School Development Plan 5 Charles Dickens Primary School School Development Plan Section 1: Leadership and Management Task and finish-In the event of school closure points 4 and 5 would need to be completed virtually. Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions 2020 – 2021 KPIs Who 1. Increase absolute capacity with expansion of reach and role of current senior leaders 1. Appointment of HT as Exec Head and CEO. ME appointed as acting Head of School and JRE as Head of Primary Curriculum and standards 1.1Appointment for Headteacher for September 2021 if affordable to the Trust for CEO to move into F/T position. 1.11Restructure of SLT to meet the needs of school – consideration of numbers of senior leaders and focus of each role to avoid duplication Clear roles in place for DHT/AHT level Appointment of new HT if CEO moves to FT position Creation of risk register Exec HT/ LGB 2. Development of curriculum subject leaders – decoupling of curriculum creation from subject leadership 2. Subject leaders have helped the creation of some curriculum materials – varying degrees of completion. JRE appointed as head of primary curriculum and standards JRE to lead curriculum resourcing – 3rd iteration of history, completion of geography and science, PSHCE and REDW to work alongside JRE to support development of literacy within curriculum JRE and DW to identify teachers to support with resource making DWE to work with subject leaders - implementing strategic calendar of leadership (audit, staff training, coaching, monitoring, assessment) Completion of history, geography, science and RE curriculum – booklets and teaching resources (plans and presentation materials) - iterated to build in further progression of reading and writing DW developed as school focused curriculum leader – succession plan in place Subject leaders successfully carried out strategic plan including monitoring, training, subject enhancement and Exec HT/H of S JRE and DW

CDPS School Development Plan 2020-2021 (1) · Citizens UK Reflect and act upon the outcomes of the Citizens UK listening project Completion of Listening project Training of community

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Page 1: CDPS School Development Plan 2020-2021 (1) · Citizens UK Reflect and act upon the outcomes of the Citizens UK listening project Completion of Listening project Training of community

School Development Plan 5

Charles Dickens Primary School School Development Plan

Section 1: Leadership and Management

Task and finish-In the event of school closure points 4 and 5 would need to be completed virtually.

Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions 2020 – 2021 KPIs Who

1. Increase absolute capacity with expansion of reach and role of current senior leaders

1. Appointment of HT as Exec Head and CEO. ME appointed as acting Head of School and JRE as Head of Primary Curriculum and standards

1.1Appointment for Headteacher for September 2021 if affordable to the Trust for CEO to move into F/T position. 1.11Restructure of SLT to meet the needs of school – consideration of numbers of senior leaders and focus of each role to avoid duplication

Clear roles in place for DHT/AHT level Appointment of new HT if CEO moves to FT position Creation of risk register

Exec HT/ LGB

2. Development of curriculum subject leaders – decoupling of curriculum creation from subject leadership

2. Subject leaders have helped the creation of some curriculum materials – varying degrees of completion.

JRE appointed as head of primary curriculum and standards JRE to lead curriculum resourcing – 3rd iteration of history, completion of geography and science, PSHCE and REDW to work alongside JRE to support development of literacy within curriculum JRE and DW to identify teachers to support with resource making DWE to work with subject leaders - implementing strategic calendar of leadership (audit, staff training, coaching, monitoring, assessment)

Completion of history, geography, science and RE curriculum – booklets and teaching resources (plans and presentation materials) - iterated to build in further progression of reading and writing DW developed as school focused curriculum leader – succession plan in place Subject leaders successfully carried out strategic plan including monitoring, training, subject enhancement and

Exec HT/H of S JRE and DW

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3. Development of business team (business manager and HR officer) within the Trust – confidence and competent with academy financial handbook responsibilities

3. BM and HR officer currently supported by Strictly Education on consultancy basis and little experience of academy framework. Some training for BM already completed by Trust

3.1 SA to be supported by Trust CFO on accounting package and financial reporting, systems and Trust handbook. (1 or 2 days a week) 3.2 ST to be supported by Trust HR lead on HR systems and processes 3.3 ending of HR and finance consultancy from strictly education

CDPS meets standards of academies handbook and performs well in internal and external audits


4. Embedding of the coaching framework

Coaching framework completed in 2019/20 with some variation in capacity amongst senior team

Creation of new coaching teams with AHT Creation of new coaching framework linked to Teacher standards, engagement in EEF training materials and online model video lesson

