Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010 www.mayastar.net - [email protected] Celestial Abundance Encoding A powerful encoded Ethereal Crystal which, when activated, can facilitate an aura of abundance that draws positive vibrations to manifest more fully in your life. This encoding may be used in combination with other vibrational healing modalities. It may also be used on a regular basis to enhance abundance in all areas of your life including financial, love, health, happiness and peace. By Rev. Dr. Anna May (DD) Registered Healer (INHA), Registered Metaphysician (WMA), Founder of the Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development

Celestial Abundance Encoding AnnaMay

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

Celestial Abundance Encoding

A powerful encoded Ethereal Crystal which, when

activated, can facilitate an aura of abundance that draws positive vibrations to manifest more fully in your life.

This encoding may be used in combination with other

vibrational healing modalities. It may also be used on a regular basis to enhance abundance in all areas of your life

including financial, love, health, happiness and peace.

By Rev. Dr. Anna May (DD)

Registered Healer (INHA), Registered Metaphysician (WMA), Founder of the Mayastar Academy of Natural

Healing & Spiritual Development

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

Please read the copyright information & conditions,

legal notice and the disclaimer at the

back of this manual.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]


My name is Anna May (Maya) and I am a spiritual facilitator, Reiki Master and holistic therapist. I have worked with natural energies for spiritual development, healing work and as a Lightworker for over 15 years, and in a magickal capacity have worked with subtle energy forces for over 20 years.

I have received training and experience in Wicca, Shamanism, Colour Therapy, NLP, Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Runelore, Lemuria Therapy, Pleiadian Meditation Techniques and many modalities of natural healing! I am dedicated to my calling as a Lightworker and deeply committed to facilitating the spiritual development and empowerment of all my students as they make they own journey towards spiritual ascension.

As well as teaching a number of systems that I have received attunement to, I have also channelled and originated a number of systems myself. These include: The Avalonian Alignment Programme, Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation, Pleiadian Whitelight Healing, Celestial Serenity Encoding, Crystal Rose Attunement, Violet Flame of Saint Germain, Lemurian Indigo Connections, the Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement, the Rainbow Sequence Healing Technique and the Elemental Pentagram and Magic Circle Empowerments Course. All of these courses (and many more) are available through:


It is my privilege and pleasure to pass on these teachings to others and I am grateful to all of my students for the opportunity to express my soul-purpose through my work with them. I also welcome the chance to explore and develop my own natural abilities and strengths through this work – especially in the writing and putting together of these course materials. So I thank you for sharing this development opportunity with me; I am confident and happy that will both benefit from this venture ☺

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

I have worked with hundreds over students over the years through Mayastar (almost 1600 to date, March 2010!) and I never cease to be appreciative of the opportunity this work affords me to connect with so many kindred spirits. If you are reading this manual, I know that you have taken the time to buy this course and are reading this manual because you have made a conscious decision to further your own spiritual development; and in this venture, we are united!

I cannot emphasize to you just how wonderful it is to realize that there are so many people in the world that are not just ‘wishing’ things were different for them, but are actively pursuing their destiny. And I’m honoured to be in a position to offer assistance, support and inspiration to you. ☺

If you bought this course through Mayastar Academy, the accompanying Mayastar Companion Guides Compendium entitled “The Book of Inspiration” (5 illustrated volumes totaling 220 pages)* will elaborate on themes and concepts outlined in this course and will support the information in this manual. “The Book of Inspiration” is available exclusively to students of Mayastar Academy however and may not be passed on to others through different schools or from different tutors.

In the Mayastar Information Pack* you will also find answers a number of questions regarding attunements, starting a business (if it’s something you are considering now or may do in the future), joining the World Metaphyiscal Association and the International Natural Healers Association, both of which professionally accredit all courses that I teach through Mayastar Academy**.

* The Book of Inspiration & Mayastar Information Pack are exclusive to Mayastar and may not be distributed by other than Rev. Anna May (Maya) and Mayastar Academy – you will find copyright information in the back of all manuals.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

If you have bought this course through other than Mayastar, I recommend you acquaint yourself with their terms and conditions as those quoted in this manual apply to Mayastar Academy & students of Mayastar only; I am unable to vouch for the quality or qualification of any other teacher/school and recommend you research any teacher/school yourself to ensure their legitimacy & suitability.

** This and all Mayastar courses are professionally accredited by the WMA and INHA. This accreditation pertains only to courses bought through Mayastar with Rev. Anna May as your tutor.

