Our old way of doing business has gone and may never return. Powerful forces have been at work reshaping the business landscape as new levels of connectivity and working methods have changed the way that and working methods have changed the way that we perceive and do business for ever. We have come a long way from the days when H F d bl t h Henry Ford was able to say you can have any colour as long as it is black”.

Celemi tango sales short

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Our old way of doing business has gone and may never return.•Powerful forces have been at work reshaping the business landscape as new levels of connectivity and working methods have changed the way thatand working methods have changed the way that we perceive and do business for ever.

•We have come a long way from the days when H F d bl t “ hHenry Ford was able to say “you can have any colour as long as it is black”.

Page 2: Celemi tango sales short

B t t t d l d t d• But most management models used today were inherited from this manufacturing tradition.

• Unfortunately these models which have• Unfortunately these models which have determined business thinking for decades are no longer applicable.

• In the Knowledge and service sectors profit g pis created through the successful management of intellectual capital (Intangibles).

The balance has shifted!

Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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A new model is needed

Assets LiabilitiesEquity

Total Company ValueTotal Company Value

TangibleAssets Intangible AssetsAssets

In the knowledge economy the majority of assets are intangibleCopyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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What would this picture look like for your business?Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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Celemi Tango™ – Building a balanced business

A Tango workshop provides participants with unique opportunity to discover the connection between managing and measuring intangibles and creating value for business stakeholdersintangibles and creating value for business stakeholders.

TimingTiming1.5 - 2 days

Number of participants4-6 teams, 12-24 participants in total

MaterialsBoard based business simulationBoard based business simulation

Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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Participants learn more about:

• The strategic value of measuring and managing intangibles• The strategic value of measuring and managing intangibles• The need to manage talent over the complete employee

life-cycle• The importance of understanding customer expectations• Risk management in relation to projects, people and

profitabilityprofitability• The value of developing internal tools and processes• The importance of good capacity utilisation in a service p g p y


Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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The key challenges

1) T tt t d t i k l1) To attract and retain key personnel2) To win the right customers3) To build image and reputation3) To build image and reputation4) To invest in tools and processes

All while operating in a rapidly changing market place – ANDAll while operating in a rapidly changing market place AND securing long term profitability!

Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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Key concepts• Market share• Profitability• Capacity utilizationCapac y u a o• Brand image and reputation• Growth of tangible /intangible assets

G th t ti l f l• Growth potential of people• Competence development• Recruitment and retention• Team chemistry• Improvements in tools & processes• Research & development• Research & development

Tango can also be used to explore the implications of outsourcing,shared services and mergers and acquisitionsshared services and mergers and acquisitions

Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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Key results • A common frame of reference is created – a shared model of how your business works• People explore and discover the key value drivers – the main levers and their relative• People explore and discover the key value drivers – the main levers and their relative

impact• People identify the potentials for improvements – and have the desire to make a

differencef f• Alignment around shared priorities – with a common understanding of the way forward

Next steps exerciseParticipants bring the lessons learned back to your business

– Assess current performance as a company– Share your conclusions and discuss the way forward

H k diff ?– How can you make a difference?

“Knowing what you want to achieve is one thing. Knowing which buttons to push is quite another.”

Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.

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For more information


Steve Hemmings

+44(0)7768 158576

steven@centrepiece fsnet co [email protected]

Centrepiece is a Celemi Partner


Copyright © 1994 by Celemiab Systems AB. All rights reserved.