Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Standard Porm For of the Name of Representative, _ ____ _____ ___ Senat or A &fl) , / IIII (!L( - 'J """'11'.1 "i":l;/,;.I -' (J),/'W d,,I.,:, dlf .", / .. ,,, ..... : J.-" •. '.,i...'o b, . 1, Birthday and place Jttkd3 tJ (l ,;:-/ ... f B, Ciyi" responaibilltle' ______ ___ _________ _ 4 , Church ____ _ __ 5, Sessions .. rved /3 # J "/ MI /I ,." , I 6 , II, ; 11(/' 17'-1 IJ70 I 9, M. me I 0 f p. r e n t a ___ ",dLk U 4, ...! , !.. I " f

C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

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Page 1: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Porm For Hemb~r8 of the LeQ~slature

Name o f Representative, _ ____ _____ ___ Senat o r A &fl) , / IIII (!L( - 'J t~,."t,1 """'11'.1 "i":l;/,;.I -' (J),/'W d,,I.,:,

dlf .", / ~ .. ,,, ..... : J.-" •. '.,i...'o b, . 1, Birthday and place Jttkd3 tJ r!t~kd (l,;:-/ ...


B, Ciyi" responaibilltle' ______ ___ _________ _

4 , Church me~ership, ____ _ __ ~----------------

5, Sessions .. rved /r,~/v-l'. /3 # J"/MI /I ,." , I

6 ,

II, ; 11(/' 17'-1 IJ70 I

9, M. me I 0 f p. r e n t a ___ 2J;4",,',L<''----''cl?--'''az,~, ",dLkU4, .LL'Lrc.,j~r/~£,.e!...;L/~, ...!,!..I /.~,'-»Ud.&'LjLI'""'/, "


Page 2: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

._._---- --"---'----'-- ----_._-

._-------_. -----_ ... _-------------- ------- --- --_._._------- _. __ ._---

Page 3: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .


Sour ces Log For Legislation Bntries


Source Hon Applicabl~ Applicable Information obtained

- {9ff;Iju./v; - 0' eIL"IIA.I/'" (LJ,,,.,,. ~ ~, o ; . L , Z/U<I Ig Q7, t .; /.<-1.<5

, _ ..:c-".,{r..lf'~~"f'-;'.(,/~ .. ",-, .. -_.-/

Page 4: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

The . Republican 1


ul!~lJ-cd lSGO:"'-'Pul)'li!!hcd Thur:;dnya ' by A. K .• n.\!r.r:y & ~o:s'.


For(jovernor:.. .. ~ ....... : ... LESLI£ M. SHAW Crawford County. . .\

For L1ent. Governor ........ : .... J. C. MILLIMAN . ~ COODty. ' . '.

F"or'Jcdge Scprerne Court, . . C. M. \1; ATEltMAN ~colt C&unty;

For State Hupt. : .... .. ". HlCIIAnD C. DAItHE'IT. · Mltchell . C~mnty,


One who fol' ovel' fort,' '"cal'S was 0.

a rno:';t impol'ta"nt facto!: i~ the ~ocial·, . P9litical ant! public life of this COntl1)U·

·nlty.and county. 'passed '-'o\'cr the d"er" Into the oth.er Ufe on TucscJny morntDR'i,


The State Board of ) -has them under Of!

cia! Review ,

R,t 1)::10 o·clock. Ho \l",ns I~ol'n in Clinton ' . . '" County, X. Y., Xo,·cmb,,· H;'lS:IU. arid "WHOLESOME RUlES'PAlPAllY V therefore . bad ' attained the aO"O of 66 " . .. . -years, !) .months and 2:\ d[L\·s. Tho. im- .. portan~ ct·.ents. of this II[~ 'are told 'in That is .'what they Pl"onounc!

better fOl:m thrin 'we- could hepe ·to co:ln' -, Oaubney's so~called .Quara L~wl s' "'Historical nnd m,ogrnphlcal for ,. Membraneou~; erol

ForSOnntor ... _, ..... _ ..... Dn.,F. w.DAUn~EY RecOi;d or' .IO\l"Jl . '~ The details were '-. " rlll'nis~ed by Dr. Bulls 'nnd' put in r . '

FUTURE. GENERAL ASSEMSt:IES.1 py the kindly critical pen ' o!'a vcry At tbe reg'ular meeting' of t , __ rendy,:\vrlter, s? completely thiL't only 11 BOard of· HcaJth beld on t11

Some of OUt' excbt1l'1'ges nrc ' discuss: little need be added. ',This ', ~ n.ecord" August, '- tbe p~bllc 'r~-gard (.;. i[l~ a. . con~t.itut'iontl.l .. -amend~llent .. -tbn:t, says: rathel' to s'ay, disregard,) ext Ihey '0)', Is to be submitted to t1-.. ~ pea. pro I~-illi~-;'M ~r~1 0:0 n No.; · F.r;gJan~Crl\rm -Dcco'rab -·cspCciiillY- 15S·- :tno- 1

1,\ nnd 'lJorronnded hy nil t}le.h(oRhbfnl nnd in vigor- . ' pIc. - It l·elates. to' 1'epresoDtnlio~ -In tho ntlng condition!!. l)Oth phy"icl\l Rod mornl. fnci. · chnlrman of tho locnl lloo.rd <>

1 !lont th('reto. , From Ii to~1 hO()('CUI,lctl hl~ tinio · for . the Iluarantlnc rules ef t '

Gonera Assembly , nnd llrodqes fot' a t('nching and etud)·ing. I\n~1 during the Rum mer '.I.

S· t r fil b b " monthll he woold !mist hie fatlll"r on Iho fMm. camo Up for discussion.,.-, All

,ena .e 0 ~y mom erSt to 0 !lJlpor· Uur ~ubj!'Ct beg!ln the IIt\l'Jr or rne4liclne whE'n tioned' :among. tho se"crnl ' countle's he rflllched hi8 majority, and nttheM.me tlmo that were ,.un'dcr·discussien -in

, . - . - , condno{'d . to Ie.'\ch, 'Aboot eix _Iellnl or, hill, life I · t I'b ( d h s,.. ... tirding · to. populatIon as ~hown"h)' weru 'IIPf/Dt io tellChing, He - ntt\'n~(oo two-n-gu.' par _, 0 - . o _yearl ': lin ,~ t a '


.ast proc· eding .ccn,",," Thnl '" . ,,11 . Inr'Courtlefl of l~ rnl'(\'" Rt tho \'ermf)nt l1('flical thon contendod wel'e ' porfed.iJ ~ t:ollN!'(O. Woo.lJllock. Vermont. nud took the·.df'oo . '

right, bui the organization pf the House , ,,~'(' of that · il\~titlllion io thp .. mmmer of I::'\H. ,In tors' to the , llonrd) us well as . ad(lition tn thi~. Dr. lIu(l ll 'holdtl 1\ dE"j{r~' from cent action In II Inter C"'.O. ,

is ·to bo .upon an -entirely dill'crent ba~ . {b, .. J"ffel'1'Oo .\ledicall'oJl('/t(' of I'hlladell,hill. lAo

. Th . . . "' Ulk~n in 1 ~"i aft('f n !!ix month!! conr~. ' fdr and wero p' laced "hefer'e . th SIS. o .proposltton i:!: : Un Octolw.r 3, rollowin.l; hilll I:rRdnn.tion In Iq.'-t . . ' Section :1.'; . .. The IH:Ht:'io of Rn.prcsen. Dr. Ilnlill carne to Uecumh; low". then a TlllI!.ROl. The ·real . pOint was whethcr talive~shllil con;:;iot or not. . mOI"Q than ' MI,I 1.If'~n til" 'pmetk" of n)edicinl', }o'OT"OM rules can be uLsreO"ardcd: and . m',lR ,II ,,,e tnllitht "('h(~1 Rn,I, tll('n retligned. nnll . ' ~ , occ hundred and fifteen membcr~: The .fll\~ vra.>t thl' .In"t fi r 11I~' .I u tle~ !VI 1\ 1' .... hlA"~n(O. as they were in this cit)·, in t rati'o of reJiresentatlon shall be detel'· · IIi", I'rore~~ioJlnl Cl\rf'N hn .. ~n a ionirnnd fnv. . · db' 'd' 11 I I b I omh!I' "ce. tlnd fOf O'fO r fOft,. . .,-t>Rfl< h~ hn!! prac- or must be obscJ:'\·cd .. The d mlne ., y. \Vl Ing- t c w 10 c num er 0 tice-J in, tll(O ::;t"!(,, ll3rrinl:" 1111~ tilTH" pllhlir. ollico . the population of the state, as , shown ffiluired hill I\lt"ntinn. nnd thi" "h"' .. · .. 11 10nK(Or the D~rd is embOdied r'n the f by the last prQcpding'stllte or~ · ri8.tiono.l ' p+'riod of. proc.ic~ IluHI thJlt of nnrother phrllli- as it ap~ars In the Au'O"lIst 1J.

b h b 1 b r dnn illllorthell!!tt'rn Jt>wu . .In ·I';'; h(l WRJI IIIlIdo . , '" Ct:;!DSU!;, y .t CWO C 'num er 0 coun· 1,rt>"id(,Dt of tho 1011\"8 Hlntl' )It'1licnl tjocirtf. tho .' Dr. Guilbm·t c~trered tho · tle!l tlic n , cxistln~ " or ot:~aDi;(ed. · and lilth~~t "on(~r within· thl' J:irt or tht! Ilror .... ,.lon. which was 'ailopted 'nnd- oru( ench count~· shall constit.ute Il~ rept'o· an~1 ""r\'od ,f(lr nlll' r'!nr. which ill the locirt,~t ... 'r· lishctl in tho lJuilfciJi: _.-_, sentntivc district and 1)0 ontitletl to ono' .H·(O 111100;1,'",1 by th~ c"~Iol!\ ot-IIII' '.r/tftlli'l.fttinn. . Inl ."I~\. Dr. Ih,1i~ WII" III.pointoo tinitod Hlllll'" R~.>tnlt'f.'d. Thnt tho Iowa' Stl l'ept'esentath·e; . t)tl~ each cennty'-hal"lng E:(!\mhdnll ~nrl:''''n r,ir J.:en"lOn",. 1\011 Itfl .llctMi Qf Hcn.lth re·nIHrn13 .its hereto n. ponnl~tion Incxcc9s of the ratio num· in tlHII eUl'l\cily !il i ' l~,'; : wh.m Ito ro"i~rl.! ... l jill his' Or quarantine ,in infectious .1iSt bcr fO\lnd'ns"hel'ei n I)rc~c'ribcd, o[ thrce. npl)<)illtn~l'lIt n~ R nwmhl'i' nf th,' Sino! Oltlnmi~- ~ . . ~L"n. ' _ its ~tf!rn prohibition as t~ pub IHths or ,-morc of !!-llcbratio number,_ ' Tlwr~ RT(, -,.,~ lI\"n' in (he Rinl" who 111m' hnd n nls IT! such cnaes, ' nnd thel-ef( shall te, entitlcd to ' ollo 'oudditionutre· lon!.t!,r "r 1I,Inro ,'!lri,,,1 [Inhi c enr .. or thnn Dr, '

I lI!lh~. It;~ fir~t ,mhlie ,',Hie" wu~ ,',,' or -",n:' !I:pjlrO\'cs of recent · transactio mi~~if)nl'rf" rlh" II~lo"r !Illolicn!inli Ji'l!\IIT!!.t" ...... It.\" o · ccern.,- (urin'g- \\.

