Châteauneuf du Faou Google Street View Quest • Northgate High School, Dereham Click to continue

Ch âteauneuf du Faou Google Street View Quest

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Ch âteauneuf du Faou Google Street View Quest. Northgate High School, Dereham. Click t o continue. Scenario: You are a police inspector investigating a gang member called David Leblanc and his daughter Béatrice . You think she may be in danger because of her father’s activities. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Châteauneuf du FaouGoogle Street View Quest

• Northgate High School, DerehamClick

to continue

Page 2: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Scenario:You are a police inspector investigating a gang member called David Leblanc and his daughter Béatrice. You think she may be in danger because of her father’s activities.

You are going to explore the town and talk to the people you meet.

Your teacher will give you a Question booklet and a Map with an Answer grid.The Questions will help you understand what the people are saying to you. Writing down the Answers will help you solve the mystery.

You will also need to look out for:A telephone box.A house for sale with a pot plant on a second floor window.An overgrown garden opposite a wall painting in the style of Paul Gaugin.A suspicious white van.A white Peugeot 205 with something in the boot.

When you find them, mark them on the map your teacher gives you.

Tell your teacher when you have found all the places and interviewed all the people. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

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Page 3: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Google Street View Quest: Châteauneuf-du-Faou

Go to Google maps and zoom in on La Bretagne in North-West France. You are looking for the little town of Châteauneuf-du-Faou in between Brest and Rennes.Zoom in until you can see the streets on the map belowDrag the little Street View man onto the Place de l’Église.

Rue Paul Serusier

Rue de la Mairie

Place du Marché

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Page 4: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Google Street View Mystery Quest – Châteauneuf du Faou

Try to keep within the triangle of yellow streets. Click

to start!

Page 5: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 6: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

L’homme à l’échelle – The man with the ladder Read the conversation you have with the man with the ladder. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. Ça va? Vous n’avez rien vu d’étrange ce matin ?Étrange ? Oui, c’est très étrange. Mon échelle a disparu !Comment ?Oui, je suis allé au bar, prendre un café, bien sûr, je ne bois pas d’alcool quand je travaille, c’est assez dangereux. J’ai vu des amis dans le bar, et j’y suis resté un quart d’heure, pas plus. Et quand je suis retourné au travail, mon échelle n’était plus là !Ça alors ! Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait ?Je suis retourné au café et j’ai tout expliqué à mes amis, mais ils m’ont dit que je ne devais pas boire de bière à dix heures du matin !Mais votre échelle, elle est là maintenant.Oui, c’est étrange. Quand je suis retourné pour la deuxième fois, j’ai trouvé mon échelle.

Click to continue

Page 7: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 8: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Cinq hommes et une femme devant Le Chiquito – Five men and a woman outside Le Chiquito Read the conversation you have with the group. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a d’amusant ?C’est notre ami. Il dit qu’il a perdu son échelle. Je crois qu’il a trop bu.Vous connaissez David Leblanc ?Oui /Non / Pourquoi ? / Qui ? [They all talk at once]David Leblanc ?Je n’ai pas vu David Leblanc depuis deux ou trois semaines.

Mais j’ai vu Béatrice ce matin. Elle a laissé sa voiture ici au coin de la rue.

C’est une Peugeot 205 blanche.Béatrice Leblanc ?Oui, la fille de David. Regardez, voilà sa voiture à trente mètres d’ici.

Page 9: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 10: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

L’homme qui descend d’une voiture blanche au parking – The man getting out of a white car in the carpark. Read the conversation you have with the man with the car. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. Vous connaissez David Leblanc?David Leblanc ? Oui, tout le monde le connait.Où est-ce qu’il habite ?Il habitait rue Garront Doureg. Mais la maison est à vendre depuis deux semaines. Je crois qu’il est parti habiter à Paris.Alors il n’habite pas ici ?Mais, regardez ! Là, dans la ruelle derrière vous. C’est David ! David ! David ! Il s’en va. Je crois qu’il ne veut pas nous parler.

