Center Moriches H. S. Completes Big Program Intramural Sports . '"TU B winter Intritnitii'ii l program of ¦* thu Center Moriches High school hns been completed. A vnrietl pro- grant of lourniimuntH attracted al- most 80 per cunt of the Htudcntn . Mirny upsets were recorded , most notable being In the class tumketlmll toiirnuinciit. The Juniors upset the highly fa- vored Senior team and outclassed the Sophomore team to become thu school champions. Tho winners in tho other activities were: Jnlriimiiral basketball , L. I, U. —11.. Johnson , P. Ilowell , J. Nizzn , W, East , W. Itobblns , S, Snchak anil M. , Y-iroaovlez; pingpong Jacquc Clinpmiin; Individual twenty-onu Stanley Borok; team twonty-ono, Michigan—D. Hall , M; .Schumchyk. L. Bowditch , F, Rybickl j foulahootlng —M. Bernstein; clock busltotbull—A. Edwards. Claudo Schuyler , thrcc-yenr vetcr- nn of tlio Center Moriches High school liUBketlmU team , was elected captain for tho 1038-3!) season. Claude is active in all school activi- ties nnd has won the school letter In soccer nnd busehnll as well as in basketbnll, Lewis. Willis has been named has- kotbnll manager for nuxt year , suc- ceeding Fred Klein , the 1037-38 man- ager. MASTIC PARK K. R. Linington MR, mid Mrs. Fred Casso spent four days during tho past week with Mr. Cnsse' s brother and fumily at tho Casse dairy farm, Washingtonvillc , N. Y. The Mann nnd O'Connor families of New York spent the week-end at their summer cottages on . Broad- way. Mrs. Edward Kelm entertained a nuniber of out-of-town guests over the week-end nt her Robert street cottage. James Waldron of Brooklyn spent tho week-end nt his Ocean avenue bungalow. A birthday party was given in honor of " <MrSj Edward Renner March 13 at her hdme on Montgomery ave- nue. Mrs, lienner received many gifts. Thoso joining in the . cele- bration were her son William , his wife and young daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allen and their daugh- ter, ail of St. Albans. Arthur and Mrs. Ca roline Burmeister and Ed- ward Renner. ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pohts of Jamaica were Sunday visitors at their Shinnecock avenue bungalow. The Riviera Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Anna Hall on the Mastic boulevard Tuesday afternoon. The high! : 8cpre winners were Mrs. Louise Lonias,7Mrs. ' Wally ' Tallman and MrsL " Mary "' Smith, , Mrs. Mae Bielenberg received ' the consolation prize.' ¦ ' Hans Johnson is back at his home on Fulton avenue after spending the winter with his nephew in Philadel- phia. Mrs. Willianv Pan* and young son have been ill with severe colds the past week. ' . ' : ';¦: : ! The "Cabin" on the corner of Montauk- , highway and Herkimer street, under . the management of Henry Bielenberg. and son, was open- ed for business Saturday. > The Spitzeriberg family, of Lyn- brook and Mrs. P. Snyder of Bay Ridge were Sunday guests of Mrs. E, R. * . Linington. Max Shiller , local painter, is work- ing on the Meyer property. Mrs. Philip Asklihg of Brooklyn spent the past, we ek ' at her Midland avenue bungalow. The Shipstead family of the Bronx spent the week-end at their Vernon avenue bungalow. Mrs. R. Cohen of Astoria , Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster of Bay Ridge and Ronald Swidler of New York were week-end guests of Mr. ' and Mrs. Max Shiller. Mrs. Marie Valient and daughter, with out of town guests, spent the week-end at their cottage on the Rivera. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelm en- tertained week-end guests from As- toria at their cottage on Robert street. The men in the party en- joyed two days' fishing. They brought in a nice catch. Scout Committee Plans C. Moriches Father-Son Feast AT n mooting of tho community ' » commlttoo of the Center Mor- iches Boy Scout troop held In the high school oil Monduy evening it was docidod to sponsor n father and son buntiuet on Thursday, Muy 5, at tho soclul hall of the Ccntor Mor- iches Presbytorliui church , this being tho only hull ln town which Is equip- ped to servo a largo dinner. A com- mittee wus unpointed to complete urrnngements. About throe yours ago tho troop community commlttoo hold ono of these father and son burufucts and it met with great success. Tho object is to hnve the fathers spend un evonlng with their sons to got bet- tor acquainted In a social way, end soo a short progru m of whnt the boys do at the Scout meetings. Tho committee pointed out that this is not only for fathers. Any male adult who really hns tho Interest of the future of our boys in the community should bring some boy to this dinner as his guest for the evening. The boys do not have to bo members of the Boy Scouts to attend, An illustration lecture will be given at the Moriches Woman ' s club- house on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o' clock by Dorothy Peterson of New York on the "Restoration of Col- onial Williamsburg. " This beauti- ful Virginia city of the eighteenth century has boen restored through the generosity of John D, Rocke- feller , Jr., at the - cost of 14 million dollars to dato and was dedicated by Mr. Rockefeller ''to the spiritual enrichment of human life." The lecture will be given for the benefit of the club under the di- rection * of Mrs. John C. Sprague, president ,, Mrs, J. J. T. Nolthenius and Mrs. J. S. Robert , former pres- ident of tho club will act as host- esses. Tea will be served. AUGUSTA MILLER ESTATE The estate of Augusta Miller of Center Moriches has a gross apprais- ed value of $16 , 614.12, according to inheritance tax schedules filed in the Surrogate ' s court in ¦ . Riverhead. The net value * , is $14, 321.87 and a tax amounting to $16.72 has been levied by the decree. Deceased -was listed as a non-resident, with real property in Center .Moriches. Her estate/ ac- cording to the papers filed here , :goes to William P. Miller , a son , residing in South Orange. LECTURE ON RESTORATION OF OLD WILLIAMSBURG Stare of "The Buccaneer " Fredric March pictured above with Akim Tamorotf in a scene from . "The Buccaneer , " epic film wliich opens a four-day engagement at the Patchoguo theatre Sundny. ; ' EASTPORT NEW S "! II ' »*) »»»w»» »»»»T»»»wt'*n>«»*»'r*r**»»T*i»»TT**»»lrWT»»» **»»»»»»»» V. R. Salamone MR. and Mrs. George Powell , Jr. , entertained tho following guests last Tuesday evening in celebration of Mr. Powell' s birthday: Mrs. Ruth Alfred, MM. Carrie Albin , Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs . Harvey C. Tuttle, Mrs. Elizabeth McNeil, Miss Marjorie McNeil and Mrs. C. Mcintosh of Marlboro-on- the Hudson. Floyd LBo-rker and family have moved from their apartment in the A. and TP. building to the house on Railroad avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Lehr. