . ? Y U O ,B C D F G H J K L MZ X W V T S R Q P N


Review1. What at the 4 things that helped the U.S. industrialize so quickly?

Resources, Work Force, Free Enterprise,& new inventions

2. Between 1890 & 1910, the U.S. population was _______ in size


3. What items did Edison invent?

Motion picture, batteries, phonograph - Not the Light Bulb!!