CFA E3 E4 Question Bank

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  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank



    1. PRSA is a step planned in the direction o i!pro"in# PCO B$siness. %Tr$e&

    '. PRSA stands or PCO Relationship Ser"in# A#enc(.


    TCP stands or Trans!ission Control Protocol.

    4. U)P stands or User )ata#ra! Protocol.

    *. +C,P stands or +nternet Control ,essa#e Protocol.

    . +,P stands or +nternet ro$p ,ana#e!ent Protocol.

    /. +P address "ersion 4 is 3' 0its lon#.

    . '**.2.2.2 is the dea$lt s$0net !as o Class Aaddress.


    '**.'**.2.2 is the dea$lt s$0net !as o Class BAddress.

    12.'**.'**.'**.2 is the dea$lt s$0net !as o Class CAddress.

    11.The address si5e o +P6 is 1' 0its or 1 octets.

    1'.7hat is the class o each o the ollo8in# addresses9

    a: 12211121 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class B

    0: 11211121 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class C

    c: 21111211 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class A

    d: 11121211 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class )

    e: 11112121 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class E

    13. Find the class o each addresses.

    a. 4.'3.14*.2 ; Class A

    0. ''/.34././ ; Class )

    c. '4./.3. ; Class E

    d. '...4 ; Class A

    e. 1./..'3 ; Class C

    14.+n ro$tin# 8hat does the ter! S

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    The ter! Shortest !ean the co!0ination o !an( actors incl$din# shortest= cheapest =

    astest !ost relia0le and so on.

    1*.7hat are the ields present in +P address9

    >etid and etid ; portion o the ip address that identiies the net8or.

    et8or +nterace a(er

    e: All the a0o"e

    Correct ans8er is e: all the a0o"e.


    The core protocols o the Transport a(er are TCP and U)P.

    1. TCP pro"ides a one to one= connection oriented and relia0le co!!$nication ser"ice.

    1.U)P pro"ides a one to !an(= connectionless and $nrelia0le co!!$nication ser"ice.

    '2. The !ost 8idel( $sed application la(er protocols are@-


  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    ''. )>S is $sed to resol"e a host na!e to an +P address.

    '3. Checs$! is a si!ple !athe!atical co!p$tation $sed to "eri( the inte#rit( o the +P


    '4. ,AC stands or ,edia Access Control.

    '*. A TCP connection is esta0lished thro$#h a three8a( handshae.

    '. )o!ain >a!e Ser"ers con"ert a )>S address into an +P address.

    '/. Each ,achine et8or address

    3'. +denti( the ollo8in# +P address 1.*.1.1


  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    0: )irect Broadcast address

    c: i!ited Broadcast address

    d: >et8or address

    Correct ans8er is a:

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    A: Unicast

    B: ,$lticast

    C: Broadcast

    ): a or 0

    A: Unicast address

    3/. An IP address specifies the location of a host or clientin the internet.

    38. An IP address is also known as Protocol address.

    39. The IPV4 address is 32 bits long.

    40. In IPV4 classes A ! and " are #sed to represent host and network addresses

    whereas class $ is #sed for %#lticasting.

    4&. "lass ' is reser(ed for e)peri*entalp#rpose.

    42. All 0s in the host id indicates the network itself.

    43. All &s in the host id indicates the broadcast address.

    44.+hat is an IP address,

    An +P address is a 3' - 0it address that $ni$el( and $ni"ersall( deine the connection o a

    host or a ro$ter to the +nternet.

    The sender !$st no8 the +P address o the destination co!p$ter 0eore sendin# a


    4-.+hat are the categories of IP addresses,

    +P addresses 8ere di"ided into i"e cate#ories as ollo8s.

    Class A

    Class B

    Class C

    Class )

    Class E

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    4. $isc#ss the class field in IP address.

    + the address is #i"en in 0inar( notation= the irst e8 0its can tell $s the class o the


    Class A - 2

    Class B - 12

    Class C - 112

    Class ) - 1112

    Class E ; 1111

    4/. +hat is the class of each of the following addresses,

    a. 12211121 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class B

    0. 11211121 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class C

    c. 21111211 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class A

    d. 11121211 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class )

    e. 11112121 12221111 11111122 11221111 ; Class E

    48. ind the class of each addresses.

    a. 4.'3.14*.2 ; Class A

    0. ''/.34././ ; Class )

    c. '4./.3. ; Class E

    d. '...4 ; Class A

    e. 1./..'3 ; Class C

    49. +hat are the fields present in IP address,

    >etid and etid ; portion o the ip address that identiies the net8or.

