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Page 2: CENTENARY - patersonhistory.org.au

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F'orev;ord o

This 'boc:::let was vn-itten to commemol:'at.e: the Cent~mar;• of tha Vacy Public ~cboolo It aone: ems chiefly -;lie Vacy Public School!' but in telling the stor., of th~ eehool we must of neces2~ty

'V3.cy is =;_ tv.a,t:ec'l. atth.:; ;ju..n.(;i;ion o f t"b.~se ~wo

delight: .:?- s treams ft 'I'ne PatBrson & ar1d The

~llyn, w'::. ;_ell ha.v e thai X' SO'tl!'C~ in ... Ghe :Barr·ingtc-n

rrcp&_, :::~;-_; Pater-eon ris~s in the e prings hig!l up

u.ndero tl:.. : a oYI' o eigc of the Barrington Topsl:'

while tb ": Allyn :has its orig5.n m1der the c~:>e.gs

of Carey '.s Peak (5 t~280 · ft o) ~ · the h~. ghest pr?in·~

in the B::-rrington"

'l'he t O'."r11S2lip of Vaoy nestles on the ba..""lk~ of

the Fate~son Riveri' while 1'11t o .Johnstone fi to the

sout h r i~:~" George to the west, al'ld fJ:t o B~eekin 0 t o the n~!" ... Chp look down upon ito

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'I'he land SUITQUL-,ding th~ p:;;··gtty tcvmship of Paters on (named after Lieu'.; €nant= Colonel Willia~ Pa terson) was 6 in ths days of the convie:t se:'vtlement at Newcas·i:;l® ~ kno·wn as the '00ld BaP..ksGI' Q

'J:he con··;(ie t c~der pax-"cies wo;rking alm;.g tha ri ·wer. ( then eall:bd to~i"H! Cedar' .i:rm'q) had one c f th·eir camps a~. ths Pa"cerson 5 and many a fine l og of oVJdar.· wa$ ::"e.ft~.d d" wn to th~ lu.m1o&r yar -de a t Newc.a~tlco

In th~· €P..:i":;.y tw&nti ~e cf l aet canturys; lro""g~; g:.;-s .. ntc.. of lo.nd v;&'!'·a me.dl5 by thf. Co{lvertlme:nt . all a1ong Jiihe Rv.nt=a;:v River VelJ.~~r .... In th ~ Pater= eon d ·i e·-'~l.· R·~ J a.m n<:> 'D 1~1=.7..,\--co"'> (•11 .. ,c ~ ~ '! 'fam"'c:l .• .,.-.,:~ L-~ '-~ ~·"-' .L.. .-.. f fv,..--_,.r... ,_..., .- c .. or3o ; t to~ ,. ou

P'\.. ' l '"l ' 1 B y.: t ~ w.· 1 1 · n .- 1 n.,. ' i A ' u ).. --'-PB 1. on .d5 O. J e rV.l.- -~JI. am l.f':v:ll \.l.'l."-""'ll.na ..... v.. ; ~:

Geo~gs Lan~ (D"llt.lrnOl:'f J r Lie-utenan"l! Bedwell ( Cint:ta, ~he Co:t''?e . \Gost w;,vck and Co ry -,ia1e)~ J.,H,B,, ughton \ Ti J. ltm'by) f end othe rr:: 8ecu.r·ed 1ar.ge g:."a.nts ~·

The '<Yillow 'Grees that so greatly en..., hanc e ·tho beauty cf t l'-< c Pa t~rson Ri·'ft:r ar~ s a id t o haY~ com~ f r cn; e. a lip cv. t f:..,cm a tr~e near Napoleon 11 s ~·mre a t St o He :lena r and brought to Fat~r.son by Lieu:tenant Bedwell~ a British Na'l!al Officer"~ who owned th:e Cin't~a esJGate (on the ~Pa:'a e~son P:.i Yer just nc r-tll of Duninald ) o T"ni s slip Vihich he planted on h5~s s state n ear· t h e p re s ent G;:•asfor.d 'Road 1 f lourish s d end liv-ad to a g:r.·sat age o · ·

The Cory B~th€rs came f rom Devonshire~ Englando Edward · Gvstwyck Cm:''Y was th5 eJ.defl t s on of Jov..u Cory, and was bo:tn in '! 797" Hi s middl€ name was· taken from h is groand,fat..he:r ~ ~:.i.x­Wi\l~.am Go~tvwyck f4>f VO.lli ngton r n e w:' Bedfo:r:d o

The s econd s on wee Cap t ai n John Jo~~ston Coi~p RoN o , who was bJ 1.--n i n ~ 800 a.

!~ was on 18th Sgp t o, 1823, t hat Edward GoCo,.~y :;,:ooo~ived a g:L"a~t of 2 "030 ac r es (Go~t'tfYck) in the Parish of Ba:t'·f'ord t and on 9th Jan .... i 824 Joh."'1 JQGo:r-~r F his b!"' t h sr t r-eeei·~ed a grant of 800 a& res in the sam~ Pa:ds.h (Cory Val~ ) a In th~

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lliiddlehop~ Pa:ri~h John Co~~"Y D.leo h eld an eth. :;;:;: 400 acres by pv.rfJhase, dated ~7t-h may 2 ·i 5(: So

Capt o John Jo Co~· return~~ t o England in · 1 83i~ and a power of attorney sign~d by him on 25th June ~ 18 32 " ?-ppo in ted William D&'"lgo.~· of v.:Neote.feldco to control hi:;, land and a ffai:-s; in N oSoWe

On 26th June c died 5~ Englan&, at the _gstate was inl1~~i tsd by Gil~ert ( bO}:"!t i8~2)o ·

1839r- Capt~ John Jo Co~7 age of 39 ye~~~ and his h~:s you.ng~r b:t'O th~l" r

Cfi lbe:t't -C{V!"".f f;~ aru~ ·i;o r; o~ o vr o e.nr~ ~-r~·-aG. on th~-t part of the e~tats llaiD•!;O. (qN~yaJ:"""J.'a:-:. ~ Vihic:h is. e.6:t-')5S the ri1:~r- f ;-;'Om Ccr:y Val~o- (Jo:-.::n. Cory h~C:. 1 :i ~d s.t; Co-:-y Val~) -c

Ed.wai:'d Go~:d:;vr,;ce;k Co;;-y< ~ &B \!£tt<; s.ii~~z1;.,--· ched from ths :Pe'l:~~.:--aon Ri'Yer in a N "E o di!"ec·~ion; a.lmo~t . t o the foothills of· the Walla rob"oa Wt<> · Hi~ c ri gina 2 g:_' ru1t haO. in-c.rea&ed t o a lrlos.t- 5 ~000 acl~sa at on5 tine o On h:l.9 &P- '~ate at •r c-or;t"T-Q-ck~~ h ~ "'b :.:i J. t z. :flot•.r milJ~ s. whic h wai9 th8 f iZ"::>t one -~n t he district t o be dri~'en by lft'Ci.t~~ pow~rc -He:t-~€. s. :.u~c: ett c~a-:::; s.rc:;vey-~kn he eom!!len~:H:.d t..~ i. rearing of blood s tocko r"~"C am.crton~~ 11 b~:->~HS. ~;-G ~" CkH::twyck='~ wae the· e i re of lilan:f prom1:r1ent J.""5.(£~ hcrn~s in the o..ist;"iet in ths Gld da.ys o

The -n.ret homest~ad built by Edward Cm7. v::ae namsd '~Vineyard Cottage.t~ , be~ause of _the .. l-arge e~L"-~a of @='ape vines he· had u..ryaar culti"QJa t _iono !n l<3.te r yGars. taVinGyar-cl Cottage~.'~~ beeame a.l1. i,.nn; or. e of the first in ~1s distri~to Here he aleo k ~pt large flocks of ~h~epo

In 1. 836 he bu~lt r• Gosm.rck Hous~ Gl' ~ -It W9~ a h~we of some impo~ta~s~ ~~d is still at&luing to=day~ although not enti~ely a~ it was when it w~ f i:r:-st bttilt o It ia interesting 'to

- re-ad ru.1 advertisement eo:nea:r.ning ~raostwyck Hcv.sell) p ubl~sh £1 :tn ~~ T'na Av_s tz•al_~m1'.-. on 1Oth A\£g\2 st ~ 184-2 P whic h giyes a fin& ciesc .t<i ption o f this · homest~a.do

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( {j 'Tl,} ') .,. •'- ~,..'• In 'l C\ -'• Jp t , - •~ ::>V ., a • J" V~ .... Q •1. J.. V .:. r-· \: .i.. V t ....,. ll . '-''-'-cf .:." c ••• '.. p •'• • v L• '-" ~

""'<>:p1 {>. o . , ID .,. "'RHo Q'? o.,...., ·::'!:> '"';"'m. "' a l l <>f. t t f':~ c.;~~-'\"'·"'' '..rr" "J.' ,y; Vf;4 _._,~ .. • U V"'-- v ·c.;..o- ~.i. ...... . v--~-l-..:..4 V - c -. ~ .... l . ... \: • tt.' ..._, ._ _ f ~ ¥

occupied. by W::t lliam Burnett, and Th:lmas Hsc-':;o _--or t ogether viith the: gc.v~r-nm~mt men 9 watsr mill r and mill da~P 4 0000 acres more or less , 100 ac r es fenc~d , two e i:oY-&;}7 heme of eight ron14s a."'1d h a l l on th~ ~~ound floort and thr~e very large rooms o v er same t dej .. r--y t ss.l t i. ng and ~laug7J. taring house s sto:.;;-e :-oc~s, det~:n:ched ki tchen £ se~ .. an·lls ~ depart= ments 0 t ogethe:r with large n e;·; barn, importa.d. thrBsh:l.ng mach~.ne t Yin-Eyo.rd , orang~ and lgmon g;:-c: 'te o f fin~ quality and f t!ll baaring r k i t~h~'-:.-:n ga~o.e:J. a:.!cl fna$ t t:r-2~E! "~~

tr G-:)ot·:,:y·c!-: Ho:-use'' ws.s ont> of t:he ov f.,.. E~ten6.:i.x-"'g hcm.;:!G iJ.·J t he d~ st r.ic·~ c

G.l ._, . ...,.,._.!.- co~·- C ~ h,..,., t;'"'~o,.,Q.' a·;. r~1\ .ovo""'" '·•l U ,J.,.i.c.,.:y ~ ':7 J~.... .... k'lJ-4-ta.,.l uc c.. \1 - -~ {;...,..,r.. .L '" ......

ha::o ~mpletely d.ics.ppi-a:.. .. ed. ~ bu~~.. be!!<::aili1 &. paliu t b"""~ e Ga-."'1 s ·!;ill b ;; s~en O.ep:r·essiom which ma:rk .r · v.:her·t. nemr.ers of t h.:: fam.Ll~.; ~ s.nd. s co e of t hf;:tr ~t;1'"""\"E4i.~~ , V'ler ~ O\lrii'd ~ ,but ~h~ir- j_-~~5.n3 h EJ.ye .LGng Sl.PC ~ b~zn ;"eOo"~- .sa., ano. ::..n·te::.·::· ·-~ ~::=. ~ ~VH),t: r-e c

· In th6 ~a:r-ly de;·~ o! "t!~a ~8}0'J s ·ooth EoGQCo:,:<yr Dr!d. Gil0e>.·c Cc-;.•y , .b.~d e..5~ign~ eer"'·e..nts t o hB1!7· on t ha €~'~at t:. , rH.~t or-.• ly \·ri -~b the cult::.= vaidon of crops but also f or- t he prot_e'::tion of the proper-ty c Du.:t-ing th~ period i 820..,..! 830 the ne.ti~s be~em& a problem" 'fus:t"e wa.rs stroP..g tribes of aborigil·H~s i n the distr:t.e:t r particularlj ·· a long -'c;he riYer banke ~ and t.."ley caue:ed. t hs !3B.rly s ~t~l~rs a grsat deal of t~~bl~~ The Co~~g suff-e;t;'8d cons i d erably G TJ:'J. e:l.~ be.rns and h8.y&tac ks w ~:·.s bm"nt P t heir sh~ep att acked, and their wo~km~n sp8~~do

In th~ t~sydney Gazett€1"; of 24th Na.roh~ 'i 827 !1 it· eta.,.c~s ,,hat a largs pa:r=-;~- of B.borigin~s ~~ta~ked t~o shepherds of l~o E?GcCory9 and e.tt~ptsd t o driYe off a ntuioer of ehsepo .An ~ - ,_ ·.d pa.x->ty was netH!~d to disperse th~ abox-iginea,

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Not only w~re_ the aborigines t:;ouble­som~ but the convic "Gs tooproved hard to ffi<il."lagl!:.o It was in 1833 that fflr c. E oGcCory fell foul of one :. f his assign~d aen·ents. .,.., a ma11 n&~-ned Colemen ..... ~ho attac k ad him and struck h1.m a terrib:l.e blow. on th & h ee.d ·with a spad6 o Colt!mc:m was sv.bsaquently hanged for his rourd~rous attack o

t~ac.st~'i;)f!!k1't e ontintted in. ·(;he '::-o ry po ssBs..;, sion vn:t5.1 i 8? 3 when tir o EoGc Cory died at th~ ag£ ~.1 of 76 o Hi s wife Frances having d-ie d in 't 870!: end th f~re being no childr en P t he £S~.;ate vtas s old.c

u1~ eS Jli at~ pas~ed t o a man nawE;c,· Ltilis- ~ and l ater r~T ("' 'I'heo)J:d.:tua Cooper b~v.gtrc tb~ prop~5rty . In ; 902 tbe mGDS~\'JYCkr"t? esta•.re was subdivid~d. 9 and Mr o GffrgE Pri~stley bov.gbt the homest~aa block~ som~ t~snty year5 later IJr o Priestley al eo bought ~~:r~i llimby Houee"• an est at-e on the oth~r sid8 of the ri ve l."f' a'l1c. thus h e s~_c.ur-ed two <t:ery old and h i s t tjrir

' ! I

hom?-s o · ,·! ! t~ crostvl;-'Ck'~ has now passed to !Jro Eo.•.'lal'O. · '

?ries"cl <ty ~ and ~' T:i. J.lirnby~' has be~ome th~ pL"opert:y =~ , I 'I of I11r(; gtau Prie~tley F both ~ons of r.~ro Geor.g6 I' I'

Priestle:,r,. 1 i Oriairially the t.oTillj.mb1.rt~ Estat~ was a 1 !.

