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1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Scope............................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Responsibility................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 Terms............................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.5 Use and Implementation.................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.6 Availability to Consulting Engineers................................................................................................. 1-2 1.7 CCWD CADD Standard CD............................................................................................................. 1-2 1.8 Enforcement of CADD Standard...................................................................................................... 1-2 2.0 PROJECT SETUP & FILE NAMING............................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Project Specific Standards............................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 File Format....................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Folder Structure ............................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.4 Use and Storage of External Reference Files (XREFs) and Raster Images................................... 2-1 2.5 Drawing File Types – General ......................................................................................................... 2-2 2.6 Working File Naming........................................................................................................................ 2-2 2.7 Sheet File Naming ........................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.8 Tracking Drawing Revisions ............................................................................................................ 2-3 3.0 DRAWING SET GUIDELINES & SHEET CONTENT REQUIREMENTS....................................... 3-1 3.1 CCWD Drawings Sets ..................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Project Drawing Sets ....................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Sheet Sequence .............................................................................................................................. 3-1 3.4 Sheet Layout Requirements ............................................................................................................ 3-1 3.5 Drawing Sizes .................................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.6 Drawing Borders and Title Blocks.................................................................................................... 3-2 3.7 Drawing Borders .............................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.8 Drawing Title Block .......................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.9 Scale ................................................................................................................................................ 3-4 3.10 North Arrow...................................................................................................................................... 3-5 3.11 Gridlines........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 3.12 Drawing Signatures.......................................................................................................................... 3-5

3.12.1 District Signatures ............................................................................................................ 3-5 3.12.2 Consultant’s Signatures ................................................................................................... 3-5

3.13 Description Of Sheet Types............................................................................................................. 3-5 3.13.1 General Sheets ................................................................................................................ 3-5 3.13.2 Cover Sheet (includes location and vicinity map). ........................................................... 3-6 3.13.3 Civil Sheets ...................................................................................................................... 3-6 3.13.4 Structural sheets .............................................................................................................. 3-9 3.13.5 Mechanical Sheets ......................................................................................................... 3-10 3.13.6 Electrical Sheets............................................................................................................. 3-11 Section 3 Appendices 3.1 Drawing Size – ANSI Designation 3.2 Cal Grid Border 3.3 Project Title Border 3.4 Layout Border 3.5 Drawing Title Block

4.0 Drawing File Setup & Structure.................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Model Space.................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Paper Space .................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3 External Reference Files (XREFs) and Raster Images................................................................... 4-1

4.3.1 Using ................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.3.2 Location............................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.3.3 Pathing & Project Name Setting....................................................................................... 4-1

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4.4 Layering ........................................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.5 Binding of XREF Elements .............................................................................................................. 4-3 4.6 XCLIP............................................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.7 Units Format & Precision ................................................................................................................. 4-3 4.8 Drawing Accuracy............................................................................................................................ 4-4 4.9 Coordinate Systems ........................................................................................................................ 4-4 4.10 File Properties.................................................................................................................................. 4-4 5.0 GRAPHIC PRESENTATION ........................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Template Drawings.......................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Drawing Scale vs. Plot Scale (Scale Factor) ................................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Line Work......................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.4 Line Types ....................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.5 Line Weights .................................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.6 Hatching and Shading ..................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.7 Annotation........................................................................................................................................ 5-4

5.7.1 Text .................................................................................................................................. 5-4 5.7.2 Placement ........................................................................................................................ 5-4 5.7.3 Readability........................................................................................................................ 5-4 5.7.4 Text Style - General ......................................................................................................... 5-5 5.7.5 Model Space Text Styles ................................................................................................. 5-5 5.7.6 Model Space Text Height................................................................................................. 5-6 5.7.7 Paper Space Text............................................................................................................. 5-6 5.7.8 General Notes .................................................................................................................. 5-6 5.7.9 Drawing Notes.................................................................................................................. 5-7 5.7.10 Abbreviations.................................................................................................................... 5-7

5.8 Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................... 5-7 5.8.1 Dimension Styles.............................................................................................................. 5-7 5.8.2 Dimension Types.............................................................................................................. 5-8 5.8.3 Location of Dimensions.................................................................................................... 5-8 5.8.4 General............................................................................................................................. 5-9 5.8.5 Placement ........................................................................................................................ 5-9 5.8.6 Form of Dimensions ......................................................................................................... 5-9 5.8.7 Leaders ............................................................................................................................ 5-9 5.8.8 Line Terminators ............................................................................................................ 5-10 5.8.9 Match Lines .................................................................................................................... 5-10

5.9 Sections and Details ...................................................................................................................... 5-10 5.9.1 Drawing Cross Reference Numbers .............................................................................. 5-10 5.9.2 Sections.......................................................................................................................... 5-10 5.9.3 Details ............................................................................................................................ 5-11

5.10 Map Plans ...................................................................................................................................... 5-11 5.11 Elevations ...................................................................................................................................... 5-12

Section 5 Appendices 5.1 Abbreviations 5.2 Abbreviations 5.3 Standard Blocks

6.0 LAYERS AND OBJECT PROPERTIES.......................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Discipline Responsible..................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Major/Minor Groups ......................................................................................................................... 6-2 6.3 Descriptor (OPTIONAL)................................................................................................................... 6-2 6.4 0 & DEFPOINT Layers .................................................................................................................... 6-3 6.5 Object Properties ............................................................................................................................. 6-3

6.5.1 Non-Plotting Layers.......................................................................................................... 6-3 6.5.2 Color................................................................................................................................. 6-3

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6.5.3 Linetype............................................................................................................................ 6-4 6.5.4 Lineweight ........................................................................................................................ 6-4 Section 6 Appendices 6.1 General Major Minor Groups 6.2 Architectural Major Minor Groups 6.3 Civil Major Minor Groups 6.4 Electrical Major Minor Groups 6.5 Fire Protection Major Minor Groups 6.6 Interior Design Major Minor Groups 6.7 Landscape Architecture Major Minor Groups 6.8 Mechanical Major Minor Groups 6.9 Plumbing Major Minor Groups 6.10 Structural Major Minor Groups 6.11 Survey Major Minor Groups

7.0 SYMBOLOGY.................................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.1 Blocks .............................................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.2 Block Libraries ................................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.3 Scale ................................................................................................................................................ 7-1 7.4 Tool Palettes .................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.5 Creating New Blocks ....................................................................................................................... 7-2

Section 7 Appendices 7.1 Mechanical Symbols 7.2 Mechanical Symbols 7.3 Mechanical Symbols 7.4 Electrical Symbols 7.5 Water Symbols 7.6 Instrument Drawing Symbols 7.7 Standard Symbols

8.0 PLOTTING....................................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Template Drawings.......................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Acceptable Content.......................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.3 Viewport Scales ............................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.4 Page Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.5 Plot Stamping................................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.6 Printers & Plotters ............................................................................................................................ 8-2 8.7 Screening and Lightening via Plotting ............................................................................................. 8-2 8.8 Output Media ................................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.9 Plot Styles (Pen Assignments) ....................................................................................................... 8-3 9.0 SUBMITTALS AND CHECKLIST ................................................................................................... 9-1 9.1 Test Submittal .................................................................................................................................. 9-1 9.2 Preliminary Submittals ..................................................................................................................... 9-1 9.3 Final submittal.................................................................................................................................. 9-1 9.4 Subsequent Revisions ..................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.5 Hard Copy Deliverables................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.6 Hard Copy File Documentation........................................................................................................ 9-2 9.7 Backup Submittal of CADD Files ..................................................................................................... 9-2 9.8 Method of Transmittal of CADD Files .............................................................................................. 9-2 9.9 Submittal Checklist .......................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.10 Check List ........................................................................................................................................ 9-3

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1.1 Purpose The purpose of this manual is to establish production standards for project drawing sets. These production standards are intended to ensure consistent electronic and hard copy deliverables (products) within the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD). All drawing sets and files prepared by or for the District, shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in this manual, with no exceptions. Deviation from these standards can only occur with the written permission of the Engineering Support Supervisor.

1.2 Scope This manual provides guidance and procedures for drawing sets prepared by the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) or Consultants working on CCWD projects. The following sections of this manual address topics such as project folder setup and organization, sheet layout requirements, presentation graphics, layer-naming conventions, file naming conventions, and CCWD standard symbology. Appendices contain tables on layer names, color comparisons, as well as CADD symbology. This document assumes that CADD is the predominate method used to create drawing sets, whether by CCWD staff or consulting engineers. This document addresses the production of design drawing sets using CADD from the start of the project. While the drawing set is still the primary end product of a design done in CADD, the electronic files generated in the design process are becoming almost as important as the signed drawing set. This document attempts to address the digital CADD file formatting, the drawing set formatting, and the processes that tie the two together.

1.3 Responsibility The CADD instructions contained herein are for use on CCWD projects only. This manual is to be followed at all times, with no exceptions. Permission must be granted specifically from the Engineering Support Supervisor in writing to deviate from these guidelines.

1.4 Terms Drawing Set: The hard copy set of sheets documenting a project design. These are the printed design documents that when signed become the ‘record’ document. Drawing File (File): An electronic or digital computer file that is used to produce/print sheets and drawing sets. Drawing Sheet (Sheet): A single page of the drawing set.

1.5 Use and Implementation Consultants, who have a Consulting Agreement with the District to provide design services, shall be required to use these production standards on those design projects.

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The implementation of these production standards will be instituted through the use of the accompanying CD described in Section 1.7 and provided by the District for use in preparation of CADD files for District use.

1.6 Availability to Consulting Engineers Consultants, who have a Consulting Agreement with the District to provide design services, shall be furnished a copy of the Drawing Production and CADD Manual. Request for the Drawing Production and CADD Manual shall be made to the Engineering Support Supervisor. All requests shall be made in writing and include the name of the project and the name of the District’s Project Manager or Project Engineer. One copy of the Drawing Production and CADD Manual shall be provided for each Consulting Agreement.

1.7 CCWD CADD Standard CD Accompanying the Drawing Production and CADD Manual is a CD including CADD files, line styles, fonts, and configurations that are required to complete drawings according to the format described in this manual. These files are to be used in AutoCAD 2004. The CD includes the following information: Templates: Used for establishing NEW drawings. The templates include pre-established

drawing layers, line types, dimension styles, text styles, preconfigured layouts, named page setups, symbols & details.

Title Sheet: Pre-established CCWD Title Sheet with predefined attributes. (ANSI A thru ANSI D)

Blocks: Pre-established CCWD drawing blocks. Details: Pre-established CCWD construction details. Scripts: Used for incorporating CCWD layers into existing drawings. Symbols: Used in Model and Paper space for general annotation. Plotting: Contains the required configuration files for plotting per CCWD standards. Layer: Provide explanations of layers by discipline or function group. (Based on the

current AIA layer convention)

1.8 Enforcement of CADD Standard During each submittal stage as outlined in Section 9, the consultant is required to submit a full submittal package with all electronic CADD files on a CD to the Engineering Support Supervisor. The Engineering Support Supervisor will check for conformance with the District’s CADD standards as specified in this manual and the District’s template file. CADD files and drawings that do not conform to the standards outlined in this manual shall not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the Consultant to follow all guidelines set forth in this CADD Manual. The Consultant shall bear all cost necessary to correct any part of the submittal that does not conform to the standards.

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2.0 PROJECT SETUP & FILE NAMING 2.1 Project Specific Standards This standard is to be followed at all times, however CCWD recognizes the need to be more specific in some instances. If the project manager deems it necessary to be more specific or deviate from these standards they shall make a written request to the Engineering Support Supervisor prior to making the change. All change requests shall be documented in an ASCII text file named ‘CADD Standard Changes.txt’. This file shall be located in the root folder of the project. Permission must be granted specifically from the Engineering Support Supervisor in writing to deviate from these guidelines. 2.2 File Format The District uses AutoCAD Map 2004 to create and modify all maps and engineering drawings. Consultants who produce drawings for the District shall produce files that are compatible with the version of software currently in use at the District. All drawings produced for the District shall be in AutoCAD 2004 format or the latest available version. Prior to beginning work on a project, the Consultant shall verify with the Engineering Support Supervisor the current software version. 2.3 Folder Structure The District’s electronic files are stored in designated project folders. This project folder is typically given a unique District project number and project name. It is required that all electronic drawing files related to a specific project such as working drawings and external reference files shall reside in a single sub-folder. See Section 2.8, Tracking Drawing Revisions for more information on revision sub-folders. CCWD Blocks and symbols shall reside in a separate directory for filing purposes.

Figure 2.1: Project file structure

2.4 Use and Storage of External Reference Files (XREFs) and Raster Images The use of external reference files (XREFs) and raster images is required by CCWD. All externally referenced files and raster images shall be located under the main project folder or in one of its sub-folders. See Section 4 for more detail on xrefs and raster images.

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2.5 Drawing File Types – General CCWD is separating the design and plotting processes based on two file types, Working and Sheet drawing files. Working drawings are files considered as “work in progress”. They contain the physical design components of the project (e.g., piping, grading, and improvements). Working drawings shall be drawn at full scale in the model space. Working drawings shall not contain any sheet layouts. Sheet files are scale based, they typically divide a project site up based on what fits on a sheet at a particular scale. Sheet files are the final project sheets that are ready to be plotted. A sheet drawing is an assembly of externally referenced model files plus additional sheet-specific information (e.g., north arrow, scales, scales, section cuts, and title block information). These files are to be used for plotting only; design information will be not acceptable in these files. Sheet files will contain only one layout. The layout name will be the same as the sheet file name. This will ensure a 1:1 correlation between the digital file and hard copy sheet.

2.6 Working File Naming This section covers design file naming. Working or design files are site based and should include the entire project in one file. These files are typically segregated based on design discipline or type of information; such as base, proposed, demolition or civil. Design files shall be named in the following way: • Project Number-Modifier-Revision Indicator • i.e.; 100150-Civil.dwg or 100150-Base.dwg The modifier could be equal to the design discipline. See Section 6 for more information on layer modifiers.

2.7 Sheet File Naming Sheet drawing file names must be associated with the actual drawing number. File names should be unique. Never reuse a file name. Sheet files will have only one layout. The following procedures have been established for creating drawing names and drawing numbers. The Engineering Support Supervisor shall provide the specific drawing numbers to be used for all District drawings. All drawing CADD file names shall follow these procedures: Example: DXXXXXRX.dwg “D” is letter code, indicating the drawing size. These codes may include: D = 22” x 34” B = 11” x 17” A = 8 ½” x 11” Following “D” (“XXXXX”) is a five digit drawing number, assigned by Engineering Support Supervisor at the request of the Project Manager or Project Engineer.

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“R“ stands for Revision and shall be followed by a letter or number reflecting the revision number. The file name shall be included in the title block of all sheets generated from it. Typical examples of a drawing number and CADD file name: Drawing Number Revision Indicator CADD file D-01234 R0 D01234R0.dwg

Figure 2.2: Naming convention for AutoCAD drawings All drawings submitted to CCWD must be in the sheet drawing or the final “READY-TO-PLOT” format.

2.8 Tracking Drawing Revisions The term “Drawing Revision” refers to modifications that are made to a drawing set or sheet throughout the design review process and after it has been signed and issued. Sheet file name extensions indicate the current drawing file revision. During the design process, revision extensions are indicated with a letter. The initial issue of a sheet drawing file has a file name extension of D01234RA. Subsequent drawing file revisions have sheet file name extensions of D01234RB, D01234RC, etc. This continues until the design review process is complete and the set is issued for bid. Once a drawing set has been signed and issued for bid, the file name extension changes to a number starting with R0, i.e. the sheet file name is now D01234R0. The corresponding CADD design file becomes a record document. As such, it should not be modified in any way. Design revisions affect the entire drawing set, even if only a single sheet is modified. Because of this, all of the drawing files in a project will be incremented when a revision is made. This will be accomplished through the use of sub-folders for drawing file storage as well as renaming the sheet drawing file. When a revision to a CADD drawing is required, use the following procedures: • Copy the previous revision sub-folder and rename it with the next revision indicator. • Rename ALL the sheet drawing files with the next revision extension number. The actual file

name remains the same, only the revision extension changes. The working drawing files do not get renamed. See figure 2.3.

• Bubble all drawing revisions on the appropriate layer, using a leader and the block symbol for each revision.

Figure 2.3: Revision

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This section provides guidelines for the preparation of sheets produced for various disciplines and needs. This section also provides general guidelines to complete design drawings to meet CCWD’s general drawing presentation criteria. These guidelines must be followed at all times to achieve consistency, uniformity, accuracy and neatness for all CCWD projects. These guidelines also enhance the efficiency of the drafting effort for all projects. The list of sheets for each type of project and/or discipline generally encompass all sheet requirements in support of the final design, procurement, fabrication, installation and tests applicable to that project or discipline. This section also covers standard CCWD operating sheets.

3.1 CCWD Drawings Sets Types of CCWD drawing sets include: ● Applicant ● Treated Water Infrastructure Base Map Calgrid ● Site Facility Maps ● Canal Maps

3.2 Project Drawing Sets Multiple sheet types can be combined into single sheets for smaller projects. However, any project should contain sufficient drawing space to make reading and use of sheets simple. All projects must have a cover sheet whereas some projects will not have discipline sheets.

3.3 Sheet Sequence Drawing sets shall be arranged in a logical manner in order to minimize confusion. The following sequence provides a general guideline of the drawing sheet order. When demolition sheets are needed, always start with a specific discipline as cited below. Deviation from this procedure shall require prior approval from the Engineering Support Supervisor.

1. General Sheets 2. Civil Sheets 3. Architectural Sheets 4. Structural Sheets 5. Mechanical Sheets 6. HVAC Sheets 7. Electrical Sheets 8. Corrosion Control Sheets

3.4 Sheet Layout Requirements Sheets generally depict structures, walls, partitions, layouts, foundation, mechanical equipment ducts, pipes, roads, and conveyances, etc. Regardless of the discipline, CCWD’s standard practice and standard industry practice shall be used in the development of all sheets and drawing sets.

