Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour An Overview

Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour

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Centre for the Advanced Study of

Collective Behaviour

An Overview

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I. What is Collective Behaviour and our mission at CASCB?

The behaviour of collectives can be striking and captivating. But what are the mechanisms

that lead to the seemingly coordinated movements of flocking birds, the division of labour in social

insects, or the emergence of fashions and fads in humans? Capitalising on comprehensive

multidisciplinary expertise, institutional build-up, and a unique infrastructure, the University of

Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (MPIO) joined forces to create the Centre

for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB). The CASCB´s mission is to increase

our understanding of collective phenomena through theoretically informed yet highly quantitative

approaches in a vibrant and globally attractive hotspot for research.

Data-oriented research on collective behaviour requires the study of dynamic, multi-scale

and interdependent feedback processes: individual behaviour influences higher-order collective

properties (through multilayer networks of interaction), which then influence the behaviour of other

individuals, which in turn affects collective properties, and so on.

Simultaneously, it must account for heterogeneity in the actions, traits, and states of

individuals as well as changing conditions in their physical and social environments. By bringing

together expertise in biology, social psychology, behavioural economics, physics, and computer

science, we will develop experimental approaches that will take these complexities into account

in order to create a coherent understanding of collectives. Not only do our synergies provide fresh

inspiration to the study of collective behaviour, they also enrich the contributing disciplines at the

same time. Cutting-edge imaging and tracking technology – including the space-borne ICARUS

system, and a new research building with unique facilities – will enable detailed observation in the

wild as well as controlled experiments in virtual environments. Together, this allows us to address

fundamental questions regarding a wide range of species, from insects to humans, and over

multiple scales, from neural mechanisms via individual perception and preferences to collective

outcomes in groups or entire societies.

Developing an understanding of and, in some cases, governing collective behaviour is

essential for progress in many natural, social, and technological domains. The insights and

paradigms generated by our quantitative studies will have implications that range from the

fundamental through to the practical. Controlling pest insect swarms, curbing disease

transmission, sensing speculative bubbles, incentivising cooperation, and the decentralised

control of robot swarms and drones are but a few examples. The captivating dynamic and visual

nature of collective behaviour will furthermore give us a distinctive opportunity to engage students

and the public in the science behind the complex patterns that interacting individuals create.

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II. Objectives of the CASCB as a Cluster of Excellence

1) To establish a vibrant, interdisciplinary, and world-leading research centre with the com-

mon goal of developing a deep and coherent understanding of the principles that underlie

collective behaviour in a range of organisms, including humans, and across scales of organisation.

2) To create a dynamic and supportive open-house environment, with regular seminars, work-

shops, methodological courses, retreats, and visiting programmes, that fosters effective interdisci-

plinary exchange and exploits the considerable potential for synergies within our centre.

3) To enable multi-scale analysis and modelling of collective behaviour, from sensing and

neural coding of information, to social interactions within and between groups, to population-level


4) To reveal the dynamical feedbacks between social network structure and social trans-

mission, such as the contagion of behaviour/information and/or physiological states (e.g. stress,

emotion), taking into account the processes that give rise to, and result from, inter-individual


5) To reveal the processes that give rise to collective intelligence, and to collective

stupidity. We will seek to understand the conditions under which collective behaviour results in

effective higher- order sensing, information processing, and decision-making, as well as those

where collective decisions can go (sometimes catastrophically) wrong.

6) To develop a deeper understanding of the origins of social complexity, including the role

of innovation, social learning, and the behavioural foundations of ‘culture’ in animal and human


7) To develop new algorithms for data processing, analysis, and visualisation that are able

to process and prioritise huge and heterogeneous data sets under rigid time constraints, thus

enabling massive real-time experiments, e.g. in virtual environments.

8) To create, employ, and make freely available a new generation of quantitative tools for

the study of behaviour that will have an immediate and lasting impact to a wide range of

disciplines including neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry, complex systems, and the

behavioural sciences.

9) To apply concepts of collectives to real-world applications such as developing policy, con-

ducting interventions, minimising the spread of misinformation or negative physiological states

(like stress), and the conservation of group-living species.

10) To use our new space-based animal tracking system ICARUS to obtain unparalleled

data on collectives, their movements, physiology, and the social and physical environment in

the wild; and to employ this global animal collective as an intelligent, networked sensing system

for life on the planet.

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III. Research Programme

a. Research objectives, research approach, positioning within the research area

Collective behaviour produces some of the most captivating patterns found on Earth: Billions

of locusts, extending over hundreds of kilometres, devour vegetation as they move onwards;

schools of fish convulse like some animate fluid while under attack from predators; and our own

societies are characterised by cities, with buildings and streets full of colour and sound, alive with

activity. The characteristic feature of all of these systems is that it is social interactions among the

individual organisms, be they locusts, fish or humans, that give rise to patterns and structure at

higher levels of organisation, from the formation of vast, mobile groups, to the emergence of

societies with division of labour, to social norms, opinions, and price dynamics. In all cases, these

large-scale “higher-order” properties of the collectives feed back to influence individuals behaviour,

which in turn can influence the behaviour of the collective, and so on. Collective behaviour

therefore focuses on the study of individuals in the context of how they influence and are influenced

by others, taking into account the causes and consequences of inter-individual differences, such

as in physiology, motivation, experience, and goals. It especially concerns itself with the individual

and higher-order properties that can emerge as we move beyond dyadic (pairwise) interactions to

consider the complexities that arise in the dynamic networks of communication that characterise

both human and non-human animal systems (that, for simplicity, we henceforth describe as

‘human’ or ‘animal’ systems, respectively).

