Reaching More! from: The Crossing Point Christian Community Cultural Center “A Foursquare Gospel Church” September, 2008 ‘Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever’ – Hebrews 13:8 Volume 7 Issue 19 A Magazine that Celebrates Unity in the Christian Community via Jesus Christ What does God’s Kingdom look like and will you be able to recognize it?

CC Mag September 08

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Reaching More! from: The Crossing Point Christian Community Cultural Center

“A Foursquare Gospel Church”

September, 2008 ‘Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever’ – Hebrews 13:8 Volume 7 Issue 19

A Magazine that Celebrates Unity in the Christian Community via Jesus Christ

What does God’s

Kingdom look like and

will you be able to

recognize it?

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And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which God had made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all

his work which God had created and made. – Genesis 2:2,3

Come unto me,

all of you who labor and

are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.

– Matthew 11:28

If you are saved by grace – it is no more by works; otherwise grace is no grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace; otherwise work is no work. – Romans 11:6

And I heard a

voice from

heaven saying

unto me,

write Blessed

are the dead

which die I the Lord

from henceforth;

Yea, saith

the Spirit,

that they

may rest

If you have not

invited Jesus into

your life to rule

and reign in your

heart; please do it

now –

God loves you

so very much.

Just use your own

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Who's To Say You're Not?

Never let other people decide your limitations or capabilities. There will always be

those who will say you're not smart enough, old enough, young enough, wrong gender, etc. to accomplish your goals. Don't listen!

You know what you're capable of better than anyone.

Remember, you can accomplish anything you set your heart and mind to accomplish

as long it is what God has for you! It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. When you received Christ into your life to rule and to reign; your were given a new nature. God is love and His love is the light of our soul. Your nature now reflects the love of God in your value system. In other words, it is the motivating factor in how you reason and come to your conclusions. Your character however, must be renewed by pulling down everything that comes into your mind that try to override the mind/will/love of God for you. Be careful and do not allow anyone or any circumstance to redefine who you know that you are. It is only your ideas you have received from a Holy God that can shape your personal history. Therefore, you stand at the points that cross in your life, ask God for the best path, the one the ancients took, walk therein and you shall have rest for your soul. There is a young man in the Bible named David, who was devalued by his own relatives. (Read 1 Samuel 16:10) As a young Sheppard boy in he field; they could not or would not recognize his God given potential to become King Of Israel. When the Prophet Samuel went to his house seeking the person God had chosen to be Israel’s next king. The people who should have been closest to him and had authority over him; his family – grossly under estimated David. His own father introduced all of his other sons to the Prophet; everyone except David. It was only after the Prophet asked was there someone else that had not been revealed to him was David summoned from the field and of course, the discerning spirit of God’s Prophet, Samuel anointed David. As David knew; you must know greater is He that’s in you, than he that is in the world. And just like David; you have to keep on moving in spite of many obstacles that was put before him. The Present King Saul’s army unjustly attacked him. You, just as David must understand that if God is for you; no weapon formed against him would prosper – he kept moving on. (Psalms 3:2,2) Even David’s personal dysfunctional family issues did not deter him – a barren and jealousy wife who refused to praise God; a son who raped his sister, a son who attempted to murder that brother, a son who died and a son who attempted to take his kingdom from him. Not to mention his own battles with lust that led him to have an adulterous affair, get her pregnant and them have her husband killed. In spite of everything David encountered; the Bible declared that David was a man after

God’s heart. David trusted God will all of his heart. R U ? (Psalm 30:1-4)


Psalms 2

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Psalms 2

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Page 4


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Psalms 2

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Life Building Block. You can use a brick to hurt or kill someone, or destroy something – OR You can use a brick

to build a home, fence or a well for water.

It’s Your Choice!

Yesterday can not be captured!

Today is the perfect time to make your dreams real. Dream by allowing the Holy Spirit of God to saturate your

imagination with His purpose and goal for you.

Then seek His courage to turn your goals into plans and your plans into specific actions.

Simply, because the only opinion that matters is what has the Lord said about it, anyway!

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Adversity Is A Matter Of...


My sister, Peggy would say often: “Your emergency may not be my emergency” – so don’t try to obligate me to what you have decided an emergency is. I did not fully understand what she meant until years later after she died of breast cancer. I miss her dearly and now I often reflect on that

Statement – how one’s perception of reality determines what is an adverse situation in their life. No one other than yourself can decide that for you. Yet, too many people are perceiving you according to their limited insight; rather than seek the Lord and inquire of His Holy Temple about you or your situation. Better still, if we would just listen to each other and accept what the other have determine their needs are. And if it is in your power to help them, do so – otherwise God counts it as sin. God’s people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge.

