Ch 25 - The Reproductive Systems and Development

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Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ Link to: 25.1 The scrotum 1. This structure protects and regulates the temperature of the testes A) Dartos muscle B) Cremaster muscle C) D) E) Tunica albuginea Scrotum Tunica vaginalis

Ans: D

Link to: 25.1 The scrotum 2. This structure is the site of sperm production. A) Vas deferens B) Seminiferous tubules C) D) E) Albuginea Epididymis Raphe

Ans: B

Link to: 25.1 The scrotum 3. How many seminiferous tubules are found in the lobules? A) 1-3 B) 50-100 C) D) E) 200-300 500 or more Millions

Ans: A

Page 1

Link to: 25.1 The scrotum 4. These cells may eventually become spermatozoa A) Sertoli cells B) Sustentacular cells C) D) E) Spermatogenic cells Chief cells Speciation cells

Ans: C

Link to: 25.1 The scrotum 5. These cells secrete testosterone. A) Sertoli cells B) Spermatogenic cells C) D) E) Leydig cells Oogonia Chief cells

Ans: C

Link to: 25.1 The scrotum 6. This hormone stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone. A) GnRH B) LH C) D) E) FSH DHT None of the above

Ans: B

Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 7. The straight tubules in the testis lead into the: A) Efferent ducts B) Afferent ducts C) D) E) Rete testis Ductus epididymis Epididymis

Ans: C

Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 8. The function of the epididymis is A) Sperm maturation B) Produce sperm C) D) E) Speratid storage Provide nutrition to sperm Absorption of calcium

Ans: A

Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 9. This is formed by the union of the duct from the seminal vesicle and the ampulla of the vas deferens. A) Urtethra B) Spermatic cord C) D) E) Inguinal canal Ejaculatory duct Prostate

Ans: D

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Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 10. This structure lies posterior to the bladder and anterior to the rectum and secretes an alkaline, fructose-filled fluid. A) Prostate B) Bulbourethral gland C) D) E) Seminal vesicles Spongy urethra Prostatic urethra

Ans: C

Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 11. These are located inferior to the prostate on other side of the membranous urethra within the deep muscles of the perineum. A) Bulbourethral glands B) Seminal vesicles C) D) E) Ejaculatory ducts Urethral ducts Prostate

Ans: A

Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 12. This structure is composed of three cylindrical masses of erectile tissue each surrounded by a fibrous tissue. A) Testes B) Prostate C) D) E) Bladder Penis Urethra

Ans: D

Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 13. What is produced by the ovaries? A) Primary oocytes, insulin and estrogen B) Secondary oocytes, progesterone and cortisol C) D) E) Tertiary oocytes, insulin and estrogen Secondary oocytes, estrogen and progesterone Primary oocytes, estrogen and testosterone

Ans: D

Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 14. This structure attaches the ovaries and the uterus to the pelvic wall. A) Broad ligament B) Mesovarium C) D) E) Ovarian ligament Suspensory ligament Hilum

Ans: A

Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 15. This is the site of fertilization. A) Ureters B) Urethra C) D) E) Uterine tubes Ovaries Vagina

Ans: C

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Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 16. This is the portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina. A) Urethra B) Cervix C) D) E) Uterine tubes Inguinal canal Ovaries

Ans: B

Link to: 25.4 The vagina 17. Anterior to the vagina and urethral openings is the A) Labia majora B) Labia minor C) D) E) Mons pubis Cervical sphincter Labial frenulum

Ans: C

Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 18. __________ hormone, secreted by the __________ , controls the ovarian and uterine cycles. A) FSH, anterior pituitary B) LH, anterior pituitary C) D) E) GnRH, hypothalamus HGH, hypothalamus Estrogens, ovaries

Ans: C

Link to: 25.1 19. This hormone promotes spermatogenesis. A) Relaxin B) Testosterone C) D) E) Inhibin Estrogen Aldosterone

Ans: B

Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 20. This hormone triggers ovulation. A) GnRH B) LH C) D) E) FSH Estrogen Progesterone

Ans: B

Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 21. This is secreted by the corpus luteum after ovulation. A) Progesterone B) Relaxin C) D) E) LH FSH HGH

Ans: A

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Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 22. This is the uterine phase when the thickness of the endometrium doubles. A) Menstrual phase B) Preovulatory phase C) D) E) Proliferative phase Follicular phase Postovulatory phase

Ans: C

Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 23. This is the ovarian phase between the end of menstruation and beginning of ovulation. A) Menstrual phase B) Preovulatory phase C) D) E) Proliferative phase Follicular phase Postovulatory phase

Ans: B

Use the following to answer questions 24-26:

Reference: Ref 25-1 Link to: 25.1 24. What does line A point to? A) Lymphatic vessels B) Pampiniform plexus C) D) E) Internal spermatic fascia Spermatic cord Fundiform ligament

