Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg

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  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    Experiential Marketing is the art of creating an experience

    where the hoped-for result is an emotional connection to a person,

    brand, product or idea. It is a form of advertising based on theprinciple of marketing a product or brand through an experience

    rather than the placement of advertisements.

    Experiential marketing often involves events, contests, interactive

    campaigns to promote, however holistic experiential marketing

    considers the experience delivered to the customer through thepurchase or use of the product or service.

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    Mahindra in India, Mahindra Tractors wantedto launch their Hy Tec brand which was astrong hydraulic tractor aiming to help farmerssaw the field. To show this technology to thefarmers they engaged them through atechnique in which sensors were fixed to thehydraulic and a large LCD monitor was placedfor the farmers, which captured the movement

    of the cultivator on an ECG graph. This activitywas easily understood and remembered by thefarmers and the sales graph was tremendouslyincreased

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    Need of Experiential Marketing:

    Environment becoming more competitive.

    Experiences link consumers directly to the

    brand & one-on-one interaction deepensrelationships with target audiences.

    Provides a portal to the CRM process, building

    brand loyalty.

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    Allows brands to do things that cant be doneon TV, radio, print, or online.

    Attracts new customers

    Encourages trial and conversion.

    Leaves consumers with impressions they willnever forget.

    Appeals to consumer senses...Opportunity tostrike an emotional chord.

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    What is the business purpose?

    Who is the audience (for this effort specifically)?

    What is the desired take-away?

    How does this fit within the marketing mix?

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    Can be Feet on the street

    Fairs/Festivals/Community Events

    Private Events - invitation only Galas/Parties/Productions

    Sales Meetings/Internal Events

    Consumer Intercept

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    To establish the connection in such a way that the consumer responds to a productoffering based on both emotional and rational response levels.

    Nowadays striking displays with powerful visual elements: such as websites, visual media

    such as print ads are made visually appealing; so that they conjure up daydreams of locales

    and reminders of sensations that are enjoyable to the individual.

  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    Supports and works in conjunction with otheraspects of the marketing mix


    Can touch a specific target audience

    Effective in reaching the influencers

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    Engages all five senses

    Most memorable media

    Changes brand perceptions

    Increase sales

    Consumers love it Experiential is the word of mouth media

    An opportunity for personal feedback

    Experiential can convey complex messages Makes consumers receptive to other forms of media

    Enables media stand out


  • 8/23/2019 Ch01 Intro to Exp Mktg


    64%said experientialmarketing was

    effective atmaking brands andproductsmemorable


    want to try outproducts before

    they buy them

    64%who had taken

    part in experientialmarketing toldsomeone else

    about it

    58%say taking part in


    encourages them tobuy a product

    83%agreed experientialmarketing is more

    personal thanother forms of
