Celtic Reiki Distance Course Practitioner (Level) 2 Workshop Notes Contents Celtic Reiki and Manifestation A Description of the Practitioner degree 2 Celtic Symbols Working with crystals and a crystal grid Celtic Reiki and Manifestation We saw in the last workshop that Celtic Reiki can be used to heal, although it has many other uses, one of which is manifestation. The Celts were renown for their energetic powers of healing, manifestation and attunement to nature. In this workshop we look at the 6 level two symbols that you have been attuned to. These can be used for you and your clients to work with goals and desires on all levels. To use the energies, it is recommended that you use the first two symbols Nuin and Duir to connect you to the Reiki and to open doors to higher manifestation and protection energies. Then use one, or a combination of the other symbols to create what you would like. The symbols can be used in meditation – with a fixed idea of what you are manifesting and then direct the energies towards your goal, in treatments (see below) or by using a wish book, or Crystal Grid. You can also use the symbols creatively, as guided by intuition, or higher wisdom. When manifesting, always work for the highest good of all and remember not to force your will on to others – it will bounce right back at you. A good example of this is in relationships – do not work with the intent of love with Mr or Miss X. but instead use the desire for a wonderful and special love to fill your life. This will mean that if Mr or Miss X. is the right partner for you, they will come, however if there is a very special someone waiting in the wings, you are opening the door to them and allowing them in. To give a manifestation treatment to yourself or others, channel the first two symbols at the head area and the other symbol(s) moving from the head (3-5 minutes) to the heart (3-5 minutes) to the Dantien (3-5 minutes). This will bring the energy from the universe (thought) to the Earth (Physical). You can also work as guided. Page 1

Celtic Reiki Manual2

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Celtic Reiki Distance Course Practitioner (Level) 2

Workshop Notes


• Celtic Reiki and Manifestation • A Description of the Practitioner degree 2 Celtic Symbols • Working with crystals and a crystal grid

Celtic Reiki and Manifestation We saw in the last workshop that Celtic Reiki can be used to heal, although it has many other uses, one of which is manifestation. The Celts were renown for their energetic powers of healing, manifestation and attunement to nature. In this workshop we look at the 6 level two symbols that you have been attuned to. These can be used for you and your clients to work with goals and desires on all levels. To use the energies, it is recommended that you use the first two symbols Nuin and Duir to connect you to the Reiki and to open doors to higher manifestation and protection energies. Then use one, or a combination of the other symbols to create what you would like. The symbols can be used in meditation – with a fixed idea of what you are manifesting and then direct the energies towards your goal, in treatments (see below) or by using a wish book, or Crystal Grid. You can also use the symbols creatively, as guided by intuition, or higher wisdom. When manifesting, always work for the highest good of all and remember not to force your will on to others – it will bounce right back at you. A good example of this is in relationships – do not work with the intent of love with Mr or Miss X. but instead use the desire for a wonderful and special love to fill your life. This will mean that if Mr or Miss X. is the right partner for you, they will come, however if there is a very special someone waiting in the wings, you are opening the door to them and allowing them in. To give a manifestation treatment to yourself or others, channel the first two symbols at the head area and the other symbol(s) moving from the head (3-5 minutes) to the heart (3-5 minutes) to the Dantien (3-5 minutes). This will bring the energy from the universe (thought) to the Earth (Physical). You can also work as guided.

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Description of the Practitioner Degree 2 Celtic Reiki Symbols

Nuin (Nee-Arn) N Nuin is the Ash Tree and represents the Month of March – the first month of Spring and new beginning. This symbol is used for connection, as it shows us the connection between all things and removes separateness. Use Nuin at the start of any manifestation treatment, or practice to connect to the specific energy required in this form of Reiki. Nuin will connect and prepare you in readiness for the next symbol.

Duir (Doo-r) D Duir is of the Oak Tree and shows us the fertility of Spring as celebrated in the festival of Beltane. It represents the month of May, the last month of spring and the end of the beginning. Duir is the opener of doors and gateways – it allows those who have connected through to great strength and knowledge of the mysteries contained in the universe. It also protects and keeps the practitioner and client safe from any negative energies during the treatment, or practice – it should be used after Nuin. Duir opens the chakras in turn, starting with the crown and working down to the base, thus bringing thoughts into the physical.

Oir (U-eh) Th

Oir is the Spindle, of sweetness and delight – and is used in Celtic Reiki to manifest an idea situation. This could be more prosperity, a better job, or a strengthening of relationships. Having used the first two symbols, Oir will help to create a contusive energy for the highest outcome in a physical sense and therefore is best used where money, property, work, or people are concerned. However always remember to work for the highest good and to remain anonymous where people are concerned – to attempt to force another to do something will bounce the energy right back at you!

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Coll (Cull) C Coll is the Hazel and refers to the heart, emotion and intuition. Use where you wish to manifest emotions and create a new feeling, or underlying feeling to daily living. If you wish to create Joy, Inner Peace, Love, or any emotion that you feel at a heart level. Or if you wish to improve energy, intuition, or balance, Coll is the symbol to use. Coll can also be used to increase the potency of Oir and the two work very well together.