Illr.oscntat. \,0; ' ... ~ " I J) IT ·I · \\·c· l'cc.nothi ngo c'om,mcll!ln:hlo in t hla, wl.:d, h.) WIIM nl'rM'II1I~"lln l";~;. h,. JudlO:" 1t~'I'ct wholcilome I'U leR o!.t.hc lloa!'d

. . . nnd ]~l',I~1 1II11l.1 Ih,! "'PCI' · wn.~ nh.,Il_llI'tI n y,.t!; I I . 1 d I.t Is ncith,cr dCUloci'atl,,;ol' just. betause Int"r, lh" ",hI''! II' l \lunt)· ~uI 'l' r;111 ()l ld ('nt tJf pn I y \'10 nte as wo nre in ',1 I b 1 I· I . ~I' ]"w, !~ 11!l\'i:II': h''f'n t!rt'nt",I. IIr. I!I1!Ji ._ wlI".ilu' ' Th i~ is cleftl' nnd eX I)I ,· .. ,·t.· I li no. . as,Ct ' npon ·('quo. Ity II I'~p!'e· ·tir._! III('urnl~Ht. h'lt-iul{ hl'I'.1l (OIII('t,,<I in '\Ni!. "-sontation. Thc!'e Hf nothinlo: itl:\ ~o\rn. I ~ .. '. I", ~M~ ... I {W" Yf'nrlll. In <'k."l11'f.l"'''',III' :ltrdng- in its condt.~ mnntion nil ty t ht\t I'cq u i !-e~ !! 1)Cl:iill rc l)t'c~cn til tlOD ~!.:~>t l';!~~~';~: ~~'?~~\~'i~;:I;~~~\~·:~\,~'~~'::~'~11 :;' ~i~[;: bod y dfl,l-C~ 1:0.

j o.t iri: ro\\'[l .. A\.Ilnws ha ,.'·c.',to li e · or mIni '"f tho. ht'art!, III Iho filii lOr 1"' :.'" II;. vrl\..>t :\0\\- fot' the .. hene fit 'of 'n.lI · c~ . . ct!~~t;'n , h~ Ih(O' l{"l iahlirlui ' \.arf.l· In "'l'r ... ~Nlt

h_.1cl'al ai1plll'n\lOll. '£.hi.s sehcme \\ rnu ... ,. lwtk ~'01\IH}' In th(' ~Inl (' ;-"11111 ••• 001\ Rt ictlt t be undehltootl . .thnt · q \ . . .\ ' . " th~' "'J,l .. f R '''Uf .y.'urt\, t('flll Wll~ 'r0-dl"Ct('li by u r . woultl put Dickenson·, with H,02:1 populn. , hnn,d~nm~ mAjor;!y: . . ruri,s or 40 days in scat'let ,(c'

II· O,e I ' ( ~ 'l~~ ) I' I' (- rl" 1 h -, \\]U!(O!n th .. 80~nnt .. Dr. 1I111i 1l1!(lr'I'e-o l n.' clmlr. ·lItina, .sc:lrlet ,:a,h ·, "nd ·.smnl ·. on, ,001 ,_ '." .. rom!? ~ '.' v,Oo.c !1I1I~n[tll~.ennl'Hilt",.oncinhHt'.I\ .:dnI IlOI\IIIthe · .. ) 'ono on a ptl \' wi ttl' ;\-1 a hl\Ska. (:1::!.-t9(~) or c1l1ur1l1 t1n of Ih.\. Stnf'~ linhw.~it¥ C01l1I1\1t1(>ol·. I n- :15 ' days in .d i ph th orla 'nrid men:

, , . . _ ". . r . HI(' "~Irk <)f th' III Inltl'r,colTlm.lt ........ ~~; toolc (O~I«· I' d'" . ' Clu~ tOil ! Blnckhttwk, . .Jo.sper. Mn!:~haI11 . lol,l'wle Rc,l wnlll OM ~,r th" 0\~~'·1~1t. IIIpl rit!! In crollp: am .!..1 nys _irLmenslcs

\'- b ' . d h .- .. . .. hl ' ; . fmll)(tingthl~""""Iltln~!Llotl"n.l'Onln.ICn!!Ul'll'ent' 'ntlC·cbolel·n.. ·· . . ,' ~ ster, an ot . e ~".?O\~ntlos; ' cae ... Hl\ .; .rllr,t'il:d!tl"f!n )"I\(\rll nII.1 th"ll dt.eli.ninl{ r('oelecti"n'.

'" iMP OW'r '~i ,OOn nOl)lI"lation, or mOro .. ~I .ol~ ,~ ~~I1II.\~n?r~ :N~·:!I"l':ltI.~~lr IIl1bjl:c.t tlli~k ""hat Is q\~n.rariUno? The _

Page 5: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· t. i:i not hailctl upon ('quality in ]-,..P]·(:­,entation. There is"nothing' in a coun· ~y that I'(;quin'~ spceial t'elwc~crili\tion - "not, in:Yo\\"a. Allluws ha\'cto tic ' of .,:'~ncl·al npplicntioll. This sdlCme '.1'0,,1 ,\ pllt Dickcf}!;oll", withli ,V:!:: popIIla •. , ~ iL )';(,010 ( ~.:1~7 ) , Emmett (7,'ilO), each .no on a pal' with )'laha~ka. l :I :!..I\IIi ) . or

'; Jayloll. Blackhawk, ,Jasper', :'-.ial!sho.lI·; Websler , imd other' COII!ltr",!!; each.,hn\'· .ng on.'\" -::!,j,OOO ]lopulation , 01" 1110ro' Lhnn .oickcn~on . ~~mme~t and Oiiccolnj l:omlJlncd. Is therOU::ly.ju9ticc in tb(\~?~ Xot]\ hit of it. Tho idea is senseless.

Tho. [" llt io" n(:CDrd iog' to th e. lust cellsu:,. \\'olllcl bo ;'t:!, i 10. Elll\~-eii" -'cOtItl tics no\~' possc:!!! moro inhubitanlli than thnt. :\Ild each would hn\' c two member-il-. Tbla al:o.[~ v,:oultl proJu~o oLbel' in­. ~ q\lull .. ie:i, ~uch a s this: '·~IB.hIlSkn.(;J~,­I I~ III popU la tlon.). 11Ii~ one reprcsen tnl i \'e, while Wapello (:I:I,!,)()I). pop. ), gct~ two'. ;i.n'tl DubuIIU.D county" tHO.OOt) pop:) and Polk. { ~:.!,Il114,ll ){lp;)· e.nch. onlyLwo roprc · "ic nl!\tivci4. A more Inj.!e l~lous tlc\'ke to mako IInequn\ arhl ' unJ IIsL rClll'('~en­tution in thl' HOllse l'()ultl ' noL he con­jured up. And t'o w'-haL purpo:.).:,:,

• 1 '.; citS of ' Pella, ~hlrion l'ollnty.

h~'!i\' \\'c~'k t'l'i'eht'tlll'll the ,lHtleth annj­\'er~al'y . of it~ :<l'ltlcment. nnd thl'\' made the l'\'ent one o( \'.;. !'y UUI:OIl\1\lOU impor·tanl.·C'. Tht' attl.' nuuncl! WIl~rl.·eK­oned by tho ten t!\ol! !.mntl. nod this was I'onti!ll~eu fOI' tllt:cl~t1:1yii. who locate'! nt Pella in

The \1I..'o ple I'H!,. Wl'I'O

Hullum!- Dlltch.-1l {;od·rell.rin!-!" (;od~

10vinJ.:" unll t;od-:<er\'in~ pt..'Opl.l', who hll i:c lIlaintniued till' :; !lT ~~ clinmcLl.·t'­

[ilUt'S to thi:< tltlY. .. - --In\ i,"" weo~ i iI .t lm !'Itl~te :ionntor1al

tli:<tt'lct. ~O[iipo:!ed of 'Va~hin!-!ton and llenn' counties', ~i x un \"~. wort.' (·Oll~ulm·d .. ' . llnu H,IlI! lHlilnt~ tllkull to . name !"\ It~,-

publican .clludlduto: r.:nch C()lIllt~· Im~' 11:, !..mllolll . nnd hlld 1\ l·andhlt~tc. F lllIl ll.\" i the ·1l .. 'lIry · ~·O\l .l\tr cnlHlitlnto rdil'l·l\.

I ~\Hn~· lo Col. I'~\lmol' I~ rt'nomltlatl~III . . It WI\:J the lon ~\.' l' t t:()ntt\~L of t!.1C kind l1ft rocor-J. .'. ' -, ..

:":' l, :,;,L~- i; :I\'i;u::l""'n N,·at,.,i. ilr: 1I1111i" W'IlI Ih.· I This i~ clea,· anJ cxplicit. ' 1 lir~1 ill l'UI11 I)1lut . 1'1Il'i11l: I"·.~n ,·I ,'c·t .. >1 in A\,ril, . " . ' I~:,'. III ' ~"r\"l .. 1 two Yf'ar". In lkt"l)(' r.I"'~"i, I, •• ~tl'ong I n Its conil('mllnLion ns n. WII .~ .'1.-'('1,,<1 1 't)unl y. SI1I','r\·~~or . . ~I·ninl:' IWO "''1\r~· bod \' dUI'c!S oro, 1/18 In:;1 \"I'ar or wlll('h IIl'rn~'.' I,!, ... ·n·,,, I II" chalr- · ~ . ... lIIa1i ·/.(·tl", IH.ar.l. I n IIIl-' fall "r 1 .... ~-, I,,· WII" ~O\\· rllt' lhe hcnclit Or all con. C~\"~l'n II)' 'IU-' 1{",.al,li'·:lli I':lrt .\· t<, T\'I'r",'E'nt \\"in, \I,·~I,..ik '·'''lIIt)· in tl,,· ~lal" ~"lIn!t', lIud lit lit,' .'ud •• ( fI ("ur .)',·nr" t"rlll WIl.~ rl .. ,·I.'<'!('</ h}" II 11nl\,I~'>ll1\' mn j.,rity. _

let it l be lI nllOI':;tood that · \lu.ill rUI1:; for -HI dun, in 5cal'lel fU\'CI

·lit,i nl\. scarlet I·ash, and ~mtl1\ ! :\;) tlays in diphth,~ri!\l\nd I.11cmlll croup: tlut!!!l tl:\ys in mc<.l~Ic~ 1\

\1/,; 1,· in (I", S,.·nllt .. Or. linUs "l'n'l'd I\~ ("Imir­lIlan .. ( II,,· (,,'11111aittt'.· "II "!I\izw", U".Il 1I1~. i as 11,(, dmittzlUn of II", Stal" rllil,,'r~;tJ" .,. ,,' Iudu, .. •. I ll' ll't'I'"IIrk or tld~ Intll'r .('''mll\;\l ... • tl< ; lonk I'."I>('C· ial pridl' Iln,\ WI\'" Oil') lOr II,u Oiorinlo{ "I';rit.~ in '.;cuuli 11K I hi~ .... n·nt ; n~t it III ion ....... r\""i ni: II .. Bf'I:'IHlt -at it! e bolt·l·a. r. ,r ,.; I>: to I ,"'n y.'1lr" 1\11' I I 1 ... 11 li t'<! I i.n i lilt r."e-l(-'C~ i .. n.

l'"liticlll honor", crt\\\·.I ... 1 (In (lur I!ubj.'<:t thkk 111101 (1I"'t, In Ih., millclltl n( hill ..oo .. nd Il'rm in 1111' &!nntl' lin \ ,~;I ). whil~ ~rTinM: 1\1< I'l'efIilll'tlt pm k'll. u( thll.t hu'\n he "'II'U nnminnted 111111 1,11-'('\(0(1 l.iE'ntf'nftnt. (joverno" ot' th\i l:itllotn on thl~ Rt'I'UI)liClUl tick .. t. Al1,Mnllt s."i. l:o.itl. l'ft'I'Ildei:it'· nmni nl'llOinl~ .. 1 Dr. Bnht" II m'f'mlIt>tof Ihe HiOlIll; I-ndiJm l ·"z"l)flIi,,~ioll. which .... ft.'I c1'l'R1p.,\ ror Iho 1'1Ir\." .... ' "r .I 'll rdm"inl{ 1I~-IU",ck Hill" (,t thi,. wllr ik" IH"'I,h •. , 'j'h" ('9n~l1l1l11ti/HI "f 1\ N\li~fnl'­lory tr"uty with Ih,' . :-linux 10)' 11i,i" ('omlllj"llitln ill whi c h ollr .. uhj,-'('t lIl'I~ .. lnll\tJc"II"r,icn .. t1 .. 1'lI rt ill "n,· •• ' Ih" ("nrcHnn! 'fnN!I in Ih"\H,litio:3\ ,i,,· t{ 'ry .. ( th .. c ountrY.IUIIJ, Il/I n'llIlinl{ 10 Ur. Ilnli~, 11m)' I", I"I"tlllrol,-'(t II~ Ito .. 1' lit'1I111 <If n ' ·C· f)· "1"'"lflll I'l1hli c, l'lIl'I"'r. In 1 .. ~ 4 J)r.lIlI\o~""·M .II'I".illt~1 II "10;><'1111 Unllt .. t ~Ifth'" 111,UIII1 .-\1(,,"1 I'/l'fl"!li­,II'Dt Ii mot. 1m! t" .. il{lH',llIlt,'r nit\<' 1111.nlh"" .. r· .. k,'. 111 '\l' ril •. 1'''', III' .... 11 .. Iq'l-' .. inlo .. lll ", .. ",·i-!,I 111{"I\t "r I)", (j"Il"ml I..IIDd Ollie,·. hil i r., .. ilo{lI ... \nt tl". 1'11'\ ", ,·ilolllt Il1nllth". Thl' ' lUi i.·,. or tl\l'~ III~t Iwo . 'IIi("f'~ n'qnin .. 1 11101.,,,1 .... n"tnn ' ,""·.,lil1l:. IIllcl I" Ih,) "l lr,,111O> limil" ." II", .·"muf,.. II ..

