Cell Study 22032011 Positioned for Purpose2

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  • 8/7/2019 Cell Study 22032011 Positioned for Purpose2


    Cell Study 22032011-Positioned for Purpose

    We are living in precarious time. In the past months, we have had the flood in

    Brisbane, the earthquake in Christ Church, the cyclone in North Queensland and

    recently the horrific earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

    In addition to natural disasters, another phenomenon of the end times is that

    lawlessness will increase and that the love of many will grow cold. Lawlessness -a

    rejection of Gods law-- is rampant not just in the world but also in the church e.g.

    sexual immorality.

    Is. 61:1-3 says that Arise! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the

    glory of the Lord is shining upon you. Darkness as black as night will cover all the

    nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord will shine over you. All nations will

    come to your light. Mighty kings will come to see your radiance. The church needs

    to rise and shine in such time of darkness.

    There are two important keys as to how we can shine in the times of darkness

    anointing and positioning. Is 61:1 -2 speaks of the anointing on Jesus to heal th e

    broken-hearted and to declare the favour of God. Religions can never bring heaven

    on earth, only the spirit of God can bring heaven on earth.

    The second key is positioning. According to Bible Numerics, the number 10

    represents trials and testings and the number 12 represents government and

    governance. Accordingly 2010 has been a year of testing (especially for money) and

    2012 is poised to be a year when Gods people will be put in positions of influence

    and authority. 2011 is a year of transition. We are to prepare ourselves and expect to

    be positioned for influence.

    Ps 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore

    we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be

    carried into the midst of the sea

    Discussion Questions:

    (Teachers notes: you can play an icebreaker with a whole lot of locks and keys and

    ask people to guess which key is for which lock. Line up all the locks and number

    them and name the keys as well with different letters of the alphabet and get people

    to match them up but they are not allowed to test them the lesson is you need the

    right key to unlock the right doors/locks. Tonight we will learn what are the keys to

    unlock the kingdom of God in the last days)

    1. Ps David Peters mentioned that we should live as if Jesus is coming back tonightand plan as if Jesus will not be back for a hundred years. How do we do thatpractically?

  • 8/7/2019 Cell Study 22032011 Positioned for Purpose2


    (Teachers notes: We need to be prepared spiritually for the Lords return thereare two extremes. Some feel that since Jesus is coming again, they dont have towork (this was the case in the church at Thessalonica) and sell off theirpossessions; others dont feel the urgency and assume an apathetic attitudes tothe Lords coming. The balance is to live a s if Jesus is coming tonightbespiritually on fire like the virgins with the oil for their lamps, be holy, be fervent in

    sharing the gospel so as none will perish as Christ desired and plan as if Jesuswill not be back for a hundred yearspursue your study or career diligently, be agood steward with your finances, etc.)

    What would you change about your life if you knew Jesus was coming tonight?

    2. The Bible says Lawlessness will increase in the last day s. What are some of the

    examples of lawlessness you can see in society and in the church? What can we

    do to bring light in these areas of darkness?

    (Teachers notes: Ps David Peters spoke very strongly about sexual sins and

    pornography among Christians. If you are leading a young people cell, you need

    to emphasize this point)

    3. We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring heaven on earth.

    a. What will heaven on earth look like:

    y In your family

    y In your workplace

    y In church

    y In community

    If you are not sure, re-read Is 61:1-3.

    b. What do we need to do to flow in the anointing of the Holy Spirit

    4. 2010 was said to be a year of trials and testing. What is the major trial that you

    went through last year? What do you think that God was teaching you?

    5. If 2011 is a year of transition, what are some of the attitudes that we need to have

    at this season of transition.