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    *2.Identif1 the class and defa#lt s#bnet *ask of the IP address 2&/.-.&0./

    +P address '1/.*.12./

    Belon#s to class C address and

    )ea$lt s$0net !as is '**.'**.'**.2.

    51.Discuss the class field in IP address.

    If the address is given in binary notation, the first few bits can tell us the

    class of the address.

    Class A - 0

    Class B - 10

    Class C - 110

    Class D - 1110

    Class E - 1111

    When the address is given in dotted decimal notation, then look at the firstbyte to determine the class of the address..

    Class A - 0 to 127

    Class B 128 to 191

    Class C 192 to 223

    Class D 224 to 239

    Class E 240 to 255

    52.What is a hostid and netid?

    Netid The o!tion o" the #$ add!ess that identi"ies the net%o!& 'alled the netid(

    )ostid The o!tion o" the #$ add!ess that identi"ies the host o! !o*te! on the net%o!&

    is 'alled the hostid(

    5. What is flow control!

    )o% to &ee a "ast sende! "!o+ s%a+in, a slo% !e'eie! %ith data is 'alled "lo%


    54( What is the ti+e to lie "ield in #$ heade!?

    Ti+e to lie "ield is 'o*nte! *sed to li+it a'&et li"eti+es 'o*nts in se'ond and de"a*lt

    al*e is 255 se'(

    55. What is address resolution!Add!ess !esol*tion is a !o'ess o" o.tainin, the h/si'al add!ess o" a 'o+*te! .ased

    on its #$ add!ess in o!de! to .e a.le to "inall/ a't*all/ t!ans+it the "!a+e o! data,!a+s

    oe! the net%o!& to %hi'h the node .elon,s(

    5". What are the benefits of subnetting a network!

    1( ed*'ed net%o!& t!a""i'

    2( ti+ied net%o!& e!"o!+an'e

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    3( i+li"ied net%o!& +ana,e+ent

    4( a'ilities sannin, la!,e ,eo,!ahi'al distan'e(

    5( All the a.oe

    #orrect answer is 5.

    5$. What are the services %rovided by trans%ort layer %rotocol!

    a( End to End delie!/

    .( Add!essin,

    '( elia.le delie!/

    d( lo% 'ont!ol

    e( 6*ltilein,

    5&. Do '#P,(DP or both com%ute )''!

    TC$ does D$ does not

    5*.+ist the flag used in '#P header!

    TC$ heade! 'ontains si "la,s(

    The/ a!e : AC; $) T *en'in,

    5( Ti+e!s

    =2( :ie so+e ea+les o" ali'ation %he!e D$ is !e"e!!ed oe! TC$(

    1( #n +*lti'astin,

    2( o*te *date !oto'ol in #$

    ". Which of these can be a valid /0# address

    a( 10(10(0(11=.( 192(1=8(2(31='( 23-A2-43-C3-43d. #3-330303

    ".Which of these is reserved for Private 4etworks!

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    a@ 10(0(0(08 .@ 172(1=(0(012 '@ 192(1=8(0(01= d@ all of these

    "5. #lass D6 IP address is reserved for

    a@ 6*lti'astin, .@ ni'astin, '@ Both d@ None

    ==( An #$ add!ess is

    a@ 32 .it .ina!/ add!ess

    .@ i+le+ented in so"t%a!e

    '@ni>*el/ and ,lo.all/ de"ines a host o! a !o*te! in the inte!net

    ==( Ea'h inte!net add!ess 'onsists o" 4 ./tes 32 .its@ de"inin, t%o a!ts na+el/netid and host id(

    =7( #n 'lasses A B and C i" the host id is all 1s the add!ess is 'alled a Di!e'tB!oad'ast Add!ess(

    =8( Di!e't B!oad'ast Add!ess is *sed ./ a !o*te! to send a a'&et to all hosts in anet%o!&(

    =9( #" an #$ add!ess is 'o+osed o" all 0s it +eans This )ost on this Net%o!&(

    70( A host add!ess %hi'h does not &no% its #$ add!ess *ses the #$ add!ess 0(0(0(0as the so*!'e add!ess and 255(255(255(255 as the destination add!ess to send a

    +essa,e to a Bootst!a se!e!(

    71( The #$ add!ess %ith the "i!st ./te e>*al to 127 is *sed "o! oo Ba'& add!ess%hi'h is *sed to test the so"t%a!e on a +a'hine(