C>- "' . I II I gT.'~n.t of 900 acr~s mads t o J oH"Boughtono I t lf;J.te.~ 1 q ' pass~ t:c· I\tro .P.o AoWoNivis o n =a breeci.~r of f i ne her. Jj' ,' for-Q cattl eo 1 :1;

It is interesting to no t e -'che oiih&r ,, e~te:'c ~s L11 the distrl6:'t in the l820 8 so ' I

Separoting the toGostw~rckt·· estat~ fr<?m the 'I c--co'ry Valet~ proper-ty was an · es·~a .. Ge now known as ! '0 rr"1owbr~~c· , but k\'lOwn then as ~~ 'I·he Vineyru:'d''-' c This 1 was a gl~ant of 2050 acr~sp ar1d was given t o Iillr oGoJo Fran.'l.r.lsno.c Hera the grap~ ·~tine was euJ.ti~aJIIied

1 extensively!! and laT.'ge q_uant:tti-9E of wine p i"Qdueedo 1

·The homestf;ad, 1otd1t by "A1roG-oJ oFrankland:t WaEI mads of l ocally·mad3 bricks, ana preeentgd a . fine sxa111ple of ··t he archi tec~w:'a of the c1ay.Q

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-.t that timg the :Pt;:i;~r-i:!mrl ~o Du.ngog Road oros~20. th~ r i ·wer n e a..r. th;_, hODl~Stba.dr and. tha crosE: .:1g was kno v:n a8 1' Vineya.rd Croaeingc; o It e~aat d. -oo ·b e used · when th~ b:cidg8 was as tab= lished s.t G0 s t1r:_tcko

_c;~·"e :t.~ P~l'lkland, the estate pa.sBe.o. t o a li;Iro Ell~~tt 1 w:lo CS.\"'t•ied o'l;-;; ex·eens5.vs impro ,.·.s= 1 m~n:a tot ~J e:;:~t1edo ltt. th~ b~~inr1:\.ng1 ~f t~-~ _ I . c en "u~·y , ~ J.,ns ltc;,.,J.. '5 an l.r~J.g~:r ,.on p an~,, .D.n.s eons5- ~';.ec ~ -f' e. ~·c~am_ engi~:.~ wh:~ch . :fn.tmpgd wate:."" f :r~'Oill -'~~A i-' ::;--:.,. ,._~ 2,~.") J~J,:::;c ""t::-- t:~l~ t· ~P ~-J·tr~··~,.11 J-11.ff KJ:?'..~cv-~~~ ~ n tll~ l"D';.ls~ T"r:.-i::: 'g}:~ ·.:: ~ ... i m:!:!lt ,=-~·~s c .. a;c;~ ~ss f·.::,. P .,...,-. ~,') 1'-'· · -~ --!:1 {•\ 1,--..•. ;:, ,,_ ~ _._ "'" ):-··r·. ~~ ~ v• .... "\ ·• (!--:...,\:' '."" <>"""•."t .t:.v •.t.. ._....,- c. c. _,_. v ... ~ ~~·t,I: C..;.V'::: .;.}~ _; Q-.1 .... "':. wrc-hc:-t .. Mfi.o""~ ~~

fov.ne s. :c~ad..,:1 so·,::tllf.o:l'"'Jt'. ms.l"'k~tc Alw:; the ::;; ·~earn engin~ Lc: .. ;;-cc ~.::1.pEl"<S~"'tt r e1:.6 thie· mzJcO.oti of 1.,;-rigs:'Gi.: ::--~ Vfa8 d~ SCOL"!til:lU.€6.,

·:r.tJ.~. Sf!~;e.:l;e;; l.i!r~ all ot}'er·. la.::::·g .: &s1:at·fl on th~ Fe. :erso :t'l River YIS..S ::.n!Mi Y:i.deo. ~:· a:tij the Ebb~~k :~d]""!- ef, ; mrt<d t:rH; hom~st~:ad. b..t.ocl~, Yii'1ile -ch~f Fra&>:-.~· fam$..ly p·,..~_x .. .:hc:us~d an~.rthe:::-· p0!~i6s: of th €1 p:.'Op : -';y 0

To th£ "-i~E.. t c,f Vac~- s an:.J. 8.G.j-::::in:;.:ng th.z ti"ohn Cory f .a.l1.t was a.J. ar-ea hal6. by Jcu:n. t:~ J:.o.a i:r" (.Cal"'donf ~S vYhich st:e~t~h&~ f:i:vm tht. Lgnr-J,oxton RcacJ. alcr;g th~ G:..~~sfo:.'d Road till :Lt joh1.a_ti up wi ·U.t William B"uGh'11 ~J..l c a g r'Ctt.""lt of 2560 a t;l"eS a.J;; f'i' Elmshal :.-- v and th~1 e.xti5n6.€d w-estwa...-d to 5.nc lud.E land in :h~ Summer Hill areac .

The Ca'Z'donf:lss homg:;t aa.d built on .. Tamas Jl.de.ixv~ s ;rop~rty wa.e modelled <>:tl English lin~s,, anti c:wnt:-..in;d uprra:.."''dG ·of 20 rocme t · It is. a tiD. standL"1.5 ano. hae b eer .. compl€t~ly rano~ated 6 and is in gc ::·d condi tiona Th~ c.r.Ca..-r<d.ongas•~ eatatSJ wa5 lat~ :' sv.bd~.Yi.d~d into sm ~Sra.l. fa:rmec One po~tion ~r . th~ estate is the Somer~ill€ prope~ty '>liF@rnde.~~·· u end from th~ titl~ d eed.s w~ se~ that · ori~.nally th~ '-Cardoni555tl' estat~ wa.s ag:::oant to Hen....'7 Fi! rrls r- a1 though James Adair owned the prope!"'t~· in 1 828 o

Othsi· o~mers. of th'3 :'Cardonees::-: prope~ ty i:nalv.:ig h~eser~ o C.t·aig and W"T"v.:r-; k~X',; Th~ hom.a< st&ad fe...rm i s OOl>Y owned b;" RoF);:"a~eb"k- · who ineid~Jrle


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i s in pos~ass:Lon of th~' hQm~:c-t&s-.d blc~l.: c f r.u~c Gi l ber t Cory - ~rneyarre;.r'""

r,qLennoxtont" e.ppea;,.~ to have been a. grant to So Lo Adair (6(0 ac!'"C:E) whi.l;:: land to the s outh of the Len.'Yloxton Road was held. by ·col­o nel ~noO.gPass (1 0e5 oor-es)o

~rLennoxton'0 ·homestead was destroyed by fire in the early part of this century, but· i·'G OllC€ ~:r'liood upon. property n ow CHY11eo. by I\ll"' ~ Go Gilleapieo L~lli~oxton cf old iE reme~oer€d f or its growing citrus t:r·e~~ a.16. 4 ¥inEye.n::f3 of ise"''" be l la grapes ~'•'hioh v.-_·,n~ · te;np-:.:'~ng).~· c~ "' ~. :. t(t th? ros.G.s1.c.e ,,

iY)_lliar:: Bu~kn~:!.l ~elled. h i 1:- lane: g:c·ant toEl~:-:e~:.all''· o and en it h <. bv.il t a fir!c. bx·ick home~t eed cf locc~ly made brick~o This p~jperty hcd cbru1g®c.1. hands many -tim"'!Sc; Names such as

. Kettl e t .CB.nn f an1 F\!...'{t:y are assoC: ia-'\>..-d ~dth 5. to fdr G E}.hBJ."1o.l1 Pv.:..;:ty cono.v.c-'~6d. c:.. stor~ th&r-~ b~fore h e mov e(;: to 111Ferrldale~ c !tiro H c.b oHOnl ~. 5 t he prese:~::'.;; owner o

O::.K of th~ J.e,E>t of tht- la:re; <:: e~tc:.t~~ t(l be s ubdivided was I~r" C!-i lhe..rt Co,_~~-~ z \' e.::.:.y estate-c His whole estate Of )200 M!"~S COA'.l.Siate.d of -~acory-Valec• f f''Ta.ek=bear·v end. I.IJVa':.-y1

' o In t879 h s sole. '•cory=Ve.Js.'~ t <:l MrQ Jotrn Ham ,. erL<l it h as been in the fa111ily e<¥'01'" sin(;fto About th€ sams; tims portion .of 10 Tae1;:-b-:sar'"'~ was ~oldo ..

Th~ to\·msh1.p of Vaey was re.th~r un1.qli.ec It was pra~tically a p~i~at0 t ownc Gilbs~~ Cory oV~-n ed tb~ propsr¥y, ana ths buildings~ a~d the residents were his ten&"1t5o He died L, 1896g and hi~ s~cond wi fe 5UI""l!iTsd. him by 28 yea.~o Then i n 1·927 tha Cor;)~ Vat..:y ~etat~ wew nol~o In all about 50 builo.ir~ blceks (apprc~x o 60"x~ 50°) f~i.ng the Gresf'ord Roact vrer e offered f or salev and f ound ready bu,yers at £~ 0 p er block o The hot~l and l o cal bv.ild5.nga we;re s old, and farm lots- fronting the Paterson River wf.r-e disp::H~sd of quite brisklyc ThU5 ended the Cory aeaociat~on with Vaoyp . ~hich

· · l~.steo. o·¥et· a pel:"S.o~. of n::o re tha.'1 1 O'J Y~S.TS -o


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• -·~

c entv.ry o I·G v1e.::; a fanning com.Jnu.n5. t3r and its wer8 se~ed by -

Geol"g~ B:~·o vn

John C:;;'Otty Thorns.r:; · Fi t.ii;g~:-:-'ald. Will:ta!:l Gto:g~ Jos:ta.t ~:::>;':".:;om

Sto:;-e:Jr 8ep e :r• o

lrm.keep%rc . 'TI"'t-""b•-""• 8,_1-'·nm e'-~ H-ill -c ........ .., A-90. £ ~ """' "'•• ~ . <-

AV.t tion~~r. 1' Bi ro tU.ll.., Teach~~ ~~ Pos~ast~r

of Vac:~c \"!)_llic.:.: N:i.l.ll'".!.c S tc Ttnsmi ~~~:. ~ ec:..-y Val .f'"