, r"nnd 1111' work t"" tllh"rinn~, 1\11,1, hl-'II(,," n'· Ill.lrnl'<f. III b",!l, Ur. liuH .. , WIUI (lrcmiiI'l'nt I .. ·ftlr •• th,' tt. '\'Uhlil'n11 ""11"'1111011 wh"11 il .. hc .... ' itll ("JIl.n,Ii.iI1If' ror t· .. th,..n"'~' "fl,'r ~"n'" "ill)" 1.1\1_ Int~ h •• wi'Ii.I",w ill fll"or 0' 1I,1n . ,I. 1l . ::\W'''·IW)·, wI,,, WII.' n.l1l1illlll ... IIUld "1,,,""'1. .

11,· ~r\'(".1 1\ .. '":'oIJll.)"llr "r ])o'<:<lrah ,Iurinj{ thl" p'nr~ 1' .... ) .... 1 '1IlII1 1"':1 .~.1. n", ii;.niu..: dl1rilll{ hi,. In .. : '.'rlll 10 1\("(""1'( Ih"IH""IHII"I"r~hil" wl,id. Ill' h.,I,1 for f""r ' )·M\1~. )uritu.: hi~ I,'rm "" " .. -1·

' lulI"t"r h,' • ,rl>:lIlIi1:,',I· ,h,. (, ....... 1,'1; ""ry "p'I.,c". nod ,""('lIn .. 1 II,,~ ,.~to·U~I"n or II,.. rnil\\"lIY ''''~'nl ""r­, 'j,-" from t ·.limllf I·" ]'I,-'("o(1,h . . -.

Dr. IlI1Ji~ \\"M Ii m'·:IIIo.'r or Ill<' l"wlI ~hlt.' lIi,.­l"r inli ~-'<·i..t)" :!lod ~'·n· ,·d n~ .'(l·rllt .. r rur .. .,v.'M.1 Y'oJ\r~.

:-i" .. n.' !' II~ milT!' "1\rll>'''II)" d,,~i r.· I t I .. , 1\11\·1111.;" .... 11"'lI t • ,r 11>'(' .. tnh·II inl'·n.~t .. (hili, . 1 h ,,- .. uto)',,'I· h { Ild~ n"lic.'. 111 1"';1', ,..h il,· 11 1I1"1,,1,,·r .. r Ih.' Slftt!" ~'lIn'.' , I,,' WI.rlll .. 1 IIlIl',·:\.~illo.:l}" f.'r II .. , It.··tUit .... n"'111 of 11, .. j ·hk,U{". :'oIiJwllllk.,,·.1,; ~I. 1';\101 Hili!­Tond fllr 1I~"·"Mlh. 111\01 hi~ ,."r..; ... ·~ ", .. r,' "ut'l, a~ /I 1111\11 .. r "ulldlilloility 1·.'lilll'u"t hl\\"" T>'lld.,t ... 1. Tf,., "!U" .. · j .. I rill' " r th.' I '1,1,'I\j{", \l .... • •• l'1lh ,\: )Iin­li .... "tll H,.ilroll,d ' ·"wIll .. ,},. ,.! ""'!leh " ..... ·r"" .!I". l't,'~ i d.'l1t 11\' '''",I. Ita, I ""I!k!l ' !milt lh,·I"' .. · .. n.h "ltVf'llO i" lI "f d , .. li llr lw..:t oll, t ' ... Inr Itll\' i.!~ ,\: :-i"rth"rn itllilrpud. nod I" 1.' "". <1,~·r;'to,,1 ')' tlml (''''''111.11)' ,

\Ir. lIuli" · I11I1Tt" .. 1 :tli_~ 1.I' \l ra ,\ .. \.)1\111_, nf CI,nllll,luiu . :-i.''''' ,·"tlc. ~'I'I"IIII"'r II. 1·:, 1. Th",r rhO,ltrn nr •• : \\' illinm. wlI" oIil .. 1 i n IIlfll""'", t'rJll.nk l"u II;lt"n. ,.'1", 1 ~ illntri ~d IUld Ii " ... in Klln"ll~ \ ·it)·. Knn"n", .\0111 ..... ml'lUdll, who t .... i.l. ~

_lit 1,"11'" with I"'f fnll,,'r:. t'ih/~. i~ II Io{rn.t""(,, • f tit •• 1"11'11 I ',,1\,,0.:" "t lihll1wll. IUi,\ i. 1\ to~,d ... r lor I'r .. f .... ~j"n. :tI l ", Hllli~ ,It ... \ in 1"'\ tlllr ~\l!'" j ... ·l·" 1.1'0 .... ·111 ,..it, •. wl.'"11 I ... 1l.l\tri, .. IJ"u,·I;. 1"' ;'\, WII" ~Ii~ .. Il urri.·tI.·II .. \ \JI\111~.il .. i .. t,·r "f 11,,· tir~t ,.·I f.·. , .

/I._ .... ill h· _'II 10)' till> nIH"'". tlr. 11111j .. ,'",TIl' 1\""ullI ... I 1111 ' 1,,'t!H'l\lI'\ ''''rll11\1",ul I.nrt ill 1""ld 1l!l"~'I1'" I\ITnlr .. . 1111,1 tlmt I ... ItIlM 1 ..... 1\ 1\ r"lthf,,1

Thc r e swcr: ,

L P\ltting .~ \\l) the yellow c: tlce. 1n tho most naturally const I)'. I)\nce, stating the disense oxh

:!. !';oparatin .... the siek from ~Oll~. l'xce/lt l;'llysic intl:l, nur i! ml\lllbC'r~ 0 /Iun:ly.

:t Complote c'xclus ion of, hili oj. ~o pcroon but ph)'oidans

tet! to lenvo Jll'omises , without lll'!·mit.

:-,. :\0 nrtlcle to bo remo\'t' sh.·k l'Oom 91' promis'\}l1 until thol .di~inft>cted ..

Ii . :\ 1It'~e~ not !lllowctl to Ica mht!.-4 ,t'xccpt under l~crtaln. con

All till':!c 0.1'0 OO!:lltin~I.y' oul for :1.-, JaYK In J '!phtbol'ia anti mel Oil;' <'ro\\p. sun! nnll , ('.xcept t q un 1 i lieu tion:

\Yhcnc\'l'I' thel·t.· i:<l'omplcte I'

or purSO'l~ who hl\\'e been "ici. cnllt!l~ iol\~ discase, nnll' ther\) r1irthl.'l' l'Xp()~Urc~ thl'rcto, till' tint' IlIIlV hlJ rc1 ':HI.!4etL nltflo'l pI.'dnll ilr,,·~crlh\."!(! . ht'l'cin h elnp~I.'u. /'mriric.ti. , thl~t ntl re i l\unnwliJ1C !llu\l1 hy l'.t: rmittco It'll,.t !'t'\'t'nlt'I' 1l dars Ilrter tI\t~ " of th .. hst t ~i\~t~~' n~li'!ll1.oPl~ 1' tlbi pf ])"r:4on nmllH'lHllis~'s.is mndu inafter pro\'lIJeu,

Tlti!4 .-'xl'l'ptlon dOt·:! 'lot aJlpl) o( n lh'nlh, It WIlli intelllh; d Co lig-h l C!\ ~ I'~ whero th erl~ isspcl'd CI·Y [1'1\111 1\ comp,nl'ati\'d~' tl' i !

tW~:<. :";0 \";rilt,~ to U:i a prolll inci h~t· or tht' ~tnte Boarll.

positi~'c l'ul\lIg' 1\:4: 'to tho ILlW •. 1l ph'ld)' \'irulicatctl il~ pro\' \o \1S n till' Jualt,'I'. tho I~EI 'L' IH,IC\:-;

(l1I~hly ~mt\~"fh\d. , ••

Money, .Wages tend Price

( C:\:i~ ~ou n ty . In !\ 1Ii\ 1\ \ IOU\. "\ tlun til:. :1:." ,.,11.) IIOI:!'I.1\ I'C ,rI'1101·tl'l) U~ lll't\u f I'onl . cho\crl\ tbr~ ycnr. lhi.um);I\I·tnCr i~ down' ihel'u wMking- with- hl:4 ~Jlcci\k.

I'"hlil' ... ·r.'·,.n l ill ,·"ud" .. 1 r"f' h~ tr,.. (,,<'1 Ihllt I", II .... 1",1.1 ,,~U.·,· witl, Iol\~ r" .... illl ,·r lnj .. "i"lI" (t"11\

hi" tWI'I,ly·IHlh \" hi~ .. 111)"·'.0\Irlll ),~,r. II' i" I".t ..:h·.·" t" 1U1U,y 1n"11 '" l'urtl,·i,~\I .. ill 1\'''I,"I,li,' /lll'lh· .. ", ,w .. Io/.',wnll i"u"i 1\·1 ... rlO'hi! •• 11.\¥Iln ...... 1 10 )"~\T" Ilr.llllll" ,,, .. ,I,,,. 1")'1111110{ ill l1>i1l.\'II11.1 I hill k ~ 1\1\,1'11'1" wil h 1 I ... 1'1'I..ic'fI'I" .. i ,' ,' "r"""l1t, !\lilt 11"\ wil l. n .. · .·11".'1 .. \ ...... 1.

· '1\1 tht' (1)rl.'l-:"oinl-d lttk n'_'I·\I he Ml,h·d. A('.I.'l· cUII1!ildil1;.!" hht" tl't'!l1lt~ IlI.l,.tmn"t­l·t · m·, l hPi~ I't:t ir~'tl (l'OIll jlubJi,' li (~· .

~rl'. (;" /,). ,J:. 1 ~tlhert :'" el( t l D ll'\).:'!' .l/",~Ml1~j(I·, harklll~J\y !'!t'

t:tlpy of I( Jlillilphlet ("1,r In pll;.:' l'S \

Ithoro titlc, of whleh Ito j s tilt' IIIHI tltht i~ puhli ~hl'll hy tho ~ SI )\\O~l ~IOn~l )' T .l'I\I-:'\lt~, nt Chil'a

I H o Is tho nuhuquI'1' whlll'la i lll"" \il" t \· ... nl· \0 h;l\'e 1\ llt.·nd ~hot fOl' 'the lli~l'n~\"

\ ;\i~I\;" .. l~{l1ll the C" ;.,\', .\: St. \',\It! 1:\. 1 1'.\ . ""1H'l·,m :41\· :u.~ I .. h·tl In n1'Olllll\ ! tlC'.

und.lho\l:.:'h nllwh t.·nr,,\"hh:d l'Olltil1 \]o'11 thl' . pt'lI dic~ 'lIf

. .. in h"ldth, IIII,tl i l'in~!

Ir. du' en1ll1 Iu [g'li Il( -'~\ill ,~r;" \\' I\~ thl' Iluthnr v f tll\l be"t III t ~()lIcl!1:< I\' I' utl!lWt'j' mitdl\ tn "Co tHUll'inl S ,·h tlili. ,. '!'" , 1". ,.1

Page 6: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

to make unl..'t'}lIl\l and \\nJlI~t repI'l'sell' t ation in thl' Ho\\s!J could not h .... con· jlll"('li up. And to w'hat pllrpo:;t.:·!