“Ignorance can be cured.” – Pastor Sarah

"Adversity? When you come to a roadblock, take a detour." ~ Mary Kay Ash

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WHEN YOU SPEAK ABOUT A WOMAN’S ABILITY TO LEAD? Ladies as well as gentlemen – when you speak about a woman’s ability to lead; would you dare use the “P” word? Let see, I’m not talking about “Pretty”, “Parent”, “Poised ”, “Proper“, “Polite”, “Petite ”, nor “President”. In reality, what is happening is that too many people who go to Church are afraid to say the “P” word when ever they speak about a woman’s ability to lead: that is, “PASTOR” . And this is unfortunate. While at the same time the Spiritual Body of Jesus Christ (the Church) is being portrayed as a woman in a wedding dress waiting to marry our soon coming King, Jesus the Christ (a man who is the second Adam no less). Sure, the women is to be treated as the weaker sex (we are designed of God to reason through our emotions, which makes us more sensitive or intuitive ); and God gave the man – strength; as they reason through their logic. The world is laughing at the so-called Church as He is being destroyed for lack of knowledge. No! The Church; the Body of Jesus Christ, the only true and living God - is not like Dennis Rodman – He is not going to marry Himself. The New Testament Church is spoken of as a male and Jesus is the Head of His Body . The Church is a living Holy Spiritual organism; not an organization. Therefore, there is neither male nor female in the Holy Spirit. I am so very glad my father taught me not to tolerate men who did not respect who I represented – him! I was not to even give them the time of day. My mother would not even consider allowing a guy to court me, who did not at least go to church. What happened? A few fellows starting going to church simply because they wanted to keep my company. The standard my heavenly Father has set for me as His daughter is even higher for those who do not respect who I represent – Him! After all, everyone who reverence Him are glad when they see me – as a Pastor. What you need to settle in your heart and mind is the real answer to the right questions: Do you believe that an all knowing, all wise, eternal God is a respecter of persons? Do you believe God uses women (a fe’male man) to Pastor– or that God only uses the ‘male man’. Or, do you believe that God will use a woman, only if He can’t find a man to use? I know, this all sounds very silly to me also; but as the 2nd letter of Peter to the Church teaches us false prophets and false teachers will be among us. They will make merchandise of you (if you let them); they are greedy of financial gain and heavily involved in works of unrighteousness. They will lead a house full of spiritually abused silly women. The unstable women will be played on like a harp; and set up to turn and attach other women who are not deceived. Also, these false prophets and teachers will bind together as a secret brotherhood going about deceiving other men to flatter women even though they despise them. FYI: this is also the characteristic of the spirit of the anti-Christ. My brothers, you are not in charge of all the women in the universe. Would you allow my husband be in charge of your wife? Come on people, wake up to God righteousness. My sisters, I pray you will allow the Lord God death and suffering not be in vain. Yes! Jesus died for you also. And never frustrate the grace of God. Do not forget your benefits! You have been made free from the law of sin and death. You also are a spirit, in a body with soul. If you have been born again; the fullness of the Godhead lives mightily within you. You are highly favored and bless of our Lord. My sister, God want you well. Amen!

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Now more than ever before in modern history ; it is imperative that 2008; this year will not just “A” year to vote; but “THE YEAR” to vote to pray! America is at her cross roads in many areas. We all must commit to vote to pray for a four square block radius around our homes i.e. our neighborhood and our nation. Do not be mistaken when God’s people commit to vote to pray to the Lord as our God and soon coming King. - To vote to pray that His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven – He will heal our land; regardless of who’s in the White House.

"If...My people who are

called by My name

humble themselves and

pray and seek My face

and turn from their

wicked ways, then I will

hear from heaven, will

forgive their sin and will

heal their land."

- 2 Chronicles 7:14

2008 – ‘8’ is the biblical number for

“a new beginning” and “Change” can be a very good thing. People vote their conscience. They vote for candidates and ideals that they hope will benefit them. Voting is the American way of life. I believe it’s call Democracy. The majority wins and it becomes law and/or the person chosen become our ruler and lawmaker. Now we have been charged to pray for those who watch over our souls. This is not only your Pastor; but also your elected officials. When the righteous rule, the people rejoices. Change is good only when every child of God

casts the right vote. The right way for every child of God to cast their vote is to vote to pray. In 1789, the Congress of the United States and President George Washington proclaimed September24th as a national day of prayer and thanksgiving. It was to be a day of public thanksgiving and prayer with grateful hearts. This was an ancient tradition that took place in Israel, during the time of Nehemiah. Each man positioned himself on the wall nearest his home, humble themselves acknowledge their need of God’s help, and sought God’s face to shine upon their efforts.

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What does God’s Kingdom look like and will you be able to recognize it?