Gort (Gort) G

Gort is of the Ivy and refers to the mental. The ivy creates a labyrinth – a tangle of paths and journeys, some lead you forward, some leading you to nowhere, some leading you round and round. The Gort energy will help you to find your way through the labyrinth, helping you to stick to the right path. Gort can help to manifest clarity, improve memory and help you connect to higher wisdom. It can calm the mind in times of anxiety and allow stillness in meditation. You can use Gort, if you wish to manifest anonymouslyfor the higher good – ie: you know you need

thi b t t it h t

Saille (Sarl-Yur) S

Saille is the Willow Tree and refers to the moon and lunar rhythms. It is therefore best used in manifestations of the soul. To improve your ability to connect to higher levels, to work with guides and angels. To help you clarify your life’s work and discover your purpose. Saille is the manifestation tool for lightworkers who have been travelling on their path for a while and are ready for the next step. It will help you connect to Lemurian and Atlantean energies, to work with ley-linesand Stargate energy and connect you to the stars. You can also use Saille in healing for extreme trauma on all levels.

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Crystals All crystals have a unique structure, which has formed over millions of years, deep within the earth. This structure dependant upon circumstances such as temperature, pressure, cooling period and other chemical elements that come into contact with the crystal. Despite the individual uniqueness of each and every crystal, we are still able to group crystals by their type, for example: Amethyst, Jade, Citrine and Apache’s Tear are all varieties of crystal type. This means that the natural vibration of crystals is fairly uniform for each crystal type, but differs greatly from one type to another. Crystals have been used for many thousands of years to heal various ailments, because of these vibrational energies, which correspond to the body’s “chakra” system. When combined with Reiki, crystals work in several ways. Firstly they magnify to potency of the Reiki energy. They can alter the frequency of the energy to match that of the crystal, allowing a practitioner to target certain areas and conditions. Crystals can also store large amounts of Reiki energy that is release over time, offering a constant Reiki supply to the wearer/carrier, or the room where the crystal is stored. Conversely, Reiki can be used to cleanse crystals of negative, or foreign energies. The Master Crystal The most important crystal for a Reiki Master is the Master crystal. This powerful aid is used to charge your crystal grid (network), to help in distance healing, or contact treatments, or to direct Reiki at objects, situations, or personal dreams and wishes. A Reiki Master Crystal should wand shaped and can be of any type, although clear quartz works very well – the most important aspect of a crystal is that it should “feel” right. Never buy a crystal, because you have to – it should always choose you! I have heard many stories of people who have lost expensive crystals, or found them shattered when they get home. This is because the crystal was not right for them – so even if it means waiting a while, you crystal will find you and you will know when it has. After your master crystal has chosen you and has been brought home, you should cleanse it and then charge it with Reiki (see later sections). Regular smudging of your crystal with a sage stick is advisable and you should not allow other to touch your crystal. If somebody else should handle it, smudge the crystal as soon as you can.

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Chakras and the corresponding crystals Base Chakra - Red Stones Red stimulates, activates and energises. It is linked to the ability to use practical skills, movement, motivation, protection and survival. Putting Life-energy to positive use. Garnet Speedy energiser, activates other stones nearby, aids depression Jasper Grounding, gently activating, calms biliousness, Ruby Works with circulation of subtle anatomy, energising, analgesic Tiger’s Eye (See below) Sacral Chakra - Orange Stones Mix of red and yellow therefore combining energy and focus. Helps with creativity in all senses. Linked to artistic skills. Can help with shock and trauma, which can block the flow of energy within the body. Carnelian Warm, gently energising, benefits all healing, infection, fever Topaz Clearing, directs energy, respiratory, de-stress Citrine Stimulates mental focus, digestive, balancing, helps creativity Solar Plexus - Yellow Stones Regulates functioning of nervous system. Linked to pancreas and liver. Linked to immune system. Self-esteem, stress, fear and happiness are all linked to this colour. Tiger’s Eye Helps energy flow, grounding, calming, strengthens bones Amber Immunity, self-healing, clears negativity Citrine (See above) Heart Chakra - Green/Pink Stones Green - balances emotions, space, relationships. Personal growth. Pink - more gentle and subtle. Brings emotions and sensitivity together. Aventurine Heart balancer, expression of feelings, emotional tranquillity, chance Emerald Helps to find personal direction, make decisions from the heart Tourmaline Protection, self-confidence, tranquil, calming Rose Quartz Calming, reassuring, assists unexpressed emotions, relationships Rhodoniones Self-love, self-worth Throat Chakra - Blue/Turquoise Stones Associated with communication of all types - sight, voice, and hearing - all the senses. Also, inner communications. Self- expression. Aquamarine Stimulates healing properties at all levels, self-confidence Blue Agate Cooling - of emotions, calming, anti-depressing Lapis Lazuli Peaceful, easy expression of thought and mind Turquoise Supportive, protective, strengthens the subtle bodies Brow (Third Eye) Chakra - Indigo Perception, understanding and intuition are linked to this colour. Also mystery, spiritual insight and connection between mind, body and spirit. Sapphire Relaxes and improves the mind, balances all aspects of the self Azurite Frees difficult and longstanding communication barriers, memory Lapis Lazuli (See above) Crown Chakra - Violet/White Stones Violet/purple - inspiration, imagination, empathy and sense of service to others. helps to re-balance extremes within the systems of the body. White - clarity of mind. White contains all other colours so it symbolises the power to reflect all energies it also can mean a ‘coming together’. Cleansing and purifying Amethyst useful all-rounder (polyvalent), good for meditation Sugilite helps resolve group misunderstandings, helps people ‘fit-in’ Azurite (see above) Clear Quartz strengthens and brings coherent energy, harmony Moonstone clears tension, aids digestion, balances fluids in the body Diamond increases quality of stones near to it, clarity of mind, dream stone