    72( Co++*ni'ation on the inte!net 'an .e a'hieed ./ *sin,

    a@ ni'ast Add!ess

    .@ 6*lti'ast Add!ess

    '@ B!oad'ast Add!ess

    d@ A.oe all(

    Co!!e't ans%e! is d@

    73( When a a'&et is sent "!o+ an indiid*al so*!'e to an indiid*al destination ani'ast Co++*ni'ation ta&es la'e(

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    74( When a a'&et is sent "!o+ an indiid*al so*!'e to a ,!o* o" destinations a6*lti'ast Co++*ni'ation ta&es la'e(

    75( #$ is !esonsi.le "o! +oin, a'&et o" data "!o+ node to node( T!*e

    7=( TC$ is !esonsi.le "o!-

    a@ Data Con'*!!en'/

    .@ $a'&et se>*en'in,

    '@ Delie!/ :*a!antee

    d@ E!!o! Cont!ol

    e@ et!ans+ission

    "@ All the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is "@ all the a.oe(

    77(#" the data a'&a,e 'o+es "!o+ the D$ !oto'ol it is 'alled a data,!a+(

    78( TC$ !oides

    a@ Conne'tion o!iented

    .@ elia.le Data delie!/

    '@ D*li'ate data s*!ession

    d@ Con,estion 'ont!ol

    e@ lo% Cont!ol

    "@ All the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is "@ all the a.oe(

    78( D$ !oides

    a@ Conne'tionless


    '@ Best e""o!t se!i'e

    d@ All the a.oe

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    Co!!e't ans%e! is d@

    79( #C6$ sends >*e!/ and e!!o! !eo!tin, +essa,es

    80( #C6$ is a +e'hanis+ *sed ./ hosts and ,ate%a/s to send noti"i'ation o"data,!a+ !o.le+s .a'& to the sende!(

    81(#:6$ is *sed to "a'ilitate the si+*ltaneo*s t!ans+ission o" a +essa,e to a ,!o*o" !e'iients(

    82( Net%o!& inte!"a'e la/e! is also 'alled as the in& la/e! Data in& la/e!(

    83( #$ is de"ined in C 791( T!*e

    84( C*!!ent #$ so"t%a!e e!sion is 4( T!*e

    85(D$ is de"ined in C 7=8( T!*e

    8=( D$ 'ontains the "ields

    a@ o*!'e o!t

    .@ Destination o!t

    '@ en,th

    d@ Che'&s*+

    e@ All the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is e@ all the a.oe(

    87( B!oad.and delo/+ent is 'ate!ed th!o*,h $!oFe't 2(2 o" N#B *sin, ADTe'hnolo,/(

    88( stands "o! *.s'!i.e! e!i'e ele'tion /ste+ $o!tal(

    89( Band%idth on de+and "a'ilit/ ena.les a '*sto+e! %ith 25= ;.s to 1 6.s d*!in,

    the ideo 'on"e!en'in, session( T!*e

    90( BBA stands "o! B!oad Band e+ote A''ess e!e!(

    91( DA6 stands "o! Di,ital *.s'!i.e! ine A''ess 6*ltilee!(

    92( D stands "o! Di,ital *.s'!i.e! oo(

    93( AD stands "o! As/++et!i' Di,ital *.s'!i.e! ine(

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    94(D A''ess 6*ltilee! has an in.*ilt slitte! %hi'h slits oi'e and data(

    95( o! DA6s %ith 480 o!ts and a.oe data is *lin&ed *sin, :i, Ethe!net(

    9=( A B!oad.and e+ote A''ess e!e!

    a@ Te!+inates the '*sto+e! session

    .@ A*thenti'ates

    '@ Allots #$ add!ess

    d@ ;ees t!a'& o" *se! session "o! .illin,

    e@ All the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is e@ all the a.oe

    97( !oides on de+and se!i'e %itho*t +an*al inte!ention( T!*e

    98( The +ai+*+ distan'e .et%een DA6 and AN s%it'h shall not e'eed 10 ;+(

    99( All DA6s %ill .e a,,!e,ated th!o*,h a ast Ethe!net #nte!"a'e e'et 480 $o!tDA6 %hi'h %ill .e a,,!e,ated th!o*,h :i, Ethe!net #nte!"a'e(

