June 2015 Top Family Destinations + The A-Z of Special Needs + Summer Survival The islands’ ultimate resource for families Support for breastfeeding moms Keeping it real with teens Your Special Needs Child Teaching fiscal responsibility Second Edition www.caymanparent.com Meet Jason and Erikka Gilbert and their twins Sage and Jonas And babies make four!

Cayman Parent Issue 2

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June 2015

Top Family Destinations + The A-Z of Special Needs + Summer Survival

The islands’ ultimate resource for families

Support for breastfeeding


Keeping it realwith teens

Your Special Needs Child

Teachingfiscal responsibility

Second Edition


Meet Jason and Erikka Gilbert and their twins Sage and Jonas

And babies make four!

Distributed locally by


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Dr. Christine Chen

Elke (Feuer) O’Donnell

Faith Gealey

Lindsey Turnbull

Maureen Cubbon

Melissa Wolfe

Miriam Foster

Sheena Sigsworth

Tanya Foster

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Printed in Canada by Ironstone Media.

Second EditionJune 2015 / Volume 1


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4 www.caymanparent.com


Thank you to everyone for the overwhelming support and encouragement that we have

received for this new resource! We are so excited to bring you this edition, which is bursting with fantastic local content. From our cover story, about a young Caymanian family and their choice to move back home — despite the allure of Hollywood — to an encouraging article about teens and their relationships with their parents.

In this edition, you’ll also find the A-Z of Special Needs, and while certainly not a comprehensive view of it, the section will offer a place to start. With this ‘start’, we strive to bring about awareness and give parents direction as to the options and services which exist in Cayman.

In addition to available resources, our special needs section also includes a gripping and deeply personal account from a ‘special needs’ mum. In just two pages, she brings to life the hard truths and realities, along with the joys and achievements that each day brings. Thank you for sharing such a personal journey with us. I dare you not to want to give her a great big hug! You do not need to be the parent of a special needs child

to understand and appreciate “Lilah’s” story and that of her parents. We salute all of those brave parents who advocate each day for their special needs children, alongside their caring and knowledgeable service providers.

We’d also like to extend special thanks to our contributors who really outdid themselves in this edition. Your passion and insights are second to none.

Summer is upon us...HOT, sticky, rainy, mosquito season... definitely time to go into survival mode! ‘Summer Survival’ gives you what you need to get you through the long, hot Cayman summer. You’ll find crafts, activities, camps, book lists, summer travel, health, money tips and of course summer camps!!

Don’t forget to check in at Caymanparent.com regularly! There you’ll find a great calendar of family events, directories of family services, articles not found in print, special offers just for Cayman Parents, plus other dynamic content!

We’re glad you could join us on our journey! Please visit us on www.facebook.com/caymanparent and join the conversation.

Heather CassidyPublisher, SeaGrape Media Ltd.e: [email protected]: caymanparent.com

Our second edition is born!

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Top picks from our Summer Edition

Inside this issue


Keeping It RealConversations with Cayman parents


Let’s Get Crafty!Ideas for the long, hot summer


Growing RootsErikka and Jason Gilbert come home.

Football4AllProgram makes every kick count!


Summer TravelTop Family Destinations


Recipes to savourFrom the islands’ top chefs











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THe Cayman Islands possess something magical that

makes them attractive to families that other locations

don’t. There are some obvious answers and some less

obvious ones: If you’re a parent, obviously you’re going to

want a safe and secure environment for your family.

Many favour the Cayman Islands because it has all the

amenities that a family needs: • Exceptional schools, hospitals, clinics, and emergency

services;• Beaches and natural flora and fauna;• Upscale and varied restaurants and cafés; All are head and shoulders above the competition - very

much first world as opposed to second or third, which may be found on other islands. In fact, no Caribbean island can boast as family-friendly an environment for living, working, playing, all within 10 minutes of your children’s school and your office.

Cayman’s real estate market is in many ways the envy of the Caribbean, offering a wide range of products, catering to the needs of most, if not all, tastes. Whether you’re looking to buy or rent a one-bedroom condo or a seven-bedroom mansion, the local real estate market is both sophisticated and strong. Prices are surprisingly competitive compared to other Caribbean markets such as Barbados, BVI, and the Bahamas, and with financing and insurance available, buying a home is much easier in Cayman than in many places in the region.

In addition, Cayman has become very good at welcoming visitors and their families, helping them settle into the islands as their new home. There are now almost 120 nationalities living and working here and you won’t find a more stable and sophisticated place to live in the region

or globally. Not only is Cayman a great place to invest in

property, a great place to live and work, it is also a great place to raise a family.

In Knight Frank’s 2013 lifestyle survey, Cayman ranked

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more at www.knightfrank.com/global-lifestyle-review.Being a parent is challenging enough, but finding a home

that fits your family’s needs makes it much easier. Investing

in the right property is a key decision for you and your family

and is worth taking the time and advice that befits what will likely be one of the most significant investments of your life.

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From1973to2004inyoungpeopleage15to39,melanomaincidenceamongmales increasedby61percentandincidenceamongfemalesmorethandoubled.

Womenaged39andunderhaveahigherprobabilityofdeveloping melanomathananyothercancerexceptbreastcancer.

Fromages15-39,menare55percentmorelikelytodieof melanoma than women in the same age group

Young men account for 40 percent of melanoma cases, butmorethan60percentofmelanomadeaths.

Special FeatureADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders affecting children. ADHD can cause significant disruptions in learning and social development. ADHD can affect each child differently ranging in severity and type of behaviour.

Asperger’s SydromeAlso referred to as Mild Autism, a child with Asperger’s Syndrome often faces difficulty in social functioning and repetitive behaviours. Unlike children with more severe cases of autism, children with Asperger’s do not face significant delay or loss of speech or language abilities.

Autism Spectrum DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is currently regarded as one of the most pervasive

developmental disorders affecting children and adults worldwide. Autism is considered a “spectrum disorder” as symptoms can affect each individual in a number of different ways ranging from mild to severe.

Communication DisorderSpeech disorders involve the inability to produce speech and sounds correctly or fluently or difficulty with the voice itself. Examples include stuttering, articulation problems, or difficulty pronouncing sounds.

Dyslexia Dyslexia occurs when the brain does not recognise and comprehend letters or phrases. Undiagnosed dyslexia is a primary cause of illiteracy. Detecting early signs can be fundamental for future success and achievement.

Mood & Bipolar DisordersMood disorders can affect individuals from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. These vary in regards to symptoms and severity, but the most common mood disorders include Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Depression is a treatable mental illness, but one which can go significantly unnoticed and often untreated.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)OCD affects approximately 1 – 2% of the population with young adults between the ages of 18 to 24 facing the highest risk of being diagnosed. OCD involves both obsessions and compulsions.

a Courtesy of the Special Needs Foundation of Cayman

“Special Needs is an umbrella underneath which a staggering array of diagnoses can be wedged.

Children with special needs may have mild learning disabilities or profound cognitive impairment; severe

food allergies or terminal illness; developmental delays that catch up quickly or remain entrenched;

occasional panic attacks or serious psychiatric problems. The designation is useful for getting needed services, setting appropriate goals, and

gaining understanding for a child and their family.”

a Terri Mauro, the author of 50 Ways to Support Your Child’s Special Education

Pick any two families of children with special needs, and they may seem to have little in common,

however, every special needs family is as unique as their child. We hope this section give you a place to

start and hope for the future.

A Zto

ofspecial needs


There is nothing more unsettling for a parent

than the thought that your child may not be

developing typically, and usually the first instinct

most parents have is to ignore the issue and

hope that it goes away on its own. But then you see it

again. You notice your child is not meeting milestones

as quickly as a previous child. At a play group, you notice

your child is not keeping up with their same-age peers.

Your child may engage in strange behaviours or do odd

things that just do not seem right. You scour the Internet

and pore over baby books looking for hope that your

little one is just a late bloomer. Then the pit deep in your

stomach starts to form, your heart beats a little harder,

and you start to think – ‘maybe it’s something more

serious’. Perhaps your child has a special need.

When your instinct tells you that things are not going

the way they should, be guided by it. While a million

questions may run through your mind, every parent of

a special needs child goes through this process. Your

best option is to design an action plan for your family to

follow. By using these tips to guide you, the process from

concern to diagnosis and finally to treatment, should

result in a smoother transition for your family.

Document your concerns Sometimes we forget to bring areas of concerns to our

paediatrician or family doctor for a variety of reasons.

Making a list of your concerns about your child’s

development will make it easier for you to discuss these

concerns once they are written down and you do not

have to worry about forgetting any key areas you want to

discuss with your paediatrician. It may also be helpful to

ask your child’s caregiver (nanny, daycare teacher, family

member etc.) if they have any areas of concern based on

their interactions with your child.

See your child’s paediatrician Paediatricians are not only for when your child is feeling

sick. Your child’s health care providers are there to assist

you with tracking your child’s development. Discuss

your concerns with them so that an action plan can be

developed. These are individuals who see children on a

daily basis and are familiar with what the range of

normal development looks like. Allow them

to assist you in this process with securing

the appropriate referrals or to ease any

concerns you may have.

Help! My child has Special Needs

Children develop at their own pace, and tracking your child’s development is a part of the parenting process.

It is important to continually monitor how your child develops their language, play, cognitive,

and motor skills, as well as their behaviour.

Story by Faith Gealey

A to Z of Special Needs

12 www.caymanparent.com

Referrals Your paediatrician may

recommend your child see one

or all of the following service

providers on island: audiologist,

speech language pathologist,

occupational therapist, physical

therapist, psychologist, ENT

physician. Please do not wait,

rather proceed with making the

necessary appointments for your

child based on your paediatrician’s

recommendations. Keep in mind

that for some services, there may

be a short waiting period between

when the appointment is made

and when your child is seen.

Report back Your paediatrician will be your

child’s biggest advocate in relation

to your child’s medical team. After

following through with your child’s

referrals, forward these results to

your child’s paediatrician. Not only

will they be able to decipher any

of the technical aspects of the

report, they can make subsequent

referrals for any therapy that

is required. Many insurance

companies will not cover services

without a physician’s referral, so

having your paediatrician as an

integral part of your team is vital.

Early Intervention If your child is under the age

of 5, enroll them in the Early

Intervention Programme. The Early

Intervention Programme (EIP)

involves a group of early childhood

teachers and therapists who

specialise in providing services to

children under the age of 5. These

professionals can assess your

child’s overall development and

provide additional supports and

services if your child demonstrates

a need for them. Their goal is to

have your child ready for school.

They are a wonderful resource for

any young child with a suspected

or diagnosed special need.

If your child is over the age

of five or enrolled in school,

seek school based guidance.

For children already enrolled in

primary or secondary school,

seeking help will be varied based

on the school setting. Most public

and private schools have a Special

Educational Needs Co-ordinator

(SENCO), or an equivalent position.

Discuss your concerns regarding

your child’s classroom teacher and

the SENCO for your child’s school.

Your SENCO will coordinate

a meeting with all of the

stakeholders so that all concerns

can be discussed and can assist

you with getting the necessary

referrals completed. For children

who attend public (government)

schools, many services such as

Speech and Language Therapy,

Occupational Therapy, Behaviour

Therapy, Music Therapy and

Education Psychology are offered

within the school system. For

children who attend private

schools, parents may need to

seek support through the Health

Services Authority or through

the private sector via one of the

service providers on island.

Individual Education Plan An Individualised Education Plan

(IEP) (or the equivalent) is a plan

that outlines what services will

be provided to your child and

what accommodations can be

offered in their academic setting.

It also includes short-term and

long-term goals that your child’s

therapy team and teachers will

focus on. Establishing an IEP will

assist your child’s therapy team

with planning and implementing

goals that will enhance your

child’s academic success. IEPs

are often written by the school’s

SENCO (or equivalent) with all

stake holders included. As a result,

it encourages an open dialogue

between you, your child’s teacher

and your child’s service providers.

Having an IEP encourages a

higher level of accountability for

all stakeholders involved (family,

teacher and therapists). It also

provides additional opportunities

for stakeholders to discuss

Behavioural Health Associates Cayman 746-0066 62 Hospital Road Hospital Road Plaza E: [email protected] Service provided: Psychology

Cayman Echoic Services and Translations 929-9050 or 326-5126

E: [email protected] Services provided: Tomatis®,

listening therapy

Cayman Islands Health Services Authority 949-8600

95 Hospital Road E: [email protected] Services provided: Paediatricians, Otolaryngology (eNT), Nutrition, Feeding Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology.

Cayman Music Therapy 928-5307 E: [email protected] Service provided: Music therapy. www.musictherapy.ky

Chatterbox 926-1693 15 Pasadora Place E: [email protected] Services provided: Speech and Language Therapy, Playschool, Hanen Programs, Autism Consultancy, Pivotal Response Treatment, Family Support Worker/Social Worker.

Early Intervention Programme 926-1413 515 Walkers Road E: [email protected] Services provided: early Intervention Teacher, Speech and Language Therapy,

Occupational Therapy,

Programme for the Visually

Impaired, Teacher for the

Hearing Impaired, Counselor,

educational Psychologist,

Music Therapy.

HOPE Academy 768-4673 Grand Harbour Shoppes,

Crewe Road E: [email protected]

Services provided: Speech

and Language Therapy,

Occupational Therapy,

Psychology, Social Skills

Trainings, Cognitive

Behaviour Therapy,


I Read For Life 947-1497

2nd Floor Barnett Bldg,

24 Huldah Avenue

E: [email protected]

Services provided: Reading

Remediation, Speech and

Language Therapy.

KidsAbility 943-5437

24 Pasadora Place, Smith

Road E: [email protected]

Services provided:

Occupational Therapy,

Speech and Language

Therapy, Feeding Therapy

(SOS Approach), Handwriting

Remediation, Inclusive

Classroom Support, Parent/

Teacher Training Workshops.

The Wellness Centre


Cayman Business Park E: [email protected]

Services provided:

Psychology, Child and

Adolescent Counseling,

Applied Behavioural Analysis

(ABA), Family and Parenting

Support, early Start Denver


Where to go

> see next page


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Congratulations Cayman Parent! We are honoured to be part of your first edition.

progress and the establishment of new goals as skills are mastered

and educational needs change. Typically IEPs are updated annually,

however, these be updated more or less frequently, depending on

your child’s unique academic needs.

After your child has been assessed, therapy may be

recommended by individual therapists based on your child’s

performance during the assessment. It is important for you to not

only continue with the service but to ensure that your child regularly

attends his or her therapy sessions. Prompt access to service and

regular attendance to therapy will be beneficial to your child if he or

she has been diagnosed with a special need.

Support The process of having your child assessed for a special need

can be quite harrowing. If your child has been diagnosed with a

special need, it can be overwhelming and it is natural for you to go

through periods of grief, denial, sadness, anger or anxiety as you

try to wrap your head around their diagnosis and the way forward.

Seeking support from other parents who have gone through similar

experiences can help you come to terms with your child’s diagnosis.

Additionally, there are non-profit agencies on island, such as the

Special Needs Foundation of Cayman (SNFC) that are available as

a resource to families to provide access to training, guidance and

general support as you and your family goes through this transition.

The diagnosis of a special needs child does not change who

your child is to you or their role in the family. They are still the child

that you are madly in love with. As you go through the process, take

time to appreciate the small gains your child will make. The small

changes eventually add up to larger changes over time – and these

are worthy of celebration – no matter how small! CP

Is your child ‘gifted’?Very often children who are considered to be “gifted” are

excluded from the special needs conversation. However, it is

important to remember that children who require additional

educational support may need to do so not only because of a

lack of skill, but also due to a highly developed skill.

