By Sven Callebaut, Adviser, Aid-for-Trade Ministry of Commerce CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem Reap, Cambodia, June 9 - 10, 2016

CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem … Sven Callebaut, Adviser, Aid-for-Trade Ministry of Commerce CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem Reap, Cambodia, June

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Page 1: CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem … Sven Callebaut, Adviser, Aid-for-Trade Ministry of Commerce CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem Reap, Cambodia, June

By Sven Callebaut,Adviser, Aid-for-TradeMinistry of Commerce

CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E TrainingSiem Reap, Cambodia, June 9-10, 2016

Page 2: CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem … Sven Callebaut, Adviser, Aid-for-Trade Ministry of Commerce CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem Reap, Cambodia, June

1. Brief update on Cambodia economic development

2. Progress Update on Aid-for-Trade: Trends, TDSP, EIF

3. Medium Term Plan (MTP) for Aid for Trade 2016-2020

4. New project proposal template (for this workshop)

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Page 4: CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem … Sven Callebaut, Adviser, Aid-for-Trade Ministry of Commerce CEDEP Project Formulation and M&E Training Siem Reap, Cambodia, June

1.1 Cambodia’s Real GDP Growth Rate

Source: MEF

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1.2 GDP Per Capita (current US$)

Source: CDC

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1.3 Poverty Trends in Cambodia

Source: MoP

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1.4 Cambodia’s Economic Prospects

Cambodia is set to become a middle income country by 2030, and hope to achieve high-income status by 2050.

Source: MEF

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Reform and Cross-Cutting Issues for trade Development.

Pillar Goal I:

Strengthening competitiveness in existing export industries and promoting export diversification by improving formulation

and implementation of trade policies and regulations

Capacity Development.

Pillar Goal III:

Strengthening and Cambodian Trade Stakeholders to implement, update and

manage RGC’s trade development agenda and to negotiate the country’s interests in

trade and trade-related investment forums.

Product and Service Sector Export Development.

Pillar Goal II:

Strengthen the supply capacity of the 10 product and service sectors identified

in the 2014 Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy (CTIS)



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1. Project Development Objectives (PDOs): TDSP will contribute to increase the Royal Government of Cambodia's efficiency in formulating and implementing effective trade policies.

2. Multi-Donor Trust Fund : EU, DANIDA & UNIDO3. Trust Fund Manager : World Bank4. Executing Agency : DICO/MoC5. Board approval date : 07 Jan 20096. Effective date : 09 Mar 20097. Duration : 5 years (until 31 Mar 2012)8. Original budget : US$12,350,0009. Additional budget : US$3,100,00010. First extension : 31 Jan 2014 (22 months)11. Second extension : 31 Mar 2015 (14 months)12. Third extension : 14 Aug 2016 (17 months)13. WB Implementation Support Mission : 27 Oct – 27 Nov 201414. EU-ROM & WB Implementation Support Mission: 22 Sep – 02 Oct 2015

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No Identified Projects # Projects

1. Total project under TDSP 29

2. Projects completed and closed 20

3. Ongoing projects 9

• Projects will be completed and closed by Aug 2016 ASYCUDA World System (GDCE-MEF), ICT Master Plan – Automation of Certificate of Origin (MoC), Automation of Business Registration (BRD), Automation of SPS Certificate (GDA-MAFF), Trade Training and Research Institute (TTRI-MoC), Drafts of Rice Standards – Certification Schemes for Rice (Accreditation System)

(ISC-MIH), Development of a stronger National system for IP generation, protection,

administration and enforcement (DIPR), Support for the Arbitration Council and Dispute Resolution in Cambodia Strengthening the Operational Capacity of the National Commercial Arbitration



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EIF Tier 1 (Phase I and II)

1. Starting date: Feb 2010

2. Closing date: Mar 2016

3. Net amount of Phase 1: 709,900

4. Total amount of Phase 2: 584,000

5. Total amount (P1+P2): 1,293,900

6. Total fund received (P1+P2): 1,293,900

7. Total fund disbursed: 1,250,000 (est.)

EIF Tier 2 (CEDEP I and II)

1. Start date: Jul 2012

2. Closing date: Oct 2016

3. Total fund received: 225,000

4. Total fund disbursed: 139,844

As of December 31, 2015 (CEDEP I – US$ 110,190 and CEDEP II – US$ 29,654)

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Project Objective: The project aims at strengthening the in-country arrangements of the Enhanced Integrated Framework in order to increase Cambodia’s ownership of trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) and maximizing the benefits that the country, in particular the private sector, can derive from the Enhanced Integrated Framework.