Ans: D

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Reference: Ref 25-1 Link to: 25.1 25. Which structure has a portion removed in a vasectomy? A) A B) D C) D) E) E G I

Ans: B

Reference: Ref 25-1 Link to: 25.1 26. What does line G point to? A) Dartos muscle B) Cremaster muscle C) D) E) Fascia Tunica albuginea Tunica vaginalis

Ans: E

Use the following to answer questions 27-29:

Reference: Ref 25-2 Link to: 25.1 27. What is line C pointing to? A) Efferent duct B) Body of epididymis C) D) E) Straight tubule Seminiferous tubule Lobule

Ans: B

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Reference: Ref 25-2 Link to: 25.1 28. Where are the straight tubules? A) A B) B C) D) E) C D E

Ans: E

Reference: Ref 25-2 Link to: 25.1 29. What is line F pointing to? A) Ductus epididymis B) Rete testis C) D) E) Efferent duct Afferent duct Seminiferous tubules

Ans: E

Use the following to answer questions 30-33:

Reference: Ref 25-3 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 30. Which structure is part of the connection of the uterus to the pelvic cavity? A) B B) C C) D) E) E G H

Ans: C

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Reference: Ref 25-3 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 31. What is line C pointing to? A) Bladder B) Fimbriae C) D) E) Ovary Uterus Perineum

Ans: C

Reference: Ref 25-3 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 32. This is the site for implantation of a fertilized ovum. A) A B) B C) D) E) C D F

Ans: D

Reference: Ref 25-3 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 33. This opens from the uterus to the vagina. A) E B) F C) D) E) G H None of the above

Ans: B

Use the following to answer questions 34-38:

Reference: Ref 25-4 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 34. This consists of primary oocyte that is surrounded by several layers of cuboidal granulosa cells. A) A B) B C) D) E) C F H

Ans: B

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Reference: Ref 25-4 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 35. Where is the mature (graafian) follicle? A) A B) B C) D) E) C F H

Ans: D

Reference: Ref 25-4 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 36. Where is the corpus albicans? A) F B) G C) D) E) H I None of the above

Ans: E

Reference: Ref 25-4 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 37. This structure will produce progesterone, estrogens, relaxin and inhibin. A) D B) E C) D) E) G I None of the above

Ans: D

Reference: Ref 25-4 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 38. What is line D pointing to? A) Follicular fluid B) Germinal epithelium C) D) E) Ovarian cortex Ovarian medulla None of the above

Ans: B

Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 39. Fertilization normally occurs within which structure? A) Ovary B) Fallopian tube C) D) E) Ovarian ligament Body of uterus Vagina

Ans: B

Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 40. This is a series of functional changes that sperm go through when they are in the female reproductive tract. A) Acrosomal reaction B) Maturation C) D) E) Fertilization Capacitation Polyspermy

Ans: D

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Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 41. The fusion of the male pronucleus and the female pronucleus results in which developmental stage? A) Female pronucleus B) Male pronucleus C) D) E) Zygote Blastomeres Morula

Ans: C

Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 42. This is the part of the blastocyst that promotes implantation and produces hCG. A) Blastocyte B) Blastosphere C) D) E) Trophoblast Blastocyst cavity Uterine cavity

Ans: C

Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 43. This is the portion of the endometrium that lies between the embryo and the stratum basalis. A) Decidua basalis B) Decidua capsularis C) D) E) Decidua parietalis Lamina propria Adventitia

Ans: A

Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 44. This develops from the epiblast and carries a protective fluid. A) Cytotrophoblast B) Yolk sac C) D) E) Exocoelomic membrane Amnion Lacunae

Ans: D

Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 45. This will become the primary structure for exchange of material between the mother and the fetus. A) Chorionic villi of the placenta B) Amnion C) D) E) Amnionic fluid Embryonic disc Endoderm

Ans: A

Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 46. This is the connection between the placenta and the embryo. A) Amnion B) Chorion C) D) E) Umbilical cord Placenta Capillary beds

Ans: C

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Link to: 25.8 During pregnancy 47. During pregnancy stroke volume can increase by A) 10% B) 20% C) D) E) 30% 40% 50%

Ans: C

Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 48. This is the time from the onset of labor to the complete dilation of the cervix. A) Stage of dilation B) Stage of expulsion C) D) E) Placental stage Gestation Effacement

Ans: A

Link to: 25.9 Labor 49. Involution is A) when the placenta is expelled B) when the umbilical cord is cut C) D) E) when the uterus decreases in size when the cervix dilates None of the above

Ans: C

Link to: 25.10 50. This is a principle hormone that releases milk into the mammary ducts. A) Prolactin B) PIH C) D) E) PRH Oxytocin GnRH

Ans: D

Use the following to answer questions 51-53:

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Reference: Ref 25-5 Link to: 25.3 After a secondary oocyte 51. Which one represents the morula stage? A) A B) B C) D) E) C D E

Ans: C

Reference: Ref 25-5 Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 52. Which one represents the blastocyst stage? A) A B) B C) D) C D

Ans: D

Reference: Ref 25-5 Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 53. What does diagram A represent? A) Cleavage of embryo B) Cleavage of zygote C) D) E) Cleavage of morula Cleavage of blastocyst Cleavage of fetus

Ans: B

Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 54. What is line A pointing to?