\Vc~J.L:t2:-~: ~:r B-t..~c"i""'.lf? !" B"o~~rt2 1 ~&r-::~ ~ ~h~ Crs~f~rt Roa~ peeP. ~~ ~lQ~~ t~ th~ ir~r

ana. c;-::-osi?f:{. Jc.."rr., rad;t. !'S~}n Hi ·q-::--· at th~ fo~o. n €ar t .h !:. .:... .~.. ~ o .... ,...,.; " ·- t""·-- ~-: 't ·~ ·.::~.; ~"'- rir..," c:: f 'o -""' ·~ "'t-"" - .-J~.!.A~'-' 6 1-!. ··-~~ ~AG ~- ..... • • .t1.4 .l"""'"'"'.'(. .o.il-"" A '-'1. . -. ..... <;,b

ga'Yf'~ Vi~"' to a l c: r, le'\•e). b:-:-~d.g!:" v.·hi:::h s~:r.""V ~ci a Y®r':J usefv.l pv..-rop:> f' 'i! f c.•:-:> mP .• ny yaz:;:--~ till " s·crangs as :Lt . may e.e'!-m r j_ t war:. burnt dc . .-;n o Tli.i s J.e.d. t:c th-2 btd lC.ing of th f pJ. ... ssent high le-·ti!l bridgg e. l i ttl8 up r:t ~~;<~b'Il f A'om t L., old brid.g€ .. Th § n e,;;y ·;vncdf!u b . ~ ' <... . ,I " (;~<"\ b . . ..... .J:'• - - 1 ~· :t.c.g~ wa3 ( !"1.4A.;.·;. ... n 1 v;J'-' ....., 1J.. gn a~,~::t·.· ;; .. ~C·C·O. ..'~tt:V~-"

rm · >-. • • .;: t - -... • · · 1t15 l"l·:::- .:'"Gu€J-n ~x.a~ O.t h e: v,.:r":tO.gg was x·cinfor-c::.~d -rd. th s't;J.i'l SW-.> ):k., T'nis ws..f; cru.·r:i.e:.d aut 'tJy a Ger-man s·~one masor. named Zenis:~h t who wa:s em-= p loy:ed on the property of Mrc John Horn o ·

Orl the northel"n aid€ near ·the br:Ldge- c:;an be. seen e cement block n which i s all that r-emains of th8 o~d cre~cry that had b®en conduct~ by ffiro UrieJ1 Heep \) Cr%am fr~m this building was taken by dr.ay ~o Paterson and loaded onto a boat f or Bowthorn~Wallalong o

Ther'= &eem~ t o hev€ been an inn at Vaoy from the ear-liest times o There is reference to . it in ea:t.'l~· oowm\\.nioati ona fixing the posi tion. of th& or iginal eehool buildingo o~e~The original ~chool si~e was b2tween th~ present schoolsite and the :Paterson River, on what old maps describe as fGThe Old Road to · Va cyco o It was just north of th~ ''Hal:f=Way House Hotel~ o Evidentally the pres~mt hotel ~oYm to all as t~ T'ne Farmers'~ Hote1 w~.a ooo~ known as '~The Half-Way Hou_..og et&..,



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It i s l1o~-; o.-;~--. ~c~ ~·~~ I~. c. :. o I/j:.~· .. 'TJ~~ &J.'i~G. ~ .. .. ~ haa beftn in th& n'h!rplr:y famiiy sir.oCl e l'ilre- ~ :!':. :; :r' Mu.rpl:J.Y took over the b'.l~in t-:.s:=; in 1 902 o ?rc-i"i ous boats at th.e hotel have b e en I,:essrs o Crott:; 0 Blu­ford9 Bernard~ Higginsv and ~i~c~s, a~ t~ s ~lese of last centuryo

The present Var.>y i s a eelf=ecntc< ::r:sd little centre, having a pos-;; cff:tce:; bu-'~c:--~ r , bal'::e~ grocer, hotel! he.ll 9 chu.roh" and achcc l c. :'".:.1 f' ac-t p Vaay at on.e time had i'v5 c..-.n resident c.oe:+::, :;)r" RicharO.s~ on the Gres::"'o:r·C. ?..oE.~i.f -end a m;.;- '~~rc~ rr I\:r. F" Tucker eo

T1Iro Br-ocker of G:r·.::ef0rd. ue.~ c'J. t c· _ .: n·~v.c t cattle se.les in yards ~u.s-:: b~::t~::m t hE b.c-'tG :_ ~ .,·,·:':1.::.1~ fi1r.,\1' ci;c.l~eog.':'"~ was th~ l ,,_cal bltu:;kGmitho J...:.?..s J;;ba-'~ is all passedo

Th8 praeent ~o.oa.:t b\.~~ch~r is 1\1rc ·;;·oB:r.'Doke) His father toolt: o¥ e!' the bt.1.tch~rine bus5.r•: ::s from MJ.--.,Vi a8he~mod abov.t 19~4r and it has rzme ::.-:1&6. in the Brooker fe.mily s inc-e theno Other. nsw-·..:: 2.~socie ated wi ·ch the supply of llltat in tha dis·~rL t ::.n k~ ps.st have been Broaier e:f Gre~fard" a:n.d. E:···:·~k~r of


, I

Patcr:::on., · '· . Ths fil"S.;G eto~ekeeper v1e h~a:i· a:Jut is I 1!

rJr. o Georga SoBrowno · He b~!eam~ on e of th~ Vac:y !1 1: Public ~chcol Board a!on~ v~ th :Messrs c. G~.:bsrt Ill' I c 0 l.'Y 9 anc1. G oJ oFrankle.nd l.n ) 868 0 Thgn t h; &"~. \"PM : I

IJr o Georg~ -Clark~c anc'J. later !.'Iiss WieCloy~ Thi- Canr.· , ! I fa!:!ily o\med sto:oes in the distb·i~·c,. On; shop was , jl at Pateraon~ ano thS!r at C\ Till;~byt~ , a:."'ld L -c Fred .. 1 Cann. O\med the Vae y ator~o Thie gtor~ must hao;;:pe 1 I been quite a busy spot. be:eausa at on5 · tiz:: -: there 1 1 were no less than fiTS p~opla employea. ttc:rec l'ilro II DoShee.rer wats a familiar figul"'e deliverir:g tn~· I goode o Later Iltr-oGoAoHo.rn took over th 8 ·o·,<aineesr i and a modern . shop v;as b'i.ril tc Su.eiceeding 8tore · keepers have b~en Mes~~o Wc~penee, RoRa~~ond. and the present proprietor is MreQBeSmitto

The bak~ry ia eonduct81d by lJ~s~.rs o

J olliu.rphy and No I;Jcr.lahon, and they lilOt only supply the nsed~ of th~ to¥mship f but also tha e--.L~r-o"Ulld""' ing distriC;t o

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~·r~t=; ~o& t .)ffJ. ~:c -!. 0 :;--.._ ~" ~ I- :oo:•g t... ,..) ,..·~ - r - ..,..., I. n I• s ~- !'.!Sr.,.; !. ! ' vv r ld<-! \ E!(~~· .ros Q

Office will a t.l1ieve th:B d istino·tion of ha'!!ing r~ aehed its Centenary o

Tl::.e fiJ.·-s"i< "~t ~z.oher s.ppo in·~~d t.o ·iih.& Va~y School also i;oo:k: c~rg-a of th~ of.fic-e on 1st Ka:r.ch r. 'i 860o H<c was K::·, Chc.rl~s Che.ps&n o Ths i'~rrr-aneration was .n 2 p ".:! r anny,r.L' , plu~ e. small comm~ssion for ~be sale of pos~a~ s t amps o

Ti::..c. n~ ·:, t c- -~&J~~ ove: tiJ. ~ cffic~g wae ~~ or::~ a!"!. IJ.:. !"•::. C'-'~' ( sc h:·c :L :~s.c hE:T· ·, r a.::: f' . o!!l 'f 5th ~ .t; "="' ~· ..-~ -~ r .. '\.'\ ~ 8 C ~ I ~ .., "'- ;. ',. ~""-c ~ I .. r-. ~ ~ "t ~ ,-, ,_ ..,..!, t · <-·c1u ... r- , . ..Jt;. ~ \ ,1•-l c £,_...,..,....., · J.;..:. '-~···A7 .<1:::.-Lu ..:.. ,..., :•·•cn"p~Y' crrc.'T' r•·">' ~.,.., Vo"" v, \ ~y-,e.,. -...,,;;. a· ;~~ :bii; J..L,_.·'f ~,s;- \.-~ ....., _ vbc..:. 4 -t· .-_ ... " · (;.-., J v ' • - · ---- _ .... ..__ --~ · ,.._

i'r 5.c.c·vt b~t., a.P..l ~:;: pc. .. r.;. ~ii-~.s~r-~ss en 2~r·d. J.pt"i .. l 1 : 87 8..., I',r·n e:,.r or·der :facj. li t j u;; wl!e:r~ ~ teno,~d

t t i:hg off it:(. e.bou~ 1886 " 'l7 ... ~ p ., st a:: r~-"' ~·nu~ d ~~.r-h1g the: 80 c s was

f",~l··- 1~"'- ..... "t - _ . .... ~ ..... C'"'t1 p'"'~~ <:>':"'- · •- o • ..... '1-- - of/.'"'" ""' .... . u ;y 1:4 .,_v V .'--$ \,/1~<,~- ;;.._~.,... C .L <iWUL~i 1¥V ;., ~to - .L A .... '!c'

wa.e s. losing p::."'C;~·~ ei tic n f e r.' tb= d~p2X'tment o

T.SJ.e:~r~ is a r~cc:r:C. ·cha-t a t~).e:phcnc v:a.s-.-:?1 • ro !'l a~ ~h~. "'f-7-)'C ~· o;- ..o. 1~oc:s7 o e .,.., .,..."\~? ~c 'i P,Q? ..~ . .... .... \.r-!.V "., ;.r ~,.;,... .!.. '-- •. .t_ t,;,.- -..._,~ J .... t;;.. ... ~ e>~ ---c."r _ ...., P':.J -- t

probably fe r -'~eJ.fph:.n5.ng tsleg_t-ams b~tv:~e.n th~r& e.nu the nearast -telegr-aph off'ie: eo

l\lrs" Jl.:U.e;e Cox, wife of tbe school t each~r t ook c1·er· the p:> s ".o offio e wh£n Kr .... o f.lor= o om ga\''i:. i "~: 'l.~p ( u.~ frou ~ 9th J ~v D 1 8 S2 o

In 1 9'::1~ t hsr& was Ollt tijlephoue sub= se;riber e \\'o T\t~k~r , CaY'don~ss, ccnnscted t o the Vacy Offie e 5 but th~ entry app8~ in the Paterson Telephone Direo<coryc

A nz~ tsaoh~r Mro rGCO Will is w~ appointed t o the Vacy ?-11bl:f.e School r and as from 1st Augv.st~ 19:6, hs b2eame Pottmastero

A t~l~phon~ ~xch ~~g~ was opened at Vacy on 4th n~rccf 19i5~ and by 1916 ther~ wers 3 or 4 subsor ibarso

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2:te :P'"'SJGmaster· IJr· c. FcC~,Wi1J~.s r.-.sigr:~d. on 3 ·; s t J a. D. ·.1.ary r ·1 91 9 , and. WY.' o A o lit. Lnne s waR &pp.ointad p: stmaster on ·i et February~ '1 9 '1 ':3 c He fil.le.d th~ pss~~t:ion until "the t:Lma of his 6.£ ath en '8th .Aug.:.st, r 191-1 o T..'"l& Post Offir..: 6 waP r.-e;:w-J·,· ,~ u. f1:o:: th~ school ree:i..dcnc" e to rlt."'c.. E~ I2~"1~S t prcpfy··~Jy OJ::;J·.; s ~:C6 o

1-i :..a wio.ow F:'irs o AoEcMcinnes waB appoin·t ed p o s ·.:;miet:-e::' 2 erd remain~ d. in cha::--go unJd.l Tch 1\Ia;r 1 94 ..:3 o Her G.c.v.ghtE::r' f-.15.e:;; T..JiJ_y· I:.a.thl-~en I"L: Ixmc~ '.tics .... I .. 7"1 - "-- J. ···" • - ""'....._r.-> "'·'-r- " ~ s:<: -"~-....... m 8J·'i-1 na"" '! 'J -t • · .... ~ ... 1:>-•'-l!L~v } ~l!.l .... : .... r$\1 ·eo .:..o .J.., - 't..J V- ! l!. ,y ~ :...·~,.:., (".., J...J~

··: 0~ ~ o}.,.c 1r -~ orn,.\ T-u:~c::. 7 0 .. ,--'lev a-A s 'n ..! o - ') .. ,_ ..-. -,..,--.-·.J_ ....... ~;.;.r D-o.~=~_ .:::1~; '"'A 'vr ..! ~ ..... ... e ..t.•-· "G.-.e .I:J - ;-;;r:. -

"-" r_:~ pVEtL1i~-·~ ... -6SS"

L.·ans po~'t if r"- - - ,_-., r -..._!,....~~~~··"~~ .. .a~! 1 • ' ~ ' ~ I

·' - "'~.~..-:-Y'-"'.: , o ........ :l.. .. ~G me _a 11·c ej.- pa:~-r c-:· .·. as·,; cent,ur-y v;a~ eitiu.:r by bu~loc-k waggonr wag~::.lrH~-~·~t> coe. }r.l' o;· : ... _ ;:t;'S~~ bac k o