Social interactions, environmental conditions, and inter-individual differences all impact how

social organisms make decisions regarding almost every aspect of life, including when or where

to move, what to eat, and with whom to associate or mate. Developing a quantitative

understanding of and, in some cases, influencing collective behaviour is essential for progress in

many natural, social, and technological domains. For instance, the swarm-forming locusts

described above contribute to major humanitarian crises and are estimated to impact the

livelihood of one in ten people on the planet [6], yet the ability to predict when and where locusts

will swarm remains elusive. Bird and bat species are known to be reservoirs of emerging

pathogens, yet we often lack basic knowledge regarding where these species migrate. Half of all

fish species, accounting for a quarter of all vertebrates, live in groups for at least part of their lives,

yet we are only just beginning to reveal how sensory information is employed in their coordinated

movements. Humans show many forms of collective behaviour as they create groups for collective

action, use division of labour, enact and enforce social norms, and build institutions. Social

learning among organisms, including humans, has been shown to profoundly impact the spread

of behaviours through social networks and is often considered fundamental to the emergence of

local ‘cultures’ in populations and societies. Yet, while social learning and culture are considered

critical facilitators in our colonisation of almost all terrestrial environments, we still lack

understanding of its influence on key ecological processes in other social animals.

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The broad spectrum of sociality evident in nature, from groups of relatively anonymous

individuals that exhibit flexible membership, to stable societies with complex and individualised

relationships, provides us with great opportunities to explore the processes that shape collective

behaviour. Investigating these systems across taxa and from different disciplinary perspectives

will make it possible to identify the commonalities and differences among collective phenomena.

To do so, however, we must transcend disciplinary approaches and combine theoretical and

empirical perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of general principles of collective


1. Research objectives

We aspire to become the leading institution for research on collective behaviour. In the long

term we will therefore be open to projects addressing research questions from the whole spectrum

of collective behaviours across taxa and environments. To accumulate transferable knowledge,

special emphasis will be placed on the establishment and showcasing of techniques and

methodology. While a number of themes will guide us through the first funding period and beyond,

our research is underpinned by the following fundamental objectives:

• We will seek to isolate principles that extend beyond the specificities of our systems, and to

create a conceptual framework for considering information integration, learning, and

decision-making in animal and human collectives. Such a framework will consist of a body

of methods, tools and algorithms, as well as an interdisciplinary culture in which ambitious

projects will be carried out.

• We aim to lay the foundations of an overarching conceptual understanding of collectives.

Biology and human sciences describe collective behaviour using different terminology, utilising

different methods, and have developed different research cultures. We will employ quantitative

descriptions and precise measurement through new technology to overcome these divisions.

While both the framework and such generalised, quantitative descriptions will not automatically

lead to a new overarching theory of collective behaviour, it will be a big step in this direction.

We will reveal the conditions under which groups achieve robustness and adaptability, the

internal structures that promote effective collective decision-making, and the conditions under

which collectives fail.

• We will harness our understanding of collectives to apply these concepts to real-world ap-

plications. This includes the design of effective interaction structures to achieve collective

intelligence, and (in some cases) to direct and influence collectives, such as by modifying com-

munication structures, incentives, or even institutions. In the case of animals, understanding the

principles of their social organisation will help us to develop policy and interventions that will aid

the conservation of group-living species. In addition, mankind can benefit from collectives by

developing the science and technology required to employ animal collectives as a global sensor

network to assess the changing health of our planet.

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2. Research approach

Collective behaviour is an evocative term. Since the early days of group psychology and

mass phenomena [22, 44, 21] it has been defined [29] and re-defined [5, 3] for humans and other

animals [48]. In the sociological and psychological research traditions, the term has long been

applied to episodic phenomena in which structural strain results in a change of the components

of social action [38], whereas research on animal collective behaviour [8] has focused on

processes of self-organisation whereby group structures, movements and behaviour result from

relatively local social interactions. Research on social contagion focuses on transmission

(spreading) processes [34], while collective intelligence focuses on the pooling of information to

make better decisions [23]. Central to the study of collective behaviour, across systems and scales

of organisation, are social feedbacks: individuals both influence, and are influenced by, one

another. Whereas this can result in interesting properties even among two individuals, new

dynamical relationships and complex feedbacks often arise as group size grows.

In the biological sciences, much progress has been made by considering how simple inter-

actions can give rise to group structure and collective motion. Classic models of mobile groups

(such as herds, flocks and schools) consider individuals as “self-propelled particles” that (inspired

by collective processes in physical systems) interact with near-neighbours through “social forces”,

such as short-range repulsion and a longer-range tendency to be attracted towards and/or to align

direction of travel with near-neighbours [33, 46, 8, 7]. Despite the importance of these models in

establishing this research field, we must move beyond this perspective if we are to progress in our

understanding of collectives. Organisms are not self-propelled particles; they are decision-making

entities, and while spatial relations do inform interactions between individuals, they do so indirectly

through individuals’ detection of sensory cues and signals. Furthermore, although averaging

pairwise interactions makes sense in classical physical systems, it often makes little sense when

considering interactions among animals, since it inevitably results in information being damped

out. Thus, existing models cannot account for selective amplification of stimuli, or the explicitly

directed nature of interactions (individual A may be more strongly influenced by individual B than

vice versa) and thus fail to appropriately describe the corresponding dynamics of social

transmission in real animal groups.

As in animal groups, human societies display collective properties that are beyond the mere

superposition of interactions. Individuals are entangled in multiple kinds of interactions with others,

such as observation, communication, or physical contact. The link between the “micro-level” of

individuals and the “macro-level” of the collective is thus formed by dynamic, multi-layer networks

of interaction, and it is futile to try and address emergent collective behaviours in any natural

system without considering structural causes and effects. Structural characteristics and other

outcomes may be associated with differences not only between but also within individuals due to,

for instance, their membership in multiple social circles or current stress level.

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An integrative approach

We are at a time of unique opportunity to advance the study of collective behaviour. There

are especially prescient opportunities to utilise and develop new technologies that will facilitate the

integration of behavioural, physiological, neural and ecological studies of collective phenomena,

and to do so in a wide range of experimental systems. It is vital, therefore, that we bring together

researchers from diverse disciplines to work closely to address common questions across species

boundaries. In our centre, we will establish collaborations between scholars from biology,

computer science, psychology, economics, physics and sociology. These fields differ in their focal

research questions, in the methods they use, and in their state of knowledge. On the one hand,

experiments with humans tend to be easy to set up because individuals (often) learn quickly and

can easily be exposed to relatively abstract settings (such as tasks presented on computer

screens). On the other hand, research with humans has stronger ethical constraints, such as

privacy issues, that place restrictions on large-scale observational studies. Moreover, other

aspects of human behaviour are much more challenging to investigate, such as natural social

interactions in which gestures, body language, gaze, and vocal communication may all play a role.