• '1"'11-: l'ity of Pcllll. :\l:.u·ion ('ounty,

lI~'flt wl:l·k ct:h.'bl'llte~l the trftlcth alini­

W ry . or itl'! :oIt·ttll'lllent. nnd l'ltt'\' , Ill:. .. ..: thl·I..'\"t~nt (lnl' or \"..,I"Y UIH'(lmIllOIl

:mpor·tnnl'l'. Tht' attl'ndance was red,­I)nc{) by tho tell thoLl~l\nll. l~hd thi:ol \\"a~

" ontilll~('d [01' thl'c,' tlays, Tbe people

who !ol'lLtell nt Pclln in I'q~, \\l'I'O Ilollum!" i>lIlcli.-1l t:ou,(c!\L·ing'. l;ml~

Im'inl-:' Hnll (;()J· ... ,!I"\·ing- PL'OP!t' , who ha\'t' maintl\itl .. "" till.' ~a ~\t: c!iUl'llclt'r­i lltlt'~ to thi:l tll\)". .•. ,- - -

L ,, ;'n ; wcok !n .tIn~ st llte ~ o natt)dnl

llil'ltl'ict l'olllpol'lcil (If \Vu:4 h lng-tOli IIlId

Ill' n 1'.\: (,()U 1\ t lell. :41 x d a)"."-wort! '.'01l :! \1 m t·tl l~nu Ii,OII Imllot:ollllkcu to nl\m, ~ 1\ I:l" publican elll1didatt.). Elich l'~)\Int-" had I:, bal\olt.', anti hnll ';i. (·:\ntlhlatc. FIIlIIII." the · \It·nry ~·OLl .llt.\· cnllllidnto rl·t ln·d.

){l~'in~:to C,)I. 1',,111101' a l·t·\1oll1 i nlltiHII.

It WI\:o! lhl' hllll;t' r i l'Ufll"lOt or the kilHI

nil rOl'oru. --'--•. -~

~no' 11"1''' ''''''''11 """"'111"'" .... ",." " ,." ...... "" '·tln,lidlLl" ("r (·(,nl{r,',.~. :\fl"T ~"'l'" .~; lly IlIll· 1"1,. h,' will"I, •• w in (1I'·OT .. r 1I, 'n. ,I. II. :3W''''II\·)·. will' WII.' 11,'111 ;unl, ... 1 nil' I "t, ... ·I .. d.

11,' 0<1',,· ... 1 n~ ' ~11I)"(lr ,,( 11.;...:.)rllh dllrln.r IILfI )'I'U ' " h .· .. O ,~1 '1\1111 1 ... · ~I .~H. n ... i.r,lIin .... durin.: hi~ In .. : I"rm 10 I\{'("'·I.I 11"'I"-"'lrtll~t"T~llil" .... hkl, 10 .. h,·I,1 ror four .,."nT'" lurilll: h i ~ 1"rll1 a.~ I'''~I' ~nn~t"r 1,,' "n,:nui'(, .. I' I to .. ft,~ ..... I,'li ,' ,'ry ~)"~1'·11'. no.l 1'<'(,lIr, .. 1 III'~ .. :o;I<'IU""1I "r Ih,' ",itWII)' 1, .• II'al ",· r· " j,'" fr"IlII'II!l1lnr II> 1\'I·.,rllh.

Pr. J!tlJi ~ WILli Ii 1U,·:"I>,·r "f II,,· I"wn ~IIlI,· IIi,,· l"rk lll :-;""';1'1,-, nlld ,..,'n·"d I\~ t'llfn("f fOf ,,\lI"'nll r'>llr~.

:\" "IL>' I,n~ !lInf,· " I\rt\O'~1 If , I" .. i n' I I I,,· 1\,\ "1111\', .. 1Il " ul "r 1I .... ·"rnh·1\ inl,·ro,,.I .. Ihlln , II" • . ~tlhJ ... ·!,.,r tid ~ 11,'1 ir,·. ! n 1",;\1. whil,' II 11\"111 I"'T "r II", ~u",· ~'Il!II". 1\1' w"rk.:~1 \11"·,·!\.~in,,l)" ("r Ih" _U\"Pliro" Ih"n! "r Ih,' ( ·h i,·""". ~Ii!wlluk,~·.\: :-'1 . \'I\ u l IInU· r""'\ t"r n ... ·"nlh . I,nol hi~ ~"rd,"'" ",·r,· "ud, II" II mill. , .r "1I1I. l lnl,ilil)· '·" III" · I\,,! hal'" l'o·n,I,·n .. l. T rw "'lIm ." i~ I nw nf t I,,· , '1,11'11':". \ ) .... ·"rnh .\: )1 i u-111"" '\" 1!l\ilr'~ld (·"tnt"~'II )' . .. r \\'I , il'l. \ ... """,,01 1\01 l'r •• ~i, I" lIt III 1,:,-";1. n:t.1 whi,'~' "!lilt Ih.· P ... ·"mh '·"!'>fllt ... u ,.r II ... lll1t lIUIolI,on. 1 ' ,~ll\ r 1I11\.id" .\ :\ .. rtl ," fH 1{IIi1rl~ld . nlld ,,, n"w nl,,·ral , .. \ 'j'lhn\ (''' ''' I ,nll )· . ..

!)r.llllli_ · "",rrh .. 1 )Ii.~ 1~1 \ 'rl\ .\ .. \ . Iam ... "f C],n"'I,I"jll . :\ •• ,.. ' ·"rk . :-\"I,I"'I\I"'r II. I~:,I. Th.ut <"Idtdr"11 11f'" \\',lliI\IH. \\J,n ,ti.~1 ill tnf"" .. ,.. t'fl\l\k 1I1111111!on ..... 1."· ,, illnrri ... 1 "11 ' \ II".,. in Knn..,zl~ \ '11)". linll"','" .\ , 111 AUlIlluln ..... 10 .. n·~id, .. III 1,,'lIt, ..... "h I"'r rntl .. ·r. Hh.l . i ~ "II'Tlldllll!o' ,r Ih,' 1,,"'1\ ( ·"II"IoI,·tll tli"illiu,lt . IUid i." 1 ' ~"'I"'r 10,· I',,,r,,,,,,;oll . ~I, .. . IIl1li_ dit~1 i n 1"'11 IllIr .. nl .. ,1,,,'1',, 1.0· ... ·1\1 ,,·ir.·. wh,nll I", " . n!ri,~I.J •• n'·I;. I ...... t. WII~ )I;~~ It urr i, ·!!,· II .. \'I jlm~. t\ ~i_I"r or II .. • lir-I vdf,· . , .

.. ,~ .... ill I .. · ........ 1\ It)· il". I,)""",. Ilr . !l\lli~ "Iul)'

11 ... """.1 lin· Itl'l;'·""nol \"'nn"'",,,1 I'nrl in 1t"'111 "1,,1"Slnl" "IT"il">'. Ittl\lllmll .. • h" .. I"~'n II rllllhhtl

lUI ' " .• ua,) " I II U II' II ~ IIcn u. IIUII "'Cll.

tHl~ CI'(I\\)I. sun!' nnd eXl'cpt til qua Ii lieu tion:

\Yhent~\'el' tlll'I't' i~ l'ornpleto 1"('

of pllr.ro'1~ who hl\\''-' been lIioie ('(lntl\g'hltl~ Ii bel\:il1..' , nnt! thoro ' ttlrth .... I·l..'xp()~urc~ thl'reto. thll ( tilH' umy he rc!()tl~cd. nltn\l.II~ period pn·l'Ierlhcd · ht'l·dn hI c!np,'IL,J. J'f/)I'ided •. that nil reb qltnl':ult!lle :,hall hv If\.'rminet! \ I .... ll,'lt :;"\'('lih'('U day:, nft('r tttl' I" of tht ' I l~t I'-Il "\!. n',id pt'1)pt~I' d i:;ir pf J.l~'r~lIn nlH\ )I1'l!mist'l'I ,i:, mnde \1 inaftt~ I' prlldlh'd,

This l'Xl'\'ptinn IIoe1l 110t apply o( n ,h·ath. 1t \\' I\S jntl'tHlrd fOI

li:.:ht l'I\"~'l'I wher'tJ then: is ~p ...... ·tI~ CI'Y fl'orn 1\ (~ompnl'atlvd~' t!'ill IU·~". ::;\1 wl'ilt,,i ttl liS 1\ pnHUilH.'1'

h ... l· Ilf tllt' Statl' Bllarll.

' lIu\'in~ th.\I:oI l','Itabli!!hl'ti l~ po~itlye \'Irliug' l\l'I:'lO the It~w, 1\ 1

pl.·i,·I)" \"ilHlkateti it:ol pl'\~dtHL~ 1\

thl' } lI:\tll'I', the 1~1-:I·t:llLIt , ~ .,;-; ! (I\lg'hly :l1~til'l·IlI·(1. ..

l.uh1ir ... ·n·""t i .. """<"1,, .. 1 f"r I" 11", f" .. 'lh,,! 10.. Money, WilKeS and Price ,11_ 1 ... 1.1 "til,·,· w;l\. Io ll l r ..... i"·{,.rud."I"n,, h,,'" hh!w"nl,.tifthl"hi""ill)-. r"urth)''''-IT.ll'i"n,,1 ~!'I·. l;I'n . . :1';. 1~I)hcrt,.. (Ir tl 1oI ; ,·,·n I" !lInll)" 11 ... 11 ,., 1'llrtl'·II~.I,· 111 It". lnll.li,· IIITl\lr~ "r IW" ,:,·u"nlti"u,,; ,,·I.d · .. ·IIi],· nol~"nl· .... 1 I>l1dg'I' JJ.· .~.~'· "~JfI·, hl\"+-kltllily "t'

1;-; . C:l~"I.'OLlut.Y.ltlIUl\ll\ht)tltAllt\nti.·, in p'"r .. llr.lIl1ti. \,,·. 1111 i~)"ulllol I" mind.lln,\ . . I 1"11'.\' It( 1\- IlillHllhlet' of \11 1111::1'''' \

:1:.!,t)(II) h~I).!'''' .1l1·1! ) ·l'port...d It !'i . 1il' lhl f l'IH~1 ::.',\II ,~. ; I l"~, :,,,.,~·.tli,.~;: \;:I~:·.'· \' '''''''''''.1\",' \'''· ... ·111. lIn, 1\ lionl tit II', IIr \\: It I I'll Itt' h <~ Itt' d' l'l~ (hf:\ \"t·llr. I :I~umi t'u·tnl'r l,.,

\ . To th" (1!l" ' !-:uin::"lItt ! t'lI"t'd hl' :\tld,·.1. IInti thM ill Jluh li~)II,tl h.\" tilt' : do •. " thel't) wt\.rk lng- with- hb ~p('t:i!k .

