Cawley, Triple Jump Technique

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  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique 1

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    Identify Talent

    o lways loo! for athletes with "oth speed and coordination.

    o If an athlete has speed# you can train the coordination.

    o Start coordination trainin$ early. %ncoura$e tryin$ many events.

    pproach & 'unway

    o 1( to 1) Steps

    o 'hythm

    * phases+ ,ush# ift# Turnover


    the rhythm when countin$ only 1 foot down the runway/

    o Start ,ositions+ Standin$# Ta!in$ some steps# or S!ip into the run

    o ,ush ,hase

    ,urpose is to create inertia.

    Shoulders should "e almost in front of the athlete0s hips at the start of the first push.

    hen pushin$ you want a full "ody lean with full# or triple# e2tension.

    o ift ,hase

    The push phase will $radually transition into the lift phase as the athlete rises.

    The lift refers to the athlete0s hips liftin$ into position# which should create $ood !nee lift.

    It should ta!e a few steps to lift up into a $ood upri$ht position.

    o Turnover ,hase

    t this point the athlete should "e in a $ood up ri$ht runnin$ position and close to top speed.

    This phase "e$ins "etween 3 to ) steps out from the "oard.

    This is where visual steerin$ starts.

    The athlete should increase arm cadence and accelerate throu$h the "oard.

    Try and put your foot 4ust "ehind the "oard - not on it - and you will "e on the "oard.

  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique (

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    Ta!eoff 5 See 6i$ure 1

    o ,enultimate

    Technically# yes 5 there is a second to last step. 7ut the athlete does not lower the hips.

    8eed to conserve hori9ontal momentum throu$hout the 4ump.

    o Ta!e :ff Step

    The last step should "e the same len$th# if not sli$htly shorter than the steps leadin$ up to it.

    The ta!eoff should land dorsi-fle2ed and flat footed.

    o The ta!eoff is a pushin$ action.

    o s the athlete0s foot leaves the $round# the ta!eoff le$ should "e in full or triple e2tension

    o ;aintain speed into the 4ump. 'un throu$h# or off# the "oard.


  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique *

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    o Sin$le# Sin$le# Sin$le ;odel

    The arm that was driven "ac! at the ta!eoff will swin$ out and around to the front stretched out

    ;eanwhile# the arm that was punched out in front at ta!eoff will now swin$ "ac! "ehind theathlete - ready to punch a$ain.

    6irst ,hase 5 See 6i$ure 1

    o ir ;echanics

    s the athlete leaves the $round# the free le$ drops down and swin$s "ac!# fully e2tendin$ the

    hip with a sli$ht "end in the !nee. This creates a stretch refle2.

    t the same time and in opposition# the ta!eoff le$ swin$s into a $ood drive !nee position.

    The stretch refle2 position created at ta!eoff should help this action.

    :n the way "ac! down.

    s the athlete is comin$ "ac! towards the $round# the ta!eoff le$ that is in a $ood drive

    !nee position will now e2tend out# castin$ the foot out in front of the !nee. The foot

    must "e dorsi-fle2ed. $ood coachin$ cue is to >show the spi!e plate?. This will

    naturally cause a sweepin$-li!e motion to the $round. The athlete will land flat footed

    with the foot sli$htly in front of the hips. There should "e minimal "end in the le$.

    The free le$ will "e "ehind the athlete# prepared to swin$ into a $ood drive !nee in the

    second phase. ips are in a neutral position.

    s the athlete comes to the $round there will "e a quic! firin$ action of the arms.

    Second ,hase 5 See 6i$ure (

    o Around ;echanics

    hen the foot is stri!in$ the $round# the hands pass the hips# and the free le$0s !nee will "e

    passin$ the ta!eoff le$0s !nee 5 re$ardless of sin$le or dou"le arm action.

    The second phase is a pushin$ action.

    :nce a$ain as the ta!eoff foot is leavin$ the $round# the ta!eoff le$ should reach full# or triple#


    The free le$ should swin$ into a $ood drive !nee position as the athlete leaves the $round#

    creatin$ $ood separation of the !nees.

    rm ction

  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique B

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    6or dou"le arm action# the arms fire throu$h to$ether thum"s up/# hands passin$

    throu$h ti$ht to the hips# and hittin$ a "loc!in$ position in front of the athlete - endin$

    at a hei$ht 4ust under their chin. ands should never "e hi$her than the shoulders.

    6or sin$le arm action# the arms will "e in fire in opposite directions of each other and of

    the correspondin$ le$. ands will pass throu$h ti$ht to the hips# hittin$ a "loc!in$

    position in front of the athlete - endin$ at a hei$ht 4ust under their chin. ands should

    never "e hi$her than the shoulders.

    hether dou"le or sin$le arm action is "ein$ used# the hands should never "e hi$her

    than the shoulders until preparin$ for landin$.

    o ir ;echanics

    :nce the athlete is in the air# there should not "e a lot of movement until stri!in$ the $rounda$ain to "e$in the third phase. Some refer to this phase and the lac! of movement as the statue

    phase. The athlete should have $ood posture and have the head in a neutral position.

    :nce the athlete has left the $round# there should "e a sli$ht fle2 in the "ac! le$. Aood !nee

    separation must "e maintained throu$hout the phase.

    6or dou"le arm 4umpers# while the le$s are remainin$ relatively still# the arms will drop out and

    away from the "ody and the "ac!. ands will "e "elow shoulder hei$ht with the thum"s

    pointin$ down.