"\''::.egcnetteE wsre: a popu=.t.&:::.· ukanr- cf t.J..·c . .:;sl~·o ~: t ~S y.~a:o· s. ag·o r ai!d ma"i.1Ji trc,.·:r21J_~ c: 3J_C'l'lg th~ &r-ss:fvr·i !(;ad c On-~ in pa.r·i;5_cu::t.a:: wa::; t:'r'" ,T ar;:-Ba Ch esr: ~:r-th v/no ~· eae-h we·3k mad"'~ _ a on-~ a.a.~' j0"1.;_!..'ne~ Ne\-:-·-asi;li:; to Gresfo;.-=0. to attend. tb.~ Union sal2s held th~re i: etu..rn i ng rext d ay to -~:ns

T;1?::'".L r-:ami.z t1l.e co ac::hgo o T.b:&;,r suupJ_i &i reg~.1.J a.:;: s.g:- ~-ice a bet·v-;~en Patarson ~ Va~y P '8nd Grese:. :fo ;-~ o s~t\'c.r. v; , 11 kno vv:n na..me.s as F;:y and Hancock a l "t·.·ays wil:i b<! : .. :emembe.:::~d w.i. th ·coa.Dhing 6.e~'S v

E-v·) dentl;i k~s::-~ ~,....,mpati:-tion e..x:i.st%d b~,twaau tha p rc._pr5_eto:.:-~ of the Goa.chj !:.g serv.tce.s o

EBJK;o ck: s coach~s ca:-.~·5.ed this signg ;. ~ain ., Y:'ind , hail o:.-. .- sn.o~• .. . . ' 5&"1.cockcs coach is S'l.lra "co go ot·

F'r;~· ~ 5 coach~ net to b.e outd~ne; P had a large l·ed r OG Bter painted o~ i~ vdth the words:

t.W.r:.ile I live 1°11 ~row~· o

E1es6 hors~=dravm vehicles fill~d a lor::.g=felt y.-.o.r.~.t in th~ oomml;.nity o T"ne dr:i.'\·ers \"\'<r-a exper:'.. t..'1.Co3d man who had to con·~ent wi til bad :r.~oa.ds ~ &nd tr-.2ache.rous cros~ir1gso On::;;;· on a

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occasion a c6a.e:i:. (t:rm•;n by tw0 fin ·:o r. -<::. e s p1v.ng~d i nto a floo o. i'::' a Ct·.:::-.re r··~ or_ t!: wa.in Grasfo:r.'Cl Ro ad n E!ar- t t:G h.omc of rtr, P. ,- · Some!"'.rillf.o B;) th ho:r- ::; e ~ wer e: drovm-::. but the; passengerf> and c ri \"en:< ~~-::apsd in;it2;.'~'-

TI:.e f i rs t E~a:~ks!n:L t h shop : ·::s e::..~ te..l..= 1:i.s:h~.d j_n Vaoy en 1a.'l1d a.1.s.:::. st opposit : to th-: pres&nt 'bakel";{o Itwas COl'K;,uct~c:_ b~' :::', WoDa::-c.~' R~ogh~ who hs.d. Cl c 1 e ·b1a 0k2mi -ching ·o jr~ a t a -:.~ .. ~ i:1,.., .. .. n ~~ .. -. -i:':;; C..:.:r· r:.._ .... .. _ ..... ; .. ~ -, ... we: .:- c .. ·'*- ·~ ~\r ·J.h:~ P_. -. · .. ~: ........ , t;d.:J,...., ..:1.J .. .._'; .l!. " ... ~- v .i __ ......., •· --·.;.. _.!.. • · · ·--- _ ....., .__ (.!,__ \". . . .~-._

~)r.o thers o (:::.:..:· o .P.. ' J ir': }.::!!1. c F- 8.:~. s :: i·. c: -: · · - ~:~ ·~,; :· ; s smithy at a later ~&tc ~J

Th& Vr:.c·.Y bJ.a:: ,,.~rrri th ~).·;.'Cl p r: · la· ... c-· · ::: emcr~gd. t o 8~ por:5_t.) ct.t. &:-'C\i ·t. o. Q.\!2·'~- ,.. 0f s~ m- lt­o ;.-: th::< Pat f rSOr.!. 2 :: C: ,: !J :i' th ... Bc:}~CQ l c: !~_,t--... r JX~ la.t-'GeJ:· y e ars M12D.. the:;:·~ v:as F ·c·v}. :o c= .:. l fo:: '1:21..! s typ~ of WOX'L the shcp ~~.c. ~'eti ar.~.c~ :r.a:.: __ or. be ca tiemt- 1 5. sh~ cl 9 bu."':.; m e-;nbe r t. 0f ti.i.~, ?al!li · :: a.r..:· s·v~ ) ·!.

in the d:::..str:i.e~o

fgri ~ -~: J tu:r- ::' rra,..,,;:: p-"'"a.·--,0::::7"oc''_,~-~'Yl1T.q j· __ , ,_.-.-. ~-~-· · n .1.-U"' •. :v u.,; "--· '- _ 1..-.o.~ .'..Q..· . .!J.!,. _ •• vc.• .l. ~· i... <

Jn early days lllllCh wheat was gro¥::1~ 2::10. oftE:n had ·co b e taken ma.YlY mi.1 es to b~ grov..nd < It :Ls on record that wheet g.ro \il'n or:. the C10'J-aol:: 3ar-~' estat2 in I 880 was taken t~ Dl..h'"igC;g to b e g: =uno "

Large qu~t:i.tii:s of totacc:: were gror::::. at Vacy, a.n.d. :i.n th~ Gresf ord d i s t r ir-": ~ a.'ld s c ld. C!'!. the A-v.strQJ.ian marli:<?t"' Until re:. =ntly '.:;oba~co presses which had b 8en used L.J. the :.:..d.ust!.·~y wer& to b e seen :Ln ·tb e Gresfor-d d i strict , Vt.:.nF grape=: war& g:r-DWl1 e...xtens:i Yel;y ~ &"1d many (I f the ~statts had tha:;.x- om1 c.olla~~-s o L a:r·g c i .u~ ~k:=- of sl'~a~p wer~ kept u..."ltil c l5.m.a.tic conditions ?re·.fF..nt!::.d a eoncirru.a·~:i.C'"1. of tr.~.e :i.ndv.st1'Jr o The '7-.mbe:r:< 5.n th 8 Vacy a.:t'<$8. has l ong sinc e been cu:~ d: iVl'l.g ani n::>w dal.rying and <1attle raising a:t .. e the 't7-i~ chi~f industrieso In facts th8 Paterson- :~:o~sford Dietric·ii is now regat-d<::"d as one of ·, ·_e E: s t


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p l"o<iuct i v e a:: .:. impc :rtcm'\: E.:;::eas in the Hi.:.-~t '::: r­Valley o A ·:: .. , tE:!J."- f ac to:r-y was esta'olish:s:i at Gostw~tck i n -:.-ie ;~ a:.~)Jr par:--~ of t his ~enzu.~·yc The Raymond = 3~rae: <:. Compa.'l'ly op erats d it" This was sold bl:t :.n 1926 was ;.-~pm.'chas ed 'i};~r ths Raymon d Te:r.-:r· c..; e Gompan;r o Jt is not now u~'dd P

a nd the milt from the d :i.st;ciat goes d :i.:-.... ec-t t o H~xhamo

H'.:.:::. i~ a ~icie=J3 g:1·t on t:-.a:::ly Va:.:-y SP.ppl i ~d by =--.1 e:;~"" .. pupi.l cf trle sch oc•l ar..o o~ta~ned f ~ -~ t~& lib~a~: of t h e A:~idal~ U n.~., e r e.:·. "cy o

't · ... ,..._ __ ·, 35~ ~\ _ ..._;;:.c

~· ~r~cy -:c "'-· -:..t ~ • to·~r·~ ~·"''ip e..;.;., , p +..:-r'i a'l ·~,.·--..,_.~. t ~ ~t.....~ .:;.t. ~ - ~-.. t4. l.t~-.L- p - ~.~ ...... --.. .,._ -.. J.~-

J~1ct::.. o:2 of -~-:\e Ally.n. an~ fut~):t:o:r~ Rive.::-·=- j-l1.

the Pa~:l.sh ·~ _ E'::'l:E)1t 0::1.c Yi; ha~:: e. t.o ~'a~~ ;;c fac. tory 1 an: :.r-1e fo::· a---:.--o·(Y.XJO"t' " It g;"':v-:: ,Lc_h,....-.co ....... - - --(~ r--.-:· -.. -" ··.- - ....... -· ... ~ \fll""r- ...... ~ -rr~ ·h.og·~ :-~c-... '' ,.~a,_, ' J.UGo. -- C...!.-. C'.>J . .. v•·J. .•v .. ., , r.J.c·C:. • --- J·- .... ,,.

n ing to get ::1E. rt:s·~o No pu':Jlic o on-;·s~' 2 ... ~c~ -'co Pat e!'30 l1. o c·:-_J."ee "'!;j_mes a week a OD"-5 ilo:;:.·ss post runE.: from G:r::eford. t0 Pa:tsrJon " The r e 5~ ~ on~ he tel = &1?~1: Half .... Way Hott::Jt. t~., Tile pop~.!,lati()n

1."' ..;. -,....· -~+·~.~ · ac·v J.' s ·~ p.,...-' v-J- ~ ~ov""-.::1" -t" 'l~ ,.; ·~ ··. U \1•.\. ..LJ. \ito/ If; .. 0, J ... .J.. Q \J~ V · ··,i J..~..-.:L-4~·: :,' l ;.;..~ ....

on~ and b GL :-;ging -k> p the ~sts.tE; of. G-iJ~er·t Cory o It c ~ =ma.""ld.s th:? mo5t :...uauti:t:\il sc e.ne:.:·y en; tlw Pate:-:::~:;; Rivero It has a school which is well att ;::;:-.:ie d.~ a"'ld ~~. Engl$sh Chu.:..""Ch p b o ·c:!'J bu:) lt ·c t1·1e ovmer f or his n·wn~rous ~. -:......,...·_ . ~.

t t!rL001t' 8 anu. -::.'le~:.:· ~- am:L.~..l..as o


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f ,t o~! c!.n ° c;, Cbu:t:e:), IJ.:n,-, OJ.' igizi"al cJ1~Tuh of E.ngla."1d a t \'ao~r

was a s l ab waJ.J. ~i s h i.nglc. rorJf ~d bu~. ldir:.g Pi tuat~d in e: l os s p~·oxim:\ ty to tr~e f;_i.•st school b"L~..i.. lding, bu.t on th e opposit~ s::;.de oi the :t-oad o It was bu:~l t by M:;:• o GilbE-:::-t Cor;· and ia almost ce~tain t c ha~.r.a ",vsen e:>~c ted. bafo;:·e 185 '3 ·: ~~his tc.:illling wao usf6. u . .r..til "(rJ. ~· :new St , John ° e C!-JL0'"Ch ~;; built

I I . '

in i337 on land donated by Mr<> Gi l't~:::d; Co :.:,:·c· ! Th~ p:::·e!:' 8:;.J.t clyx::ch r a fine b~ic.k btL~.l~ia I; 'I

""a"" a.' :'·"'- -;'1' . .... ,.:; "f.-,'tr ·~'-"' t -, ·· c.. ' l "-toctc " '-::·-::.c~ ·~=- \; ' T' & A ,... \ \. , \..l.,....e,.~ ).'-' - -.,; ~ .. . _. .J-.... .... ~\oOV ...._! 4!.-._t.....: -- l- \ . . ( •' c \ I

!.·S"': r-tY)cl the "bi. j)o:ing was ca" :ded. 0 1.1t b:: !(;,;:" ~· aT\:: P:i 0, e;f~E :-,;n. a 'trl1 i 1d e:r· c .r l'Ja..i tla..•d.,..