The National Association for Gifted Children states that

children who are gifted display a variety of behaviours but all

share common traits such as marked alertness and the ability

to learn new information or tasks very quickly. Very often

children who are gifted have good memory, large vocabularies

and are able to understand abstract ideas very easily. They also

have long attention spans and can concentrate intensely for

significant periods of time.

At times children who are ‘gifted’ are labelled as

“daydreamers” as they can often be preoccupied with their own

thoughts. It is not uncommon for these children to be highly

sensitive, may have difficulties with managing in a classroom

well and may be described as disruptive; this usually happens

when the child is not challenged enough and is able to

complete his or her work ahead of their peers. These children

who can also be “self-taught” and may have reached various

developmental and cognitive milestones prior to expectation.

If you feel that your child may demonstrate signs of

giftedness, the first step you should take is to seek additional

assessments to confirm it. This is usually completed by an

Educational or Clinical Psychologist who will administer a variety

of cognitive assessments to see if your child is performing at

levels that exceed age expectations. Your child may excel across

14 www.caymanparent.com

We believe that all children can benefit from support to help them reach their full potential. Music therapy is an engaging and creative way to address children’s emotional, cognitive, physical, and social needs and help them flourish.

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all areas, or it may be specific to a certain

subject area, such as mathematics or

science or even music and art.

Once you have confirmation from

your child’s psychologist, your next step

should be to discuss these results with your

child’s school. Both his or her classroom

teacher and the school principal should be

included in the meeting to discuss your

child’s academic performance and status.

At present, there are no specific educational

policies in place for children who are

deemed gifted, however, both the public

and private schools are generally willing to

provide additional supports to assist your

child with excelling in their area.

Finally, encourage your child to

participate in extracurricular activities that

will foster their giftedness. You are your

child’s biggest advocate. Just as a child

who is struggling with mathematics would

receive additional tutoring, a child who is

on the opposite end of the spectrum would

also benefit from tutoring.

Use what you know about your child’s

present level of functioning and their area

of giftedness to encourage their overall

development. You will both be glad you

did! CP


Reading the medical notes still paralyses me. She was

born ‘blue’, ‘aggressively resuscitated.’ Medics recorded

APGAR scores and hooked up her tiny body to

machines. Preparations were made to airlift her to Miami. A

photographer arrived to take passport photos. I still can’t see them.

She looked like a corpse. I had never been parted from Lilah’s big

sister and I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her now.

In sombre tones, doctors offered me ‘something to help me cope.’ Even

in the midst of the firestorm, I recognised the absurdity of the offer. I didn’t

know what to do; how to survive this new reality, but I knew I had to keep a

clear head. I decided to live one minute at a time – one second

if need be. And so began my life as the parent of a ‘special needs’ child, –

never daring to look ahead for fear it would break me.

The Early YearsAfter two weeks, Lilah* was discharged with an inconclusive prognosis. I

threw myself into caring for her, seizing every opportunity to provide a rich and

stimulating environment. When she slept, I scrutinised child development books.

When she awoke, we sang, read and played. I obsessed over developmental

milestones, watching enviously as other babies dutifully smiled, rolled over and

sat up. The truth was undeniable: Lilah was not achieving her milestones. At 15

months of age, we attended the first of many evaluations in Miami, while my husband stayed

home with our eldest who, despite our best efforts, inevitably began to see her needs as

secondary to her sister’s.

In the early days, I hung on every word, highlighting key phrases, researching terminology

and inwardly despairing at each new ‘deficit’ uncovered. I enrolled Lilah in Early Intervention

and began exhaustive home programme work as I swotted up on Speech and Language,

Occupational and Physical Therapies. As well as conventional treatments, I explored

“She was born in

September 2001, the

same apocalyptic

month that the world

was forever changed.

As devastating footage

of the fall of the Twin

Towers looped on TV

screens across the

island, I watched my

baby girl fighting for

survival in the NICU

and wondered how life,

by some, could be held

in such disregard.”


A to Z of Special Needs

16 www.caymanparent.com

alternative practices, feverishly attempting to maximise gains in her

formative years, wishing on miracles, desperate, I later realised, to

fix her; driven by guilt; haunted by the misguided belief that I was,

somehow, to blame. After all, I was her mother – it was my job to

protect her.

TransitioningMoments of transition are stressful for any child but for

children with additional needs, navigating the school system

can be brutal. Lilah had far exceeded expectation – she could walk,

talk (albeit with articulation issues) and run. She was slower than

most, but she got there in the end. Call me naïve but, despite being

a career teacher, I hadn’t considered for a moment that the new

intellectual challenges of school should be any different. Surely she

would get there in time? In years to come I heard a friend telling a

joke about ‘denial’ not being a river in Egypt. I didn’t laugh.

The Primary YearsIt became obvious that Lilah needed more support so I

quit my job. In addition to regular overseas evaluations involving

days of testing, meetings with teachers, support staff and doctors,

the establishment of an Individual Education Plan to ‘service’ my

daughter (“Don’t you service a car?” I asked), and hours of therapy, I

began going into class with Lilah. It had to be done, but the financial

repercussions added new tensions. Finally, we were informed that if

we wanted our daughter to continue at school, we must provide a

full-time teacher’s aide. The pressure mounted.

Where there were shortfalls in services, I endeavoured to address

them, petitioning government for greater access to service providers.

Private practitioners were expensive and not always covered by

insurance, yet the reports insisted Lilah needed contact time several

times a week. My father always said, “The squeaky wheel gets the

most oil,” and I soon learnt that getting results required agitating. I

did what needed to be done, but the fight seemed endless.

We invested heavily in Lilah’s friendships. Birthday parties were

huge, extravagant affairs that

ensured a smattering of return

invites; play-dates at our house

were plentiful but not widely

reciprocated. We wanted so

badly for Lilah to feel accepted in

spite of her increasingly obvious

differences, but with each passing year invitations became scarcer.

I came to resent the patronising enquiries about how Lilah was

doing; the superficial sympathy always accompanied inexplicably by

that tell-tale tilt of the head and furrowed brow. At school pick-up,

Lilah’s smile was replaced by tears which we initially put down to ‘a

phase’ or later, problems reading social cues. The harsh reality was

that our child was being bullied – she was ripe for plucking. Knowing

that, statistically, children with special needs are more vulnerable to

bullying didn’t make the agony any more bearable.

PerseveranceSomewhere along the line, I was diagnosed with depression and

became bulimic. I realised that, in all this, I had thrown my marriage

under the bus. Energy spent on the girls meant there was precious

little left for anyone else. Achieving balance is hard enough without

raising a child with special needs in such an unforgiving world.

Somehow I was on a crusade that I’d never planned on. I had no

choice but to continue, but had nothing left to give. I felt isolated and


There is hopeI heard of a group of parents with children on the Autism

spectrum who had begun to meet so I decided to go along.

Sitting, listening to their struggles, I realised for the first time that

I wasn’t alone. From these modest beginnings came the Special

Needs Foundation of Cayman. I found strength and solace in this

community of parents, educators and professionals and to this day, I

try to pay this forward.

Now 13, Lilah is a mass of auburn hair with a fiery nature and

killer smile – a fighting spirit, we like to say; a spirit that sustained her

in those first dark days. The medical file that started the morning of

her birth now occupies the better part of an entire filing cabinet. She

has a slew of unpronounceable diagnoses, but these labels neither

define nor limit her. It is she who teaches me, daily, about courage. I

am a better teacher, parent and human being for having walked by

her side.

As I write, I am dreading an appointment with a doctor where I

will need to argue the findings of a report. It is still a struggle, but I

am no longer in danger of being broken by it. CP*Although the names have been changed to observe the

privacy of the individuals involved, we hope this piece will

inspire all parents.

“After two weeks, Lilah was discharged with an inconclusive prognosis. I threw myself into caring for her...”


Story by Faith Gealey

A relationship between a therapist and a

child is a beautiful thing. It is usually slow

to take root, but once it does, it blossoms

and blooms into a sweet bond. However,

the bond between a child’s therapist and a parent can

be hit or miss. As a parent, it is your job to advocate

for your child, and as a parent myself, I totally

understand and support that. However, I can’t tell you

the amount of times I have to take time from therapy

to “sell” myself as a clinician or to convince a family

that I am here to help them win the war, not to wage

any battles against them. As a paediatric therapist

who has compared notes with other therapists, there

are some underlying things that we want parents of

our clients to know:

You are not being judgedYour child having a special need is not your fault,

and it is not the result of your parenting. When you

bring your child to me, I am looking at your child in a

holistic manner – not evaluating your parenting skills.

Your child will not be compared to other children

One of the common questions parents ask me

relates to comparison. “Is my child the worst child on

your caseload?” or “Do you have any other children

that are as bad as my child?” My answer to this

question is always ‘no’. Each child is unique. I’m not

just saying that because it is the proper thing to say; I

say that because it is a fact. Even if all of the children

on my caseload had the same diagnosis, they would

still be unique because learning and development is

a process that varies from child to child. As a result,

each child brings with them a very different set of

strengths and weaknesses. It is for this reason that

I do not compare your child to any other because

each one of my clients is on an individual journey.

You can be honest with me Does your child already have a diagnosis? Are

they getting therapy elsewhere? Are you having

a rough time at home? Please, let me know. If

your child has been assessed, it helps me to know

that information because your child may not

have to sit through another tedious assessment.

If an assessment is still warranted, an alternative

assessment could be administered to ensure that

as much information on your child’s development

has been obtained from the assessment and

most importantly to ensure that the testing results

obtained and paid for are, in fact, valid. I would like

to know which other therapists are working with

your child so that we can collaborate together and

make sure that we are working as a single team for a

child. Are things a little chaotic at home? Remember

The relationship you have with your child’s therapist could define your child’s success

You andyour child’s

A to Z of Special Needs

18 www.caymanparent.com

point number one? I’m not judging you! I

certainly am not interested in knowing about

your personal life but if your family is going

through a difficult time, it is helpful for me to

know in case I start to notice some changes

in your child’s behaviour. Keeping secrets

from your therapist in regards to your child is

not the best way to go.

I genuinely care

I think your child is cute, charming and

sweet. Even on the roughest of therapy days

I still want to give your child a big squeeze.

I’m proud of their victories and I want to see

your child succeed. I give a part of myself

to each child during therapy. Each client I’ve

worked with will forever hold a piece of my

heart. I will feel old as they grow up. I will

miss them when they have been discharged

from therapy. So don’t ever think I’m just

going through the motions with your child.

I will fight for your child’s rights as if they

are my own child because I seriously adore

every inch of your child – quirks and all.

There are no quick fixes

I wish when I graduated from college

they gave me a magic wand that can make

any child better. I really do. But unfortunately,

my alma mater did not get that memo. There

is no quick fix for any type of disorder or


For some children, a few months of

therapy is sufficient. For other children the

habilitation process can take years. I have no

way of saying in this time period your child

will be able to do x, y and z. Therapy doesn’t

work like that. It is a process of teaching and

learning. The length of time a child needs

to be in therapy is directly linked with how

quickly he or she can grasp the concepts

they are being in taught in therapy.

Much of your child’s progress rests in your hands

I only see your child for a limited amount

of time per week. Some parents feel that

the more therapy their child has access to,

the better it is for the child. This, in many

cases is true. However, the best thing you

can do for your child is integrate the targets

they are working on in therapy at home

during regular family activities. The more

opportunities your child has to practice, and

to use those skills across different settings,

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the more likely it is that he or she will master

the goal quickly and generalise those skills

across different settings.

You are appreciatedI especially enjoy having the family in

the room during therapy because it helps

them to know what to do to encourage

generalisation of skills at home. However,

sometimes you have to put your parent

instincts to swoop in and save your child on

hold for short period of time (just until the

end of the session). Please let me work with

your child, and if your child is struggling –

please let them. Each and every one of us

struggles when we learn something new,

and this goes the same for our children.

Allow me to teach your child it is okay not

to have all the answers. Allow me to teach

them strategies and encourage them to use

them on their own, teaching your child pride

in finishing a task. Allow me to teach your

child to learn.

Celebrate the moments Sometimes when you focus on the end

goal – you forget to celebrate the smallest

of victories. You want your child to walk

independently. He’s not there yet, but he’s

standing on his own now. Celebrate it!

Your want your child to tell you about her

day. She’s not there yet, but she learned

three new words this week. How awesome

is that?! Take this therapy process with

your child day by day, session by session.

Celebrate each and every small victory and

use that as a reminder that progress is being

made, change is coming and your child is

one step closer to their goals.

As a speech therapist, I spend every day

working with children with special needs.

While I know the challenges of working

with each individual child, I don’t know the

challenges of living with and raising your

child. Always know that I admire you for

your dedication, love and commitment and

think you are AMAZING. I may not always

say how impressed I am with your patience,

or compliment you on the great job you

are doing with your child. Please know that

I hold you in the highest esteem and I think

that your child is truly blessed to have a

wonderful parent like you. CP

Faith Gealey is mom to two-year-old Alyssa

Hope and a Speech Language Pathologist

who is a native of Bodden Town.

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20 www.caymanparent.com

Story by Elke (Feuer) O’Donnell

Parents of special needs children face

many challenges in the Cayman

Islands. One of them is schooling.

Depending on the severity of your child’s

needs the Lighthouse School is an option.

A Cayman Islands government school

established in 1976, Lighthouse School is

the only primary and secondary institution

in the Cayman Islands that caters to

children with moderate to profound special

education needs and diagnosis: children on

the severe autism spectrum, cerebral palsy

and chromosomal disorders.

Their mission is to help students with

challenging needs develop their unique

abilities to their fullest potential through

individual and innovative programs,

implemented by a caring and professional

staff in a dynamic partnership with parents

and community.

The school’s programs and curriculum

was developed with an emphasis on

skills that prepare the students for life.

Those skills include: Personal and Social,

Communication, Literacy, Numeracy and

ICT, Physical and Co-ordination, Life, and

Work related.

Programs and Services

Programs and services ranging from

Individualised Education and Life Skills to

Occupational Therapy and Medical Services

are provided by special education classroom

teachers and specialist support staff, all of

whom work for the government with the

exception of outsourced programs.

Each child is given an Individual

Education Plan specific to their needs, which

includes mainstream integration in schools

and the philosophy of inclusion. Children are

included in their community by participating

in athletic, cultural arts programs and library

activities. Inclusion benefits both special

needs kids, the people they interact with,

and students in mainstream school.

Students participate in community-based

learning and events that enhances their life

skills. Special needs events are hosted by the

school to bring awareness to the Cayman

Islands and celebrate the success of their

students. Businesses in the community

support the school by holding special events

for the students throughout the year, and

integration into their business through work


Who can attend? Lighthouse School caters to residents

of the Cayman Islands, and due to the

limited capacity of the school, and the

amount of special needs children on the

island, preference is given to Caymanian


Before considering enrolling your child,

contact the Department of Education

(DOE) Services to ensure Lighthouse

School can accommodate your child. If

the school can accommodate your child,

and an application is submitted to a panel

with representatives from the DOE and

mainstream schools. The panel reviews the

application to ensure the applicant meets

the school’s criteria and decides their best

placement based on their needs.

Quick Tips• Have your child’s assessments

completed to ensure you know all their

physical and educational needs.

• Contact Lighthouse School to check

space is available for your child.

• Confirm Lighthouse School can

accommodate ALL of your child’s physically

and educational needs.

• If you’re considering moving to the

Cayman Islands, make sure the school can

accommodate your child.

