Certification Learning Network February 2, 2011 1

Certification Learning Network February 2, 2011 1

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Page 1: Certification Learning Network February 2, 2011 1

Certification Learning Network

February 2, 2011


Page 2: Certification Learning Network February 2, 2011 1

Agenda1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Goals of the Learning Network

3. National Updates– Supporting Responses to the TAACCT Solicitation for Grant


4. Site Updates

5. Webinar Schedule


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Welcome and Introductions


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Impacting Manufacturing Education Across the Nation

31 States790 Community Colleges9,027,561 Students

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Through deployment of the NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System, The Manufacturing Institute:

Will impact 80% of Community Colleges…

…enrolling 77% of Community College students…

…benefitting 84.1% of manufacturing employment

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Goals of the Learning Network


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Goals of the Learning Network

Accelerate integration of nationally portable, industry-recognized skills credentials into for-credit programs of study, advancing a

21st century career and technical education model for success

Facilitate professional development to support capacity building for states advancing the NAM-Endorsed Skills

Certification System


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Learning Network Design

Webinars and/or conference calls focused on sharing both challenges and promising practices in various areas, such as:

– Industry Engagement;– Faculty Engagement; – Developing Advanced Manufacturing Career Pathways;– Aligning Curriculum with Certifications; – Administrative Issues; – Leveraging Developmental Education; and, – Emphasizing/Integrating STEM skills


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Tools to Accelerate Deployment



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Tools to Accelerate Deployment

“Quick Start” Implementation Guide:– High school to community college– ABE/bridge programs to for-credit– Continuing education to for-credit– Pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship– Community college to four-year institution


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Supporting Responses to the TAACCCT Solicitation for Grant



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Funds are to be used for:

• Expanding and improving eligible institution(s) ability to deliver education and training programs that can be completed in 2 years or less;

• Education for workers who are eligible for training under the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers program;

• Preparing program participants for employment in high-wage, high-skill occupations; and,

• Targeted population: workers who have lost their jobs or are threatened with job loss as a result of foreign trade.


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Proposals will be prioritized that:

• Provide replication of evidenced based strategies;

• Demonstrate commitment to using data to continuously assess the effectiveness of the strategies to ensure ongoing improvement; and,

• Provide accessible online learning strategies (in compliance with SCORM).


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Aligning Manufacturing Education to the NAM-Endorsed Skills

Certification System

• National Data– List of Critical Data “Inputs” to Consider– Overview of National Manufacturing


• Program Design Recommendations– Roadmap for Implementation– Access to Tools and Lessons Learned

• Participant Recruitment – Leveraging the Dream It. Do It. Network


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Site Updates


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2011 Schedule of Webinars

Webinars will be from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Eastern Time

February 16 March 23

April 20 May 18

June 15 July 20

August 17 September 21

October 18 November 16