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Sheets that depict elements along a main line shall be oriented so that stationing progresses from left to right across the sheet. Sheets depicting any other elements shall be oriented so that the north is toward the top or toward the left-hand side of the sheet. A key plan shall be located in the upper right corner, when required. When a complete plan or elevation cannot be shown on any one sheet, a match line (see line type table, section 5.4 for appropriate symbol) must be used for continuation to the next sheet. An alpha character shall be used to identify the match line and a sheet number shall be used to identify the sheet on which the drawing is continued. In order to provide clear interpretation, a sheet that requires reference to another sheet or data, shall be adequately cross-referenced to that sheet. References to other sheets shall be made to sheet numbers only. The space immediately above the right side of the title block shall remain blank for future annotations, i.e., “Reduced Size", "Check Print", etc. Plan views shall be oriented so that the north is toward the top of the sheet or within the first and fourth quadrant, when it is not in conflict with other criteria. In any event, all plan views in a set shall be oriented in the same direction. An example of the preferred general layout for projects is shown on Appendix A3-4.

3.5 Drawing Sizes Standard drawing sizes shall conform to ANSI standard Y14.1-1975. CCWD’s official project drawing size is “D”, 22” X 34”. Any deviation from this drawing size will need prior approval from the Engineering Support Supervisor.

3.6 Drawing Borders and Title Blocks The standard District drawing border measures 22”x34” at the cut lines. This standard sized drawing border shall be used for all projects, unless the contract specifically authorizes a different drawing size. The drawing border can be found in the “CCWD CADD\Title Sheet” folder. All borders shall be inserted in paper space at full scale and insertion point of 0,0. Borders that are attached as reference files are not acceptable. See Sections 3 and 4 on Borders and Drawing Scales for information. The title block contains attribute fields that set the correct text size, weight, font, and layer for all title block entries. These attribute fields shall be used when adding drawing information to the title block. The Consultant’s drawing border contains an empty box at the lower margin that is reserved for the Consultant’s logo.

3.7 Drawing Borders Standard borders shall be used on all drawings prepared by or for CCWD. Cited below is a list of all standard drawing borders:

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● “A” Size Border (7½” X 10 ½”), Sheet Size (8½” x 11”) The “A” size border shall be used for sketches and figures in reports. This border is available on portrait or landscape formats. For additional information on “A” size borders, please refer to Appendix A3-1.

● “B” Size Border (16” x 10½”), Sheet Size (17” x 11”) The “B” size border shall be used for sketches and figures in reports. For additional information on “B” size borders, please refer to Appendix A3-1.

● “D” Size Engineering Drawing Border (32 ¾ x 21 ¼”), Sheet Size (34” x 22”) “D” Size border is the Contra Costa Water District official standard construction drawing border, to be used on all drawings prepared by or for the District. For additional information on “D” size borders, please refer to Appendix A3-1. ● Cal Grid Border For information on cal grid borders, please refer to Appendix 3-2. ● “D” Size Project Title and Cover Sheet Every project shall have its own title, cover sheet and cover sheet border. For additional information on cal grid borders, please refer to Appendix A3-3

3.8 Drawing Title Block Each drawing shall have its own title block for identification and documentation. This information is pre-formatted and inserted by using the supplied CCWD block. The title block shall include the following information: 1. Drawing Title - Each drawing shall have its own distinctive label. The drawing title box consists of

3 lines:

Line No. 1 Project Name Line No. 2 Discipline call-out Line No. 3 Drawing title

2. CCWD Drawing Number - The Engineering Support Supervisor will assign all drawing numbers

for CCWD 3. Consultant Drawing Number (when applicable) 4. Revision Number (depicts present revision) 5. Sheet Number - Depict sheet sequence 6. Designed by - Shall be the individual responsible for the technical contents of the drawings and

associated calculations and specifications. The first name initial and full last name shall be entered upon initiation of work so that any questions regarding progress prints can be directed to the appropriate person.

7. Design checked by - Shall be the individual responsible for the technical detailed checking of the

drawings. The first name initial and full last name shall be entered in this space and will not be the same ones entered in the “Designed by” space.

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8. Drawn by - shall be the individual responsible for graphic presentation of the drawing. The first name initial and full last name shall be entered upon initiation of work so that any questions regarding progress prints can be directed to the appropriate person. The person who is entered in this space may be the same one entered in the “Designed by” space.

9. Checked by - Shall be the individual responsible for the graphic detailed checking of the

drawings. The first name initial and full last name shall be entered. This individual shall not be the same individual entered in the “Designed by” space.

10. Project Number - Shall depict CCWD’s assigned project number. 11. Scale - This block is for scale information that applies to the entire sheet.

Show the appropriate scale below the title box of each view and enter “AS SHOWN” in the title box when multiple views on a drawing are not of the same scale. When the entire drawing is on the same scale, place the scale in the title box.

12. Cal Grid Number - When applicable enter applicable Cal Grid (California Grid Coordinate sheet). 13. Assessor’s Book - When applicable enter applicable Assessor’s book. 14. CADD file name - The actual CCWD drawing number combined with the revision number and the

AutoCAD file extension as in the example DXXXXXRX.DWG. 15. Plot Date - Shall be the actual plot date and will change every time that a plot is made. 16. Revision Date - The date the revision was made on the drawing and normally it is the date the

drawing was signed. 17. Revision Description – A summary of what was changed in the design or drawing. 18. Revision By - Person responsible for revision. 19. Approved By - Person responsible for approval of revision 20. Engineer Seal - When drawings are required to be sealed, the signature and date location shall

comply with State of California laws. Electronic seals are acceptable. Signature and date shall be wet.

21. Consultant Logo - When applicable. 22. Project Manager Signature - Project cover sheet only. 23. Director of Engineering Signature - Project cover sheet only. For additional information see Appendix A3-4.

3.9 Scale The scale used for a drawing or drawing views (section and details) shall be selected to ensure the clarity of a print when reduced in size. It also allows reasonable space between views. The scale used on a drawing shall be noted in the title block (refer to Appendix A3-9).

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3.10 North Arrow The standard CCWD north arrow shall be used on all drawings prepared by or for Contra Costa Water District. North arrow orientation shall be in the indicated quadrant and shall be consistent for all disciplines. For all plan and profile drawings, stationing and flow direction shall take priority over the north arrow placement. North arrows shall be shown and located in the upper left corner of plans and maps.

3.11 Gridlines All structure plans with columns or more than 4 walls in one direction shall have wall and column gridlines. Gridlines shall be the centerlines of interior walls and columns and the outside face of exterior walls. They shall be used for dimensioning and are also repeated on drawings. Gridlines shall be set-up at the beginning of a project by the structural discipline and shall not be extended from one view to the next. Sub-columns are designated by adding a suffix to the number or letter of the next major column either to the left or above the column.

3.12 Drawing Signatures Consultant drawings are signed by the Consultant and by the District. The actual signature and titles shall vary from one project to the next, and may also change during a project. The Consultant shall request verification of the exact wording and placement of signature titles, in writing, before the 90% review of a submittal.

3.12.1 District Signatures For the District’s signature requirements, see Section 3.12.2. In addition to signatures required per section below, the signature of the Director of Engineering is required on cover sheets. 3.12.2 Consultant’s Signatures Every drawing requires the Consultant’s signature. The minimum signature requirement on each drawing includes the Designer, the Design Checker, and the Project Manager or Engineer with California P.E. number. Each drawing shall also be stamped, in the lower left corner of the title block (see Appendix 3.5 for location), with the Professional Engineer stamp of the Project Manager or the Principal-in-Charge. Other signatures are optional, and may be added to the drawing at the discretion of the Consultant.

3.13 Description Of Sheet Types 3.13.1 General Sheets Within drawing sets there are general sheets. The purpose of general sheets is to provide the user with a general overview to the project site, the organization of the drawing set, general information, notes, symbols, abbreviations, and other relevant information that apply to the entire drawing set. On smaller projects this information can be combined onto a single sheet. The recommended general sheet sequence is:

1. Cover sheet 2. Key plan 3. Drawing Index

Figure 3.1: CCWD North Arrow

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4. General Notes 5. Legend 6. Symbols 7. Abbreviations

3.13.2 Cover Sheet (includes location and vicinity map). The cover sheet shall contain a minimum of the following:

● Project Name ● Project Number ● Date ● District Approvals ● Vicinity Map - All projects shall have a vicinity map showing an overall area surrounding

the project. The project location should be shown on the vicinity map. Place the vicinity map on the sheets as per Appendix A3.3 with the north arrow pointing to the top of the sheet.

● Location Map - All projects are required to have a location map. The location map shall only cover the immediate project area (a detail of the vicinity map). The project location should be shown on the location map. This map shall show major streets, nearby highways, and any minor roads that may be traveled onto the project site.

● Key Plan ● Drawing Index - The drawing index is typically a list of all the project sheets. It is broken

up by sections and covers the different disciplines of the project and shall include the following:

1. CCWD Drawing Number 2. Consultant Drawing Number (when applicable) 3. Sheet Title:

Example: D-01234 G-1 Cover Sheet

● General Notes (when applicable) -The project’s general drawing notes normally apply to

all projects and are not specific to conditions. ● Legend (when applicable) - The legend contains all standard symbols used on the

project. A separate sheet by discipline is acceptable. ● Abbreviations (when applicable) - For a list of CCWD standard abbreviations, refer to

Appendix A5-1. General abbreviation guidelines are as follows:

1. Use abbreviations only when necessary in order to save time and space. 2. Do not use abbreviations where the meaning may be in doubt. 3. Avoid abbreviations with more than one common meaning. 4. Ensure all abbreviations used throughout the drawing set are included in the

Abbreviations drawing.

3.13.3 Civil Sheets The following information is intended to serve as a general guide and recommended standard practice for civil sheets. The purpose of civil sheets is to depict graphically the characteristics and extent of the civil work for the project.

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On civil sheets, the sheets shall be oriented with the north arrow pointing to the top, from left to right on each sheet. Station or milepost shall also be from left to right. The general standard CCWD Engineering border shall be used. Civil sheets are arranged in a logical and orderly manner in order to eliminate confusion. According to the project size, general civil sheets may be needed for general civil notes, symbols, legends, and standard civil details, and shall be the first sheets included. The recommended sheet sequence after the general civil sheets:

1. Demolition sheets are the first drawing(s), if applicable. Always start with a specific

discipline when demolition sheets are needed. Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on demolition sheets: ● The grid system with the grid reference at the perimeter. ● North arrow. ● Existing conditions shown as either screened or dashed. ● Items requiring removal shown as circled numbers keyed to the notes. ● Large areas or structures requiring removal shown as hatched lines for ease of

identification. ● Items to be protected (which are in close proximity to demolition areas) shown as

squared numbers keyed to the notes. 2. Site Plan - The overall site plan shall reflect the entire site on a single sheet. If the

property is large, some of the information may be carried over to a second sheet. Listed below is a partial list of items to be reflected on these sheets: ● North arrow. ● The individual structures. ● Key plan showing the sequencing of the sheets (as appropriate). ● A grid system along with basis of bearing and adjustment to plan north. ● Ties to the California State Plane coordinate system (as appropriate). ● Benchmark reference with the appropriate symbol in the plan for ease in locating. ● Boundary of the property shown with bearings, distances, and coordinates. ● Existing improvements (screened or dashed). ● New improvements shown with solid lines. ● Soil Boring locations with coordinates.

3. Plan, Section and Profile Sheets - The purpose of plan and profile sheets are to

graphically depict the characteristics and extent of pipeline and roadwork for the project. A key-plan is recommended to facilitate and clarify the sequence on large projects where multiple sheets are needed. A clearly matched line shall be used, i.e. station or milepost. On plan and profile sheets, the sheets shall be oriented so that the pipeline flows from left to right. Station or milepost shall also be from left to right. The north arrow must be oriented in whichever direction is dictated by the pipeline layout on the sheet. For plan and profile border refer to Appendix A3-5.

4. Grading and Drainage Plan (Paving Plans are similar) - Grading, drainage plans and

drainage system improvements show vertical control. Vertical control shall be made with a combination of contours, spot elevations, ridgelines, grade break lines, and flow lines. Give spot elevations at all curb breaks, BC’s, EC’s, BCR’s, ECR’s, driveways, curb angle points, building doorways, or access points. Spot elevations shall also be given at the beginning, end, and change of any grade points along flowlines and ridgelines.

Storm drainage improvements show flowlines, catch basins, drainlines, manholes, junction structures, riprap, and outlet structures. All storm drainlines greater than 12-inch

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in diameter are profiled and the references to profiles are made on these plans. All storm drain improvements are located either by coordinates, station, and/or dimensions. Storm drain lines shall have slopes, pipe material, and inverts indicated on these plans unless this information is given on profile.

Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on grading and drainage plans: ● North arrow ● Call-outs for sections and details associated with grading ● Existing improvements and topography (screened or dashed) ● Flow lines, grade break lines, and ridge lines are identified ● Grid system with grid references at perimeter ● New improvements, new contour lines, and elevation of the new improvements

shall be shown as a solid line in order to contrast between existing improvements shown as either screened or dashed lines.

● Sufficient control points ● Structure exterior doorways and access points ● Buildings, access ramps, equipment pads, and enclosures ● Catch basins, culverts, storm drains, curbs & gutters, manholes, drainage

channels. ● Junction structures, outlet structures, headwalls, and splash walls ● Roads, rip-rap, walks

5. Yard Piping Plan – Profiles are required for the following:

● Engineered pipeline ● Specially manufactured for a project ● Special circumstances

6. Site Sections - Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on these sheets:

● Existing ground lines and structures shall be shown with screened or dashed lines

● Finished grade lines and structures shall be shown with solid lines ● Extent and thickness of special materials such as select fill ● Subsurface drains ● Space limitations and other unusual constraints ● Benching and keying requirements per geotechnical report ● Boundary lines, if encountered ● Roads, Curbs and Gutters ● Walks, Pavement, Swales, Vaults, Subsurface Structures

7. Road Profiles - Listed below is a partial list of items typically included in road profile

sheets: ● Existing grade line shown with a dashed line ● New culverts indicating invert elevation and size ● Limits of over-excavation ● New grade line at road centerline shown with a bold solid line ● Slopes ● Grade changes with spot elevations ● Stationing ● Vertical point of intersections with station and elevations ● Vertical curve and data ● Match lines ● Point of intersection with other roads

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8. Piping Profiles - Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on yard piping profiles: ● Existing ground line shown with screened or dashed lines ● New grade line shown as a solid line ● New pipe invert, soffit, and appurtenances such as meters, manholes, couplings,

and valves. ● Stations along horizontal distances to all new pipe angle points, pipe

appurtenances, inlets, outlets, and any other items necessary for fabrication and installation

● All pipe crossings both new and existing ● All slopes ● Bedding conditions ● Pipe material including classifications ● For storm drain show flows (Q’s) and indicate the year event (e.g. Q50=5CFS for

a 50 year event), show hydraulic grade for each reach ● Concrete encasements ● Casings ● Special pipe supports ● All underground interference’s ● Detail call-outs ● Match lines

3.13.4 Structural sheets The following information is intended to serve as a general guide and recommended standard practice for structural sheets. The purpose of structural sheets is to depict graphically the characteristics and extent of the structural work for a project. All structural sheets shall be oriented so that the north arrow points always to the top. General structural sheets may be needed for general structural notes, symbols, legends, and standard structural details, depending on the project size. Structural drawings are often used by other disciplines as a basis for other drawings or backgrounds therefore, once the column grid is set, it shall not be moved or revised. Structural sheets are arranged in a logical and orderly manner in order to eliminate confusion. The recommended sheet sequence for structural sheets is:

1. General Structural Sheets (including material properties and loadings)

2. Demolition - Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on demolition sheets:

● The grid system ● North arrow ● Existing conditions shall be shown as either screened or dashed lines ● Items requiring removal indicated with circled numbers keyed to the notes ● Large areas or structures requiring removal shall be shown as hatched lines for

ease of identification ● Items to be protected (which are close in proximity to demolition areas) are

shown as squared numbers keyed to the notes

3. Foundation Floor Plan - Foundation and floor plans are often combined. Having a

separate level of footing or grade beams beneath a slab makes the plan cluttered and hard to read therefore, separate floor and foundation plans may be needed.

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4. Floor Plans

5. Roof Plans - Roof plans shall show call-outs for ridges, valleys, and high and low point


6. Sections and Details - Sections showing reinforcing shall be drawn at a minimum 3/8” scale, and shall show rebar size, spacing lap locations, termination points and special reinforcement on all reinforced concrete and masonry structure sections. If reinforcing steel is called-out in another section or detail, that section or detail shall be referenced rather than repeating the information.

Do not repeat dimensions and other information shown on plans unless it is needed for clarity or is absolutely necessary.

7. Structural Steel Detailing - Show the sections cutting through metals heavier than the

metal that is beyond. Show metal members in the plan as a solid heavy line. If necessary, for non-symmetrical members, a small part of a member may be drawn to show orientation.

All structural steel shall be called-out per the Manual of Steel Construction by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). Give welding call-outs in accordance with AWS designations.

Framing plans and framing elevations are schematic sheets. Show the centerlines of steel framing members as solid heavy lines stopping short of the member they frame into. Show partial outlines of webs, flanges, and legs of members when necessary for clarity of member alignment.

8. Reinforcing Detailing - Reinforcements shall be shown heavier than cut concrete lines. In

minor structures where all reinforcements are the same, call-out the reinforcement in a note. Symbols commonly used on reinforcing sheets are as follows:

# - Used to indicate size of deformed bar @ - Used to indicate spacing center to center

3.13.5 Mechanical Sheets The following information is intended to serve as a general guide and recommended standard practice for mechanical sheets. The purpose of mechanical sheets is to depict graphically the characteristics and extent of the mechanical work for a project. All mechanical sheets shall be oriented so that the north arrow points to the top. The general standard CCWD Engineering border shall be used. Mechanical sheets shall be arranged in a logical and orderly manner in order to eliminate confusion. General mechanical sheets may be needed for general mechanical notes, symbols, legends, and standard mechanical details depending on the project size. Mechanical sheets are often used by other disciplines as a basis for their drawings or backgrounds. Dimensions and other information shown on the plans, sections and in other details shall not be repeated on details unless needed for clarity and only if absolutely necessary. The recommended sheet sequence for mechanical sheets are:

1. General Mechanical Sheets

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2. Demolition - Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on demolition sheets: ● The grid system with the grid reference at the perimeter ● North arrow ● Existing conditions shall be shown as either a screened or dashed line ● Items requiring removal with circled numbers keyed to the notes ● Large areas or structures requiring removal with hatched lines for ease of

identification ● Items to be protected (which are close in proximity to demolition areas) with

squared numbers keyed to the notes

3. Mechanical Plans - Mechanical equipment shall be drawn to scale in order to ensure that the equipment can be installed and/or removed without having to dismantle or remove other equipment. The outline of electrical equipment shall be outlined on the mechanical plan in order to ensure that the mechanical equipment does not interfere with the electrical equipment working space.