• Meet with the principal and teachers,

and take a tour of the school, to make sure

you’re comfortable with the school and the

people responsible for your child on a daily


For more information about the Lighthouse School, please contact the principal, Carla MacVicar at [email protected] or call 947-5454.

A ray of hope at Lighthouse School

LighthouseSchoolFundraiserLighthouse School had its inaugural art exhibition, "Art Without Boundaries", at The DART Auditorium Community Gallery at The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands in March 2015 to bring awareness to children with special needs.

Other schools and many visitors attended to view the unique art completed by Lighthouse School students. The exhibition culminated with a fundraising art auction. The evening was a huge success, selling every piece of art, and raising almost $20,000 that will be used to refurbish the Lighthouse School’s playground and to purchase musical instruments.

Notable attendees were: Hon. Tara Rivers; Winston Connolly, MLA; Roy McTaggart, MLA; and Christen Suckoo, Chief education Officer.


Darryl Paddyfoot stands proudly with his medal at Football4All.

Photo supplied.

Story Faith Gealey

On a sunny Saturday morning at the

Academy Football Club in George Town,

you will find in a corner of a football field, a

group of 12 children partnered with older peer buddies

learning the game of football. While coaches provide

strategies and supervision, parents are scattered across

the area – some on the field helping with exercises

and others on the sidelines cheering their children

on. At first glance, it seems like a typical children’s

football team, however, upon a closer inspection, one

realises that there is something quite unique about this

particular football club.

Football4All is a sports programme initiated by The

Wellness Centre and supported by The Academy

Sports Club. It provides an opportunity for children

with special needs between ages four and 14 to

engage with each other outside of the therapy room.

Shannon Seymour, director of The Wellness Centre,

founded Football4All with a very special vision for this

club. Very active within the Academy Football Club,

and during one of the Junior Football games, the idea

for Football4All was conceived.

“I saw these young kids playing football and having

a blast. It saddened me because at that time my

clients didn’t have access to engaging in that type

of activity.” During a team-building meeting at The

Wellness Centre, the idea was put forth to the staff.

The entire Wellness Centre team came on board

to assist with the development and planning of this

programme. “We had very specific objectives for this

programme. We wanted our clients to have fun. We

also wanted to target functional life skills such as

responding to concepts like “stop” and “go” which are

very important commands for any child to understand

for safety reasons. Additionally, we target imitation

of gestures and words, socialisation with peers,

compliance, responding to questions, and responding

to instructions.”

The Academy Sports Club graciously donated the

use of the field, the equipment and peer coaches.

One of the guiding principles of the Academy

Sports Club is for players to give back, and this was a

wonderful opportunity for their Under 15 and Under

17 players to do on Saturday mornings. These players

completed a short workshop on Autism Spectrum

Disorder and learned simple strategies on how to

work with Football4All players. The parents of the peer

coaches shared that their children have become more

Making every kick count!

Football4All brings the love of the game to all children and allows them to engage outside of the therapy room

A to Z of Special Needs

22 www.caymanparent.com

compassionate and empathic due to their

volunteer experiences with Football4All.

Mr. Patrick O’Brien and Mrs. Lynn Walsh-

O’Brien’s son, Calum, has been involved with

Football4All since its inception. “Calum has

improved greatly with patience, turn-taking

and following the rules, and communicating

with others in a group setting.” The O’Brien

family strongly supports the Football4All

programme and shared that “the strides

Calum and the other children have made

are quite evident.”

Very often children with special needs are

excluded from participating in extracurricular

activities within the community. Ms. Vanessa

Ebanks shared her son Darrell’s (pictured left)


“Before Football4All my son resisted trying

anything new. Since joining Football4All

I have noticed he is more open to new

places and people”. Families like the O’Briens

and The Ebanks are “very thankful for

the Football4All programme and really

appreciate all of the time and effort put forth

by those involved.”

Football4All was initially established as

a community programme specifically for

clients with from The Wellness Centre with

Autism Spectrum Disorder. Therapists from

The Wellness Centre donated their time

each Saturday morning to assist the parents

and peer coaches with supervision and to

provide hands on support when needed.

The programme has grown and now

includes children from the community with

a variety of special needs.

Being a part of an extracurricular activity

is a childhood rite of passage; the beauty

of Football4All is that it provides children

with special needs with an opportunity to

engage in community based activities. As

the programme grows, it continues to be a

challenge for The Wellness Centre to keep

up with the demand without additional

supports from the community. The benefits

of this programme and seeing the progress

of the children in Football4All, makes it all

worthwhile for the staff volunteers. Mrs.

Seymour is hopeful that stakeholders in

the community will assist with keeping this

programme going so that more children

have the opportunity to participate. CP

For more information please contact

Shannon Seymour at sseymour@

wellnesscentre.ky or at 949-9355.

The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman (SNFC) is a charitable, non-profit organisation. SNFC is Cayman’s own support group providing information and education about Children with Special Needs.

Visit our website for community events, support and other informationwww.specialneedsfoundation.ky

What is special needs?Having Special Needs can be defined as an individual with particular requirments resulting from physical, learning, emotional, social and behavioural difficulties.

What do we do?The SNFC advocates for individuals and families to promote ongoing education of the public about the needs of the special needs community. With growth, we will endeavour to work with professionals, providers and policy makers to ensure that needed services and options are available throughout the lifespan of people diagnosed with any kind of special needs.

The Foundation believes that all children with special needs should have a voice, be given the same opportunities as all children and be able to develop their maximum potential.

Design donated by

How can you help?Getting involved with the Special Needs Foundation of Cayman (SNFC) is easy.Become a member, volunteer or donate to this local non-profit organisation by contacting us via:

E-mail - [email protected]

Phone - 345-321-2957

Mail - PO Box 12141, Grand Cayman KY1-1010


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Advocating for parents and children:The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman

Today, despite years of struggle and reinvention, there is a growing awareness that

The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman has finally come of age and established

itself squarely as the unequivocal voice of the islands’ special needs community.

With each victory – large or small — the powers that be are coming to understand

that this is a sector of society that refuses to be marginalised any longer.

Committed to utilising all resources available to develop and provide appropriate and

comprehensive support services for children with a range of special needs across the

Cayman Islands, The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman (SNFC) is an organisation on a

mission. A non-profit collective of parents, educators, service providers and professionals, it

seeks to help all its young people reach their maximum potential to become valuable and

valued members of society.

What originally began as a monthly support group for parents of children on the Autism

Spectrum, soon evolved into The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman, a membership-

based organisation formed to tackle the increasingly urgent need to address the lack of

diagnostic, treatment and support services available to the nation’s youth special needs


Advocating for individuals and families through ongoing public education programmes

and positive partnerships with professionals, providers and policy-makers, the foundation

aims to give a voice to some of society’s most vulnerable individuals, offering opportunities

through increased awareness and expert guidance.

Other active roles include the petitioning of government to make changes to the

Health Reform Law to ensure full coverage of all children for essential therapies, as well

as undertaking comprehensive research studies to establish baseline data to inform good

practice and accessibility for future generations.

Funded by generous corporate sponsors, private donors and membership dues, the

foundation offers a range of services including members’ financial aid for selected Summer

Camps, morale and emotional support, practical assistance, a calendar of social events

where parents and children can meet and mingle and monthly newsletters detailing training

opportunities, special interest courses, and educational presentations in collaboration with a

wide range of special needs providers.

Driven by a host of dedicated volunteers and spearheaded by a Board of Directors,

comprised primarily of parents and respected professionals from fields ranging from Speech

and Language Therapy to Music Therapy, the SNFC promotes early identification, diagnosis

and intervention in order to improve the long-term prognosis of all children with special

needs resident on island.

With three hard-working committees – the Fundraising Committee, Membership

Resource Committee and the Committee for Advocacy and Research – members have

ample opportunity to get as involved as they wish with the running of the organisation.

To find out more about exciting work and future projects, please visit

www.specialneedsfoundation.ky or contact the SNFC’s Executive Leader, Susie Bodden,

at [email protected] or by phone on 321 2957.

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So often, children are punished for being human.

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The Department of Counselling ServicesC A Y M A N I S L A N D S G O V E R N M E N T

Children are people, too!

As long as there have been babies,

mothers have nurtured them at their

breasts. That so many of us are here

today is testament to how well breastfeeding

has worked through the millennia. The benefits

have been widely touted and authorities on

child care have made strong statements in

favour of breastfeeding. Indeed, the World Health

Organization (WHO) recommends that mothers

worldwide breastfeed their infants exclusively (i.e.

no other foods or liquids) for the first six months

of life to achieve optimal growth, development,

and health. After that infants should receive

nutritionally adequate and safe complementary

foods, while continuing to breastfeed for up to

two years or more.

Armed with all this knowledge, most local

families make the decision to breastfeed. This

turns out to be an easy journey for many

new mothers and their newborn babies.

However, despite their best intentions, a

number of mothers experience challenges

with breastfeeding at some point, which may

discourage them from continuing to breastfeed.

An important, but often overlooked, element of

successful breastfeeding is a strong network of


Breast is best for your baby

Jacynth Tibbetts and her daughter Ava

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“My world changed

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was born. Becoming a

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Breastfeeding was a

way to give her my very

best. I breastfed for an

amazing 13 months, and

the Breastfeeders Support

Group volunteer played

a critical role in making it

successful. “


26 www.caymanparent.com

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The Cayman Islands Breastfeeders Support

Group is made up of volunteers who work to

promote, protect, and support breastfeeding

in the community. Volunteers include nurses,

midwives, lactation consultants, and mothers

who have breastfed successfully. They make

themselves available to all mothers on the

island who need help with breastfeeding.

Mothers are encouraged to call a support

group member at any time, as soon as they

feel they need help, in order to prevent a

minor issue from developing into a major


Breastfeeding mom, Jacynth Tibbetts had

this to say: Breastfeeding felt like an art to

be mastered, but I was comforted to know

that the kind, patient person who helped

me with my challenges from Ava’s birth,

through returning to work and weaning, was

able to offer continuous encouragement

and assistance; helping me celebrate the

beautiful journey Ava and I traveled together

as mother and daughter.

Most of the services of the support

group are free of charge (pump rentals

incur a nominal fee). Volunteers provide

breastfeeding education, phone counselling,

visits to the hospital maternity unit

or individuals’ homes to assist with

breastfeeding. Many mothers also seek

advice when they return to work and wish

to continue to breastfeed. This is essential to

ensure they have an adequate milk supply

in order to continue exclusive breastfeeding

until the baby is six months.

Although some businesses on the island

provide breastfeeding rooms and pumps for

their employees to express milk, many do not.

The support group partners with the Family

Resource Centre (FRC) to provide dedicated

areas where working mothers may go to use

electric pumps donated by the support group

to express milk. Mothers may take their own

pumps to the Centre or they may purchase a

personal pumping kit to use with the electric

pumps available at the Centre. In addition,

FRC provides assistance to teenage mothers

participating in the Young Parents Programme

who wish to breastfeed. The support group

is dedicated to promoting the health and

well-being of the next generation through

successful breastfeeding.

To access contact details for Support Group

volunteers families may visit or

call the maternity unit at the hospital on

345-244-2841 or 345-244-2842.


Cover story

Twins Jonas and Sage are

lovingly watched by parents

Erikka and Jason Gilbert

Growing Roots Having a family pulls busy couple, erikka and Jason Gilbert, back to their Caymanian roots.

28 www.caymanparent.com

> see next page

Story by Lindsey Turnbull | Photos by Melissa Wolfe

Erikka and Jason Gilbert are a young,

successful Caymanian couple who have

been living in the United States for almost

a decade pursuing their careers. But the

birth of their twins, Jonas and Sage, 18 months

ago while they were living in Miami meant a

serious reprioritisation for the couple. Coming

back to live in their native Cayman last summer,

erikka, 33, and Jason, 32, feel they made the right

move for their family unit as a whole.

‘The One’Having grown up in the Cayman Islands, Erikka

and Jason were acquainted with each other from

school, such was the close knit community of the

islands back in the early Nineties, but it wasn’t until

after college that the two became an item.

“I knew she was the one since I was a teenager,”

Jason confirms with a twinkle in his eye. “Erikka

wore shell toe Adidas shoes, which I remember

thinking was really cool for a girl!”

Both attended Florida International University,

Erikka studying hospitality management and Jason

finance and thereafter gaining his Master’s. After

working in the financial services industry for a year

Jason knew he really needed to pursue his real

passion as a career - making music. A keen lover

of music from an early age, Jason plays the guitar,

bass, drums and piano and says the creativity

involved with making and producing music is his

real love professionally. His career took off into the

stratosphere once he gained a manager, producing

the score for a slew of successful movies such

as Fast and Furious 6, Real Steel, Project X, and

culminating in the winning of a Grammy® Award

for producing a record on Eminem’s ‘Recovery’

album.. As producer, JG, Jason Gilbert’s career

required the couple to be based in Los Angeles to

be right in the heart of the industry.

Children arriveMarrying in 2011 in grand style in Grand Cayman,

the couple eventually moved to Los Angeles shortly

after where the decision was made to think about

starting a family.

“We both come from big families and we really

wanted kids of our own,” Erikka confirms. “However

we were a little surprised when I fell pregnant

straight away!”

Even more of a surprise was the fact that Erikka

was carrying twins.

“Actually I was in shock when I had the scan

which confirmed twins,” she states. “We had

discussed having a child and how we could

Growing Roots “We thought we had a game plan but

that went right out of the window.”

– Jason Gilbert

Having a family pulls busy couple, erikka and Jason Gilbert, back to their Caymanian roots.


manage a baby between us, travelling with

them wherever we needed to be; two babies

at the same time was a completely different


Jason confirms: “We thought we had a

game plan but that went right out of the


Eighteen months ago Erikka gave birth in

Miami to their adorable babies and their lives

changed overnight.

“I was pretty much housebound for the

first three months breastfeeding,” Erikka

recalls. “Our families were absolutely

invaluable at that time. My mom came to

stay with us for the first two months. My

cousin and godmother to the twins, Renee

Thompson, was also a tremendous help and

used up every vacation day in that first year

flying up to help out.”

Coming homeBut the strain of being a plane ride away

from family and friends was eventually too

much for Erikka and Jason to bear and they

made the decision last year to move back

home, where the help would be full on,

whenever they needed it.

It’s a decision that they haven’t regretted

at all.

“We’ve lived in Los Angeles, Miami and

New York but Cayman is the place in which

Jason with wife erikka with the twins.

The early days with Jonas and Sage.

erikka in the 1980s.

30 www.caymanparent.com

It used to be just about the two of us but now we come second to their needs,” Jason says. “In fact, we call them Jay Z and Beyoncé and we are just their road managers!

we want our kids to grow up, just as we

both did,” Jason says.

While Erikka and Jason grew up in

Cayman, Erikka says hers was the more

traditional ‘outdoors’ living of Caymanian

youngsters in the Eighties and Nineties.

“I have five siblings, three of whom are

brothers. They are all really ‘men’s men

as is my father, Renard Moxam, who was

a professional sportsman, so I grew up

fishing, playing at the beach and climbing

trees,” she says.

Jason, the youngest of five children, says

he spent his time growing up mainly in

his home learning to play music. He says

he is really enjoying getting to know the

outdoors a bit better with his children.

Both twins love the outdoors and their

lovely home that Jason and Erikka have

created for their family is idyllically located

at East End overlooking the ocean.

“The first thing the kids say to me when

they get up is ‘shoes Mama!’” Erikka says.

“They just love playing outside.

Their lives have changed 180 degrees

since having their babies, the couple says.