. \'tl'l· "IHnp:d i ll;: h ! ~' It'I·tll n~ pll~tma~t· :-\\1111111 :\10111')' 1.1·IIg'U", nt (·!tka He Is tho lltll!ll'IIII'I' \\.·hu r lnim,'·.\ la~l \ t'r m-. Ihi.ti ll n.!tir .. 't! (I'om puhl l,' Hr,·" Ir. tUI' (·nmpll fl-.'ll ,I f 1S~lIi ~r'I·. y t'nl'IIIIL:t\·,·atl"'IHl _ .. h\lt(ol·lh ... (li~ \·n", ' . \ I I I r ' I I I ' I I I \"I\:lt l ", :tlltho,· .. f tllll h .. ·" t \.I I 11111 . t HIII:':- I m Ill ' I t' n "1' l. l ·1 Itl I,'a t L, lIilll:'\\·hl.m the C .. :\1. ,x :-;t. I'lllll I;·y. " IIII\~ lu:li\"\'lLtI " \\""i' IliiLlIl,' hI "l'o . COlLl i ll!)"I! tli(' . 1>1·a,·til:<:.- •• r IllI·d ki l" .· l.'o., !-:'l·tll · I·I\LI,'I.1 ,v a ~"I,.tt·d. III JII·olllnt 1n!-:. • I\nlll'ild :-; ,'h,IO I. " To til,· j.!'1 ~..:.. __ •• nmon:.: tlttl ll \' t:, wlh'IH 111' ha ~ 1 b •. ·.·11 ,.I t g'1'Ilt'mlit l ,'" 11Il;1 l'I()l'hi~li<- fa!l :

111-::-;''''''' \\ 1. · · I ~I)l'}'I~:ln · . Sllp~l'ill~"ndl'nt Ion:.: tht' fa\·ol'i t ,· (arnily· phy .. idll!l. Bllt ·that J,!""lItl"IIL"1! hl' 1 't't\ll'h~1 wlt l or -th .. , 1\1\\'1\ Sl'llll l i \ (ut· the . Pear Itt :\UX : I\LI .. f r i l ·ntl !. -· '·\·I·II p 1~~iTI:': · ;\'· ' j\II\. j llt. r ,\\' IIf :\I·!-:'ltuh·nii lIlhl :oItati"t

. . I ' I . W.:I·,' ah ... oltltt'l\" I·tlni: lu .. h· ~ ' nllil l.'OUlll'i1 . Hlulf" .. H'1H1~ out IH)~il'I' th,tl - t\nl'I' ''-~ tlI'tl''''1 WIt I rq.;'n·l ,n j..!'1'O\\' !l I!-:' .

;;:.:.;c;.H,",';'""m'",-n""T"r.occ"';;t';,i"ri';:C,,;:;:i-M'~' ~':"~':::~'.l~h~lP-k--t~f I" \ [lal..11

81"'·"l'<\'I~",, 1 lIiH"nl''' '\! .it:ilt. ·:-tortr.-·mr, \ .. ,.,.,. "L, · k" , ', I,· a .·: ~1"'llt ~lr " I;"II\'l"t :ol ltl It hro:l!!I'I' ... lLllh·

Il'I \·x!ll'l.'t.·d lltallO l. l'upi \:ol .wlll hI' ptl· .. • 1'lIal):':" 'i ll I lIl· . '1',11) , ' 111'(1' ;"1111:- h, ' al,.I)· Iti l';\!"nlllllmy nit lI"JIpl .kl! ttl 11;11

,'nt St.P.:" ~!Ith, l"\,I.l\·'.ynll'·'· ... and ,.,· .'i Jln· .. ~, ·d h i ~ " \\"1l <"I'l)" )I ·t 'ton .. ~~ 11 ph\'· l "t'y atTall".~. IUIII tlli .• Ill'\\' \'\111111

1\1 ' III t III I II \ \ . ... ki atl · lh:\t~Il\Il!h!hl.lt,., ' '' \ I\ •• ,lr''~ !I·,· I·I:.d IId"itilllltnthl!J:'lo.lllwod\h,~,i i ll " l','l'l1 W IlH~C t~ _ ra 11:1 tin ' It' it In " TId .. "llld\' IlI\t'I"I1II1II1' h im /I 1'(',

dl-l~~ W 'I'nn' r~\.i· · l'upil~. with ill lh'''~ I'I ' I',I\"'I',\' '\\·a ... lI"t ll) Ilt' Huthnd l\:11I th,' Ikld 1\1' h:l" e . . . •• • - h, )I" '·" r,II·. F" II1' II" t·l·k .• II;.."" .\·I· " tl·I: '\ny ~t l· ii. .... I\hitlu",ly. II i. .. IIII\\" hook. i,.

h,' \\""I ~: to hili h "Ill<'. ln id dIH\' n 111'1'11 tldh ... l LIlIo.·ilt:l !iIHnHtI ~\."·L tt·t~ Iln d '1'111': 1\\"\1 lH!mlh\: I\lH':oIC (" 111'!"I', .. \\

Hl'luldllc. ~1,,1'~., l a"t SlltILI'dll)' :--;tar

I '0111 h'I' P:II't'l! II r till III U\i I n I ::!~Ij. Tit i l'I Il'I mOKt ! I't'lllI\ I'kll hh'l hltt ltll'l otl l ~' whitt iHlrllCItlC!1 hll\'" 11,11j.!' ,·xpI·I·kd. .•. -

Tin: 101\"1\ l'Itl\t\' fa il' ()Jlt~l\~ tn·tlay: lIut it will not ~ 11I' )', 'ady fnl'" vi~h\lI' :1 IId(lr t! tH, .,· I. \\·l'ul{. ,


I . '., t:lty lul\'lctl thal l'om~K from .\ 1 11~-

... 1,/\ ~1l\'8 it 1\4 ~ulci,ltd to tn- to Io!'l't ttl th\.' . . KloDi.1. tI,c: ~ld tI~ld:o! tlll14 yunr.

tilt' hl·d rn1111 wlt idl h .. \\" : ~ ... til lw h.· l/l""ll':ll',·(ully. 11\\1\' ,'" Pl tl y in l1[·.·panll!"li (-01' th ,· Ja~t - -_ ..••• ,- - --1'1' .. ( 111)...' I' llll'" ,.r hi" WII.t·II · \lll t hlhlL Tilt: >:.'\\' 1I:tIll)ltl'lI\ TI·iI~'JI.I (' '1'111 .- · l1! Il<· .~ .. at 11111',· IU ' ,'a IL1< ' "'·I· i o l '~ . Hlld f,'1' Ihro'" wI· .. k:-t!I·nlh Ion 'I"!"" ,IVI'I' h l lll , 'i,· f"rri ll ).!' h i .. \' i ~ lt l"'n ·- " lI tlu:.;h H '

I"""k "I'lI lll i IWd /l nllh)· '·(I!UIIII1 1

U! tlt t' :-:.'\\" 11arupt,"III .!lru ·tI' :I'I'

\ I · \' k \ \ . r , I 1111 nrlo!'lIn :lat ill ll th:l\ ht·~tUI 1ll :1\;' I lilt I ~ ,.011 . I' ;tn :tIll 11 :- ~J"~ "I', :\1 ,;~ -.1 Lilia ",. i thl 'IIrr!\"I' ll1ld Itan· th~' ,'''IlI' I.'I :~· "ju~t IWl'n t"y y i';\I'" Hl..'O." fllrl of 1· ' ·'·I'lo!'tl !li"1I ali t! :ldtn i u i,; tl·I·~n:.:: .. 1111 ltldd"nt I~I ·th,· Intild i nlo!" of h i m :11 til<' 11I"t. P"'ath 1'lltrI,' tIl him II .. 1Il"1I' ~ .\I\,IHnl·i Llln·.' -; ': .\:J:I~ : tll\" wit" fa ll " a .. k,'I'. 1:1:1"0,11111. It will III! , t t:': t\. lI"u

T IL\' fUJwrnl \~ill. he 1I \·lill\tlh,· !:i.url· ' hllll:ol(', n~1"'1ll1O!~: ' rUtliU lHIt ,( I'LlI~ Iy !"t·!' !dl'llel' Ilt ,I o .clol'k tiLl I! I ftt·rn"on. 1 Id li ll (lnt~. Th\! l'Olltruct pr"ice

! hulhlillt!' \\'M tl:I.:.UI,

. , • , .

Page 7: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


19 Steps Upon the Throne and kes His Decree.

ler disgusting and _uncalled for spitcwork n)lpenrs in the last

·can. It is thenl'Oelc signed by toddnrd ! :1 pure flnd innocent

10 would control the politics of. lIty. ";oil tells lis . ihnl"lH~ is n rcpubli­l're nre othcn\. He h o:ol. lleVN I nwor nf. the party IlntI lie Vel'

to, !-lUll he now d('~ircs that the ~hnll plcn~e him by voting the p:\rt.y~~ (,~lIdidl\h·. a llIall

h is t!IlCIlIY. Milliply hecause he I him for IIInyor of Ikemah. 1I0t. 1\1$) nsk fur rcpr(,~l'lIt:lti\'e

,e lIIuJ'or of Dl'Cof:\h :-ic vcral

DIl. H. C. BULlS

Passed Away Last Tuesday Morning , '

at 9:30 O'CI?ck.-Sbort Sketch of His Life.

. ·Just nner we hnd /gonl! to press last week occurred the death of one who has ' h(.~n !\I,Tlong ,the 'most promincut !tlld \\;tllely kllO\'ln pllblic men of lhls county for forty ycar!;. ill the umth of .or. H. C. Bnli!i \Vinllt'shiek couuty lo:-;c~ olle of its lJC!'il physiei:ulfl, nlill n citizen wholie cxcCptin.1mi" prominence in .')oc i!t1 and politlCnl life f(lr l\ loug term.,uf Yl'nrs had ,,,'011 for bim the rt:!· ~ill!d . IUI(I esleem of n very large nc· i1uaint:\lIct', . For two or thn .. 'C weeki; he Iny at" til'nlh'fi 11001'. and hiR gradual failing- brotlj..\"ht pnill to the henrt of 1lI1llly n friend, who watchc(l with 80 r~

ro\ .... the.sJowly c!JIJing ~pnrk of life, . IPO!o!(lS Dr. D. hl'c:\UJie he believes H ell'ry <':I~y Jjulis wus I;orn ill Clin~ t ircly IInf~t for the OmCt'i. YCH, tOil counly N. Y., Nuvem!Jer 14, 1&10. would lu\\'e l;e('1\ nil ungc1 ill He Wt\S rcn~ed on a [rum in X.ew En~~ d's eyes if. he had ngrccu to' innd, where he enjoyed the heulthfu ,

sturdy life of study und lalJor. At t.he r ry fO.r postmnst<>r. "He age of !;eveuteen he begun t? ten:ch,.md.

,ey I .Ins never given nn hour ·of. iug' his fnth"er on the fl\fm durlllg the !.! or n nickel of hi!i iHoncy fOl: "ueat ioll period, and ut twenty-one he ,cUt of h i~ purty except when commenced the study of med icine,

st ili continuing to teach for three ye.ars , e ll1bflr()ftheomce·~eeking fam· l onge~, He tonk two courses ot lee--\"'hich he is It JUelllber, wa~ n lures at the Verniont Medical College, ItC." rrhuse who knnw the Woodstock , Unt" receiving the degree , the eUl-Ic will rE'iulily !iny thrlt o( the institution in lSH.. He abo iu

. ISS7 took n degree from the Jeffen)oll ·tor has nl so been nlwaYl-I n. re· M(.>(liell.l College, Philadelphia.. On In, and ' that nn Hlt\ll · worked October 3, 1854, he caTlle to D(>Corah for the 'election of Mr. nniley to und begt\u to prnctiee medicine. H e ate thad he, or has given IlHJre t.aught school here for a montlt and-re·

. . .r;igneu, nnd !,l inec hl\..1j dC"oted his time o the purly and worked IiJOre to the prnetice of m etlieine, when not ttY 'for the election of candi(h.l.t~~. holtllng !:iomc 1mblic otlice. He wns \dvent Into ucti,·c politics was mnde president of the 10wnHt.nteMedi· wrizcd by bolting the 1l0mit.lcc enl .::)ociety in 1876 und served· onc u\'Clltion ill which he took,· nil. ·,Yf.'.nr. In lS(i;; he '\'1\S appoInted United

::;tntes EXamining 8 urgeon for pen­[lnrt n~ 1\ del~gate. !s1'I'Lit~; !;Iioml und held the ot1lce until 1876, :\t thl!'t wa!'! Mimply tl. cili 1.t..' II H catI· whell he resigned, beIng appOinted to Id in lhe CHy ~Iil.1 lominnte the Sioux Commi~"!lon . .

