各国の科学技術 Indicators of S&T in selected countries

各国の科学技術...2012/11/01  · 210 Ⅲ 各国の科学技術 Indicators of S&T in selected countries 25-1-6 米国 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational

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  • Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

  • 204

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25.各国の科学技術の概要 Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-1 米国 United States

    25-1-1 米国 総括 US summary

  • 205


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 206

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-1-2 米国 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in the US

  • 207


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-1-3 米国 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in the US

  • 208

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-1-4 米国 性格別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by type of activity in the US

  • 209


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-1-5 米国 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in the US

  • 210

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-1-6 米国 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in the US

    The President The Congress

    The House ofRepresentatives

    The Senate

    Government Accountability Office

    Library of Congress

    Congressional Budget Office

    Office of Management andBudget

    Council of Economic Advisers

    Council on Environmental Quality

    Under Secretary for Research,Education, and Economics

    Under Secretary for NaturalResources and Environment

    Under Secretary andAdministrator for Oceans and


    Under Secretary for International Trade

    House Committees

    Joint Committees

    Senate Committees

    Agricultural Research Service

    National Institute of Food and Agriculture

    Economic Research Service

    National Agricultural Statistics Service

    Forest Service

    Natural Resources Conservation Service

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    President’s Council ofAdvisors on Science and


    National Science and Technology Council

    Office of Science andTechnology Policy

    Department of Agriculture

    Department of Commerce

    Assistant to the President for Science and Technology

    Executive Office of the President

    Congressional Research Service

  • 211


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    Office of Fossil Energy

    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    Office of Nuclear Energy

    Office of Environmental Management

    Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability

    Office of Science

    Under Secretary

    Under Secretary for Science

    Department of Energy

    Assistant Secretary forCommunications and


    Under secretaries of Defense, And Assistant Secretaries of

    Defense, and other specified officials

    Under Secretary for IntellectualProperty and Director

    Defense Business Transformation Agency

    Missile Defense Agency

    Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency

    Defense Information Systems Agency

    National Geospatial-IntelligenceAgency

    Institute of Education Sciences

    Office of Innovation andImprovement

    United States Patent andTrademark Office

    National Institute of Standards and Technology

    National Telecommunications andInformation Administration

    Department of Defense

    Department of the Air Force

    Department of the Army

    Department of the Navy

    Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission

    Department of Education

    Advanced ResearchProjects Agency - Energy

    Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs

  • 212

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    Health Resourcesand Services Administration

    National Institutes of Health

    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

    Homeland Security AdvancedResearch Projects Agency

    U.S Coast Guard

    U.S. Customs & Border Protection

    Transportation Security Administration

    Under Secretary for Scienceand Technology

    Research and Development Partnerships

    Administration for Children and Families

    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

    Indian Health Service

    Agency for HealthcareResearch and Quality

    Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention

    Food and Drug Administration

    Naval Reactor Office

    Defense Programs Office

    Defense NuclearNonproliferation Office

    Federal Emergency Management Agency

    Department of Health and Human Services

    Department of Homeland Security

    Under Secretary for Nuclear SecurityNational Nuclear Security Administrator

  • 213


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    Bureau of Reclamation

    Bureau of Land Management

    Office of Surface Mining,Reclamation and Enforcement

    Assistant Secretary, Land andMinerals Management

    Bureau of Oceans and InternationalEnvironmental and Scientific Affairs

    United States Agency forInternational Development

    National Park Service

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    U.S. Geological Survey

    Office of Healthy Homes andLead Hazard Control

    Department of the Interior

    Federal Motor Carrier SafetyAdministration

    Research and InnovativeTechnology Administration

    Pipeline and HazardousMaterial Safety Administration

    Federal Aviation Administration

    Federal Highway Administration

    Federal Railroad Administration

    National Highway Traffic safetyAdministration

    Saint Lawrence SeawayDevelopment Corporation

    Department of Housing and Urban Development

    Assistant Secretary, Fish, Wildlife and Parks

    Assistant Secretary, Water and Science

    Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

    Department of Transportation

    Department of State

    Bureau of Safety andEnvironmental Enforcement

    Science and Technology Advisor

  • 214

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate

    Science Mission Directorate

    Aerospace Safety AdvisoryPanel

    NASANASA Advisory Council

    Aeronautics ResearchMission Directorate

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Office of Nuclear Material Safetyand Safeguards

    Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

    Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

    Executive Director forOperations

    Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    Office of New Reactors

    Office of Federal and State Materialsand Environment Management Programs

    Office of Nuclear Securityand Incident Response

    Regional Offices (Region I-IV)

    Office of Water

    Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

    Office of Air and Radiation

    Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention

    Office of Research and Development

    Environmental ProtectionAgency

    Office of Environmental Information

  • 215


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    National Science Board

    Office of Polar Programs

    Office of Budget, Finance andAward Management

    Office of Information andResource Management

    Office of International Scienceand Engineering

    Directorate for Engineering

    Directorate for Geosciences

    Directorate for Mathematicaland Physical Sciences

    Directorate for Social,Behavioral and Economic Sciences

    Office of Cyber infrastructure

    Office of Integrative Activities

    Directorate for Computer &Information Science & Engineering

    Directorate for Education andHuman Resources

    Directorate for Biological Sciences

    National Academy of Engineering

    Institute of Medicine

    National Academy of Sciences

    National Research Council

    National Science Foundation

  • 216

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-2 欧州連合 European Union

    25-2-1 欧州連合(EU-15) 総括 EU-15 summary

  • 217


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 218

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-2-2 欧州連合(EU-27) 総括 EU-27 summary

  • 219


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 220

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-2-3 欧州連合 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in EU

  • 221


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-2-4 欧州連合 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in EU

  • 222

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-2-5 欧州連合 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in EU

  • 223


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 224

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-2-6 欧州連合 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in EU

    Research and Innovation


    Industry, Research and Energy Committee

    Communications Networks, Content and Technology

    Enterprise and Industry

    Mobility and Transport

    Agriculture and Rural Development

    Education and Culture

    Economic and Financial Affairs

    Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities


    Maritime affairs and Fisheries

    Health and Consumers

    Internal Market and Services

    Regional PolicyITU

    Institute for Trans-uranium Elements

    IETInstitute for Energy and Transport

    ERCEuropean Research Council

    Executive Agencies

    REAResearch Executive Agency

    EACIExecutive Agency for

    Competitiveness and InnovationEACEA

    The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

    EAHCExecutive Agency for

    Health and Consumers

    TEN-T EATrans-European Transport Network

    Executive Agency

    GIndustrial technologies

    H Transport

    European Parliament


    Framework ProgrammeInterinstitutional relations

    BEuropean Research Area

    DInternational cooperation

    CResearch and Innovation


    Biotechnologies, Agriculture, Food

    F Health


    MManagement and

    Operational Support - FP


    IESInstitute for Environment

    and Sustainability

    IHCPInstitute for Health and Consumer Protection

    Climate Action


    European Council Council


    Joint Research CentreIPSC

    Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

    IPTSInstitute for Prospective Technology Studies

    IRMMInstitute for Reference

    Materials and Measurements

    European Commission

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    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

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    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-3 ドイツ Germany

    25-3-1 ドイツ 総括 Germany summary

  • 227


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 228

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-3-2 ドイツ 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in Germany

  • 229


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-3-3 ドイツ 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in Germany

  • 230

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-3-4 ドイツ 性格別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by type of activity in Germany

  • 231


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-3-5 ドイツ 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in Germany

  • 232

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-3-6 ドイツ 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in Germany



    FuE-Institute der Länder



    DFGDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V.

    MPG 87Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung

    der Wissenschaften e.V.

    FhG 60Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der

    Angewandten Forschung e.V.

