CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

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Page 1: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:
Page 2: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

CFO Symposium


11 Feb 2015

The Australian

Economy in 2015

Julie Toth

Chief Economist

Page 3: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

Australia’s economy now

“The Australian economy urgently

requires rebalancing”

(Ai Group, March 2014)

OECD Economic Survey of Australia:

Rebalancing to Sustain Growth

(Dec 2014):

“With the end of the mining boom,

Australia must look toward

non-resources sectors

for future growth”

Page 4: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

Latest GDP growth is 2.7% p.a., which is below par.

Growth is strongest in mining & housing industries Growth in real GDP and major industry sectors, to Sep 2014, % p.a.

Source: ABS National Accounts

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Industry detail: our 4 biggest industries are growing

bigger, but many others are struggling Real value added output: industry size ($bn) growth rates

Source: ABS National Accounts

Page 6: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

Investment is the key: mining investment is past peak,

non-mining business investment is relatively weak

Source: ABS, CAPEX

Private sector capital expenditure (CAPEX), by major industry group

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Investment mix is shifting: less $ for engineering,

machinery & Gov.. More on housing, buildings & IP

Source: ABS, National Accounts

National investment, by major category (real volume measures)

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Housing construction is becoming a growth driver again.

Manufacturing & business services are in doldrums

Source: Ai Group Australian PMI, PSI and PCI, to January 2015

Ai Group performance indexes: manufacturing, services, construction

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Why? poor confidence is holding back consumer

spending and business investment, despite cheap credit

Source: NAB and ANZ-Roy Morgan

Consumer and business confidence indexes

Page 10: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

Lower Australian dollar helps, but manufacturing faces

many other local & global challenges (e.g. auto closures)

Sources: RBA and Ai Group

AUD Trade Weighted Index and the Australian PMI®

Lower Aust dollar (TWI below 70) tends to coincide with a more positive manufacturing sector (PMI above 50 points)

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A big growth gap is still apparent between the mining

states (WA, Qld, NT) and the non-mining states

Source: ABS, State Accounts 2012-13, Nov 2013.

Annual growth in real Gross State Product (GSP), % p.a.

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National employment growth has been subdued since

2011 and the unemployment rate is at a 12-year high Australian employment, labour force and unemployment rate (trend)

Source: ABS, Labour Force Australia, to October 2014.

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In addition to unemployment, many people have

dropped out of the labour market altogether Australian labour force participation, males and females (trend)

Source: ABS, Labour Force Australia, to October 2014.

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Where are the new jobs? The biggest employers are

health, retail, construction, professional services Australian employment numbers in major industries

Source: ABS, Labour Force Australia, to October 2014.

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The global challenge: “Australia has become a more

expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators: Australia’s rankings, 2007 to 2014*

* WEF global competitiveness scores and rankings are constructed from 12 sets of indicators, 4 of which are shown here. Source: WEF Global Competitiveness Report, 2013-14.

Year Overall competitiveness

Flexibility of wages

Burden of Gov. regs

Technological readiness

Business Innovation

2007-08 19 87 68 17 22

2008-09 18 90 66 19 20

2009-10 15 75 85 20 20

2010-11 16 110 60 23 21

2011-12 20 116 75 22 22

2012-13 20 123 96 19 23

2013-14 21 135 128 12 22

2014-15 22 132 124 19 25

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Labour market efficiency measures, Australia’s global ranking

Source: Ai Group, WEF Global Competitiveness Report, 2007-08 to 2014-15.

Relatively higher labour costs and poor labour

flexibility are eroding our competitiveness

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Government related performance measures, Australia’s global ranking

Source: Ai Group, WEF Global Competitiveness Report, 2007-08 to 2014-15.

Government regulatory costs have also risen in

Australia, relative to global competitors

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National minimum wage, purchasing power parity (PPP) basis

Source: OECD, Stat database, March 2013.

Not just a matter of the dollar or perception: relatively

high labour costs in Australia, in PPP terms

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Average hourly labour costs in manufacturing, US$, 2012

Source: Conference Board international labor statistics database.