Successful implementation of coaching framework – all staff to have a coach Positive feedback from staff survey and performance appraisals referencing successful use of coaching All teachers teaching effective lessons – good or better outcomes for classes over time

JRE AHT team H of S

5. Development of community leaders with capacity to lead community hub and action

A early help manager is in place (AM) and the safeguarding/pastoral team support parents in the community through food boxes , social care and house and health care liaison

Identify and train community leaders in active listening for Citizens UK Reflect and act upon the outcomes of the Citizens UK listening project

Completion of Listening project Training of community leaders Positive feedback in staff survey

CEO/ H of S Citizens UK

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Section B: Quality of Education

2. English 3. Maths 4. Creative Arts 5. Wider Curriculum 6. Early Years

3. English Task and finish- In the event of school closure these meetings would happen virtually. 2.9.1-would need to become a regular dialogue with children/parents over the phone to ensure completion of learning. There would need to be a reevaluation of the drama/globe work. This would need to be pushed into a later term. Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions 2020 – 2021 KPIs Who

2.1 Develop wider English team, building capacity within the team to enable DW to work more widely on the curriculum and for the development of others.

Team has been formed and been meeting regularly for 1.5 terms

Continue with bi-weekly English Team meetings to share, discuss, and develop planning and teaching. Incorporate English planners from new year group teams. DW continue to coach / collaborate with NJ and RP.

All staff receive coaching on English. Staff receive accurate feedback during book scrutiny. Staff understand and are confident using the English system.


2.2 Build links with KS3, aiming to ensure a smooth transition to Yr7 English for children.

Initial links with Charter have been formed.

Look for opportunities to work with Charter to collaborate and provide CPD As above with Haberdashers.

Strong links of collaborative work formed. Coherence is supported at Y6/7 transition


2.3 All English units teach every element of the writing process explicitly in line with EEF guidance.

EEF training videos have been developed and discussed with English team. Coaching has been given to all English planners.

KS1 and KS2 staff training in EEF guidance. Further embed drama in writing units to enhance pre-writing phase. Continue to review plans and

Drama evident in lessons. Improved writing outcomes.


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support English team with planning.

2.4 All English units build on the learning from the Virtual School eg high levels of engagement, (especially through role-play and film), short writing tasks to build stamina, use of modelled writing and ‘jumping off points’.

Support is currently being given where needed.

Review plans and support English team with planning. Develop a crib sheet with key questions for English planners – eg. How does the unit incorporate drama and talk for writing? Who is the audience for the final outcome? CPD on modelled and shared writing within across lessons within a unit.

Role play and film is evident in planning. Children report high levels of enthusiasm for writing.


2.5 Continue to create new units based on texts which represent a diverse range of gender roles and ethnicities. See above.

Review plans and support English team with planning. Develop a crib sheet with key questions for English planners – eg. How does the unit incorporate drama and talk for writing? Who is the audience for the final outcome? CPD on modelled and shared writing within across lessons within a unit.

Evidence of new planning with texts focusing on gender role and ethnicities.


2.6 Roll out ‘Summer / Autumn of Shakespeare’ across the school

Drama/Globe training has been shared through CPD.

Deliver refresher CPD and support year teams with creation of Shakespeare units, using Globe drama resources as a starting point. Deliver sequence of staff meetings supporting planning of units in all

All classes to use drama and to teach Shakespeare texts.


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2.7 Continue to embed Letter Join scheme throughout school. CPD given to staff.

Font put on computers On-going monitoring and reminders.

Letter joins evident in children’s writing during book looks. Strong handwriting across the curriculum.


2.8 Continue to embed and develop use of Nelson spelling scheme across the school.

Year teams have started to use it successfully but still in its early stages.

Observe teaching of spelling across school. Develop a best practice model.

Weekly spelling lessons take place and spelling has improved.


2.9 Develop units to include opportunities for children to analyse / compare texts and express their own opinion as a stepping stone to essay writing skills, especially in Upper KS2.

The idea has been shared with the English team.

Through planning support and English Team meetings use the Writing Revolution to develop this Include a question on this on the crib sheet for English planners eg. Is there an opportunity for the children to express their own opinion on one of the unit themes?

Evidence of essay writing in upper KS2. Children share opinions and express feelings when comparing texts.


2.9.1 Use evidence-informed interventions to support low prior attainers and those with identified needs in speaking and listening and writing

Class teachers have initial ideas of which children would benefit from this support however assessments will take place in the autumn term.

Identify children with additional speaking and listening needs and begin Helicopter Stories / Storytelling club. Writing club / intervention.