    (WGL) 88Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried

    Wilhelm Leibniz

    SWPStiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

    GWKGemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz

    EFIExpertenkommission Forschung

    und Innovation

    BMBFBundesministerium fürBildung und Forschung


    HGF 18Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

    Deutscher Forschungszentren (AWI)









  • 233


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    AAAuswärtiges Amt

    BMIBundesministerium des Innern

    BMWi Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie

    BMELVBundesministerium für Ernährung,

    Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz

    BMVgBundesministerium der Verteidigung

    BMFSFJBundesministerium für Familie,Senioren,

    Frauen und Jugend

    BMASBundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales

    BWB)Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung

    BMGBundesministerium für Gesundheit

    BMVBSBundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und


    BMUBundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und



    B NBundesamt für Naturschutz

    B SBundesamt für StrahlenschutzBMZ

    Bundesministerium für WirtschaftlicheZusammenarbeit und Entwicklung


  • 234

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-4 フランス France

    25-4-1 フランス 総括 France summary

  • 235


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

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    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-4-2 フランス 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in France

  • 237


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-4-3 フランス 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in France

  • 238

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-4-4 フランス 性格別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by type of activity in France

  • 239


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-4-5 フランス 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in France

  • 240

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-4-6 フランス 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in France

    Président de la République

    HCST: Haut Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie

    AERES: Agence d’Evaluation de laRecherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur

    Haut comité pour la transparence etl’information sur la sécurité nucléaire

    Premier Ministre

    Centre d’Analyse Stratégique


    Grandes Ecoles

    Direction générale pour l'enseignement supérieur et l’insertion professionnelle

    Direction Générale la Recherche et del’Innovation

    ANR: Agence Nationale de la Recherche

    OST: Observatoire des Sciences et desTechnologies

    IHEST: Institut de Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie

    CNESER: Conseil National de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

    CSRT: Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche et de la Technologies

    Ministère de l’Enseignment supérieur et de laRecherche

    Ministère des Affaires étrangèreset européennes

  • 241


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    INRIA: Institut National de la Recherche enInformatique et en Automatique

    CEA:Commissariat à l’énergie atomiqueet aux énergies alternatives

    Ministère de l‘Économie, des Finances

    INSEE: Institut National de la Statistique et desÉtudes Économiques

    ADEME: Agence de l’Environnement et de laMaîtrise de l’Energie

    INRA: Institut National de la RechercheAgronomique

    IFREMER: Institut Français de Recherche pourl’Exploitation de la Mer

    Le Muséum National d’histoire Naturelle

    ONERA: Office National d’Études et deRecherches Aérospatiales

    Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie

    CNRS: Centre National de la RechercheScientifique

    CNES: Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales

    Ministère de la Défence

    OSÉO Innovation

    Ministère de l’ Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l’ Énergie

    Ministère de l’Agriculture de l’Agroalimentaire, et de la Forêt

    Ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé

    Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication

    INSERM: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

    Ministère de Redressement Productif

  • 242

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-5 英国 United Kingdom

    25-5-1 英国 総括 UK summary

  • 243


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 244

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-5-2 英国 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures research sector in the UK

  • 245


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-5-3 英国 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in the UK

  • 246

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-5-4 英国 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in the UK

  • 247


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-5-5 英国 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in the UK

    Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

    Council for Science and Technology (CST) (BBSRC)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

    (EPSRC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

    Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

    Medical Research Council (MRC)

    Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

    Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

    UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO)

    Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA)

    UK Space Agency

    The Royal Academy of Engineering

    Energy Technology Institute (ETI)

    Technology Strategy Board (TSB)

    National Measurement Office (NMO)

    Department for Education (DfE)

    *Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE)

    The Royal Society

    The British Academy

    Wellcome Trust

    Cancer Research UK

    British Science Association

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

    Department of Health (DH)

    HM Treasury

    Ministry of Defense (MoD)

    Department for Transport (DfT)

    National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

    National Health Service (NHS)

    Office for Strategic Coordination of Health Research (OSCHR)

    British Council

    Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)

    UK Trade and Investment

    Sanger Institute

    House of Commons

    House of LordsScience and Technology Committee

    House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

    Horizon Scanning Centre

    Government Office of Science (Go-Science)

    Department for International Development (DFID)

    House of Lords

    Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)


    Research Councils UK (RCUK)

    National Endowment for Science, Technology and Arts (NESTA)



    Prime Minister

    Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)

  • 248

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-6 中国 China

    25-6-1 中国 総括 China summary

  • 249


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 250

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-6-2 中国 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in China