1. Donors : EIF Multi Donor Trust Fund, managed by UNOPS2. Implementing Entity : DICO/MOC (NIU)3. Board Approval : Date: September 29, 20094. Effective kick-off date : February 3, 20105. Duration : 6 years (until April 30, 2016)6. Original budget : US$1,293,9007. Additional budget (CTIS update) : US$200,0008. No-cost extension : July 31, 2015 (8 months)9. Project Closed on : April 30, 201610. Supervision Mission : Mar 29-Apr 01, 2016 (joint EIF-ES and UNOPS)

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Rating SystemCategory Color

1. Very good2. Good3. Satisfactory4. Deficient5. Unsatisfactory

Relevance The final evaluation rated the EIF Tier 1 as “GOOD” based on the rating on how extent project has suited to the priorities and policies of target group, Cambodian government and donor community, as the first outcome of EIF was to achieve sufficient institutional and management capacity built in Cambodia to formulate and implement trade-related strategies and implementation plans.


Effectiveness The project has been rated as VERY GOOD by measuring the extent to EIF Tier 1 attained its objectives. The key achievements noted in this regard that DICO has been established at MOC in 2007 in the purpose of managing the AfTwhile there was almost no capacity of the ministry staff in formulating trade strategy. Fist CTIS was developed by EIF ES consultant and the 2nd update CTIS was done by UNDP whereas the latest (3rd) update has been done through DICO.

Very Good

Efficiency Tier 1 in both quantitative and qualitative aspects is rated as “GOOD”. All the resources (funds, human resources, time, expertise, etc.) were allocated strategically by EIF ES and RGC to achieve outcomes. Fund flow and activities were on time. Compare to other projects, EIF Tier 1 project had enjoyed better flexibility in annual planning process every year. It was based on the actual strategic requirements of capacity development and it was real time planning and implementation.


Outcome achievements

The Final evaluation rated on EIF Tier 1 project outcome achievements as VERY GOOD based on the overall assessment. The project aimed at strengthening the in-country arrangements of the Enhanced Integrated Framework in order to increase Cambodia’s ownership of trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) and maximizing the benefits that the country, in particular the private sector.

Very Good

Sustainability The Final evaluation rated the likelihood of sustainability of EIF Tier 1 project outcomes as GOOD based on the overall assessment.


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Outputs Evalution Rating01 NIU Staffing and Training. GOOD02 Mainstreaming trade through Aid-for-Trade project implementation with

line ministries.GOOD

03 Support to Sub-Steering Committee on Trade, Trade Integration Strategy Implementation.


04 Awareness Creation & Monitoring on EIF and SWAp for national stakeholders (private sector, public sector, capital and provinces).


05 Support towards Preparation of Projects for Funding. GOOD06 Development of promotion and communication strategy and relevant


07 Promotion of Cambodia’s TRTA and trade mainstreaming experience with other LDCs, increased exposure of NIU to AfT.


08 Evaluation and international auditing of EIF Tier 1 programme. GOOD

Rating SystemCategory Color

1. Very good2. Good3. Satisfactory4. Deficient5. Unsatisfactory

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Implementation by UN agencies (difficult with


CTIS 2014 identified10 Potential Export


WTO Trade Policy Review (TPR) inNovember 2011 stressed need for

export diversification

Rectangular Strategy 2013-2018 focus on economic diversification


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• Milled Rice impacts: Rice being the largest employment sector of the Cambodian economy, development of milled

rice exports will have a positive impact on poverty reduction, especially through income growth in many regions of the country. The competitiveness of Cambodian rice exports is increased, resulting in better earnings of rice millers and farmers in the milled rice supply chain, led by its higher value fragrant rice segment.