All children who are not making expected progress will receive an intervention to catch up.


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2.10 Further develop class book library to reflect changes to curriculum and to maximise opportunities to represent diverse ethnicities and genders

The current class book library is used by teachers. Teachers also select

their own class books

Review, refresh and formalise Class Book Library and curriculum

All teachers read relevant and challenging book s to class at least 3x pw. Improved reading and writing outcomes.


4. Maths

Task and Finish- In the event of school closure we would not be able to do evaluate home learning but we would continue to evaluate the virtual learning through parent surveys. 3.7 would need to go on hold until children return to school. Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions KPIs Who

3.1 Development of Maths Team

Maths lead currently in position. Early maths lead has been appointed. Maths team has increased to 8 members and begun to meet.

Distributed responsibility to broaden the impact of improvements to maths teaching and policy. Team members have an impact in their chosen/assigned area and gain experience in leadership and/or an evidence-informed approach to school improvement. Experienced team members will lead a whole-school area, e.g. homework, to develop leadership skills and use their expertise to improve their area. All team members will meet to discuss strategy for maths improvements. These strategies will be trialled through action-research and successes will be rolled-out to the whole school.

A team of experts who are capable of coaching and supporting others in the school. Evidence-informed whole-school strategic change.


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3.2 Research and development of whole-school approach to daily recall, challenge and extension

We currently have several resource options for recall and extension but no concrete evidence of how well they work. Examples include rapid recall whiteboards, Inspire Maths and an automated recall spreadsheet.

The maths team will develop implementation strategies for how to best use these resources, then evaluate impact by gathering data. Other options for daily recall strategies to be explored, trialled and evaluated.

Researched and evidence-informed approach to daily recall implemented and proven to be successful. In book looks and lesson observations this will be evident.


3.3 Monitor, evaluate and improve home learning.

Use of MyMaths, managed by individual teachers for their class.

RJ to manage and improve system. Improved engagement and attainment through publicity and incentives. Differentiated homework set for children in keep-up groups. Homework club to be re-launched and more effectively publicised, leading to increased attendance.

Engagement and attainment to increase. Differentiated homework to contribute to closing of attainment gap. Home learning club to provide additional support.


3.4 Increase the quantity and quality of intervention groups.

Various keep-up groups across the year groups.

Improve quality through coaching where required and ensure all children who require additional support because of school closures (as well as their prior attainment) receive targeted support.

There will be keep-up and catch-up groups for all KS1 and KS2. Progress of children in intervention groups to be accelerated.


3.5 Further improvement of the quality of education in Year R.

CMC carpet sessions alongside exploratory sessions.

In-depth planning of curriculum, with maths stories integrated for every topic area to improve children’s mathematical engagement and fluency. Additional concrete resources incorporated into planning. Collate a bank of successful activities and songs for each strand and ensure identified books are

3.5 Children to transition smoothly into YR and then into Y1. Practitioner subject knowledge to improve. Connecting maths concepts is embedded in the daily


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available. Teacher and TA subject knowledge increase through training sessions to improve planning and delivery of lessons. YR and Y1 to work closely to ensure smooth transition.

practice of all reception staff. Practical sessions to be more purposeful and engaging, dovetailing with CMC sessions.

3.6 Further improvement of the quality of education in Year N.

Maths curriculum development in-progress.

Through regular morning training, subject knowledge on each strand will be delivered to nursery staff so group times are delivered to a high standard. Mathematical song repertoire to encompass all strands for nursery, with videos for each. Stories to be used to maintain high levels of engagement in children.

Curriculum coherence in the early years provision. Improved engagement. Increased staff subject knowledge.


3.7 Improved accuracy in the assessment of children at the higher standard in non-statutory testing years.

Tests developed and trialled successfully.

Evaluation and improvement of end-of-year, in-house greater depth maths tests. Refinement in terms of question selection and length.

School data accuracy for those working in greater depth to continue to improve, allowing for more efficient intervention where children with high prior attainment have fallen behind or where middle attainers have improved.


5. Creative Arts

Task and finish-In the event of school closure, we would need to ensure all children had adequate technology if we are to complete music tech. 4.1 would need to go on hold until school reopens and enough evidence is compiled.

Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions KPIs Who

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4.1 To be an accredited Artsmark.

Artsmark has been applied for.

To evaluate the current offer. To demonstrate clear development goals. To invite an assessor to review the school.