… and relatively high labour costs for Australian

manufacturing …

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National multi-factor productivity growth, annual averages

Source: Productivity Commission calculations derived from the Conference Board Total Economy Database, PC 2014.

… that is not matched by stronger productivity growth

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Australia’s economic outlook

RBA Governor Glenn Stevens (Feb 2015):

“Growth will probably remain a little below

trend for somewhat longer, and the rate of

unemployment peak a little higher,

than earlier expected. The economy is

likely to be operating with a degree of

spare capacity for some time yet.

…The Australian dollar has declined

… [but] it remains above most

estimates of its fundamental

value, ... A lower exchange rate

is likely to be needed to

achieve balanced growth”

Page 22: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

Where to from here? Australian growth likely to stay

slow; unemployment to drift higher (‘lagging indicator’) Government forecasts for the Australian economy

Sources: ABS various data; RBA Statement on Monetary Policy; and Australian Treasury, Mid-Year Economic and Financial Outlook.

RBA (Feb 2014) 2013-14 (actual) 2014-15f 2015-16f

GDP growth, % p.a. 2.7 2 - 3 2.75 - 3.75

CPI rate, % p.a. 3.1 1.5 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.5

Treasury (Dec 2014)

GDP growth, % p.a. 2.7 2.5 3.0

Household consumption, % p.a. 2.7 2.5 3.0

Dwelling investment, % p.a. 7.5 8.0 5.5

Business investment, % p.a. -9.1 -4.5 -3.0

Employment growth, % p.a. 0.8 1.0 1.75

Unemployment rate, % 6.0 6.5 6.5

Terms of trade, % change p.a. -7.2 -13.5 -3.75

Inflation (CPI), % p.a. 3.1 2.5 2.5

Wages (WPI), % p.a. 2.6 2.5 3.0

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CAPEX intentions indicate further decline in mining &

manufacturing spending, small recovery in other sectors

Source: ABS, CAPEX

CAPEX intentions, by type and major industry (as of Dec 2014*)

By type of asset 2013-14 (actual), $mn 2014-15, $mn 2014-15, % p.a.

Buildings & structures




Equipment, plant & machinery




By industry









Other selected Industries




Total new capital expenditure




* CAPEX estimate 4, Dec 2014, nominal dollars.

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Building approvals suggest steady housing construction,

but non-residential construction work will decline

Source: ABS, Building approvals

National building approvals, residential and non-residential (by value)

Page 25: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

What do CEOs and CFOs expect in 2015? Better than

2014, but less optimistic than at the same time last year Change in general business conditions, % of respondents, 2013 to 2015*

* Percentage of businesses who nominated each type of growth impediments in their top 3 ranking. Source: Ai Group, CEO Survey: Business Prospects. 2015

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What do CEOs and CFOs expect in 2015? conditions

poor; jobs outside services down; but sales & CAPEX up

* Percentage of businesses who nominated each type of growth impediments in their top 3 ranking. Source: Ai Group, CEO Survey: Business Prospects. 2015

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What bothers CEOs and CFOs in 2015? Biggest

concerns are customer demand and labour costs Expected impediments to business growth, % of respondents, 2013 to 2015*

* Percentage of businesses who nominated each type of growth impediments in their top 3 ranking. Source: Ai Group, CEO Survey: Business Prospects. 2015

Page 28: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

CEO and CFO priorities in 2015? Business strategies in

manufacturing focus on new products and new markets CEO growth strategies in manufacturing

* Percentage of businesses who nominated each type of growth strategy in their top 3 ranking. Source: Ai Group, CEO Survey: Business Prospects. 2015

Page 29: CFO Symposium Adelaide 11 Feb 2015€¦ · The global challenge: “Australia has become a more expensive country in which to do business” WEF Global Competitiveness Indicators:

Government priorities for generating growth?

“The Australian economy urgently requires rebalancing”

Source: Ai Group, 2015.

Ai Group identifies six policy areas as the most urgent

economic priorities for our Governments in 2015:

1. Tax and Federation reform;

2. Skills and education resources: especially for ‘STEM’ skills;

3. Workplace relations & workforce participation;

4. Innovation (collaboration, R&D) and infrastructure;

5. Energy and climate policy;

6. Trade policy.

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