CEO Report 8-19-15 Board Meeting 8-27-15 LEO Meeting

CEO Report 8-19-15 Board Meeting 8-27-15 LEO Meeting

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CEO Report8-19-15 Board Meeting8-27-15 LEO Meeting

Changed Logo to reflect Oklahoma Works Colors and eliminated WIB. WIOA refers to us as Workforce Development Boards.

Submitted conditional designation request for our four county area.

Submitted required forms for Board Certification Acquired and submitted Board member

nomination forms Action on both will not happen until Governor’s

Council for Workforce and Economic Development meet in November

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Have draft policy out on Youth Services, which includes separate policy for in-school youth and out-of-school youth

Bill has drafted the Priority of Service Policy.

Working on the Demand Occupation List and trying to develop policy to equate training cost with job opportunities.

Updating the Financial Management Policy

WIOA Changes and Updates

Received final determination from OSU-OKC Requested Appeal Hearing Insurance Company assigned legal counsel Shared all documentation with lawyer Met with lawyers on 8-17-15

NEG/Disaster Relief Efforts

The budget figures for new Adult/DLW funds are not firm

Signed sub-award agreements with OSU-OKC, the state’s administrative entity for WIOA

Ability to order cash for the first time this program year occurred this week

Still questions regarding cash advances which is allowed under our funding

Not certain about whether the new system will be better or more cumbersome

Fiscal Challenges

College Ready Academy at OSU-OKC did not make. Working with grantor to modify project and add additional STEM projects

Simulated Internships at Oklahoma City Community College has 19 participants health science, engineering and algebra. Two of our participants are doing a work experience and helping in the classes.

Have 12 students enrolled in post-secondary STEM related training

WIA Incentive Grant

October is disability awareness month and we are hosting two special Smart Work Ethics classes; one for high functioning autistic individuals and one for people with Asperger. Training for the facilitators will occur in August and classes for participants will start in September and end in October with a job fair for the participants.

Sooner Human Resource Society is helping with the Smart Work Ethics efforts and they are sponsoring a free legislative update session with the SHRM Vice-President for Government Affairs on September 15th, 11:00am-1:30pm at no cost with a meal included.

Audit proposals close today on the 19th and we will start evaluation later this week

Work on a proper Board Orientation will start this fall as we should receive policy guidance from the state.

Work projects

As fiscal agent for East Central we are approaching the number of employees for ACA that we will have to provide insurance. We are in the process of establishing them completely separate from us to eliminate that risk.

Certified Production Technician is ready to launch at Moore-Norman. Need to hire multiple instructors and is on our web site. Moore-Norman has the necessary tools for instructor certification and will work on having a flexible training schedule.

All operational policy will need to be reviewed for compliance with WIOA

Need Max to establish methodology to review COWIB by-laws for updates and/or changes with the board being reconstituted

Any questions, please contact me; [email protected] or 622-2031

Work Projects