,~ .. .;c~ ... ·,.... •.. .!,. .. • -- --+- '!"""t,. ,.. . ,. ·,,..., • ....,. ' , .. .. 't ..._~ . .... ~ &! . .., } ..... Oa:.!. "0 uC'f~ \:!., ::::.( . !H: [ IY' ;.. C'.:':

uee~ w~r? n~o~~o~6 on a nr:~O Dartv f~rther ~1Gn- t b? · 4- 1J. ~ \_., i I

G:t t \-; r C•.• .. .. Tio E.d. aj u~_-~; c t, cpp ·:- s:~ ·~ £ I :J.~ o Btt 2 il ( 2.:: ~c_; ;-.- ~ r. .i I p rop.: :o.-t_, ~ ~ns ,Y €-c:,:;·s ~ ?86 a~.~d. ·, 887 r.-::2 v~r-y ·<":'~ t;= llra Y~; ;.··c..:n;;: we:-e ~-::perl.enC G-0. 1-n ·ens o. ::Lst;'.l.Ct, all.d. I th ~ b~l6.~:-c:- enco~y;· .... ~sred greet d:l:ff:lcm:It~i & R(' · 1

1 Tll~ k :,J..:u:: fo1.:· t:·.:.~ f~~rj_:r~g of t1:.. ':Jricks

H';.>!' 2- ·:.·t :i l·t; ~z; r.J--c Po:.·:t = fa ·t:he:- cf lf.eoSJ'Si~ l'c &. I We Po:1t c:: fi.liatlar:td.~ It iE :r~eco:--d~a. t..'l&"C in H387 tiu diet· • .- ::.c.:t suff 8~:~ec:t a B~ <?ci·<=- flood~ cV!d s om.s: 32 uOOO b:;;-ick 5 aJ.~eady for bu:r.·rdng were washing awa~· by flcod wat;:-;;.~s"

T::1.~ ccnt:.:-ac t pl'i ce: f e r t h. e 0h"~;.rch was

,, I


t:-650 bt~·i; wi th J~l €\ fu:..-'ni ti.i,:::'~ ano. i'i ·t "li ings the Ct"~ St I

''·'as a·"::ic;,u:t ~:.:300 c- ~:c::n:r cf t he eaa-:e fx·om "tlle o1c~ chu:""c;: wa.:;:G t:s ~d in th t1 n.ew bui.ld.ing -

f.tv ,Jcb.A.J.gs Vacy wa8 c..pon a d and dse.i~ '\ c a tad on 8th Dac; o ~ 887 b:r C&"lOD Selwyn o It ia I :;:·ec o:;;·d6d that t he building was packed t o capac i t~· · I a t tnc <:Biication c e::::-emon.y !· and t ht: collec tion a t I "t.ht:o s~:. . .-·~ i c.a· amc/i .• .tJtc.cl t o £JS.,12o1Co La.to:o.- so ~<:. 120 p .-:~o ple ?.ttsmd.ed a s-vpper t o ma:-·k the occo..sion, It wao not till 17~;h IJa:; :- ! 903, t..ov.r.:v e~-:- s that the Gh\.:.rc~ "?;as c::;nse:c: ·a tad by B::..shop Stanton ..

St o Jo~~ f s, Va cyr. has alwa~rs bean in th~



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Far-ish of Paterson 1 and it isinter asting t o re~ aJ..l the ministers in charge; of the Pariah sinc e ita inceptiono

Church of E..'11gland services were begun in Pa·cerson in 1839 P but it was not till 184!5 that the present Sto Pau1 9 s was builtr larg~ly th~OU&~ the efforts of t~e firs t Incumbent of the Parisho

of ~tr Paul qsL Patersonc John tl&nnings Sml.tn;==MoAo FoW oAcl6.a.ms HoC: cClm::.ghton 0,_ WalEh C ('E o.P..rr.-c> s W cSwindl8h'I.~::'St Ca;;1.on Shaw · S c TaylorrBoA€> .AoC cHi :;:&J\i Gru1on Po8o Luscombe WoC oLat~am HcHoR .. Rt:..pp~BcAo B,. I e>HO tJar-'c G c B o f~:i;~phenson NcAoPt-llin J. oRoK~~mp J o2:'oCO::r7igrui Kc.Co ald::'al>:c Wc-B::::-ooks

Reading f :::om the Parish no·~es of Easter ':895 when R 8Vo John ~naw, BoAo, was incumbent~ 00 Wi ti:. regard to th8 S1..mday Schoo l at Vacy 11 I may men"t ion tha.:G it ha~ b.3en re=Established, under the ~K~:~"'±~ Superintendence of .M!" oJ cHorn, vri th a geed atJtjendanc~ of s Ghol ars and taacherso~;

Tll8 Chu~ ... ~h Wardens a t 8to John's Vacy, i n th e samz year p wer;:, MBasrs .. J oPuxty, F.,Ca.nn and JcW oZmith o Mise N~llj~ a ~.mith was the organis"G9

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It is notewoA-t}.'ly that in ~ 895 r hlrc Gil'bB~ ... , C07:'l of Vacy, M~c 1'lleOphilu..s Coop er of ~Gostr~- ckm anti M;.~o Gbc:rge J o D-£·an..icland (Sru-·o) of \'tMow~:·aytl' wer e all li--rings whi le Mr- e AoAo Ni-vison was ths owl'lar of '11Tillimbyt'J"

The names of ea rly Va~y residents are per petua ted in t he Chm-ch by gif t s made by the famili~s concarn&do

The s ·cainad gla!Ss n:~..ndows, and al tal"" cross a:-s a mamo:r-ial t o members of the Co;:-y , I famili'"G T'il8 ball tow&~, and large plate e1'"~ a memG~ial to membe~8 of the Ho~ fam ilY: w~~la l the collection pl.!2t~ in the Cht..Tch is a g:.ft f~·om · th~ m::rcorn family Ll'l memor-.. ~ of JfJ.r o & Na:-s ., Morcomc

Th~ prasent Chu~ch GuilQ is an en thus= iastic body of ~c2n whos= office bearers are :

Presidna·t s~~:..~etary : T:.::.~~r;.L:. ~.-8~· ~

ro:~so PeE~ Clemants N:.~."s c H o Foe-tel · Tii.rs " 0 " Ho :..~n

The o::.~ga.n~.s-1; is Mtvs o J oBo Hor n, vmils Mrs o H( Fos t€r is the Sup~rintvndant of .the Sunday School ._

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VACY PUBLIC SCHOOL Durin g the firs t fit·~;;' y c are gf -: :-_ ~

Colony of New South Wales the sdv..::.a tion of -:.1e s ett l er'S f children was provid,6d for by sc-h-~. :.s conduet~d under the auspi~&s of the chur~he= and a fev~ private teacherso P.lthough Governor I11&: ·:{uaris had s ome interest in educatj_on 11 g enerally e-::eaking there was li ttl~ ·su pport as ~he yov.ng c0l 0r..; grewo P. Chv.rch and gchools Corporation was s et UJ: i n 6 828 but a g1:owing need was fel t f OJ;" education v,::.ic h m s

·neces5ar:~ly spon~t~o~ed by th:: Cht;rc~ezo In ·, 348 a Bo ard of Comm:tssioners fo r. Nc;.-~iona.l E<1:~.~1c a.t ~- :1 v;as fo!"m~0- tc- pr-omot~ the establlshmen~ Of soh::: : s t o 'b ~ condv.~t·8d accordi ng tc the principles o:" :Crd StenJ.ey" s National. ::Jystem of Edu.ca tion :r viJ.1~:3 :1.ad b e en successfully employed o-:.;·er-s~as o A~ v:: :..1 as thie organisation ,. a Boa..-..ct of D;:;nsninG:.~i-:-n::. · Education. was s et up t c a1m~.ni~t er th ~ man~ denomina.:.;~onal schools already i n existf.nv t ·3.nd t ho8e newly established o Th~ Go\l·err.J!l~-'T' g:::o--.:. l·i:.-~0. a certain :=urn of money to eat::h of 'tlieS iS o ~ 1 e.::r8 fo r. i ns t a.."lct: the Boara. of Na.-\ii.:mal. Edu.cati ,.< wae. g:r.ant~d £ 2 1'000 · an.d the Denominatj.onal Schoc·:. Board received £5,450o

It was t o th& B~cu~ of National Education that the R~:"f' o Thoma.e 8ti~on8 . !lire Gil= 1


b ert Co:ry and one other gentleo~n Of tb.8 district applied in January 1857 fe: r' a Nat::.: .:al ~cbool t o b e est~.bliahed at VaGyc In 't..}}&i::: app~i-cati.on these me~1 fi _ v_fno f >"l'ID&o. a eommitt~e of

. l ocal pat:"'ns of edv.ca1~ ion, s tatgo_ t hat the.:- ~ Wl-r.•e 35 boys and 36 girls of 5ch6ol ags in th€ Q.~s~ rict.. They propos~d that a sle.b building 2:::1;" by 18ft c with an atta~h~~ two room residenc e fo~ the master shov~d b 3 built as a s~hool hou~~a · Th~ ~ proposed cos"c was £200 a11d the l ocal pat:r.o nE guaranteed that £65 could bs ~ais2d by tbe : 6si= ·d ente of the vil).ag&o (On~ of the terms of -ch8 .establishment of a National ScrLOol i n any district wa2 that th~ Beare s upplied tWO=tr~~ds

· of t~e cos t of t hs g~hool btdldinge and rap~rs while the remainder V>'as c on'tribt:.ted locall;_:· , j

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Ths p roposgd sj_ t€ was a.-1 acrF- of l and bou.nt~~o. e:n th-:. east by t h 8 ~:::-ad :from Pa.t~rs•.:;n to Gr~eforo and e n the weet bJ~ t h e, proper·~y of 111"':"' <. Co".!7;t ~' who wesv.ld dom·c& th& l and(, The matter seems to h ave fallen i n to absyfu~cg f er som~ t i m€ a s i Jt; was not vknti l J!_ug~st 1858 that 1\Iro Ccry vn:ot~ to tht; District Inspe~tore J\:Ir ~ tJointJ ·rs , r equ~sting th6 'i..\f.H5 of 405 ela't>~ wh:ich had 'te.en provid~d about t'i-~'e years pr~v:i..ous:ly ft.,~"' a s chool a t t he Brae: on e, R~:po:r''ting on th a m.attsrg 1\'J- .:. I:einty::.~6 said t h e ala bs t which w-sr~ val ued a t £1.6 w~.:.-re. t:J~i.11.g a t th& Br~~onr·: , two mi2, ~s f;:-om YaQ.y r- n~e:r Ce.mpsi~t on t:h~ p;:.->-.Jpe:cty 1-:n:-_wm a s B~ol:n.e:_._l t>s Ee·ta:i::~ f, I·c is not cJ.~ar- f::rom t h e r eQcrds wh~th~:c- this materia l was u.~sd b\rG 5.n T1ia~ ~8ss~ s-~~ph.Eo.f~ :Starib:c-idg3 viX•ote ~:;a the s~~= .re "'i.:ru:-·y of th~. Boar--d :r~quffi ·ting t hat a cop~,; of t h e ru.l,zs and. x-egu.latioY...s of ihe Nat i onal Syst-sm f o:r.- rDTh='·,p~sted sc:hool~ (j_ c ~-c e c:hool8 . h.c::J-..~:i;.d. i.v.~. build~ not ~.;-6st&d by tht- i:'(; a:r--d) o

l\1!-c I-e3r. tha t~~·:'jhel'" a t Ca.rnp~?is$ V\.TOt~ to tb~ Boa.j:"d. i n Juns l .. eC'[i.l~sting app,) i .ntme.nt to Va-; ~r a e. h~ had. h eard ·cha t the s~hoc l ther e had b-s.sn ecmpl~ttd ., :t-J.t, Q L~@:~ S appLi.n e t5.on Vt-"S.S uns~cass""' f u.:t Q Th8 e~hool a t Campsie ViaS c losed soon aft~~ and Illr o Stirtoil ask oo i f JGh e furni tu:s th~~-~ could bt'l uss-d. f o :r the i..faoy ~choc 1); wnich wa~ so on to bg open~ o

~C'ord.ing to "Ghe R~por.t o f ·ths Board of NationaJ.. Edu~atio.n f oj:. .... 1859 th~ school open= ed on tet S~ptoy the t~achgr being hlr~C o0hapman o

.As w~ll a5 b eing in chargB of thE Sflhool ~ I\L~o Ch apman h eld th ~ posi·(;ion of poet­ma~tBr a~ Va~;; c In Bay 1860 ~Jrc Ccry assurOO. rl'lrc Wlll s in a lcJt t e r t hat I.lro Chapmanv s posi tiORl a e pos ·~aster d id not int~:t'>f.-ers with h is dv.ties as teaehe:r.-o U& wrots: P\fJrs" Chapman attanda to th e pof;t offie~ t which i s kep t i n thsii" pri~a"Ge ~esiCienCH~ s> and tha mai l arrives a.t 11 a omc anO. b~~w@en ~ and 2 p om<, =· out of schoo l h ourEhfJ)