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Hall last week. William Walkman is seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clarence H. Wells. Mrs. Kenneth Albin entertained the following at dinner Wednesday : Mrs. Harvey C. Tuttle, Mrs. Oliver R. Raynor , Mrs. Edward Conklin , Mrs, Harry Hull and Mrs. Boyd Nilson. Herbert Brown and family have moved from Speonk to the apart- ment in William B. Ketcham' s home . Miss Dorothy Vicik entertained a number of friends at cards Wednes- day night. ¦ ¦ - The Fellowship club will meet at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert W. Hedger this evening. and elect officers.. The Seniors will hold a radio dance , in thc school auditorium this evening. The Eastport fire department was called out Monday afternoon , short- ly after 5-q ' clock , to extinguish a brush fire near the homo of Mrs. Mary Sowiakr. Mrs. Florence Boughten is yisit- ing with her mother , Mrs. David H. Tuttle. Mrs. Boughton is studying nursing at the Emerson hospital , Concord , Mass. Miss Shelly Grey Norwood cele- brated her fourth birth d ay with a party Tuesday afternoon , those pres- ent including Miss Shirley Powell , Miss Jessie Raynor , Miss M a r y Knott , Miss Huzcl Pye, Miss Judith Reeve , and Miss Sally Joan Suther- land. The guests were served birth- day cake and ice cream, and the hos- tess received many gifts. Mrs. Marjorie Tuttle attended a hairdressers' convention at the Penn- sylvania hotel , New York , on Mon- day. Alfred Hedger is enjoying a week' .s vacation from his duties as station agent. Guests of Mrs. Edward Reams at. a St. Patrick's oarty last Thursday evening were Miss Ruth Ketcham , Miss Genevieve Hawkins, Miss Mabel Thompson , Miss Marion VVestlin, Miss Marcia Milg-ate, Miss. Virginia Sala- mone, Miss Kathryn Albin , Mrs. Harriet "Viscuso , Mrs. Cornell Ray- nor, Mrs. Mildred Lachall, Mrs. Rod- ney Jayne, Mrs. Laura Pye , Mrs. Benjamin Michne , Mrs. Melvin Albin , Mrs. Ronald Raynor and Mrs. Wil- liam Moffett. ' Mrs. Frederick Driend and Miss Sophie Lubniewski are' visiting their mother , Mrs. Elizabeth Lubniewski. Harry Baker motored to Maryland last Friday to attend the funeral of his aunt. William Pitn ey, Noi'iiian Barker, Robert Pitney and Harvey Tuttle mo- tored to New York Sunday. They at- tended the "Magic Key " radio broad- cast at the NBC studios in the after- noon and in the evening a dance re- cital by Ted Shawn and his group. Presbyterian Church E, Moriches Elects Staff for New Year THE annual parish meeting of the East Moriches Presbyterian church was held last week Wed- nesday, with the session in charge of Riley P. Howell , ruling elder, as chairman ; Howard H. Benjamin , clerk ; Gilbert Benjamin , O. R. Ham- mond , and Percy B. Raynor. A nul- pit - supply committee was appoint- ed , comprising William Howell , chairman ; Mrs. Harry W. Huson , Mrs. J. Newton Hand, LMrs. Preston H. Tuttle and Robert Raynor. Trustees i-c-elccted were Oliver B. Smith and Oliver Howell . Herbert Bedson was elected fi- nancial secretary ; Raymond Barber , organist; William Howell , assistant organist; Miss Lila . -Barber , pianist. Reports of the societies of the church were given. A list of officers of the Sunday- school was presented and approved. Everett S. Benjamin , superintendent , having asked for a year ' s leave of absence , Percy B. Raynor , who has been acting superintendent , was named as temporary superintendent , to be assisted by Mrs. Howard H. Benjamin; Mrs. Oliver Howell , secre- tary ; 'Miss Mary Raynor, assistant secretary; Robert Raynor , treasur- er; Miss Emma Raynor, Cradle Roll superintendent; Miss Barbara Tuttle , home department superintendent ; Miss Lila Barber , pianist; Miss Cor- nelia Raynor , first assistant; Miss Lila Hester, second assistant. Center Moriches in the News Of the Past Few Buys Emma M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tench were (tuustii of Mr. und Mrs. Charles LD. \Vllson at Westbury for Buppor Tues- day evening. Recent guests of Air, nnd Mrs. J. Grant Smith woru Mr. nnd Mrs, Jos- eph P. Payne of Quogue , Miss Dor- othy Still of Coram , Mrs . Frank Kourney nnd MI BB Grace Overton of Patchogue. - Mr. und Mrs . Morris S. Kronman spent lust week In New Yoi'lc , where tney attended tliu annual Wholesalu Paper & Twine association dinner- dance at tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel. The foundation and spacious cellar for the ncw homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Muller on Benchfern nve- nuc were finished thc first of the week. The work is under tho direc- tion, of Bnrber & Smith of this vil- lage. Tliere wus n very lnrge attendance of Methodist Ladies ' Aid members at thu home of Mrs. IT. A. T. Hedges Wcilnesdii y afternoon. Report of the recent pot roust supper showed the atrnir very successful with proceeds abou t $45. Next weok tho Indies will be entertained by Mrs Ezra Hawkins, when new business will be discussed. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Bernstein g avo n party at their home Wednes- day afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday of their son Bernard. Green decorations were used. The children received kites , rabbits nnd candy and Bernard was prostontcd with' a num- ber of gifts. Thoso present were : Janice Wonzel , Seymour and James Davis , Oral ond Everette Robinson , Herbert Kronman , Bennett Silver- stein , Frederick Murray, Jr., Ted Ja- nis, Florence and Roland Smith , Carol Mae hnd Bernard Bernstein , also Mrs. Annie Bernstein , Mrs. Seymour Davis , Mrs. Milton Smith , Mrs. Leroy Robinson , Mrs . A. Bernstein and Mrs. Mac Janis. Owing to illness Mrs. Herbert Harding has resigned' the presidency of the Presbyterian Ladies' Guild temporarily and Mrs. H. M. Vogl is Riling her place. Twelve members met Wednesday and planned for a food sale today in Goldsmith' s store. State Troopers Arthur Kiuiehl and David Hardy attended the funeral of Trooper Graydon at Oyster Bay on Tuesday. Mrs. D. L. JBrown , president , will entertain the members of the Thim- ble club and their husbands at their annual birthday party at her home next Tuesday evening. Silva ' Rebekah ' lodge took three candidates to Patchogue Monday night , to be initiated along with ten others. The Misses Lois Penney, Virginia Koegel , Lloyd Wilcox and ¦ Cloyed Konkle have been chosen to join the 400 delegates elected to attend the Methodist Youth conference today, tomorrow and Sunday at Free- port for all Methodist Churches of Connecticut and Long Island. The Rev. James H, Link will accompany the young peop le, taking them in his car, and . will lead three discussion groups. Harold Lukert will bring the group back. The finance committee of the Meth- odist church met Sunday evening to make up the budget and choose work- ers for the every member canvass Sunday, April . 