Such studies have considerable parallels with the aims of behavioural experiments on animals,

where in many cases we desire similar types of data, and where it is important to approximate

naturalistic environments and to study organisms in their wild habitats. Common technological and

conceptual objectives of such studies in our centre will bring human and animal researchers even

closer together.

While many collective mechanisms have been identified and studied for human collectives

(e.g. conformity; norm compliance and enforcement; and markets as mechanisms for information

aggregation and differentiation), much less is known about animal collectives. For example, we

lack basic knowledge regarding the sensory basis of social interactions in many animal species,

and tracking known individuals in large collectives remains extremely challenging. Nevertheless,

as will be highlighted in our Research Areas, all fields investigating collective behaviour share

common general questions about the nature, causes, and consequences of social feedback

mechanisms across scales of organisation. Our approach will be to study and quantitatively

measure collective behaviour by considering the actions, traits, and states of individuals, the

structures they form and in which they interact, as well as the environmental conditions they are

subjected to and create. By doing so we intend to lay the foundations of an overarching conceptual

understanding and theory of collectives.

From a theoretical perspective, we aim to understand the perceptual, emotional, and

cognitive processes and mechanisms that govern individual behaviour in social and physical

contexts. We will describe these processes and mechanisms on a behavioural, physiological,

and/or neural level. While it is clear that individuals are embedded in manifold physical and social

environments, biology and social sciences have typically focused on individual behaviour against

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a backdrop of social environments. We will investigate behaviour across scales to reveal how

individual behaviours and interactions among individuals translate into, and are influenced by,

collective behaviour, taking into account processes such as information transmission, preference

aggregation, coordination, and cooperation.

Methodologically, studying the interplay between individuals, collectives, and environments

requires fine-grained experimental observations and manipulations (e.g. of different types of social

information and options for social interaction, and/or the positions, perceptions, and states of many

individuals). The design of empirical studies will allow comparison of observed behaviour with

computational models and theoretical benchmarks. In terms of technology, breathtaking advances

in computer vision, global positioning systems, virtual/augmented reality and machine/deep

learning allow us to employ new quantitative approaches in the study of behaviour, and offer

unprecedented access to the data streams required to make major advances in the study of

collectives. We will position ourselves to maximally harness such existing and emerging

technologies. In doing so, we will create a highly dynamic research environment where the depth

of the questions we can address, and thus the knowledge we will obtain, will accelerate alongside

that of technological change throughout the lifetime of the centre, and beyond.

3. Research methodology

Pursuing our centre’s research objectives requires that a number of new, quantitative tools

and methodologies for measurement, analysis and modelling of collective behaviour be

established. This requires innovations in a wide range of computational approaches, including

automated tracking of movements and body postures in both humans and animals; unsupervised

methods to identify behavioural and physiological states; computational reconstruction of the

sensory input; techniques to map sensory input to behavioural output; and new approaches to

data management, visualisation and analysis.

Recent advances in computer vision, largely driven by cost-effective and ubiquitous

massively- parallel computational hardware (such as programmable graphics processing units)

and corre- sponding transformation in the capabilities of deeply structured artificial neural networks

(deep learning), now make it possible to achieve 3D reconstruction of complex structures,

including the bodies of humans [30,24] and animals [18] (Figure 2).

Such technology sets the scene for the precise estimation of body postural/pose changes

of organisms, providing crucial data that is required to quantify behavioural repertoires of

individuals, including within collectives. The means by which such data can be obtained include

stereo cameras, depth-sensing cameras and also marker-based (e.g. [11])) and marker-less [12,

28] motion capture systems (see [26] for a review).

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For many organisms, including insects, fish and birds, such new approaches will provide

vital information about how animals acquire information from their physical and social environment.

These data can be combined with biological information about the eyes of each organism, such

as motion-processing elements, or photoreceptor density and distribution (allowing us to estimate

the acute centre(s) of their visual field; some species of birds have two foveae [49]).

(a) (b)

Figure 1: a) Accurate body posture (pose) from images can be obtained for animals as well as humans

(image modified from [18]); b) The existing Imaging Barn (MPIO) allows us to perform unprecedented

studies on animals and humans.

These approaches will allow us, for the first time, to study the dynamics of highly naturalistic

interactions, such as when animals or people meet, eat, or make decisions together. A further

technology that we will develop is Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), including fully

immersive VR for freely moving animals [41]. This allows individuals to be embedded in a

photorealistic synthetic world in which they can move and interact with virtual organisms, or

inspect, and move around, virtual obstacles, as they do in the real world. To achieve this, we

exploit the anamorphic illusion to create a virtual world in full 3D with depth cues. The above-

mentioned systems and sensors impose tough constraints on run-time and task-based

performance of data analysis. Our experiments on collectives will require real-time analysis to

track individuals in the group and, in turn, fast rendering of reactive digital environments.

Additionally, data must be analysed to detect and predict (exceptional) events that require very

fast actions. To cope with the required low-latency and vast amounts of data, we will devise so-

called “anytime” methods to prioritise and filter these data in dynamic and intelligent ways.

The volume and heterogeneity of our data will be immense. We will develop tools to

integrate the analytic capabilities of computers (e.g. machine learning) with the perceptual and

cognitive capabilities of researchers. By supporting hypothesis development and testing, machine

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learning will be a powerful tool for helping us manage the complex data generated by our research,

and for elucidating causality in relationships.

In humans, we will investigate both natural social networks as well as more controlled set-

ups of groups within the laboratory environment. Our analyses will include the observation of face-

to-face interactions in terms of their underlying processes (such as verbal and non-verbal

communication) and outcomes (such as who knows what, and from whom). These will be com-

plemented by setting up computer-based experiments that allow us to control important aspects

of social interaction (e.g. availability of communication, information conditions, and feedback) and

social learning. In addition to establishing novel laboratory experiments, we will set up an

infrastructure to conduct online experiments with large groups of people simultaneously. Not only

will this allow us to access larger samples, and a larger variety of people, it will also provide the

opportunity to fully control and manipulate all aspects of network structure. We will further leverage

our interdisciplinary expertise in human and animal behaviour to create protocols that are

comparable across species, for instance by establishing game-theoretically equivalent incentives

or identifying transferable physiological treatments.

