teaching and education 1150 doi:10.1107/S0021889810026956 J. Appl. Cryst. (2010). 43, 1150–1171 Journal of Applied Crystallography ISSN 0021-8898 Received 13 January 2010 Accepted 7 July 2010 # 2010 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore – all rights reserved How to read (and understand) Volume A of International Tables for Crystallography: an introduction for nonspecialists Zbigniew Dauter a * and Mariusz Jaskolski b * a Synchrotron Radiation Research Section, Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA, and b Department of Crystallography, Faculty of Chemistry, A. Mickiewicz University and Center for Biocrystallographic Research, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland. Correspondence e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Since fewer and fewer students get proper crystallographic education at the undergraduate level, the responsibility to promote and propagate this knowl- edge must be directed to alternative channels. It is not a marginal issue, because the language of crystallography is rather hermetic and, without proper support, it might disappear from the collective scientific knowledge, so that in the next generation there would be no-one able to use it properly, to say nothing about advancing the field. Black-box crystallography might be useful in some situations, but it cannot replace well informed, conscious scientific pursuits by properly trained specialists. Without sufficient understanding of crystallographic terms and principles, the now thriving branch of structural research would wither, and this could have particularly lamentable consequences for structural biology. The purpose of this article is to teach non-initiated persons, primarily structural biologists, how to interpret the information contained in the fundamental Volume A of International Tables for Crystallography (ITA). An excellent and comprehensive overview of many issues concerning crystal symmetry is presented in a book by Burns & Glazer (Space Groups for Solid State Scientists, 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press, 1990), also explaining the contents of ITA, but this text is unfortunately not popular among structural biologists. There are several superb handbooks explaining the foundations of structural crystallography but they usually do it without direct reference to ITA. There is also a comprehensive introduction included in ITA, but it is written in rather hermetic language and is, therefore, not suitable for nonspecialists with no training in exact sciences. This article, which uses simple language to explain all the terms encountered on the space-group pages of ITA, is meant to bridge this growing gap in crystallographic instruction. The explanations are illustrated with actual examples taken directly from the pages of ITA. 1. Introduction Crystallography is a peculiar science, at the same time inter- disciplinary – it overlaps with the principal natural sciences of physics, chemistry and biology – and yet rather hermetic. The language of crystallography is not really difficult, but it is very exact and must be learned. By tradition of individual coun- tries, crystallography has been taught in the schools of physics, chemistry, or even biology or earth sciences: or perhaps we should say ‘was taught’ as, because of changing fashions, it appears that teaching basic sciences is no longer trendy. On the wave of these seasonal moods, crystallography has vanished from most university curricula and there is a very real danger that, as a result of this regrettable policy, no one in the next generation of scientists will be capable of under- standing (let alone speaking) the language of crystallography. This would be a true catastrophe because a thriving science would essentially wither and die within one generation. Although this scenario seems almost inconceivable, we might be drifting toward a day when opening Volume A of Inter- national Tables for Crystallography (ITA), the fundamental compendium of crystallographic space-group symmetry, would be equivalent to opening a book of hieroglyphs. The current volume of ITA (2005) is very large and presents many detailed issues related to various aspects of space-group symmetry. Its predecessor, the ‘red’ Volume I of International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1952), was leaner because it contained only more basic, yet usually sufficient, information for the interpretation of each space-group symmetry. The text below refers to the most recent ‘blue’ or ‘white–green’

三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値 …gpsrsgis.up.seesaa.net/image/E6A899E9AB98E8AAA4E5B7AEE...PHANTOM 3 STANDARD とPHANTOM 4 PRO のユーザーです。

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Page 1: 三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値 …gpsrsgis.up.seesaa.net/image/E6A899E9AB98E8AAA4E5B7AEE...PHANTOM 3 STANDARD とPHANTOM 4 PRO のユーザーです。

2017年 6 月 21 日

三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値の測定誤差について 富山県森林研究所:小林裕之


GS PRO で飛行コースを設定して自動空撮をやり,PhotoScanで 3 次元解析(写真測量)をや

り始めたのですが,標高値の誤差に困っています。 先日,富山県森林研究所の裏山の三角点(三等三角点:栃津,標高約 340m)に PHANTOMを

2 機持って行き,DJI GO で写真を撮った(図-1)のですが,EXIF に記録される標高値が,4 PROで約 360m(図-2,3),3 STANDARD で約 355m になります(図-4,5)。 実際の標高値は約 340m(表-1)で,15~20mもの大きな誤差が出ます。 この誤差が PhotoScanにそのまま引き継がれ,大変困っています。

取り始めの写真には緯度,経度がそれぞれ 0で高さ情報だけ記録され,しばらくしてから緯度,

経度も記録されるようになるので(表-2),EXIF に記録される標高値は,PHANTOM の GPS受信機ではなく,気圧高度計から求めた数値だと思うのですが,この高度計のキャリブレーションはできないのでしょうか?

GARMINの GPS受信機にはキャリブレーションのメニューがありますが.. あるいは,いっそ,標高値も GPS(+GLONASS)で求めた楕円体高からジオイド高を引いた

値を EXIFに記録することはできないのでしょうか? 昨日,3D Robotics社のドローンユーザと話をしたのですが,標高値はせいぜい数十 cm(10cm

~30cm 程度)しか誤差が出ないと言っていました。

DJI 社も頑張って正しい標高値を出して欲しいです。 回答よろしくお願い致します。

Page 2: 三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値 …gpsrsgis.up.seesaa.net/image/E6A899E9AB98E8AAA4E5B7AEE...PHANTOM 3 STANDARD とPHANTOM 4 PRO のユーザーです。

左:PHANTOM 3 STANDARD 右:PHANTOM 4 PRO 図-1.実験の様子(三等三角点:栃津にて)


Page 3: 三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値 …gpsrsgis.up.seesaa.net/image/E6A899E9AB98E8AAA4E5B7AEE...PHANTOM 3 STANDARD とPHANTOM 4 PRO のユーザーです。

図-2.PHANTOM 4 PRO の EXIF 標高値(1)360.34m

図-3.PHANTOM 4 PRO の EXIF 標高値(2)360.54m

Page 4: 三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値 …gpsrsgis.up.seesaa.net/image/E6A899E9AB98E8AAA4E5B7AEE...PHANTOM 3 STANDARD とPHANTOM 4 PRO のユーザーです。

図-4.PHANTOM 3 STANDARDの EXIF 標高値(1)354.67m

図-5.PHANTOM 3 STANDARDの EXIF 標高値(2)354.68m

Page 5: 三等三角点「栃津」における PHANTOM の標高値 …gpsrsgis.up.seesaa.net/image/E6A899E9AB98E8AAA4E5B7AEE...PHANTOM 3 STANDARD とPHANTOM 4 PRO のユーザーです。

表-2.PHANTOM 4 と3が撮影した写真の緯度,経度,標高値一覧