The Celestial Abundance Encoding

The Celestial Abundance Encoding is a simple but powerful ‘spiritual tool’. Though this encoding is transmitted in the same way as an energy attunement, there is a slight difference in the procedure.

During an energy attunement, usually the Master/Teacher channels energy of a particular vibration to the recipient, filling their energy field with the new frequency. This enables the attunee to be able to channel this energy themselves in future as they now are able to naturally resonate at the new vibrational frequency.

During some attunements, symbols are imprinted into the energy field (such as in the Avalonian Alignment Programme and Usui Reiki) and these are then visualized or drawn in order to activate the particular vibrations of energy they resonate with; the symbols act as a ‘key’ if you will.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

During the Celestial Abundance Encoding, an ethereal crystal is imprinted into the energy field of the recipient. Ethereal Crystals can be applied for healing once a person is attuned to them; for more information on ethereal crystals please visit www.mayastar.net/etherealcrystalscourse.htm

Attunement to Ethereal Crystals also enables us to utilise the energy of rare stones that may not otherwise be available to us (through scarcity or price) such as Moldovite, Diamond and Moqui Marbles.

Ethereal Crystals represent the ‘soul’ of a particular stone; its properties, spirit and natural vibration. Through these qualities, the vibration of the energy field of the person receiving the healing is subtly shifted when Ethereal Crystals are imprinted into the field during a treatment. An easy way to understand the concept of the ‘crystal soul’ is to imagine this ‘crystal soul’ in the way you might see the energy of the oak tree expressed in the figure of the Green Man. Just as the ‘Green Man’ energy is expressed through all oak trees, so the ‘crystal soul’ of each crystal type is expressed through particular stones. Or, vice versa - the ‘crystal soul’ could be imagined as a kind of elemental figure that epitomizes the energy we are familiar with in a particular stone.

The particular Ethereal Crystal that is used in the Celestial Abundance Encoding is that of the Citrine. Citrine is a type of quartz with an orange/gold/yellow hue. It’s quite rare in the nature of its high vibrational frequency in that it doesn’t require cleansing like other physical crystals do; it’s often considered ‘sunshine in a stone’ and it has a beautiful and rich energy. The physical stone can be used for health and healing as well as for drawing wealth and happiness and abundance of all kinds.

In addition to the aforementioned properties, as a type of quartz, citrine is extremely easy to programme for specific purposes; all quartz types are, as are Herkimer and diamond crystals. And just as a physical Citrine may be programmed for a specific purpose, so an ethereal citrine crystal can be programmed to perform a specific

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

function in order that it may be activated within the energy field in order to attain a chosen objective.

The Ethereal Citrine that is imprinted into your energy field during the Celestial Abundance Encoding, has been programmed with a specific energy ‘message’ that comes from a tribe of Celestial Light Beings.

There are many groups/tribes of Celestial Light Beings and many have links to ancient civilizations on Earth. The particular ‘tribe’ through which this wonderful energy frequency was received are the Pleiadians who reside trans-dimensionally in location of the star, Alcyone. These are not ‘alien life forms’ or ‘little green men’ but rather highly evolved spiritual beings that work with us on our ascension journey; they provide support and furnish us with tools to assist and accelerate our spiritual evolution.

Those that have had any contact with these wonderful light beings will know that the Pleiadians are particular supportive and loving in their dealings with humankind. Many Pleiadian Light Beings have taken physical incarnation on the Earth in the ancient past, in particular during the Lemurian Age. Because of this, they are extremely empathetic to the human condition and the conflicts and difficulties that we may face during physical incarnation. They are all for providing practical support as well as fortification on an energetic level. (Students of Mayastar will find information about the Lemurians in ‘The Book of Inspiration’).

The Ethereal Citrine for this encoding is imprinted at the level of your Solar Plexus Chakra. This Chakra can be found at about the level of the base of the ribs, a few inches above the navel. It is often referred to as the ‘Seat of the Self’ and it is the central Chakra where energies of the Earth and Spirit combine. This centre is essential to our health and vitality but also essential to our expression of our personality and the energy we ‘put out there’. And it’s what we ‘put out there’ that determines what we receive in return.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

When we activate the Celestial Citrine at the Solar Plexus centre, we are putting out an aura of abundance, prosperity and success; and in turn, these are returned to us. We draw to us higher vibration frequencies that are attuned to the circumstances we intend to manifest. Gradually, with regular use, these more auspicious currents become more ingrained in our energy field and the result is an accumulation of favourable energy vibrations around you.