Complex mechanical plans with overhead piping shall be shown with the piping in two planes, one at the floor level, and one at a higher elevation. Both shall show the elevated piping. Listed below is a partial checklist of items to include on mechanical plan sheets: ● North Arrow ● Centerline Dimensions ● Chemical Feed Pumps ● Detail Call-outs ● Section Call-outs, sections/details ● Floor penetrations ● Louvers ● Meters ● Pipe Supports ● Pump Pads, pumps, pump tags ● Structural Background ● Tanks, tank tags ● Valve Operators, valve tags ● Centerlines for Double Line Piping ● Control Panels ● Filter Call-outs ● Gates, gate operators, gate tags ● Heaters ● MCC’ s/ VFD’s ● Roof penetrations ● Single Line Piping ● Switchgear

4. Process Flow Diagram - A process flow diagram (PFD) is a schematic drawing that uses

graphic symbols to represent unit processes or treatment systems. PFDs are developed at an early stage of the design process and are considered the first phase of the Process and Instrumentation Drawings otherwise known as P&IDs. PFDs are generally an intermediate design product that does not become a final contract document because they are developed into P&IDs

3.13.6 Electrical Sheets The following information is intended to serve as a general guide and recommended standard practice for electrical sheets. The purpose of electrical sheets is to depict graphically the characteristics and extent of the electrical work for a project. Electrical sheets consist of two

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types, Physical Facility Drawings and Schematic (non-scaled) Drawings. Electrical sheets shall be oriented so that the north arrow points to the top. The general standard CCWD Engineering border shall be used. Electrical sheets shall be arranged in a logical and orderly manner in order to eliminate confusion. Electrical sheets shall be arranged in a logical and orderly manner in order to eliminate confusion. The recommended sheet sequence for electrical sheets is as follows:

1. General Electrical Sheets - The first sheet of the general electrical sheets shall include

general notes and symbols. The general notes are customized for a specific project and serve to support and explain the graphic representations used in the drawing set.

2. Demolition - Listed below is a partial list of items typically included on demolition sheets.

● The grid system with the grid reference at the perimeter ● North arrow ● Existing conditions shown screened or dashed ● Items requiring removal with circled numbers keyed to the notes ● Large areas or structures requiring removal with hatched lines for ease of

identification ● Items to be protected (which are close in proximity to demolition areas) with

squared numbers keyed to the notes

3. Site Plans - Sheets shall be coordinated with civil site work. The sheet shall incorporate at a minimum the following: ● North arrow. ● Arrangement of facility ● Underground distribution system including location of manholes, pull boxes and

duct banks (coordinate with the Civil/Piping sheets) ● Location of major electrical equipment, i.e. switch gear, motor control centers,

etc. ● Street and area lighting ● Location of power service, utility substation and/or in-plant substations, including

existing and new overhead and underground electrical service, where applicable.

4. Power and Control Plans/Equipment Location Plans

5. Lighting and Receptacle Plans

6. Lighting and Grounding Plans - Lighting and grounding plans shall incorporate the following: ● Physical location of all lighting fixtures ● Location and identification of lighting control switches ● Physical location of all receptacles ● Lighting and receptacle power home-runs

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● Circuit identification, switching identification ● Fixture identification including total numbers, wattage and mounting heights ● Mounting heights of receptacles ● Identification of special receptacle types ● Location and identification of lighting and receptacle panels ● Special junction/splice boxes, if required

Lighting and receptacle components may be put into separate sheets for clarity in particularly complex sheets.

7. Miscellaneous Systems Plans - Single line diagrams show distribution of loads and also

how and where all electrical loads are connected to the system. These sheets incorporate, as a minimum, the following: ● Point of connection of power service and revenue meter.

Identification of all panels, motor control centers, feeders, subfeeders, branch circuit conductors, transformers, panel boards and major boards.

● Electrical component ratings, i.e. bus sizes, breaker sizes, etc. ● Identification of all major power cables and conduits. Cable and conduit size

information can be tabulated on the conduit and cable schedule. ● Motor loads complete with their corresponding horsepower sizes, branch circuit

breakers/fused or non-fused disconnect switches, motor starters, branch circuit conductors, miscellaneous devices/components such as local disconnecting means, speed controllers, power factor correcting capacitors, etc.

● Miscellaneous electrical loads complete with their corresponding circuit breakers, starters, contractors, disconnects, etc.

● Each motor control center or panel shall show bus amps, bus bracing, circuit numbers, and future loads

● Substation transformers complete with all necessary protective equipment, i.e. circuit breakers, disconnect switches, surge arrestors, grounding resistors, protective relays, etc.

● All electrical interlocks ● All electrical equipment metering and protective relaying

8. Schematic Diagrams shall incorporate, as a minimum the following:

● Interlocks between equipment controls. ● Location of control components. ● Connection of electrical protective devices. ● Control power sources. ● Identification of all components.

9. Electrical Equipment Elevations shall incorporate, as a minimum the following:

● Maximum physical dimensions of electrical equipment enclosures. ● Arrangement of compartments. ● Individual compartment identification and circuit numbers. ● Empty compartments, future load assignments. ● Pull sections. ● Transition sections. ● Enclosure types and NEMA designations including materials. ● Arrangement of control components. ● Misc. features, such as lights, receptacles, space heaters, a/c units, etc.

10. Conduit and Cable Schedules

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4.0 DRAWING FILE SETUP & STRUCTURE 4.1 Model Space By definition Model space is one of the two primary drawing environments that are present in every AutoCAD drawing. The other environment is Paper Space. Model Space is a three-dimensional coordinate space that is meant for constructing designs or ‘models’. These designs or models are typically drawn at full scale. All CCWD working drawing files shall be constructed at full scale or 1:1 in Model Space. The general rule to use when deciding which environment to place an object in is: If it pertains to the design, place the object in model space. If it pertains to the sheet, place it in the layout.

4.2 Paper Space Paper space is the drawing environment where sheets are laid out. Each sheet is called a layout. Each drawing file can have multiple layouts. Each layout represents one sheet. Layouts typically contain drawing objects such as title blocks, general notes, view titles, north arrows and viewports. These objects are drawn at full scale, 1:1. If a D size sheet is desired, this size is selected from the available sheet sizes and the layout background and margins are adjusted accordingly. A title block is added, the sheet annotated and a viewport created. It is the function of the viewport object to set the ratio of model units to paper units or scale. • ie; 1 paper unit (inches) = 40 model units(feet) or 1”:40’

4.3 External Reference Files (XREFs) and Raster Images

4.3.1 Using The use of external reference files (XREFs) and raster images is permitted by CCWD. 4.3.2 Location All externally referenced files and raster images shall be located under the main project folder or in one of its sub-folders. 4.3.3 Pathing & Project Name Setting The use of XREFs or raster images in a drawing presents specific problems when those XREFs are moved from their original path. Because of this issue and the way AutoCAD tries to resolve broken paths, the PROJECTNAME system variable shall be set in all drawings that use externally referenced drawings or raster images. When external references are used they shall be inserted as OVERLAY types and their path type shall be set to NO PATH. When raster images are inserted the RETAIN PATH check mark shall be removed. See Figure 4.1.

In AutoCAD, a PROJECT is created and folders added to it through the AutoCAD Options dialog box→ Files tab→ Project Files Search Path option. Each PROJECT can have multiple search paths. These search path settings are saved in the registry. (These settings can be transferred between computers using AutoCAD profiles, *.arg files.) The PROJECT is assigned to the drawing in the same dialogue box or at the command line by typing PROJECTNAME. Each drawing can have only one PROJECTNAME associated with it. When an externally referenced file or raster image is moved from its original folder and the new folder is not part of the PROJECT search path, the user simply adds the new folder to the assigned PROJECT and AutoCAD can display the referenced file in the drawing.

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The PROJECT name shall be the same as the root folder name of the project. All project sub-folders shall be added as search paths to the PROJECT. An AutoCAD profile with the same name as the project shall be saved in the root project folder after the PROJECT is created or modified. If the project folder is named ‘100150 Project X’, then the AutoCAD PROJECT name will be 100150 and the AutoCAD profile name will be 100150.

Figure 4.1: Overlay type and no path

Figure 4.2: Projects in AutoCAD

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If no path was saved for the xref/image or if the xref/image is no longer located at the specified path, AutoCAD searches for the xref/image in the following order: Current folder of the host drawing Project search paths defined on the Files tab in the Options dialog box and in the system variable Support search paths defined on the Files tab in the Options dialog box Start-in folder specified in the Windows® application shortcut

4.4 Layering External references and raster images shall be inserted on the appropriate layer(s) as detailed in Section 6 – CCWD Layering Convention.

4.5 Binding of XREF Elements Binding of external references shall be done only for archival purposes and only by the CCWD Engineering Support Supervisor. Submittals, other than FINAL, with any ‘xbind’ elements are not acceptable. See Section 9 – Submittals for more details on the acceptable use of XBIND.

4.6 XCLIP The use of XCLIP enables the user to display a portion of the xref that is within the xclip boundary. The use of XCLIP is acceptable and even desirable when large files are externally referenced.

4.7 Units Format & Precision Acceptable drawing unit formats will vary between decimal, engineering or architectural units, depending on the type of drawing being worked on, however CCWD’s preferred unit format is Engineering. All civil work, including yard piping, site plans, and grading plans must be worked on in AutoCAD’s decimal units, with the drawing unit understood as being one foot. All other disciplines’ (i.e. Mechanical, Structural, Architectural) drawings that will be dimensioned in feet and inches will use engineering (decimal fractions) or architectural (stacked fraction) units. Angular units will need to be set as required by the needs of the individual drawing; usually Surveyor format is best. Angular measurements should always remain counter-clock wise. For transmitting information, such as building footprints or pipe connection locations, between civil and other disciplines, it will be necessary to scale a given drawing up or down by a factor of 12. This scaling can be accomplished through the use of xrefs without affecting the original drawing file. This is considered more usable than converting all resource information, such as valve laying lengths, into a different format, precisely because of the limited frequency of such a transfer, as well as the needed level of precision.

Figure 4.3: Setting drawing units in AutoCAD

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Unit precisions will be no less that 2 decimal places or 1/8” depending on the selected unit format. Note that all unit settings only affect the way the number is displayed in the drawing environment, not what is stored internally to the drawing database.

4.8 Drawing Accuracy Using any computer aided design program provides the means to construct accurate drawings. At times, changes in the design call for dimension changes on the drawing that are so small they are not visible on the prints. CCWD requires all drawings to be constructed accurately, regardless of how small the difference may be. Even differences that are not visible to the eye are important in a drawing file. The use of the object snapping tools is one way to ensure drawing accuracy.

4.9 Coordinate Systems AutoCAD is based on coordinate geometry or COGO. Its underlying coordinate system is a simple 3 dimensional (X, Y, Z) Cartesian coordinate system referred to as the ‘World’ coordinate system. Through the UCS command the user has the ability to modify that system or to create its own coordinate system. The UCS of any drawing file will not be modified in anyway. While some software does modify the UCS, every attempt shall be made by the user to reset the coordinate system to the WORLD option. AutoCAD Map has the functionality of assigning one of over 3000 mapping coordinate systems, such as NAD 27, CA State Planes III which is used in the CCWD CAL Grid map. This makes it possible to more accurately portray the earth’s spherical surface onto a flat two-dimensional plane, by taking into account projection and datum information. If such a coordinate system for a project is used, then it should be documented. Also, in this case all drawing files within a project should reference the same coordinate system.

4.10 File Properties Every drawing file has space to record general information such as the title, author and keywords. There are also placeholders to record user specified information. This is accomplished through File Drawing Properties. At a minimum the user shall record the following in the drawing file:

On the Summary Tab: Title The Project Number and Name Subject Major Design Discipline Author First and Last name of the file

creator Keywords Project name and number

separated by a comma

Figure 4.4: Standard drawing properties

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On the Custom Tab: Scale Prerecorded by the template file used,

this should not be changed unless the scale changes 9 fields are available to be used as require.

Figure 4.5: Custom drawing properties

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5.0 GRAPHIC PRESENTATION The first step in establishing an effective CADD standard is the development of a uniform approach to graphic presentation. Graphic presentation typically consists of drawing elements such as lines, shapes, text, and their display attributes (color, line weight or width, and line type style). This section provides an overview of CCWD graphic presentation standard. Drawings provide a pictorial description of a project. Drawings require accuracy and neatness in order to avoid delays caused by errors or careless drafting. Using these standardized drafting practices, significantly reduce the chance for error, provide uniformity, and facilitate checking.

5.1 Template Drawings The creation of any new drawings will be based on the use of pre-established CCWD AutoCAD template drawings. The CCWD template drawings will provide pre-established layers, line type styles, dimension styles, text styles and other information to assist in completing drawings so that they will meet CCWD requirements. All of the topics in this section are related in one way: they all require the user to determine the scale factor before any of these objects can be used in the drawing file. The other main function of a template file will be to set the scale factors required to complete the drawing. The majority of these factors are absolute and if changed will affect the entire file. All of the following settings have been established in the available CCWD template drawings. Use of these template drawings is required to promote consistency and speed in the drafting process.

5.2 Drawing Scale vs. Plot Scale (Scale Factor) All design drawings shall be drawn at full scale (1:1) in model space. All plans, sections and details, and elevations shall be drawn full scale (1:1) in model space. For example, a line drawn using AutoCAD showing the outside of a 100-foot long water line should be drawn 100 AutoCAD decimal units long. Before any annotation such as text, blocks, hatching or dimensioning can be placed in a base file, the user must determine the plot scale. The plot scale factor is used to calculate text heights, block scale factors, dimension scale, hatch pattern scales and paper space view port scales. While it is possible to mix scales in a single drawing, this should only be done for detail sheets. It is preferable to limit the majority of drawings to just one scale and to consolidate multiple scale details on separate detail sheets. The scale of each plan, section, detail, table, etc., to be placed on the final detail drawing file will be controlled by selecting the appropriate “Paper Space” view port magnification factor (i.e. 1/20xp for 1”=20’-0” scale, 1/48xp for ¼”=1’-0” scale for Architectural Plans, etc.). Typically the scale factor is determined in the following manor: Reduce the plot scale to whole numbers on both sides of the equal sign. i.e.; ¼” = 1’-0” 1” = 4’ 1” = 48” scale factor is 48 or 1” = 200’ 1” = 2400” scale factor is 2400

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5.3 Line Work It is important to remember that the ultimate products of a drawing are the prints. All line work must be clear, smooth, firm, sharp, uniform, equally spaced, and above all, they must reproduce as well as the original.

5.4 Line Types All line types shall be based on the default AutoCAD line types from the file ACAD.LIN, as well as custom line types specific to CCWD from the file CCWD_LINETYPE.LIN. These line types, supplied by the District must be followed at all times without exception. Line types are displayed based on the layer definition and a combination of the numeric variables LTSCALE, PSLTSCALE and CELTSCALE. If the suggested layering guidelines are followed, these line types are automatically assigned and displayed correctly.

Figure 5.1: CCWD Linetypes

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Do not create linear patterns by breaking long lines into individual smaller segments. Drawings constructed in this manor will be rejected by CCWD. The Engineering Support Supervisor must approve the creation of any new line styles. For consistency, LTSCALE shall be set according to the following:

1. In all working drawings, LTSCALE shall be set equal to the plot scale factor.

i.e.; if the Plot scale is ¼” = 1’-0”, then LTSCALE will be set to 48

2. In all Sheet drawings, LTSCALE shall be set to 1.

PSLTSCALE shall be set to 1 at all times in all drawings. This ensures that all line type patterns are plotted consistently.

CELTSCALE shall be set to 1 at all times.

5.5 Line Weights The District uses 10 line weights in the production of all drawings. Shown below are the acceptable line weights on drawing sheets. See Section 6 – Line Weights, for a complete discussion of line weights.

5.6 Hatching and Shading Many drafting applications use hatching to fill an area with a pattern. The pattern is used to differentiate components of a project or to signify the material composing an object.

Figure 5.2: CCWD Standard Lineweights

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On District drawings, hatching should be used sparingly, and only when the meaning of the drawing or detail would not be otherwise clear. Often hatching is not required at all. When patterning is needed, the area that is patterned should be as small as possible. Patterning one or two corners of an area is preferable to covering an area with pattern. If used, only ANSI patterns are acceptable to CCWD. The hatch pattern scale (HPSCALE) shall be set to the plot scale factor. Hatch patterns shall be associated to their boundary (HPASSOC = 1).

5.7 Annotation Annotation can be broken down into two main categories; Text and Dimensions.

5.7.1 Text The plotted text size shall be as shown in section 5.7.10. The column size shall be no wider than 6”, and shall be left justified. When a note is deleted, the word “DELETED” should replace the note. At the next revision, the text part of the note shall be erased leaving only the note number. References to other drawings shall be avoided. Highlighting is permitted only when a note is of particular importance.

MTEXT shall be used for all annotation types. While the use of named text styles is not a requirement within the MTEXT editor, they will be used to establish the proper fonts and text heights required by CCWD. No modifications to the text style in MTEXT dialog box will be permitted. DTEXT usage is not allowed. All text shall follow these parameters. Text should never be scaled up or down, stretched or compressed, to fit a specific situation. All text shall be placed on the layer appropriate for its application and in accordance to the following: • Text width is always 1 or 100%. • All text styles shall use the font ROMANS.SHX. • Text annotating proposed work or features shall use one of the base named text styles • Text annotating existing features shall use one of the EX* named styles • Text placed in Paper space shall use one of the PS* named styles • Line spacing will be equivalent to the AutoCAD default. • All lettering shall be capitalized except for unit designators such as mm. • A note shall use the same text style throughout, there shall be no text style mixing within

a single note. 5.7.2 Placement All text related to the actual contract document shall be placed in Model Space including construction related notes. General notes, abbreviations, and legends can be placed in Paper Space. 5.7.3 Readability Lettering should be normal to the reading plane, or parallel to the line that is referenced. Lettering on an isometric drawing should be normal to the isometric plane where appropriate, and otherwise vertical. The reading direction for all letters and figures shall be from the bottom or right edge of the sheet.