“It used to be just about the two of us

but now we come second to their needs,”

Jason says. “In fact, we call them Jay Z

and Beyoncé and we are just their road


Jonas displays the testosterone-filled

tendencies of his families and is boisterous

and “rough” while Sage is a real girly girl and

enjoys her books. Both are in raptures when

daddy starts playing music, which thrills both

Jason and Erikka.

Jason has taken time off in recent months

to help his young family settle into their new

lives in Cayman, while Erikka, who took a

year off to be with her children, has now

embarked again on her full time marketing

career, working at DMS. Jason is about to

start travelling again and his work will see

him travel frequently between Los Angeles

and home in Cayman.

“We can only make this work because of

the fantastic support we have at home,” he


Erikka says the twins have a lovely nanny

who came recommended via her family.

The couple made sure she was well trained

in the Montessori principles of rearing young

children and the youngsters will start pre-

school soon.

“Even so, our moms are very close to us

and always around to help out, as are our

aunties and other family members,” Erikka


It’s clear that the couple work incredibly

closely as a team, working in tandem to care

for their children. Moving back home gives

both Erikka and Jason a stronger base from

which to raise Jonas and Sage, and gives

their children the best possible start in life,

just as they had themselves. CP

Lindsey Turnbull is a freelance writer and

editor in the Cayman Islands, who is also

a mum of two teenage daughters.

She runs her freelance writing business


The Gilberts, enjoying a night on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards®. Jason Gilbert (commonly known as JG) won a Grammy in 2011 for his work on eminem’s ‘Recovery’ album. Photo Copyright Life Magazine.

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Now that Mother’s Day has been celebrated and Father’s Day is just around the corner, it’s a good time for

parents to reflect on how to cultivate a good relationship with their children. In this article, parents and their teens reveal how they manage to keep the communications open and the relationship strong.

RespectJohn and Javana’s 15-year-old

daughter is Paris and she is currently studying for her GCSes in Cayman. Javana says from a young age they have always talked about everything.

“I have worked hard to be approachable and open, letting her know that no question is too big or too small. There are no topics off limit,” she says. “I have always encouraged Paris to voice her opinion which has helped me to become a good listener. As a family, we always have breakfast together and we share most meals together. This also helps to keep the lines of communication open with Paris, as she has both parents present. She also enjoys the guidance given by big sisters Sarah and Sophy.”

emma, Catharine, Graeme & Rachel


Javana, Paris

& John

Simone & Nathan

Keeping it real

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Keeping it real

Families share the qualities that make their connection with their kids last.

Javana says they have been fortunate as, so far, Paris has never shown any ‘moody teen’ tendencies. “The transition has been calm and gradual,” she confirms. “I am very proud of Paris and all her accomplishments to date; but, sad that she is growing too quickly.”

If there are arguments, they tend to be about Paris managing her time more efficiently and her time spent on social media via her iPhone and computer.

“Paris is a good student, works hard and is self-motivated, but can be distracted by social media. Hence, we compromise, no use of iPhone during homework and if the computer is not needed, then it is not in use either. The weekend is little more flexible and she can to indulge with social media and catch up with friends,” Javana says.

Javana says they are really proud of their daughter: “We are most proud of Paris’s inner strength, her determination and humility. She is very grounded, a good student, well-liked by everyone, very caring and kind. Beautiful on the inside and out.”

For her part, Paris says she really admires her mum’s work ethic.

“She works so hard and when she sets a goal for herself she makes sure she achieves it no matter what. Also, my mum tries to see the good in everything by staying positive. My dad is always laid back and calm (providing rugby isn’t on TV). After a long day at school when he picks me up our car journey home can be quite entertaining which helps me to de-stress.”

Passionate about fashion, Paris hopes to pursue a fashion degree and further her interest in modelling, having already participated in New York Fashion Week.

Family timeCatharine and Graeme have two

daughters, Emma, 20, who is at a UK university and Rachel, 17, who is studying for her AS levels in Cayman.

Catharine confirms that they have always done a lot together as a family,

“even simple things like regular time chatting and watching the sun go down at Smith Cove,” she says. “We almost always sit down together around a table for our evening meal on a daily basis which is

when most of the day’s news is shared and school/work-related issues are talked about until they are resolved, if that is what feels needed.”

Catharine adds that they have not had television in their home since Hurricane Ivan, although they do have DVDs and enjoy films at weekends or holidays, so this has naturally resulted in more family communication.

“We only have limited Internet access in our home and both our daughters only received their own personal laptop at the beginning of their Year 12 ‘A’ level courses. The other constant in the weekly routine for both our daughters has been the disciplined requirement for music practice which meant that with homework and outside time with other extra-curricular activities they have had busy lives!” she says.

Rachel says she admires her parents’ ability to take most things in their stride with a smile on their face.

“even though there are often serious discussions about serious things and tempers do get frayed, at the end of the day they manage to crack a joke about it and finish with a smile. I also admire how open and approachable they are. If either my sister or I ever had a problem, they were a confidential ear if we needed it,” she says.

Rachel hopes to study sciences at university in the UK.

“After that I would like to explore new places to live and work in order to broaden my experiences, which is what my parents have always encouraged emma and me to do. I will always be expected to communicate with my parents and make sure they know what is happening and how I am, therefore I hope that I will be able to maintain a close relationship.”

Patience Simone has two sons, Nathan, 17, who is

studying for his AS levels in the UK and Matt, 13, who is at high school in Cayman.

Like Javana, Simone says, as Nathan is making the transition to adulthood, she takes the time to really listen to him.

“Suddenly I realised that my son is giving me remarkably good advice and voicing well supported opinion,” she confirms. “I think if

parents are prepared to listen actively, the teenagers will talk. It’s as if you have had a long interview for the role of parent of the teen and during that time the child must develop a confidence that you will do the right thing with the information he shares.”

Simone says it’s tempting to move into the technology age fully but she has resisted that.

They argue most about procrastination, she says.

“I am slowly realising that a sense of urgency is something you develop and it is not innate. Nathan loves music and reading and he would find all the time in the word to read, play, compose or listen to music, but it seems that there is never is enough time for following up on outstanding actions or chores.”

Her secret conflict resolver is white hot chocolate and time.

“Always a good way to break the ice. It’s no point trying to get to a resolution when he has worked himself up, so I wait patiently (which isn’t easy for me), then try a different approach to resolve the issue,” she states.

Nathan, she says, is very respectful and polite. He is a loyal friend and would rather get into trouble himself than breach a confidence entrusted to him.

“No matter how they argue or disagree on things his first instinct is always to protect and defend those closest to him,” she confirms.

For his part, Nathan admires his mum’s “indomitable inner strength and conviction that drives her and makes her the wonderful woman she is today.”

Sharing a love for music with his mum, Nathan says “I enjoy sharing, listening and playing music together as it connects us on a deeper level and this is the essence of what we share.”

Nathan sees himself as a psychologist, but says “most importantly in whatever I do, I wish to be able to help others. I wish to be an author and a composer as well.”

CommunicationTad and Iris have three children, erin, 28

and Ben, 22, who both work in the States, and Adam, 17, who is studying for his AS levels in Cayman.

> see next page


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Tad says although they talk and discuss issues, it’s hard to know if Adam is telling them everything he’s thinking or that concerns him, such as pressures from peers, teachers and other social contacts.

“We don’t know what he tells himself, but I do think kids put a lot of pressure on themselves to meet a whole series of expectations,” he says. “We are close-knit, and, after the departure of his big sister and big

brother, he’s the only child in the house. We are only three people. It’s hard to hide.”

Tad adds: “His mother always has 1,000 questions and is not shy about asking them. I am less inquisitive than she – if only because I tend to think of it as ‘prying’.”

Tad says that Adam is doing well at school and finding himself doing A Levels, and then managing his relationship with his girlfriend has matured him.

“Probably the issue he needs most to face for a successful transition is efficient time management. He still loves his video games and spends entirely too much time on YouTube. He’s still only 17 and, frankly, Iris and I are not terribly worried that he will manage perfectly.”

Mum Iris says she has tried to instil the value of honesty into all her children.“I’ve told them we expect them to be

honest, even if, at the end of the day, it gets them into trouble!” she says.

Calling Adam “gentle and sensitive”, Tad says Adam is also “clever and funny”.

“He is able to see the humour in a stressful situation. He is respectful. He’s a smart kid and largely makes the right choices,” he says.

Adam appreciates the fact that he can share his love of music with his parents.

“My dad and I hang out listening to music and my mum and I play steel pan together on Monday evenings,” he says.

And while he enjoys the fact that his

parents are both musical, he says he also admires his dad’s great sense of humour. “He’s managed to push through some tough times recently but always maintains his sense of humour. My mum is just a really nice person. She’ll help out anyone and always says yes, even if she doesn’t want to do something!”

Adam sees a career for himself in paleontology as he’s loved dinosaurs since he was a child, combined in some way with his love of music.

AdaptFranz and Nuvia are parents to

18-year-old Franz Jnr who is attending the Vanguard High School in Lake Wales, Florida and Alyssa, 23, who is in her final year at the University of South Florida studying business and hospitality.

Franz Snr says that over the years he and his wife have had to change and adapt their methods of communication with their son.

“In his younger days we were able to have great talks while having supper or family dinner or Sundays. As he progressed through school, we found that asking “how was your day” didn’t get the answers we were seeking – so we provided other opportunities for open communication, whether it was playing cards or picking and eating crabs, which is

Iris, Tad & Adam

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favourite activity of his.

Today, we have had to rely on social media and keeping in touch with his teachers and friends to keep the lines of communication open. But most importantly is to provide the atmosphere where he feels comfortable coming to us with any topic,” he confirms.

Franz Sr., calls Franz Jr’s transformation from child to adult “amazing”, stating that he will never forget the first time he realised that he was no longer looking down when he spoke to him.

“Looking up at your son, who used to sleep on your chest in what seems like

a very short time ago is surreal. We have watched his personality change from a little boy who always smiles to a more serious young man whose smile can still light up the room,” he confirms.

Arguments are not frequent in their household.

“We really don’t argue. Franz Jr., is a well behaved young man who stays away from conflict. He will stand his ground on matters he believes in, but does so in a polite manner,” Franz Snr says. “We are most proud of his honest and respectful character. He is really a gentle giant and shows great care and concern for others.”

Franz Jr., says he admires his mum and dad’s “positive attitude towards everyday life”.

“I have never seen my dad be negative towards challenges and my parents have always encouraged me be the best I can be,” he explains. “They both encourage me to work hard to be respectful and not to settle for second best. I also admire my parents discipline and work ethic, I have never seen them skip a day at work unless they were on vacation or very sick.”

Following in his parents’ footsteps, Franz Jr., says he sees in his future “college and returning home to do my part to make Cayman a better place for all of us to live”. CP

Franz Sr. & Franz Jr.


From yourmodernfamily.com



a You have played outside, built, crafted or done something

industrial for 60 minutes;

a You have read for 20 minutes;

a You have checked your room to be sure it’s clean: bed is made,

floor and closet is tidy;

a You have finished one other chore approved by Mom or Dad;

a You have written a handwritten note of gratitude to

a friend or family member.


With summer break

around the corner,

many parents of teens

inadvertently rely

on a non-human being to provide

supervision: the media. Whether it is

television, the internet, social media,

mobile phones or MP3 players they

all become more accessible during

the summer. The average teenager

consumes over seven hours of media

per day and the number seems to rise

yearly. Though there are very positive

uses for media, unfortunately it also

has negative messages that we must

empower children to filter from a young


The media still perpetuates traditional

gender roles which research indicates

that the continuous effort to align with

gender norms produces great anxiety,

insecurity, stress and low self-esteem in

children. It also promotes youth as lazy,

sassy, sex-crazed and/or rebellious. It

minimises the parent-child relationship

and places emphasis solely on the peer

group influence.

Parents need to realise that teens

still need parenting. They need adult

supervision, but it looks different at

this age. It is important to realise that

teens are not little adults. An extremely

significant part of the brain, the prefrontal

cortex, has not fully developed yet. This

causes teens to engage in more risky

behaviour. Teens may have an inflated

sense of immortality. Additionally, the

brain at this stage is seeking social

interaction and the dawn of social media

Story by Miriam Foster

“Social media is a lifeline to many teens. It is key that parents understand how it works.”

Teens & the Media

The media sends mixed messages about who, what and how our teens should be

> see next page

Summer Survival -The Media

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has created an unprecedented flow of

social access inside and outside the home.

That is why toddlers and teens are quite

similar stages, there is an urge to engage

in the world independently but they are

disadvantaged by the physical and mental

skills available.

Teaching vs. ControllingMany parents address media issues by

strictly limiting it and trying to control it.

However, the greatest results are achieved

when one comes from a place of teaching

versus controlling. The media can be very

positive when used properly and within

adequate limits. The issue is that it takes

active parenting. This takes work, but the

benefits are completely worth it.

1 Set time aside to calmly discuss with

your teen media usage. Discuss when,

where, and create no technology times

to allow for other activities and adequate


2Instead of “turning off that junk” when

your teen is watching a show, sit

down and discuss the show with your

teen”. Engage in dialogue about pros and

cons of watching that specific show. Agree

on what the parameters will be for watching

this show.

3 Encourage teens to learn about his

or her brain and understand how the

media messages impact the lens the

world is viewed through.

4 Engage in discussions about the

difference in the reality the media

creates and the real world.

5Talk to your teen before the media

does. If there is a topic that is

important to discuss with your teen…

It is not easy being a parent in this

technological world, but parents need to

take time to learn about technology, as it is

here to stay. It is a parent’s job to educate a

teen about appropriate online behaviour, the

way the internet works and the agenda the

media is constantly pushing. It is imperative

to have technology-free times to allow

the brain a break and reduce cortisol levels

which increase stress. Although to parents

keeping up with social media is not essential

to living, many teens truly believe that

social media is a lifeline. Teaching children

to be in the present is also an essential life

skill and although it may seem like a hard

task, the easiest is way to teach is to model

appropriate use of technology.

The summer can be a great time to learn

new skills or focus on skills often neglected

during the school year. The media can be a

great teacher with over 700,000 educational

videos on YouTube, but we must first

educate children to be empowered

consumers. Filter the messages that are not

in line with the family’s value system and

retain the messages that bring positivity and


Humans are adapting to this new

technological world and time needs to be

taken to create systems that allow children

to be protected while still allowing some

freedom to foster independent thought. CP

Miriam Foster is Program Coordinator at

the Family Resource Centre (FRC), which is

an amalgamation of the services provided

by the Women’s Resource Centre, National

Parenting Programme and Young Parents


For more information,

please visit http://www.frc.gov.ky, contact

345-949-0006 or email [email protected].


Exactly what temperature is considered a fever?First of all, a fever

is considered to be

a rise in our internal

body temperature to

levels that are considered to be above


From your Googling you may get a

wide range of answers ranging from 99

degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius)

to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees


So you wonder - why is there no

straightforward answer?

That’s because the definition of a fever

includes some reference as to which part

of the body the temperature was taken.

The following represent the

temperatures typically used to define


• 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees

Celsius) or higher if measured under arm

• 99.5 (37.5 degrees Celsius) or higher if

measured orally

• 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees

Celsius) or higher if measured rectally, by

ear, or by temporal artery

What is the best

method to check my child’s temperature?Opinions will differ about

the best site and method of temperature

measurement and each has its own pros

and cons. Temperature readings may

be affected by how the temperature

is measured, the device used, how

cooperative your child is, as well as

environmental factors.