    6or sin$le arm 4umpers# the arms will remain in $ood separation 4ust li!e their le$s.

    :n the way "ac! down.

    s the athlete is comin$ "ac! towards the $round# the free le$ that is in a $ood drive

    !nee position will now e2tend out# castin$ the foot out in front of the !nee. The foot

    must "e dorsi-fle2ed. $ood coachin$ cue is to >show the spi!e plate?. This will

    naturally cause a sweepin$-li!e motion to the $round. The athlete will land flat footed

    with the foot sli$htly in front of the hips. There should "e minimal "end in the le$.

    The ta!eoff le$ will "e "ehind the athlete# prepared to swin$ into a $ood drive !nee in

    the third phase. ips are in a neutral position.

    s the athlete comes to the $round there will "e a quic! firin$ action of the arms.

    Third ,hase 5 See 6i$ure *

    o Around ;echanics

    hen the foot is stri!in$ the $round# the hands pass the hips# and the free le$0s !nee will "e

    passin$ the ta!eoff le$0s !nee 5 re$ardless of sin$le or dou"le arm action.

  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    The second phase is a pushin$ action.

    8ote that the ta!eoff le$ and free le$ switch in this phase.

    The third phase is a pushin$ action.

    :nce a$ain as the foot is leavin$ the $round# the ta!eoff le$ should "e at full or triple e2tension.

    The free le$ should swin$ into a $ood drive !nee position as the athlete leaves the $round#

    creatin$ $ood separation of the !nees.

    rm ction

    o 6or dou"le arm action# the arms fire throu$h to$ether thum"s up/# hands

    passin$ throu$h ti$ht to the hips# and hittin$ a "loc!in$ position in front of the

    athlete - endin$ at a hei$ht 4ust under their chin. ands should never "e hi$her

    than the shoulders.

    o 6or sin$le arm action# the arms will "e in fire in opposite directions of each other

    and of the correspondin$ le$. ands will pass throu$h ti$ht to the hips# hittin$ a

    "loc!in$ position in front of the athlete - endin$ at a hei$ht 4ust under their chin

    ands should never "e hi$her than the shoulders.

    o ir ;echanics

    'e$ardless of dou"le or sin$le arm action# after the arms hit the "loc!in$ position# the arms will

    meet e2tended up a"ove the head.

    :nce the athlete has achieved full or triple e2tension# the athlete must "rin$ the ta!eoff le$ up

    to meet with the free le$# which is still in a drive !nee position. It should loo! li!e the athlete is

    in a seated position in the air 5 li!e sittin$ in a chair.

    This seated position with "oth arms stretched a"ove the head should "e held until the athlete

    approaches the sand.

    The andin$ 5 See 6i$ure *

    o The athlete will stretch the le$s out in front of them# while at the same time also reach the hands out infront of them. The hands will pass "y the feet and run up the outside of the le$s until the hands come to

    rest at the small of the "ac!. e call this >,uttin$ on the ,ants?.

    o t this time# the "ac! of the heels should "e hittin$ the sand first. The le$s should collapse and the "utt

    should land sli$htly off to one of the sides of the feet in the sand. The head should remain in a neutral


    Tempo & 'hythm

  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique 3

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    o s technical as the triple 4ump can "e# it is all a"out rhythm or the tempo of the 4ump.

    o To optimi9e the phases# one must understand and feel the rhythm of the 4ump# which only comes with

    practice. Some athletes pic! this up quic!ly and others will never feel or understand the rhythm.

    o The hardest part that athletes have with the rhythm of the triple 4ump is transitionin$ from the hi$h

    cadence turnover of the approach to the slow patience of the 4ump.

    o Sometimes as the athlete fi$ures out the rhythm# the technique "ecomes a "yproduct.


  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique E

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    cceleration is how much you can chan$e your speed. Fou must accelerate at ta!eoff in the lon$


    Top speed is the ma2imum speed you are capa"le of achievin$. If an athlete hits their top speed"efore they reach the ta!eoff "oard# they will not "e acceleratin$ off the "oard# and may even

    "e slowin$ down at ta!eoff.

    o cceleration# Top Speed# 'un-Throu$hs


    6ocus on acceleration.

    I li!e to wor! on parts of the run-throu$hs.

    %arly Season

    6ocus on acceleration and top speed.

    ,ut it all to$ether and practice the whole run-throu$h.

    ate Season

    6ocus on top speed.

    I almost always do speed wor! or run-throu$hs two days out from competition.

    arm-Up for Competition

    o lways wa!e up at least four hours "efore competition.

    o 8o static stretchin$ within two hours of competition.


  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Triple Jump Technique )

    Tim Cawley - Colorado State University

    [email protected]

    o =eep It Simple StupidG nd en4oy the processG

    o There is a $ood deal of technique in the triple 4ump and all !inds of thin$s to loo! for in a 4ump# "ut don0t

    overwhelm your athlete or yourself.

    o 6ind three thin$s at most that your athlete needs to wor! on or do to $et "etter# and !eep those as the

    theme of the year.

    o :ne step at a time# en4oy the process and the outcome should come.

  • 8/12/2019 Cawley, Triple Jump Technique


    Figure 1 Takeoff & First Phase

    Figure 2 Second Phase

    Figure 3 Third Phase & Landing