Our theoretical approaches will be developed alongside and in close synergy with

experimental work. We will employ both numerical (computational) and analytical (mathematical)

modelling approaches to explore the principles that underlie collective behaviour across systems

and scales. This includes behavioural models at the individual level (e.g. psychological process

models as [16], preference models as [31], or [13]; game theoretic models that analyse the

strategic situation; and dynamic models of large collectives of interacting individuals). The complex

reciprocal interactions and resulting feedbacks in collectives give rise to dynamical and complex

networks of interaction, and many collectives exhibit strongly non-linear responses, with properties

like hysteresis and sudden transitions in collective state being important features. It is essential,

therefore, to employ models (and model-fitting) to understand the causes and consequences of

collective behaviour. We will develop theory both to understand specific systems (such models will

be informed by our detailed experimental analyses) and to seek general principles of organisation

among systems that may initially appear to be disparate. For example, the theory of collective

decision-making in mobile animal groups has shown that the same principles operate across vastly

different systems, from fish [7] to wild primates [42], and even human groups [9]. In many cases

we will employ probabilistic models of networks of interacting elements, taking into account how

individuals balance personal information obtained from their own experiences, with social

information obtained from observing the behaviour of others, as well as models that capture the

spatio-temporal dynamics present in many collective systems. We will take into explicit account

the complex networks of communication present in many collectives. We will complement

stochastic dynamical modelling with tools from information theory, statistical physics, and machine

learning to make notions of information flow concrete. Such approaches will greatly improve our

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ability to develop and refine hypotheses, and to seek the principles that transcend system


We often know, or even experimentally manipulate, the incentives of individuals, i.e. their

cost and benefits. In social interactions, these incentives also depend on the behaviour of other

individuals, which creates strategic incentives. This allows us to use game-theoretic approaches

to analyse these situations. Game theory will serve three purposes. First, as the theory for the

analysis of strategic situations, it provides useful benchmarks for empirical analysis, and allows

for testing of behavioural assumptions, for example about individuals’ preferences. Second, it

provides interesting strategic situations that can be implemented in experiments by exposing

individuals to the incentives (costs and rewards) as defined in these games. For example, how

successful individuals are in coordination or dis-coordination games can be examined. Third, it

can be used to investigate the evolution of behaviours, in particular the evolutionary stability of

behaviour [39].

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IV. Structure of the research programme

1. Research areas

Our research areas reflect the overarching research objectives of the centre (see 3.1). We

aim to study the individual in the collective (Area A), and how this behaviour aggregates in the

collective (Area B), using theory-based empirical studies that exploit high-tech computational

methods (Area C).

Area A: Social Influence and Transmission

Social transmission among individuals is essential for the coordination of collective

behaviour across scales of organisation from animal groups [43] to social [17] and economic [36]

systems. In this area we will focus on the individual within the collective, investigating how they

acquire information regarding their social and physical environment; how behaviour, information,

and physiological states can be socially transmitted among individuals; and the impact this has on

social organisation. When considering transmission, we need to consider the mechanism of social

transmission. This can be passive, such as when individuals respond to cues. Cues, such as the

sudden turn by an individual being copied by neighbours, or a person’s response to changing

stock prices, are inadvertent sources of information. That is, cues have not evolved specifically to

convey information, but they may nevertheless do so. Signals, on the other hand, are active

sources of information, such as alarm calls in birds, or verbal communication among humans.

Signals are sent with the specific purpose of conveying information (although both animals and

humans may be misinformed, or even deliberately mislead [45]). These sources of social

information tend to be integrated with personally-acquired information, and organisms

subsequently make a decision as to how (or whether) to respond.

Transmission describes how physiological states, behavioural changes, and/or information

spread in a collective (we separate information from behavioural changes since the latter may, in

some cases, be an arbitrary response that does not reduce uncertainty, and thus does not convey

information [15]). Although transmission is a direct consequence of passive or active influence, it

requires an additional understanding of the pathways of communication, and consequently

typically the group structure. We will extend the analysis of information flow and behaviour within

collectives to consider two key properties: behavioural innovation (the means by which new

behaviours or solutions to problems arise in populations) and the spread of behaviour and

innovations via processes of social learning. Rare innovation events can profoundly impact

populations, and can even result in cumulative innovations (innovations that build upon each

other). We will bring together studies of social learning and collective behaviour to employ highly

quantitative methods.

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Area B: Collective Intelligence and Decision-Making

Area B extends the concepts introduced in Area A, and while maintaining the themes of

social influence and transmission processes, it will bring the reciprocal social feedbacks among

individuals into focus, whereby individuals both influence others, and are in turn influenced by

them. Area B will not only consider the mechanism, but also the consequences of collective action,

as well as the aggregation of behaviour, preferences, and information that produce collective

decisions. It will explore centralised and decentralised decision-making, and will connect

proximate understanding of how mechanisms of social influence and information relate to the

outcomes (and, in the case of animals, the fitness consequences) of collective decisions, as well

as how they feed back to influence individuals, and so on. For the analysis of strategic situations,

which always

result if the individual cost and benefit depend on the actions of other individuals, we will apply

game-theoretic methods, which are particularly useful in situations where conflicting interests are

present in collectives.

We will investigate the relationship between group size, inter-individual differences, group

structure (including internal modular and hierarchical structures) and the speed and accuracy of

collective decisions. In addition, we will move beyond the ‘group’ to consider interacting collectives

within the context of the complex, multi-layered, and dynamical social networks that characterise

many populations. Finally, we will seek to exploit our scientific knowledge for real-world human

applications, including institutional design (for instance by informing environmental or public health

policies, wildlife protection, or autonomous system design) and using the vast collective of in-

strumented animals on our planet to obtain vital information about processes like anthropogenic

disturbances, climate change, and even to help forecast future events. In doing so, we will obtain

unique data regarding collective behaviour on a global scale.

