CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 – version 3

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  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3

    Posted on April 16, 2013byzeuxid

    1. Refer to the routing table shown in the exhibit. hat is the meaning of the

    highlighte! value 1"2#

    It is the value assigned by the Dijstra algorith! that designates the nu!ber o" hops in

    the net#or$It is the value used by the D%A& algorith! to deter!ine the band#idth "or the lin$

    $t is the metri%& whi%h is %ost.It is the ad!inistrative distan'e$

    2. hat is the 'ur'ose of the (() fiel! within an $* 'a%+et hea!er#

    'lears an unrea'hable route "ro! the routing table a"ter the invalid ti!er expires

    prevents regular update !essages "ro! inappropriately reinstating a route that !ay have

    gone bad

    re!oves an unrea'hable route "ro! the routing table a"ter the "lush ti!er expires

    limits the 'erio! of time or number of ho's a 'a%+et %an traverse through the

    networ+ before it shoul! be !is%ar!e!

    used to !ar the route as unrea'hable in a routing update that is sent to other routers

    3. hen woul! the networ+ a!ministrator use the i' ban!wi!th,'er%ent eigr'as-

    number percent%omman!#

    when there is a low ban!wi!th %onne%tion

    #hen the 'onne'tion is on a shared !ediu!#hen the 'onne'tion is serial instead o" (thernet

    #hen the lin is al#ays busy

    -. hat is the fun%tion of the /*F )/ 'a%+et#

    used to 'on"ir! re'eipt o" 'ertain types o" )*P+ pa'ets

    used to establish and !aintain adja'en'y #ith other )*P+ routersused to reuest !ore in"or!ation about any entry in the -D.

    use! to announ%e new /*F information an! to re'l to %ertain t'es of reuests

    . (wo routers nee! to be %onfigure! within a single /*F area. hi%h two

    %om'onents nee! to be %onfigure! on both routers to a%hieve this# 4Choose two.5
  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    the sa!e pro'ess ID

    the same area $6

    networ+ a!!resses an! wil!%ar! mas+s

    the sa!e router ID

    the sa!e loop ba' address

    7. hi%h routing 'roto%ol maintains a to'olog table se'arate from the






    9. A router has learne! two eual %ost 'aths to a remote networ+ via the E$8R*

    an! R$* 'roto%ols. :oth 'roto%ols are using their !efault %onfigurations. hi%h

    'ath to the remote networ+ will be installe! in the routing table#

    the 'ath learne! via E$8R*

    the path learned via .IP

    the path #ith the highest !etri' value

    both paths #ith load balan'ing

    ;. Refer to the exhibit.

  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    (F(* server

    'on"iguration register

    10. Refer to the exhibit. R1 is %onfigure! 'ro'erl for a single area /*F& an! R2

    has been re%entl installe! in the networ+. hi%h set of %omman!s is reuire! to

    %onfigure a single area /*F for the networ+s that are %onne%te! to R2#

    R24%onfig5> router os'f 1

    R24%onfig,router5> networ+ 1"2.17;.2.0 area 0

    R24%onfig,router5> networ+ area 0

    .25'on"ig7 router osp" 1

    .25'on"ig8router7 net#or 192$16:$2$0 0$0$0$2;; area 0

    .25'on"ig7 router osp" 2

    .25'on"ig8router7 net#or 10$1$1$0 0$0$0$3 area 0

    .25'on"ig7 router osp" 1

    .25'on"ig8router7 net#or 192$16:$2$0 0$0$0$2;; area 0

    .25'on"ig8router7 net#or 10$1$1$0 0$0$0$3 area 1

    .25'on"ig7 router osp" 1

    .25'on"ig8router7 net#or 192$16:$2$0 0$0$0$2;; area 0

    .25'on"ig8router7 net#or 10$0$0$0 0$0$0$3 area 1

    11. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 an! R2 are !ire%tl %onne%te! via their serial

    interfa%es an! are both running the E$8R* routing 'roto%ol. R1 an! R2 %an 'ing

    the !ire%tl %onne%te! serial interfa%e of their neighbor& but the %annot form an

    E$8R* neighbor a!?a%en%.

    hat a%tion shoul! be ta+en to solve this 'roblem#

    (nable the serial inter"a'es o" both routers$

  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    12. Refer to the exhibit. (he interfa%es of all routers are %onfigure! for /*F area

    0. R3 %an 'ing R1& but the two routers are unable to establish a neighbor a!?a%en%.

    hat shoul! the networ+ a!ministrator !o to troubleshoot this 'roblem#

  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    A stati% route will be u'!ate! in the routing table.

    he tra""i' "ro! the Internet #ill be dire'ted to .2$

    he tra""i' "ro! the sour'e net#or 1=2$16$0$022 #ill be blo'ed$

    (he route will be s'e%ifie! as the !efault route for all networ+s not !efine! in the

    routing table.