• Milled Rice outcomes: Enabling Environment for the Cambodian Private Sector to meet the Government’s targets for

Milled Rice exports is enhanced Identifying new major import market opportunities for Rice Millers; Clinching and completing export contracts by meeting quantities, prices, and quality requested

by importers for Cambodia Rice Millers.

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25th IC, 12/19/2012 21

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• High Value Silk impacts: Increased competitiveness of the silk export sectors will have a positive impact on poverty

reduction through employment creation and income growth, especially among women. The focus on high value silk exports will contribute to developing Cambodia’s image of an economy that can compete not only on price but also on quality.

• High Value Silk outcomes: Ensure that improved quality and product design of handmade Cambodian silk products meet

market demand requirements for targeted export markets and international visitors; Increase export sales of handmade high value silk products and production networks to five

selected importing markets and international visitors;

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Impacts:Cassava is Cambodia’s second largest crop employing several hundred thousand farmers. The competitiveness of Cambodian cassava increases resulting in opening of new markets (geographical and products) and improved pricing of its exports

Outcomes:The needs of the cassava export sector are better understood and the sector is structured to better focus the policy dialogue with the Government and improve the enabling environmentA group of cassava processors has been identified and made export-ready and has succeeded in developing competitive exports to new markets

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Impacts:Fisheries, including marine fisheries, are one of Cambodia Government’s priority sectors for export diversification. The sector employs thousands of people. The competitiveness of Cambodian marine fisheries exports increases resulting in opening of new markets (geographical and products) and improved pricing of its exports.

Outcomes:The needs of the marine fisheries product export sector are better understood, the sector is better structured, the policy dialogue with the Government is enhanced, and the enabling business environment is improved;A group of marine fisheries processors have become export-ready and are increasing their export business including to new markets

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Impacts:Tourism is Cambodia’s second largest export sector in income term and, most likely, the largest one in employment terms. The sector has an important role to play in contributing to employment and income growth in the economyWith increasing availability of skilled Cambodian personnel for the hospitality industry, Cambodia is able to meet its ambitious development targetOutcomes:Hotel and restaurant operators are able to improve the quantity and quality of their offering through improvements in the number and quality of trained Cambodian kitchen staff available in the labor market;A governance and financial model has been put in place to ensure long term sustainability of ACAC independent of Development Partners financial support

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• Evaluation impact:

Enhancing the Government’s ability to lead and drive its Aid for Trade as a means to strengthen the effectiveness of the mainstreaming of Trade in its development policies and the development of its institutions. This is consistent with Cambodia’s Trade SWAp Goal #5.

• Evaluation outcomes:

Strengthening the NIU’s capacity to evaluate impacts, results, and progress of technical assistance under Trade SWAp;

Strengthening the NIU’s capacity to disseminate progress and results of technical assistance under Trade SWAp.

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Under Trade SWAp Pillar 2, CEDEP targets:

Milled Rice (CEDEP I) ended Mar 2015 IFCHigh Value Silk (CEDEP I) ended April 2016 ITC Cassava (CEDEP II) until April 2017 UNDPMarine Fisheries (CEDEP II) until August 2017 UNIDOTourism (CEDEP II as PPP) until May 2018 SHIFT 360 (NGO)CornGarmentProcessed Food (CEDEP III – PLANNED)Manufacturing Assembly Clusters (CEDEP III – PLANNED)

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CEDEP IExports of Milled Rice, High Value Silk, SWAp M&E

Approved: August 6, 2012Funds available: USD2’407’714 (EIF), USD975’715 (others)Implemented by: IFC (rice), ITC (silk), MoC/DICO (M&E)End date: 2015-2016 (*)Core team: 10 membersMid-Term Evaluation: October 2014

CEDEP IIExports of Cassava, Marine Fish products, RACA, SWAp M&E

Approved: January 13, 2014Funds available: USD3’283’589 (EIF), USD3’099’055 (**)Implemented by: UNDP (Cassava), UNIDO (Fish), Shift 360 (RACA), MoC/DICO (M&E)

End date: 2017(*)Core team: 15 membersMid-Term Evaluation: October 2015

(*): Depends on actual MoU signature date - (**) Subject to change

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• Relevance: Highly Satisfactory. Relevant to RGC priorities (The RGC’s RSIII and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) place PSD and trade at the center of the reform agenda). Highly relevant to donor frameworks, UN and Shift 360 mandates. Relevance stressed by beneficiaries and all stakeholders to MTE.