Area C: Computational Methods for Measuring and Analysing Behaviour

Our ambitious plans for data collection synergise with important and interesting

computational challenges, from tracking and behavioural analysis, to building reactive and

interactive virtual environments, and the management, visualisation, and analysis of vast and

heterogeneous datasets. We will develop progressive methods for data processing and analysis

that will allow us to filter and process data within given time constraints and to enable visual

analytics. New modelling methods will be investigated to describe complex collectives and their

interaction. In addition, we will develop a Collective Computation Unit (CCU) that will provide

essential computational and technical support to researchers, including imaging, machine

learning, storage, and support in data analysis and visualisation. The CCU will also connect our

researchers with relevant experts from our Computer and Information Science department and

from outside the university.

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V. Research Questions

1. Research Area A: Social Influence and Transmission

Research objectives and questions: In this area, we focus on the role of social influence on the

individual within the collective, paying particular attention to the mechanism of transmission of

behaviours, physiological states, and information among individuals (‘spreading’ processes).

Regardless of the study system, we aim to conduct experiments in which we can measure, and in

some cases manipulate directly, the pathways of communication/influence in collectives, taking

into account inter-individual differences, such as differences in individuals’ prior experience,

expectations, preferences, and internal states (such as motivation or stress). As outlined below,

there is a lot of value in considering these collective behaviours across diverse systems, from

insects to humans.

Research Question 1: What is the relation between individual cognition and social


Research Question 2: How does physiological state spread in collectives?

Research Question 3: How does information/behaviour spread in collectives?

Research Question 4: How can we develop/improve the observation, analysis, and modelling of

transmission processes occurring in complex social networks?

Research Question 5: What are the behavioural foundations of animal and human culture?

1. What is the relation between individual cognition and social complexity? By taking

an approach that scales levels of biological organisation, we will address a series of questions

that seek to establish the degree to which relatively small brains, such as in insects and fish, can

facilitate social complexity.

• Do apparently complex cognitive processes result from relatively simple ‘rules of

thumb’/approxi- mations, or are small social brains more sophisticated than we presently think?

• How do individuals reconcile personally- and socially-acquired information, and how are these

represented/structured in circuits in the brain?

• Non-human animals are known to exhibit cognitive bias (where inferences about other animals

are affected by irrelevant information and physiological states), but are they also subject to

other ‘human-like’ psychological fallacies such as confirmation bias?

• How can we harness our understanding of how individual cognition relates to the emergence

of social complexity to inform man-made technologies, such as to guide the implementation of

‘complex’ social strategies in technological applications, including swarm robotics?

2. How does physiological state spread in collectives? Collective behaviour has pre-

dominantly focused on the spread of behaviours, skills, opinions, or information within groups and

populations. However, there exists enormous potential to also consider the social contagion of

physiological states, such as stress or emotion. We have all experienced a tangible ‘tension’, or a

good or bad ‘vibe’, when in collective situations. Yet there is little empirical work addressing the

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scientific basis of such processes, or their consequences.

• What are the feedbacks between physiological state(s), social network structure, and the

spread of information/skills/behaviours across networks?

• How can these feedback processes be manipulated (e.g. via modifying network structure and/or

influencing individuals with specific network positions) to prevent negative physiological states

(like stress) from spreading – and are such modifications feasible/ethical in real-world social


• How quickly, and over what scale, can physiological states percolate through real-world

(complex and dynamic) social networks?

• Can we achieve real-time assessment of physiological states (as well as autonomic states) in

both the laboratory and under natural conditions – and if so, how can this (in combination with

the above questions) be employed to improve the quality of animal and human lives?

3. How does information/behaviour spread in collectives? While a lot of work has been

conducted on the spread of information and behaviour, much remains unknown. In non-human

animals, for example, it has proved extremely hard to quantify transmission of information. Unlike

for humans, it can often be very unclear what (if anything) is being transmitted in social networks.

Where properties like changes of behaviour are seen to percolate through groups, it is still often

ambiguous as to whether this conveys information (to do so, it must meaningfully reduce

uncertainty). In human research, there is a growing body of literature on opinion dynamics and

social contagion covering diverse topics such as political beliefs, risk perceptions, and health

behaviours. Besides investigating how information and behaviours spread, this research is also

concerned with impact and development of heterogeneity and collective outcomes such as

polarisation. The biggest remaining challenge is the trade-off between assessing actually relevant

behaviours and beliefs in real-world settings on the one hand, and a precise observation or even

experimental manipulation of the underlying mechanisms and network structures on the other. We

plan to overcome this challenge by re-assessing real behaviours and beliefs in natural social

networks and by expanding upon existing experimental studies in which transmission dynamics

and network structure can be manipulated in a controlled fashion.

• How does information degrade, become amplified, and/or become distorted during transmission?

• “Computation” and “information processing” are often used colloquially when discussing

biological networks – how can we develop a well-grounded information-theoretic formalism that

will make these notions concrete?

• How do individuals differ in their susceptibility to social influence and what affects it?

• How do individual perceptual and cognitive biases impact transmission (e.g. the amplification

of mis-information)?

• Does the mechanism of transmission within groups also account for that between groups? Do

other processes, such as within-group affiliations/group-identity, influence transmission, and if

so how?

• Do non-responders act to passively, or actively, inhibit the spread of information and/or

behaviour in collectives?

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• In neurobiology it is known that neurones, or neural circuits, can reduce problems associated

with correlated information by amplifying temporally close, but spatially distributed input: do

organisms also act in the same way to de-correlate social information (as is suggested by some

studies on humans [45]). If so, how is this encoded at different levels of social complexity?

4. How can we observe, analyse, and model transmission processes on complex so-

cial networks? Social networks can be highly complex, with weighted, directed, and time-varying

social connectivity being the norm, not the exception. In addition, individuals in social networks

are often connected by multiple types of connections (e.g. connections among family members or

close friends are often fundamentally different from those among work colleagues). Furthermore,

information may be propagated in different ways on the same, or on multiple interacting, networks.

For example, different sensory modalities can have very different scales of propagation and

sensing (e.g. a signal such as an alarm call in birds may be broadcast widely, whereas cues

informing individuals of whether others are feeding or not may be much more local). To

differentiate among processes, temporal changes in both network structure and behaviour must

be observed, analysed, and modelled (e.g. [40,19]).

• Which computational tools are needed to reveal the time-varying functional pathways of social

connectivity and information flow among organisms, including humans, in natural contexts?