Politically there nre.few men in the . 11Ild thut it , as lIot a delcgnt~ Htutc whose enreer hn~ l>ccn longer or , IllmlllJers of all politi c:.\lI~li.~ties more ynried. In .1S5G Judge need aIr I lr~llt , nnd. that in 1\11 less thnn pointed I.illl · eommi!'l8ioner for the !'Ill C ,'cr" . '\l the enueus, fourteen of of Intoxienting JiqUOrH, nl!d he held the

. ol1i rc for nile Yl'l\r, when it WUH \'(. . ng:\Im-!t MI'. Goddnnl; tlls') nl;olished. 'Dr: 'lluli!'t wm~ t!U! .. first

' r. Dnul;nc,Y becanie (\ eutHlidt\tl..' County ' ~llpcrilltelld(mt of 8clhools ·uf. ,eiug petitiOlled by n Jt\rge 11111l1· ter the omec Wl\~ created in 1858, nu<1 the \'oterM of Deco'mh, aud was ~f\'cd two years. H e was' eleered

.. COllllty f:;uper\'isor in the fllll 'of 1863 \',' AISQ that Mr. Bailey went to and served .two yenrH,' the last sear as luuncy 1\t t1uit tune Inld tried to cllltirnmt\ of the bonrd. In 1S6!") the re4"

11 1 to withdmw. in!;l!;" a::\ he and nuhllcnn!'l of \Vitmesblek eoullly



Winneshiek Count'y; [o\va,



FlHflT DAY. Decorah, Iown, Sept. Gth, I p. m.

Bonrd met pursuant to Inw, memberft nIl prc~nt.t_ tlud called to order . by Chairman .tlollon.

~r(1,\'cd, see01lged and carried that the moneys anti credit."! assefIRed against Anon Anderllon of Or len liS ' towilship, ror the present yenr, I}e nl;nted nnd the Audltol' ordered to strike the s.lme from the tax list.

The following resolulion wu.s pro· po!-;cll and ndopted hy the Board .

"'l'HA'r \VIIEREAS, many are ('om· plailiing of the damage done by foxes and woodchucks and desIre that the Board of Supervisorn place a bouuty on the !'mrne.

rrJlEIU;FORf:, Resolved that a 1m.nnty of.$1.50 be given for foxes and 10 Ce'lltM for woodchucks, the person claiming the bounty to present the scalps ei~her to one of the members or the Board"' of Supervisors or the ' .County Auditor, the · full HCalp of the woodchuck to be presented and the full hide of the fox, this bounty to be paid till the first of MIlY, 1898."

Balnnce of the afternoon was spent in 'listeni"llg to petitIons of \'Iuious un· tllfe!. .

On motion ndjourne<;l i~ 8:30 n. m . Sept. 7th: .

BECONDDAY. 8:30 n. in., Sept. ith. Board .met

pursuant to adjournment, members all present, minutes of ye.8tcruay's m eet· JOg read nnd approvod. . . '. .

'l'he entire forenoon was. spent by the Board In examining and ilUditlug nco counttl agnlnst the county ..

On motion ndJourned to 1 ::10 p, m . 1 :30 p. m, . Board met, members . ull

present. ' . . ... .. : . .Moved, seconded and carried thnt

the UIlPHld liquor tnx of U, 'V. Hlg· gins extendIllg f.rnm l\Inrch. ~nd to June 5th 1897 I;e cnncel1ed and 8trleken from' the 1I I:I t, sni(L HiggIns not ',geing in bUsiness during the nbove period . .

Moved that the County Ailditor: .bc ordered to draw n. . warrnnt ';Oll . tho county fund for $7.95, 8ald ntoW'y to be expended In redeemIng Lots 3 and 4, Blonk 20, tlnd I ..Iotfl ' ') :-t ",,,1 ' '~ ' '''''~

Page 8: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

\'ofCllllg':liLIst 1\11', (jOtHlnnt; 111~11

I'. DI~\lllll c.\' became :1. ctlllc1idntl' dllg pe titiolled uy n l:\rge Illllll­Ihe \'otel'~ of Decorah. :lull W:lS

'.' ,AI s!) lhnt Mr. Builey wc nt .tv 1 I1Ulle.)~ nt that tlllLe and tried to Li t ' withdmw, jlHif nl:! he nnd 0(. d nrc now trying to d c~'

·feren ce to' the ca~(n~fDobn e.Y · v!! ; . ey is it not a fltct tlIat the c~se (Hight out for political purposes, at Mr. ·Bailey WUH compe lled to ILc secolld su it brought to u\'oid i:dllg', us h e luut ngreed to UI) ill cr is!:ml!~ l\lId thnt eolli:-;ioll ue­him fie lf I\nd Ihe I\ttorll eys i:i uy the fuc t thnt the noti cc:-I of

're in Mr, n!lilcy '~ p()~'!<.siol1 ,

l:\bly for hi M npPl'o\,fil, l.ll'fnre ue­'\'cd UpOll ])1', .Dau,ullcy ';' Tlmt a\'e lIHHle it 1\11 (,Iluily CfiSC:O«1 ' I'. Dlllluncy will probnbly be lin­, 11l\\'C It triet! a t t he next terlll

n ··· .. - - - '- ""-" 0 •

June 5th 18U7 ue cnncelled nud Htrlckcn from the list, snit! , Higgins not ,\)eiug in business during the t\lJove period.

Moved that the County Ali.dilor ,be ordered to draw n. warmut ' 011 the co unty fund for $7.95. said m o'uey to he expcuded in redeeming L ots 3 Rmi 4, Block 20, and Lots 1, 2, 3 nut\. 4, Block 24, ~"reefort, Iowa. . . . ..

l\Iove( and carried , UULt tbe roll6w~ riig 'tmnS(Ol'$ .oo;m1l.d,e:and ' the Auditol Rud Trenfiurer RiTthorlzed to inake tliE' neceSSll ryentries on the books of theh OmC('9 to efrect enid trnnsfcN'l: $.~ from the Court House to tIH

Count.y rund. $500 from tho Domestic Animnl tc

the County fund. . Bnhl1lce or the nfternoon wn.s spenl

ill l\llt1iting ll ecount~ I1nft listening t( petition~, •

On m otilll adjourned to 8 ::;0 n; 'm. Sept. Sth.

;;i;c·;l ilih·~·li. -Dr: lll~;Ji'~ waH the- first COlility o upc:rintclide llt of HdlOols 'nf­tel' th e o lll ec Wl\fl cn..'nled ill ] 85.."). null served two yenrs. H e wmf ele~ted Coullty Supervisor in the filII of l SG3 1\11(1 ~cr\'ed two yetu'~i the last yenr ns chltiflllllll of the ~lO!lrd. III 1!:)G.'", the re:.> Jlllblicnn:i' of \Villu e!:\biek COUllty elected him Stnte Senntor, and he was re·elecled 'at the cud of lL term ' of four ) 'ClW4. DurlUg' his. sen-ice n~ Senator iu:, sen'cd 8!o1 clinirmnn of the commit· tecH Oil Clnim~ nnd I:)tnte ·U lli\'er~ity . und his eftort!:! 011 the Intter la.rgely Rt:­connts for the fOllnding' ofthut il1!:1 ti­tUtioll. of which he se rved ns Regeut fo r l'ilo;ll teen yea r!:l, deel i IIi Ill!' I'e-election. 111 the lIlid!;t or hi~ !ol('cond 'senatorial t(,I'IlI, ill lhe yenr 18il. he WfiS serving H5'l P l'c!'ilient 1) ,'1) {CII I/WI'I ' of the ~enate, !uHI waM nominnted !lnll e lected .Lieu­tcnant Governor of Towl\ by the rep1lu­licnn 1l. Prc!-iidcnt Grant Ilppoillted hll n a OlemlH' r of thl! Hioll x lndinu CflIlLllIi!t'lion, AUgll l'it 2;, tHili, !\nd the 'l'H l RD DA Y. forming of n lIotcd trent.v with the Sl!pt. Rt h. }\ol\r<l Spctlt the e n tin Hioux In<liIlTlS ill the Hinck HiIlM WUH tll\y in \'iewing bridges in l"' I'emout LUI :let tIu e Ill r~el." to hi~ e m)rt s. III Burl' Oak nnd Plell!Ul.nt townships.

't , t h Ollj.{h h l~ \!'i Il nw rl!lHly 1\11(] ISi S Prf'1I it1<,' lIt Grant. npp()intl'd him <,Il'claili, H, I ndiun ;\"Cllt , but ht.' rl'· FO UR'l'H DAY,

I ~ fnr trinl:' ,... !ol i" ucd after a !'oCr\' icc (If nill c ntQllthH,' 0 ',0 ~ ,t ')11 H, nr·' "1C ~e who 1II1dl!l':-l t:UHI lhe t.'IUlIit)· , I " t I ,...,:, n . . 111" o Cl . ,1, I u . !\ud ill April 1&q:1. Ie waH n}Jpolll l.'( pUl'sunnt to nlijourIlment, ineltlbe~H nl

,)ddnrd hu~ for Dr. DtHlhnc,)' CIlII ~pl'ciul Agcnt of lhc ,Uellcml Lltlltl pre~e llt, miuutes of ye8terdny '~ . I ~lcel ,'!iCe tlte humor ill hi~ wri.llting51, O t1l ce, hut al~o re~ign('d tit is pO!olitiollnt iug I'entllllld approvcd, .. ,: til ply the defeulN\ (-'1\lHUtlUtt.' t ry- t1H~ ell ll of t'igh t n I(JI.lt~I ~. ~eho()l fuud 10l\n N (), soa to John ,oF

, Or, llulis waH:l pl'Cl lllinl'nt ClllldidlltC \Vnnl fm' S:!OO WUH IJresellt cd . ' . venl hi!i !>illite for t.he SlieCt'.~s ftll ,.'" II . t" , " , "we.", 'II ,." lOt' Ie nnmilln 1011 LOfl'! g' ... " ."; I 'l'heCou llty 'l'ren~urerwus on motioJ '1'1 ~h h l! jo:ny~ he i!ijllst "try- lSS~ , nnd nfter !'ixty uallot s withdrew ordered to rcfund SUB to E, (), 8 118.\ ~lh; th e purty frolll d cfcnt," ili it in fll\'or of fIon . J, H. Hw('elli.'y, who the Sl\llle hnving been paid 011 n CCO llll

I .... , (I I WUM UOllllllllted IULlI eleetcl I. .He wt\s o[ ,'I' C,,·O l'CO" ". la.'" s"le of I"UO. " . I(~ t lIi.t uc..O I'(, IC!o<C C Hll'g'e::! were .-,.... oo.J IIlHyor of .Decfll'llh in l SS().IH nnd l SI5!)- MO\'et1 , !iceon<ied Ilnd carried , thn

he. ~n itl thnt he wnuld Ii!!ht ,II. . , . I · tl I l lcr terl'l t" " ;]v. rC~lglllnJ; l 1Ir111J.: Ie :1. • tllU 'L'reu!'Iure r refund $0,50 to \VVI

Ll'Y \tlllillw died and tcnch hi s US!-lU IlI C the duti('~ (If pos tnl:1.s ter, which Uently 011 Certitlcnte of Purchase N( cn t o do the !o:nmc·.' AmI ig. h l' · h e held for fOllr y<'urlJ, H e tlrguni zed :!(j:! of the l S8!) snle, said 61\1 0 being el " Ilcr onl! to llceusc ' the docto r',' th (' free ll) iti1-dcli\'ery s'yRtcm Ilud sc- rol1C(lUH 011 nccount (If n uouule nsscs~

cur(',l the \.·xtem:ioll of the milw"n.v pn~t- meHt. . " 1I0t l,ims,'1!', who "j\'t>H !iuch I . [ C \ t I) I I ... n n Jo:crV \ce 1'0111 1\ 1l1:1I' 'II l'COm I l ur- 'l'l-i e onicin1 bOIHl of H. \V. GOOChCl 11l01iuts to the cnmp:rig-H IUlld , hi:-< tc rlU of nlliCl'. TIlt! t\ oc tor W:l~ fL of (jr lenll ~ lownship, ns JUHli cc ot ,th with credilol'~ rot' tWt.'nty ce ll t~ ][lemue l' of thl' IOWll ~t:ltc ' HistOl'icnl l-'l'UCC Wl\~ prescnted, nlld on JUotip e tlolbr'.' :\Il~l ir he Il!l!ol so COIl- ~()cit.'t.r, of which h e wns cu mtor fill' tlJll'roved. .-

; :;c\'cra\ ,"can;, Mo\'ed b)' Hnllg nud !:I('couded b cd htls h e not ~tole n the lIlouey Few ,i lc n lu\\'c worl~~'d ha rth~r .in the I tn 'j "