When deciding which method to use,

parents need to consider whether the

accuracy of the results will have clinical

implications for their child, for example,

any fever in a child younger than 3

months of age may require hospital

admission and a thorough investigation

into the source of the infection whereas

fever in older well looking children may

require initial observation.

Temperatures measured rectally are

considered to be the most accurate and

are used as the reference standard for

measurement of core body temperature.

Rectal readings can be affected by

the depth of measurement of the

thermometer tip and the presence of

stool but are least likely to be affected by

external factors such as over bundling

and recent ingestion of hot or cold


Many parents are uncomfortable with

this method of temperature assessment

and older children are more likely to

resent it. However in young children

especially in newborns in whom a low

grade fever may signify a serious illness a

rectal temp should be checked.

Ear thermometers are quick but are

not reliable in young children as they

have smaller ear canals especially before

6 months of age. When used in older

children it needs to be placed correctly in

your child’s ear canal to be accurate. It is

very important to straighten the ear canal

and insert the probe tip comfortably and

completely in the ear canal to ensure

accuracy. For children 6 to 12 months pull

the ear straight back. For children over

12 months pull the ear up and back. Too

much earwax can cause the reading to

be incorrect.

Temporal artery thermometers are

quick and non invasive and hence

attractive to use but are the most

expensive option. Readings are close

to core body temperature but its

accuracy is affected by sweating,

blood flow, and the environmental

temperature and there are conflicting

reports on its accuracy to date.

Oral temperatures rely on the child

being old enough to cooperate with

holding the thermometer under the

tongue with the lips closed around it,

long enough to get an accurate reading.

This is often a challenge for most

children younger than 4 to 5 years old

and those who are very stuffy and need

their mouth to breathe. Its accuracy will

also be affected by the recent ingestion

of hot or cold beverages or food. As

rectal temps are less likely to be tolerated

by older children, oral temperatures are


Axillary temperatures are the least

accurate in measuring core body

temperature and are most impacted by

environmental factors such as swaddling,

Ask the Doctor

Doctors get countless queries each day from parents about their child’s health.

Here are the TOP 3 MOST COMMON questions, from paediatrician Dr. Christine Chen.


1Summer Survival - Health

38 www.caymanparent.com

a recent bath, and recent exercise. Care

must be taken to to place the tip of the

thermometer in the centre of the child’s

armpit and to restrain the arm against the

child’s side long enough to record the

highest reading.

Forehead strips may give you an idea of

whether your child has a fever by measuring

skin temperature, not body temperature

hence they are not accurate and they do not

give an exact measurement either and so are

not recommended.

Electronic pacifiers are also not

recommended as they are not accurate and

take a longer time to generate a reading (up

to 4 minutes) and parents have to remember

to add 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit to recorded


Using one’s hand to determine your child’s

temperature is not a reliable way to measure

a temperature and determine the

presence of a fever.

How can I help prevent my child

from getting sick so often?It can be normal for young

children to have up to 6-8 upper

respiratory tract infections and 2-3

gastrointestinal infections each year. If

they attend daycare or school they can

experience even more episodes as their risks

of exposure are increased in such group


As your child gets older, his immune

system will strengthen and he will build up

immunity to many common infections and

so he will get sick less often.

Steps you can take to minimise the

chances that your child will get sick include:

• Ensure that your child is properly

immunised. This will help protect against

more serious infections.

• Ensure that your child gets adequate rest

and eats a well balanced diet which will

provide a variety of vitamins and nutrients to

help keep his immune system as strong as

possible to help him fight off infection.

• Ensure that the daycare or school you

choose is clean, has a well enforced

policy of hygienic education and

measures to decrease the spread

of germs, including frequent

disinfection, not allowing sick

children to attend, and not allowing

sick caregivers to care for your child.

• To decrease his risk of exposure to

sick kids you could choose a smaller sized

daycare or consider hiring/sharing a private


• Teach your child hygienic measures and

to avoid playing with sick kids.

• Isolate sick family members as much as

possible and observe hygienic measures

even in the home setting. CP

Dr. Christine Chen is a paediatrician at

TrinCay Medical Centre & Urgent Care

located in Camana Bay. She is actively

involved with The Children’s Health Task

Force/Cayman Heart Fund and is the

founder of Get

Active and

The Get Active


programs which

serve to raise


and tackle the

problem of

childhood obesity

in Cayman.

Feel free to

contact Dr Chen at 345-943-4633 or

through Facebook/Get Active Cayman.

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Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (USA) American/International Curriculum for Pre K through Grade 12

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program for Grades 11 and 12

Director of CIS: Dr. Jeremy Moore Tel: (345) 945-4664 Fax: (345) 945-4650

Website: www.caymaninternationalschool.org Email: [email protected]



Summer Survival - Travel Planning to travel this summer? Here are Travel Pros’ top places to discover

Enjoy Europe with the whole family this summer. With the Euro having dropped below the Caymanian Dollar it is the best time to plan a budget friendly

vacation for the whole family to Europe! In Copenhagen Denmark make sure to take the little ones to see the famed Little Mermaid statue. Explore fairytale castles, then up the pace on the thrilling rides at Tivoli Gardens. First opened in 1883, the amusement park is now a virtual symbol of Denmark. The capital’s safe streets are also fun for a family bicycle trip. In Athens Greece everyone will go away with astounding sights and experiences emblazoned in their memories; buildings the kids have only seen in cartoon form, from the Parthenon to the Acropolis looming up high. Plus towering statues, idyllic islands and stunning antiquities. Try Rome Italy with sights guaranteed to impress even the most jaded teen, the Italian capital makes for a captivating getaway. From the ghoulish bone-decorated Santa Maria della Concezione to the delicious slew of ice cream stops around the city, Rome is sure to have something unforgettable for everyone. Top attractions in Mozart’s hometown of Salzburg, Austria include its imposing fortress, Hohen Salzburg, a thrilling castle experience complete with cannons and dungeons. Follow in the footsteps of the Von Trapps on a Sound of Music tour, visit the zoo or explore Mirabelle Gardens’ labyrinth maze and dwarf gardens. With so many places to choose from enjoy the history of Europe now!


The Great Northern Catskills in Upstate New York offer

something rare in today’s fast-paced, glued-to-a-

Smartphone world: a chance to unplug with the

whole family in a summer camp setting where everyone’s

needs – from meals to snacks and activities to entertainment

– are taken care of by a dedicated team of hospitality pros

recognised for their attention to detail. We’re talking of

course about Greene County’s all-inclusive family resorts.

There’s no need to look outside of the U.S., or even outside

of New York State to find a great value on a family vacation

package that includes everything your family wants and

needs to have the perfect escape you’ve been dreaming of.

Grab everyone (grandparents and toddlers, mom, dad and

teens) and get away from it all without travelling far. Just two

hours from New York City and Northern New Jersey, and

three hours west of Boston, find over a dozen family resorts

in Greene County, each offering its own signature ambiance

– from authentic German architecture and cuisine, to family-

style Italian and charming Irish cottage touches. Learn how

to play tennis or go boating on a nearby lake, relax with a

drink while playing bocce ball or shuffleboard as the kids race

each other on go-karts, perfect their mini-golf skills, paint a

new masterpiece during craft time or play “Marco, Polo,” in

the resort’s pool. In the Great Northern Catskills of Greene

County, they specialise in creating experiences guaranteed

to make memories that last for generations.

Upstate New York  

Family Destinations






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40 www.caymanparent.com

Planning to travel this summer? Here are Travel Pros’ top places to discover

Family Destinations

Planning a trip for your extended family? Welcome

to multigenerational cruising, a vacation that

promises endless options for family members.

Cruises have activities for everyone from toddler to

grandparents. With the increased popularity of family

cruises, the cruise lines are offering increased family-

friendly amenities and activities. Cruising with kids has

never been easier, and there are lots of different options

– from cruise lines to itineraries. Many families choose

a Caribbean Cruise, because they are usually shorter

in duration and have many family-friendly activities at

the ports-of-call. There are definitely some things to

consider when choosing a cruise and ways to prepare

so that you have the most successful trip possible. Be

sure to fully research the kids’ clubs aboard the ship.

Depending on the ages and interests of your kids,

those clubs can make a huge difference in your cruise


Cruises are like all-inclusive resorts. Your cabin

and all of your meals are included in the

price, as are most of the activities your family

will enjoy. But how prices are determined depend

on many factors, including how far ahead you book,

which cruise line you choose, your level of stateroom,

the ship’s itinerary, and the port of departure. Booking

early is particularly important for larger families,

because the most spacious staterooms, family rooms,

interconnecting rooms, and suites sell out first. During

other vacations in which families travel together, it can

be tough to balance personalities, age-appropriate

activities and, frankly, stamina. Not so on a cruise, there

is something for everyone.



For a vacation that has your heart pumping, your

taste buds buzzing and the family bonding,

choose Orlando. With the many theme parks,

zoos and water parks there is sure to be something

for the whole family. Enjoy the nostalgia of The Magic

Kingdom bringing everyone back to their childhood

surrounded by characters from your favorite Disney

movies. Epcot brings a little piece of the world closer to

home! Try traditional food in one of the 11 countries in

the World Showcase or blast into the future in Future

World. Movie magic comes to life at Disney’s Hollywood

Studios, awash in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood’s

Golden Age. Step into the action with attractions

based on blockbuster movies and top TV shows, and

delight in exciting entertainment that puts you centre

stage. Disney’s Animal Kingdom brings you up close

and personal with animals from around the globe.

Head on over to Universal Studios and jump into the

magical World of Harry Potter. Enjoy a butter beer at

The Three Brooms Sticks pub or be fitted for your wand

at Ollivanders Wand Shop. You could even stock up on

your jokes at Zonko’s Joke Shop or take a thrilling ride on

Escape from Gringotts. Want to cool off? Head on over to

Wet n’ Wild for a water park overflowing with incredible

thrill rides for the whole family! With something for all

ages Orlando is the Ultimate Family vacation destination.

Family Cruise

Orlando, Florida






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This summer, dozens of camps will be

offered across the Cayman Islands, all

promising fun, fun and more fun for our

pre-schoolers, adolescents, tweens and teens

alike while providing an essential service for

working moms, dads and guardians.

CampsThe YMCA of the Cayman Islands, also

referred to as “the Y,” will also be conducting

camps throughout the entire summer on

the island. But as you learn more about the

philosophy of the Y programme, you begin to

understand the broader focus. That is, the Y

sees camp as so much more than just a day

care option for parents or mere play dates and

field trips. The aim of the Y camp is to provide

youth with the type of positive developmental

experience that will yield lifelong benefits.

“As with all YMCA programmes, we use

day camp as a tool to develop the potential of

our youth, especially in the area of character

development. For kids to discover more about

what makes them unique, as well as how strong

values lead to a more enriched and fulfilling life,

day camp is a vital part of the mission of the

Y,” explains Greg Smith, CEO of the YMCA of

the Cayman Islands. “We achieve great results

because the programme is designed to be

fun with diverse options, which captures the

attention of the kids. But at the centre of it all,

we are successful because we select and train

camp leaders who embrace our core values

and philosophy, with a heart and passion for

developing youth.”

The YMCA Camp experience is grounded in

a set of seven objectives that characterise all Y


• Grow personally

• Learn and reinforce positive values

• Improve personal and family relationships



Offices:Governor’s Square23 Lime Tree Bay Ave.PO Box 10190 #51Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands KY1-1002

“The Y” Difference The YMCA makes a difference at home and around the world

42 www.caymanparent.com

• Appreciate diversity

• Become better leaders and supporters

• Develop specific skills and assets

• Have fun and enjoy the experience

Led by YMCA-trained camp

counsellors, campers are

encouraged to focus

behaviours in keeping

with five core values

that are routinely


throughout the

camp experience:

• Caring – to

demonstrate a

sincere concern for

others, for their needs

and well-being

• Honesty – to tell the

truth, demonstrate reliability

and trustworthiness through

actions that are in keeping

with their stated positions

and beliefs

• Respect – to treat

others as they would

have others treat them,

to value the worth of

every person, including


• Responsibility – to take

accountability for themselves, their

belongings, promises and actions;

to strive to do what is right,

recognising all people are part of

an inter-connected world

• Faith – To value an individual’s

personal beliefs with trust that we

are created for a divine and great


“Our programme objectives

and core values are at the heart

of everything we do at camp,” Greg

explains. “From games and sports to field

trips and swimming, there are tremendous

opportunities to teach campers through our

routine, personal interactions. The entire

recognition system is designed to reward

campers demonstrating the core values.

Different coloured beads and various other

awards are provided as campers live out the

values in everyday activities.” Smith adds,

“Our approach makes it real, and camp

leaders make it fun… the result is character

development that is ‘Real Fun’!”

Let your kids experience the Y Camp

Difference this summer! Log on to

www.ymcacayman.ky today for more


Counsellors-In-Training (C.I.T.)Finding relevant, fun, age-appropriate

activities that will interest and engage

teenagers during the summer is a challenge

for many parents. They’re too old for most

camps and they may not qualify for the

limited amount of summer jobs


Enter the Cayman YMCA


programme, a place for

teens to make new friends,

develop their confidence and

leadership skills and avoid less

constructive uses of time!

Open to teens ages 13 to

17, Counsellors-In-Training gain

real-life, hands-on experiences,

participate in creative

leadership trainings, help

plan and facilitate fun

camp activities, create

unforgettable memories,

receive nationally

recognised volunteer

hours and provide a safe

and fun programme for

kids in their community.

C.I.T.’s volunteer

approximately 5 to 8 hours

each day at camp,

which are not just

held over the


but during

most school

holiday breaks

at the Field of


“Our C.I.T.’s

are integral to

the success of our

Y day camps, and we

believe that they benefit from

the experience just as much as we do from

having them with us,” says Greg Smith,

CEO of YMCA Cayman Islands. “The YMCA

is a globally-recognised organisation and

being able to list Y volunteer experience

on a college application or a resume can

boost an applicant’s credibility and their

chances of being successful. Some schools

here in Cayman require a certain amount

of volunteer or community service hours

and working with the YMCA can fulfil those

requirements.”Teens who are interested

in being a Summer 2015 C.I.T. can log

on to www.ymcacayman.ky for more


In Cayman and Around the World

The YMCA of the Cayman Islands became the 119th country to join The World Alliance of YMCAs in 2014. Chairman of the YMCA Board of Directors, Pastor Randy Von Kanel, stated, “It’s quite an honour to be recognised on a global scale. We live in such an amazing place, yet we have immense potential to improve on the standard of life in the community. The YMCA has the programmes and services that make it the perfect conduit for channeling the greatness in the people of our Islands.”

This potential and the programmes and services the Y is known for offering around the world have taken root in Cayman and the organisation is excited about what has happened so far and what is to come. The Y’s Founders Campaign has raised over $600k to help establish programmes in earnest.

Y Cayman CEO Greg Smith sums it up, “We have plenty of work to do, but we’re not doing it alone. We have fantastic support from caring, generous and influential partners in the community that are dedicated to insuring the Cayman Islands is the most wonderful place in the world to live.”

The mission of the YMCA of the Cayman Islands is: “To help people reach their God-given potential by putting Christian principles into practice in ways that build healthy Spirit, Mind, and Body for all.”


Let’s get crafty!

Story and Photos by Lindsey Turnbull

It’s the end of June and the

long hot days of summer

are stretching before you

until school starts again at

the beginning of September.

But don’t despair! There are

plenty of cool crafts and

fun activities you can do

with your kids this summer

to keep them amused, no

matter what the age of your

youngster. And they don’t

have to cost the earth, just

requiring a bit of imagination

and some cheap crafty


Play around with play dough

It’s doubtful there is a child on the planet

who doesn’t like playing with play dough.

