Ch 23-5 Quiz Five “Great” Powers Principles guiding the convention Metternich wants to go Balance of power A new map of Europe Congress System Kings restored to power Accomplishments of the congress (creation of Germanic Confederation, etc.) 19 th Century Political Spectrum (Conservative or Liberal) How the Congress of Vienna tried to create peace and stability in Europe Stuff to Review: 23-5 TCN, section 23-5 in book, Europe After the Congress of Vienna map and questions, Congress of Vienna visual organizer, and 19 th Century Political Spectrum worksheet

Ch 23-5 Quiz

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Ch 23-5 Quiz. Five “Great” Powers Principles guiding the convention Metternich wants to go Balance of power A new map of Europe Congress System Kings restored to power Accomplishments of the congress (creation of Germanic Confederation, etc.) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ch 23-5 Quiz

Ch 23-5 Quiz Five “Great” Powers Principles guiding the convention

Metternich wants to go Balance of power A new map of Europe Congress System Kings restored to power

Accomplishments of the congress (creation of Germanic Confederation, etc.)

19th Century Political Spectrum (Conservative or Liberal) How the Congress of Vienna tried to create peace and stability in

Europe Stuff to Review: 23-5 TCN, section 23-5 in book, Europe After the

Congress of Vienna map and questions, Congress of Vienna visual organizer, and 19th Century Political Spectrum worksheet

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23-4: Nationalism

Case Study: Italy

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Review? Nationalists: people who believe that

people of a single “nationality” should unite under a single government

Goal of Nationalists? Create a NATION-STATE Bonds that create a nation-state? Nationality,

Language, Culture, Religion, History, and Territory

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MAIN IDEAThe force of nationalism contributed to the formation of two new nations (Germany and Italy) and a new political order in Europe.

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Case Study: ITALYItalian Unification / Risorgimento

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Italy up to 1815 Italian Peninsula had not been unified since the fall

of the Roman Empire. In 1815: Austria rules Italian provinces of Venetia and

Lombardy in North Spain rules Kingdom of Two Sicilies

Most spoke the same language, but the peninsula divided into competing states (each with its own government)

Napoleon had invaded Italy United many states under one government Unification did not last Congress of Vienna split these states back up

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Desire for Unification

Groups in several Italian states began to push the idea of a unified Italian state

Italian unification seen as being against Austrian Empire Most powerful force against unification Metternich stated that the word Italy was “purely

a geographic expression” Pope opposd to Italian unification Differences on what Italy would be:

confederation under pope? Republic? Kingdom?

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The Movement for Unity Begins

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Italian Nationalist Leaders

Count Cavour (The “Head”) Giuseppi Garibaldi (The “Sword”) Giuseppi Mazzini (The “Heart”) King Victor Emmanuel II

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Giuseppi Mazzini(1805 – 1872)

The “Heart” 1832: forms Young Italy

Nationalist group Fight for unification of

Italian states through popular uprising

Attracts people to the cause of Italian unification

Works for a democratic republic

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Giuseppi Garibaldi(1807-1882)

The “Sword” Met Mazzini in 1833 Joined Young Italy Failed insurrection,

flees to Brazil in 1834 Participates in Brazilian

movement for independence

Back to Italy in 1849, flees to US and then UK

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Count Camillo di Cavour

(1810-1861) The “Mind” Wealthy aristocrat Journalist for Il

Risorgimento Favors an expanded

Piedmont Became Prime

Minister of Piedmont on 4 November 1852

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Victor Emmanuel II

(1820-1878) Became king of

Sardinia-Piedmont in 1849

Gave Camillo di Cavour the title of Prime Minister

Became symbol of the Italian Risorgimento

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Steps to Italian Unification

#1: Mazzini develops his Italian unification ideology; failed attempts at revolting (1830s, 1840s)

#2: Cavour & Napoleon III Meet at Plombières, 1858#3: Austro-Sardinian War, 1859#4: Austro-Prussian War, 1866#5: Garibaldi & His “Red Shirts” Unite with Cavour#6: French Troops Leave Rome, 1870

Italy is unified!

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Pact of Plombières

Summer of 1858 Cavour and Napoleon

III sign secret agreement

What is in the agreement? Joint war against

Austria Piedmont gain

Austrian territories in Italy (Lombardy and Venetia), as well as Duchies of Parma and Modena

France gets Savoy and Nice

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Austro-Sardinian War of 1859

War started by Austrians after Piedmontese begin mobilizing an army Ultimatum to Piedmont:

Demobilize army of Austria will fight

Piedmont won’t demobilize, Austria declares WAR

France intervenes on Piedmont’s side

Short war, significant battles Battle of Magenta Battle of Solferino

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Results of War of 1859

Austrians pushed out of Lombardy; forces march into Venetia

Italian patriots in Tuscany, Modena, and Parma overthrew Austrian rulers and asked to be annexed to kingdom of Sardinia Napoleon III signs armistice with Austria

Armistice agreement: Sardinia receives Lombardy Austria keeps Venetia, returns to power in Tuscany,

Modena, and Parma Napoleon III gets Nice and Savoy (even though he had

only partially delivered on deal)

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Plebiscites held in Parma, Modena, and

Tuscany vote the Austrian empire to join the Sardinian


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By 1860, four states remain:

1) Sardinia-Piedmont, (2) Venetia, (3) Papal States, and (4) Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

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Austro-Prussian War, 1866

Italy supports Prussia Austria is defeated,

Italy gets Venetia

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Garibaldi and the “Red Shirts” Unite

with Cavour Garibaldi invades

Sicily and takes control of island

Garibaldi moves to mainland Takes Naples (capital

of Two Sicilies) Calls for help from

Sardinia-Piedmont Combined army

defeats army of Two Sicilies

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French Troops Leave Rome, 1870 French troops stationed in Rome to support the pope Garibaldi demands that Italian state attack Rome; Italy

refuses Garibaldi + 2,000 volunteers move on Rome; stopped by

Italian troops Agreement – French troops will leave by 1866…but they

return Outbreak of Franco-Prusian War

French troops leave Italy takes Rome after French defeat Pope withdraws Rome becomes capital of Italy

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A Unified Peninsula!

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