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Techniques for using Reiki and Crystals Charging a crystal Select a crystal that corresponds with the results you would like to achieve. Place the crystal in the palm of your passive hand and cover with your dominant hand. Concentrate on sending Reiki through the crystal and if the energy is to be used for a particular purpose, have this intention strongly in your mind. This should be done for between 5-20 minutes depending on size of stone, amount of Reiki required, etc. This charge should last for a week or longer, but if you are working intensely with a particular crystal (the Master stone of your Reiki Grid, for example) charging should be done every 2-3 days. Cleansing a Crystal This process is the same as that for charging a crystal, except the intention you should have when channelling Reiki into the crystal is that of cleansing. Creating and using a 'Reiki Grid' By employing a crystal Reiki Grid one can continue to send Reiki or empower goals for long periods if the grid is charged. The grid itself, when used, becomes multidimensional and allows a link to your higher self and Reiki guides to transmit healing and knowledge. The grid uses seven crystals, plus your 'master' crystal. Although any crystals will do in theory, rock quartz is best in practice. The crystals will have to be cleansed with rock or sea salt and pure water. Sun or moon 'bathing' is also useful to cleanse the energy of the crystal. The crystals will need to be 'charged' with Reiki before they can be used. The grid will have to be set up in a sacred space away from casual inspection or interference. You will need to choose a master crystal, preferably one that is easily held in one hand. Take an A4 piece of paper and draw the six manifestation symbols from Celtic Reiki in a circle around the central crystal. The other six crystals are placed on the over the symbols facing inwards towards a central crystal, which should hold special significance. It has been found that a crystal ball, pyramid or cluster harnesses the Reiki energy well. Once you have the configuration that feels right, affix the crystals with a small piece of adhesive to prevent the crystals from moving. Next take a picture of yourself alone and write on the reverse a positive affirmation encompassing all the ideals you wish to attain through your Reiki Journey. It is important that this is a true statement of your own intent, and not a well known phrase or saying. The crystals will now need to be charged with Celtic Reiki and know their purpose as part of the grid. Reiki the crystals for about 10 minutes each using all 6 level 2 symbols whilst tuning in to your individual guides for increased purity. Place each individual crystal on its place within the grid, placing the centre crystal last. Charge the master crystal last in exactly the same way as the others. The master crystal will become a part of your Reiki life and therefore has to be special to each Master. As an integral part of the grid, it is used to charge it, and keep it charged. To charge the grid, hold the master crystal in your dominant hand and point it downward at the central crystal. Begin to draw out triangular sections on the grid, starting at the centre, moving out to one of the six crystals, and then across anticlockwise to the next, and back to the centre. Continue to perform this around the grid whilst intoning a mantra-like affirmation, filling the

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grid with Light, Love, Peace, and Wisdom, affirming all the words three times. An example would be "I charge this grid' with Reiki, with Reiki, with Reiki, for… for… for…." Continue with this process until you feel that the positive affirmations have filled the grid. At first you will find it difficult to create the rhythm and you may miss a few lines. Speed will come with practice, and you will quickly find that the mantras aid in adding a flowing charging motion. The grid must continue to be charged every 2-3 days since crystals have only a finite power. The more you work the grid, the greater the results obtained. The master crystal will become a close friend and an excellent meditation tool, enhancing awareness and sensitivity. Powerful results will be attained if the crystal is charged with the Reiki meditation, and then used to activate the grid. Absent charging There may be occasions when you are separated from the grid but wish to continue to use it for empowerment. In this case it is useful to carry a photograph of the made-up grid, which can be activated by your master crystal in exactly the same way. Use of the grid To use the grid for the empowering of goals or the healing of an individual, you will need to write out exactly what is required of the grid, and place it in the centre, being careful not to disturb the centre crystal. Be careful what you ask for since you may just get it! For absent healing books, open the book and stand it on end in the grid. Energy will be sent to all within. Use of the grid requires responsibility since it is very powerful! The Crystal Network You can make up several crystal grids in one go and place them around your home with the intention that they are connected. This will create a powerful field of energy that protects your living space and creates a healing, positive energy. To charge the network, charge the main grid (master grid) daily, with the intention that all the grids be charged.

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