• What mathematical formalisms (statistical mechanics, control theory, information theory, game

theory, and Bayesian inference) are needed to investigate the reciprocal relation between node

properties, network behaviour, and network function on a theoretical and experimental level?

• With such experimentally-derived theory, can we predict (and where ethically-appropriate,

manipulate effectively) the transmission dynamics on real-world animal and human networks?

• If so, can we utilise this theoretical foundation to design network structures that have desirable

properties, such as to facilitate fast, yet undistorted, spreading of information?

5. What are the behavioural foundations of animal and human culture? The spread of

innovation, and the generation of cumulative innovations via social learning, represents a multi-

scale transmission process that has considerable implications for our understanding of social

complexity and the behavioural foundations of culture.

• Under what conditions is social learning adaptive [20,32]?

• To what extent can we consider processes like social norms and enforcement to occur in non-

human species?

• What are the neural and behavioural mechanisms underlying the process of social learning and

what are the differences between social learning in humans and other species [27]?

• When should we expect individual innovation as opposed to social learning [10]?

• Can the diffusion of innovations via social learning provide a mechanism for behavioural

flexibility at the population level [1]?

• How has human culture evolved, and can we observe analogous cultural processes in other


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2. Research Area B: Collective intelligence and decision-making

Research objectives and questions: In Area B (extending upon the approaches

developed in Area A) we consider the consequences of collective action by focusing on the

aggregation of behaviour, preferences, and information to produce collective decisions. While

social influence and transmission are still central, here we place additional emphasis on the

feedbacks from collective outcomes (such as the positive or negative consequences of collective

decisions) to the individuals. Collective decisions impact all aspects of individuals’ lives. For mobile

animal groups, such decisions influence strongly where and when to move, and consequently

individuals’ exposure to risk, and their ability to regulate nutritional requirements. For humans,

collective decision-making occurs across scales of social organisation, from within family groups,

to businesses, institutions, and governments. In many cases, collective decisions made at one

scale may impact those made at others, and consequently the aggregation of opinions must be

considered within the context of the dynamical structure of social networks.

Research Question 1: How does the composition, size, and social/communicative structure of

groups impact collective decision-making?

Research Question 2: How can groups exhibit both robustness and flexibility?

Research Question 3: How can we infer causality of influence in decision-making

groups? Research Question 4: When do collectives fail and can we predict this?

Research Question 5: How can we exploit our advancements in the science of collective

intelligence for real-world applications?

1. How does the composition, size, and social/communicative structure of groups

impact collective decision-making? Analysis of real-world social networks will be used to

develop new theories for social (and socially-inspired) sensing and decision-making networks.

Building on the research performed in Area A (the active and passive processes utilised for

information transfer), we will take into explicit account the probabilistic inference and decision-

making capabilities of organisms, such as how they balance personal information obtained from

their own experiences with social information obtained from observing the behaviour of others.

Within this theme we will ask:

• How do properties such as individual expertise, biases, and individual-level self-interests affect

and become affected by network structure?

• What are the consequences of the above properties on the speed and accuracy of collective


• What disparities occur, and when, between top-down optimisation and game-theoretic solutions?

• To what extent can we inform new design principles for structuring groups or institutions to

achieve more effective decision-making?

• Over the longer term, can we extend these analyses to the population-scale to consider

explicitly inter-group interactions? Here, we anticipate to find important new dynamics and

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interaction terms impacting processes such as polarisation of opinions/preferences and social


2. How can groups exhibit both robustness and flexibility? Animal groups exhibit the

seemingly opposing properties of being both robust to noise (such as to gusts of wind, or eddies),

and yet sensitive to input (whereby the change of behaviour in only a few individuals responding

to a predator can rapidly dictate the motion of the entire group). How this is achieved is not yet

understood. These groups offer a unique opportunity to reveal and model the mathematical

principles that underlie robustness and adaptability in complex systems.

• To what extent is it possible, by employing an integrative experimental and theoretical

approach, using numerical and analytic methods, to develop a quantitative understanding of

information transfer processes in animal collectives?

• What properties of real-world communication networks determine the dual-nature of robustness

and adaptability during collective decision-making?

• How is the (often multi-scale) functional complexity of collectives related to the success/fitness

of individuals?

• Being both robust and flexible is highly desirable for technological solutions to real-world

problems. Can we employ our understanding of natural collectives to inform new design

solutions for distributed control (e.g. for autonomous vehicles and swarm robotics)?

3. How can we infer causality of influence in decision-making groups? A major bottle-

neck in the study of collective behaviour is that the pathways of communication are often not

directly observable. In addition, the recursive nature of social feedbacks during processes like

collective decision-making (as described above) means that even when social interactions can be

detected, it is extremely difficult to infer the causality of social influence on social networks (which

themselves are often dynamic, with varying strengths and directness of influence).

• How can we develop and exploit new computational tools for the algorithmic determination of

hidden causal relations in time and space within collectives?

• New technologies, such as AR and immersive VR (see also Area C) offer a means of controlling

causality. Is there a way for us to develop these technologies to devise a means to infer the

decision-making algorithms employed by individuals within collectives?

4. When do collectives fail and can we predict this? Much research in collective

decision- making has focused on the benefits. However, it is also essential to determine under

which circumstances, and by what mechanisms, collectives can actually make worse decisions,

leading to suboptimal individual and collective outcomes. For animal groups, it is becoming evident

that collective migratory species are particularly at risk of sudden collapse due to anthropogenic

influences [47].

• Why does collective failure occur, and can we predict and mitigate the risks of such failure?

• How do individual biases impact judgements and decisions in collective contexts? For instance,

do biases become amplified?

• How can we employ this understanding to inform institutional design, for example, in the compo-

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sition of expert committees, hierarchies of decision-making, and optimal rules for information


5. How can we exploit our advancements in the science of collective intelligence for

real-world applications? The science of collective decision-making could impact, and even

transform, our society. Distributed sensing and decision-making are increasingly of interest in

applications including intelligent infrastructure, the design of effective social structures for effective

decision-making, the control of autonomous vehicles for exploration, and human transport. In the

natural world, there are also immense possibilities if we could predict, and possibly even influence,

large-scale collective behaviour (e.g. locust swarms).