This will likely manifest as an upturn in your fortune and success and it may be expressed in physical terms such as wealth and health…but it will also work to draw the most positive people and influences to you too. You might like to think of it as a kind of ‘luck’ or ‘success’ facility that’s available to you after your attunement.

The more you use it, the more pronounced any changes will be.

The Ethereal Citrine for the Abundance Encoding complements Celestial Serenity Encoding too; this is an Ethereal Diamond placed at the level of the Earth Star Chakra that enables you to keep your energy grounded and your energy field protected from others too. It’s a very useful tool and something you might want to look into. For information please visit: www.mayastar.net/celestial.htm

The Ethereal Citrine of the Celestial Abundance Encoding is programmed to be activated through a simple technique which will enable you to change the energy of your auric field to one that is more propitious and abundant, very simply and within a few minutes.

Following the transmission of your attunement, to activate this encoding at any time, simply place your hands together in a prayer position to form an energy ‘circuit’, and say the words (out loud or silently in your mind):

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

“I activate the Celestial Abundance Encoding”

Then simply relax and allow the effects of the activated Ethereal Citrine to radiate throughout your energy body from the Solar Plexus Chakra and to facilitate the favourable adjustments to the frequency of your aura.

This energy conversion takes place at a quantum level; the basal vibratory frequency of your energy field is ‘modified’ in accordance with the encoding and this effects changes throughout the other levels that compose your energy field.

Different people experience activation of the encoding in different ways; some sense a warm feeling flowing throughout the body, others feel a sense of inner calm that seems to radiate outwards from the centre of the body, others still enter a state of peace and clarity as you would in meditation – but with the energy of the Citrine, it’s not unusual to feel quite energized and emotionally uplifted too!

I strongly recommend against using the encoding if you are driving or operating machinery etc – just in case it causes you to relax too much or the energy distracts your focus. However, please be reassured that as a ‘safety measure’, the Ethereal Citrine is programmed in the spirit of love and light and for the good of all; if you try to activate it at a time that is un-safe for you, it simply will not activate.

As you work with the Celestial Abundance Encoding more and more, you’ll find that the effects of the activation will vary depending on your situation at the time.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

I have found that the effect of the energy is very energizing and vivacious and I find it beneficial to activate the Celestial Abundance Encoding early in the day as I think the vigorous nature of the energy might not be a good thing to evoke late at night when you want to sleep.

In my own experience I find the Kundalini energy very similar in this energizing effect. In my own personal observations I work with a number of systems but I use the Kundalini Meditation of Kundalini Reiki on rising each day and that’s the time that I activate the Celestial Abundance Encoding too.

I use the Celestial Serenity Encoding throughout the day and various systems during my evening meditation but before I sleep I always use the Violet Flame of Saint Germain. Information on all these systems is available through my website www.mayastar.net – but you will naturally find those that you are drawn to and those that work best for you at different times.

The Celestial Abundance Encoding effects a change in the vibration of your energy field upon activation. Therefore, you may share this effect with other people by placing your hands on their shoulders, or a few inches from the body and allowing the connection to be made. The connection naturally occurs when the intention of both parties is in alignment. Through the connection, the vibration of the Celestial Serenity Encoding is communicated at a quantum level to the recipient and their own energy field will begin to resonate at this new frequency. This is how you would apply the Celestial Abundance Encoding for healing sessions; and it could also be used distantly using intention and if you are familiar with it, the distance symbol used in Usui Reiki.

A proxy such as a crystal or teddy bear is useful for distance healing, but you could just as easily write the recipient’s name and address down or use a photo of them as a focus, place it between your hands in a prayer position, and then activate the encoding and allow the energy to flow to them.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

This technique of channeling energy to share with others ensures your own energy supply is in no way depleted; you are merely providing a ‘blueprint’ for the vibration of the energy. And through your combined intention, they are accepting this blueprint to transform their own vibratory frequency. Initially, stating your intention out loud may help you to focus, but it is the intention of both parties that causes

Your Celestial Abundance Encoding Attunement

If you are receiving your attunement from me (at Mayastar), I offer two methods of attunement which are described in detail in the first volume of ‘The Book of Inspiration’ so you can decide which method is right for you. This also offers some suggestions as to how you may choose to prepare for your attunement, although this is a personal thing: Some people like to light a candle, others burn incense; for some a morning attunement suits them while others prefer evenings – or even to receive their attunement outside.