When the weather is too hot for outdoor play,

why not have your child help you make their

very own? In that way they can choose what

colour they’d like and it becomes much more

fun. Homemade play dough is essentially a

mix of equal parts water, and flour (say three

cups) a few tablespoons of vegetable oil,

a pinch of salt, a couple of table spoons of

Cream of Tartar and food colouring. You will

need to cook it all (minus the food colouring)

over a gentle heat, continually mixing, until it

turns into a dough. Divide into separate balls

and knead in food colouring while it’s still

warm. Store in Ziplock bags. It should keep for

about six months.

A Day in My LifeChildren of all ages love using a camera.

A brilliant way to get your children to think

creatively is to buy them a cheap disposable

camera (Cost U Less has some cheap ones)

and have them photograph people, pets and

places that are dear to them. Then you can

get the photos developed and help them

make a beautiful collage that highlights a day

> see next page

Summer Survival

44 www.caymanparent.com

in their life. For older children and teenagers

who may have their own digital camera or

IPhone, have them focus on taking good

quality photos of their family, friends and pets

and then get the photos developed (Cathy

Church at Sunset House has self-service

machines for developing photos) and have

them make their own collage that they can

hang on their bedroom wall.

Keeping recordWriting an entry a day in a diary of your

summer is a really good way for kids to

develop their writing and reporting skills.

Diaries can be embellished with all sorts of

crafty ideas, such as drawings and sketches,

small shells from a walk on the beach,

sticks and twigs from a walk in the bush,

flowers from the garden that have been

pressed flat, glitter, sequins, ribbons and more.

Oceans of potionsWhen the weather is really hot it’s best to

stay in the cool of the A/C. A great way to

stimulate the imagination of young minds

while indoors is to allow them to create

a ‘potion’ which will then be baked and

eaten! Supply your youngster with edible

items, such as flour, eggs, butter, sugar,

food colouring, chocolate chips, chocolate

syrup and fruit pieces and allow them to

concoct their own cake batter which you

can then bake and then they can decorate.

It’s always interesting to see what the result

will be and of course, parental supervision

is recommended when the child is young,

though it’s still fun to allow them a relatively

free reign on the ingredients!

Catch a bug!As a youngster, one of my daughter’s most

favourite summer camps was a week with

the National Trust of the Cayman Islands

where the children get back to nature in a

real way. She came home one day having

made a brilliant craft, decorating a glass jar

with various cut out paper designs in which

she could try and catch her very own bug!

Half the fun went into decorating the jar and

the other half went into trying to catch a little

creature to inhabit the new home she had

created. She ended up finding a caterpillar

which grew a chrysalis around itself,

eventually emerging as a beautiful cabbage

white butterfly!

Beach combingA simple walk on the beach, particularly

on the more deserted beaches at Barker’s in

West Bay, out at East End or round the corner

from Rum Point in North Side, can elicit all

sorts of wonderful treasures along the way.

Driftwood, shells, rocks and even the elusive

sand dollar (if you are very lucky) make

wonderful blank canvases on which kids can

paint and get creative. Driftwood can be used

to make all sorts of wonderful creations. We

once made an entire Cayman cottage out of

driftwood and some wooden lollipop sticks!

Teen craftsYouTube is an incredibly useful invention,

bringing forth a multitude of ideas for crafting

for teenagers. Who would have thought that

some rolled up pages torn from a magazine

would make a lovely wall hanging, or some

bits of old towel and some fancy material

scraps could turn into a useful make up bag?

Best of all, the ubiquitous duct tape can be

used for all measure of useful items, including

wallets, purses, shopping bags and more!

With a little imagination and a few basic

materials you can be sure to have a brilliant

summer with your children. CP

and adventure

Enjoy afull day of fun

Opening hours:Mon – Sat 8:00am – 4:30pm

Check website for Sunday hours

786 Northwest Point Road, West Bay, Grand Cayman | [email protected]

www.turtle.ky | 1 345.949.3894

Kids will love tickling a baby turtle, hand-feeding colourful birds, and splashing down the Turtle Twister waterslide.

Our Turtle Lagoon is great for kids learning how to snorkel and is full of fish and some turtles too! Cayman Islands residents enjoy special low rates. It’s just CI$10 for adults, CI$4 for kids 5 to 12, and kids 4 and under get in for FREE!

Or, you could purchase a Resident Annual pass for just CI$50 for adults or CI$35 for kids, and enjoy unlimited visits for an entire year!

Annual Pass holders also get 10% off at Schooner’s restaurant and Splash gift shop.

Come visit us today!

Demario creating his A Day in My Life collage at his after school club sponsored by PwC.


46 www.caymanparent.com

Compiled by Elke (Feuer) O’Donnell

Summer is here. The perfect time of year for sun, fun, quality family moments, and more hours on the computer and hand-held gamers than thought

humanly possible. The chances of your kids losing some, if not all, of what they learned during the school year is highest during the summer. Here are 10 activities to keep their minds sharp and ready for the new school year, and have fun doing it.

1 Keep a journal or scrapbook:Two great options to keep kids writing. Add

photographs, drawings, magazine cutouts, and memorabilia from trips, camps and other summer activities, and you’ve got a dynamite learning experience, and a

keepsake for kids to cherish and share at school.

2 Send posts cards and lettersWhether you’re traveling aboard or staying at

home, have the kids send postcards. It’s a fun way for them to share their summer with family and friends, or even send it to themselves and understand the mail system. Who doesn’t like getting mail?

3 Get them reading Local bookstores and libraries tend to have book

readings or other fun activities for kids over the summer, along with local charity shops which sell books. Kids can stock up on books and learn about the value of giving.

4Play games Scrabble, Hangman, cards games, bingo or

dominoes are fantastic games to keep their minds on writing and math. The best part? They won’t even realise it. They’ll be having too much fun.

5 Explore the community Visiting local museums, parks, farms and animal

sanctuaries teaches kids about their environment, community and the people and places in their own backyard.

6 Camps When looking for camps, why not look for new

camps to take your kids out of their comfort zone and learn something new. How about camps with varied learning experiences and expose your kids to new and exciting worlds like art, music, sailing, and swimming? Make it a summer they won’t forget.

7 Cooking Kids love to bake. Use cooking to teach them the

importance of reading and following instructions, and all about temperatures, measurements and nutrition. Then there’s the joy of eating what they made.

8 Apps There are several apps for kids with fun learning

experiences. Try apps like Primary Games Ltd. who bundle together math and reading games giving kids a range of different math and reading skills so they won’t get bored — not even the picky kid who loves action games.

9Life Experiences If you’re travelling or staying on island, seize

opportunities to get your kids to apply their existing skills – using money, telling time, reading schedules, or learning a different language.

10 On The Road Turn an ordinary car ride to the grocery store

into an opportunity for your kids to sharpen their skills. Have fun with old classics like “I Spy” and other memory games and mental math challenges, or see who can make the best words from the letters on car licence plates.Look for ideas outside the humdrum summer norm

and create an awesome experience your kids will brag about to their friends and teachers when the new school year starts. CP

Elke (Feuer) O’Donnell is an author, freelance writer, and founder of CayWriters Ltd., a company dedicated to promoting and nurturing writers in the Cayman Islands from childhood to adulthood. For more information about Elke or CayWriters, visit http://elkefeuer.com or email [email protected]

Avoiding the summerSlide

Summer Survival


Use our DROP & PLAY Service all summer long!Need a few hours to yourself, grabbing lunch with friends, enjoying some adult time in Camana Bay or anywhere… drop the kids off and we will entertain them! Ages 3-12. See website for more details


Our camp promises to be a variety of innovative and exciting activities combining hands-on projects with outdoor exploration including garden and fountain play, nature walks and field trips to various location.

Camp Dates:Week 1: June 29th – July3rd: ALL THINGS LEGOWeek 2: July 7th – July 10th: YOUNG CHEFSWeek 3: July 13th – 17th: CAYMAN CULTUREWeek 4: July 20th – 24th: DANCE AND MOVEMENTWeek 5: July 27th – 31st: CREATIVE MINDSWeek 6: August 3rd – 7th: ATHLETES IN TRAININGWeek 7: August 10th – 14th: PAMPERED PRINCESSES AND ADVENTUROUS PIRATESWeek 8: August 17th – 21st: OCEAN AROUND US

Visit website for full details . Located at Camana Bay, next to Gelato & Co.T: 345.640.7827 | E. [email protected] | www.starfishvillage.com

Camp Rates:Full Day Rate (8am-3pm): $80Half Day Week (8am-12pm): $175Full Day Week (8am-3pm): $325


Ages 3-6


Ages 10-12


Ages 7-9

After Camp Care (3pm-5:30pm): Hourly Rates

Hey Parents!

Don’t wait for your children to

become teenagers before you

start teaching them about good

personal finance habits; these life lessons

can be taught at a much younger age.

Children as young as three can be taught

about the basics of spending and saving.

Young children can also be introduced early

on to the subject of saving for something

worthwhile, an excellent concept that will

remain with them as they get older.

Keep it funTo teach young children about the

importance of saving, it’s a good idea for

children to have a goal in mind when it

comes to something they really want, so

perhaps set up a jar or a piggy bank and

use this to fill with coins that can be earned

when your child behaves particularly well.

The money can then be saved towards a

toy that they really want, although it’s best

to ensure that the item isn’t too expensive

otherwise the child will probably lose

interest. Likewise, parents can establish jars

for other reasons, such as money to be

spent on treats such as ice cream or special

activities. Periodically counting out the

money already saved is a fun way to keep

their interest as to how much is already in

the pot.

Teaching responsibilityChildren can also be taught from an early

age how money is used to buy things and

the value of the things they want. It’s a good

idea to allow older children to have a small

amount of money with which they can pay

for purchases such as items for their lunch

box at the grocery store.

Monetary responsibility can increase as

your child grows. Pre-teens can start to earn

pocket money for extras that they want.

There are some excellent young savings

plans on island for young teenagers to open

up, as it shows them to appreciate what

it means to have a bank account. Such

accounts come with debit cards so they can

master the art of using ATMs as well.

Maintain interestTeenagers should also be taught the value

of compound interest, so they can learn the

value of starting investing early in a pension

plan. They should also be aware of the risks

involved with online shopping; including the

dangers of credit card fraud and rules should

be in place so that they can only make

purchases with parental consent.

Parents play a vital role in educating their

children about the value of good personal

finance. Talk regularly to your children about

the value of items purchased, how important

it is to save for a rainy day and how planning

for the future as early as possible is always

a wise move. At the end of the day, parents

need to lead by example, so do your best

to ensure that your personal finances are in

good order and hopefully your children will

follow your example.

Article provided by the Chamber Pension

Plan which is sponsored by the Cayman

Islands Chamber of Commerce. Visit the

Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce

website www.caymanchamber.ky.

Money, money, money

Begin teaching your children healthy habits with money very early



Our founder, Colonel Harland Sanders

What makes us ?TMgoodso

Using only top quality poultry from trusted brands, such as Tyson and

Pilgrim’s Pride – the same brands you know from your local supermarket.

Cooking in Trans Fat Free Oil in all our kitchens

Marinating and preparing “real” 100% chicken, not mystery “nuggets”Having trained cooks in every kitchenHand-breading and cooking chicken

throughout the day

The Colonel's secret Original Recipe blend of 11 herbs & spices

Always fresh, hot & juicy. Our passion for that great craveable taste.

We still make it like the Colonel did... real meals made

the hard way.

“The hard way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot

be swept away.”




Our founder, Colonel Harland Sanders

What makes us ?TM


Using only top quality poultry from

trusted brands, such as Tyson and

Pilgrim’s Pride – the same brands you

know from your local supermarket.

Cooking in Trans Fat Free Oil

in all our kitchens

Marinating and preparing “real”

100% chicken, not mystery “nuggets”

Having trained cooks in every kitchen

Hand-breading and cooking chicken

throughout the day

The Colonel's secret Original Recipe

blend of 11 herbs & spices

Always fresh, hot & juicy. Our passion

for that great craveable taste.

We still make it like the

Colonel did... real meals made

the hard way.

“The hard way builds solidly a

foundation of confidence that cannot

be swept away.”




Our founder, Colonel Harland Sanders

What makes us ?TM


Using only top quality poultry from trusted brands, such as Tyson and

Pilgrim’s Pride – the same brands you know from your local supermarket.

Cooking in Trans Fat Free Oil in all our kitchens

Marinating and preparing “real” 100% chicken, not mystery “nuggets”

Having trained cooks in every kitchen

Hand-breading and cooking chicken throughout the day

The Colonel's secret Original Recipe blend of 11 herbs & spices

Always fresh, hot & juicy. Our passion for that great craveable taste.

We still make it like the Colonel did... real meals made

the hard way.

“The hard way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot

be swept away.”

What makes us sogood?

We still make it like theColonel did... real meals

made the hard way.

Using only top quality poultry from trusted brands, such as Tyson and Pilgrim’s Pride –

the same brands you know from your local supermarket.

Cooking in Trans Fat Free Oilin all our kitchens.

Marinating and preparing “real” 100% chicken,

not mystery “nuggets.”

Having trained cooks in every kitchen.

Always fresh, hot & juicy. Our passion for that great

craveable taste.





Our founder, Colonel Harland Sanders

What makes us ?TM


Using only top quality poultry from trusted brands, such as Tyson and

Pilgrim’s Pride – the same brands you know from your local supermarket.

Cooking in Trans Fat Free Oil in all our kitchens

Marinating and preparing “real” 100% chicken, not mystery “nuggets”

Having trained cooks in every kitchen

Hand-breading and cooking chicken throughout the day

The Colonel's secret Original Recipe blend of 11 herbs & spices

Always fresh, hot & juicy. Our passion for that great craveable taste.

We still make it like the Colonel did... real meals made

the hard way.

“The hard way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot

be swept away.”


The Opposite of Spoiled

Summer Survival - Books

Review by Elke (Feuer) O’Donnell

Ron Lieber, the “Your Money” columnist for

The New York Times, delivers a taboo-

shattering manifesto that will help every

parent embrace the connection between

money and values to help them raise young

adults who are grounded, unmaterialistic, and

financially wise beyond their years.

We may not realize it, but children are

hyperaware of money. They have questions

about its nuances that parents often don’t

know how to answer well. But for Lieber,

a personal finance columnist and father,

good parenting means talking about money

with our kids. When parents avoid these

conversations, they lose a tremendous

opportunity—not just to model important

financial behaviors, but also to imprint lessons

about what their family cares about most.

Written in a warm, accessible voice,

grounded in real-world stories from families

with a range of incomes, The Opposite of

Spoiled is a practical guidebook for parents

that is rooted in timeless values and covers

all the basics: the best ways to handle the

tooth fairy, allowance, chores, charity, savings,

birthdays, holidays, cell phones, splurging,

clothing, cars, part-time jobs, and college

tuition. But he also identifies a set of traits and

virtues—like modesty, patience, generosity,

and perspective—that parents hope their

young adults will carry with them out into

the world.

The Opposite of Spoiled guides parents

in conveying the value and significance of

money. Parents will appreciate the sound

advice and broad perspective offered on this

important subject. CP

with Ron Lieber

Best Bets for Your Children

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord

I Was Here by Gayle Forman

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

Rebel Belleby Rachel Hawkins

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

(Divergent Series)Middle School

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

Public School Superhero by James Patterson

Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods by Rick Riordan

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Pre-SchoolLittle Owl’s Night by Divya Srinivasan

Little Owl’s Dayby Divya Srinivasan

On the Night You were Bornby Nancy Tillman

Why I love My Daddy by Daniel Howarth

Ten Little Lady Bugsby Melanie Gerth


50 www.caymanparent.com

Educational/Arts/Culture Camps

Ambassadors of the EnvironmentThe Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman Ages: 4–15 years

Synopsis: Snorkeling, digital photography, movie making, team building tasks, kayaking, science experiments, art projects, cultural activities and field trips.