• To what extent is it possible to develop a predictive understanding of swarm formation and

movement in locusts over regional, or possibly even continental, scales? This will require

new miniature tracking devices, formal methods for model scaling, and inclusion of detailed

information about weather, topology etc.

• Can we harness processes like collective sensing – using tools like ICARUS to gain near

realtime access to movement decisions of the global animal collective – to assess the changing

health of our planet?

• Can we employ the collective (‘sixth’) sensing of animals to anticipate and forecast disasters

such as impending earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?

• To what extent will animal collectives provide information on local and global atmospheric

conditions that can be used for meteorological forecasts, or to indicate food shortages or feasts

(such as by observing desert locust outbreaks)?

In the long run, we think that answering these questions will result in real-world applications

that improve the livelihoods of people.

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3. Research Area C: Computational Methods for Measuring, Analysing and Visualising

Collective Behaviour

Research objectives and questions: In this area, we focus on data acquisition methodolo- gies

(e.g. computer vision), progressive data processing, analysis and visualisation and modelling

methods. The projects in Areas A and B require a number of different components that can be seen

as an iterative data-to-knowledge process that comprises several steps: data acquisition will

happen through various tracking systems that produce vast amounts of spatio-temporal data from

which we will derive body postures, compute sensory input, determine neighbourhood relations, and

obtain essential quantitative behavioural descriptors

The produced data will be typically large in scale, heterogeneous and involve a very broad range

of time scales. Multi-dimensional data will be required to represent state descriptions of individuals,

as well as the sensory information on which they base their decisions. Complex network and

hierarchical data are necessary to effectively capture relations among individuals within, and

between, groups, in addition to the vast spatio-temporal data required to define animal movements

and body postural changes. Computer science research related to animal collectives raises a

number of questions in regard to our application domains in biology, the human sciences, but also

to computer science itself. Below, we outline the core research domains and scientific questions

that we intend to address in Area C over the lifetime of the centre. This will be followed by specific

details on a number of short-term (up to 3 years) starting projects.

Research Question 1: What are appropriate learning methods for tracking, posture, and behaviour?

Research Question 2: To what extent will “anytime” methods allow us to analyse, visualise, and

guide complex real-time experiments?

Research Question 3: How does visual abstraction work for different species?

Research Question 4: Which modelling methods are needed to describe complex collectives?

Research Question 5: Can emerging technologies such as AR revolutionise research on

collective behaviour?

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1. What are appropriate learning methods for tracking, posture, and behaviour? The

development of sensors and tracking technology is very active, making more detailed and precise

measurements at a much higher speed possible. Deep learning has been proven to be efficient

in tracking and also posture estimation, but more sophisticated and precise methods will need

explanatory models and insights into the involved processes. A new generation of methods

combining learning and explicit, explanatory models is needed to overcome the limits of pure

learning-based approaches. Such combined methods will be the next step in data analysis, but it

is not clear yet how these aspects can be combined. Detailed tracking data, such as posture, will

help us here to explore and predict behaviour (e.g. posture over time) on different levels of


• What are appropriate combinations of data-driven and explicit models in tracking and posture


• To what extent do such methods allow us to use generalised shape template models that

adapt to new species?

• Can we derive a suitable low-level behavioural space or ‘vocabulary’ for each species, known

as an automated ethogram, that describes classes of stereotypical motions [2, 4].

2. To what extent will “anytime” methods allow us to analyse, visualise, and guide

complex real-time experiments? The data produced by our real-time experiments will be vast,

and reactions (such as hindering birds to fly into the nets of the hangar) will have to be executed

very fast. It is not yet clear how to cope with such amounts of data in such a short time. We will

therefore develop anytime-methods for data management and processing that readily provide

results with a bounded error, which decreases the more time is spent processing the data. Such

components will be central in an increasing set of applications where data streams of ever

increasing size have to be processed, ranging from traffic surveillance to finance data analysis.

• What changes in operating systems and programming environments are necessary for such

components and where are their theoretical limits [14]?

• Which of the basic algorithms for information visualisation can be implemented in a progres-

sive/incremental way [35]?

3. How does visual abstraction work for different species? VR experiments in the

Imaging Hangar will require the creation of huge amounts of image data, since large display walls

have to be filled at high frame rates.

• Although abstract visual representations can influence certain aspects of animal behaviour (e.g.

reflex responses to certain visual cues [41]) we know little about which visual features are

important for coordinating behaviour within collectives: at what level of visual abstraction can

virtual environments still elicit natural behaviours, and can we use this knowledge accelerate

our scaling up (in size and reactivity) of VR and reactive environments?

• Can such perceptual experiments help us to better understand the visual systems of our various

model species?

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4. Which modelling methods are needed to describe complex collectives? Currently,

formal models for collectives are still quite limited with respect to the size and complexity they can


Our vision, however, is to develop a comprehensive formal modelling and analysis

framework for building a theory of self-organised, collective computations (inspired by, for

example, the frameworks of category theory and complexity theory). Irrespective of the specific

organisms involved, we aim to be able to identify the key parameters driving a certain collective

behaviour. Our formal models will inspire and guide us in the design of collective algorithms with

given purposes (swarm intelligence). Existing examples of such algorithms are ant colony

optimisation (ACO) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO)[37], which both contributed to the field

of optimisation. We expect a number of questions to arise from our experiments:

• What models of computation best describe cognitive, probabilistic decision-making individuals

exposed to sensory input and social influences?

• To what extent can we identify causal effects in collectives by analysing interacting individuals?

• Will a combination of machine learning and causal inference be appropriate for modelling such


• How and why do emergent collective properties arise as a function of connections of individuals

via possibly multiple relational networks (e.g. communication, genetic relatedness, physical


• Can analogies between biological models and computer programmes help to model collectives

and form a theory of their behaviour?

5. Can emerging technologies such as AR revolutionise research on collective be-

haviour? In the future, new and tiny devices will allow us to manipulate visual and other senses

of animals and to change their individual perception of the world. This will generate exciting

research possibilities that are also challenging for computer science. Augmented Reality (AR) will

be another technology we intend to employ to alter visual perception. Today, AR glasses are

available for humans, but in the future, miniaturisation might allow us to apply similar techniques

to animals.