Click to continue

Page 11: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 12: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Le groupe de personnes âgées qui essaient de traverser la rue – The group of old people trying to cross the street. Read the conversation you have with the group of old people. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. Vous allez où comme ça?On va aux magasins du centre-ville.Vous avez vu quelque chose d’étrange ce matin ?Non, on n’a rien vu. A part cette camionnette blanche qui passe tout le temps dans la rue.Vous connaissez David Leblanc ?David Leblanc ? Oui, on l’a vu dans la rue de l’Église. Il mettait quelque chose dans un garage. Il avait l’air pressé et il ne voulait pas parler. Il n’a même pas dit « Bonjour ». C’est étrange! Click

to continue

Page 13: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 14: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

La femme qui entre dans le pressing - The lady who is going into the cleaners. Read the conversation you have with the lady going into the cleaners. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. Bonjour madame.Vite, vite, dans le pressing.Pour quoi?Parce qu’il y a cette camionnette blanche qui passe. Il ne faut pas qu’on nous voit.Mais… je voulais vous demander si vous avez vu David Leblanc ou sa fille Béatrice ?Oui, justement, j’ai vu Béatrice. Elle entrait dans la boulangerie-pâtisserie.Elle a acheté du pain ?Non, je crois qu’elle aussi se cache de la camionnette blanche. Elle portait un sac noir en plastique.Et elle est où maintenant ?Je ne sais pas. Sa voiture est en face de la pâtisserie. C’est une Peugeot 205 blanche.

Click to continue

Page 15: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 16: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Le groupe d’étudiants étrangers - The group of foreign students. Read the conversation you have with the foreign exchange students. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. BonjourBonjour / Salut / Ça va ?Vous êtes d’ici ?Non, nous sommes hollandais. On est là pour un échange scolaire et pour pratiquer notre français.Où est l’Hôtel de Ville ?Je ne sais pas. Je peux vous poser des questions ? Vous avez vu quelque chose d’étrange ce matin ?NonOuiIl y a beaucoup de voitures orange sur le parkingOn a vu une jeune femme avec une échelle dans la rue Garront DouregOui, c’est assez bizarre Click

to continue

Page 17: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 18: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

L’homme qui ferme son garage à clé - The man who is locking up his garage. Read the conversation you have with the man locking up the garage. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Make sure you remember the details in case they turn out to be important later. Bonjour, Monsieur, Bonjour.Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?Mais, vous êtes David Leblanc ?Pourquoi ?Police. Vous venez avec nous.C’est bon, c’est bon. J’allais me rendre à la police. Je ne veux plus travailler pour les criminels.Ah bon?J’allais disparaître. J’ai fait semblant de vendre ma maison. Mais il y a un problème.Quel problème ?Ils me cherchent et me poursuivent dans une camionnette blanche.Ce sont des criminels ?Oui, des gangsters. J’ai laissé un document avec tous leurs informations personnels dans ma maison pour la police.Où exactement?Au troisième étage, sous le lit. C’est un document de cent pages avec toutes les informations utiles pour arrêter les criminels et les poursuivre en justice.

Click to continue

Page 19: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Use the arrows on the screen in Street View to explore the town.When you meet these people, click on the links on this slide to interview them.Use your Question/Answer booklet to help.

Click when you find these people:

A man with a ladderThe group of people outside Le ChiquitosThe lady running into the laundryA man getting out of a white Peugeot in the squareA group of old people trying to cross the roadA group of exchange studentsA man hurriedly locking up a garage door and trying to get away.

When you have found all the places and interviewed all the people, go to the phone box and then click here. You may be able to prevent a dreadful crime from happening.

Click on the link

when you find the people on

Street View

Page 20: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

La cabine téléphonique 1 -The phone box 1. The phone rings and you have the following conversation. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Decide what to do quickly. You may be able to stop a crime being committed. Allô?Écoutez, c’est urgent.Qui est-ce?C’est moi. On s’est déjà parlé au pressing.Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ?C’est Béatrice. Elle a voulu protéger son père. Elle a pris le document qu’il a laissé dans sa maison. Elle a pris une échelle pour entrer dans la maison. Elle a le document dans un sac en plastique. Mais les criminels la cherchent. Ils ont une camionnette blanche.Elle est où maintenant ?Elle est dans sa voiture. Elle va vers la rivière.J’y vais.Quand vous arrivez à la rivière, il y a une autre cabine téléphonique. Appelez moi au 02 22 43 66 11 !

Click to callwhen you find

the other telephone box

Page 21: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

La cabine téléphonique 2 -The phone box 2. The phone rings and you have the following conversation. You can act it out if you want. Then answer the questions. Allô? Vous voyez la camionnette blanche ?Oui, elle est sur le pont.Et la voiture de Béatrice ?Oui, je crois qu’elle va traverser le vieux pont, mais elle va trop vite !Vous êtes arrivés trop tard ?J’espère que non. Je vais voir ce que je peux faire.

Click to complete the


Page 22: Ch âteauneuf  du Faou Google Street  View Quest

Congratulations on completing the Chateauneuf du Faou Street View Quest.

Did you arrive on time?What happened?

Write/Film a report in French on your day in Chateauneuf, what you discovered and what the outcome was.

Use screen shots from Street View as a background to your report.