·1"'l,e,( c,'n,I,· lo,". ""r,ler t· J). I II 1) I' \ ' !\I ng ne!! t lRt e 1896 tnx of J.l ~. ... ,., III in tcre!-i , 01 CC(I],:l I 1:111 I', Il I ~. W. Wheelock 011 I.ots -l nnd 5, illoc

u so~ Did h c , IIOt ~i\'l' Il While in the Htnte ~l!lmtl' . ill l ~ti!l. hI.! :m MaYlLurd and S nyders uddltion I IHent young' fl\f11I(>r twcnty tl ni- wns ill foltL'Llloe ll lLli in ~('('lI rill~ lIle

l' C. 1\11. Dccnmh be al..II\te<11\1I11 strini{ e ll fror

&. ~t. 1'. H~' . lim' til Ih:"\lmh; 1I sn I It' lhe list , nl~o to el\lleel tho l S!l7 I\~!:!es: 'r his ~UPI,)urt.1 ~I the Bly~he- U pd l~ ( :hic:'1l70, ' ~l'cnnd~ &', 1\1 i I1I1Csota I {ni~- 1I1cnt, the I;nlllO hl\\'ing IJl'c n ' n~ cnll 1~I\IlIPI\lj.{II : Dul not IllS SOil. flll-.. wlI!,1 t: (JIII ,I ~:!lI'y~ n.t \\~IIl C,h h ~ ~\·a :'_!)I·l'SI : . .mcndet.Luy:... tliILqty.-.CouuclLo.L.lle.c.o. 1l'Or on }'fuYCt'irltnr-mm--"lHi® dcntirrl t\:-i..:>~\ hlch hlll it th~ \lllc 110\\ nit' JIIotion cllrrlcd. ~ clcCti(11I t1 t\y lUl'it . s prillg t o'carry Opt~l'1ltcd hY,the I~ . C, H, &~. I,~Y , J'Jalnuce of the fOI'OIlOOIl waH SpC!

, " Dr It rctned IrollJ pub lI C hie upou. I· I . I \ I I II :il)' elcction for 1\11'. Goddard'.' II ' ' . . 1 .1· [I· I" - \I I_ III 1\11.( It Ilg POtH C n IllS 'IHI( fit em II . . '" I ~ c(l nq ~ l 1011 .~) 11M. (J\ III M . P ,»I to III1Sl.'ClIIUll'OU!ol husi ness.. lnCOIl~ l stl!ncy I S ~crll\ lllly nlllllS· Il1 nstt·I' . ,s~ 1I1 eOlltll1HlnJ.: III lli l! pmctl(:l' 011 1Il0tiOlllllij!lUl'lIc(\ to 1::10 p. Ill.

l\'l(,K!'i\'H. OI,t1dnrtl :wlI l hli lcy of 1I1l'tlIClll f'. but for !-lOlll C . 11101'~hs Ill ' 1:::0 p, Ill . 110anl met mCJllbcr~ n , t givc out thc illlpre!i!iioll th a t the hll:; gmtlu:"l \' \II'C II J.:'\'!.)\\'1I 1 ~ It.'ebll',t', )lrt.'Sl! II t. . I

. . I . I I I t l nnd 1\ month lJ(' rorc hl! <1L('11 tunk to I! ~~ The t'nllowin .... named l)Crs;om~ wel 1~ '~elll '" ( l!:Irup (>(, W lCIi Ie , . 'I [ ,,·1·, .\, I·""" l" ,I ·, llu' 11Ic111L(' ,., .

c> • vel, Will I c :1.ppoinl el l allli deslgnnted us Jutlgt IHl ,Int . they nrc the only diS· l'ol1.'ltantly :;rl!w wCakt'l:. The (',1 111 IIl11l (: I t.'rk~ of election within ulld fl ng elements in it. The represen- 1~~I1l\e. _ JlC~\ l'l':~hl ~' . I~t !~l,li! yast III I1C thc t1ltfcrcllt \'olillg pl'cc il1 ct8 of \\l1l CM of the pnrty in cOIn;entio\l It:\\'c II ~J. ~tIICk I~} 'It''CI:I'II.~\ III II !1I1l .... , . nct-h lck county for tho yel\l' 1807: _ .. ' , ICSUVJcc 0, 1L !i lltl !L'cWa~,tWI('l' " , ," .

,LIHOllHly nOl}]Jl~ntl!<l It nmll \\holll IlInrri\.tl, his, hl':-<t 1I1:1rr 1l 1 g t~ h{'III~ .to )U~ll)~"Il ~.ld ~.OWllRltlp JlId.gCI'l; ~, I. f C proud to pillcl! IIpon t.he ltckct l\1i !4~ Lnllnt j \ , Ad:\11I ~ , of Ch:llllphulI, I~lttlllger, Inlll Allen, .I~\~ . lo\\er.

1- " . I II" t 10·" •• 1 I" " N Y who died ill l :-i(i l 'I'hrl'e chlld- L: lt.'rkM : J . A. Musser, H.I'. Anderst)l Ie w \0 1M III l! Ige ll I \ , - ~ , ., . . '. '" . • . 1'('11 wert~ liMIl t o tlll'w: '''011 :11 11 , who MIII!!II'), 10wI1!olilln .Jtl l l !!C~ : J'

: . . .. " ,,',1 " " ,,,.,. ,, ,; , , ·" ,,1 ( \I '" ,,· 1,(, . ~ .. ., . . ..... , ' . ' . :, ' f l '

Page 9: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

" ''' ;';,11'3 "t; , ..... "o ' ,,"u ~"~. ,, .,' ror el'ylltCC Ii ycnrs, Uel~ 111I11Jg:rc.ell'CllUII .

'I' bSlI e; nnd thnt collision be- In th'C midst of hi~ st'cond 'scnntol'il\ \ hilll ~clf I\lld the atto rneys is tel'm, ill t h e ,Y('n r IS7 1, he wag scfviug

n~ Prc8iucnt pro ICIII}J''''C of the l'ie.ll~te, lJy the fuel thnt tile notices of nud WfiS nOlllinated I\ud elected LlCu. re : ill Mr. Bnilcy's p(lsst'~!;io n, tCll:\Ilt Governor of Town by the repul>­:\bIY for his nppro\'n l, u('fnrc be- licnll s. Pres ident Gl'!\ ll t appointed

.. "rl 1,1' 111 ' •• m"'mlwr of tilL' S ioux tndinll I'cd lIpon Dr. D:w.vucy', }nt ... Cf)llllll i ~~ioll, AUgllHt :?i; , t RiG, and the

t ', .nlle it 1\11 {'quity cnse)olo fnrlllillg' of a l~ otcd treilly wi,tlt the ,', .lJnuuncy will probably be lIll- tiiollx lndhws III the Hinck J"'hlls wa~

h n\'e it tried nt the Ilext terlll :tU net due Inrg'cly to his e fl()r h:l . . 111 I ( I II II II ' I' .. II"'" 1""llly l' lld I.O-, R pt'('~i <l ellt Grant Ill'l)ointt.'d 111m , 10 g l!., ,,, ,, I

' lll'cl:ll LT . H. Indiall A~Cllt, but H.' re· "i for tl'jnl: . f' ,I s ig ncd nfter:l ~rVJ CC 0 Bille nH)!l I ~,' l! who . ulldc r!ltalld the enmity and in April l &,,:t. he waf.! nppOillted 'llllard ha.'1 f01" Dr, DnulJllcy cnll :-'prcilll Agent of. titl' ,lIe.lIl'ml. ~.JI\ IHI ~e the humor in h is writhillg~ . Onlcc, hut IIh;o re~lJ..tll('d tillS pn!o:lttolint

the e lHl o f t'igh t lll(llJth~. . nply the dcft.'nlt'tl ('u lHlit.1nte try... DI'.I~ tlli f.l "'ll!-;:\ PI'OI II1Il('n t cnnllidate \'l'n t hi l:! s pite for lIle St.cCt·~sful for the nomi nntio ll fnfl' nng-r('sslIlnH in ['hough he l"ays h e isjust ·'t ry · H; .. "~I, l\ll(l finer s ixty lmllols wllhd rew l\ve th e pnrty from til:fent, " is it in fa\'or of t101l. J. H. ~::)\\'('CII(>Y, who

\\"!l~ ulllllillntcd nnti c1rctetl. .H e WitS .. ,III" t .... f"I·" ' I, .. '.· .. e ll l'I·!.! '''.'. werc I . I ~''''(I C' \ I I L'L"I ... u... " " .. " Ina,Yor of DeCnl"!l .' III ,"'I" -.., nllt ,:0""" ho. ~Ilhl tilllt he would light no, r'c:-;i~nitlg dllnll).! the latte!' terlll. to

I!y lI util hn diet.! I\nd tCHch h is II NSU III C the tluth's (If PO:-! tulllst('r, Wl~ l d l II to d o the !(lUBe:) Ami i ~ , ht.' .he held for · four Y('llr!'!. He urglum:ed

til{' fr(lc mi1il·dcli\'cry ~.Vstcm ami sc· 'per olle to accuse ' th e doctor'.' CUl'(li l the t.; xtcll~ioll of t he rnilw~\ .... PO!lt ... Hot hilllSt'lf, wh,) g h'l'!l !'Illch III !-'erviec frolll Culm:l r to J)t.'eOl'ttl, dur-

1lOunt!l to the cnHql!og" lI lund, hi~ te!,J\l of o met.'. The tiodnX W:l!-lll dtll cn.'tiitor!l fOI' twenty ccn t~ 1Tl ('IIIUt.'1' of the Iowa Hlttl c ' Hb; tol'icnl

~ociet,·, of which he was cumtor for . d ollar',' And if he h:l!'! so con· , ~c\"('n1l ,'can;, tI hUij he not stolen th e mo ney Few fil CH lmve w o rl::(·tl harde r .in the honest crcditoN in order iu terest of Decorah Ihall Dr. Bulb:!.

., Did he . ilOt g- i\'c !l \ Vh'il e in the S tlltc ~c llnll-, ill l ~ti!l, he Wl\S ill :-lt nllnell tnl ill !-'('('uring" th e C. M.

ICh. j'(Hl li g fMlller twenty lIol· &. St. 1'. ltv. Iiltl~ to DI.,t:CII"ah; :11:-;0 till' l ' his !-IU llilorl ill the Hlytllc·t)ptlt:.-- , :I;i<>Il"'o . lJl'eOfah & i\ UIlIlt.'sota Hili! ...

o • • I I . :lIlllm ig ll '? Did 110t hi~ SO il ftll' ... rwu\ CnmplllIY, of \\, 111 (" Ie WIl". prl':-l l' '.'Or 011 l'Itml':i Ihlt fffi"rt----m . e l~~__;____whic lrhnilr-thelli e now

opcmt('d hy the B. C. H. &.~. I,t.v. e lection tiny Im~t . !o:pril1~ to·can:.r Dr. H. retired from publtc hl c 111'011 lY c1t.·ctioll for l'IIr. Gmld:ird'.' t.h~\ c(lUlph'li oll yf ~d~ ,term Hi-! . p(~!l l ... IIcoll :-l is tellcy i!l ce'rtnillly IlilIU S- lIluskr, st ill (~nll[llIl1l1lg- In tlw practwl' l\l<'<HM I'~. GndLlnnl ~1Il11 Bailey of IIH'(licilll" bllt fOl'solllc Hlo ll t h !-l h t,

li n;.; grlHtll:\lI \' hl'ell growin g" \'('cl>il!l", give nuL the impression that the 1lI l\ I n month b('furc he di('d took to hi !'4 is be ing tl hmlptcd. whcn t he' ued frolll wh ich tillll' IIn til lll' ,11l'1i II(' rc thnt they nrc the o u ly dis- l·OII~t:tlltl'· grcw wt.·akl'l". ' rlt l' t.· IHl ~ elclll cnt s ill it. The fl'prC!'C Il - (~!IIIUJ pCH(,pahl y nt It al f p:t~t l1il1<.'

n' plock IIl!olL Tuc":il:n- I1Hlnli l1g-~ ; of the purty in ( ~OIl\'ollti(\1\ hll\'e 'J'lt e slIujl:ctof tld ~ IIntil'e Wtl!'4 twkl' t ll()u~ly nnnlillutcil .t\ IIU\1l wholll IIIHrril'd, lIi s lil"!'4t lII:trl'i n,.W h(· ing-. to ' pI'OlHl to pine!! UpOIl the lickd· l\li!-l"l I.nllm ;\. Ad:Ull!'4. or CIt :lIllplt\lll , . wlloJ~ intellig-cJlc ,. hOllcs t, pro- N. Y., who tI it'il ill. Hili !. 'l'hn'C child·

1'('1\ wen! hnrn to thCIlI: 'Villi :lI l1, who "'-0 mid cIINg-eti(', nlld olle ·whn died ill ill r:\IIC,\' . i.'m.uk HUlll JUon, lIOn­l'r"!.! the d ist t'id . with credit ill !1 rc~jdellL of KllnStI~ Cily , l\:afoll, :tnll ·lHlte . Ad!l Alll an<1 :l w ho fl'si tl cs nt. Iht.·; lwlJl t.'

ill t1Ji:-l dty. H(! \\"IlS lIlarri(,tl te l ~II !-is Hal't'ie lte B. J\( I : IIH~. who SUI'\'I"e~

_._ ...... - ... .... _-Oemocratic Con\'chtion~.

t 'rucsday Ilftcr nooll .t h e d emo· hel" 'ilt.'t r cou nty COIn-Clitio n nt ,til ,OU!'(', 'I'he only ' bu!iillt'!i~ IcteH WI\S the selec tion of twt'n ty·

. clp~ate:; to the sClHltorinl .co .. n\,cn.