3. Tho Fireside- Forum met Tuesday at the Methodist church to rehearse its play "Simple Simon Simple, " to be given after Easter. Members of Junior and Senior Sun- rise Republican ' clubs are ' -working diligently to make their card party, April 1 , in Goldsmith' s hall a big success. The Rev. James H. Link will be the speaker for the April meeting of the combined clubs , speak- ing for the encouragement of the young people. The meeting will be held Thursday, April 7. With Mrs. Lewis Foster as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Roland Jones, Mrs. John Robert' and Mrs. Kenneth Mock- ridge , the Moriches Woman ' s club held , a very successful dessert card party at the clubhouse last Thurs- day afternoon, Eight tables -were fill- ed with players. Decorations in pin k and blue were used. The prizes were ivy bowls tied in pink and blue. Cakes were won by Mrs. George Herrmann and Mrs. Roland Jones. High scores in cards were made by Mrs. Herr- mann , Mrs. Milton P. Kaler , Mrs. Charles Chapman , Mrs. Henry Clark , Mrs. S. J. Post , Mrs. W. L. Darnell and Miss Aimie Havens. LMr. and Mrs. Horace Johnson , Jr., gave a birthday surprise party at their home on Bolleview avenue Sat- urday evening in honor of his grand- father , Ferdinand Johnson ' s seventy- eighth birthday. Cards and delicious refreshments including two birthday cakes were enjoyed. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Johnson , Sr,, Mrs. Minerva Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson , Miss Sue Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lamnns. Spring started with an ideal day Monday, with exceptionally warm sunshine, bonfires spring ing up all oyer the village and wid geese honk- ing northward overhead. Seed cata- logues are flooding the mails, lawns are being raked and . housewives are busy with house cleaning. . Members of the Catholic Ladies ' Aid Benevolent society will hold a food-sale in Ferlazzo' s. store this Saturday at 2 p. m. . Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thompson of Flushing were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Loper over the week- end. ' Mrs. Joseph Lavelle accompanied Mr. -and; Mrs, 'Chester Raynor,i-Siv , andtMrs. ; Chester; Raynor , ;iJr.. of VVesthamptonf- ' to 'New / York Mast Thursday to attend the Flower show also the show "I'd Rather Be Right." Mrs. A. D, Davis of Manorville has been visiting at the home of J. Herbert Carter during the past two weeks. Mrs. William Hudson entertained the Clique o'Eigh t at her home on Union avenue last week. Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Smith and fumily of Culvetton were guests nt tho homo of J. Herbert Carte r Sun day. Mr. nnd Mrs, Frederick Muller gavo a surprise ttiniior-purty Sundiiv HI honor ol hor sister , Mis* Carulvn Roovu of Moriches , who wus genu, inely suriu'iBud. Besides tlu* above mentioned , those present were Mm Carrie Hoove , Mrs . II. D. Swezey ami Miss Sadie Heovo of Pntchogue; Miss Ruth Reeve of Moriches and l. ' n ,j crick A. Mullor of this village, MI BB Henrietta Walterstloi'i return. ed to her home In this village Mon. day after spending two months In Bridgeport, (Jonn. Miss Audrey Robinson opened her homo ut South Haven Wednesday for tho Methodist Cottage Prayer meet, ing. Tho prnyer-llto of Jesus wns discussed. A delightful surprise shower wns given Miss Christine Montecalvo at her homo on Frowein road , lust week , Wednesdny by her friend , Miss Dorothy Adums. Miss Monte- calvo received ninny lovely gifts, Besides she and Miss Adams , those present were : Mrs. Nora Stniuscr , Mattituck ; Mrs. Vera Tuttle , New Suffolk; Miss Helen Hogan , of Riv- erhead ; the Misaes Tally and Kny Tortora , Manorville; Mrs . , Alice Pcndzich , Mrs . Helen Plisko nnd Mrs. Snlly Danowski of Manorville; Mrs . Angeline Andeano , Mrs. Evelyn Cherubini , Mrs. Kate De Santa , Pnt- chogue ; Mrs. Leo Weiz , IDobbs Ferry ; Mrs. Margaret White , Elms- ford ; Miss Catherine Emmeluth , and Mrs. Anna Tebbins of Moriches; Mrs. Peter Adams, Mrs. Lillian Murdock , Miss Margaret Harris, Miss Helen Sera , Miss Anna Laskec, Miss Grace Montecalvo , Mrs. Mich- ael Montecalvo , Mrs. Frank Monte- calvo all of Center Moriches. Miss Montccalvo' s engagement to Alex Pendzick of Center Moriches has been announced and the wedding will take place soon. Robert Carlson of the Bronx has taken the management of the groc- ery , department in the local Bohack store. Mr. Carlson was formerly located in Smithtown. The* Center Moriches Pingpong team went to Easthampton Mon- day evening, where they were de- feated 6 to 3. Easthampton is now leading the Eastern Long Island Tabel Tennis association and Center Moriches stands in secend place. Mrs. Frances Bullock is in the Medical Center hospital , New York, where she is very ill. ¦Town Police Officer William Glov- er returned to his . duties with the fourth precinct the first of the week after his recent illness. The Eastport Junior Card Party Success THE Eastport High school Junior ¦* class netted approximately $50' at the card party held in the au- ditorium last Friday evening. There were 24 tables of 500 , bridge , and pinochle. The special prize , a floor lamp, was awarded to Paul Vicik. Mrs. Grace Collins won a large lay- er cake. High scores were made by the following : Mrs. E. Nekerman , Miss Doris Mattfeld , Marion Moslcy, Hudson Dai*row, Dorothy J, Van Cott , Helen Lane, Kathryn Albin , Mrs. Nettie Woodruff , Genevieve Hawkins , Frank L. Young, C. Ludwig, Mrs. - Florence Lachall ,. Sophia Goldstein, Mrs. Edward Collins, Mrs. Martin Golding, Mrs. Robert Brown , Joseph C. Raynor , Irene Howell , Margaret Dittmeir , Helen Powell , H. E. Tut- tlo, A. M. Carter , Horace B. John- son , B. Benjamin , Florence Albin, Mrs. , Arlene Young, William Chu- diak,. Dora Smith ,. Charlotte Daf row,.Mary Arthur, Mildred Lachall . Charles Albin , TLhomas Lachall , Mrs* Fred Taynter , barren Husted , If Gustafson , Mary Ashcraft , Mrs. u* B. . Tuthill , Laura Pye, Miss Marion Westlin , Grace Rewlein , Veronica Whelley, William Morini , M . aWe Johnson , .George Havens, Beatrice Pierson , Carl Olson , Ruth Alfred, Mrs. . Louis Nichols , Eleanor Ditt- meir, Mrs. Hembury, Fred Pierson, Ben ; Johnson^ and George N. Car- ter. > ' ¦ ' . HE LIKES FAIR ADS " Instead ; of protesting against Nc* York .World' s ' Fair advertising , 0 ' 1 his* license plates as.man y are doiif' Charles Evans of Syracuse has gone the fair publicity : folks oiie bc** er and painted -his tire ' cover to adver- tise the exposition. And he isn't so dumb. Ho hop« to attract sufficient attention to S" a job as artist in construction 0I fair buildings and signs. THE Branch clnss of the East Mor- i * iches Methodist church enjoyed a St. Patrick's party with their presi- dent , Mrs. Georgo Journeay, at Quogue last Friday. Those present were Mrs. H. C. Smith , Mrs. .Edgar Benjnmiiij Mrs. R. LB. Tuth ill, Mrs. Everett Benjamin , Mrs. Edward Brown , Mrs. J. .11 . Miller , Mrs. D. J. Kane , , Mrs. Wi G. Tench; Mrs. Joseph Chapman ,. Mrs. John Thompson nnd little Ann' . Thompson and Mrs. P. Lamont Corwin. Decorations includ- ed daffodils , green tapers and sham- rocks. A 'dedsort - ' course 'in green was S ^ served by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Ed- ugar Benjamin. After dessert , a pro- H gram of Irish wit ahd Notes of " Cheer was presented Lby. ' the members. Mrs. Journeay gnvo the "Story, of St. Patrick. " The following commit-* . tees have been appointed foi* 1938: ' Finance—Mrs. H. C. Smith , Mrs . R. B. Tuthill , MrsL D. J. Kane,. Mrs. Fred Grillin , Mrs. J. H. . Miller and Mrs. R. J. Simes ; flowers for churcli —class, with Mrs. LE. W. Raynor, chairman; flowers for sick members —Mrs. R. . LB. Tuthill; missionary chairman , Mrs. Everett Benjamin ; progra m chairman-^-Mrs. G. S. Jour- neay; hostess ' chairman—Mrs , W. G. Tench. Mrs. Kane will entertain at an Easter party in the Methodist ¦ church parlors , East Moriches , April Branch Class , East Mor., Is Entertained at Quogue ; Committees Appointed Glenda Fnrroll in a icone from "Blondai at Work , " tho film which ia being shown at tho Granada thu* ntro for tho Inst timet today. Granada Today iYMfSGHOGttE . . tf|k||JJ^ l^'lJ >l\%ti BAVaOKT .. . . »• ' ' S-T-Qj*R*E » j * ROYAL SCARLET FOODS FAMILY FLOUR 3y 2 -lb. bag 17c CORN FLAKES, Crispy and Crunch y - lg. 8-oz. pkg. 5c PEAS, Telephone 2 No. 2 cans 29c MACARONI , Spaghetti or Elbow 16-oz. roll pkg. IOc KIPPERED SNACKS, Norwegian 3y 4 -oz. tin 5c WET SHRIMP No. 1 can 17c 0 CAMPBEL1/S SOUPS 3 cans 25c All Varieties Except Tomato, Chicken or Mushroom PACKERS TOMATOES, - Standard Quality 4 No. 2 cans 25c LEMON OIL, Williams pt. bot. 15c NO RUB FLOOR WAX, Wilbert' s pt. can 87c GO* O DUST lg. p kg. 17c N. . C. DELUXE ASSORTMENT 1-lb. pkg. 29c HEINZ LENTEN SALE 1 2 Heinz 18-oz. Cans Med. Vegetarian Beans - 25c 2 Octagon Jars Cucumber Pickles 25c Heinz Soups All Kinds 2 for 25c Except Consomme, Clam Chowder , Gumbo e*i,^,^™ A oii~ 01d Dutch Cleanser SWEETHEART SOAP „, ,_, Buy 3 Cakes for l lic A Cans 15c Buy I Cake for Ic n* CHASES DIRT BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS S pinach pkg. 21c j Haddock Fillets .. lb. 23c Strawberries .... pkg. 25c J Scallops box 31c c Sherwin-Williams Paints Garden Seeds Garden Tools Fertilizers .>. ,; . ; ' : ;*i* . ¦ ' ¦ , < * .7. . :—•- ' ¦ - . , ; ', ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' . . * ¦ ' 5 ' : ; West Main Street and Havens Avenue ' Patchogue and Medford People —for your ' protection this coal is colored Your guarantee; of maxihium heating comfort at low qoSt! ••Because of lis safely, economy and dependability, anthracite is still America' s favorite . home fuel. Yonr furnace was designed for anthracite. No other : fuel can . ' give •: the" same steady, even heat. So burn anthracite. And to get the finest Pennsylvania an- thracite —carefully prepared , labora- tory tested and colored Blue, for,your protection-always aak-f or 'blue coal' . . . ' : lniPati*hogiJo.i*? , v j* tt , *: ; 7. l. .. Sw<jz^y /C&l j&5 Fee;a rCo. " Phone i.Patcho^ue3*270¦; ' . . . . In 'Medford - 1 7 . . Island Coal & Lumber Co. Phone . Patchoguo,4ip i^S^^MuSS ^^>»M»XTOit: ,toa*»>otit . *«<>-| ir«*it*g The Yankee Juniors of the East Moriches gcliool held a St, Patrick's party .at the school Saturday even- ing. Those attending were : Jean Harless ,; president; Louis Titmus , Vice-president; Beatrice Hinksman , secretary; LeGrand Howell , treas- urer; Nelson Reeve, Edgar Fox , Jr. , Curtis Chapman , Arthur Nicklus , LHazcl Friedel , Virginia Snow, Jean Downs , Doris Xuhnapfol , Jean Bed- son , Irene Bostleman , Jack Kanas, Bruce LRaynor , Harry Skarka , Rich- ard Darrow, "Williani Friedel , Martin Skarka , Rohert Smith, Jean Neker- man , Alma Van Cott , Betty Dolezal , Lillian SinuLk , Merwin Lane , Lily Lukert , William Skarka and Julia Stypulkowski. Principal and Mrs . Harry Huson , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bedson , Mrs. Harold Chapman and Miss Josephine Bruno were chaper- ons. Games and refreshments were enjoyed. Prizes were won by Mer- win Lane, Rohert Smith and Alma Van Cott. The following commit- tees had charge of the games, prizes and refreshments: Miss Bruno , Prin- cipal Huson , Jean Nekerman , Lil- lian Sinuk , Alma Van Cott , Doris Kuhnapfel , Virginia Snow, Jean Bedson , Carol Warner and 'Louis Titmus. Saturday afternoon the so- ciety attended Center Moriches the- atre and saw the picture , "Wells Fargo." ' . YANKEE JUNIOKS, E. MOR. HOLD ST. PATRICK'S PARTY * A jo lly St. Patrick's party was jgiven by thc Ladies' auxiliary of Center Moriches Fire department last Thursday evening, 50 ladiesr hus- bands and Lricnds enjoying, tho oc- cashm which included dancing to the music of a ^ five-piece orchestra. Re- freshments were served at a table decorated in keeping Avith St. Pat- rick' s day. Fourteen members were out for tho meeting last evening. After the business refreshments were served liy Mrs. Katherine Cozine and Mrs. Theresa Haftstein. The "dark horse" was won by Mrs, Jennie Kern , president. The ladies will meet next Monday night , and a joint meeting will be held by thc unit with the LegionjnextYWednesday- evening. . '^«H- -L' v ZJ..;. ' V -:• - : ¦ ' ¦ ' * ¦ ¦ ¦ ' •;. •CHORAL.GROtJ P ' REHEARSING :: , . FOR ITS 'SPRING CONCERT iv- ,;•. ')' . . ' ¦- ¦] . -!¦ . . . . . . . ' . ., - . . Rehearsals- started Monday even- ing jfor ' ,the spring concept'to beJgiv- cn by. 'th' c Clioral-7society-;of the Mori- che^.i under the l direction .' of * * Edna Kal(jr * Wilson ' . The cqncert4will.be purely 'American with * national , pa- triotic-and classica l music. There will'also be novelties on the program in the form of sectional groups with quartets . and- octets. MOUICHES LEGION " AUXILIARY HAS ST. PATRICK PARTY Boy Runaway Breaks Into Mastic Cottage INVESTIGATING a report Tuesday ¦* that a house on Magnolia drive, Mastic Beach , had been broken into , Town Oflicers Samson and Kottman took into L custody a 14-year-old lad who said* he came from Hollis, who had run away the second time after being boarded out. Mrs. Waterman , (owner- of/the t house, broken into , lives at' 87-10 J58tH' ave . nue, ' Elmhurst.; ' - T'LIt-; was ' : learned-. - . that 7the boy had come' to ' Patchogue by train Tiiesday morning and walked to the -Mastic house.. ' He had several bigs of ; groc- eries and three empty soda bottles. When told he would bo taken to head- quarters nt Patchogue ,. and tasked what about the bottles , he rep lie d "they are worth 15 cents." A rep- resentative :from a Catholic Home so- ciety appeared in Patchogue Wed- nesday afternoon and took him away. March P. T. A. Meeting Held at Moriches THE March meeting of the Mor- * ches Parent-Toacher association was held at the ' Moriches school last week , Monday evening, with Mrs. William Hall , president , in charge and all officers attending. , ' A nominating committee was se- lected for the corning election of of- ficers , consisting* of Mrs. William Parr ,.Mrs . Kendall Bavett and Wil- liam Prahl. An interesting talk was given by P..B.LRaynor , attendance officer , and a talk on "Your Child's Social Ad. justments"* was given by the Rev. Frederick Eckel of St. John ' s Epis- copal church of Center Moriches. The classroom banner was again won * by Miss Emily Smith's first , second and third grade room for h aving - . the largest percentage of parents at the meeting. It was de- cided to hold a card and bunco party Friday-evening, May- 6. The usual social hour with games ani-refreshments followed the meet- ing.