    100( 240 $o!t DA6 %ill hae t%o nos o" E inte!"a'e(

    101( The +ain NC o" B!oad.and net%o!& is at Ban,alo!e(

    102( $ stands "o! esilient $a'&et in,(

    103( #n /n'h!ono*s Net%o!& all the 'lo'&s a!e t!a'ea.le to one $C de!ied "!o+ a

    'esi*+ ato+i' 'lo'&(

    104( T6 1 "!a+e 'ontains 9 !o%s and 270 'ol*+ns(

    105( The .it !ate o" T6 1 "!a+e is 155(52 6.s(

    10=( The .est adanta,e o" !in, toolo,/ is st!on, s*!ia.ilit/(

    107( #n 'ase o" 1 G 1 !ote'tion s'he+e

    a@ Ea'h line is !ote'ted ./ one !ote'tion line(

    .@ The sa+e si,nal is t!ans+itted on .oth the lines(

    '@ D*!in, "ail*!e net%o!& ele+ents s%it'h the 'onne'tion oe! to the $!ote'tion line

    at the !e'eiin, end(

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    d@ All the a.oe(

    Co!!e't ans%e! is d@ all the a.oe(

    108( #n 'ase o" 11 $!ote'tion s'he+e the !ote'tion ath 'an onl/ .e *sed i" a

    s%it'h oe! i" a s%it'hoe! ta&es la'e .oth at the t!ans+ittin, and !e'eiin,

    ends( T!*e(

    109( #n 'ase o" 1N !ote'tion s'he+e N 'hannels a!e !ote'ted ./ one !ote'tion

    'hannel( T!*e

    110( NC$ stands "o! *.s'!i.e! Net%o!& Conne'tion $!ote'tion(

    111( T%o t/es o" el" )ealin, !in,s a!e ni di!e'tional and Bi di!e'tional sel" healin,


    112( #n BN onl/ t%o "i.e! !in, +e'hanis+ is *sed(

    113( Dial * +odel o""e!s a seed o" 5= ;.s onl/(

    114( $N stands "o! $assie ti'al Net%o!&(

    115( T stands "o! ti'al ine Te!+inal(

    11=( A $N 'onsists o" the

    a@ ti'al ine Te!+inal T@

    .@ ti'al Net%o!& nit N@

    '@ $assie ti'al litte! $@

    d@ a to '

    Co!!e't ans%e! is d@

    117( A $N is a sin,le sha!ed oti'al "i.!e that *ses ineensie oti'al slitte!s to

    diide the sin,le "i.!e into sea!ate st!ands "eedin, .and%idth to indiid*al


    118( The a!io*s $N standa!ds a!e

    a@ AT6 $N

    .@ Ethe!net $N

    '@ :i, $N

    d@ :i, Ethe!net $N

    e@ All the a.oe

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    Co!!e't ans%e! is e@

    119( #n :$N t!ans+ission oe! oti'al "i.!es !ea'hes the +ai+*+ distan'e o" 20


    120( #n :$N the *st!ea+ and do%nst!ea+ !ates aaila.le "o! a s*.s'!i.e! a!e 1(25

    :.s and 2(5 :.s !ese'tiel/(

    121( :$N stands "o! :i, Caa.le $assie ti'al Net%o!&(

    122( The :$N *ses WD6te'hnolo,/ to i+le+ent the .i-di!e'tional t!ans+ission

    oe! a sin,le "i.!e(

    123( #n :$N the do%nst!ea+ data st!ea+s *se the .!oad'ast +*ltilein,

    te'hnolo,/ at 1490 n+(

    124( #n :$N the *st!ea+ data st!ea+s *se the TD6A te'hnolo,/ at 1310 n+(

    125( The len,th o" an/ do%nst!ea+ :$N "!a+e is "ied to 125 6i'!o se'onds(

    12=( The ti'al ine Te!+inal T@ !esides in the C o'al E'han,e@(

    127(The T s/ste+ %o*ld t/i'all/ .e an Ethe!net %it'h o! +edia 'one!te!


    128( The N !esides at o! nea! the '*sto+e! !e+ises(

    129( 6*lti $oint Cont!ol $!oto'ol 6$C$@ e!"o!+s

    a@ .and%idth assi,n+ent

    .@ .and%idth ollin,

    '@ a*to dis'oe!/

    d@ !an,in,

    e@ All the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is e@ all the a.oe(

    130( #n E$N :ATE and E$T a!e *sed to assi,n and !e>*est .and%idth(

    131( #DN BA !oides "o! 2 Bea!e! 'hannels and 1 Data 'hannel 2BGD@(

    132( o! e""i'ient and "ast si,nalin, all the NT s%it'hes *se CC 7 i,nallin,(

    133( T%o t/es o" ine and T!*n& testin, a!e o*tine Testin, and De+and Testin,(

    134( The !e,iste!s to .e +aintained in E'han,e a!e-

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    a@ $C6 e,iste!