, "ent1torinl cO llventlon for the tli!ltrict was held nt Vnlmnr on Ic~dnj' utternonn, and reijuiled ill

1I0111 11lntlon of n. ! \ . Lyoll!-l, of

him,.Julle 17th, l H'.I:1. , ' I' I\H fUlle m\ ~t.' I'vit.'t'!l W('I'~ 1 \(~ lll · frOln

hi ~ hlf e h nlllt! in Lhi~ l'ily ItI!'4l 'l'hnrH'" ilil)' IIrtCrt llw'lll, Ilue nd ml by fllnr!;e COII ­cnUl"fi'! of tHllllirlll~ frlCII !\ CI, He\'. n, H. WOlh lwOI'th, of (lr:lIHl Forl,~ , nl11cint­ill~ , huria l ue i.ng i ll thc 1'1H'lp~ CCIIIC­t(,l'y ,

Il ccorah Township Call~!ls .. ' . " , ... , .. . ..... , ~. 1o ... . ~,. C:: .,,-

;:;;)\)1.) from tBe .lJOllleSIoU; .tl.lI.UHU l" thc Cou nty fund.

Bnlllnco of the afternoon wns spent in auditing account~ nnd lis tening to petitions. '

On moti l l1 ndjtmrncd to 8 :30 a;l!l" Sept. 8th .


Sep t. 8th. H(lqrd spent tho entire day in viewing- bridges in li'remout. Burl' Oak n nc1l.)iensun t townships.


8:30 n . . Ill., Sept. Ht.h .. BoRnI ,Il:tl' t pursunnt to 1H1journment, llIen.lbe ~s nil pre~cllt, minuces of ycstcrdny 8. l"(leC~­iU,r rend and approved. . ."

§ch ool fuud 101\11 No. SGO to J ohn·oF. \Vtud for S:..'(X) WUM pre:;ented. .

'l'ht.~ Cou Illy 'l'rCtlMUrer wus o n m otion ordered to refund sua to E, C. Shaw the Sl\lUe Imving been pnhi ~1l .nccoUl .I~ of nn er ro ncou)o\ tux ~mlo of 1888 •

Mon'! ' Hccomlcd nnll c:U'ried. that tllI.I 'l'r(>l~surcr refund $G,GO to 'VOl. Uelitlyon Cert iJi cn te C!f .Purchase No, :!(j:! of th e 1SS!) sale, stud snlo being e r· rOlleoU~ 011 UCCOlillt of n uouule as~css· m cn t. . .

Tl.l.e ot1icinluoIHl of H. \V. Goocher, of UrIClllls towu!lhlp, as Justice ot LlH Pt.·lIce WIlM prescnted. nud on motl~ l ILJlproved. ' .

.M oved by Hnug and seconded oJ ;\Ingncs thllt tile lSga tn x o r Mrs. \V W. Whce!o!.!k on l~o ts -1: and 5, Dlocl :lfi l\1:tYllurd l\lld Snyders nddition II Decorah be Ubl\ted 1\1111 sh'jn\wn fron t he list nl so to cUllcd the 15117 us!:'ess IH c nt, t'he SU IllO luwillg Ul'en ' rt'cnm Ilc tuhill...J.J...,¥-ihc....q.Ly .... i.JllllU· iJ of ])ec.o.r

nlf, IIwtinn enrried. HalulICC of the for'cnoon was spell

in lluditlng pOUl' clnims 'finu nti e lHlilll to lIIi~cellnm.·ouH husi ncss.

011 nwtin ll lldj (ltIrlictl to l:llU p. Ill . 1:::0 p. III , Boa.fl l met, lHelld)t.'l"~ al

pn.·st.'ut. . ' 'rite folluwing nam ed l'eff'O nS, wer,

appointed :uHl deslgnnted ns Judge and c1l'rl~M of election within nlHl rn Ihc dilfcrcnt voting pl'l'ciucts o r \ Vin Ilc~hic i;: (,Utili ty for thu Y<'IU' lSDi: _ .

H lnomUeltl Towush ip J ndgCfI :' D.li Kitlilll-;'c r," ' Irvin .AlIen •• 'Ils. Power!' Cil'l'l;:!( : J . A. Mu s,<Jer, H . .1<'. c\ndersoll

Mllllnry 'l'owlIshiP . J~ldge$J : . II Snitci ilc lluUltcl. Adum Uhley,. .. .01· 'l'hulI 'I':-!o u, ClcrkM: \V . F. VodYt . ll H. Un tllicl' . .

'Vn~hil1g:to l1 1st Precinct Judge~ Henry Gchllug, Gco. lll'Oclmmp .. .. .M Pitzculrerger. Clerk)o\! So HoscubuUUl Juilu Sch upuIlII ?. \Vn8h i l1~tou ~ud l ' reei llc t 'JutlgC$

.fohn H (' illt." {I. 1" .· Sumlllcr~, P. J Huher. ClerkH: 'J . J. l'ellknn, .A. Me Mill!lII. .

JUC1cI:lOIl 'l'owlI$lt ip JudgcfI: Hugl Ilt:.'(! IlY; J O!l. Hnrl<)on, W . A. Jlruk l.:lerl,!(: M. 11. McMuholl, Miles l\l (" (lOYCrll.

l ... l'Il1lk\.i ll .... -" ., ... ,.,.1.' _ T". ~ ~

Page 10: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Individual Record Page 1 of2

Individual Record FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File

Henry Clay Bullis Compact Disc #71 Pin #744810 Sex: M

Event(s) Birth: 14 Nov 1830

ChazY,Clinton,NY Death: 7 Sep 1897


Parents Father: Hiram LJlullil; Disc #71 Pin #744811

Mother: Amanda Reynolds Disc #71 Pin #747459

Marriage(s) Spouse: Laura Abiah Adams Disc #71 Pin #744809

Marriage: 11 Sep 1854 Champlain,Clinton,NY

Other Marriage Event(s) Divorce:

Notes and Sources Notes: None

Sources: None

Submitter Joan VERDOORN 15277 North Curry Lodi, CA 95240

Submission Search: 48372-0719103130905 URL: httg://www.pedigreefoJest.com

CD-ROM: Pedigree Resource File - Compact Disc #71 CD·ROM Features: Pedigree View, Family View, Individual View, Reports,

Downloadable GEDCOM files, Notes and Sources. Order Pedigree Resource File CD·ROMS

About FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File The Pedigree Resource File is a new lineage linked database of records available on compact disc containing family history records submitted by individuals through FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service. Family information is organized in family groups and pedigrees and includes submitted notes and sources. Many charts and reports can be printed from this data. Each disc contains about 1.1 million names. With the publication of every five discs, a master index for those discs will be published and packaged with that set of discs. With the publication of every 25 discs, a master index for those discs will also be published and packaged with that volume of discs. Oiscs may be purchased as sets or volumes.

http ) Iwww.farni lysearch.org/Eng/searchIPRF lindividualJecord.asp?recid~7 1 07448 1 O&lds~... 8118/07

Page 11: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Ancestry.com - 1860 United States Federal Census

4J1 ancestry

1860 United States Federal Census

Name: Henry C Bulis

Age in 1860: 30

Bi rth Year: abt 1830

Birthplace : New York

I-lome in 1860: Decorah, Winneshiek, Iowa

Gender: Male

Post O fli ce : Decomh

Value of rea! esta te:

Household Members:


Henry C Bulis

Laura A Bulis

Frank H Bul is

Flora Bu lis

Hi ram L Bu lis

Yule Ness llm

Sourcr Ci lation: Y~Hr 186(}: Census Pla~~ Decorah IIl1meshu:k. 10'I'Q: Roll 11653 3./5: rag~ 7; Image: 2./6

Sourer lnfornlluion:

Page I of I

~RADE ;>

Anccstl') ~"Om 186(} {,/!lIed Sw/el' "-ederal enlSUS Idal8hasc on-I incl. I'ro\'o. UT. USA The G~ncralions Nel"ork. Inc __ 20().l Ongllml data: United Su Bureau orlhe Census Ew,lllh Ctmsus oflhe Lui/ed .'1/(1111:;. 186(} Washlngton_ DC Nallonal Arehil'es and Records Administmlilln. 1860. M65J. I A38

Descript ion: TIns database is an IHde~ 10 indl' iduals enumerated In the 1860 Unl1~d Siaies federal Census. the Eighth Census Of1hc Umled SUlle5. Census 1akers reI including ca<:h p;:rson's n3me. age 3S of lhc census day. sc'\. <:olor: hirthplace. oc<:upauoll of males ol'er age lilken. ~nd more No rdallonships "~re sh, members of a household Addllionall~. the nalllCS of those listed on the populalion schedule arc linked 10 actual imagcs of1he 1860 federal Ccnsus Lei

I I II I I I Copyright Q 2007, The Generations Networ1l.. lnc_ -

http://search.ancestry . coml cgi -binlsse. dll ?indi v=' I &d b~ I 860usfedcenancestry &rank~O& tipS.. . 8/18/07

Page 12: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs ... fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Ancestry.com - Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

)! ancestry

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925

Name: Henry C Bulis

Census Dale: 1885

Residence County: Winneshiek

Res idence State: Iowa

Locality: Decorah

Birth Locati on: New York

Family Number: 199

Marital Status: Married

Gender: Male

Sourc~ Information:

Bi rth Year: abt 1831


Roll: IAI885 278

Ne ighbors:

I-Iouse hold Members:


Henry C Bulis

I-Iarrest S Bulis

Ada A Bulis

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AnccSII') ,com. fQ1I"u Siale CellsII.f Colleclloil. 11I16-f915 Idatab~sc on·lulcJ I'rol'o. UT. USA The Gcnerntions NCI\\Ork. hIC., 2007. Original data M,c Stale Ccnsuses. 1856. 1885. 11195. 1905. 1915. 1925 as \\el l vanous special census.::s from 1836· 1897 obtained from the Stille Ili,loncal SocicI~ of 10\\ Quest


ThiS databasc contains 10\\3 StDle ccnsuses for the 101101\ Ing} cars' 1856. I !l85. 1895. 1905. 1915. and 1925, It also mdmlcs some hcad ofhouschold c. spectal cenSllSCS from 1836-1897. Inlomta\1on al mlabk lor an mdl\ Idual \I ii I I <II) according 10 the census ~ car and the mfornlDlion rcque~led on Ih.· c. ofthe intomla1l0n cnlllalncd III lhls database Illough Includes: nam~. ag.c. gendcr. raw. hirthplacc. marital stmus. and place or enumcrntlon Learn morc

I I I I II I Copyright C 2007, The Ger.era~ons Networll. Inc. -

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