Dates: 15 June–21 AugustHours: 9am–1pm and 1pm–4:30pm.

Cost: CI$395 per week for half day, 9am–1pm (lunch included) | CI$350 for half day 1pm–4.30pm | CI$695 per week for full days (9am–4.30pm) or combined with tennis camp (lunch included). Special sibling and early registration prices available.

Tel: (345) 815-6120 Email: [email protected]

Budding Chef Summer Classes at Bon VivantAges: 4–12 years

Synopsis: Kids will make healthy and inspired foods and get to take home a kitchen tool from Bon Vivant. 8-12 year old Budding Chefs will be hands on and assist with advanced parts of food preparation. Daily themes include Heavenly Pastries, The Creative Cake Workshop, Sushi Mania, Mexican Fiesta, Pasta Party, Say Cheese, Summer Treats. Each class includes a snack and a take home creation. Nuts will be used in class so if your child has any allergies, please advise Bon Vivant when making your booking.

Dates: Throughout Summer 2015 – TBC Hours: 12pm–1pm Cost: CI$30-CI$40 per child per session

Tel: (345) 623-2665 Email: [email protected]

Culinary Camp: Baking 101 Youth Services Unit, Cayman Islands Government

John Gray High School Cooking Classrooms Ages: 11–17 years

Synopsis: “Baking 101” is aimed for beginners who are interested in learning about the fundamentals and introductory baking practices.

Dates: 7–10 July Hours: 9am–2pm Cost: CI$40

Tel: (345) 943.1127 Email: [email protected]

Culinary Camp: “Chopped!” Youth Services Unit, Cayman Islands Government

John Gray High School Cooking Classrooms Ages: 11–17 years

Synopsis: The “Chopped!” camp is geared to Intermediate Culinary Students and will feature cooking demonstrations and challenges, showcasing the preparation of authentic Caymanian dishes by Caymanian cooks with additional surprises.

Dates: 7–10 July Hours: 9am–2pm Cost: CI$40

Tel: (345) 943.1127 Email: [email protected]

‘EVEREST: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power’ Vacation Bible School St. Ignatius Catholic Church Parish Ages: 4–12 years, teens and young adults are invited to join as helpers

Synopsis: Join St. Ignatius for Sciency-Fun Gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs, tasty treats and making lots of new friends.

Dates: 13–17 July 2015 Hours: 8.30am–12.30pm Cost: CI$60 donation per child if

register by 3pm Friday, 5th June 2015. Late registration is CI$75.

Tel: (345) 949-6797 Email: [email protected]

Fabulous Fashionistas Launch Pad Enrichment Center Ages: 4-12 years

Synopsis: Campers will spend half of their day being creative Fashionistas – whether it’s creating a beaded jewelry set, decorating a hat or creating perfumes from flowers, the girlie-girls out there will be sure to enjoy this chance to create their own Fabulousness! To round out each week, Campers will also enjoy other group activities including Creative Art, Movement, Culture, the Beach Explorers Club and Fantastic Fridays where an afternoon on-site party wraps up camp each week.

Dates: 13 July– 21 August Hours: 7:30am–5:30pm Cost: CI$175/week for Full-Day. $125/week for Half-Day. $150/week for 4+ weeks Full-Day.

Transportation: Bus transportation available from Camana Bay and Elgin Avenue for $25/week.

Tel: (345) 945.1866 Email: [email protected]

Intensive Read & Write ProgrammeCayman Learning Centre Ages: 5+ years

Synopsis: Intensive Read and Spell Choose from 1 or 3 hours every day, 9- 4pm. If your child struggles to read, this is the programme for you - We can help!

Dates: July and August 2015

Cost: CI$700, $1400 or $2100 per month

Tel: (345) 943.7323 Email: [email protected]

Kid’s Summer Art Camp Young@Art and Kara’s Glass Garden at Camana Bay Ages: 5–12 years

Synopsis: Young@Art along with Kara’s Glass Garden will team up for a spectacular art and creativity boosting summer camp. All children have fun and success with their ‘see-touch-do’ method, regardless of their age or stage of creativity. Each day has a different theme such as (but not limited to) ‘Wet n’ Wild Mondays’, ‘Edible-Art Thursdays’ & ‘Kids Happy Hour Fridays’. Lunch will be an additional $8 which will be catered by Treats Restaurant. Alternately you may send your own lunch with your child.

Dates: 7–14 August

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm (1/2 Day) or 8:30am-2:30pm (Full Day)

Cost: Daily Rates: 1/2 day = $45 per day. Full Day = $55 per day. Weekly Rates: Full Day = $200 & 1/2 day = $160 (first week only due to public holiday); CI$200 (1/2 day) and CI$245 (Full Day) per week for remaining weeks. Get a 10% sibling discount if you sign up for 1 week or more.

Tel: Monica (345) 928.0284 or Kara (345) 925.6840

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Limitless Lego Launch Pad Enrichment Center Ages: 4-12 years old

Synopsis: Campers will spend half of their day in the Lego Lab - creating individual projects daily and help in planning and building a challenging group project which will vary weekly. To round out each week, Campers will also enjoy other group activities including Creative Art, Movement, Culture, the Beach Explorers Club and Fantastic Fridays where an afternoon on-site party wraps up camp each week.

Dates: 13 July–21 August Hours: 7:30am–5:30pm Cost: CI$175/week for Full-Day.


Summer Survival


t:(345) 547.6257 e:[email protected]

AGES 3-12

summer TENNIS





Tennis from 8.30am – 10.30am, followed by various activities

including yoga, soccer, volleyball, frisbee, beach fun

and lunch at Tiki Beach.

2015 DATES

15 June – 19 June22 June – 26 June29 June – 3 July6 July – 10 July13 July – 17 July20 July – 24 July

10 August – 14 August17 August – 21 August


$125/week for Half-Day. $150/week for 4+ weeks Full-Day.

Tel: (345) 945.1866 Email: [email protected]

Music Camp at Musicians Age Range: 5–16 yearsSynopsis: Intensive performing arts camps, band camps and world music camps all including music, dance and drama.

1–3 July “Performing Arts Camp” Cost CI$180 7–10 July “Musicians Ltd Third Annual Band Camp” Cost CI$220 13–17 July “Around the World in Music and Culture” Cost CI$275

Dates: 1–17 July 2015 Hours: 8:30am–2:30pm Cost: CI$180–CI$275

Tel: (345) 525.6787

Email: [email protected]

S.E.A. (S.cience E.nvironment A.nimals Programme) Chatterbox Age Range: 6+ years (children must be comfortable in the water)

Synopsis: Campers will learn about their environment through snorkeling, arts, crafts, surveys and treasure hunts. Bring mask, fins and snorkel.

Dates: 13–17 July 2015 Hours: 1pm–4pm Cost: CI$350 per week

Tel: (345) 926.1693 Email: [email protected]

Shutterbugs Summer Camp Picture This Studios Ages: 8–16

Synopsis: Shutterbugs will embark on a photographic tour around the amazing grounds at Camana Bay. The Bugs will learn how to take care of their camera and explore the secrets of taking great photos. Kids must have their own camera, charged battery and memory card.

Dates: Ages 8-11 years: on Mondays 17, 24, 31 July and 7, 14 August | Ages 11-16 years: Fridays 20, 27 July and 3, 10, 17

August Hours: 9am–12pm Cost: CI$35

Tel: (345) 943.3686 Email: [email protected]

Summer Camp at Starfish VillageAges: 3–6 years Purple Starfish; 7-9 Aqua Starfish; 10-12 Orange Starfish

Synopsis: Starfish Village Camp will encompass different exciting weekly themes to keep our campers entertained and to have fun whilst learning.

Week 1, 29 June-3 July: All Things LEGO Week 2, 7-10 July: Young Chefs Week 3, 13-17 July: Cayman Culture Week 4, 20-24 July: Dance and Movement Weeks 5, 27-31 July: Creative Minds Week 6, 3-7 August: Athletes in Training Week 7, 10-14 August: Pampered Princesses and Adventurous Pirates Week 8, 17-21 August: Ocean Around Us

Hours: 8am–3pm Cost: CI$175 (half day) 8am-12pm | CI$325 (full day) 8am-3pm

Tel: (345) 640.7827 Email: [email protected]

Summer Arts Camp Cayman National Cultural FoundationAges: 7-16 years (will accept 6 year olds with an older sibling in the camp)

Synopsis: Campers are involved in a variety of artistic and cultural activities including drama, storytelling, folk music, dance, thatch plaiting and traditional craft projects. Daily snacks will be provided and a field trip highlighting Caymanian cultural heritage is also scheduled. Kids present a work show at the end of the camp.

Dates: 13–24 August Hours: 9am–3pm, early drop off from 8am Cost: CI$150

Tel: (345) 949.5477 Email: [email protected]

National Trust Summer Camp 2015 National Trust for the Cayman Islands Ages: 6–12 years

Synopsis: Daily field Trips, Heritage Hunts, Nature Trails, Coastal Explorations, along with exciting eco-projects and crafts,

Dates: 27 July–7 August (2 week camp) Hours: 8:45am-3pm Cost: CI$225 per week (Members) CI$250 per week (non-members)

Tel: (345) 749.1121 Email: [email protected]

Summer Camp drop-in sessions National Gallery of the Cayman Islands Ages: 6–14 years

Synopsis: Summer Camp drop-in sessions throughout July and August for kids. The National Gallery also offers a one day summer art camp in Cayman Brac. For more information about NGCI summer programming:

Tel: (345) 945 8111 Email: [email protected]

Website: www.nationalgallery.org.ky

Summer Learning Camps Montessori Home TutoringAges: 3-8 years

Synopsis: Small groups of children work with a fully qualified Montessori teacher to brush up on core academic skills in a fun and interesting way. Camps are home based for small groups of similar aged children and are aligned with the National Curriculum of England and Wales. The aim is to make learning as much fun as possible! There are also etiquette workshops available where kids practice their table manners and eat Buckingham Palace style. Regular one on one or small group tutoring is also available over the summer if you would like to keep your child’s skills up or learn a little about etiquette!

Dates: July & August Hours: 9am-12pm

52 www.caymanparent.com


Ages 2-12

Have a blast at our



June 29th - July 24thFull Day option 9am to 3pm

Half Day options 9am-12pm (2-6 year olds)Rates starting at CI$150 for half days

CI$250 for full days

Tel: (345) 947-0684 | Email: [email protected]

Cost: CI$250 per week

Tel: (345) 917.6375 Email: [email protected]

Teen Summit ‘15 Youth Services Unit University College of the Cayman Islands, Cascade Room Ages: 13–17 years

Synopsis: This summer Teen Summit ’15 will focus squarely on Cayman’s unique heritage. Students will learn the difference between Heritage & Culture and will tour the districts of Grand Cayman in search of significant items that depicts Cayman HERITAGE. With items being shared instantly via INSTAGRAM.

Dates: 13–17 July Hours: 9am-2pm Cost: CI$50 per person (40 person capacity)

Tel: (345) 943.1127 Email: [email protected]

Vacation Bible School & Kid’s Camp Cayman Islands Baptist Church Ages: 5–10 years

Synopsis: Games, crafts, music, lessons and more!

Dates: 13–17 July *Registration Open from 31 May–30 June. Hours: 8am–12.15pm (Vacation Bible School) | 8am-5.30pm (Vacation Bible School + Kids’ Camp) Cost: Vacation Bible School (mornings) is FREE (optional $10 extra for a t-shirt). Kids’ Camp is CI$65 (afternoons) for a week (t-shirt, lunch and snacks included).

Tel: (345) 946-2422 Email: [email protected]

Young at Arts Summer Intensive Cayman National Cultural Foundation in Association with Butterfield Age Range: 12-17 years

Synopsis: This intensive programme is to engage youth in creative activity through theatre practices and develop their talent and discipline to set the groundwork for further exploration in the arts at a tertiary education level. The programme will culminate in a musical production. Call the Cultural Foundation for more details or visit http://www.artscayman.org

Auditions: 9 & 16 May 2015 from 9am-Noon. (You must call to Register)

Dates: Classes are 2 July- 7 August 2015 (Monday to Saturday except Public Holidays);

Musical Production held from 7-9 August

Hours: 8.30am-3pm (Monday-Friday) 9am-1pm (Saturdays) Cost: CI$450 (for 6 weeks)

Tel: (345) 949.5477 Email: [email protected]


Summer Camp at Montessori School of CaymanAges: 2.5-5 years

Synopsis: Themes: Week 1: Space Week 2: Peppa Pig and Friends Week 3: Monsters Inc. Week 4: Frozen

Dates: 6-31 July

Hours: 8am-12:30pm (half day) 8am-3pm (full day)

Cost: $240 (half day) $265 (full day)

Tel: (345) 949.0202 Email: [email protected]

Summer Morning Camp Math or Read and Spell Camp at Cayman Learning CentreAges: 5 years and up Dates: July and August 2015 Cost: CI$325 week

Tel: (345) 943.7323 Email: [email protected]

SummerScape at Montessori By The Sea Ages: *2-12 years *One of the few camps that accepts 2 year olds. Must be potty trained.Synopsis: Our mission for our SummerScape Program is to enrich the emotional, physical, creative and social life of each camper in a fun and welcoming environment consistent with Montessori principles. Children can join us for one week or all summer long, providing families with the flexibility to design their own summer schedules. Dynamic, caring staff are at the heart of our SummerScape Programs! Our experienced, well-trained staff have diverse backgrounds working with children.

Dates: 29 June–24 July Hours: Morning Adventures: 9am-12pm | All Day Adventures: 9am-3pm Cost: CI$175–300

Tel: (345) 947.0684

Email: [email protected]

Summer Tutoring Math, Reading Fluency, or Comprehension Cayman Learning CentreAges: 5 years and up

Synopsis: 50 minute Tutorials - choose an hour from 8–3pm. The focus is on literacy or numeracy. We can assess and create a programme

that is individualised to your child’s needs.

Dates: July and August 2015 Cost: CI$40 per session

Tel: (345) 943-7323 Email: [email protected]

Tiny Tots Academy Summer Camp Ages: K–6 Synopsis: Fun with science, arts & crafts, field trips, cooking, baking, sport fitness, nature walks, water activities, fun games, puppets & storytelling and island exploration.

Dates: 6 July– 28 August

Cost: 8am–6pm: $175.00(weekly) | 8am–12:30: $135.00(weekly) | 8am–6pm (3 days) - $145.00(weekly)

Tel: (345) 623.8687

Email: [email protected]

Working Memory for Better Focus and Attention Cayman Learning CentreAges: 5+ years

Synopsis: 1 hour everyday for five weeks. Helps develop focus and attention to learn more efficiently.

Dates: July and August 2015 Cost: CI$650 for the five week programme includes the post assessment fee

Tel: (345) 943.7323 Email: [email protected]

YMCA “Summer of Dreams” Day Camp YMCA of the Cayman Islands Field of Dreams Ages: 5-12 years for Day Camp/13-17 for C.I.T.’s “Counselors in Training”

Synopsis: Let the adventure begin! The YMCA offers a safe, values-driven, educational and FUN programme held at the Field of Dreams. Activities are organised into themed-weeks and include swimming, group games, sports, arts and crafts, fitness challenges, team-building, songs, skits, field trips and more. Like everything they do, the Y focuses on developing youth through their Character Development Programme, which integrates the values of honesty, caring, respect, responsibility and faith into all they do. At the Y, it’s all about learning, growing, making friends and having FUN! They are

also accepting applications for 13-17 year-old, teen leaders to serve as “Counsellors-In-Training.”