• Efficiency: Moderately Satisfactory when compared against plan with low current disbursement and slow start up of activities. However, MIEs are accelerating progress (UNIDO around 50%). MIEs are well chosen technical implementers. Generally cost effective interventions offering opportunities for up scaling and lessons learned. Measurement against Govt. indicators (e.g the KPIs), EIF recommendations (however not all implemented) and LFs enhances efficiency.

• Effectiveness: Satisfactory and enhanced by working with other TRTA e.g TDSP and other UN projects/frameworks. A generally solid programme document helpful. Ultimately , however whether the activities will achieve a pro poor outcome is not measurable yet.

• Potential Impact: Highly Satisfactory. If delivered outcomes will contribute to MDGs through skills development, labour intensive employment diversification and improving relationships/experience between public and private sectors. Better measurement of actual impact on poverty and export diversification needed. Too early to measure any actual impact (especially for ACAC).

• Sustainability: Moderately Unsatisfactory (at the time of the MTE). It will be a challenge to complete all the remaining activities on time. Regulatory frameworks will ultimately need developing and this will take time. Especially for UNIDO and UNDP regarding any higher level policy and institutional development and for DICO regarding the maintenance of HR capacity with the end of EIF 1

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1. Maintaining EIF programme support challenging following Tier 1 completion: need continued substantive advisory support

2. Seeking continued support on rice and silk from core team even in absence of project components / sector intervention

3. Formulating follow-up or scaling up assistance projects4. Gaps between Tier 1, CEDEP I and new Trust Fund / Bilateral

projects or loans5. Uncertainty surrounding support from EIF ES in Phase 2 (lack of

funding, focus only on new EIF members / Tier 1 projects)

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1. NIU support to overall EIF programme implementation weaker without dedicated consultant support and core team participation

2. As Cambodia develops, new financing mechanisms are offered with little experience/knowledge within MOC (grants, PPP, private sector funding)

3. Lack of clarity, transparency and communication on EIF Phase 2, eg new project templates, Tier 1 follow-up project, regional capacity building, CEDEP III (in the case of Cambodia)

4. NIU Cambodia at the forefront of new initiatives (Roadmaps, MTP, LDC graduation, exchange programme, PPP) but how to share those with other LDCs and learn from them: -> excessive centralization of decisions in EIF ES

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Required by EIF ES Aligned with SWAp and MTP Bridging the gap with and building solid foundations

for next 5-year AFT cycle

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1. To design strategies and action plans to further enhance the National Implementation Unit’s capacity in formulating, implementing, managing, and monitoring trade-related technical assistance programs.

2. To adopt an institutional set up within DICO that will enable the continuous operation of the NIU beyond Tier 1 and Tier 2.

3. To identify appropriate strategies to close each project component in order to maintain the benefits that have been achieved.

4. To provide a Road Map to guide DICO and the development partners to work on sustainability efforts, specifically on the continuation of project activities beyond the EIF program period.

5. To help identify the necessary resources to sustain various successful projects, encourage the development of partnerships and support collaboration

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• Milled Rice: The creation of the Cambodian Rice Federation (CRF) is intended to be a structure through which further support can be provided by the Association to existing and new exporters.

• High Value Silk:The creation of the National Silk Board, together with a Secretariat, is intended to create permanent structures that can take on the work and agenda developed under this CEDEP I component. The National Silk Board will ensure that public and private stakeholders work jointly towards increasing export competitiveness and expansion of the silk sector and deepening its development impact.

• Evaluation Function:It is expected that the M&E capacity built under this project, the EIF Tier 1, the TDSP and other donor supports will all add up to long term sustainability.

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• Marine Fish Products: The creation of a sustainable, export-oriented, private sector in the Marine Fisheries is one of the emerging priorities under the Strategic Planning Framework for Fisheries: 2010-2019. FiA has been working on structuring and strengthening product-specific processors associations in the three main coastal provinces. In addition the TDSP project seeks to strengthen FiA’s role as competent authority for compliance with import regulations of target markets.