Center Moriches H. S. Completes Scout Committee Center ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1938-03-25/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · lage. Tliere wus n very lnrge attendance of Methodist

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Page 1: Center Moriches H. S. Completes Scout Committee Center ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1938-03-25/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · lage. Tliere wus n very lnrge attendance of Methodist

Center Moriches H. S. CompletesBig Program Intramural Sports

.'"TU B winter Intritnitii'ii l program of• ¦¦* thu Center Moriches High schoolhns been completed. A vnrietl pro-grant of lourniimuntH attracted al-most 80 per cunt of the Htudcntn .Mirny upsets were recorded , mostnotable being In the class tumketlmlltoiirnuinciit.

The Juniors upset the highly fa-vored Senior team and outclassed theSophomore team to become thu schoolchampions.

Tho winners in tho other activitieswere: Jnlriimiiral basketball , L. I, U.—11.. Johnson , P. Ilowell , J. Nizzn ,W, East, W. Itobblns , S, Snchak anilM. , Y-iroaovlez; pingpong — JacqucClinpmiin; Individual twenty-onu —Stanley Borok ; team twonty-ono,Michigan—D. Hall , M; .Schumchyk.L. Bowditch , F, Rybickl j foulahootlng—M. Bernstein; clock busltotbull—A.Edwards.

Claudo Schuyler, thrcc-yenr vetcr-nn of tlio Center Moriches Highschool liUBketlmU team, was electedcaptain for tho 1038-3!) season.Claude is active in all school activi-ties nnd has won the school letter Insoccer nnd busehnll as well as inbasketbnll,

Lewis. Willis has been named has-kotbnll manager for nuxt year, suc-ceeding Fred Klein , the 1037-38 man-ager.

MASTIC PARKK. R. Linington

MR, mid Mrs. Fred Casso spentfour days during tho past

week with Mr. Cnsse's brother andfumily at tho Casse dairy farm,Washingtonvillc, N. Y.

The Mann nnd O'Connor familiesof New York spent the week-endat their summer cottages on . Broad-way.

Mrs. Edward Kelm entertained anuniber of out-of-town guests overthe week-end nt her Robert streetcottage.

James Waldron of Brooklyn spenttho week-end nt his Ocean avenuebungalow.

A birthday party was given inhonor of "<MrSj Edward Renner March13 at her hdme on Montgomery ave-nue. Mrs, lienner received manygifts. Thoso joining in the .cele-bration were her son William, hiswife and young daughter, Mr. andMrs. Edward Allen and their daugh-ter, ail of St. Albans. Arthur andMrs. Caroline Burmeister and Ed-ward Renner.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pohts ofJamaica were Sunday visitors attheir Shinnecock avenue bungalow.

The Riviera Bridge club met atthe home of Mrs. Anna Hall on theMastic boulevard Tuesday afternoon.The high! :8cpre winners were Mrs.Louise Lonias,7Mrs.' Wally' Tallmanand MrsL " Mary"' Smith, , Mrs. MaeBielenberg received ' the consolationprize.' ¦' •

Hans Johnson is back at his homeon Fulton avenue after spending thewinter with his nephew in Philadel-phia.

Mrs. Willianv Pan* and young sonhave been ill with severe colds thepast week. ' . ' : '; ¦ :: ! The "Cabin" on the corner ofMontauk- , highway and Herkimerstreet, under .the management of

Henry Bielenberg. and son, was open-ed for business Saturday. >

The Spitzeriberg family, of Lyn-brook and Mrs. P. Snyder of BayRidge were Sunday guests of Mrs.E, R. *. Linington.

Max Shiller, local painter, is work-ing on the Meyer property.

Mrs. Philip Asklihg of Brooklynspent the past, week 'at her Midlandavenue bungalow.

The Shipstead family of theBronx spent the week-end at theirVernon avenue bungalow.

Mrs. R. Cohen of Astoria, Mr.and Mrs. J. Foster of Bay Ridgeand Ronald Swidler of New Yorkwere week-end guests of Mr.' andMrs. Max Shiller.

Mrs. Marie Valient and daughter,with out of town guests, spent theweek-end at their cottage on theRivera.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelm en-tertained week-end guests from As-toria at their cottage on Robertstreet. The men in the party en-joyed two days' fishing. Theybrought in a nice catch.

Scout CommitteePlans C. MorichesFather-Son Feast

AT n mooting of tho community' » commlttoo of the Center Mor-iches Boy Scout troop held In thehigh school oil Monduy evening itwas docidod to sponsor n father andson bunt iuet on Thursday, Muy 5,at tho soclul hall of the Ccntor Mor-iches Presbytorliui church , this beingtho only hull ln town which Is equip-ped to servo a largo dinner. A com-mittee wus unpointed to completeurrnngements.

About throe yours ago tho troopcommunity commlttoo hold ono ofthese father and son burufucts andit met with great success. Tho objectis to hnve the fathers spend unevonlng with their sons to got bet-tor acquainted In a social way, endsoo a short progru m of whnt theboys do at the Scout meetings. Thocommittee pointed out that this isnot only for fathers. Any male adultwho really hns tho Interest of thefuture of our boys in the communityshould bring some boy to this dinneras his guest for the evening. Theboys do not have to bo members ofthe Boy Scouts to attend,

An illustration lecture will begiven at the Moriches Woman's club-house on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30o'clock by Dorothy Peterson of NewYork on the "Restoration of Col-onial Williamsburg." This beauti-ful Virginia city of the eighteenthcentury has boen restored throughthe generosity of John D, Rocke-feller, Jr., at the - cost of 14 milliondollars to dato and was dedicatedby Mr. Rockefeller ''to the spiritualenrichment of human life."

The lecture will be given for thebenefit of the club under the di-rection * of Mrs. John C. Sprague,president,, Mrs, J. J. T. Noltheniusand Mrs. J. S. Robert , former pres-ident of tho club will act as host-esses. Tea will be served.


The estate of Augusta Miller ofCenter Moriches has a gross apprais-ed value of $16,614.12, according toinheritance tax schedules filed in theSurrogate's court in ¦. Riverhead. Thenet value*, is $14,321.87 and a taxamounting to $16.72 has been leviedby the decree. Deceased -was listedas a non-resident, with real propertyin Center .Moriches. Her estate/ ac-cording to the papers filed here, :goesto William P. Miller, a son, residingin South Orange.


Stare of "The Buccaneer"

Fredric March i» pictured above with Akim Tamorotf in a scenefrom . "The Buccaneer," epic film wliich opens a four-day engagement atthe Patchoguo theatre Sundny.

; ' E A S T PO R T NEW S "!II

' »*)»»»w»»»»»»T»»»wt'*n>«»*»'r*r**»»T*i»»TT**»»lrWT»»» **»»»»»»»»

V. R. Salamone

MR. and Mrs. George Powell , Jr.,entertained tho following guests

last Tuesday evening in celebrationof Mr. Powell's birthday: Mrs. RuthAlfred, MM. Carrie Albin , Mr. andMrs, Fred Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs.Harvey C. Tuttle, Mrs. ElizabethMcNeil, Miss Marjorie McNeil andMrs. C. Mcintosh of Marlboro-on-the Hudson.

Floyd LBo-rker and family havemoved from their apartment in theA. and TP. building to the house onRailroad avenue, formerly occupiedby Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Lehr.

• A daughter was bom to Mr. andMrs. John Hall last week.

William Walkman is seriously illat the home of his daughter, Mrs.Clarence H. Wells.

Mrs. Kenneth Albin entertainedthe following at dinner Wednesday :Mrs. Harvey C. Tuttle, Mrs. OliverR. Raynor, Mrs. Edward Conklin ,Mrs, Harry Hull and Mrs. BoydNilson.

Herbert Brown and family havemoved from Speonk to the apart-ment in William B. Ketcham's home.

Miss Dorothy Vicik entertained anumber of friends at cards Wednes-day night. ¦¦ - •

The Fellowship club will meetat the home of Mr. and. Mrs. RobertW. Hedger this evening. and electofficers..

The Seniors will hold a radiodance, in thc school auditorium thisevening.