Figure 5.3: Acceptable ANSI hatch patterns

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5.7.4 Text Style - General All text in an AutoCAD drawing has a text style associated with it. When you enter text, AutoCAD uses the current text style, which sets characteristics such as the font, size, oblique angle, and orientation. In every drawing file there is a text style named standard. This is the default text style in AutoCAD. Its use or modification is not acceptable to CCWD. All acceptable text characteristics such as height, font and width have been established through pre-defined named text styles.

These text styles are located in the available template drawings. All text objects shall use a named text style. Individual text object properties shall not override the named text style settings.

5.7.5 Model Space Text Styles This section pertains to annotation or text placed in model space. The base text style names are NOTE, SUB-TITLE and TITLE. These styles are used to annotate proposed work or features. A variation of the base text styles is used to annotate existing conditions or features. These styles are named EX-NOTE, EX-SUB-TITLE and EX-TITLE. These EX* styles are the same except for the 15 degree oblique angle. All of these named text styles are predefined in the available template drawings. Proposed Features or Work Text Styles: Style name

Plotted Size

Oblique Angle

Layer Application

NOTE 0.09” 0° anno-text anno-note

General text, most text in the body of a drawing, dimension and notes


0.12” 0° anno-stle Subtitles on drawings, headings, match line text, drawing titles, title for plans, sections, details, etc.

TITLE 0.16” 0° anno-gtle General drawing titles Note: The discipline code will be added as a prefix to each layer name.

Figure 5.4: General text placement guide

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Existing Features Text Styles:

Style name

Plotted Size

Oblique Angle

Layer Application


0.09” 15° anno-text anno-note

General text, most text in the body of a drawing, dimension and notes


0.12” 15° anno-stle Subtitles on drawings, headings, match line text, drawing titles, title for plans, sections, details, etc.


0.16” 15° anno-gtle General drawing titles

Note: The discipline code will be added as a prefix to each layer name. 5.7.6 Model Space Text Height Depending on the scale of the drawing, the height of the text placed in the file shall vary. Since all CADD files are drawn at full size (1”=1”), and then reduced by a scale factor through the viewport, the height of text in model space is enlarged by the same scale factor so that the plot shall have the correct size text. The named text styles are set up with the correct heights based on the template file scale. 5.7.7 Paper Space Text Second variations of the base text styles are used in Paper space. These styles are named PS-NOTE, PS-SUB-TITLE and PS-TITLE. These PS* styles are the same as the base text styles except for the embedded heights. On the plotted sheet they will look the same as the base style. Paper space text shall be placed in the layout at actual size. Since objects that reside in paper space are typically plotted at 1:1, no scaling of text heights for paper space text is required. Paper Space Text Styles:

Style name

Plotted Size

Oblique Angle

Layer Application

NOTE 0.10” 0° X-anno-text X-anno-note

General text, most text in the body of a drawing, dimension and notes


0.12” 0° X-anno-stle Subtitles on drawings, headings, match line text, drawing titles, title for plans, sections, details, etc.

TITLE 0.16” 0° X-anno-gtle General drawing titles Note: The discipline code will be added as a prefix to each layer name. 5.7.8 General Notes General project notes convey information common to the components of an entire drawing, discipline or project. Normally, these notes do not refer to any specific condition, section or detail. Their intention is to provide general information. These notes are usually placed in paper space. A small space is allotted for small projects above the title block. For large projects, a separate sheet shall be created. All general guidelines shall be followed.

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Figure 5.5: Example of general drawing notes

5.7.9 Drawing Notes Notes which apply to the entire drawing should be located in a numbered list in the lower right corner of the drawing, unless the size of the plan or section dictates that the notes be located elsewhere. Referring to notes on another drawing should be avoided! When there is more than one section or detail on the drawing to which the notes apply, care should be taken to make it clear that they are not connected to any one section or detail. If the notes only apply to one section or detail, locate them so that it is clear to which section or detail they apply. If there is any doubt, use a title such as NOTES FOR DETAIL 3. If a note in a list of notes is of particular importance and you wish to highlight it, use BOLD letters. Notes should be left-justified. When a note is deleted, the number should not be removed, but the note should be indicated as deleted by "Rev. X" Notes should be called out as shown below: 5.7.10 Abbreviations The District has established standard abbreviations that shall be used on all drawings produced by or for the District. Abbreviations can be found in Section 7 of this manual. Abbreviations shall be used consistently throughout a drawing set. In general, if a word is abbreviated in one place, then the abbreviation shall be used for all occurrences of that word. Abbreviations are generally not used in general drawing notes, but only in the body of the drawing and on schedules. Abbreviations used in the preparation of drawings shall conform to CCWD’s Standard List. If additional information is needed, consult ANSI Y 1.1. For additional information on abbreviations and organizations, please refer to Appendix 5.1 and 5.2.

5.8 Dimensions Dimensioning is the process of adding measurement annotation to a drawing.

5.8.1 Dimension Styles Dimensioning in AutoCAD can be very complex. The display characteristics of dimensions are controlled by approximately 80 different variables. Once these settings are made they are saved with a name and referred to as a Dimension Style (DIMSTYLE). Dimension styles can be further modified based on the type of dimension that is used in the drawing file by using what are called dimension sub-styles. Approximately half of the dimension variables are numeric values that control a distance or size of the dimension. Of these, there is one dimension variable that could be considered a ‘master’. This variable is named DIMSCALE and is set equal to the scale factor.

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DIMSCALE is used to enlarge or reduce all the other numeric variables, which should be set equal to their actual plotted sizes. Every AutoCAD drawing has a dimension style (dimstyle) called standard. This is the AutoCAD default dimension style and its use or modification is not acceptable to CCWD. Acceptable dimension styles are pre-established and embedded in the available template drawings. Each of the available CCWD dimension styles corresponds to the scale factor used in the template drawing. The dimension styles are typically named ENGINEERNG or ARCHITECTURAL which signifies the unit format used in the style. Set a dimension style current by clicking on the name in the dimension style list of the Styles toolbar. By setting a dimension style as current, all dimension text, tick style, and arrow size will be automatically set to the correct sizes based on the template scale factor. Overriding any dimension variable is not acceptable. 5.8.2 Dimension Types There are 4 different types of dimensions that can be created with AutoCAD. These are Linear, Radial, Angular and Leader Notes. These are further refined into horizontal, vertical, aligned, rotated, ordinate, continuous and baseline. Any combination of these types is acceptable to CCWD. The CCWD dimension styles are configured with sub-styles so that whatever type of dimensioning is created the dimension style used will reflect CCWD standards. 5.8.3 Location of Dimensions All dimensions and leader notes shall be placed in model space on the appropriate layer as shown in Section 6 – Layers.

Figure 5.6: CCWD Accepted dimensioning Practices

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5.8.4 General Dimensions shall be exact unless specifically noted. They shall be shown to finite points only and shall be clear and identifiable for field interpretation. Dimension and elevation repetition shall be avoided in order to reduce chances for error when the drawing requires revision. Features shall be drawn to scale unless otherwise noted. Horizontal dimensions shall be shown on plan views to the greatest extent practicable. Vertical dimensions shall be shown on sections and elevations to the greatest extent practicable. Never dimension to a match line. When a dimension is out of scale enough to be misleading, add the note “NOT TO SCALE” or “NTS” adjacent or under the dimension. 5.8.5 Placement Generally, dimensions are placed outside views, above the dimension lines and inside the extension lines. They can be read from left to right when sheets are lying horizontally. Crossing dimension lines shall be avoided. 5.8.6 Form of Dimensions Coordinates, dimensions and elevations on civil drawings shall be expressed in feet and decimals to the nearest hundredth of a foot. Elevations on structural drawings shall be in feet and inches. The preferred unit of measurement on all drawings is feet and inches (unit format is Engineering). Generally, dimensions larger than 12 inches shall be shown in feet and inches and dimensions less that 12 inches shall generally be shown as 6”. When fractions are used, the bar between the numerator and denominator shall be diagonal as shown in ¼. Use of other units of measurement shall be clearly designated and approved by the Engineering Support Supervisor prior to its use. 5.8.7 Leaders Leader lines shall start at the note with a short horizontal line that angles before terminating at the appropriate feature with a standard line terminator.

Figure 5.7: CCWD leader lines

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Figure 5.8: CCWD lineterminators

When the note is to the right of the drawing, the leader line shall start at the first word of the note. When the note is to the left of the drawing, the leader line shall start at the last word of the note. Leader lines that end at encircled areas will not have line terminators.

5.8.8 Line Terminators Line terminators shall be used on leader lines, section cuts and dimensions lines. Arrowheads shall be used to terminate dimension and leader lines. Section arrow terminators shall be used on section call-outs. Loops shall be used to terminate leader lines for reinforcing steel wire, piping, etc. 5.8.9 Match Lines No line work shall extend beyond the match line. If the match line continues on another sheet, label it with the sheet number. Always label match lines with the word “MATCH LINE”. If there is more than one match line on a plan or section, label it with a match line letter. Never dimension to a match line. Instead, dimension through a match line to an element on the next section or plan.

5.9 Sections and Details Drawings sometimes require many views to adequately describe an area in either a section or detail. These sections and details shall be placed within the format of the sheet so as not to crowd each other. A distinctive separation shall be made between each section and detail in order to avoid conflict. They shall be in proper relation to main views and be complete enough to explain the detail, which made the view necessary. The District has established specific guidelines for designating sections and details on drawings. CADD details in AutoCAD 2004 have been provided in the common detail library. This section establishes the practice for designating sections and details.

5.9.1 Drawing Cross Reference Numbers In a parent view, the drawing cross-reference number identifies all sheets where the section or detail view is drawn. This number is used in all cases, even when the section or detail is drawn on the same sheet as the parent view.

In the caption of a section or detail view, the drawing cross-reference number identifies the sheet on which the parent view is shown. Where there is more than one parent view, the denominator shall contain numbers, separated by semi-colons, referring to each drawing showing the parent view. 5.9.2 Sections Sections are always designated with sequential letter names, A through Z, excluding I and O. Details are always designated with sequential numbered names, 1, 2, 3, etc. Sections and details are defined on the drawings as a fractional symbol. The numerator identifies the section letter or detail number. Numbers and letters in the numerator are not to be duplicated in the view captions or on any one sheet. However, the same numerals or letters may appear on any other sheet in the set. The denominator is the drawing cross-reference number. Sections shall point to the right and shall be arranged to show the work clearly in relation to column lines and floor elevations. In addition, they shall show essential details to best advantage.

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In order to avoid confusion, section letters shall not be repeated. Sections identified on the drawing are preferred. Where possible, sectional views shall be placed on the same sheet with the plan from which they are referenced. In all cases, title identification of these sections shall be centered directly under the section. Sections cut to top are preferred for plan and sections cut to bottom are preferred for elevation. Sections cuts for canals, for example, shall look toward ascending stations or mileposts, regardless of the direction. When several sections appear on the same drawing, they shall be aligned to the same elevation whenever possible. Section call-outs shall be designated with an alpha character, omitting “I” and “O”. When sections appear on the same drawing sheet, a dash line shall be entered in the lower half of the section call-out symbol, and when they appear on a different drawing sheet, that drawing number shall be shown and entered in the lower half of the section call-out symbol. A section cut shall be avoided on a detail or section. Elevation cannot be extracted from a detail or section. 5.9.3 Details Details are shown with a circle or ellipse surrounding the area of the detail. The circle or ellipse shall be drawn on the appropriate layer as designated in Section 6 - Layers. A leader line shall connect the detail “bubble” to the detail call-out. Detail numbers shall not be repeated in order to avoid confusion. They shall be arranged to show the work clearly in relation to fixed elements such as column lines and floor elevations. Details on the drawing identified are preferred. Where possible, detail views shall be placed on the same sheet with the plan from which they are referenced. In all cases, title identification of these details shall be centered directly under the detail. Details shall be taken in order to show essentials to the best advantage. Detail call-outs shall be designated with numerals such as 1, 2, 3, etc. and shall be placed in the upper half of the detail call-out symbol. When the detail appears on the same drawing sheet, a dash line shall be entered in the lower half of the detail call-out symbol. When the detail appears on a different drawing sheet, that drawing number shall be shown and entered in the lower half of the section call-out symbol. The preferred arrangement for placing elevations in a detail is directly below the main plan view when space is available, otherwise, they shall be placed to the right or in sequential order, always left to right. Whenever possible, they shall be placed in the same related drawing. The orientation of the detail drawing shall be identical to that of the drawing, such as the plan or elevation, where it is identified. For additional information on sections and details, please refer to Appendix 5.3.

5.10 Map Plans Map plans shall show property lines, existing structures, required planimetric topographic features and utilities apparent from field surveys, encroachments and easements. Every plan shall be arranged on the sheet so that the project’s north arrow is toward the top left-hand side of the sheet. A plan is a view of an object from above or an area in orthographic projection. As applicable, a plan drawing shall show shapes, sizes, elevation and its relation to superstructures with reference to fixed datum plane of existing objects. A plan drawing for utilities may have individual layouts for each type of line or system, i.e., water pipes. Civil plot plan drawings shall show property lines and

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locations, contours, profiles and existing utilities, buildings location lines, fences etc. Each discipline shall follow its own standard and also current industry standards.

5.11 Elevations An elevation drawing depicts vertical projections of buildings, structures, roads, streets, etc. The drawing generally shows configuration, shapes, sizes of features, wall compartments, assignments of space location, arrangement of machinery or fixed equipment, pipes etc.

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6.0 LAYERS AND OBJECT PROPERTIES The layering structure that CCWD uses is developed from the long form of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) National CAD Standard layering guidelines. This industry CAD standard is a joint project between AIA, National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), and Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. CCWD adopted this standard because by classifying electronic CAD data consistently, communication among internal and external design and construction project teams can be streamlined, resulting in cost savings and greater efficiency in the design and construction process. The National CAD Standard layer structure is designed to have multiple fields to describe the graphic information stored on that layer. The layer should be followed for all drawings, with no exception. Any modifications to the layering standards shall be made in writing and approved by the Engineering Support Supervisor. This format is described as follows:

6.1 Discipline Responsible The AIA standard divides the first major group of all layer names to correspond with traditional discipline designations used in construction document sheet numbering. The discipline code is a one-character field. The following is a table of discipline codes and what types of data they include: Discipline Code

Discipline Description


Architectural Architectural site, architectural demolition, architectural elements, architectural interiors, architectural finishes, and architectural graphics.

C Civil Engineering Structural removal and site clearing, plats, topographic, dimension control, excavation, grading, drainage, retention ponds, roads, bridges, drives, parking lots, pavers, retaining walls, water features, waterway construction, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, power, and communications.

E Electrical Utility tunnels, site lighting, electrical demolition, electrical power, electrical lighting, controls, relays, instrumentation, and measurement devices, electrical telecommunications, electrical auxiliary systems.

F Fire Protection Fire detection and alarm, fire suppression/extinguishing I Interior Design Interior demolition, interior demolition, interior design, interior

furnishings, interior graphics L Landscape Demolition, irrigation, and planting

Figure 6.1: CCWD layering format

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Architecture M Mechanical Utility tunnels and piping between facilities, mechanical demolition,

HVAC ductwork and air devices, chilled/heating water and steam piping, instrumentation and controls.

O Other Consultants P

Plumbing Extension and connections to Civil Utilities, removal, equipment for thermal, electrical, materials handling, assembly and manufacturing, nuclear, power generation, chemical, refrigeration, and industrial processes, instrumentation, measurement, recorders, domestic water, sanitary and storm drainage fixtures


Equipment Consultants

Athletic, bank, dry cleaning, educational, food service, hospital, laboratory, maintenance, parking lot, retail, site, theatrical, video/photographic, and security equipment


Structural Structural demolition, structural site, foundations, piers, slabs, retaining walls, floors, and roofs


Telecommunications Cable, clock systems, intercom systems, monitoring systems, data networks, telephone networks, and security networks.

V Survey Survey data, mapping boundaries, aerial data, field data, digital data Z Contractor/Shop


6.2 Major/Minor Groups Major groups identify the utility system. These categories are typically used in standard plans and can contain information that will be referenced into other drawings. Examples are “C-STRM” for information pertaining to storm drains under civil engineering, “C-SSWR” for information pertaining to sanitary sewer under civil engineering, “C-WATR” for information pertaining to water system under civil engineering, etc. The four-character minor groups will follow the major groups. The minor groups provide further breakdown of the major groups. Examples are “C-STRM-MHOL” for information pertaining to storm drain manholes under civil engineering, “C-SSWR-MHOL” for information pertaining to sanitary sewer manhole under civil engineering, “C-WATR-STRC” for information pertaining to water system structures under civil engineering, etc. See Section 6 Appendices for a listing of acceptable major/minor groups and additional information on layering standards.

6.3 Descriptor (OPTIONAL) In addition to the major and minor groups, a four-character description can be created following the minor group to provide further clarification to the layer. Examples of possible descriptors are as follows: NEWW New work. (Field is not used if all work in file is new) EXST Existing to remain DEMO Existing to be demolished FUTR Future work TEMP Temporary work MOVE Items to be moved off site RELO Items to be relocated on site NICN Not in contract

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6.4 0 & DEFPOINT Layers Layer 0 shall not be used, modified or purged in any CCWD drawing file. The DEFPOINT layer is created and used by AutoCAD when dimension objects are created. The use of the DEFPOINT layer for any other reason shall not be acceptable. The DEFPOINT layer shall not be modified or purged once it is created.

6.5 Object Properties The following section discusses display properties of all objects. These properties control characteristics such as linetype, screen color, visibility, etc. While any of these properties can be changed directly on the object using the properties dialogue box, they should not be. Any drawing that uses property overrides will not be accepted by CCWD.

6.5.1 Non-Plotting Layers The DEFPOINT layer was traditionally used for construction lines or text that needed to be visible on the screen, and yet not plot. With the inclusion of the Plot/NoPlot setting in layer definitions, any layer can be visible on screen and not plot. Use the *NPLT* layers for any information including construction lines and text, that needs to be visible on the screen, but not sent to the plot.

6.5.2 Color All layers are defined with the required color. Objects shall be created with color set as bylayer. This will ensure that all objects will take on the color as defined by the layer. Any drawing file that uses color overrides will not be accepted by CCWD.