  • 251


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-6-3 中国 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in China

  • 252

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-6-4 中国 性格別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by type of activity in China

  • 253


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-6-5 中国 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in China

  • 254

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-6-6 中国 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in China

    National People’s Congress

    National Development and Reform Commission

    (CAEA)China Atomic Energy Authority

    Institute of Scientific & Technological Information of China

    State Leading Group for Science,Technology and Education

    Ministry of Industry and Information

    (CNSA)China National Space Administration

    State Statistics Bureau

    Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

    Chinese Academy of Engineering

    Development Research Center

    State Bureau of Seismology(CMA)

    China Meteorological Administration

    National Natural Science Foundation of China

    Local Governments

    Chinese Academy of Strategic Studies for S&T Development

    Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    State Oceanic Administration


    Ministry of Education

    Ministry of Transport

    Ministry of Agriculture

    Ministry of Defence

    Ministry of Health

    Ministry of Housing and Urban-RuralConstruction

    Water Resources

    Land and Resources

    Ministry of Environmental Protection


    Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

    Science &Technology Commission


    15State Intellectual Property Office

    Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

    Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences


    State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

    National Energy BureauAcademy of Military Sciences

    PRC Central Military Commission

    CPC Central Military CommissionState Council

    Ministry of Science and Technology

    (CAS)Chinese Academy of Science

    State Food & Drug Administration

    Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences




    State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 255


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 256

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-7 韓国 Rep. of Korea

    25-7-1 韓国 総括 Rep. of Korea summary

  • 257


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 258

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-7-2 韓国 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures research sector in Rep. of Korea

  • 259


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-7-3 韓国 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in Rep. of Korea

  • 260

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-7-4 韓国 性格別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by type of activity in Rep. of Korea

  • 261


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-7-5 韓国 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in Rep. of Korea

  • 262

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-7-6 韓国 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in Rep. of Korea


    KISTKorea Institute of Science and Technology

    KARIKorea Aerospace Research Institute

    KAERIKorea Atomic Energy Research Institute

    NFRINational Fusion Research Institute

    KRIBBKorea Research Institute of

    Bioscience and Biotechnology

    KISTIKorea Institute of Science

    and Technology Information

    (ETRI)Electronics and Telecommunications

    Research Institute

    (KIMM)Korea Institute of Machinery

    and Materials

    Ministry of Strategy and Finance

    RDA)Rural Development Administration

    DAPADefense Acquisition Program Administration

    Ministry of Health & Welfare

    Ministry of Knowledge Economy

    Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries

    Ministry of Environment

    Prime Minister


    Ministry of Education, Science Technology

    NSTCNational Science and Technology Commission

    PACESTPresidential Advisory

    Council on Education, Science & Technology

    (STEPI)Science and Technology Policy Institute

    Senior Secretary to the President for National Future

    KISTEPKorea Institute of S&T

    Evaluation and Planning

    NRFNational Research Foundation of Korea

    KRCFSTKorea Research Council

    of Fundamental Science & Technology

    IstKKorea Council for Industrial

    Science and Technology

    Special Advisor to the President for Science and Technology

    Presidential Committee on Green Growth

    Presidential Council on Future and Vision

    Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime AffairsADD

    Agency for Defense Development

    (NASNational Academy of Science

    (KASTKorean Academy of Science and Technology

    (KOFSTKorean Federation of S&T Societies

    Ministry of Defense

    IBSInstitute for Basic Science

    Secretary to the President for S&T

    KOFACKorea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity

    Korea Communications Commission

  • 263


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 264

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-8 ロシア Russian Federation

    25-8-1 ロシア 総括 Russian Federation summary

  • 265


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 266

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-8-2 ロシア 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in Russian Federation

  • 267


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-8-3 ロシア 負担源別研究費割合の推移

    R&D expenditures by source of funds in Russian Federation

  • 268

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-8-4 ロシア 性格別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by type of activity in Russian Federation

