The Caveat Lector Vol. 13, Issue 1 Making The Caveat Great Again ! An interview with new dean, Martin Phillipson ! A message from LSA President, Tom Richards ! Welcome Week for Introverts ! Networking for Dummies ! A Lesson in Online Etiquette: “Dal- hou are your Facebook Manners?” ! Greetings from College Clubs ! The Jobs Report And much more… In this issue:

caveat issue 1 cover page - University of Saskatchewan · The Caveat Lector Vol. 13, Issue 1 Making The Caveat Great Again ! An interview with new dean, Martin Phillipson ! A message

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Caveat Lector Vol. 13, Issue 1

Making The Caveat Great Again

! An interview with new dean, Martin

Phillipson ! A message from LSA President,

Tom Richards ! Welcome Week for Introverts

! Networking for Dummies ! A Lesson in Online Etiquette: “Dal-

hou are your Facebook Manners?” ! Greetings from College Clubs ! The Jobs Report

And much more…

In this issue: !

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Table of Contents !





The Caveat Lector

Vol 13

Issue 1

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THE$CAVEAT$LECTOR$$$$$$$ Volume$13,$Issue$1$$$




The Caveat Lector

$ $ $


This$ year,$ The$ Caveat$ Lector$ is$celebrating$ its$ 13th$ birthday.$ While$thirteen$doesn’t$seem$that$old,$a$lot$has$changed$since$The$Caveat$first$arrived$at$the$College$of$Law.$$

Just$ think$ of$ all$ the$ stirring$ events$ that$happened$ 13$ years$ ago.$ Not$ only$ was$The$ Caveat$ born,$ Uday$ and$ Qusay$Hussein$were$killed,$Old$School$debuted$in$ theaters,$ and$ Paul$ Martin$ was$ our$Prime$ Minister.$ 2003$ was$ without$ a$doubt$ a$ simpler$ time.$ Everything$was$ a$bit$ more$ black$ and$ white.$ “The$ Axis$ of$Evil”$ was$ bad,$ aluminum$ tubes$ were$conclusive$ evidence,$ and$ subprime$lending$was$good.$$

Things$ aren’t$ so$ clear$ today…who$ are$we$ bombing$ in$ Iraq?$ Is$ Will$ Ferrell’s$latest$ movie$ really$ that$ funny?$ Do$ we$want$ to$ see$our$Prime$Minister$with$his$shirt$off?$Each$of$ these$questions$had$a$more$definitive$answer$13$years$ago.$$



Through$all$the$change$and$uncertainty,$there$ has$ been$ one$ constant…The$Caveat$ Lector.$ As$ the$ 2016/17$ Editorial$Board$ steadfastly$ carries$ The$ Caveat$torch$ into$ the$ future,$ we$ promise$ to$honour$ our$ inconsequential$ 13th$anniversary$ by$ living$ up$ to$ our$ mission$statement$to$be$“redundant.”$

If$ you$ want$ to$ be$ a$ part$ of$ the$ 13th$anniversary,$then$The$Caveat$wants$you.$You$ can$ submit$ articles$ for$ publication$to$ [email protected].$ If$ you$ are$wondering$ what$ to$ write$ about,$ one$ of$our$talented$editors$succinctly$described$our$ work$ at$ The$ Caveat$ as$ “publishing$articles$ about$ how$ best$ to$ flirt$ with$nursing$students,$for$fuck's$sake.”$




Learning the Language of the Law: Law School Lingo Third$year$student$Kelsey$Kreklewich$explains$all$the$College$of$Law$slang$that$you$won’t$find$in$Black’s$Law$Dictionary.$$



A Lesson in Online Etiquette: Dal-hou are your Facebook Manners?$An$anonymous$writer’s$take$on$the$dos$and$don’ts$of$social$media$during$law$school.$


Letter from the Editors by$Jared$Dunlop$(3L)$

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Welcome$ (and$ welcome$ back)$ to$ the$College$ of$ Law.$ $ It$ is$ my$ privilege$ to$impart$ “around$ 250$ words”$ of$presidential$ insight$ at$ the$ start$ of$ the$school$year.$

Third$years:$ $When$I$was$widejeyed$and$20$ lbs$ lighter$ (i.e.$ a$ first$ year)$ a$ good$friend$of$mine$was$in$her$third$year.$$She$told$me$“Tom,$it’s$nothing$personal,$but$you$ ain’t$ gonna$ see$me$ around$ here.”$ I$now$ think$ I$ get$ where$ she$ was$ coming$from.$ So$ go$ on,$ take$ that$ seminar,$ and$tell$ us$ all$ how$ law$ and$ happiness$ really$interact.$

Second$ years:$ Congratulations,$ you’ve$reached$ the$ “peak$ learning”$ portion$ of$law$school.$Know$that$the$third$years$are$“here”$ for$ emotional$ support.$ Just$please$refrain$from$approaching$the$first$years$ while$ blurryjeyed$ from$ an$ all$nighter$and$whispering,$“I$was$once$ like$you.”$$










First$ years:$ Law$ school$ is$ the$ perfect$example$ of$ a$ place$where$ you$ get$ back$as$much$as$ you$put$ in.$ The$ study$hours$can$ be$ long$ and$ solitary,$ but$ those$library$ cubicles$ are$ populated$ with$interesting,$ nice,$ and$ fun$ people$ who$will$challenge$you$and$help$expand$your$perspective.$ Law$ school$ attracts$ all$types.$ It’s$my$ sincere$wish$ that$ you$will$be$involved$in$the$culture$of$our$College$and$ do$ your$ part$ to$ help$ us$ stay$Canada’s$“friendly”$law$school.$•$