The Eastport fire department wascalled out Monday afternoon, short-ly after 5-q'clock, to extinguish abrush fire near the homo of Mrs.Mary Sowiakr.

Mrs. Florence Boughten is yisit-

ing with her mother, Mrs. David H.Tuttle. Mrs. Boughton is studyingnursing at the Emerson hospital,Concord , Mass.

Miss Shelly Grey Norwood cele-brated her fourth birth d ay with aparty Tuesday afternoon , those pres-ent including Miss Shirley Powell ,Miss • Jessie Raynor, Miss M a r yKnott , Miss Huzcl Pye, Miss JudithReeve, and Miss Sally Joan Suther-land. The guests were served birth-day cake and ice cream, and the hos-tess received many gifts.

Mrs. Marjorie Tuttle attended ahairdressers' convention at the Penn-sylvania hotel, New York, on Mon-day.

Alfred Hedger is enjoying aweek'.s vacation from his duties asstation agent.

Guests of Mrs. Edward Reams at.a St. Patrick's oarty last Thursdayevening were Miss Ruth Ketcham,Miss Genevieve Hawkins, Miss MabelThompson, Miss Marion VVestlin, MissMarcia Milg-ate, Miss. Virginia Sala-mone, Miss Kathryn Albin, Mrs.Harriet "Viscuso, Mrs. Cornell Ray-nor, Mrs. Mildred Lachall, Mrs. Rod-ney Jayne, Mrs. Laura Pye, Mrs.Benjamin Michne, Mrs. Melvin Albin,Mrs. Ronald Raynor and Mrs. Wil-liam Moffett. '

Mrs. Frederick Driend and MissSophie Lubniewski are' visiting theirmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lubniewski.

Harry Baker motored to Marylandlast Friday to attend the funeral ofhis aunt.

William Pitn ey, Noi'iiian Barker,Robert Pitney and Harvey Tuttle mo-tored to New York Sunday. They at-tended the "Magic Key" radio broad-cast at the NBC studios in the after-noon and in the evening a dance re-cital by Ted Shawn and his group.

Presbyterian ChurchE, Moriches Elects

Staff for New YearTHE annual parish meeting of the

East Moriches Presbyterianchurch was held last week Wed-nesday, with the session in chargeof Riley P. Howell , ruling elder, aschairman ; Howard H. Benjamin ,clerk ; Gilbert Benjamin, O. R. Ham-mond , and Percy B. Raynor. A nul-pit - supply committee was appoint-ed, comprising William Howell ,chairman ; Mrs. Harry W. Huson,Mrs. J. Newton Hand, LMrs. PrestonH. Tuttle and Robert Raynor.

Trustees i-c-elccted were OliverB. Smith and Oliver Howell.

Herbert Bedson was elected fi-nancial secretary ; Raymond Barber,organist; William Howell , assistantorganist; Miss Lila .-Barber , pianist.

Reports of the societies of thechurch were given.

A list of officers of the Sunday-school was presented and approved.Everett S. Benjamin, superintendent,having asked for a year's leave ofabsence, Percy B. Raynor, who hasbeen acting superintendent, wasnamed as temporary superintendent ,to be assisted by Mrs. Howard H.Benjamin; Mrs. Oliver Howell, secre-tary ; 'Miss Mary Raynor, assistantsecretary; Robert Raynor, treasur-er; Miss Emma Raynor, Cradle Rollsuperintendent; Miss Barbara Tuttle,home department superintendent ;Miss Lila Barber, pianist; Miss Cor-nelia Raynor, first assistant; MissLila Hester, second assistant.

Center Moriches in the NewsOf the Past Few Buys

Emma M. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tench were(tuustii of Mr. und Mrs. Charles LD.\Vllson at Westbury for Buppor Tues-day evening.

Recent guests of Air , nnd Mrs. J.Grant Smith woru Mr. nnd Mrs, Jos-eph P. Payne of Quogue, Miss Dor-othy Still of Coram , Mrs . FrankKourney nnd MI BB Grace Overton ofPatchogue.

- Mr. und Mrs . Morris S. Kronmanspent lust week In New Yoi'lc , wheretney attended tliu annual WholesaluPaper & Twine association dinner-dance at tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel.

The foundation and spacious cellarfor the ncw homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.Frederick Muller on Benchfern nve-nuc were finished thc first of theweek. The work is under tho direc-tion , of Bnrber & Smith of this vil-lage.

Tliere wus n very lnrge attendanceof Methodist Ladies' Aid membersat thu home of Mrs. IT. A. T. HedgesWcilnesdii y afternoon. Report of therecent pot roust supper showed theatrnir very successful with proceedsabout $45. Next weok tho Indieswill be entertained by Mrs EzraHawkins, when new business will bediscussed.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Bernsteingavo n party at their home Wednes-day afternoon in honor of the fourthbirthday of their son Bernard. Greendecorations were used. The childrenreceived kites, rabbits nnd candy andBernard was prostontcd with' a num-ber of gifts. Thoso present were:Janice Wonzel, Seymour and JamesDavis, Oral ond Everette Robinson ,Herbert Kronman , Bennett Silver-stein , Frederick Murray, Jr., Ted Ja-nis, Florence and Roland Smith, CarolMae hnd Bernard Bernstein, alsoMrs. Annie Bernstein, Mrs. SeymourDavis, Mrs. Milton Smith, Mrs. LeroyRobinson , Mrs. A. Bernstein andMrs. Mac Janis.

Owing to illness Mrs. HerbertHarding has resigned' the presidencyof the Presbyterian Ladies' Guildtemporarily and Mrs. H. M. Vogl isRiling her place. Twelve membersmet Wednesday and planned for afood sale today in Goldsmith's store.

State Troopers Arthur Kiuiehl andDavid Hardy attended the funeral ofTrooper Graydon at Oyster Bay onTuesday.

Mrs. D. L. JBrown, president, willentertain the members of the Thim-ble club and their husbands at theirannual birthday party at her homenext Tuesday evening.

Silva ' Rebekah ' lodge took threecandidates to Patchogue Mondaynight, to be initiated along with tenothers.

The Misses Lois Penney, VirginiaKoegel, Lloyd Wilcox and ¦ CloyedKonkle have been chosen to join the400 delegates elected to attend theMethodist Youth conference today,tomorrow and Sunday at Free-port for all Methodist Churches ofConnecticut and Long Island. TheRev. James H, Link will accompanythe young people, taking them in hiscar, and .will lead three discussiongroups. Harold Lukert will bringthe group back.

The finance committee of the Meth-odist church met Sunday evening tomake up the budget and choose work-ers for the every member canvassSunday, April .3.

Tho Fireside- Forum met Tuesdayat the Methodist church to rehearseits play "Simple Simon Simple," tobe given after Easter.

Members of Junior and Senior Sun-rise Republican ' clubs are' -workingdiligently to make their card party,April 1, in Goldsmith's hall a bigsuccess. The Rev. James H. Linkwill be the speaker for the Aprilmeeting of the combined clubs, speak-ing for the encouragement of theyoung people. The meeting will beheld Thursday, April 7. •

With Mrs. Lewis Foster as hostess,assisted by Mrs. Roland Jones, Mrs.John Robert'and Mrs. Kenneth Mock-ridge, the Moriches Woman 's clubheld , a very successful dessert cardparty at the clubhouse last Thurs-day afternoon, Eight tables -were fill-ed with players. Decorations in pin kand blue were used. The prizes wereivy bowls tied in pink and blue. Cakeswere won by Mrs. George Herrmannand Mrs. Roland Jones. High scoresin cards were made by Mrs. Herr-mann, Mrs. Milton P. Kaler, Mrs.Charles Chapman, Mrs. Henry Clark,Mrs. S. J. Post, Mrs. W. L. Darnelland Miss Aimie Havens.