  • 269


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-8-5 ロシア 組織別研究者数の推移

    Number of researchers by research sector in Russian Federation

  • 270

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-8-6 ロシア 科学技術行政機構図

    S&T administrative organizational charts in Russian Federation




    Department of Science, High Technology and Education

    Council for Science, Technology and Education

    Commission for Modernization and TechnologicalDevelopment of Russia’s Economy

    Ministry of Defense

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Commission on High Technologies and Innovations

    The Council of Federation

    State Duma Committee for Science and Science Intensive Technology

    Committee for Education and Science

    Ministry of Education and Science

    The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

    National Research Center ”Kurchatov Institute”

    RospatentThe Federal Service of Intellectual Property

    (Rosobrnadzor)The Federal Service of Supervision in the

    sphere of Education and Science

    Higher Education Institutions

    Russian Academy of Sciences

    Siberian Branch

    Ural Branch

    Far Eastern Branch

    (RFBR)Russian Foundation for Basic Research

    (RFH)Russian Foundation for Humanities

    (FASIE)The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology

    Ministry of Industry and Trade

    Ministry of Communications and Mass Media

    Ministry of Energy

    Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development

    Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

    Russian Academy of Agricultural SciencesMinistry of Agriculture

    Ministry of Economic Development

    Ministry of Finance

    Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief

    Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision(Rostexnadzor)

    Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)

    Department of Science and Education Policy

    Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development

    Federal Biomedical Agency

    Ministry of Regional Development

    Ministry of Far East Development

    )Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies ”RUSNANO”

    Russian Venture Company

  • 271


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-9 カナダ Canada

    25-9-1 カナダ 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector in Canada

  • 272

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-9-2 カナダ 負担源別研究費割合の推移 R&D expenditures by source of funds in Canada

  • 273


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

    25-9-3 カナダ 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector in Canada

  • 274

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-9-4 カナダ 科学技術行政機構図 S&T administrative organizational charts in Canada

    Prime Minister

    Science, Technology and Innovation CouncilIndustry Canada

    Canadian Institutes of Health Research

    (R)(Advisory Body to the Government of Canada)






    Canadian Space Agency

    National Research Council Canada

    Natural Sciences and EngineeringResearch Council of Canada

    Social Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council of Canada

    Statistics Canada

    Canada Foundation for Innovation

    Genome Canada

    Health Canada

    Natural Resources Canada

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    Environment Canada

    Transport Canada

    National Defense

    Defense Research and Development Canada

    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

    Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

    Canadian International Development Agency

    International Development Research Center




    Council of Canadian Academies



    Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (R)


  • 275


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 276

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    25-10 その他の国 / 地域 Other countries/regions

  • 277


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 278

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

  • 279


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 280

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

  • 281


    Outline of R&D activities in selected countries

  • 282

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    26.科学技術関係予算 S&T budget

  • 283


    S&T budget

  • 284

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    27.研究費 R&D expenditures

    27-1 組織別研究費の推移 R&D expenditures by research sector

  • 285


    R&D expenditures

  • 286

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    27-2 性格別研究費割合 R&D expenditures by research sector and type of activity

  • 287


    R&D expenditures

  • 288

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    28.研究人材 R&D personnel

    28-1 組織別研究者数の推移 Number of researchers by research sector

  • 289


    R&D personnel

  • 290

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    28-2 研究関係従業者数 Number of R&D personnel by kind of occupation

  • 291


    R&D personnel

    28-3 専攻分野別学位取得者数の推移 Number of degrees granted by field of science

  • 292

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries


    Number of Nobel Prize and Fields Prize winners by country

  • 293


    Number of Nobel Prize and Fields Prize winners by country

  • 294

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    30.技術貿易額 Technology trade value

  • 295


    Technology trade value

  • 296

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    31.特許 Patents

    31-1 特許件数の推移 Number of patents by country

    31-1-1 出願 Patent applications

  • 297



    31-1-2 登録 Patent grants

  • 298

    Ⅲ 各国の科学技術Indicators of S&T in selected countries

    31-2 国籍別特許件数 Number of patents by applicant's nationality

    31-2-1 出願(2010 年) Patent applications (2010)

  • 299



    31-2-2 登録(2010 年) Patent grants (2010)

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