Basically the attunement can be sent distantly in real time or prepared in advance using the Orb of Life method. If you choose the latter, the attunement can be prepared and called in at your convenience. It is part of the programming of the Orb that the power of the encoding is in no way diminished if you leave it a few days or weeks before you are ready to call it in.

To receive your Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrine, simply sit or lie down and relax, place your hands together in a prayer position and state out loud (or silently in your mind):

“I am now ready to receive my Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrine”

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

Then just relax and allow the energy to flow and the Ethereal Citrine to imprint itself in your energy field. This usually takes around 20 minutes. Don’t worry if you fall asleep during the process – this is not uncommon!

During the process you may experience some of the following sensations:

• Feelings of heat

• Feelings of cold

• Seeing colours or shapes

• Hearing buzzing noises or tones

• Sensations of energy moving around your body

• Seeing bright lights

• Tingling sensations (particularly in the crown and spine)

• Energy surges

• Deep relaxation or feelings of unbounded energy

Everybody’s attunement experience is unique and the important thing is to keep an open mind. If you don’t experience any perceptible sensations, it doesn’t mean the attunement hasn’t worked. Most often it indicates that you were not very relaxed, were tired, or maybe that your psychic senses were below par that day or are not yet fully activated (regular energy work and meditation will facilitate this). There is nothing at all to worry about.

The most important thing is to endeavour to relax on all levels and to try not to expect anything; ‘looking for a result’ means the conscious mind is engaged and the psychic senses will be less keen. Just relax, let go and through your intention to receive the attunement, the energy will flow.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

After Activation of the Celestial Abundance Encoding

If you find that you are too relaxed or feeling a little too energised after activation of the Celestial Abundance Encoding and you wish to deactivate it for a time, the Celestial Citrine that holds the encoding is programmed so that you may do this by placing your hands together in a prayer position and saying out loud (or silently in your mind):

“I deactivate the Celestial Abundance Encoding”

Then take your hands apart to break the circuit. You may wish to clap a few times – this always seems to help to bring your mind to normal consciously very quickly!

Creating Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrines for others

Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrines may be created for others by anyone who has received one of their own.

To create an encoded Citrine for another person, place your hands before you, about a foot apart and state out loud “Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrine” followed by the name and location of the recipient (if they are not present). Allow the Pleiadian energies to flow through your body from the crown centre right down to the Ethereal Citrine located at the level of your Solar Plexus chakra. Then see the energy rise up from the Solar Plexus to flow down your arms and out of the palms of your hands, building up between them.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

Allow the energy to flow until you sense the Ethereal Citrine has been fully formed (the Pleiadian Light Beings that oversee the process will stop the energy flow when it is). Once the crystal has been formed, with it between your palms, state the following (to programme it). “This Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrine has been created in the spirit of pure love and divine light and for the good of all. Until the Citrine is called in by the recipient, it will remain in stasis and its energy will not diminish or fade. When ____name_____ is ready to receive this Encoded Citrine, they will state their intention and at this time, the crystal will travel to them and locate itself at the level of their Solar Plexus chakra. The energy of the encoded Citrine will never diminish and never fade and will remain with _______name_______ unless they state their intention that it be dissolved. The Celestial Abundance Encoding may be activated and deactivated by the recipient of the Ethereal Citrine only. The energy of this encoding may be used only in accordance with the power that moves the Universe” Then release the Ethereal Citrine from between your palms and let it float away to its waiting place. This is trans-dimensional but I always visualise it as being out in space – however, that’s just a personal preference and not a necessity! ☺ Receipt of the Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrine confers the ability to pass this energy gift to others. This manual may be freely supplied to your own students but must be passed on as it is; no adjustments to the text may be made.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

In addition to this, in order to preserve the efficacy of the encoding and to ensure the energy remains powerful and effective, please respect the laws of energy exchange and maintain the price of the system at £40 (approx USD $60). Please note, any supplemental manuals provided by Mayastar Academy may not be distributed by other than Rev. Anna May.

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]


This concludes the Celestial Abundance Encoding manual. I hope you have enjoyed it and enjoyed receiving your own Celestial Abundance Encoded Ethereal Citrine during your attunement! I wish you many happy moments during your experiences working with these wonderful energies!