    .@a*lts e'o!d o, Boo&

    '@ AC e,iste!

    d@ *.s'!i.e! e'o!d e,iste!

    e@ Data e!ation

    "@ a!es

    ,@ a*lt/ $CB

    h@ all the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is h@

    135( D stands "o! Di,ital ine nit(

    13=( T: stands "o! ineT!*n& :!o*(

    137( 6T stands "o! e!ation and 6aintenan'e Te!+inal(

    138( Cone!,ent Billin, /ste+ %ill ena.le BN to iss*e a sin,le .ill "o! a '*sto+e!

    ta&in, an/ t/e o" se!i'e "!o+ BN(

    139( E-stalin, so"t%a!e has .een installed at )/de!

    140( E-talin, so"t%a!e %ill ta&e 'a!e o" Co!o!ate '*sto+e!s hain, all #ndia !esen'e(

    141( A"te! CD !oFe't BN %ill not .e o""e!in, an/ *i!e+ents( T!*e

    144( ile 'o+!ession

    a@ 'o+!esses data

    .@ saes ti+e

    '@ saes dis& sa'e

    d@ +a&es do%nloadin, so"t%a!ee+ail "aste!

    e@ all the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is e@

    145( W#NH#$ and W#NA *tilities a!e *sed "o! "ile 'o+!ession(

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    14=( Windo%s date is i+o!tant to !ote't the s/ste+ "!o+ di""e!ent "o!+s o" int!*sion(


    147( Dis& Clean *tilit/ hels "!ee * dis& sa'e on 'o+*te!sI ha!d d!ie(

    148( T$ stands "o! tandalone i,nal T!ans"e! $oint(

    149( T$ stands "o! i,nallin, T!ans"e! $oint(

    150( T$ 'an handle the non 'all !elated +essa,es e""i'ientl/(

    151( N:N %ill .e *!el/ .ased *on $a'&et %it'hin, Net%o!&(

    152( The o"t %it'h in N:N e!"o!+s

    a@ Call 'ont!ol

    .@ si,nalin,

    '@ inte!%o!&in,

    d@ t!a""i' +eas*!e+ent

    e@ !e'o!din,

    "@ all the a.oe

    Co!!e't ans%e! is "@

    153( T!*n& 6edia :ate%a/ e!"o!+s

    a@ Joi'e en'odin, and 'o+!ession

    .@ a'&etisation o" oi'e 'hannels

    '@ a and .

    Co!!e't ans%e! is '@

    154( #n N:N ine a''ess ,ate%a/ !oides the inte!"a'e to a sin,le s*.s'!i.e! line %hi'h

    is a t%o %i!e inte!"a'e(

    155( The .asi' ele+ents o" #$ Ta a!e o"t %it'h i,nallin, :ate%a/ and T!*n& 6edia


    15=( o"t s%it'h !oides add!essin, anal/sis !o*tin, and 'ha!,e "a'ilities( 7'rue8

    15$.'runk 9ateway %erforms

    a: ;oice encoding and com%ression

    b: Packeti

  • 8/10/2019 CFA E3 E4 Question Bank


    c:-cho cancellation

    d: all the above

    0nswer d:

    15&. =#0P> stands for =ault, #onfiguration, 0ccounting, Performance and>ecurity.

    15*. I>D4 su%%orts data transmission at " ?b%s with I>D4 controller card.

    1". 'wo ty%es of accesses in I>D4 are @asic )ate 0ccess and Primary )ate


    1"1. @asic )ate 0ccess su%%orts 2 4os of bearer channels of " ?b%s each for

    s%eech and data.

    1"2. @asic )ate 0ccess de%loys one channel of 1" ?b%s for signaling.

    1". Primary )ate 0ccess su%%orts nos of bearer channels of " kb%s each for

    s%eech and data.

    1". 'he s%eed of signaling channel in Primary )ate 0ccess is " ?b%s.

    1"5. >ancharnet is an internet service. 7'rue8

    1"". 'he access code for accessing the internet in sancharnet scheme is 1$22.

    1"$. =+PP stands for =ied +ine Pre Paid service.

    1"&. 0udio conferencing service is available to eisting @>4+ subscribers only.