• What will be the impact of VR and AR technology on collective behaviour? Will it be possible

to control such technologies in a way so that subjects will not be distracted (using wireless


• Will this enable completely new experimental designs and a much deeper understanding of the

involved cognitive processes?

Finally, and most challengingly, the computational methods described here will enable us

to combine artificially-designed collectives with natural collectives: we will embed artificially-

designed collectives in natural habitats of animals as a means of influencing animal swarms. The

findings will tackle diverse fields beyond traditional biology, including biochemistry (molecular

collectives) as well as psychology, sociology, and anthropology (human collectives). Formal

models will also be one way to find a “vocabulary” for human- and animal-oriented research.

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VI. The Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour

In conclusion, it is our goal to create to a vibrant, internationally visible centre of research

that plays a considerable role in the future of collective behaviour research. One of the greatest

strengths of our centre, which will also be one of its greatest challenges, is to bring together people

from such a wide range of disciplines and study systems, and to unite them in the pursuit of shared

research goals. At the same time, however, there is an enormous opportunity here to learn from

one another and to see the world in new ways. In our centre, we will not divide our researchers

by discipline – rather, computer scientists, biologists, psychologists, physicists, economists, and

social scientists will all work closely together in the same offices and labs. This will be made

possible on the one hand by the planned VCC building, and on the other by the university’s

existing campus structures, which promote natural proximity between individual researchers and


As mentioned above, we are of course more than aware of the challenges posed by bringing

together a rather eclectic group of individual researchers from a range of academic disciplines.

The three speakers (from the Departments of Biology, Computer Science, and Economics) will

therefore be responsible for ensuring that the centre remains an interconnected, interactive, and

dynamic community at all times. We are also aware of the tensions present in science with respect

to multidisciplinary research and maintaining within-disciplinary visibility. Increasingly, there are

excellent opportunities for publication, including major general science journals as well as

interdisciplinary journals and conferences. We will provide our early career researchers with the

infrastructure they need to flourish and assist them in identifying viable career paths both within

academia and in the public or private sector.

We are committed to creating a dynamic and open community, which will rapidly gain global

visibility and quickly evolve into a go to place for anyone working on collective behaviour. In

addition, we will emphasise the importance of reproducibility in science, ensuring free and

expedient access to all of our experimental data and tools. Staying true to our concept of an open-

house, our centre will actively engage the broader community with our research activities and

proactively share its activities with the public. Collective behaviour naturally captures the

imagination of wide audiences, and we will leverage this opportunity with a dedicated outreach

programme – including educational formats, exhibitions, and citizen science – that promotes

transparency and the transfer of knowledge. In doing so, we aim to produce a lasting, positive

impact on academia and the wider community.

As written in Section 3.1, we will experience (and develop) transformative new technologies

within the lifetime of our cluster, some of which are perhaps unimaginable today. The adoption,

and development, of technology has resulted in massive advances in other scientific areas, such

as molecular and cellular biology, and physics. The time has come for us to transform the

behavioural sciences. Dramatic innovations in computer vision, global positioning systems,

genetic manipulation, physiological recording, and machine learning allow for unprecedented

access to the data streams required to make major advances.

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VII. Synopsis

We define collective behaviour as the study of individuals in the context of how they

influence and are influenced by others, taking into account the causes and consequences of inter-

individual differences, such as in physiology, motivation, experience, and goals. It also includes

the study of the individual and higher-order properties that can emerge as we move beyond dyadic

(pairwise) interactions to consider the complexities that arise in the dynamic networks of

communication that characterize both human and animal systems.

Our centre was created to provide a globally unique environment for the quantitative

analysis of behaviour with the aim to foster a culture of research, facilitated by the integration of

theory, experiment, and technology that allows us to cut across both disciplinary and conceptual

boundaries. No other research initiative offers an environment that is home to a similarly

comprehensive collective of topically interested experts from biology and human behavioural

sciences to visual computing and data science. No other place provides access to comparable

facilities; and nowhere else is all of this to be found in a single, beautiful location.

Our Cluster welcomes knowledge, expertise and collaboration from all around the world

and during our work we seek to implement equality and minimize inequalities wherever we see

them. Our aim is to build a diverse environment where everybody feels welcomed, respected and

appreciated. We are constantly striving to provide an environment free of discrimination or

harassment and accept everyone without regard to race or ethnic origin, religion or belief,

nationality, social class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical, mental or sensory

abilities and/or expression. The supporting structures of the Cluster are in place to provide support

and assistance for personal growth and change at any given time. We implement collegiality,

respect and interdisciplinary collaboration as an essence for outstanding research practices.

Hence, we are creating the environment where scientists and supporting colleagues can pave the

path for truly excellent scientific discoveries and careers.

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1: List of starting projects from the original cluster proposal

Area A:

A1: Short and long-term spread and modulation of individual physiological stress

states in the collective

A2: The dynamics of social transmission in structured contexts

A3: Individual and collective appetite – how is eating shaped by social influence?

A4: Mechanisms underlying heterogeneity in social learning between individuals and


A5: Preferences and incentives for innovation

Area B:

B1: Using immersive virtual reality to reveal the dynamical structure of social

interactions during collective decision-making

B2: From the coordination of individual brains to effective collective decision-making

B3: Signalling and collective decision-making in moving animal groups

B4: Collective sensing over multiple scales during migration

B5: The global animal collective – an intelligent, networked sensing system for our


Area C:

C1: Automated tracking methods and interactive virtual environments

C2: Progressive visual analytics of collective behaviour data

C3: Formal modelling of collective systems

2: List of new large projects since 2019

Large projects:

L19-01: The role of communication structure in consensus decision making in human and

animal groups

L19-05: Human-in-the-loop analysis of collective eating behaviour

L20-01: Spatial dynamics of mate-choice in blackbuck leks

L20-02: Collective behavior of active colloidal particles via reinforcement learning

L20-04: Environmental uncertainty shapes rat foraging behaviour in large scale


University of Konstanz 28 of 28 Collective Behaviour

3: List of new medium-sized projects since 2019


M20-01: Deep learning of priors for Bayesian inverse problems in image analysis

M20-02: Collective transmission of physiological states and behaviour in fish

M20-05: A software framework for multisensory environments

M20-06: Active sensing and collective motion in groups