LMr. and Mrs. Horace Johnson, Jr.,gave a birthday surprise party attheir home on Bolleview avenue Sat-urday evening in honor of his grand-father, Ferdinand Johnson's seventy-eighth birthday. Cards and deliciousrefreshments including two birthdaycakes were enjoyed. Those invitedwere Mr. and Mrs. Horace Johnson,Sr,, Mrs. Minerva Murdock, Mr. andMrs. Ulysses Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.Howard Johnson, Miss Sue Johnson ,Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Murdock andMr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lamnns.

Spring started with an ideal dayMonday, with exceptionally warmsunshine, bonfires springing up alloyer the village and wid geese honk-ing northward overhead. Seed cata-logues are flooding the mails, lawnsare being raked and . housewives arebusy with house cleaning. .

Members of the Catholic Ladies'Aid Benevolent society will hold afood-sale in Ferlazzo's . store thisSaturday at 2 p. m.. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thompsonof Flushing were guests of Mr. andMrs. Willard Loper over the week-end. '

Mrs. Joseph Lavelle accompaniedMr. -and; Mrs, 'Chester Raynor,i-Siv,andtMrs. ; Chester; Raynor, ;iJr.. ofVVesthamptonf-' to 'New / York MastThursday to a t t e n d the Flowershow also the show "I'd Rather BeRight."

Mrs. A. D, Davis of Manorvillehas been visiting at the home of J.Herbert Carter during the past twoweeks.

Mrs. William Hudson entertainedthe Clique o'Eight at her home onUnion avenue last week.

Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Smith andfumily of Culvetton were guests nttho homo of J. Herbert Carte r Sunday.

Mr. nnd Mrs, Frederick Mullergavo a surprise ttiniior-purty Sund iivHI honor ol hor sister, Mis* CarulvnRoovu of Moriches, who wus genu,inely suriu'iBud. Besides tlu* abovementioned , those present were MmCarrie Hoove, Mrs. II. D. Swezey amiMiss Sadie Heovo of Pntchogue; MissRuth Reeve of Moriches and l.'n,jcrick A. Mullor of this vil lage,

MI BB Henrietta Walterstloi'i return.ed to her home In this village Mon.day after spending two months InBridgeport, (Jonn.

Miss Audrey Robinson opened herhomo ut South Haven Wednesday fortho Methodist Cottage Prayer meet,ing. Tho prnyer-llto of Jesus wnsdiscussed.

A delightful surprise shower wnsgiven Miss Christine Montecalvo ather homo on Frowein road , lustweek, Wednesdny by her friend ,Miss Dorothy Adums. Miss Monte-calvo received ninny lovely gifts,Besides she and Miss Adams, thosepresent were : Mrs. Nora Stniuscr,Mattituck ; Mrs. Vera Tuttle , NewSuffolk; Miss Helen Hogan , of Riv-erhead ; the Misaes Tally and KnyTortora , Manorville; Mrs. , AlicePcndzich , Mrs. Helen Plisko nndMrs. Snlly Danowski of Manorville;Mrs. Angeline Andeano, Mrs. EvelynCherubini , Mrs. Kate De Santa , Pnt-chogue ; Mrs. Leo Weiz , IDobbsFerry ; Mrs. Margaret White , Elms-ford ; Miss Catherine Emmeluth , andMrs. Anna Tebbins of Moriches;Mrs. Peter Adams, Mrs. LillianMurdock , Miss Margaret Harris,Miss Helen Sera, Miss Anna Laskec,Miss Grace Montecalvo, Mrs. Mich-ael Montecalvo, Mrs. Frank Monte-calvo all of Center Moriches. MissMontccalvo's engagement to AlexPendzick of Center Moriches hasbeen announced and the weddingwill take place soon.

Robert Carlson of the Bronx hastaken the management of the groc-ery , department in the local Bohackstore. Mr. Carlson was formerlylocated in Smithtown.

The* Center Moriches Pingpongteam went to Easthampton Mon-day evening, where they were de-feated 6 to 3. Easthampton is nowleading the Eastern Long IslandTabel Tennis association and CenterMoriches stands in secend place.

Mrs. Frances Bullock is in theMedical Center hospital, New York,where she is very ill.

¦Town Police Officer William Glov-er returned to his . duties with thefourth precinct the first of the weekafter his recent illness.

The Eastport JuniorCard Party Success

THE Eastport High school Junior¦* class netted approximately $50'at the card party held in the au-ditorium last Friday evening. Therewere 24 tables of 500, bridge, andpinochle. The special prize, a floorlamp, was awarded to Paul Vicik.Mrs. Grace Collins won a large lay-er cake. High scores were made bythe following :

Mrs. E. Nekerman, Miss DorisMattfeld, Marion Moslcy, HudsonDai*row, Dorothy J, Van Cott, HelenLane, Kathryn Albin , Mrs. NettieWoodruff , G e n e v i e v e Hawkins,Frank L. Young, C. Ludwig, Mrs.-Florence Lachall,. Sophia Goldstein,Mrs. Edward Collins, Mrs. MartinGolding, Mrs. Robert Brown, JosephC. Raynor, Irene Howell , MargaretDittmeir, Helen Powell, H. E. Tut-tlo, A. M. Carter, Horace B. John-son, B. Benjamin, Florence Albin,Mrs. , Arlene Young, William Chu-diak,. Dora Smith ,. Charlotte Dafrow,.Mary Arthur, Mildred Lachall.Charles Albin , TLhomas Lachall , Mrs*Fred Taynter, barren Husted , IfGustafson , Mary Ashcraft, Mrs. u*B. . Tuthill , Laura Pye, Miss MarionWestlin, Grace Rewlein, VeronicaWhelley, William Morini , M.aWeJohnson, .George Havens, BeatricePierson , Carl Olson, Ruth Alfred,Mrs. . Louis Nichols, Eleanor Ditt-meir, Mrs. Hembury, Fred Pierson,Ben ; Johnson^ and George N. Car-ter.

> '¦'. HE LIKES FAIR ADS" Instead; of protesting against Nc*

York .World's ' Fair advertising , 0'1his* license plates as.many are doiif'Charles Evans of Syracuse has gonethe fair publicity : folks oiie bc**erand painted -his tire ' cover to adver-tise the exposition.

And he isn't so dumb. Ho hop«to attract sufficient attention to S"a job as artist in construction 0Ifair buildings and signs.

THE Branch clnss of the East Mor-i * iches Methodist church enjoyed aSt. Patrick's party with their presi-dent, Mrs. Georgo Journeay, atQuogue last Friday. Those presentwere Mrs. H. C. Smith , Mrs. .EdgarBenjnmiiij Mrs. R. LB. Tuth ill, Mrs.Everett Benjamin , Mrs. EdwardBrown, Mrs. J. .11. Miller, Mrs. D. J.Kane, ,Mrs. Wi G. Tench; Mrs. JosephChapman,. Mrs. John Thompson nndlittle Ann'. Thompson and Mrs. P.Lamont Corwin. Decorations includ-ed daffodils, green tapers and sham-rocks. A 'dedsort -'course'in green was


—^ served by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Ed-

ugar Benjamin. After dessert, a pro-H gram of Irish wit ahd Notes of"Cheer was presented Lby.'the members.