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11 ; : t

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In his j,:o~po::·-t fo:;> the y&a~r Iilro 1\k-.In=­tyre made tbs following ~omment5 ab~ut· th& s¢hool~ a) Jt ie a ve~J good bv~lding1 but th~ ~Qund is

not fully ~nGloaido i"'n~ f 'U...l.""ni turG> is tempo~7 and ·~p-ery rudso . The apparatu5 is ineomplat® o The maZer ial condition is ~~eatisf~t0~3o

b) The eubj oot tav.g! .. .. , e,g;,"e.z. vd. th th~ tabl~ of liinimure !nstt''l.WtS.ono · Ti'le in~;;t~''i.wt:ton i_g mecha.."l:5.cal a1'1d t o a Ge:r-tain ext~nt i!up.ej("b=o ficialc . Ll. thoug[~ 67 p~pils. -,,·er~ on the ~ll e.-t

th~. end of :fir-Bt ye~"" 9 . tb !?.. a'\l'e:.·age. at-t~ndanc~ waB onl~" 37 ~ in i 860 th ~ em:-olmsnt d:r-opp~d. . t-0 52 and th& ave-.r·a.ge a·ii-'t%ndancre was only 29o Th~ att ~.nd<=> , e..nc f., was f~·;±.ter re~hJ.e&O. in t:."le f c llowing y 5aJ:" ~ owi.ng to floodao Cn qn~' 9-:aJr aii l~a.st; ~ 2 9th Ju_ly, thf;x·~ vl"'aS no a ... i.t;e.nC.anoa at allo

'l:ha yaa:r.- 1862 n~a !lOt e. s-:.t~c~ssful cna f or the ecr.&..:JOlo Ith'o ~t~.rton r~sign@cl a.5 e. lD6ID-'""'

bex· o f th~ Rchool Commi~t~e (he was aleo loaal p atro~ of J~~e National Rchoo~~ at Tillimbyt and Bendolba) as hie t5.me was fv~ly JGa.~e..Tl "Cop w_i th his. pa.rir.h dv.tieso As at th~ e..l"ld of ~it~- IdroChaprnan d:i.scontinv..e d teaoh1ng at th~ echool 0 sa.yhAg he wiehGd to be remc~·ad ·o T'n~ 16.oal p atrons . appoin"t5! I Mic Josiah l\1orcom, who hao. f or> t he pa~t 14 y~ar~ 'J·1: been teaching at 'th@l ChttrOh of· Engla:nO. Dsnomin.at- 1 i 1 i onal Schoola.t Bolwal"!'ac Nrc :flbrcom b~gar~. his 11 d.v.t ies a"'G Vacy in S~pt~ber 11 and at ths b~gira6.r.lg · 'j · :

of Octo be:.:· iilro Cocy wrote to sa;r that the patrons ware_ yer;.., pleased ;rrlth hia_. wor~o nx ;un happy t o

1• 1

5ay tri~ school is progressl.ng f~Otu·ao~y o W~ 1 mustered 37 childr~n last waek and 39 thisr and I' h&"'iC r~o dou"'bt · ~'l~ :::.,um1;)sr will i.narsas~o 'l\1;t•o f Cor;;.· again wrot~. in F~.b~.a...~ P 1863 r to aay- tns . echool wae much imp::"uYsd. 'bt:.t t2l. ~ loea.J. patrons ,. w~:;:-~ ooncern~d that J\1ro rtlQ:;."COm v1as b~ing paid ori}.:.r £5 p er montho In tht same; lettBl.~ he< t--,z.,., mark~d that th~ echoo l was still about £60 in h~R d.t!bt, as he haC. p_;..~·cid ~d a oonsid~rablG amo'C..nt of mone~r for · tll.~& build.ing"

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T..l-.i~ recordE contai.n li tt}.e info:::wat~c:. fo:t> t:ne ni'tXt f~w yeru.•e" Th e. sn:;:·olm;3n·t rema:i.ne<1. b:.·hts6n 35 and 40 t'E.!e. the averag:s attend.anos b~ twG~n 25 and 30 o In 1866 tt~d two Boa.:..""ds of Edu.~ation w~r& di10banded and the Oo'UJr.!c:i.l of Eduaation was set up 'U.!'l.del~ the terms of ti1e Pu.blio Scru)olti. Act~· The Denominational School:s still reG~iTad assietance fnom the ~ Gover:nm::.:-~t Pl""'OV,.d~d th&y ware certified b;r th~ Counoilo :r-Iational Schools became kno wn as fublic Scl1oolE 1 and weal Pl..:.bliti School Boa::-ds . A"eplaced tho? Commi~t~es of local pat~on£~ In 1868 the Vac7 Public ~~hool Eow:'d cons is ted of Iil~ sst"s c Gi lbe ·;; Co:; ...... .fs; GoJoFl·a.'Fl.k1and, and GofL-Brovmo

fih"' of.bx~om appl:Lsd. fo,_. a. m;>~~ in 1870 ': •.tt a sui i:a'ble· s~hool vl'as r2.ot aYailabls at ths t:J!l :f': H~ nas g~neralJ~- popu..la.A· iX>. Vaoif S) e...'":l.ci a p eti tL-::.:.

1 wae. 5~nt to th~ C:ou:ncil of Educ ation in 18?0 askj~ng the.t :be b8 not remo1rsdc On 27th Apr il II

187 8 Mx·" ?do:ooan d5.ad. a."'>.d VIae bu.ri.0d at St c- Pau: ~ s j Chu.):--~hyaro, Pa t€:r:·sonc H~ had. bean a tS;aChi:r f: ~ 34 yGa:t"S.o

Miss Edi~~h 1\brcomv h:t~ dau.gh-'Gert was - 1-a ppointsd the n~t teacher ·at Vac~o (She had ~ privats e~hool a t Mrc La:urie 0 s on the Upps:r: ':1 Allyn Riv-er for two yea:;:os) o Ml•o Inspecto;..u Rraci.ls;y- ,.


r&pol .. t~d on Miag Eo }Jo:t."'Com ~ H•sr.e: is a yo'Wlg ls..iy of ye~t f a il:" intelligence and infor-mation~ ~: j' jj

of ac.stiV® j..ndustriou.e habits ar2d. hal~ aptitud~ : :; r t3aGhing is quits ~ aqual to tha av8rag~ shO'-~

1 by applleants for employmento~\ -A~ "chis time the enrolment at the act-;ol j

was 45 with an averag8 att~ndanc~ of 33o I~ 1~3 1~ · Miss Edith Morcom resigned a..'"ld was succeeded b;-· 1

h~:. .... sista:r., r.:Iiss l'r'Ial•ga!"8t l\broom 11 ~-~o had be~ I . t~aehing .at Cainpsieo 1

Evid~mtly the original schoo 1 was inads~ta b0cause on 4th Iilarob, 1882 g JJr-o Ineps~ tor roornt~s rseommend~d th6 acquisitio~ of th~ present site of two aereso

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1"he si t2 of the : r~,_gi_naj. sGhool waz stated to bf; b€:twe~Jil th-l! : ··.gsen~ se;hool si. t!; a...l/5. thv Paterson River, 100r.l. t~- ~ Old Road to Vacy'0 o I -c was just n~rth of the> ' Half=Wcy Houss Hctel~'' Cl

1~e new aohooli ~~th its r~sid~~~~ cc~ bined!' (a13 was the r-u.l~ i t was con£rtruG!t~d of briek and was e~e0ted in 188?. o How~~~rp it was not till ~eptembe:r. 1886 tha t th€i fJ::malitir.e wi.th I\'lra Cocy eve=- trJ..g restunpJcion of h~!: proper...j"" w&ra c ompl®t:;d and compensation paid~ whl::h amovJY~ed to £/3c

In S\D.y '! 890 tt.f Inapeetm:> A. ... sport-ed that t he school ei te 'was bad~ :::-:·a1.nsd.o an& wat~j;:' was 1~-:i ng us.;C'.f):r-n~ath the btti. :.:..~. ng<.> A- te...'1der fo~ £3c.6 c;, 6o f::oom !\Ire J o Oldf~.:.ld was aco~ptoo ar.d th~ wor~ was put in L~~do

Itv.:"~.ng 1392 1!i ::-:: Jl.'kn.-cc:w ~~a3 appointEd to tha Infants~ D~pm""""m~-, ". a-':,; Bl.a.ck:':':.<ia:;:•a P"12.blie f:choclf' f:ydney ~: a.no. in tt: aaros ~· ea.,-:- 1 j resj.da:nts I

p eti ·t:i.on-00. the D$pa..~~n·.; to appc· in·~ N"tro Ben~ smi.\1 Go:¥~ i n her placeo l.trc C.::.:-:: Tias the ... ~t:at~h~·::· e-t;;: F.llynbroo~ E or -a$ it ;vas v.:h.e!"l kn.J'fvT.I. = rrca~rgw:::-·l~t•t ~ I and h F.: was ~vidently w?:J.:;.~knov.n i~ YaoyCJ. I·,i~QCox was appoi.nt~d eo on aft~r-r•::ulis o

In i 893 a numb e;c= of r..:;pail:"'s wsr~· carried cut a t a cost of £90 11 in~J.u.ding "che painting~ insida and out r of ths school and r~sideno~ P a.Y!d tbe ecr.l!l t:-.,.....:.ot:i.on of a room 14~x1ou on the b~k of t~s school resid~nOto One Inspectcl" re~orting !: :1 t:rie mat·ii~;:-> s~at~S. &

~' i.\1r" Cm( is an sa.rnest·, e...1d pai.n2takillg t~ach~~" who takes good cax-a of· t::.f.· prop e_rty of t:."l~· Depar'tc=· ment? and h B dese~se t b be mad~ oomfo~tabl~o~ Tfu':-o J o Olctfi€ld ca..-ris·d :·~It· both th~ painting end bu~."lding pr.oj~ct::o

. I


I ~ I



.. , .4. sid.18light. o":t~ ths ID5~ of tFcmsport· in 189~- ie containe!d. in a 1 ~ tt8r ~ri tt~n by mro cox to the Dl}partrnent for ~c;·_:ipm~nt to be ssn~·· from 5ydn~y - "" Should th~ t.b.J'fi. b~ forwarded from Sydney the most ~Gonomi'~ rout~ would ba by ateallc:" to Paterson,. :fr-::.:.. which plac·& it eat?- bta sent~ coach= :tars ab: ·.-.t 9d ~ or·1/=·'1 Rates have certainly changw.o



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Cn 23r d Jul;y· ~ i 894 r th~ lnsp ~:'! torv ~~por'tg.Q. ~ (/' Vac.y i s a 2nd cla s s sehool«> 1-lB.;:;t .. :ruar~er- th-8 em:'Qlm!3n t wa s )8~ a\'1d th€ av-~rag8J att 6ndance 44 o V~en the~ is ~vthing 1 ike a :ull attenda.ne€ the pupil s ar~ -..rr:.ry c rovrl &l of~

Gri.a "'li difficul ... t:y was ~:perim~ed in k~~piP..g O.ampn§ss out of the brickvoD:r-i; a t: th3 ~chooJ.., and ~:--~s:Ldsnceo D:::·aing h.ad to b du.g , a nd tha h:d.ck wcn--k pai n t.g.-1 qu1.te fr-equ.antly o

.:::n t. eon~ r-a e:- to:· e 1\:J':'o William Heald cax:~i~d ou.t a pain,cing COITt:.."aQ.t fO~' £8c 5 oOc; in NoYember· 1895;.­anc~ in .D5C'~-m~er ui' th& f:ie.m e y f:. a:;· Lh.""'c P" Conno~ !n3Jc::a:".1.t6. an addi ii~.onal 6GO g l -. taru~ a t -tL~ ~zsid6nG~ for £6rTO~o~

lz-1 No~~ G.·rnbt-;:r.~ 1 835 1~--;. , Cs:i. as ke;d pe·r­m:tsEion t.O b&:gill SCh.oo). aJ~ 9 aom o a..l'ld f i.nish a t ;. p o De Hz po:t ... .nted out that Va.c;y wa s a d ariy-ing dis·~:r·:i.et"' and. that the parsnts n &sded theh .. " c h ilci:::f;n to ~OID[;. hom~ sal"'ly to h~~lp on th~ fa~ " ~~a1.1 .. y of "th~ ehi l clr-8n rod€ "Go sahoo1, in e:raarn.;srj· O a:·,-"~ ::: ai1d W&'Jc>e in th:; pl.ayg_.'"OUnd l:r~ fOJ."' (:: 8 a cmo t and. than w:tehsd "jjO be allowOO. to €P earl.y in. th~ afti!:~·noono Permi.ss ion YYae g;:antoo f Ol"' "the yaz~e~don in s ohool hou~~G