Figure 6.2: By clicking on the Plot icon next to the Plot Style, you can control whether a layer gets plotted or not

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6.5.3 Linetype All layers are defined with the required line type. Objects shall be created with line type set as bylayer. This will ensure that all objects will take on the line type as defined by the layer. Any drawing file that uses line type overrides will not be accepted by CCWD.

6.5.4 Lineweight All layers are defined with the line weight of default. Objects shall be created with line weight set as bylayer. This will ensure that all objects will take on the line weight as defined by the layer. Drawing file line weight can and will be overridden at plot time when the CCWD.CTB file is assigned to the layout. Any drawing file that uses line weight overrides within the drawing file will not be accepted by CCWD.

The District uses 10 line weights in the production of all drawings. At plot time, these line weights are assigned based on the screen color of an object. Object colors are assigned by the layer definition. When the suggested layering guidelines are followed, line weights are automatically assigned through the use of the color dependent style table file named CCWD.CTB. When plotting, the CCWD.CTB file must be loaded from the Plot Style folder to achieve proper line weights.

Assigned line weights can be viewed on the screen by turning on ‘Display Plot Styles’ in the Page setup dialogue box and then clicking the LWT button on the status bar. Line weights in paper space will be accurate. Line weights in model space will be relative to each other. An example of these line weights is shown in the table below. A complete listing of the color to line weight mapping assigned in CCWD.CTB is shown in Section 8 - Plotting.

Figure 6.3: Specifying the

display of lineweights from the CTB file in the AutoCAD page setup

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Appendix 6.1: General Major Minor Groups





















G - 3DFC - - 3D Faces M 0.2 continuous X

G - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

G - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2G - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousG - ANNO - TEXT - EXST Existing facilities annotation L 0.25 continuousG - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousG - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousG - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies XG - MVUE - - Paper space view ports L 0.2 continuous XG - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesG - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesG - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesG - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesG - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesG - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous XG - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousG - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousG - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousG - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousG - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousG - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesG - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousG - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousG - XREF - ARCH - Architectural external reference layer M varies continuousG XREF - CIVIL - Civil external reference layer M varies continuousG - XREF - MECH - Mechanical external reference layer M varies continuousG - XREF - SHBD - Project sheet border M varies continuousG - XREF - STRU - Structural external reference layer M varies continuous

Layer Properties

CCWD Layer Standards

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Appendix 6.2: Architectural Major Minor Groups





















A - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

A - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2A - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousA - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousA - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousA - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies XA - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesA - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesA - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesA - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesA - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesA - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous XA - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousA - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousA - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousA - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousA - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousA - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesA - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousA - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousA - AREA - - Area M 0.4 continuousA - AREA - OCCP - Area: occupant or employee name M 0.4 continuousA - CASE - LABR - Casework: laboratory M 0.25 continuousA - CLNG - - Ceiling M 0.25 continuousA - CLNG - ACCS - Ceiling: access M 0.25 continuousA - CLNG - OPEN - Ceiling: openings M 0.25 continuousA - CLNG - TEES - Ceiling: main tees M 0.25 continuousA - CLNG - SUSP - Ceiling: suspended elements M 0.25 dashedA - CLNG - TEXT - Ceiling: text M 0.25 continuousA - COLS - - Columns M 0.4 continuousA - CONV - - Conveying Systems M 0.25 continuousA - DOOR - - Doors M 0.25 continuousA - DOOR - HEAD - Doors: head M 0.25 continuousA - DOOR - PRHT - Doors: partial height (swing and leaf) M 0.25 continuousA - DOOR - SILL - Doors: sill 0.25 continuousA - DOOR - TEXT - Doors: text 0.25 continuousA - EQPM - - Equipment M 0.25 continuousA - EQPM - ACCS - Equipment: access M 0.25 continuousA - EQPM - FIXD - Equipment: fixed equipment M 0.25 continuousA - EQPM - MOVE - Equipment: moveable equipment M 0.25 continuousA - EQPM - NICN - Equipment: not in contract M 0.25 continuousA - EQPM - OVHD - Equipment: overhead M 0.25 dashedA - EQPM - TEXT - Equipment: text M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - - Floor M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - CASE - Floor: casework M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - DRNS - Floor: drains M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - EVTR - Floor: elevator cars and equipment M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - HRAL - Floor: handrails, guard rails M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - LEVL - Floor: level changes, ramps, pits, depressions M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - OTLN - Floor: outline M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - OVHD - Floor: overhead (objects above) M 0.25 dashedA - FLOR - RAIS - Floor: raised M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - RAMP - Floor: ramps M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - RISR - Floor: stair risers M 0.25 continuous

Layer Naming Layer Properties

CCWD Layer Standards

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Appendix 6.2: Architectural Major Minor Groups





















Layer Naming Layer Properties

A - FLOR - SIGN - Floor: signs M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - SPCL - Floor: specialties (toilet room accessories, display cases) M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - STRS - Floor: stair treads, escalators, ladders M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - TPTN - Floor: toilet partitions M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - WDWK - Floor: architectural woodwork M 0.25 continuousA - FLOR - TEXT - Floor: text M 0.25 continuousA - FURN - - Furnishings M 0.25 continuousA - GLAZ - - Glazing M 0.25 continuousA - GLAZ - SILL - Glazing: window sills M 0.25 continuousA - HVAC - - HVAC M 0.25 continuousA - LITE - - Lighting fixtures M 0.25 continuousA - ROOF - - Roof M 0.25 continuousA - ROOF - DRNS - Roof: drains M 0.25 continuousA - ROOF - EQPM - Roof: equipment M 0.25 continuousA - ROOF - HRAL - Roof: handrails M 0.3 continuousA - ROOF - LEVL - Roof: level changes M 0.2 continuousA - ROOF - OTLN - Roof: outline M 0.4 continuousA - ROOF - RISR - Roof: stair risers M 0.25 continuousA - ROOF - STRS - Roof:stair treads, ladders M 0.25 continuousA - ROOF - TEXT - Roof:text M 0.25 continuousA - WALL - - Walls M 0.3 continuousA - WALL - CNTR - Walls: centerline M 0.3 centerA - WALL - EXTR - Walls: exterior M 0.4 continuousA - WALL - FIRE - Walls: fire wall M 0.4 continuousA - WALL - HEAD - Walls: door and window headers M 0.4 continuousA - WALL - JAMB - Walls:door and window jambs M 0.4 continuousA - WALL - LOUV - Walls: louver blades and wall below M 0.4 dashedA - WALL - MOVE - Walls: moveable partitions M 0.4 continuousA - WALL - PRHT - Walls: partial-height M 0.4 continuousA - WALL - PATT - Walls: texture or hatch patterns M 0.25 continuousA - WALL - TEXT - Walls: text M 0.25 continuousA - WALK - - Walkway: pavers and walkway outlines M 0.2 continuous

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C - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

C - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2C - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousC - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousC - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousC - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xC - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesC - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesC - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesC - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesC - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesC - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xC - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousC - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousC - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousC - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousC - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousC - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesC - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousC - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousC - BLDG - - Buildings and primary structures M 0.25 continuousC - BLDG - OVHD - Buildings and primary structures: overhang M 0.3 dashed2C - BOR - - Test borings M 0.25 continuousC - BRDG - - Bridge M 0.25 continuousC - BRDG - FALT - Bridge: break line M 0.4 dashed2C - BRDG - CNTR - Bridge: centerline M 0.3 center2C - BRDG - TEXT - Bridge: text M 0.25 continuousC - CATV - - Cable TV M 0.3 catvC - CATV - OVHD - Cable TV: overhead lines M 0.3 dashed2C - CATV - POLE - Cable TV: box / pole M 0.3 continuousC - CATV - UNDR - Cable TV: underground lines M 0.3 catvC - CATV - TEXT - Cable TV: text M 0.25 continuousC - CHAN - - Navigable channels M 0.3 continuousC - COMM - - Communications M 0.3 commC - COMM - OVHD - Communications: overhead lines M 0.3 dashedC - COMM - POLE - Communications: box / pole M 0.3 continuousC - COMM - UNDR - Communications: underground lines M 0.3 commC - COMM - TEXT - Communications: text M 0.25 continuousC - CTRL - - Control points M 0.3 continuousC - CTRL - BMRK - Control points: benchmarks M 0.3 continuousC - CTRL - GRID - Control points: grid lines M 0.4 continuousC - CTRL - HCPT - Control points: horizontal M 0.25 continuousC - CTRL - HVPT - Control points: horizontal / vertical M 0.25 continuousC - CTRL - TRAV - Control points: traverse M 0.25 continuousC - CTRL - VCPT - Control points: vertical M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - ASPH - Driveways: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - CNTR - Driveways: centerline M 0.3 center2C - DRIV - CONC - Driveways: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - CURB - Driveways: curb M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - CURB - Driveways: curb: face M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - CURB - Driveways: curb: back M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - FLNE - Driveways: fire lane M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - GRVL - Driveways: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - SIGN - Driveways: signs M 0.25 continuous

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Layer Naming Layer Properties

C - DRIV - UPVD - Driveways: unpaved surface M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - WHIT - Driveways: white paint M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - YELO - Driveways: yellow paint M 0.25 continuousC - DRIV - TEXT - Driveways: text M 0.25 continuousC - DTCH - BOTD - Ditches or washes: bottom M 0.25 continuousC - DTCH - CNTR - Ditches or washes: centerline M 0.3 center C - DTCH - EWAT - Ditches or washes: edge of water M 0.25 continuousC - DTCH - TOPD - Ditches or washes: top M 0.25 continuousC - DTCH - TEXT - Ditches or washes: text M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - - Erosion and sediment control M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - CIPR - Erosion and sediment control: culvert inlet protection M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - DDIV - Erosion and sediment control : drainage divides M 0.3 continuousC - EROS - DVDK - Erosion and sediment control : diversion dike M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - INPR - Erosion and sediment control : inlet protection M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - SILT - Erosion and sediment control : silt fence M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - SSLT - Erosion and sediment control : super silt fence M 0.25 continuousC - EROS - TEXT - Erosion and sediment control : text M 0.25 continuousC - ESMT - - Easements M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - ACCS - Easements: access (pedestrian only) M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - CATV - Easements: utility - cable television M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - CONS - Easements: conservation M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - ELEC - Easements: utility - electrical M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - FDPL - Easements: flood plain M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - INEG - Easements: ingres / egress (vehicles; private access) M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - LDSCP - Easements: landscape M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - NGAS - Easements: natural gas line M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - PHON - Easements: telephone line M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - ROAD - Easements: roadway M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - RWAY - Easements: right-of-way M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - SSWR - Easements: sanitary sewer M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - STRM - Easements: storm sewer M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - SWMT - Easements: storm water management M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - TRAL - Easements: trail or path (public access) M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - UTIL - Easements: utilities M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - WATR - Easements: water supply M 0.4 phantom2C - ESMT - TEXT - Easements: text M 0.25 continuousC - FENC - - Fences M 0.25 fenceC - FENC - GRAL - Fences: guard rail M 0.25 continuousC - FENC - POST - Fences: posts M 0.25 continuousC - FENC - STEL - Fences: steel (barbed wire and/or chain link) M 0.25 fenceC - FENC - WOOD - Fences: wood M 0.25 fenceC - FENC - TEXT - Fences: text M 0.25 continuousC - FLHA - - Flood Hazard Area M 0.3 dashed2C - FLHA - 025Y - Flood Hazard Area: 25 year mark M 0.3 dashed2C - FLHA - 050Y - Flood Hazard Area: 50 year mark M 0.3 dashed2C - FLHA - 100Y - Flood Hazard Area: 100 year mark M 0.3 dashed2C - FLHA - 200Y - Flood Hazard Area: 200 year mark M 0.3 dashed2C - FLHA - TEXT - Flood Hazard Area: text M 0.25 continuousC - FUEL - - Fuel Gas M 0.3 fuel_gasC - FUEL - EQPM - Fuel Gas: equipment (pumps, motors) M 0.3 continuousC - FUEL - INST - Fuel Gas: instrumentation (meters, valves, etc.) M 0.3 continuousC - FUEL - MHOL - Fuel Gas: manhole M 0.3 continuousC - FUEL - PIPE - Fuel Gas : piping M 0.3 fuel_gasC - FUEL - TANK - Fuel Gas : storage tanks M 0.3 continuousC - FUEL - UNDR - Fuel Gas : underground piping M 0.3 continuous

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Layer Naming Layer Properties

C - FUEL - TEXT - Fuel Gas : text M 0.25 continuousC - LOCN - - Limits of construction M 0.3 dashedC - NGAS - - Natural Gas: M 0.3 gasC - NGAS - EQPM - Natural Gas: equipment (pumps, motors) M 0.3 continuousC - NGAS - INST - Natural Gas: instrumentation (meters, valves, etc.) M 0.3 continuousC - NGAS - MHOL - Natural Gas: manhole M 0.3 continuousC - NGAS - PIPE - Natural Gas: piping M 0.3 gasC - NGAS - TANK - Natural Gas: storage tanks M 0.3 continuousC - NGAS - UNDR - Natural Gas: underground piping M 0.3 continuousC - NGAS - TEXT - Natural Gas: text M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - - Parking lots M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - ASPH - Parking lots : asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - CONC - Parking lots: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - CURB - Parking lots: curb M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - CURB - Parking lots: curb: face M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - CURB - Parking lots: curb: back M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - DRAN - Parking lots: drainage slope indications M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - FIXT - Parking lots: fixtures (wheel stops, parking meters, etc.) M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - FLNE - Parking lots: fire lane M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - FLNE - Parking lots: fire lane: signage M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - GRVL - Parking lots: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - MRKG - Parking lots : pavement markings M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - SIGN - Parking lots: signs M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - STRP - Parking lots: striping M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - UPVD - Parking lots: unpaved surface M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - WHIT - Parking lots: white paint M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - YELO - Parking lots: yellow paint M 0.25 continuousC - PRKG - TEXT - Parking lots: text M 0.25 continuousC - POND - - Ponds M 0.25 continuousC - POND - SWAY - Ponds: spillway M 0.25 continuousC - POND - TOPB - Ponds: top of bank M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - - Power M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - FENC - Power: enclosure fence M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - INST - Power: instrumentation (meters, transformers) M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - MHOL - Power: manhole M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - OVHD - Power: overhead lines M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - POLE - Power: box / pole M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - STRC - Power: structures M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - UNDR - Power: underground lines M 0.3 continuousC - POWR - TEXT - Power: text M 0.25 continuousC - PROP - LINE - Property: property lines, survey benchmarks, property corners M 0.4 continuousC - PROP - SBCK - Property: setback lines M 0.3 continuousC - RAIL - - Railroad M 0.3 railroadC - RAIL - CNTR - Railroad: centerline M 0.3 centerC - REMV - CLRL - Removal: clearing limit M 0.5 dashedC - REMV - LODB - Removal: limit of disturbance M 0.5 dashedC - REMV - LOFW - Removal: limit of work M 0.5 dashedC - RIVER - - River M 0.3 continuousC - RIVER - BOTM - River: bottom M 0.3 continuousC - RIVER - CNTR - River: centerline M 0.3 centerC - RIVER - EDGE - River: edge M 0.3 continuousC - RIVER - TOPB - River : top of bank M 0.3 continuousC - ROAD - - M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - - ROAD M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - ASPH - ROAD: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuous

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C - ROAD - CNTR - ROAD: centerline M 0.3 centerC - ROAD - CONC - ROAD: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - CURB - ROAD: curb M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - CURB - ROAD: curb: face M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - CURB - ROAD: curb: back M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - FLNE - ROAD: fire lane M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - FLNE - ROAD: fire lane: signs M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - GUTR - ROAD: gutter M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - GRVL - ROAD: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - MRKG - ROAD: pavement markings M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - PROF - ROAD: profile M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - SIGN - ROAD: signs M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - STAN - ROAD: stationing M 0.4 continuousC - ROAD - UPVD - ROAD: unpaved surface M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - WHIT - ROAD: white paint M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - YELO - ROAD: yellow paint M 0.25 continuousC - ROAD - TEXT - ROAD: text M 0.25 continuousC - RRAP - - Riprap M 0.25 continuousC - SOIL - - Soils M 0.25 continuousC - SSWR - - Sanitary sewer M 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - FORC

-Sanitary sewer: force main

M 0.3sanitary

sewer forceC - SSWR - LATL

-Sanitary sewer: lateral line

M 0.3sanitary sewer

C - SSWR - MHOL - Sanitary sewer: manhole M 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - PIPE - Sanitary sewer: piping: steel M 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - PIPE - Sanitary sewer: piping: reinforced concrete M 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - PROF - Sanitary sewer: profile M 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - PUMP - Sanitary sewer: pumps 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - STAN - Sanitary sewer: stationing M 0.4 continuousC - SSWR - STRC - Sanitary sewer: structures M 0.3 continuousC - SSWR - UNDR

-Sanitary sewer: underground piping

M 0.3sanitary sewer

C - SSWR - TEXT - Sanitary sewer: text M 0.25 continuousC - STEM - - Steam system M 0.3 steamC - STEM - INST - Steam system: instrumentation M 0.3 continuousC - STEM - MHOL - Steam system: manhole M 0.3 continuousC - STEM - PIPE - Steam system: piping M 0.3 steamC - STEM - STRC - Steam system: structures M 0.3 continuousC - STEM - UNDR - Steam system: underground piping M 0.3 steamC - STRM - - Storm sewer M 0.3 storm drainC - STRM - CNTR - Storm drain: centerline M 0.3 centerC - STRM - HWAL - Storm drain: headwall M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - MHOL - Storm drain: manhole M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - PIPE - Storm drain: piping M 0.3 storm drainC - STRM - PIPE - RCON Storm drain: piping: reinforced concrete M 0.3 storm drainC - STRM - PIPE - CMTL Storm drain: piping: corrugated metal M 0.3 storm drainC - STRM - PROF - Storm drain: profile M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - STAN - Storm drain: stationing M 0.4 continuousC - STRM - STRC - Storm drain: structures M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - STRC - CULV Storm drain: structures: culvert M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - STRC - CHAN Storm drain: structures: channel M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - STRC - WEIR Storm drain: structures: weir M 0.25 continuousC - STRM - STRC - CATCH Storm drain: structures: catchbasin M 0.25 continuousC - STRM - STRC - ORIF Storm drain: structures: orifice M 0.3 continuous

