Ch. 24 The World Between Wars Standard 7. POST-WAR STRUGGLES Large scale disagreement continued over the terms of the Treaty of Versailles Germany

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ECONOMIC STRUGGLE 1929 Stock Market Crash launches the Great Depression Blamed on overproduction, over extension of credit Trade, reparations link world economies together, resulting in spread of depression

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Ch. 24 The World Between Wars Standard 7 POST-WAR STRUGGLES Large scale disagreement continued over the terms of the Treaty of Versailles Germany angered by War Guilt Clause & Political/Military limitations US refused to ratify due to harsh terms The Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) outlawed war & encouraged the powerful nations to disarm but had no power to stop war The League of Nations was weak because they had no real power to intervene in conflicts ECONOMIC STRUGGLE 1929 Stock Market Crash launches the Great Depression Blamed on overproduction, over extension of credit Trade, reparations link world economies together, resulting in spread of depression NEW LEADERSHIP People began to turn to strong leaders in the hopes of solving the problems of political & economic turmoil Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) elected US President in New Deal jobs and relief programs to help the economic crisis Social Security, FDIC, CCC Didnt end the Depression but helped people cope with economic troubles THE SOVIET UNION Joseph Stalin took power in the Soviet Union after the death of V.I. Lenin. Stalin implemented what he called five-year plans Collectivized farms & Centralized factories Resulted in food shortages, lower production Political purged sent opponents to prison labor camps in Siberia STALINS SOVIET UNION Stalin undertook to build a large group of communist nations called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Atheism (the belief that there is no god) became the state policy. Other religions were intimidated into fleeing RISE OF FASCISM Some countries turned to fascism Rights and needs of the individual are put behind those of the state In Italy, Benito Mussolini gathered his followers into combat squads called Black Shirts Attacked government officials but gained public support Threatened to march on Rome and launch revolt 1922 King Victor Emmanuel III appointed Mussolini Prime Minister to avoid rebellion ITALIAN FASCISM Mussolini brought the economy under state control & helped improve government services Propaganda urged people to defer their goals to the states goals HITLER & NAZI GERMANY Germanys Weimar Republic was weak and ineffective Many political parties competed for control Poor economic conditions were made worse by reparations payments With the start of the depression, inflation skyrocketed ($1 = 1.3 T RM) The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) argued that Germany had been stabbed in the back by its weak leaders Formed groups of SA troops to fight communists and others in the streets HITLER & NAZI GERMANY Charismatic speaker Adolf Hitler led the party 1923 Beer Hall Putsch failed in attempt to overthrow government Hitler served a year in prison, wrote Mein Kampf, setting out goals of the Nazi party Based on racism, fierce nationalism & anti-Semitism HITLER & NAZI GERMANY After close elections, Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933 President Hindenburgs death and the Reichstag fire allow Hitler to combine the powers of government into a single office: Furher Hitler controlled opposition though SS troops & secret police (the Gestapo). Hitler & Nazi Germany He undertook a systematic plan to rebuild Germany through public works Built the autobahn super highway system through Germany Built a new capital at Berlin Planned expansion into neighboring countries for lebensraum (living space) Also planned a wholesale elimination of Jews, Communists, handicapped, and other minorities that spoiled the Aryan race