We know our strengths and weaknesses against the arts mark criteria. We are on track to achieving platinum.


4.2 To be an Art hub across the London South Teaching School alliance.

CDPS has been sharing with some schools across the network but not in a formal way.

To develop at least one SLE. To share best practice through a course. To share ideas for creative arts improvement through subject leader events.

We have a network of creative leads. People are contact Charles Dickens as experts in this field.

4.3 To become an online Art hub.

Some videos have been created to begin this work.

To have a bank of videos to share. Videos and resources from other schools if possible. To have a square space website to house the videos.

The website is regularly updated. Other the CD and wider community are using the resource.

4.4 Expand instrumental provision (music tech).

Music tech has been shared via the virtual school and lesson have begun in school.

To have timetabled music tech lessons led by a specialist.

There are timetabled lessons for each class to do music tech lessons.

4.5 Give the children opportunities to develop and celebrate their music and art at home.

The virtual school has given the school the opportunities to do this.

Ensure there is a space on the online art hub to celebrate successes of children. Ensure this updated regularly.

Children have opportunities to extend their learning through the Music school hub.

6. STEM & Humanities

Task and finish-In the event of school closure it would be more challenging to complete 5.3. We would be able to review lessons, resources, plans. We would have to evaluate the learning through examples sent in to school and then books when school resumes.

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Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions KPIs Who

5.1 Develop Nursery and Reception curriculum to ensure progression and coherence into Key Stage 1.

Little coherence in planning esp. in UW.

Joint medium-term planning including mapping of themes across year groups. Regular monitoring.

2-year MTP mapping themes across Trotwood and Reception.


5.2 Achieve overarching curriculum coherence so that learning from one subject can be applied with confidence elsewhere and learning is progressive.

A patchy picture: strong in KS2, less so in KS1.

Map English curriculum against Science and Humanities. Share with whole staff.

Planning shows that skills learnt in English are applied in other subjects and vice versa.

5.3 Ensure that curriculum themes and resources reflect the diversity of the school community.

Patchy. History curriculum is strong, and English is improving.

Regular monitoring of books and resources used

English (inc. whole class reading and reading passports), Art and Music curricula are more diverse. Black British history embedded into history curriculum. Significant figures in Science to be at least 50% female and ethnically diverse.

5.4 Development of subject specialisms in KS2 to ensure high standards to teaching across the wider curriculum.

Virtual school has encouraged some specialisation. Pilots in Year 3 and Year 5

Where possible, KS2 teachers to teach either Humanities or Science lessons across the year group.

Where possible, KS2 teachers to teach either Humanities or Science lessons across the year group.

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5.5 Resource Development

• Maintain and improve quality of planning and resourcing

Science • Develop scientific writing:

predictions, methods, conclusions; explanations

History • Develop academic writing:

balanced argument; explanation; recount; evaluative writing

Geography • Develop geographical writing:

explanation of physical processes; comparisons; recording and presentation of material

RE • Continue to develop RE


All subjects in need of improvements in disciplinary writing. Science: All units Y1-6 have KOs and booklets. These are of variable quality. History: All bar 1 units Y2-6 have good KOs and booklets. Geography: Most units Y2-6 have good booklets and KOs. RE: Summer and Autumn 1 booklets in place. All good.

Write/adapt MTPs and booklets where necessary Review current plans and booklets Write/adapt MTPs where necessary Adapt booklets Make links with KS3 to identify opportunities for curriculum coherence

Complete suite of Y2-Y6 Science booklets to be in place by July 2021 Complete suite of Y2-Y6 History booklets to be in place by December 2020 Complete suite of Y2-Y6 Geography booklets to be in place by March 2021 Complete suite of RE booklets July 2021

5.6 Subject leadership and curriculum implementation:

• Ensure that the curriculum is consistently well implemented across the school.

• Improved teacher subject knowledge.

Subject leadership time has been spent on curriculum development, meaning implementation has not had sufficient attention.

Lesson observations/team-teaching/modelled lessons. Book Looks. Identification of CPD opportunities including making links with KS3. Science

• Ensuring science resources (non-booklets) are available for each unit.

• Organisation of extra-

Teaching of wider curriculum subjects is consistently strong.

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curriculum science activities (eg Science Week).

History/Geog/RE • Ensuring resources

boxes are relevant and used.

RE • Whole school CPD on

new curriculum: themes and concepts.

5.7 Development of curriculum area on CDPS website.

Virtual school contains many high-quality resources.