"And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience." - Ephesians 2:1-2 The classic definition of a kingdom is "the territory over which a king or queen has authority." Within a kingdom, the royalty has the right to rule, govern, and issue commands. Once a person is born again of the Holy Spirit of God; they are citizens of the Kingdom of God. The Bible tells us Satan has a kingdom. Jesus called him "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31). Paul said he was a prince with power over "the air." The devil rules the atmosphere in which we live and breathe. His ideas influence conversations we hear. He shapes much of the content in today's movies, TV programs, and music. He's willing to use anyone and anything to convey his diabolical messages. Satan also has followers to do his bidding. In addition to his hoard of demons, he also seeks to lure people into his service. As Paul said, his spirit "now works in the sons of disobedience." Many people, even without knowing it, come under this satanic influence Yet the kingdom of darkness has limits, and Satan can be defeated. It's crucial that we not be "ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:11). This means we can't walk "according to the course of this world" or seek to fulfill "the desires of the flesh and the mind." Instead, we must live under the direction of the Holy Spirit. "...lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices." - 2 Corinthians 2:11 "Know your enemy". One who knows neither the enemy nor himself will invariably be defeated in every engagement. This insight has been applied to everything from business to sports and is a key to victory in many types of battle. This insight applies to our spiritual life as well. Many Christians don't experience victory because they don't know our enemy-Satan. As a result, we are weak and vulnerable, deceived and misled, confused and uncertain. To have victory over our enemy, we need to understand his schemes. Paul said Satan looks for ways to dominate our thoughts and influence our behavior. The devil wants us to think he has the advantages. He wants us to be afraid and worried, so we lose our joy and peace. He attempts to poison our relationships, finances, and spiritual lives, and he tries to make us question God and His Word. We need to understand that Satan has diabolical plans, strategies, and purposes. If we are unaware of the way he thinks, he can surprise us and influence us in many unanticipated ways. He can take advantage of us and gain a foothold in our minds and emotions. Today, remember God wants you to be victorious and experience His blessings. However, you will face lies from the enemy, so you must learn how he thinks by filling your mind with God's Word. Declare God's promises to be true in your life. Ask Him to help you stay spiritually alert. Be aware of the spiritual warfare going on around you. Be bold and strong. Believe God for victory! Remember that God has given you the tools to defeat Satan. But you must fill your life with God's Word and fight in the power of His Spirit. Declare the promises of Scripture, and let them shape your thoughts. Be ready to exercise the authority God has given you. Be careful what you allow into your life through TV, the Internet, and other media. As a citizen of the Kingdom of God you are more than victorious!

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Man, where are your life choices taking you? What tract are you running on? Where are you headed in life? We are facing at least two generations of men in this country – trying to grow up and become a man. Listen up! Do you not realize that God created you a man? Either a female man or a male man. What I want to talk to you about is the male man, OK. Who do you think you are? For starters, let’s look at a few images of what the church have taught us for years about what a male man suppose to look like. He must have the big three role requirements, which are: 1) a cave man mentality; the hunter, 2) a fighter; the military and/or face to face combat wrestler; and 3) Strong man with tremendous physical strength, i.e. sportman. In other words, you must be ‘macho’ to be a man? We must stop this insane idea that all men must be hunters and are appalled when our young men carry guns in the concrete jungle to hunt down other precious souls in our schools, and neighborhood. What in the world is the church thinking about? You and I both know there is more to God’s story when He created the male man. In reality there are 4 categories that men may fit and/or blend in - and be no less man (now it is established I am talking about the male man). They are 1) the intellectual – uses his mental power to teach us. We have been made to believe he’s a nerd? 2) the artist – uses his imagination and emotions to inspire us. We have been made to believe, he's effinate. 3) the charismatic – uses his willingness to influence. We have been made to believe, he’s charalontion and 4) the corporate – uses his networking ability. We have been made to believe, he’s a thief and an abuser. Therefore, the damage that has been done primarily by the church and the media alike must be corrected. Men, our wives need us. Our children need us. Our church and society at large need us to stand up as a man and not be made ashamed to force fit who God has said we are into a mold that does not fit us. Nor are you to continue to suppress your God given talent and ability as one of God’s Holy men to confront the intimidation that the world’s systems Have effectively place in our soul. Quit it, you mighty men of valor – whether you are an artist, businessman, teacher or charismatic; you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Whatever happened to just being a ‘gentleman’? That is bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. God did put the Voroooom in some men. However, God also put expressions of beautiful art works in some men. Never the less, you were created man and we all must accept this as God’s reality. My brother in law, Carl would often say: “stop the world and let me off”. Because of the high standards that was set for men. What we must do it to stop the insanity that the spin doctors have lied incessitity to us about what a man is. A few of these are: He shall not cry, He shall not display weakness, He shall not need affection or gentleness or warmth, He shall not comfort but desire comforting, He shall touch but not be touched. He shall be steel and not flesh, He shall stand alone. My brothers, each of you were create in the image and the likeness of our great God. In the madrix of your mother’s womb; you were given God’s character and nature. If you have allowed the world’s systems to corrupt your mindset. Repent, turn from that and turn to God, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Creator today.

Psalms 2

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“JESUS “, is the Crossing Point from death to LIFE

“Restoring hope, Empowering people and Advancing the Kingdom of God



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Jeremiah 6:16

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