• Cassava: Cassava: The creation of one (or several) Association(s) of Cambodian Cassava Processors and Exporters with its (their) own working groups is intended to provide (a) structure(s) through which further support can be provided by the Association(s) to existing and new exporters.

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• ACAC (formerly RACA):

Outcome #2 of this project component is devoted specifically to ensuring long term sustainability of the Royal Academy of Culinary Art. As indicated elsewhere, the Academy will be established as a Public-Private partnership. This model has been selected in part because it is used widely and successfully for this type of vocational/technical training center in many places around the world and because it provides the most solid foundation for financial sustainability.

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# of Actions % of TotalStatus of Work

No Work 56 42%Work under way 74 55%Completed 4 3%Total 130 100%

Status of TANot needed 31 23%Ongoing 62 46%TA needed 41 31%Total 130 100%

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The purpose of the Medium Term Plan is to take stock of the progress of implementation of Cambodia’s Trade SWAp Roadmap 2014-2018, review areas already receiving technical support, and identify and prioritize areas where additional technical assistance is necessary for advancing the implementation of the Roadmap in the next five years (2016-2020)

• First, assessing Cambodia’s progress in implementing the outcomes and specific indicative actions outlined in the Trade SWAp Roadmap 2014-2018.

• Second, prioritizing clusters of activities for furthering the implementation of the Trade SWAp Roadmap (ten priority cluster identified for future technical assistance by the technical team and prioritized them for purposes of immediate resource mobilization.

• Third formulating cluster concept notes for the top five clusters to allow DICO and relevant stakeholders to engage with partners on program formulation and resource mobilization.

• Fourth, completing five additional concept notes to cover the remaining five clusters following completion.

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Cluster DPs Line Ministries

1 Trade Policy, Sector Policy, Legal and Regulatory Reform EU, GIZ MoC

2 Trade Facilitation and Transport Logistics EU, WB, USAid WB/GDCE

3 SPS and Other Quality Systems for Trade EU, UNIDO MAFF/MoC

4 Private Sector Structuring ADB MIH/MoC

5 Development of Inclusive Value Chains EU, ESCAP, IFAD, CBI MoC/MAFF

6 Trade Mainstreaming and Management of Aid for Trade EIF, EU MoC

7 Skills for Exports SIDA, AFD, CBI MOLVT/MOC

8 Investment Environment, Integration in Regional Value Chains, Backward Linkages


9 Rural Development for Exports including Extension Services, Cooperatives Development, Surveillance Services


10 Access to Finance ADB MEF

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Workshop objective:The formulation of CEDEP I and II follow-up projects is initiated thanks to contributions from all core teams members

Workshop outputs:Each CEDEP component core team produced one project concept (up scale, accompanying or follow-up project

Methodology:Introduction to project cycle, project formulationGroup work on project concept note

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1. Project background and justification• What have we learnt so far, what works or doesn’t, why a new project ?

2. Project description• What do we want to achieve, what is the impact, how we will ensure it ?

3. Resources needed/requested from EIF and other sources• What resources (financial, human, equipment, etc) do we need ?

4. Sustainability strategy• How to ensure project results last beyond project end, how to exercise ownership on

project achievements?

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នាយកដ� នសហរ�តបត�ករអន�រជាត

អសយដ� ន: ឡតេលខ ១៩-៦១ វថរកសងពណជ�កម�

(១១៣េប), ភមទកថា� , សង� តទកថា� , ខណ� ែសនសខ,

រជធានភ�េពញ ១២១០២

ទរសព�/ទរសរៈ ០២៣-៨៦៦-០៧៤

Email: [email protected]

www.moc.gov.kh | www.moc.gov.kh/tradeswap

Ministry of CommerceDepartment of International Cooperation

Lot 19-61, MoC Road (113B)Phum Teuk Thla, Sangkat Teuk ThlaKhan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh 12102


Tel/Fax: 023-866-074

Email: [email protected]

www.moc.gov.kh | www.moc.gov.kh/tradeswap