Dates: 7 July – 21 August

Cost: CI$135 per week (CI$10 sibling discount) / C.I.T. Programme is free

Hours: 8:30am–4:30pm (pre and post camp available from 7:45am–5:15pm)

Tel: (345) 926 9622

Email: [email protected] Website: www.ymcacayman.ky


Camana Bay Multi-Sport CampAges: 6-14 years

Synopsis: Young athletes of all levels get active and improve their skills while having fun. Campers will be exposed to a variety of sports (Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Swimming, Football, Cricket and more)

Dates: Week 1: July 7–10 | Week 2: 13–17 | Week 3: 20–24.

Hours: 8am–12pm (Drop Off from 7.30am)

Cost: Week 1: CI$125. Week 2 & 3: CI$150.00

Tel: (345) 640.2878 Email: [email protected] Website: www.camanabay.com

Camana Bay Basketball CampAges: 7-17 years

Synopsis: Aspiring hoop stars will receive NBA instruction and improve on their skills through stations, drills, skills contests and live games. Campers are also given a unique opportunity to meet and train with a special guest from the NBA.

Dates: July 27–31 Hours: 8:30am–12pm ages 7-12 | 12:30pm 12-17 years Cost: CI$150

Tel: (345) 640.2878 Email: [email protected] Website: www.camanabay.com

Adventure Camp

Cayman Surf and Adventure Tours Ltd.Ages: 8–16 years

Synopsis: Surfing, snorkeling, outdoor games, adventures and an overall active fun time. Lunch will be provided.

Location: Drop off: Snug Harbour Park. Pick up: South Sound Surf Spot.

Dates: Weekly June 15 – August 21 Hours: 9am-1pm Cost: Weekly CI$400. Single Day $90

Tel: (345) 927.8690 or (345) 525-9777 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Double Dutch Summer Camp - Reach Caribbean UCCI AuditoriumAges: 5-15 years

Synopsis: Campers will learn double dutch jumping, along with hip hop dance and arts and crafts.

Dates: July 13–17 Hours: 8.30am–4.30pm Cost: CI$100

Tel: (345) 928.1038 (leave message) Email: [email protected]

Dutch Football Camp - Futbolista WorldSynopsis: Learn from Willem II Tilburg coaches

Dates: August 3–7

See www.futbolistaworld.com

Fitness Connection’s Summer Camp Ages: 4-12 years (age 3 considered - enquire directly)

Weekly themes:

Week 1– Fiesta! Schools Out for Summer -7-10 July; Week 2 - Around the World - 13-17; Week 3 – Pirates Week Part 1 – 20-24 July; Week 4 – Discover Cayman -27-31 July; Week 5 - Ocean Odyssey - 4-7 August; Week 6 - Eco Adventure week 10-14 August; Week 7 –Kitchen Party / Food fight!- 17-21 August; Week 8- Pirates Week Part 2 - 24-28 August; Week 9 – Summer Olympics Aug 25 – 29.

Dates: 7 July–28 August 2015 (8 weeks) Hours: 8am–5pm Cost: CI$375 per five day week (includes all activities), book 3-4 weeks get 5% discount or 5-8 weeks

54 www.caymanparent.com

CONTACT: [email protected] or call 926.9622 Website: www.ymcacayman.ky

The Y is a safe, great place for your child to grow and have FUN at the same time! We focus on developing youth through our Character Development Programme which integrates the values of honesty, caring, respect, responsibility and faith into all we do.

Spaces are Limited!


Weekly July 7th – Aug 21st | 8:30am - 4:30pm | $135 per week







We have a great C.I.T. (Counselor-in-Training) Programme too! Develops leadership, builds character and is a great way for your teen to spend their summer days! Visit www.ymcacayman.ky for an application and more information.

get 10% discount!

Tel: (345) 949.8485 Email: [email protected]

Football Summer Camp The Academy Sports CampSynopsis: Learn to play The Academy way!

Details: To be confirmed for 2015

Email: [email protected] Web: www.academysportsclub.ky

Gymnastics Camp at Motions Unlimited StudioAges: *3-10 years (Half Day) | 5-10 years (Full Day) *must be potty trained

Synopsis: Different themes weekly. Obstacle courses, basic gymnastics skills and arts & crafts.

Weekly Themes: August 3-7: Under the Sea Week | August 10-14: Pirates Week | August 17-21: Around the World Week | August 24-28: Superhero Week

Dates: August 3–28

Hours: Half Day (ages 3-10) 8.45am-11.45am; Full Day (ages 5-10)


Cost: Half day CI$150 per week/CI$100 for 3 days or CI$40 per day for a drop-in, Full Days CI$270 per week/$200 for 3 days or CI$75 for a drop-in.

Tel: (345) 749.8365 Email: [email protected]

Horse Riding Camp at Cayman Riding SchoolAges: 5+ years (all levels)

Synopsis: Daily riding lessons and stable management, run by the only British Horse Society Instructors on the island.

Dates: 1-3 July; 6-10 July; 24-28 July Hours: 8.30am–12.30pm Cost: CI$50 per day

Tel: (345) 926.7669 Email: [email protected]

Horse Riding Camp at The Equestrian CentreAges: 5+ years

Synopsis: Experience the fun of learning to ride! Learn to handle and care for a pony and get involved in the fun arts and crafts and exciting

outdoor games on a farm. Small groups will have personalised attention from internationally qualified riding instructors, ride high quality ponies and enjoy an air conditioned classroom facility with an indoor bathroom. This riding facility is recognised by the UK Pony Club Centre and is family owned and run with over 23 years experience instructing and conducting Pony Camps.

Dates: 29 June–28 August Hours: 8am–12pm Cost: CI$65 per day or CI$300 per week. A light mid-morning snack is included.

Tel: (345) 516.1751 Email: [email protected]

Summer Horse Camp at Cowboy Town StablesAges: 5+ (all levels)

Synopsis: This summer have fun learning to ride, take care of, and be safe around horses. Create cowboy crafts, play games, and maybe even paint a horse! *This camp is specifically designed to be authentically inclusive and is for children of all abilities and includes children with special needs.

Dates: 27-31 July and 17-21 August 2015

Hours: 8.30am–11.30am Cost: CI$55 per day or CI$250 per week (Deposit needed to reserve your space).

Tel: (345) 916.8571 Email: [email protected]

Karate Camp Purple Dragon Mirco CentreAges: 4–12 years

Synopsis: Focus on having fun while building coordination, balance, attentiveness and cultivating discipline. Training sessions are mixed with other activities such as field trips, arts & crafts, educational lectures, island explorations and more!

Dates: 27 July–28 August

Hours: 8:30am–5:30pm

Cost: CI$300 per week (Discounts for multiple weeks) Daily and half day rates available.

Tel: (345) 946.1241 Email: [email protected]


Marine Ecology Camp at Central Caribbean Marine InstituteAges: 14–18 years

Synopsis: Students will have fun exploring the island’s marine environment and terrestrial habitats. Each day has a full schedule with field trips to the reef, lectures from resident scientists, and fun educational activities to increase a student’s knowledge of the fish, coral and other life that inhabits a coral reef.

Dates: 16–23 August

Cost: $2,300USD for international participants. Please note Cayman Island residents are eligible for scholarships for up to 70% of camp costs. Please email for more details before you register.

Tel: (345) 948.1094 Email: [email protected]

Red Sail Aqua Rangers Summer Camp – Red Sail SportsAges: 7–14 years

Synopsis: Stand-up paddle boarding, sailing, fish ID lessons, snorkeling, knee-boarding, wake-

boarding, a catamaran sail to Stingray City and an exciting trip to the Kittiwake to snorkel.

Dates: Ages 7–9: 6–10 July; 20–24 July; 3–7 August; 17–21 August 2015. Ages 10–14: 13–17 July; 27–31 July; 10–14 August

Hours: 8.30am–12.30pm (Friday 8.30am-2pm for graduation party, lunch will be provided on this day)

Cost: CI$250 per week. Includes Red Sail sun hat, all equipment and materials and juice/ water. Campers are encouraged to bring their own snacks.

Tel: (345) 623.5965 Email: [email protected]

Sailing Camp at Cayman Islands Sailing ClubAges: 5-18 years

Synopsis: Camp includes a range of activities on and off the water. In addition to sailing instruction they will be offering model boat building, motor boat rides, windsurfing, paddleboarding, cruises to Rum Point and Stingray City on their 22-foot sailboats and other organised sports and land based games. There will also be sail away days to

Camana Bay, Kaibo and Rum Point as well as the Friday Pizza day at Grand Harbour.

Dates: CIS Camp 15–26 June | Camp 1: 29 June–10 July | Camp 2: 13 July–21 July | Camp 3: 3–14 August | Camp 4: 17–28 August Hours: 9am–4pm Monday–Friday Cost for two weeks: CI$550 for members | CI$650 for non-members

Tel: (345) 947-7913 or (345) 926.7914 Email: [email protected]

Summer at the Barn at Cowboy Town Stables Ages: 12 years+

Synopsis: Enjoy a fun summer at the barn. You will learn to take care of, handle, and be safe around horses. You will learn about horse anatomy, behaviour, and nutrition. *This is not a riding camp; if you wish to ride, ask about our riding options.

Dates: 29 June - 28 August 2015 Hours: 8.30am-5pm Cost: CI$75 per day or CI$250 per week (Discount for 4 weeks or more. Deposit needed to reserve your space.)

Tel: (345) 916.8571 Email: [email protected]

Tennis Camp at Cayman Tennis AcademyAges: 3-12 years

Synopsis: Tennis lessons from 8.30am to 10.30am; followed by various activities including yoga, soccer, volleyball, frisbee, beach fun and lunch at Tiki Beach!

Dates: 15-19 June | 22-26 June | 29 June-3 July | 6-10 July | 13-17 July | 20-24 July | 10-14 August | 17-21 August. Hours: 8:30am–12:30pm. Drop off from 8:15am Cost: CI$375 Four hours (full morning) | CI$250 Two hours (half morning)

Tel: (345) 547-6257 Email: [email protected]

Tennis Camp at CI Tennis Club Ages: 5-16 years

Synopsis: Learning strokes, match play and other basic skills of tennis.

56 www.caymanparent.com

Dates: 6-10 July | 13-17 July | 20-24 July | 27-31 July Hours: 8:30am–11am Cost: CI$160 per week (members), CI$190 (non-members)

Tel: (345) 949-9464 Email: [email protected]

Tennis Camp The Courts by Bollettieri The Ritz-Carlton, Grand CaymanAges: 4-15 years

Synopsis: Two hours of tennis instruction followed by waterpark, swimming, soccer, fitness classes, pizza and pasta making, kid’s yoga etc. Every day dinner from 5pm-6pm at the Ritz-Carlton

Dates: 15th of June – 21st of August 2015 Monday – Friday 2pm-6pm Cost: CI$ 345 per week. Can be combined with Ambassadors of the Environment to become a full day camp experience. Please ask for pricing. Other activities include playing in the Waterpark, swimming in the pool, baking and cooking in the Blue kitchen, exploring nature with Ambassadors of the Environment and fitness/yoga classes in the Spa. Dinner at Andiamo or Bar Jack. Sibling and early booking discounts available.

Hours: 2pm-6pm

Tel: (345) 323 0049 Email: [email protected]

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Cheesy Jerk Chicken PastaCourtesy of Nadia Powery

Ingredients4 boneless chicken breasts/boneless thighs1⁄2 cup butter1 cup half-and-half1⁄2 cup chicken or vegetable broth1⁄2 cup white cheese of your choice (Mozza-rella or Monterey jack)1 teaspoon Complete Seasoning1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon of Jerk Seasoning (Grace)1 cup of spinach3 seasoning pepperssalt and pepper, to taste1 box penne pasta

Directions• Melt butter in skillet over medium/low heat and add garlic.• When garlic becomes fragrant add seasoning peppers and cut in small strips.• Cook until chicken is cooked to preferred tenderness. Remove chicken from pan, leaving the butter/seasoning

pepper mix.• In a separate deep pan, fill pan 1/4 full of water.• In a separate deep pan, cook penne pasta according to the package directions. Se aside.• In a cup stir together half-and-half, Chicken Broth and Cheese. Add butter and seasoning pepper mix that was prepared earlier.• Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and then simmer for 3 minutes, constantly stirring.• Stir in the jerk chicken seasoning and spinach for 3-5 minutes to heat through and allow flavours to blend.• Add chicken to heat through.

Recipes Savour these creations and keep your family well fed.

Pasta SaladCourtesy of Chef Tanya Foster, Foster’s Food Fair – IGA

Ingredients1 lb. Fusilli Pasta½ lb. Pepperoni (cubed)2 cups Mozzarella Cheese (cubed)4 oz. Black Olives (sliced)1 pint Grape Tomatoes1 small Red Bell Pepper1 small Yellow Bell Pepper1 small Orange Bell Pepper1 Bunch Green OnionsFresh Parsley¾ cup Olive Oil½ cup Red Wine Vinegar1 tsp White SugarSalt & Pepper

Directions• Cook the pasta in boiling salted water for about 6 minutes or until al dente.• While the pasta is cooking start to prep the pepperoni and mozzarella by cutting into cubes. Place in a large glass mixing bowl. Add sliced black olives.• Slice the grape tomatoes in half and add to the bowl. Small dice the red, yellow, and orange bell peppers and add to the bowl. Cut the green onions and finely chop the fresh parsley and add to the bowl.• Drain the pasta and run under cold water to stop the cook process and cool rapidly. Add the pasta to the bowl. In a separate small bowl mix together the olive oil, red wine vinegar, sugar and salt and pepper. Taste the vinaigrette and adjust seasoning to taste.• Pour vinaigrette over the pasta and mix well until well coated.• Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving or over night.

Courtesy of Chef Maureen Cubbon

Ingredients1 cup mixed fresh mushrooms2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil2 cups grilled or rotisserie chicken or turkey cut into bite size pieces1 teaspoon sea salt1 teaspoon onion powderfreshly ground black pepper2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely sliced½ cup chicken stock1 package whole grain spaghetti OR a mix of whole grain and plain spaghetti¼ cup of half and half1 cup of frozen chopped greens (collards, spinach, any combination) or 1 cup of callaloo, chopped½ cup of grated parmesan cheese1 sprig of fresh basil chopped

*This is a great recipe to add veggies to and no one will know the better…so feel free to add tomatoes, carrots, etc. You can also make a version that uses white wine to add extra flavor. You would add ¼ cup of white wine at the same time as the stock.

Directions• Heat a saucepan big enough to hold all the ingredients, and pour in a splash of olive oil and cook garlic for a few minutes on medium heat. • Add the chicken/turkey, mushrooms, onion powder, and greens and stock. Simmer gently until the mushrooms cook through and the sauce has reduced a little.• Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti according to the packet instructions and drain well. • Add the half and half to the pan of chicken, then bring to the boil and turn the heat off.• Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the drained spaghetti to the creamy chicken sauce and toss well. Add three-quarters of the Parmesan and all of the basil and stir well. • Transfer to an ovenproof baking dish or non-stick pan, sprinkle with half the remaining cheese and bake in the oven until golden brown, bubbling and crisp – cool and serve!

Chicken and Mushroom Pasta Bake


Dine & Dish Recipe of the


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