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C - STRM - STRC - RISE Storm drain: structures: risers M 0.3 continuousC - STRM - UNDR - Storm drain: underground piping M 0.3 storm drainC - STRM - TEXT - Storm drain: text M 0.25 continuousC - SWLK - - Sidewalks M 0.25 continuousC - SWLK - ASPH - Sidewalks: asphalt M 0.25 continuousC - SWLK - CONC - Sidewalks: concrete M 0.25 continuousC - TINN - - Triangulated irregular network M 0.25 continuousC - TINN - BNDY - Triangulated irregular network: boundary M 0.4 continuousC - TINN - FALT - Triangulated irregular network: break lines M 0.4 dashedC - TINN - VIEW - Triangulated irregular network: triangulation M 0.25 continuousC - TINN - VOID - Triangulated irregular network: void regions M 0.25 continuousC - TOPO - - Topography M 0.3 continuousC - TOPO - BORE - Topography : test borings M continuousC - TOPO - DEPR - Topography : depression contours M 0.3 continuousC - TOPO - GRDL - Topography : grade line M 0.4 dashedC - TOPO - MAJR - Topography : major contours M 0.5 continuousC - TOPO - MNR - Topography: minor contours M 0.25 continuousC - TOPO - SPOT - Topography: spot elevations M 0.25 continuousC - TOPO - SWLE - Topography: swale centerline M 0.3 centerC - TOPO - TEXT - Topography: text M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - - Trails or paths M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - ASPH - Trails or paths: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - CONC - Trails or paths : concrete surface M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - GRVL - Trails or paths : gravel surface M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - MRKG - Trails or paths : pavement markings M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - SIGN - Trails or paths : signs M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - UPVD - Trails or paths : unpaved surface M 0.25 continuousC - TRAL - TEXT - Trails or paths : text M 0.25 continuousC - WALL - - Walls M 0.4 continuousC - WALL - SHEA - Walls: structural bearing or shear walls M 0.4 continuousC - WALL - CTLJ - Walls: control joints M 0.3 continuousC - WALL - NSBR - Walls: noise barrier M 0.3 continuousC - WALL - RTWL

-Walls: retaining

M 0.4 retaining wallC - WALL - TEXT - Walls: text M 0.25 continuousC - WATR - - Water supply systems M 1 continuousC - WATR - INST

-Water supply systems: instrumentation (Sampling station, etc.) M 0.3 continuous

C - WATR - PIPL - Water distribution systems : piping 10" and larger M 1 continuousC - WATR - PIPS - Water distribution systems : piping 8" and smaller M 1 continuousC - WATR - PROF - Water distribution systems : profile M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - STAN - Water distribution systems : stationing M 0.4 continuousC - WATR - STRC

-Water distribution systems : structures, concrete box, manhole, vaults M 0.3 continuous

C - WATR - LATL - Water distribution systems : lateral line M 0.6 continuousC - WATR - FITG - Water distribution systems : fittings M 0.3 continuousC _ WATR - HYDR Water distribution systems : fire hydrant M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - VALV Water distribution systems : valves M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - BLWO Water distribution systems :blow-off M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - DDCV Water distribution systems : double detector check valve M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - RPDA Water distribution systems : M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - METR Water distribution systems : meter M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - AIRV Water distribution systems : air valve M 0.3 continuousC - WATR - WELL Water distribution systems : well M 0.25 continuousC - WATR - TEXT Water distribution systems : text M 0.25 continuous

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Appendix 6.4: Electrical Major Minor Groups





















E - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

E - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2E - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousE - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousE - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousE - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xE - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesE - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesE - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesE - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesE - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesE - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xE - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousE - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousE - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousE - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousE - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousE - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesE - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousE - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousE - ALRM - - Alarm system M 0.3 continuousE - AUXL - - Auxiliary systems M 0.3 continuousE - BELL - - Bell system M 0.3 continuousE - CCTV - - Closed-circuit TV M 0.3 continuousE - CLOK - - Clock system M 0.3 continuousE - COMM - - Telephone, communication outlets M 0.3 continuousE - CTRL - - Control systems M 0.3 continuousE - CTRL - DEVC - Control systems: devices M 0.3 continuousE - CTRL - WIRE - Control systems: wiring M 0.3 continuousE - DATA - - Data outlets M 0.25 continuousE - DICT - - Central dictation system M 0.3 continuousE - FIRE - - Fire alarm, fire extinguishers M 0.3 continuousE - GRND - - Ground system M 0.3 continuousE - GRND - CIRC - Ground system: circuits M 0.3 continuousE - GRND - DIAG - Ground system: diagram M 0.3 continuousE - GRND - REFR - Ground system: reference M 0.3 continuousE - GRND - EQUI - Ground system: equipotential M 0.3 continuousE - INTC - - Intercom system M 0.3 continuousE - LEGN - - Legend of symbols M 0.25 continuousE - LITE - - Lighting M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - CIRC - CIRC Lighting: circuits M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - CIRC - NUMB Lighting: circuits: numbers M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - CLNG - Lighting: ceiling-mounted M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - EMER - Lighting: emergency M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - EXIT - Lighting: exit M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - EXTR - Lighting: exterior and site M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - FLOR - Lighting: floor-mounted M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - OTLN - Lighting: outline for background M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - SPCL - Lighting: special M 0.4 continuousE - LITE - ROOF - Lighting: roof lighting M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - WALL - Lighting: wall-mounted M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - SWCH - Lighting: switches M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - CIRC - Lighting: circuits M 0.3 continuousE - LITE - IDEN - Lighting: identification and text M 0.3 continuous

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E - LITE - JBOX - Lighting: junction box M 0.4 continuousE - LITE - TEXT - Lighting: text M 0.25 continuousE - LTNG - - Lightning protection system M 0.3 continuousE - NURS - - Nurse call system M 0.3 continuousE - PGNG - - Paging system M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - - Power M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - BUSW - Power: busways M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - CABL - Power: cable trays M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - CIRC - Power: circuits M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - CIRC - NUMB Power: circuits: numbers M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - DEVC - Power: devices M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - EQPM - Power: equipment M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - FEED - Power: feeders M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - JBOX - Power: junction box M 0.4 continuousE - POWR - PANL - Power: panels M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - SWBD - Power: switchboards M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - URAC - Power: underfloor raceways M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - UCPT - Power: under-carpet wiring M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - ROOF - Power: roof M 0.3 continuousE - POWR - TEXT - Power: text M 0.25 continuousE - SERT - - Security M 0.3 continuousE - SITE - - Site M 0.3 electricE - SITE - UNDR - Site: underground lines M 0.3 electricE - SITE - POLE - Site: electric poles M 0.3 continuousE - SITE - OVHD - Site: overhead lines M 0.3 dashedE - SOUN - - Sound/PA system M 0.3 continuousE - TVAN - - TV antenna system M 0.3 continuous

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Appendix 6.5: Fire Protection Major Minor Groups





















F - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

F - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2F - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousF - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousF - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousF - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xF - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesF - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesF - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesF - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesF - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesF - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xF - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousF - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousF - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousF - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousF - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousF - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesF - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousF - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousF - AFFF - - Aqueous film- forming foam system M 0.3 continuousF - AFFF - EQPM - Aqueous film- forming foam system: piping M 0.3 continuousF - AFFF - PIPE - Aqueous film- forming foam system: equipment M 0.4 continuousF - CO2S - - CO2 system M 0.3 continuousF - CO2S - EQPM - CO2 system: equipment M 0.4 continuousF - CO2S - PIPE - CO2 system: piping M 0.3 continuousF - HALN - - Halon M 0.3 continuousF - HALN - EQPM - Halon: equipment M 0.4 continuousF - HALN - PIPE - Halon: piping M 0.3 continuousF - IGAS - - Inert Gas M 0.3 continuousF - IGAS - EQPM - Inert Gas: equipment M 0.4 continuousF - IGAS - PIPE - Inert Gas: piping M 0.3 continuousF - PROT - - Fire protection system M 0.3 continuousF - PROT - ALRM - Fire protection system: alarm M 0.3 continuousF - PROT - EQPM - Fire protection system: equipment M 0.4 continuousF - PROT - SMOK - Fire protection system: smoke detector / heat sensors M 0.3 continuousF - PROT - STAN - Fire protection system: standpipe M 0.25 continuousF - PROT - TEXT - Fire protection system: text M 0.25 continuousF - SPRN - - Sprinkler system M 0.3 continuousF - SPRN - CLHD - Sprinkler system: ceiling heads M 0.25 continuousF - SPRN - OTHD - Sprinkler system: other heads M 0.3 continuousF - SPRN - PIPE - Sprinkler system: piping M 0.3 continuousF - SPRN - STAN - Sprinkler system: standpipe M 0.25 continuousF - SPRN - TEXT - Sprinkler system: text M 0.25 continuous

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Appendix 6.6: Interior Design Major Minor Groups





















I - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

I - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2I - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousI - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousI - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousI - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xI - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesI - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesI - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesI - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesI - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesI - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xI - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousI - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousI - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousI - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousI - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousI - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesI - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousI - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousI - AREA - - Area M 0.4 continuousI - AREA - OCCP - Area: occupant or employee names M 0.4 continuousI - CLNG - - Ceiling M 0.25 continuousI - CLNG - ACCS - Ceiling: access M 0.25 continuousI - CLNG - OPEN - Ceiling: openings M 0.3 continuousI - CLNG - SUSP - Ceiling: suspended elements M 0.25 continuousI - CLNG - TEES - Ceiling: main tees M 0.25 continuousI - CLNG - TEXT - Ceiling: text M 0.25 continuousI - COLS - - Columns M 0.4 continuousI - DOOR - - Doors M 0.25 continuousI - DOOR - FULL - Doors: full-height M 0.25 continuousI - DOOR - PRHT - Doors: partial-height M 0.25 continuousI - EQPM - - Equipment M 0.3 continuousI - EQPM - ACCS - Equipment: access M 0.3 continuousI - EQPM - FIXD - Equipment: fixed equipment M 0.3 continuousI - EQPM - MOVE - Equipment: moveable equipment M 0.3 continuousI - EQPM - NICN - Equipment: not in contract M 0.3 continuousI - EQPM - OVHD - Equipment: overhead M 0.3 dashedI - EQPM - STOR - Equipment: storage M 0.25 continuousI - EQPM - TEXT - Equipment: text M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - - Floor M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - CASE - Floor: casework M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - EVTR - Floor: elevator cars and equipment M 0.4 continuousI - FLOR - FIXT - Floor: plumbing fixtures M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - HRAL - Floor: handrails, guard rails M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - LEVL - Floor: level changes, ramps, pits, depressions M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - OTLN - Floor: outline M 0.4 continuousI - FLOR - OVHD - Floor: overhead (objects above) M 0.3 dashedI - FLOR - RAIS - Floor: raised M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - RISR - Floor: stair risers M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - SIGN - Floor: signs M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - STRS - Floor: stair treads, escalators, ladder M 0.25 continuous

I - FLOR - SPCL -Floor: architectural specialties (toilet room accessories, display cases) M 0.25 continuous

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I - FLOR - TPTN - Floor: toilet partitions M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - WDWK - Floor: architectural woodwork M 0.25 continuousI - FLOR - TEXT - Floor: text M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - - Furnishings M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - FILE - Furnishings: file cabinets M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - FRE - Furnishings: freestanding M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - PLNT - Furnishings: plants M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - PNLS - Furnishings: system panels M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - SEAT - Furnishings: seating M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - STOR - Furnishings: system storage components M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - WKSF - Furnishings: work surface component M 0.25 continuousI - FURN - TEXT - Furnishings: text M 0.25 continuousI - GLAZ - - Glazing M 0.25 continuousI - GLAZ - FULL - Glazing: full-height M 0.25 continuousI - GLAZ - PRHT - Glazing: partial-height M 0.25 continuousI - GLAZ - SILL - Glazing: window sills M 0.25 continuousI - HVAC - - HVAC M 0.25 continuousI - HVAC - SDFF - HVAC: supply diffusers M 0.25 continuousI - HVAC - RDFF - HVAC: return air diffusers M 0.25 continuousI - LITE - - Light fixtures M 0.25 continuousI - WALL - - Walls M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - FULL - Walls: full-height M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - PRHT - Walls: partial-height M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - MOVE - Walls: moveable partitions M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - HEAD - Walls: door and window headers M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - JAMB - Walls: door and window jambs M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - FIRE - Walls: fire wall M 0.4 continuousI - WALL - TEXT - Walls: text M 0.25 continuous

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Appendix 6.7: Landscape Architecture Major Minor Groups





















L - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

L - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2L - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousL - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousL - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousL - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xL - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesL - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesL - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesL - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesL - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesL - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xL - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousL - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousL - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousL - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousL - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousL - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesL - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousL - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousL - IRRG - - Irrigation M 0.3 continuous XL - IRRG - COVR - Irrigation: coverage M 0.4 continuousL - IRRG - EQPM - Irrigation: equipment M 0.4 continuousL - IRRG - PIPE - Irrigation: piping M 0.3 irrigationL - IRRG - SPKL - Irrigation: sprinklers M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - - Plant and landscape M 0.25 continuous XL - PLNT - BEDS - Plant and landscape: planting beds M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - BUSH - Plant and landscape: bushes and shrubs M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - CTNR - Plant and landscape: container or planter M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - GRND - Plant and landscape: ground covers and vines M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - REMN - Plant and landscape: material to remain M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - REMV - Plant and landscape: material to be removed M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - SHAD - Plant and landscape: shadow area M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - TREE - Plant and landscape: trees M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - TURF - Plant and landscape: lawn areas M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - PLTS - Plant and landscape: planting plants M 0.25 continuousL - PLNT - TEXT - Plant and landscape: text M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - - Site improvements M 0.25 continuous XL - SITE - BRDG - Site improvements: bridges M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - DECK - Site improvements: decks M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - FENC - Site improvements: fences M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - FURN - Site improvements: furnishings M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - PLAY - Site improvements: play structures M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - POOL - Site improvements: pools and spas M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - SPRT - Site improvements: sports fields M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - STEP - Site improvements: steps M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - RTWL - Site improvements: retaining walls M 0.4 retaining wallL - SITE - WALK - Site improvements: walks and steps M 0.25 continuousL - SITE - TEXT - Site improvements: text M 0.25 continuous

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Appendix 6.8: Mechanical Major Minor Groups























M - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

M - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2M - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousM - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousM - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousM - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xM - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesM - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesM - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesM - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesM - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesM - RDME - - Designer's comments M continuous xM - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousM - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousM - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousM - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousM - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousM - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesM - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousM - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousM - BRIN - - Brine systems M 0.3 continuousM - BRIN - EQPM - Brine systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - BRIN - PIPE - Brine systems: piping M 0.3 continuousM - CHIM - - Chimneys and stacks M 0.3 continuousM - CMPA - - Compressed / processed air systems M 0.3 continuousM - CMPA - CEQP - Compressed / processed air systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - CMPA - CPIP - Compressed / processed air systems: piping M 0.3 continuousM - CMPA - PEQP - Compressed / processed air systems: process equipment M 0.4 continuousM - CMPA - PPIP - Compressed / processed air systems: process piping M 0.3 continuousM - CNDW - - Condenser water systems M 0.3 continuousM - CNDW - EQPM - Condenser water systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - CNDW - PIPE - Condenser water systems: piping M 0.3 condwaterM - CONT - - Controls and instrumentation M 0.3 continuousM - CONT - THER - Controls and instrumentation: thermostats M 0.3 continuousM - CONT - WIRE - Controls and instrumentation: low voltage wiring M 0.3 continuousM - CWTR - - Chilled water systems M 0.3 chilledwaterM - CWTR - PIPE - Chilled water systems: piping M 0.3 chilledwaterM - CWTR - EQPM - Chilled water systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - DUST - - Dust and fume collection systems M 0.3 continuousM - DUST - DUCT - Dust and fume collection systems: ductwork M 0.3 continuousM - ELHT - - Electric heat M 0.3 continuousM - ELHT - EQPM - Electric heat: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - ENER - - Energy management systems M 0.3 continuousM - ENER - EQPM - Energy management systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - ENER - WIRE - Energy management systems: wiring M 0.3 continuousM - EXHS - - Exhaust system M 0.3 continuousM - EXHS - CODFF - Exhaust system: ceiling diffusers M 0.3 continuousM - EXHS - DUCT - Exhaust system: ductwork M 0.3 continuousM - EXHS - EQPM - Exhaust system: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - EXHS - RFEQ - Exhaust system: rooftop equipment M 0.4 continuousM - FUEL - - Fuel Systems M 0.3 continuousM - FUEL - EQPM - Fuel Systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - FUEL - GGEP - Fuel Systems: gas general piping M 0.3 gasM - FUEL - GPRP - Fuel Systems: gas process piping M 0.3 gas