Collation of examples of good practice (videos) and selected lessons from booklets onto separate area of website.

Good practice (videos) and selected lessons from booklets are collated onto separate area of website.

6. Early Years Task and Finish-In the event of full closure 6.1 would be able to continue however the coaching would not focus on teaching and learning of key worker groups. This would continue once the school partially or fully reopens. 6.4 would be paused until the school re-opens. Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions KPIs Who

6.1 New Reception leader and room leader structure in Nursery.

New roles have been accepted. Coaching timetable has been planned.

Induction and on going coaching support for New Year leader. Embed structure for room leading. Room leads to coach key workers.

AHT coaching Reception lead, every two weeks. HoS coaching room leaders, twice a month. Room leaders coaching key workers one every two weeks. Everyone using standardised coaching format.


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6.2 Embed use of direct instruction in key worker maths groups.

Early Maths lead has been appointed. Curriculum maths team has been developed.

Clear scheme of work for nursery. Embed use of key worker groups daily in nursery. Coaching of key workers in maths. CPD in maths.

Clear medium plans and weekly plans for maths. Clear progression in curriculum. Key workers having regular observations in maths.


6.3 To implement a progression model in EYFS curriculum (see also Stem and Humanities section 5).

Entire Nursery team are aware of the need to change. Curriculum team working with EYFS.

Embed use of direct instruction in reception alongside song and rhyme. Further training on EEF guidance. Further investment in resourcing. Establish early maths lead. Develop use of digital tech to support catch up and extension. Timetabled sessions in the forest school with DJ. Training for all EYFS staff.

Staff observed using direct instruction in coaching observations. Evidence is kept in a systematic way.


6.4 Embed the use of high-quality forest school provision from reception and Trotwood.

Forest school lead has completed training. Nursery has begun having forest school sessions.

Children will become familiar with: using natural materials, den building, the use of tools and fire lighting. Children will demonstrate curiosity and learn about the environment including the flora and fauna. To implement a progressive model designed by DJ.

Timetabled sessions for Nursery, Tiny Tim and Jenny Wren. Key workers attending sessions. Children develop a rich vocabulary through the experience of the forest school.


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Section C: Personal Development Task and Finish-In the event of full or partial closure, 7.2 would not be a priority. The focus would be on vulnerable families and non-engagers. Regular calls would be made home to these children.

Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions KPIs Who

7.1 To ensure children have extended wellbeing lessons to get them back on track after not attending school.

All children are currently regularly taught from a progressive wellbeing curriculum.

Children will receive a wellbeing lesson and a PSHE lesson focusing on wellbeing, membership, belonging, routines, and dealing with anxiety and metacognition.

Through surveys, children are able to describe a sense of membership. Behaviour is not a barrier for learning.


7.2 Ensure that attendance is above the national average, including particular groups (SEND and PP)

Attendance was high during the autumn term 2020. (Well above national for all groups) WE do not hold data throughout the covid-19 pandemic.

Early help team used to support PP and vulnerable families. Attendance continues to be discussed in safeguarding meetings. Parents reassured that school is a safe place for children to learn.

Attendance is above national for all groups in the school with a focus on PP and SEND.


7.3 To improve the quality of lunchtime provision and supervision to allow pupils to play actively and creatively.

This is an unknown as many children have not seen each other or in a school routine for many months since Covid-19.

Pupils using spaces effectively to play creatively and physically with low levels of accidents and poor behaviour. Lunchtime staffs are consistent in their approach to dealing with behaviour. Analysis of behaviour in weekly year group meetings. Additional lunchtime provision for support children who find playtime challenging.

Reports of poor behaviour is low (behaviour forms). Children report being happy at playtime through surveys and discussions.


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Members of the Senior Leadership team are very visible during lunchtimes.

7.4 Children to have lessons taught on anti-racism through an enhanced PSHE curriculum.

Black history is currently taught through our history curriculum however anti-racism is not yet explicitly taught.

Well-planned and thought-out, age appropriate curriculum, which is authentic to the black communities shared experiences. Curriculum linked to rights respecting school curriculum. Clear progression of learning.

Children feel comfortable talking about race. Children aware of inequalities within our society. Children feel confident to call out racism.


7.5 To share wellbeing and mental health strategies online for further outreach and training for parents.

CD currently has a strong curriculum. Short courses are being created. Animated lessons are being created.

Pastoral team to lead on content. TY to create animations with ME. Publicity of the website through social media and newsletter. CD parents directed to short courses to support wellbeing at home.