Thg years 1894~ 1895 and 1896 w~re d.iff ic:.iA..lt on~ s ~ fo~ .. ths SUIIl!!lere. ws:.---a very hot and o.:.r·y ~ and tha s chool r~s~denc~ ·was often wi thout wa·~~l:'"~ there being only thl."ee t B..l"'lkeJ hold5_ng ~ 400 gl5 <> 1896 was particularly <icy and the vst of carting water t o th {'j r es l d e..ncs that summ&1." amounted to £ 1 ..-8 -:- 0c- A n ew tank \-._as s u ppllsd 'b~ t h a Department and ins talled by hlr,. Patri~k Keal~ f or £6~ 0 o0 c

A s5.del5.ght on D~partmentaJ. polic~· can ":-Hi ge.:'.nsd f-;:om the follov6..ng incid e..:nt r·

A R&f~ren~am t o d~eida th~ issu~ of ?~6-~~·ation wa s held irJ. 1898t: and on 25th r:2.y of that ;r€.a:t.•c l\'J!' o C0x ask ed parmi ss5.on t o assist ths l"€tul"ning of'ficerG . Tns School v•e.s being u~ti &5 a polling plac~o Th~ DBp aJ-:vtmsnt re-pli~ that i~ we~ not ~~n0idsred d~sirabl~ fo~ him t o a t2t in suCil.~ a ~a.pacd. ty- o


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In 1 898 1\:h•o Cox!:· at h:1.s mv-;e ~p{;nS2 0 built a lat:oo.d.:t<y &.trl bath;.'{)Qffi ac~ -'uh8: 5Cb;X) ). J. .. esidence a

The enroJ.m~:rJ.t. a~ ths fmhoolwae [email protected] 57 with ev~1~ px-osp aet of ~:. in~r~as.so

lJuring tbe nsxt f~w ysa:-a l.h:'o Cox had. considerabls f.amil;r wo:r.-r:i.esv two of: :b.iE?- cll.ildy·~n h ad ·soa:r·le"'t: fever£ and ~e o~hool was cloa~d from 6th l\larah W.1til 2vth Aprll 9 .1899o

E.ar.·liar in the :r~ru:· i\b:, o Cox had appli®d fo r.- two months si.ck l~a'<:"·~ o Ch~.~:.f :lnsp~c.YtJ:;~ :Sr-id.g~~ ~10ted. t h a-t 1~1:" c Go~. ~E; &e;.....-.;·5. ~~c ·o;: :;:-e c on= eid. t.:r·~d. to have b~sn msrit.J:d.O\.'S &:.d. lta?t~ was g xoru!tt.cl on ful l :p~:r, v1bi~h ~·as ~-t;,.su.a1 fo x• su.oh a l m:1g perioo.a

In July 1908., fhss::s o JoYioodho\!Et." l 1o Vl'oodhu\,\&·~,. J c \'/atSC.np J oPr~sl.and and AQtT oZ.Cw..s.:rU.s t

r"\!; s J. c3elfltg o~ 1.·enncxton and. C:·e~ba.n;.;; 17 sa:i6. th€<~~ vrer,.e ,-d.1li~'lg to;' t o J:.l"O~id~ ·tvl'o Gui tabll3 l o g$;(' pla.oe th·tzl i~, pozi tion e.c::Des t h s PateJ:osDn Pti<t<"<:>~~, a.C.~~ t b. c t op eu:r".!f ac ~ t e...T'].C}. oro~:r.-;:- ou ~ a..rcy work n~c ~&sa..-.r to makt:; & 5af~ an~ (l?Orn"ani~.nt m~an.~ to :m..:c11 ena·t>le Ot:..'<~ childr~n t o atten6.. tre Vac:y ~ltlic School.:.11

., Th~.f aak~d th8 Depa:"tm~:nt t o p~· 25/= . to cover th~ cost of hauling the logs t o the river 17 ane.. P'"oviC.~ng · bol'ts a.'1.d o:ld,.nf. with wffi ~h .:tc e &C'U.'t'cl them i~ 1D~itiono 'fll®. i;:;aoh~Z" eu.ppO:'t't~d th-2- applic?ationc- H~. ·said t:t.at; t:.~.e s~T~n @hilcll:"en involvad could not att·incl W'cy' otht"U'' ~choo 11l and a.dd.t.d. r~' It is ur;n~G8SSary ·fo~ m~ to JX)int out th~ d angers to w~d8 tt~u.gh wat~r and oftsn ·in a yecy he-ated. condi tim.'lot"" ~8 loge W.fsr~ instcill~d i." bu.t . in tims "Ghe f'.l.oods vra,~h~-d th001 aw~o

i\lr o e ox was nomina t .gQ. ;.n .. T anu.a:..-:t· :1 911 fo :. ... appoin~cment as a Jv..s\'i.o of th~ P&S.O.~o Teachar.s wsrt: nc?i:i allowed t o 'takg offic;.e of that kind 0 end Chief Insp&<:Stm.- Davfs:on :r.·acomm&nO.~ that t~:l':t'le Chief fieor$-'.;aey 11 s D~par'tment bs in£ol'IDW 0 as in othe:r' simile.r a:ppl.itJat:i.ons f) that it is not

-d.esi J.·abl a t o concur ·in ·tha nominaUono~~


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!).':1: Max-~h i 911 a mauu.al tX"aining l""''om mteaS\.1,.::-:"ing 12 1 6 1•x9 u wae erect8d " Ill~ work app8a.x·s tc haYe been done. by the tear.J:1ax· himself, who was E:c-.rn~'uhtng of. a carp~ntero

Frum 1909 to 1911 thers was much t~oubl~ in th~ tsachervs f amily owing to di ph­t h.-tr:ta = D;."o Perkins 11 the Gove:rnme.nt Heal tb Qffice::t.."" a-'c Itbrpa·tf.~,!) a.'ld Drc DlGkr th~ r.I~clic al Haalfu Officer a t New.::astle Insp ect~d the pre£Jises and r.e~omman(h;o. thorough reno"'!ations" l!'"nese wers oa:~:":r."~~ ~"- ot~t j.n 1912 at a cost of £222 ""\ 0,0,.,

f;1r"o. (:ox spe~ialis ed h.~ me.t.~·v.al 'tr.!?l.i!l~!.'!~ FOl'' a :;,:v..rD.'i_:>s r of y,;;ar-s h"' s~nt specimens; of ·th. ~S Ohil.d.r~:n a c; wo;:-k to th8 Dv.ngog Di stx-:J.e; t f)chool Exhibi ti.on o TA~~~ ir.tclud ed pa~':l;Dac'1.ship r. printingr paintingt, ropg K):.::-kl' woo&wo ;.'k~ plall'A n~edlewo :dt 9 and. fa:net~·· worlt of -var.iou.s kinds o

Tha 18th mar.ch ~ 914 must havs been a memora'bla o~c;as5~on ..., T".r.~.e chil(Iren W-F.':t.·e talum to N '€Vi'Castl~ fOl." th~ day instead of being g:, vellJ. th.a usual &tthool picnic c T.h8y t:ra~~ellfld t o PaJcerson by waggonet"G~, and ti.umce by trair!c:. B~vs:;:-al paren ts accompanied the party o

After sp~ndi:ng 24 y-ea't"S 5.n Vaoy Nrc Cox waa t~a~ef0~·ed in June 19i6c

T.h~ n~xt teacher w~s Mro F~a~erick Williso He was appointed post=ma.ster too~ on conditio~ that th~ work was dons by his wif~ ancl daught~ro .l)ru; j..ng 1917 the attendance dropped. to 26D and th~ following yea:t .. J\ir-o Willie. was t ;.~ansf ~i."red g

In 1919 Ml"" Percy Edwards was appoint., tad t:.aahe:t"9 Ha died suddenly whilB qui t a a YG~n.g man$ after· being in charg~ fer o~v 4 years"

He was succ~e~eC. by. !dra William Hallil i n 1922 0 who was the teacher fo:r- the n~t 8 y~arso

In~reased enrolment meant extr~ s~ating aceommoda tian, and this was prcrvidE:d in 1928 for ·(.h.~ 53 pupils attsnding tr.:.s echoo J. o

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. :I I It wae dt.:.rlng liiro H (':."'ll ~ ::~ tim~ tha-'c; ~~,; ~t::l 1

th~ old go~lecy was r-emo~ro f~"Dr:: th~ ~choo l. ~ ar~d. I 1

th~ floor levellttd, ancl tha d~st::: turn.Sd. aCJ~"C\S& the room o 'J.:his WO&"k was Gar"ri~t out bv cont:i:"a.ct by a ~Jrc Ac Presland fo~ the s~ of £10o5o0o

1\U.· o T.h:) mas S6ott wa6 c.ppoi.nt&d t o the school i11 Aprll 1931 and within ::. f&w ysars ·ext t:::nsi ve :r·€>pair rork was car-ri <E :. Ol.t t o A 5t.:.IIl of' .£225 ·was sp~nt on .,vork Yrhieh i~ :udsd o~·a~hau:ting the d r ain a ge and .r&pa.i..rin.g the f ;;-nces o

No ~· 8prl..J.:O wo r.·k was C; :n e: t o th17 sch ool. howev ex- as it was s·(:ated t..fJ.at a ::-:v. sr..:h o:) l ::"Oom was. bei ng pl ann.edo

I n J~ 1938 E:1 ~~t.::-:~ _ ~- -~~· \ ic;E eon= n ectrJd t o t he i-esid~n~~o

f'Jr. o Sc t:/c~ was a 'Ve:;7~: popl0.a:r· tea cilsx- and he in.tex-a:;r .. , ed :'lime ~:_-:· i!1 ·th-t- wt. lfru."'~ of the O.i~tr:LcJ~o 1~ w~a main~ ::.v.t- t o his effc rte that a naw lo~l~-v~l b.:d :.g~ YiaE ·co :nc=­stroc t ed a-'li Hor.::t •s Crooe ingo Vc. :··.; we e gay

· wi •c;h bv_uting the day Mr.., o S}.iocncr ~ame:: to op~,J. that bridge u ·

1\:l!"c J:ohn G-look t ook Yp dutiefi i ;c;. Janu.~_.· 0 1940 ~ a5 the t~aGhsr, a.::d. .h~ r~mai.ri~d. ·utttil 1 949 .o It was du,rL'tlg i'..is term a t> t2a~he:;:• that a new classmom was compl.g ~.;~cl in. J.:rJ.gtl:S't 1945 " 1Tle contrac ... ,:o:;:• wac ll!roJoC .: Fick.l.;;sr a.."'l.d t..~~ co a'~ £7'57 o

1U:<.• o Ashley 0° Tool~ ~.".:?·') ..:.· . ...J .o--3'. :-~' -=­G-l ock i :o 1 950 o r.·e; -;~·~:::- ~u;:··>~ll~ !:~.: ·-';; erm as ~~ad~ mast..gr· t:.1::'. -~ ~ r:. ~N elassroom wa.z sr-ec.t ed in . Septsmber 'l 956c I!~'~lopm~n:te iT. sehool ru;-C;h.i-· t ectu:r e 8.S well as a :;.:-i~s in b't:C.:..d.ing cos ta _ ma~r b e gathered :~- oompa. .... h'lg th~ p:.:-1.0~ ur tho

· b~i lding erect~d in 1945 ~v.tth tt~t . of .tb~ on~ in 1 9?6: The la't;ter -cost £3 9 36t ~

It was du.r:in g lllro o~ :·ocl e ~ s t erm that a J:l.OU.th- organ and ~ecordi~ band wa5 eatabli ehod 0 and ILJCUl,Y fine trop:-~ee wror r.; also won at the Greeford Di~t~_ct Po~ ~A o Aes~ci etion Q

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I\Iiss Horton Wa.a' tha assistant t ~ a~her ru1d she was late~ succ~~d~d by fuiss Be :Ui~s in 1 956 o

}~Q Harold ·smith was appoint8d to Vc..'JJ. in ,January [I 1958, and is ths present H~ admaster~ Th@ ae6istant teach~r is ~~q Co He ~-n. i' wllo was Miss Bordiss c

List of' Teachers

Nc.= ~ --Cl:a::"l~s Chapman J c s-i.a.."l ~b::.~com Eti i ~h 1\.!o;;:·com 1\la ~'gaj:-e-t Ilbrcorn Be~jamin Cox Fl-~d.~n:ick Willis Pe -:-"iJ.y :&iwa:..-"d.B William H~lm Tl!_ :;na~ Qec;J~' J o.:.:1. G-lot~!r. J.s!.l~:lf 0° ::Fool~ Ha:0ld S:mi t lt

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'f..'~H; ::::-:;.1;\;u l. of A~.,t~ ·,4:19 €L':. fi t~·'i !.~ 1 901 c

~·u ~ t;_~ \.~~t~.;:.~ b~dug J\lv5~.6"eo {}oAoHOrn s C u::3o~er.t= ville ar-ul W"J .,Pai~hallo