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M - FUEL - OPRP - Fuel Systems: oil process piping M 0.3 fuelM - FUEL - OGEP - Fuel Systems: oil general piping M 0.3 fuelM - FUME - - Fume hood M 0.3 continuousM - FUME - EQPM - Fume hood: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - HOTW - - Hot water heating system M 0.3 continuousM - HOTW - EQPM - Hot water heating system: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - HOTW - PIPE - Hot water heating system: piping M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - - HVAC systems M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - CDFF - HVAC systems: ceiling diffusers M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - EQPM - HVAC systems: equipment M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - DOOR - HVAC systems: equipment doors M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - ODFF - HVAC systems: other diffusers M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - RDFF - HVAC systems: return air diffusers M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - RETN - HVAC systems: return ductwork M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - SUPP - HVAC systems: supply ductwork M 0.3 continuousM - HVAC - SDFF - HVAC systems: supply diffusers M 0.3 continuousM - LGAS - - Laboratory gas systems M 0.3 continuousM - LGAS - EQPM - Laboratory gas systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - LGAS - PIPE - Laboratory gas systems: piping M 0.3 continuousM - MACH - - Machine shop M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - - Medical gas M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - CAIR - Medial gas: compressed air M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - EQPM - Medical gas: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - MDGS - NITG - Medical gas: nitrogen M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - NOXG - Medical gas: nitrous oxide M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - OXYG - Medical gas: pure O2 M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - PIPE - Medical gas: piping M 0.3 gasM - MDGS - SAIR - Medical gas: scavenge air M 0.3 continuousM - MDGS - VACU - Medical gas: medical vacuum M 0.3 continuousM - MKUP - - Make-up air systems M 0.3 continuousM - MKUP - CDFF - Make-up air systems M 0.3 continuousM - MKUP - DUCT - Make-up air systems M 0.3 continuousM - MKUP - EQPM - Make-up air systems M 0.3 continuousM - NGAS - - Natural gas systems M 0.3 continuousM - NGAS - EQPM - Natural gas systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - NGAS - PIPE - Natural gas systems: piping M 0.3 gasM - PROC - - Process systems M 0.3 continuousM - PROC - EQPM - Process systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - PROC - PIPE - Process systems piping M 0.3 continuousM - RAIR - - Relief air systems M 0.3 continuousM - RCOV - - Energy recovery systems M 0.3 continuousM - RCOV - EQPM - Energy recovery systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - RCOV - PIPE - Energy recovery systems: piping M 0.3 continuousM - REFG - - Refrigeration systems M 0.3 continuousM - REFG - EQPM - Refrigeration systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - REFG - PIPE - Refrigeration systems: piping M 0.3 continuousM - SMOK - - Smoke extraction systems M 0.3 continuousM - SMOK - CDFF - Smoke extraction systems: ceiling diffusers M 0.3 continuousM - SMOK - DUCT - Smoke extraction systems: duct M 0.3 continuousM - SMOK - EQPM - Smoke extraction systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - SMOK - TEXT - Smoke extraction system: text M 0.2 continuousM - SPCL - - Special systems M 0.3 continuousM - SPCL - EQPM - Special systems: equipment M 0.3 continuousM - SPCL - PIPE - Special systems: piping M 0.3 continuousM - STEM - - Steam systems M 0.3 continuous

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Appendix 6.8: Mechanical Major Minor Groups























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M - STEM - CONP - Steam systems: condensate piping M 0.3 continuousM - STEM - EQPM - Steam systems: equipment M 0.4 continuousM - STEM - HPIP - Steam systems: high pressure steam piping M 0.3 continuousM - STEM - LPIP - Steam systems: low pressure steam piping M 0.3 steamM - STEM - MPIP - Steam systems: medium-pressure steam piping M 0.3 steamM - STEM - TEXT - Steam systems: text M 0.25 continuousM - TEST - - Test equipment M 0.4 continuous

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Appendix 6.9: Plumbing Major Minor Groups





















P - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

P - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2P - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousP - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousP - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousP - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xP - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesP - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesP - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesP - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesP - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesP - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xP - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousP - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousP - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousP - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousP - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousP - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesP - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousP - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousP - ACID - - Acid waste systems: piping M 0.3 continuousP - ACID - PIPE - Acid waste systems M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - - Domestic water systems M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - CPIP - Domestic water systems: cold water M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - EQPM - Domestic water systems: equipment M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - HPIP - Domestic water systems: hot water piping M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - RISR - Domestic water systems: hot and cold water risers M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - RPIP - Domestic water systems: hot water recirculation piping M 0.3 continuousP - DOMW - TEXT - Domestic water systems: text M 0.25 continuousP - MDGS - - Medical gas M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - CAIR - Medical gas: compressed air M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - EQPM - Medical gas: equipment M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - NITG - Medical gas: nitrogen M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - NOXG - Medical gas: nitrous oxide M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - OXYG - Medical gas: pure 02 M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - PIPE - Medical gas: piping M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - SAIR - Medical gas: scavenge air M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - VACU - Medical gas: medical vacuum M 0.3 continuousP - MDGS - TEXT - Medical gas: text M 0.25 continuousP - SANR - - Sanitary drainage systems M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - PIPE - Sanitary drainage systems: piping M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - FIXT - Sanitary drainage systems: plumbing fixtures M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - FLDR - Sanitary drainage systems: floor drains M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - RISR - Sanitary drainage systems: risers M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - EQPM - Sanitary drainage systems: equipment M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - VENT - Sanitary drainage systems: vent piping M 0.3 continuousP - SANR - TEXT - Sanitary drainage systems: text M 0.25 continuousP - STRM - - Storm drainage systems M 0.3 continuousP - STRM - PIPE - Storm drainage systems: piping M 0.3 continuousP - STRM - RISR - Storm drainage systems: risers M 0.3 continuousP - STRM - RFDR - Storm drainage systems: roof drains M 0.3 continuousP - STRM - TEXT - Storm drainage systems: text M 0.25 continuous

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Appendix 6.10: Structural Major Minor Groups





















S - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

S - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2S - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousS - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousS - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousS - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies xS - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesS - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesS - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesS - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesS - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesS - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous xS - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousS - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousS - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousS - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousS - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousS - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesS - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousS - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousS - BEAM - - Beams M 0.25 continuousS - BEAM - ALUM - Beams: aluminum M 0.25 continuousS - BEAM - CONC - Beams: concrete M 0.25 continuousS - BEAM - STEL - Beams: steel M 0.25 continuousS - BEAM - WOOD - Beams: wood M 0.25 continuousS - BRAC - BRAC - Bracing M 0.25 continuousS - BRAC - BRAC - ALUM Bracing: aluminum M 0.25 continuousS - BRAC - BRAC - STEL Bracing: steel M 0.25 continuousS - BRAC - WOOD - Bracing: wood M 0.25 continuousS - COLS - - Columns M 0.4 continuousS - COLS - ALUM - Columns: aluminum M 0.4 continuousS - COLS - CONC - Columns: concrete M 0.4 continuousS - COLS - STEL - Columns: steel M 0.4 continuousS - COLS - WOOD - Columns: wood M 0.4 continuousS - DECK - - Structural deck M 0.3 continuousS - DECK - FLOR - Structural deck: floor M 0.3 continuousS - DECK - FLOR - OPNG Structural deck: openings M 0.4 continuousS - DECK - ROOF - Structural deck: roof M 0.3 continuousS - DECK - ROOF - OPNG Structural deck: roof: openings M 0.4 dashedS - FNDN - - Foundation M 0.4 continuousS - FNDN - FTNG - Foundation: footings M 0.4 continuousS - FNDN - GRBM - Foundation: grade beams M 0.4 continuousS - FNDN - PCAP - Foundation: pile caps M 0.4 continuousS - FNDN - PIER - Foundation: drilled piers M 0.4 continuousS - FNDN - PILE - Foundation: piles M 0.4 continuousS - FNDN - RBAR - Foundation: reinforcing M 0.4 continuousS - GRID - - Column grid M 0.5 centerS - GRID - EXTR - Column grid: exterior columns M 0.5 centerS - GRID - INTR - Column grid: interior columns M 0.5 centerS - JNTS - - Joints M 0.3 continuousS - JNTS - CNTJ - Joints: construction M 0.3 continuousS - JNTS - CTLJ - Joints: control M 0.3 continuousS - JNTS - EXPJ - Joints: expansion M 0.3 continuousS - JOIS - - Joists M 0.3 continuous

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Layer Naming Layer Properties

S - JOIS - BRGX - Joists: bridging M 0.3 continuousS - PROP - - Property lines M 0.4 continuousS - SLAB - - Slab M 0.3 continuousS - SLAB - CONC - Slab: cast-in place concrete M 0.3 continuousS - SLAB - OPNG - Slab: openings and depressions M 0.3 continuousS - SLAB - OPNX - Slab: opening indication ("x") M 0.3 continuousS - SLAB - EDGE - Slab: edge of slab M 0.4 continuousS - SLAB - STEL - Slab: steel M 0.3 continuousS - SLAB - TEXT - Slab: text M 0.25 continuousS - STRS - WOOD - Slab: wood M 0.3 continuousS - STRS - - Stairs M 0.25 continuousS - TRUS - LADD - Stairs: ladders M 0.3 continuousS - WALL - - Walls M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - CMUW - Walls: concrete masonry unit M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - CONC - Walls: cast-in-place concrete M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - MSNW - Walls: masonry M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - PCST - Walls: pre-cat concrete M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - SHEA - Walls: structural shear walls M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - STEL - Walls: steel stud M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - WOOD - Walls: wood M 0.4 continuousS - WALL - TEXT - Walls: text M 0.25 continuous

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Appendix 6.11: Survey Major Minor Groups























V - ANNO - SYMB -Plan, section, detail symbols, north arrows, break lines, and bar scale L 0.25 continuous

V - ANNO - MLIN - Match lines L 0.8 phantom2V - ANNO - TEXT - All notes L 0.25 continuousV - ANNO - DIMS - Dimensions L 0.25 continuousV - ANNO - SCHD - Schedules L 0.25 continuousV - CONS - - Construction lines M 0.2 varies XV - PATT - - Misc. hatch pattern M 0.2 variesV - PATT - DEMO - Misc. hatch pattern (Demo) M 0.2 variesV - PATT - SOL1 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesV - PATT - SOL2 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesV - PATT - SOL3 - Misc. solid hatch pattern M 0.2 variesV - RDME - - Designer's comments M 0.2 continuous XV - REVS - BUBL - Revision clouds L 0.25 continuousV - REVS - TRIA - Revision triangles L 0.25 continuousV - REVS - NOTE - Revision notes L 0.25 continuousV - SHBD - - Drawing border graphics L varies continuousV - SHBD - TTLB - TTLB Title block text L varies continuousV - SHBD - KEYP - KEYP Key plan L 0.25 variesV - SHBD - SUBM - SUBM Submittal notes L 0.25 continuousV - SHBD - ATTB - ATTB Attributes for sheet title L varies continuousV - BLDG - - Buildings and primary structures M 0.25 continuous X

V - BLDG - DECK -Buildings and primary structures: outdoor decks (attached, no roof overhead) M 0.25 continuous

V - BLDG - OTLN - Buildings and primary structures: outline M 0.5 continuousV - BLDG - OVHD - Buildings and primary structures: overhead (overhang) M 0.3 dashedV - BLDG - PRCH - Buildings and primary structures (attached, roof overhead) M 0.3 dashedV - BLDG - TEXT - Buildings text M 0.2 continuousV - BNDY - - Political boundaries M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - BORO - Political boundaries: borough M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - CITY - Political boundaries: city M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - CNTY - Political boundaries: county M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - CORP - Political boundaries: corporation M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - NATL - Political boundaries: national M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - POLI - Political boundaries: all M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - PROV - Political boundaries: province M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - STAT - Political boundaries: state M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - TSHP - Political boundaries: town or township M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - ZONE - Political boundaries: zoning M 0.5 center2V - BNDY - TEXT - Political boundaries: text M 0.25 continuousV - BRDG - - Bridge M 0.25 continuous XV - BRDG - BENT - Bridge: top of bent M 0.25 continuousV - BRDG - CNTR - Bridge: centerline M 0.3 centerV - BRDG - CTLJ - Bridge: control joint M 0.25 dashed2V - BRDG - DECK - Bridge: top of deck M 0.25 continuousV - BRDG - RAIL - Bridge: railing M 0.25 continuousV - BRDG - TEXT - Bridge: text M 0.25 continuousV - BRKL - - Break/ fault lines M 0.25 continuousV - BRKL - BOTB - Break/ fault lines: bottom of bank M 0.25 continuousV - BRKL - FLOW - Break/ fault lines: flowline (lowest point of ditch) M 0.25 continuousV - BRKL - TOPB - Break/ fault lines (top of bank M 0.4 continuousV - BRLN - - Building restriction line M 0.4 continuousV - BZNA - - Buffer zone area M 0.5 continuousV - CHAN - - Navigable channels M 0.3 continuousV - CHAN - BWTR - Navigable channels: breakwater M 0.3 continuous

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Layer Naming Layer Properties

V - CHAN - CNTR -Navigable channels: channel centerline and survey report lines M 0.3 continuous

V - CHAN - DACL -Navigable channels: de-authorized channel limits, anchorages, etc. M 0.25 continuous

V - CHAN - DOCK - Navigable channels: decks, docks, floats, piers M 0.25 continuousV - CHAN - NAID - Navigable channels: navigation aids M 0.25 continuousV - COMM - - Communications M 0.25 continuousV - COMM - MHOL - Communications: manhole M 0.25 continuousV - COMM - OVHD - Communications: overhead lines M 0.25 overheadV - COMM - POLE - Communications: box / pole M 0.25 continuous

V - COMM - UNDR - Communications: underground lines M 0.25communicati

onV - COMM - TEXT - Communications: text M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - - Control points M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - BMRK - Control points: benchmarks M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - FLYS - Control points: fly station M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - GRID - Control points: grid lines M 0.25 dashedV - CTRL - HCPT - Control points: horizontal M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - HVPT - Control points: horizontal / vertical M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - PNPT - Control points: panel point M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - TRAV - Control points: traverse M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - VCPT - Control points: vertical M 0.25 continuousV - CTRL - TEXT - Control points: text M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - - Driveways M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - ASPH - Driveways: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - CNTR - Driveways: centerline M 0.3 centerV - DRIV - CONC - Driveways: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - CURB - Driveways: curb M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - FLNE - Driveways: fire lane M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - GRVL - Driveways: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - MRKG - Driveways: pavement markings M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - UPVD - Driveways: unpaved surface M 0.25 continuousV - DRIV - TEXT - Driveways: text M 0.25 continuousV - DTCH - - Ditches or washes M 0.25 continuousV - DTCH - BOTD - Ditches or washes: bottom M 0.25 continuousV - DTCH - CNTR - Ditches or washes: centerline M 0.3 centerV - DTCH - EWAT - Ditches or washes: edge of water M 0.25 continuousV - DTCH - TOPD - Ditches or washes: top M 0.3 continuousV - DTCH - TEXT - Ditches or washes: text M 0.2 continuousV - ESMT - - Easements M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - ACCS - Easements: access (pedestrian only; private access) M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - CATV - Easements: cable television M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - CONS - Easements: conservation M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - CSTG - Easements: construction / grading M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - ELEC - Easements: electrical M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - FDPL - Easements: flood plain M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - INEG - Easements: ingress / egress (vehicles; private access) M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - LSCP - Easements: landscape M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - NGAS - Easements: natural gas line M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - PHON - Easements: telephone line M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - ROAD - Easements: roadway M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - ROAD - PERM Easements: roadway permanent M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - ROAD - TEMP Easements: roadway temporary M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - RWAY - Easements: right-of-way (public access) M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - SGHT - Easements: sight distance M 0.4 phantom

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V - ESMT - SSWR - Easements: sanitary sewer M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - STRM - Easements: storm sewer M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - SWMT - Easements: storm water management 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - TRAL - Easements: trail / path (public access) M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - UTIL - Easements: utilities M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - WATR - Easements: water supply M 0.4 phantomV - ESMT - TEXT - Easements: text M 0.25 continuousV - FLHA - - Flood hazard area M 0.4 continuousV - FUEL - - Fuel gas M 0.3 fuel gasV - FUEL - MHOL - Fuel gas: manhole M 0.2 continuousV - FUEL - PIPE - Fuel gas: above-ground piping M 0.3 fuel gasV - FUEL - TANK - Fuel gas: storage tanks M 0.2 continuousV - FUEL - UNDR - Fuel gas: underground piping M 0.3 fuel gasV - FUEL - TEXT - Fuel gas: text M 0.25 continuousV - NGAS - - Natural gas M 0.25 gasV - NGAS - MHOL - Natural gas: manhole M 0.25 continuousV - NGAS - PIPE - Natural gas: above-ground piping M 0.3 gasV - NGAS - UNDR - Natural gas: underground piping M 0.3 gasV - NGAS - TANK - Natural gas: storage tanks M 0.25 continuousV - NGAS - TEXT - Natural gas: text M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - - Node M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - DASP - Node: description attributes for survey points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - EASP - Node: elevation attributes for survey points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - PASP - Node: point number attributes for survey points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - ABUT - Node: abutment M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - ACTL - Node: aerial horizontal and vertical control points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - BLIN - Node: baseline M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - BLDG - Node: building points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - BRDG - Node: bridge survey points M 0.25 continuous

V - NODE - BRKL -Node: break lines, spot elevations, points and lines for creation of break lines as top of bank M 0.25 continuous

V - NODE - BROW - Node: brush row points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - BRSH - Node: brush points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - CABL - Node: underground cable points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - CNTL - Node: baseline, property line and centerline points M 0.4 continuousV - NODE - CURB - Node: curb points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - DECK - Node: bridge deck points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - DRIV - Node: driveway points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - EXPJ - Node: expansion joint M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - GRND - Node: ground points indicating elevations M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - MRKG - Node: pavement marking points (yellow / white stripes) M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - MHOL - Node: manhole points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - NGAS - Node: gas line & appurtenances points M 0.3 continuousV - NODE - PIPE - Node: pipe points (driveway / roadway culverts) M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - POLE - Node: pole points (power, telephone, etc.) M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - PVMT - Node: pavement points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - SIGN - Node: sign M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - SSWR - Node: sanitary sewer and appurtenances points M 0.3 continuousV - NODE - STRM - Node: storm sewer and appurtenances points M 0.3 continuousV - NODE - SWLK - Node: sidewalk points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - TREE - Node: tree points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - TROW - Node: tree row points M 0.25 continuousV - NODE - WATR - Node: water line and appurtenances points M 0.3 continuousV - NODE - TEXT - Node: text M 0.25 continuousV - POWR - - Power M 0.25 electric

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V - POWR - FENC - Power: fence enclosure M 0.25 continuousV - POWR - INST - Power: instrumentation (meters, transformers) M 0.25 continuousV - POWR - MHOL - Power: manholes M 0.25 overheadV - POWR - OVHD - Power: overhead lines M 0.3 continuousV - POWR - POLE - Power: box / pole M 0.25 continuousV - POWR - STRC - Power: structures M 0.25 continuousV - POWR - UNDR - Power: underground lines M 0.3 electricV - POWR - TEXT - Power: text M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - - Parking lots M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - ASPH - Parking lots: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - CNTR - Parking lots: centerline M 0.3 centerV - PRKG - CONC - Parking lots: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - CURB - Parking lots: curb M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - DRAN - Parking lots: drainage slope indications M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - FLNE - Parking lots: fire lane M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - GRVL - Parking lots: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - MRKG - Parking lots: pavement markings M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - STRP - Parking lots: striping M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - UPVD - Parking lots: unpaved surface M 0.25 continuousV - PRKG - TEXT - Parking lots: text M 0.25 continuousV - PROP - - Property boundary M 0.4 continuous