    All the broad'asts #ill be "or#arded via the *000 inter"a'e o" .2$

    1. Refer to the exhibit. All routers are 'ro'erl %onfigure! with !efault

    %onfigurations an! are running the /*F routing 'roto%ol. (he networ+ is full

    %onverge!. A host on the 1"2.17;.3.0=2- networ+ is %ommuni%ating with a host on

    the 1"2.17;.2.0=2- networ+.

    hi%h 'ath will be use! to transmit the !ata#

    he data #ill be trans!itted via .38.2$

    (he !ata will be transmitte! via R3,R1,R2.

    he tra""i' #ill be load8balan'ed bet#een t#o paths > one via .38.2, and the other via


    he data #ill be trans!itted via .38.2, and the other path via .38.18.2 #ill be retainedas the ba'up path$

    17. $n a lab test environment& a router has learne! about networ+

    through four !ifferent !nami% routing 'ro%esses. hi%h route will be use! to rea%h

    this networ+#

    6 @"0=21"-7 via 1"2.17;.200.1& 00B00B0"& /erial0=0=0

    ) 1=2$16$1$02? @1101012 via 192$16:$200$1, 00B00B22, *erial000

    . 1=2$16$1$02? @1201 via 192$16:$200$1, 00B00B1=, *erial000I 1=2$16$1$02? @1001192 via 192$16:$200$1, 00B00B09, *erial000

    19. hi%h two te%hnologies %an be use! in !istan%e ve%tor routing 'roto%ols to

    'revent routing loo's# 4Choose two.5


    lin8state advertise!ents

    hol!,!own timers

    *panning ree Proto'ol

    s'lit horion
  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    1;. Refer to the exhibit. A networ+ a!ministrator wants to re!u%e the sie of the

    routing table of R1. hi%h 'artial routing table entr in R1 re'resents the route

    summar for R2& without in%lu!ing an a!!itional subnets#

    10$0$0$016 is subnetted, 1 subnets

    D 10$;$0$0@9020;:91 via 192$16:$1$2, *000

    10$0$0$02? is subnetted, ? subnets

    D 10$;$0$0@9020;19: via 192$16:$1$2, *00010.0.0.0=22 is subnette!& 1 subnets

    6 10..0.0@"0=20"01 via 1"2.17;.1.2& /0=0=0

    10$0$0$0: is subnetted, ? subnetsD 10$;$0$0@9020;001 via 192$16:$1$2, *000

    1". Refer to the exhibit.

  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    21. Refer to the exhibit. hi%h %ombination of $* a!!ress an! subnet mas+ %an be

    use! on the serial interfa%e of Router2 in or!er to 'ut the interfa%e in the same

    networ+ as the serial interfa%e of Router1#

    IP 1=2$16$0$1:, subnet !as 2;;$2;;$2;;$0

    IP 1=2$16$32$1;, subnet !as 2;;$2;;$2;;$2?0IP 1=2$16$0$1:, subnet !as 2;;$2;;$2;;$2;2

    $*;& subnet mas+

    22. (he %omman! i' route 1"2.17;.2.0 was entere! into the

    router. After networ+ %hanges were ma!e& the new next ho' for the 1"2.17;.2.0=2-

    networ+ is 192.17..1. hat shoul! an a!ministrator !o so that the router will usethe new next ho' to rea%h the 1"2.17;.2.0 networ+#

    (nter the 'o!!and %lear i' route $

    &o#er the ad!inistrative distan'e "or the ne# path to ensure that it is used "irst$

    Negate the original %omman! an! enter a new stati% route with the new next ho'.

    othing$ he router #ill learn o" the ne# next hop and auto!ati'ally update the route


    23. A networ+ a!ministrator is in %harge of two se'arate networ+s that share a

    single buil!ing. hat !evi%e will be reuire! to %onne%t the two networ+s an! a!! a

    %ommon %onne%tion to the $nternet that %an be share!#



    a''ess point

    (thernet s#it'h

    2-. A networ+ a!ministrator must use the subnet 192.17.12;.0=1; to %reate 7

    a!!itional subnets ea%h %ontaining u' to 2000 hosts for lo%al )ANs. hi%h subnet

    mas+ shoul! the a!ministrator use to %reate the new subnets#




    2. hen %onne%ting two !evi%es& whi%h situation woul! normall reuire the use of

    a %rossover %able#
  • 7/27/2019 CCNA2 Final Exam 2013 version 3


    'onne'ting a host to a s#it'h

    'onne'ting a s#it'h to a router

    'onne'ting a s#it'h to a s#it'h

    %onne%ting a host to a router %onsole 'ort

    27. hi%h router mo!e is a%%esse! b entering the enable %omman!#

    user (C(