Mrs. Journeay gnvo the "Story, ofSt. Patrick." The following commit-*

. tees have been appointed foi* 1938:'Finance—Mrs. H. C. Smith , Mrs. R.B. Tuthill , MrsL D. J. Kane,. Mrs.Fred Grillin, Mrs. J. H. .Miller andMrs. R. J. Simes; flowers for churcli—class, with Mrs. LE. W. Raynor,chairman; flowers for sick members—Mrs. R..LB. Tuthill; missionary —chairman, Mrs. Everett Benjamin ;progra m chairman-^-Mrs. G. S. Jour-neay; hostess ' chairman—Mrs, W. G.Tench. Mrs. Kane will entertain atan Easter party in the Methodist¦church parlors, East Moriches, April

Branch Class, East Mor.,Is Entertained at Quogue;

Committees Appointed

Glenda Fnrroll in a icone from"Blondai at Work ," tho film whichia being shown at tho Granada thu *ntro for tho Inst timet today.

Granada Today

iYMfSGHOGttE. . tf|k||JJ l 'lJ >l \ % t i BAVaOKT .. ..

»• ' ' *¦ S-T-Qj*R*E »j *

ROYAL SCAR LET F OODSFAMILY FLOUR 3y2-lb. bag 17cCORN FLAKES, Crispy and Crunchy - lg. 8-oz. pkg. 5cPEAS, Telephone 2 No. 2 cans 29cMACARONI, Spaghetti or Elbow 16-oz. roll pkg. IOcKIPPERED SNACKS, Norwegian 3y4-oz. tin 5cWET SHRIMP No. 1 can 17c

0 CAMPBEL1/S SOUPS 3 cans 25c

All Varieties Except Tomato, Chicken or MushroomPACKERSTOMATOES,- Standard Quality 4 No. 2 cans 25cLEMON OIL, Williams pt. bot. 15cNO RUB FLOOR WAX, Wilbert's pt. can 87cGO* O DUST lg. pkg. 17cN. . C. DELUXE ASSORTMENT 1-lb. pkg. 29c

H E I N Z L E N T E N S A L E 12 Heinz 18-oz. Cans Med. Vegetarian Beans - 25c2 Octagon Jars Cucumber Pickles 25cHeinz Soups — All Kinds 2 for 25c

Except Consomme, Clam Chowder, Gumbo

e*i, ,^™Aoii~ 01d Dutch Cleanser

SWEETHEART SOAP „, ,_ ,Buy 3 Cakes for l lic A Cans 15cBuy I Cake for Ic n* CHASES DIRT

BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODSSpinach pkg. 21c j Haddock Fillets .. lb. 23cStrawberries .... pkg. 25c J Scallops box 31c


Sherwin-Williams PaintsGarden Seeds — Garden Tools — Fertilizers

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Patchogue andMedford People

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Your guarantee; of maxihiumheating comfort at low qoSt!••Because of lis safely, economy anddependability, anthracite is stillAmerica's favorite .home fuel. Yonrfurnace was designed for anthracite.No other : fuel can . ' give •: the" samesteady, even heat. So burn anthracite.And to get the finest Pennsylvania an-thracite —carefully prepared, labora-tory tested and colored Blue, for,yourprotection-always aak-f or 'blue coal'.

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Island Coal & Lumber Co.Phone .Patchoguo,4ip

i S^ MuSS^^>»M»XTOit: ,toa*»>otit.*«<>-|ir«*it*g

The Yankee Juniors of the EastMoriches gcliool held a St, Patrick'sparty .at the school Saturday even-ing. Those attending were : JeanHarless,; president; Louis Titmus,Vice-president; Beatrice Hinksman,secretary; LeGrand Howell , treas-urer; Nelson Reeve, Edgar Fox, Jr.,Curtis Chapman, Arthur Nicklus,LHazcl Friedel , Virginia Snow, JeanDowns, Doris Xuhnapfol , Jean Bed-son, Irene Bostleman , Jack Kanas,Bruce • LRaynor , Harry Skarka , Rich-ard Darrow, "Williani Friedel, MartinSkarka, Rohert Smith, Jean Neker-man, Alma Van Cott, Betty Dolezal ,Lillian SinuLk , Merwin Lane, LilyLukert, William Skarka and JuliaStypulkowski. Principal and Mrs.Harry Huson, Mr. and Mrs. HerbertBedson , Mrs. Harold Chapman andMiss Josephine Bruno were chaper-ons. Games and refreshments wereenjoyed. Prizes were won by Mer-win Lane, Rohert Smith and AlmaVan Cott. The following commit-tees had charge of the games, prizesand refreshments: Miss Bruno , Prin-cipal Huson, Jean Nekerman, Lil-lian Sinuk, Alma Van Cott , DorisKuhnapfel , Virginia Snow, J e a nBedson , Carol Warner and 'LouisTitmus. Saturday afternoon the so-ciety attended Center Moriches the-atre and saw the picture, "WellsFargo."' .


* A jo lly St. Patrick's party wasjgiven by thc Ladies' auxiliary ofCenter Moriches Fire department lastThursday evening, 50 ladiesr hus-bands and Lricnds enjoying, tho oc-cashm which included dancing to themusic of a

^five-piece orchestra. Re-

freshments were served at a tabledecorated in keeping Avith St. Pat-rick's day. Fourteen members wereout for tho meeting last evening.After the business refreshments wereserved liy Mrs. Katherine Cozine andMrs. Theresa Haftstein. The "darkhorse" was won by Mrs, Jennie Kern ,president. The ladies will meet nextMonday night, and a joint meetingwill be held by thc unit with theLegionjnextYWednesday- evening.

. ' «H- -L' v Z J . . ; . 'V -:• - :¦'¦' *• ¦ ¦ ¦' •;.•CHORAL.GROtJ P 'REHEARSING ::

, . FOR ITS 'SPRING CONCERTiv- , ; •.• ') ' .. ' ¦- ¦] . - ! ¦ . . :¦ • .. .. .'. ., - ..

Rehearsals- started Monday even-ing jfor ',the spring concept'to beJgiv-cn by.'th'c Clioral-7society-;of the Mori-che^.i under the l direction .' of** EdnaKal(jr * Wilson'. The cqncert4will.bepurely 'American with * national , pa-triotic-and classica l music. Therewill'also be novelties on the programin the form of sectional groups withquartets . and- octets.


Boy Runaway BreaksInto Mastic Cottage

INVESTIGATING a report Tuesday¦* that a house on Magnolia • drive,Mastic Beach, had been broken into,Town Oflicers Samson and Kottmantook into L custody a 14-year-old ladwho said* he came from Hollis, whohad run away the second time afterbeing boarded out. Mrs. Waterman,(owner- of/the t house, broken into, livesat' 87-10 J58tH' ave.nue, ' Elmhurst.;'-T'LIt-; was': learned-.-.that 7the boy hadcome' to ' Patchogue by train Tiiesdaymorning and walked to the -Mastichouse..' He had several bigs of ; groc-eries and three empty soda bottles.When told he would bo taken to head-quarters nt Patchogue,. and taskedwhat about the bottles, he replied"they are worth 15 cents." A rep-resentative :from a Catholic Home so-ciety appeared in Patchogue Wed-nesday afternoon and took him away.

March P. T. A. MeetingHeld at Moriches

THE March meeting of the Mor-* ches Parent-Toacher association

was held at the ' Moriches school lastweek, Monday evening, with Mrs.William Hall, president, in chargeand all officers attending. , ' •

A nominating committee was se-lected for the corning election of of-ficers, consisting* of Mrs. WilliamParr,.Mrs. Kendall Bavett and Wil-liam Prahl.• An interesting talk was given byP..B.LRaynor, attendance officer , anda talk on "Your Child's Social Ad.justments"* was given by the Rev.Frederick Eckel of St. John's Epis-copal church of Center Moriches.

The classroom banner was againwon * by Miss Emily Smith's first ,second • and third grade room forhaving -. the largest percentage ofparents at the meeting. It was de-cided to hold a card and bunco partyFriday-evening, May- 6. •

The usual social hour with gamesani-refreshments followed the meet-ing.