V - PROP - LINE -Property boundary: property lines, survey benchmarks, property corners M 0.4 continuous

V - PROP - QTRS - Property boundary: quarter section M 0.4 continuousV - PROP - RSRV - Property boundary: reserve M 0.4 continuousV - PROP - SBCK - Property boundary: setback lines M 0.4 continuousV - PROP - SECT - Property boundary: section boundary M 0.4 continuousV - PROP - SUBD - Property boundary: subdivision (interior) lines M 0.4 continuousV - PROP - SXTS - Property boundary: sixteenth section M 0.4 continuousV - PROP - TEXT - Property boundary: text M 0.25 continuousV - PVMT - - pavement M 0.25 continuousV - PVMT - ASPH - pavement: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousV - PVMT - CONC - pavement: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousV - PVMT - GRVL - pavement: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousV - PVMT - TEXT - pavement: text M 0.25 continuousV - RAIL - - Railroad M 0.25 continuousV - RAIL - CNTR - Railroad: centerline M 0.3 continuousV - RAIL - EQPM - Railroad: equipment (gates, signals, etc.) M 0.25 centerV - RAIL - TRAK - Railroad: track M 0.25 continuousV - RAIL - TEXT - Railroad: text M 0.25 continuousV - RIVR - - River M 0.25 continuousV - RIVR - BOTM - River: bottom M 0.25 dashedV - RIVR - CNTR - River: centerline M 0.3 centerV - RIVR - EDGE - River: edge M 0.25 continuousV - RIVR - TOPB - River: top of bank M 0.25 continuousV - RIVR - TEXT - River: text M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - - Roads, streets and highways M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - ASPH - Roads, streets and highways: asphalt surface M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - CNTR - Roads, streets and highways: centerline M 0.3 centerV - ROAD - CONC - Roads, streets and highways: concrete surface M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - CURB - Roads, streets and highways: curb M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - FLNE - Roads, streets and highways: fire lane M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - GRVL - Roads, streets and highways: gravel surface M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - MRKG - Roads, streets and highways: pavement markings M 0.25 continuousV - ROAD - UPVD - Roads, streets and highways: unpaved surface M 0.25 continuous

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V - ROAD - TEXT - Roads, streets and highways: text M 0.25 continuousV - RRAP - - Riprap M 0.25 continuousV - RWAY - - Right-of-way M 0.4 continuousV - RWAY - CTLA - Right-of-way: controlled access M 0.4 continuous\V - RWAY - CNTR - Right-of-way: centerline M 0.3 centerV - RWAY - LINE - Right-of-way: lines M 0.4 continuousV - RWAY - LMTA - Right-of-way: limited access M 0.4 continuousV - RWAY - MRKR - Right-of-way: marker M 0.4 continuousV - RWAY - STAN - Right-of-way: stationing M 0.4 continuousV - RWAY - TEXT - Right-of-way: text M 0.25 continuousV - SITE - - Site features M 0.25 continuousV - SITE - EWAT - Site features: edge of water M 0.25 continuousV - SITE - FENC - Site features: fences M 0.25 continuousV - SITE - ROCK - Site features: rocks and rock outcroppings M 0.25 continuous

V - SITE - RTWL - Site features: retaining wall M 0.25 retaining wallV - SITE - SIGN - Site features: signs M 0.25 continuousV - SITE - VEGE - Site features: trees shrubs, and other vegetation M 0.25 continuousV - SITE - TEXT - Site features: text M 0.25 continuous

V - SSWR - - Sanitary sewer system M 0.25sanitary sewer

V - SSWR - MHOL - Sanitary sewer system: manhole M 0.25 continuous

V - SSWR - PIPE - Sanitary sewer system: above-ground piping M 0.3sanitary sewer

V - SSWR - STRC - Sanitary sewer system: structures M 0.25 continuous

V - SSWR - UNDR - Sanitary sewer system: underground piping M 0.3sanitary sewer

V - SSWR - TEXT - Sanitary sewer system: text M 0.25 continuousV - STEM - - Steam system M 0.25 steamV - STEM - INST - Steam system: instrumentation (meters, valves, pumps) M 0.25 continuousV - STEM - MHOL - Steam system: manhole M 0.25 continuousV - STEM - PIPE - Steam system: above-ground pipe M 0.3 steamV - STEM - STRC - Steam system: structures M 0.25 continuousV - STEM - UNDR - Steam system: underground piping M 0.3 steamV - STEM - TEXT - Steam system: text M 0.25 continuousV - STRM - - Storm drainage system M 0.25 storm drainV - STRM - DTCH - Storm drainage: ditches and swales M 0.25 continuousV - STRM - MHOL - Storm drainage: manhole M 0.25 continuousV - STRM - PIPE - Storm drainage: above-ground piping M 0.3 storm drainV - STRM - POND - Storm drainage: retention pond M 0.25 continuousV - STRM - STRC - Storm drainage: structures M 0.25 continuousV - STRM - UNDR - Storm drainage: underground M 0.3 storm drainV - STRM - TEXT - Storm drainage: text M 0.25 continuousV - SURV - - Survey M 0.25 continuousV - SURV - DATA - Survey: data M 0.25 continuousV - SURV - LINE - Survey: control line M 0.3 continuousV - SURV - TEXT - Survey: text M 0.25 continuousV - SWLK - - Sidewalks M 0.25 continuousV - SWLK - ASPH - Sidewalks: asphalt M 0.25 continuousV - SWLK - CONC - Sidewalks: concrete M 0.25 continuousV - SWLK - TEXT - Sidewalks: text M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - - Topography M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - BORE - Topography: test borings M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - EWAT - Topography: edge of water M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - GRID - Topography: coordinate grids M 0.25 continuous

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V - TOPO - MAJR - Topography: major topographical contours M 0.4 continuousV - TOPO - MINR - Topography: minor topographical contours M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - SPOT - Topography: spot elevations M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - SOUN - Topography: soundings M 0.25 continuousV - TOPO - TEXT - Topography: text M 0.25 continuousV - UNID - - Unidentified site objects M 0.25 continuousV - UNID - CABL - Unidentified site objects: cable M 0.25 unknownV - UNID - PIPE - Unidentified site objects: above-ground piping M 0.3 unknownV - UNID - TANK - Unidentified site objects: storage tanks M 0.25 unknownV - UNID - UTIL - Unidentified site objects: utility lines M 0.3 unknownV - UNID - UTIL - OVHD Unidentified site objects: utility lines: overhead M 0.3 unknownV - UNID - UTIL - UNDR Unidentified site objects: utility lines: underground M unknownV - UNID - TEXT - Unidentified site objects: text M 0.25 unknownV - WATR - - Water supply systems M 0.6 continuousV - WATR - INST

-Water supply systems: instrumentation (Sampling station, etc.) M continuous

V - WATR - PIPL - Water distribution systems : piping 10" and larger M 0.6 continuousV - WATR - PIPS - Water distribution systems : piping 8" and smaller M 0.6 continuousV - WATR - PROF - Water distribution systems : profile M 0.3 continuousV - WATR - STAN - Water distribution systems : stationing M 0.25 continuousV - WATR - STRC

-Water distribution systems : structures, concrete box, manhole, vaults M 0.3 continuous

V - WATR - LATL - Water distribution systems : lateral line M 0.6 continuousV - WATR - FITG - Water distribution systems : fittings M 0.3 continuousV _ WATR - HYDR Water distribution systems : fire hydrant M 0.3 continuousV - WATR - VALV Water distribution systems : valves M continuousV - WATR - BLWO Water distribution systems :blow-off M 0.3 continuousV - WATR - DDCV Water distribution systems : double detector check valve M 0.3 continuousV - WATR - RPDA Water distribution systems : M continuousV - WATR - METR Water distribution systems : meter M 0.3 continuousV - WATR - AIRV Water distribution systems : air valve M 0.3 continuousV - WATR - TEXT Water distribution systems : text M 0.25 continuous

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7.1 Blocks AutoCAD blocks are graphical elements that can be manipulated as a single entity. Examples of blocks are water meters, valves, fire hydrants, etc. The use of such symbology enhances CADD productivity and provides an excellent opportunity for CADD standardization. Within the CCWD CADD Drawing Production Manual are standard AutoCAD blocks. Each of the blocks is included in a library drawing file. Most of these blocks have attributes linked to them, so that when a block is inserted into a drawing, the attribute must be updated to accurately depict the block. For Example, when a fire hydrant block is being inserted, the attribute dialog box will prompt for any information needed to complete the task. The user must enter the requested information by typing in the data such as “size” and “project number”. When a block is inserted, it must be placed on the correct layer. I.e.; when a block named “water meter” is inserted, it must go on the layer “C-WATR-WMTR” for water meter.

7.2 Block Libraries The following District block libraries are available for use. A block library has been created for each type of drawing discipline. These include the following: See Appendix 7 for all CCWD available symbology.

7.3 Scale All blocks are drawn in full scale (1:1) and rescaling of blocks is not required.

7.4 Tool Palettes In addition to symbol block libraries, symbology will also be stored in tool palettes for quick access during design production. On the tool palette each tab will delineate a different block library, i.e. STELECT, STBORDER & STCIVIL, etc.

Library Name Description STCOMMON Symbols used on all types of drawings (general

drafting symbols) STELECT Symbols for Electrical drawings STSTRUC Symbols for Structural drawings (steel and rebar) STBORDER Standard drawings borders and title blocks STCIVIL Symbols for Civil drawings STARQ Symbols for Architectural drawings STMECH Symbols for Mechanical drawings STCAT Symbols for Cathodic Protection drawings STINST Symbols for Instrumentation drawings

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The symbol properties such as scale, rotation, and layer will be pre-set so that a symbol can simply be dragged and dropped into a drawing at the correct scale on the correct layer at the correct rotation angle.

7.5 Creating New Blocks The Consultant shall use standard blocks from the District’s libraries for all drawings. On occasion, it may necessary to create new blocks for items that are not included in the District’s libraries. The Consultant may create new blocks as required, and shall create these blocks on the correct layer to conform to the District’s CADD standards. The Consultant shall provide a digital copy and documentation for each block that was created.

Figure 7.1: Tool Palettes

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8.0 PLOTTING CCWD Plotting Standards are based on the current version of AutoCAD being used (2004). Predefined Plot style tables (*.CTB) are used to achieve the required results. In general, consultants are required to submit plot files to CCWD at which time hardcopy output will be generated. The correct configuration files must be used when creating these plot files.

8.1 Template Drawings CCWD will provide pre-configured template drawings with all the possible combinations of layouts, page setups, print devices and plot style tables that could be required. The use of these pre-configured layouts can be maximized through the Design Center by ‘drag-n-dropping’ the required layout into the drawing file.

8.2 Acceptable Content Only sheet layout information is acceptable in paper space layouts. This includes objects such as title blocks, sheet borders, general notes, viewport titles, engineer’s stamps, revision blocks, etc. It does not include any type of design information or notes, dimensions, etc.

8.3 Viewport Scales The viewport scale shall be equal to the drawing scale. See section 5.2 for more detail.

8.4 Page Setup The use of named page setups greatly speeds the plotting process. Named page setups can be imported from template drawing files and they are included with a layout when it is imported via the Design Center. Named page setups store all the settings in the Page Setup dialogue box including:

Paper Size

Page Setup Name

Plot Area

Figure 8.1: Page setup

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8.5 Plot Stamping Plot stamping shall be used on all drawings plots. Plot stamping is typically pre-configured in the template files to identify path of the drawing and time of plot.

8.6 Printers & Plotters The main production plotters currently used at CCWD are: 1. HP DesignJet Series Model 5000 – Device Name shall be ‘CCWD DesignJet 5000’ 2. Xerox Synergix Series Model 8825 – Device name shall be ‘CCWD Xerox 8825’ This is dependant on the user login profile, therefore it is beyond the scope of this document to discuss plotter configuration or setup peculiar to specific devices or network connections. The Engineering Support Supervisor shall be the primary resource for obtaining current plotting configuration files. Please coordinate all plotting procedures with Engineering Support Supervisor. It is likely that a Consultant may use other plotting software and hardware, but the final plot should simulate the appearance of the District’s plots. The Consultant shall review the plotting parameters to ensure that files submitted to the District do not contain elements or reference file attachments that conflict with these file parameters. If files have elements that are in conflict with the pen table parameters, then the District shall not be able to correctly plot the files and these files will not be accepted.

8.7 Screening and Lightening via Plotting “Screening” is a process that plots background information with a close dot rather than a solid line. This allows the screened portion of the drawing to appear lighter or less important than the solid portions. Screening is generally used to indicate existing structures or topography. Screening can also be used to show background information from one discipline on a drawing of a different discipline. For example, when drawing a conduit and power plan, it is preferable to screen the building outline and all mechanical equipment, so that the conduit shows clearly on the drawing. Screening can also be used to indicate “Future” installations. Care should be taken not to mix screening to indicate existing elements, with screening to indicate future work.

8.8 Output Media Final plots submitted to the District for signature shall be plotted on a minimum weight 20lb stock vellum. In most cases the Consulting Agreement shall contain specific requirements for the final plot media and size. If the Consulting Agreement does not contain any specific requirements, then all final drawings shall be submitted on high quality vellum, at the size of 22”x34”. A sample of the vellum shall be submitted for approval prior to submitting the final plots.

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8.9 Plot Styles (Pen Assignments) CCWD uses screen color to assign plot styles. These plot style tables have CTB extensions. Files that use named plot styles (STB extensions) are not acceptable. Plot style tables assign various plot output parameters. The most critical parameters to CCWD are plotted color, line weight and screening. The CCWD.CTB file is included here for reference only. When it is used in a drawing layout where the layering guidelines are followed the plot will have the required line weights and screening applied.

Figure 8.2: Using screen colors to assign plot styles

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9.1 Test Submittal A preliminary submittal or test submittal of one drawing from each discipline shall be submitted to the District prior to starting the drawing production. The preliminary submittal shall be checked for conformance with the District CADD standards as contained in this manual.

9.2 Preliminary Submittals The Consultant shall submit all CADD files during the preliminary submittals. The preliminary submittal shall be checked for conformance with the District’s CADD standards as specified in this manual. Files submitted at the 90% submittal shall be checked for conformance with the District CADD standards as contained in this manual and with other drafting standards that are required by the project. All review comments made during previous submittals shall be incorporated into the 90% submittal. Prior to the final 99% submittal, a full set of drawings shall be submitted for final review. At this time, all corrections should have been incorporated. The drawing package is submitted at the same time as the 99% submittal. The drawing package, including hard and electronic files, shall conform 100% to all CADD and drafting standards, and shall incorporate the comments made during the 90% submittal. The District shall review all CADD files. CADD files and drawings that do not conform to the standards outlined in this manual shall not be accepted. The Consultant shall be required to correct any part of the submittal that does not conform to these standards and integrate comments issued during the 90% review. After receiving approval by the Engineering Support Supervisor, the Project Manager shall authorize final submittal plotting. At this point, the drawing is ready for signature.

9.3 Final submittal After the Consultant and the District have signed the drawings, submittals of all CADD files associated with a project shall be made at the 100% stage. Submittal of all CADD files is required at this stage, regardless of the responsibility assigned by the contract or for drawing addendum’s and As-Built revisions. Final submittal drawings to the District shall be plotted at full size on vellum including one original half size set. The final drawings shall be signed by the appropriate representatives for the Consultant, and forwarded to the District for signature. The final submittal package shall also include in all drawing files created during the project duration. The final submittal drawings shall be included in 3 different formats as shown below:

● All drawings, no binding of external references. ● All drawings with all external references bound. ● Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Additional requirements may be included in the Consultant Agreement or scope of services.

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9.4 Subsequent Revisions If the scope of services requires the Consultant to make changes to the drawings because of addendums, change orders, or As-Builts, the procedures and requirements shall be similar to the 99% CADD drafting check.

9.5 Hard Copy Deliverables Final submittals shall be on vellum, but preliminary submittals shall be on bond.

9.6 Hard Copy File Documentation A complete list of all files shall be included with each submittal of electronic data. This listing shall include every file that is in the submittal. Any changes or additions to the District Layering Standard shall be submitted with each submittal of electronic drawings. Any changes or additions to the District discipline symbols shall be submitted with each submittal of electronic drawings.

9.7 Backup Submittal of CADD Files On occasion, CADD files are copied to recordable media with errors. In order to ensure that the District has access to a good copy of each file, the Consultant shall maintain a second copy of each CADD file, at their site, for a period of at least two years after the date of submittal to the District.

9.8 Method of Transmittal of CADD Files Before submitting CADD files to the District, the Consultant shall confirm the preferred method of transmittal with the Engineering Support Supervisor. The requirements may vary with each project. Standard submittals shall be in electronic format on a CD (2 CD copies required) a full size hard copy plot of the entire drawing set shall accompany all files submitted. Each disk shall be labeled with the format, date, a list of files contained on the disk and the sequence number of the disk.

9.9 Submittal Checklist The following checklist summarizes the key items that are required for a final CADD submittal. Consultants shall review this checklist and verify that final submittals meet these minimum requirements.

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9.10 Check List All Model space entities to be drawn at full scale (1:1). Plot scale will be set in layout sheet

with proper viewport, without exception.

All dimensions should be associative and not exploded. CCWD Dimension styles are to be used without exception.

The CCWD template provided must be used when creating a new drawing.

All entities shall be created “BYLAYER” and not color or linetype specific.

Use polylines rather than single lines whenever a line is drawn.

File names conform to the District’s file naming conventions.

All external references should be “overlay” with path option off. PROJECTNAME should be set in drawing file.

Correct font size must be used in all drawings.

All abbreviations conform to the District’s standard abbreviations for drawing.

In accordance with the layering standards, entities are drawn on the correct layers.

A complete list of every file included in the submittal shall be provided on hard copy in addition to a brief (one-line) description of each file.

Do not place entities on layer “0”.

Purge all drawing files regularly.

Drawing borders are placed in each file, at the correct plot scale. Borders shall not be reference files.

Files shall not contain blocks, attributes, or any custom line styles that are not provided or authorized by the District.

All blocks used in drawings must conform to the scales and names as found in the District’s block libraries.

Additional blocks created by the Consultant and approved by CCWD shall be included in the submittal, in a block library. Any other blocks that were not available in the District’s block library shall also be submitted in the same format.

Final hard copy drawings are submitted on vellum, as specified in the contract. Final hard copy drawings shall contain the file name and plot date in the title box.