Should you have any questions at any time – before or after your attunement – please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I am here to support you for as long as you need.

With love and blessings to you, Rev. Anna May (The Universal Light)


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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

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Courses by Rev Anna May DD (Maya) available through www.mayastar.net: • Celestial Serenity Encoding • The Crystal Rose* • Celestial Abundance Encoding* • Celestial Protection Encoding* • Celestial Healing Encoding* • Celestial Love Encoding* • Celestial Creativity Encoding* • Celestial Psychic Encoding* • Celestial Peace Encoding* • Celestial Divinity Encoding* • Archangelic Flames* • Avalonian Alignment Programme • Lemurian Indigo Connections • Rainbow Sequence Healing Technique • Elemental Pentagram & Magic Circle Empowerments • Energy Anatomy Diploma Course • Weight Loss Reiki* • Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Programme* • 2012 Pleiadian White Light Connections* • Violet Flame of St Germain • Solar Goddess Radiance Attunement


Maya Magickal

Spells cast and rosaries prayed on your behalf for any purpose…for more information, visit…

www.mayamagickal.net Aurora Healing Arts Paintings to move the spirit, stir the heart and inspire the soul, by Anna May… www.aurorahealingarts.net

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Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development © Rev Anna May 2010

www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

Copyright Information & Conditions

Copyright 2010 and beyond by Rev. Anna May and Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing and Spiritual Development.

This manual may be given freely to students as long as it is passed on in its entirety and without adjustment, in the PDF format that Rev. Anna May distributes.

No text or portion of this manual may be copied or plagiarised, unless quoted briefly (excerpts of less than 100 words) and with credits (including the Mayastar Academy website address: www.mayastar.net) in a review or other commentary.

Other than the above exceptions, no part of this manual may be quoted, photocopied, faxed, duplicated, transmitted, emailed, electronically published or linked/posted to any website.

This manual and the accompanying attunement may be passed on freely, however, in order to maintain the integrity and efficacy of the power of the Celestial Abundance Encoding, in accordance with the universal law of energy exchange (see www.mayastar.net for information), the founder (Rev. Anna May) stipulates this manual and the attunement it relates to be passed on for no less than £40 (approx USD $60). The entire series of 9 Celestial Encodings may be passed on as a set for no less than £120 (approx USD $180).

Legal Notice

This manual and all material provided as well as attunements/empowerments/ initiations are passed on as part of a number of energy work modalities. They are passed on in the spirit of love and light and called in by the recipient to ensure attunements are only ever received in accordance with the free will of the recipient. It is the recipient’s sole responsibility to accept these attunements by conscious statement of their intention to do so.

Rev. Anna May and Mayastar Academy accept no responsibility for any actual or alleged outcome of any attunement, empowerment or initiation.

Whilst some graduating students of Mayastar Academy courses are professional medical practitioners, the majority have no medical qualifications or formal medical training. Ability and competence is not assured by graduation or certification provided by Mayastar Academy. Mayastar Academy and Rev. Anna May make no representations or warranties that graduates of Mayastar Academy are professional, ethical, skilled or competent healers, practitioners, advisors, counsellors, spiritual facilitators or teachers.

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www.mayastar.net - [email protected]

Mayastar Academy courses are provided for educational purposes only and use of the material and communications provided is at the student's sole responsibility and at their own risk; Mayastar Academy accepts no responsibility for the actions of current or former students. Mayastar Academy accepts no responsibility or liability for loss or damages, caused or alleged to have been caused by current or former students.

Advice and information provided through the Mayastar Academy website and distributed through Mayastar Academy courses or communication as a result of enquiries made to Mayastar Academy is for information and educational purposes only. Mayastar Academy accept no responsibility for loss or damages, directly or indirectly, caused or alleged to have been caused as a result of your use or reliance on the information provided through Mayastar Academy websites, courses, newsletters, forums or communications of any type.


Natural Healing techniques can be used to complement any other healthcare practice. However, they are not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and treatment provided by licensed healthcare professionals.

Natural Healers and Holistic Therapists do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

It is strongly recommended that you contact your physician or healthcare specialist if you have any concerns about your health.

In addition, I strongly recommend that if you intend to treat members of the public with any holistic therapy, you arrange professional liability insurance to protect the interests of both yourself and your clients.

Please visit www.mayastar.net to view the complete TERMS OF USE & PRIVACY POLICY. Should you have any problem accessing the page, please email me ([email protected]) to request a copy.