1!h?; p:.·t&~en-t Officers a r~ Jlh.~o Wo B;:-oo!t~r so PrcsiC.~nt; llro AQ Bo~.U £> S~~n ... ~-~ar~y ; Nru Do Oa::·'O'tfr !t'r•f!ia5UJ"e1.~o

!Ph. i;;, (' " w L A ( 'f:Si~~ia~.r~ y etU"S thers hab ~~~:1 a b~a;-.. e::!l of th~ c .;,V/..,_IJ_, in v~c~~- (' It ~-S e~omp05f:C of B. band of ~rH"' ~··ec t ·3 C> 'fl'o:r·xe:---? ~;_1J,:i e;: t..'l:·. t l~ad ~r"t5~P or- g

~-l•-s .-. D .. Ji ll~~pi~ "=' P~".;·.~ld.~:..\i i\t'. ~~ c· A ,_ U::c~l"J.a.s~~ = S~~~<i!:ta:-~-J\}~- e ~ ~J a B o Hor-L"1 ~ 'I:-I.' t:-~ .. ~t:.~-·~~·'

Tl! ~· E;;..( r r·o<:<a ?t."'~~r=·~---.... ~ -_~n:u~. v r. t."a.<~~r;.ati0:7.t has "b: .8n. ~ t>;~".l tXJ'G5.. ~- ~ the ~-t""a::-'er- a;"":~.C. ii: i~ w~J.l e:vppm:·"·i<~& by DiEit,:r··5. a-t- l'~sid~;;~f:-3 ¢

C:.'i..:_Stl:~~g t.h~

Tb e P.~e z :r 6 t.mt i ~ 1\lr's eo H c W:t l~n 11 w:t ~h fJ:-.~ c

J1, ~- 1.Ie:n)\.~n.t :J~t.:' :t.~t:·~a::~-' a:-:t.d fh·5 o GoStout Tr.saS\."14"Src

!~ J~.io :.;: 13:-a;:-l-Ch is ~-atabll~h~d at tt..~ sc:£:r{jo:i. 9 a :ud. t~ chilo.l::~:.-1 a :-'~ ~age:r· V.O!"ker-r.:< ru·~.d zoaia~ creo..: ta'o). e a:~lOU.'<'JtiS fo.;.' H~aclqv.a!"'i;Grs o

Th r-.; Pu~-C' r .• 6.s6o~iat,.on -~·~=~-~-fr<'= <I • • "'' i ' . Tu e .I:~ & C o AI5:3>J ~1at;.on .t..::'i u..o:;.ng a J: rd~ JOn in proyidi.ng muc~ "t,alu~~l 2 ~·-iu.iJ1ffi:9.'1t fo~' tho ~chool. .. TL.~ Officers al.~e ~

J\1--:>o Ac. Hom ..-. 1\h" c H '-' G0 JJCI.'ffl-;"~it~.~ Qii

111:;:-s o Kc l.Om?'SJ'

?7 ... Cl

P;.-o:.gid .~n t - s~~:;;-~ta:.:".r - ~e~t'-.'t:'"S4"

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Tha-I:. n a t1 v~· 'u~a]..,t; 'ii'?: ··-:~~ 1- ~ ·:.At .~ :t n :. "5.r•. -~h ~ t:•·.; ~s i i.l a.t;,v. m:Duro tht-, a..:l:oc:. u1 ~. ~)0~' ,;nat tha ~oil in fr·ot:..t :-· :.he ol o. 'b;::·ie:l~ Echoo l \'Y!:U: bJf"'\~gt--~ ·~ u.p fl"'m t.hc : i . ~ -,~_,, "t>ar..k? Tb.at aom~\Jo~i;i:· up6~t a \ ~ :·y St.:;le~ t dancs ).n th~ o;..""ig'inal "t•uild.ing by ptn -~1ng t. g.:=i.yi.our.-~d. dog ir~ 1:-hx-"'u@o tt..e w i.ndo'ff"'? IJ~._;.. a"t; a f:w:.~ir..g g~bo0: •-',;:-.= h '(. Jd ht t!~r. C!'"iginal

, < ~ - • " '? ~. "(" i- • . .. H:~ElC'·O~- :.;n:~.-..l:·?. .<..n~~ _ k:·:· ·· : _ · -.- ~ .:.c·: ·5 r· ~a~ .. tn~ v:o.v~ :L;d. ·:·~ a:r-J L ·v .Hi2J. ~. :.·ug .. \·i ?..:f t.:t-: p ::: a :;·t>.:: t~ S..l~~ i;~1 ~ t~-1: ~to~· o 1~ri.a-'~ m·~,_;t~.;o,"~, oJ:· );h~ I~::J ·.. !L fc.:-n-~ .. ~ -.:t.~o t-.~ ttl~ a. i11 tx7 ~ "' .e. ""-T'" r.,' - ,J.,..,,, ., 'ta .,.., ~ rr r. . • •· ,; • ~ \ r- . .. . . '•' •1•,·,-r ,.,...v-b P _,,...!). · - 9~..;:::;. -.~ ·c; l.1 1'1 ... -.~\.·.A..~ .; .. .,_ l-AJ:'.J'.;· L'.;a",.,- · -~;.;_ .... ~ .... ._._..._;V1 -:;:-c:·7- .Lv;.J...v ,_b ,g.!.

£>4' 'G' '"'J''rr·.····. ·; -~ - ··-'· o.-:: • • • --u ..... _ r . ..i. ~·~- ···~ ~ '",;, ."l v-~ ... ~ --·-~~.~.;. i wi• ..... o!-4. ...... --.... 1.).. ;... .. v- ~ ... IJ..,.J. \;-c~--- ..... ~·

1 i ..e· ~ s p9.;-y~; ~.:.: tr.!.ir:; (j,1a !. - :-.t: r.? ~:.;'-e.t '!:'re.;:~.~r· waf':;. o~t-t-~"? fl·. c.· ·-·1 t ')·-om t11·? :t:-::.··.re:;:-~ is:t. a t9 al'~k mot.:~tt~~- on a slid~ fo'l !lourH.; . .:·wld !:1.1.:rp osoo? T!tz-.1; t hsz. or.·1.~r:,.a.2. 81-m.""... 0-: '~, :-c, s-~i' • .;--c .;t'~ a.£ t<.t Pr• 4'li~,.-b,,- '1i ·"'i" "'• ··~ ;~'r.,.-· ·.~..,_-. .,..:; '1 !:1' ···l'-11~1'-'-' "'' -

. .,fo.....+.--.•J.J. '! ·-~ \Q~ ,''/;.._ : hl\....1"""' ... .. '\oC ~'I~·~ ':':'- L ... ..,,."J,. .C£J~U

!l:u.a<:: h 1.. 13.)3 a. faun.) ... )' c: th:\"S~ f jv..,--:<·;::" ~J a:n~:?; C:d.~fit::;. t hie nif.~ s~~w_ G.t"iffit;:-1' botJ-~ ag&t 40 il an..z t·"'"'-i"" dl...,;-,'\'."" ""-... c' 2 "'-r.·a ... ·· ·• ,..,,,<..., ., "' """' w:t·kA ~n ~ ~ .. , 1 J._ ~.~.!.r~ U.,O.L tiJ ~e::,.\.::l' ~ ~ ,._ A c;;o, 9' "(~~.b <;. \.4~ V ~c;;"\,.4 .,r...

th~ Patarson River n e a ·.- Gostv.-ydc on ChJ.""ietmas Day? 1'h a t th~ fi:~t r<&COl"d~d. [lt.:>:ial~ in th~ ::>t (· Pau l ~s ''"'"m· "'.c.,.,.""'".r Pa.:.. P._...,O..., ·xr;;, - · ·.J.· n ~ M 7 Q • J. am~·.:: li."' -~J a"'O v ¥ ok~.&.,)f ~ ~~ v j; , ~ ,~ g.~ c; ... .. u .. :_<. cv • . ..., A ~ t.-4

( 29) a."'l.o John Ch~m1b~;l:'G :_'2 6 ) ? 2.'hat r~o Bo Co::s: ~d; tb.~ ··ar:y ~hool waE" a skillsa. car"Pent ,~ ;;-~? It i~ ~aid :iH:~.-;, i lf' mc..d ~ hi & own s u.1.\ry whil~ lt·v-ing her? ~ 'I'lLaio 1\'!ro HoHo Bl"' w.Li.r ID !..-· 'js·~ f o-... ... this di strict e li Y~ci a:'c Coulston n~Hll' ~:-csfo:..."'d~' Ti. at ~~~ (fo yt;;;:-no ;"a ( bv~:- · ...... ·a.ng.:: r-£. ) ,., a 6 J··o·u;-,g lads \t<:>ro f am:\li.ru:· fig •. :~:.."'~2 c .. ti:;.=o GoiJJ. :~ton 5etatg o

~·hat R~~ g ,To~J. Smith t't. - f.t:r,.;t incu.rn":-~nt a ·i,;:

la"l(~ :t"E·~~, ~ae OOrn ~-n E:;:~_l ccl~ i?.t i 70·l = before the 6irst s~~~lament in Au~~ral~a c '!.'hat ai: 2 .aomo on i4th N.Y>rwfbet" 1896 tha Farmer s:t Hot~l a.""ld bu.tche;;.•e & ah : o Yier~ bur·nt down'!' ~:ha~ th:. f5.~t:t VM';/ ':);.-i.; gs: tu·.i"l..t i~ i857 w~~ bU:"'<l.."li <lovr.. on '19\.h D~( ; .:;j~·- e ~-~ ·,09~~ a'i. 2 a,m,


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D~~gar 11 e Inde:Jt ano. !h.:..""'ectorr,y c.

'-'h t: lan~e lJepartm~m t ~ map~ of th~ Cou..'1t'.f of D\:.!"h am o

L€:-tt e r Bookl'l B·o al"d of 'National Edv.oa.t5.or.. c, Votes a:r1d Prco~ed.ing~ of "'~:~ne ~..sgislati\f~

.c..aaembly •. Rapc:rot o f th~ Boar d of Na·tional Eeiuoa tion,, 1.')·~ e llai t lanri !Ue:n:-:u.:-y .. 'J..'l::. t ~yc;...n~;y J1or.1J'h'),g H ~rald." P\ '.b~d t::El-ti on~ of th{i N~V>I'.) aB~lE: Ri~tol<:i c. al

~"':}c; i e ~"'~' o

Wr~. ting~ ·tJ;· Prof t:.eeor Elkin~ an~ R~~ < Ho 2!l.:!JPc

11 z:p~.:c tmC!.z.·G of Educatio:r.~ Re:s~aroh ~d Plru1n i :ng (·

I of:fei.." nzy· gr-at~fu.l t~.~~'lks to th~ follov•i ng f or- th:<Jir· ~B&. iEtru'lca arl.d. h~lp :tn pX<~pa:r>ing t hie OOOklt!-t ?' and in l Oa."li ng phOtOgJ:->apilE o

Mrs., fllo liar.tCCIOkg &"l.C gta.ff 9 Of thE 1\.lit~h~ll Libz-a~· "

!JJ:--o F "Co Bar.n~s r. fubl i.e R8la t i ons Officer o f' the Po !it lill£te.J..~ G-.en<'n"al o

2.1h t, ~ taff c-'f the lJai tland .:.i')~B.X'-y· c

}Jirss Carm lJ Hr>c. :r. ... l.b!nn5s$ R~"·-> Brook~r I\11",, J ... 13 <-> Hor~'l;, f!Jr., XJ_. Hornr. Uies r.;., Hor:-.a ?. nlr· ~ h oHo C'r.'DU.Ch,. ~h"' o & !..irs o P c. Clem~nts 0

!~Ira o I.owr~·- s ti~ '-' & lrr·::::_ o W ·~ E~"Dt~k~r t> l!~ " B::·co!t ~~"" s-~lnr''c, lJ.J:" u J o J,lU:!·ph:,~" Hl"' " J.., Ca;:c.low, ~'!.!~ Gille~pi i3 Fam:S.l,:~· L' ~.h." c. R" Vlol"tl:ingtonr fJro .L_. ~mer,ri lle;r. l'~c & rtrs~ Wo Ni:n..,~<! as, fti:·s, e,; 8tout,., ~.h:·s c t r Ho::<nc

To all otht:::.."" kiril fo lk who h.elpei m~ ! o f.fe:o my th;;n .. 'lce <>

I t ru~t that you wi 11 find ~"'l~ readi11g €<n= j0i' ablt a..'1.a 'tr1.at it vlill b:r-L"'1g 'bac k pl <·a5 a"1t mc..Olc.:.i.esc.