A) B) C) D) E)

Endometrial gland Trophoblast Embryoblast Blastocyst Dermatome

Ans: B

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Use the following to answer questions 55-56:

Reference: Ref 25-6 Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 55. What stage happens 3-4 days after fertilization? A) A B) B C) D) E) C D E

Ans: C

Reference: Ref 25-6 Link to: 25.6 The zygote divides 56. What stage happens 6 days after fertilization? A) A B) B C) D) E) C D E

Ans: E

Use the following to answer questions 57-61:

Page 25

Reference: Ref 25-7 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 57. This was formerly called the blastocyst cavity. A) C B) D C) D) E) E F G

Ans: D

Reference: Ref 25-7 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 58. This is composed of the syncytiotrophoblast and the cytotrophoblast. A) A B) B C) D) E) C D E

Ans: C

Reference: Ref 25-7 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 59. Where is the amniotic cavity? A) E B) D C) D) E) C B A

Ans: A

Reference: Ref 25-7 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 60. Where is the yolk sac? A) A B) B C) D) E) E F G

Ans: D

Reference: Ref 25-7 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 61. What is line G pointing to? A) chorion B) chorionic villi C) D) E) sinusoid extraembryonic mesoderm None of the above

Ans: E

Use the following to answer questions 62-64:

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Reference: Ref 25-8 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 62. What is line G pointing to? A) chorionic villi B) amnion C) D) E) umbilical vein umbilical artery amnionic capillary bed

Ans: A

Reference: Ref 25-8 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 63. Where are the fetal blood vessels? A) C B) D C) D) E) E F G

Ans: C

Reference: Ref 25-8 Link to: 25.7 During the embryonic period 64. What is line F pointing to? A) umbilical arteries B) umbilical vein C) D) E) fetal blood vessels maternal endometrial arteriole chorionic villi

Ans: D

Link to: 25.9 Labor 65. Uterine contractions during labor are stimulated by a positive feedback loop involving a pituitary hormone called A) vasopressin. B) oxytocin. C) D) E) prolactin. relaxin. estrogen.

Ans: B

Link to: 25.2 Sperm travel 66. Trace the path of a sperm cell from the site of its maturation to the site where it leaves the male body. Include descriptions of fluids added along that path. Ans: Sperm mature in the epididymis. From there, they travel through the ductus (Vas) deferens through the abdominal cavity to the ampulla of the ductus deferens which merges with the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct. Sperm and the alkaline, fructose-rich fluid from the seminal vesicle move from the ejaculatory duct into the prostatic urethra, where they are mixed with a slightly acidic mucoid fluid from the prostate. Next the sperm and fluid pass through the membranous urethra and are mixed with additional alkaline secretions from the bulbourethral glands. The combination of sperm and secretions is called semen. The mixture travels through the penile urethra as it is ejaculated. Link to: 25.1 67. Describe the functions of testosterone. Ans: Testosterone promotes the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics, protein anabolism, development of sexual function (behavior, libido, spermatogenesis), and the male pattern of development during prenatal life. Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 68. Describe the roles of estrogens and progesterone. Ans: Estrogens stimulate the growth, development and maintenance of the female reproductive structures. They stimulate the development of female secondary sex traits including the development of breasts and the pattern deposition of subcutaneous body fat. Estrogens cause the build up of the endometrial lining that prepares the uterus for implantation of the embryo. Estrogens also stimulate protein synthesis. Progesterone works with estrogens to prepare the endometrium for implantation and to prepare the breasts for milk production. Progesterone is critical to maintaining the endometrium throughout a pregnancy.

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Link to: 25.5 The female reproductive 69. Describe the positive feedback loop involved in ovulation. Ans: FSH and LH promote follicular development, thus increasing estrogen production. High levels of estrogen during the late preovulatory phase stimulate release of GnRH from the hypothalamus. GnRH promotes release of more FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary. Peak levels of LH trigger ovulation Link to: 25.9 Labor 70. Describe the stages of labor. Ans: 1. The stage of dilation is the time from the onset of labor to the complete dilation of the cervix. 2. The stage of expulsion is the time from complete cervical dilation to delivery. 3. The placental stage is the time after delivery of the offspring until the placenta is expelled.