Professional website which can be used by CD parents and something which is useful beyond the school. Raises the profile of Mental Health beyond CD.

8.1 Develop SEND understanding and provision across teaching and support staff.

Staff have received training on learning plans, differentiation, and trauma.

All teachers will speak confidently about the strengths and needs of children in their class. Support staff will feel confident in delivering effective provision for children they work with.

Staff are able to accurately assess and differentiate for all needs within their class.

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8.2 To develop the next step of language development in Jenny Wren (satellite provision).

Language link and assessment has been in place for a number of years. Language has been explicitly taught in forest school sessions.

Explicit planning developed to enable children to develop more advanced communication skills.

DJ leading Jenny Wren the afternoons. Plans for explicit teaching of language. Children make accelerated progress against targets.

8.3 Wider sharing of SEN practice

Sharing has taken place in coffee mornings, virtual school and at DFE event.

SEN Hub launched with range of SEND virtual content. Collaboration with Charter schools (training and research).

Website with SEND resources which support parents, children and other schools. The website is regularly updated.

8.4 Develop SEN support for families in the community

Coffee morning sessions on building networks/local offer has taken place.

Continued, pre-planned, scheduled parents’ mornings. Also available online. SEN hub launched and updated regularly.

Continued, pre-planned, scheduled parents’ mornings. Also available online. SEN hub launched and updated regularly.

8.5 Further develop assessment and progress tracking for children with SEND.

Detailed learning plans have been created which demonstrate progression. These were shared with Ofsted.

SEND ILPs objectives are SMART and accurate through effective use of tailored assessment.

SEND ILPs objectives are SMART and accurate through effective use of tailored assessment.

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8.6 To make the school fully accessible for learners with ASD.

Autism-friendly school accreditation has been applied for.

The school has gained the Autism Friendly Accreditation.

The school has gained the Autism Friendly Accreditation.

Section D: Covd-19 Recovery Curriculum Task and Finish-An outbreak of covid-19 could limit attendance and catch up. The school will carefully manage bubbles to ensure there is little physical contact where possible. This will limit the number of people needing to self isolate. See risk assessment for details.

Intended Outcome Current Position Planned Actions KPIs Who

Attendance-Ensure children return to school and attendance is over 96%.

Autumn term 2019-Attendance was around 96.8 for all groups. During lockdown we monitored engagement in the virtual school which changed day by day. Engagement was generally high.

-Communication with parents about the need to send their child to school and the new fine system. -Early Help Manager and DK to support vulnerable families with regular check ins. -Focus on wellbeing in school to ensure children are happy to learn. -Share risk assessment so parents less anxious. -Celebrate successes and happy children through the newsletter and instagram. -Weekly Attendance monitoring and phoning of parents by the pastoral team.

Attendance averages above 96% in the first term. Pupils and parents report being happy to return to school. (Parent/pupil survey in Autumn term)


Curriculum- 1. Ensure there are catch up lessons

to plug gaps. 2. Metacognition and wellbeing

support. 3. Teach what matters 4. Focus on behaviour

N/A 1. Teacher’s directed time will be extended for a short period of time after the usual school day. This time will be used to plug gaps in small groups.

2. Extended PSHCE lessons will be planned and timetabled with a focus on metacognition, wellbeing and behaviour.

3. Reading will be a focus in each classroom with extended reading time, 1:1 reading will be weekly for all year groups and the class book will be timetabled in. Pupils will continue to receive the full

1. Each teacher has time to teach focus groups and plug specific gaps of individuals. 2. Pupils have PSHE timetabled and shared resources are taught in class. 3. Pupils make strong progress in reading and are seen to be regularly reading at home.

All class teachers. TB ME AM/WC

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curriculum. 4. All staff will receive additional behaviour

management and trauma training on the INSET day. This will be refreshed in CPD when needed.

4. Behaviour is not a barrier to learning.

Safeguarding- Safeguarding issues are dealt with quickly and effectively.

• SG concerns are currently low. We have been alerted by MASH and the Police that there will be a surge of referrals in September.

• Worry box to be reinstated. • Mood meter used in the classroom. • Wellbeing lessons taught • Two new members of SG team to be

recruited. • Training for all staff on the INSET day • SG policy updated and shared • New KCSIE shared • Green forms to report concerns will

be replaced.

• Safeguarding concerns are reported and dealt with timely.

• Staffs are alerted when a concern has been dealt with. All members of the SG team are confident to deal with concerns.