“I was once like you.” – Tom Richards








Social* Directors$ –$ Chanel$ Hudson$ and$Nicole$Bree$





Canadian*Bar*Association*Rep$ –$Nolan$Hand$

Saskatchewan*Trial*Lawyers* *Association*Rep*–$Lawren$Trotchie$

Community* Outreach* Reps$ –$ Jenna$Sambrook$and$Jacey$Safnuk$

3L* Reps$ –$ Carlynn$ Kortje$ and$ Connor$Cadger$






j! VP$Aboriginal$Relations$j! Family$Rep$j! USSU$Council$Rep$j! 1L$Rep$Section$1$j! 1L$Rep$Section$2$j! 1L$Faculty$Rep$

God Save Our Gracious President By$Tom$Richards$(3L),$President,$LSA$

The 2016-2017 Law Students’ Association Provided by$Krista$Cossar$(3L)$

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September$ 9$ –$ Miller$ Thomson$ Softball$

Tournament$ and$Thirsty$ Scholar$ Toga$Party$

(Softball$at$ fields$behind$education$building,$

toga$ party$ at$ The$ Thirsty$ Scholar.$ You$ will$regret$it$if$you$don’t$dress$up.)$

September$ 10$ –$ Osler$ LSA$ “White$ TjShirt”$






September$16$–$Blakes$Volleyball$ $


September$ 17$ –$ Corporate$ Law$ Club$ “Pub$


September$ 23$ –$ Miller$ Thomson$ Golf$



September$ 30$ –$ Bennett$ Jones,$ MLT,$



1L Introverts!

Welcome$ to$ the$ College$ of$ Law!$ While$ you$

are$ undoubtedly$ excited$ about$ law$ school,$

you$ are$ probably$ exhausted$ from$ these$

festivities$ called$ Welcome$ Week$ Month.$ In$

your$ first$ few$ days$ at$ school$ you$ have$

probably$ met$ a$ couple$ hundred$ students.$

You$ will$ meet$ many$ more$ of$ your$ future$

colleagues$ at$ icebreakers,$ the$ softball$


shirt$ pub$ crawl$ scheduled$ for$ the$ month$


As$an$ introvert,$you$may$be$tempted$to$skip$


barring$ health$ issues$ and$ parental$obligations,$you$will$do$yourself$a$disservice.$$



the$ city,$ you$ should$ use$ these$ events$ as$ an$

opportunity$ to$ form$ a$ peer$ group,$ or,$

speaking$ from$ a$ purely$ pragmatic$


your$ classmates$know$who$you$are,$ you$will$

seriously$ struggle$ with$ organized$

recruitment,$ getting$ good$ CANs$ to$ study$

with,$etc.$But$ the$ former$perspective$will$be$

hammered$ into$you$by$all$ the$friendjmaking$

specialists,$ and$ the$ latter$will$ be$ scared$ into$you$by$your$upper$year$sibling.$$

I have bad news for you, my fellow


You$ are$ entering$ a$ recruiting$ process$ that$

involves$ a$ massive$ amount$ of$ social$

interaction.$ Unless$ you’re$ one$ of$ the$

phenomenal$ Ajrange$ students$ (not$ me,$ full$


you$ will$ have$ to$ do$ this$ thing$ called$


articling$ students,$ junior$ associates,$ and$


to$ firm$ showcases$ and$ career$ forums$ and$


remember$ who$ you$ are$ when$ you$ submit$

your$ articling$ applications;$ and$ (3)$ going$ to$

lunches$ and$ firm$ receptions.$ If$ you$ are$ an$

introvert,$ you$ know$ that$ going$ to$ these$


it$ is* awkward$ and$ scary$ to$ put$ yourself$ out$

there$ as$ a$ newcomer$ in$ a$ professional$setting.$$

Now I have good news.

Going$ to$ the$ welcome$ week$ events$ forces$


shell* right*now.$ It$ gives$ you$an$easy$way$ to$


only$as$colleagues$but$ in$some$cases$as$best$

friends.$ It$ also$ lets$ you$ safely$ build$ your$

confidence$ in$ approaching$ and$ talking$ to$

new$ people.$ Don’t$ mistake$ me.$ While$ your$

approach$ should$ be$ very$ different$ for$

welcome$ week$ activities$ and$ networking$

events$ (you$ should$ not$ be$ a$ drunken$ mess$

while$ pitching$ how$well$ you$ “fit”$ to$ a$ hiring$

partner),$ both$ settings$ will$ require$ you$ to$

step$ outside$ your$ comfort$ zone.$ You$ will$


start$ now,$ and$ embrace$ the$ scary$

awkwardness$ while$ having$ fun,$ and$making$some$great$friends.$$

By the way, you don’t have to go to

every single event.


probably$your$grades.$Go$ to$ the$events$ that$

seem$ the$most$ suited$ to$ you.$ By$ all$means,$

enjoy$ your$ time$ to$ yourself.$ It$ may$ help$ to$


Welcome Week: Introvert Edition by$Liam$FitzjGerald$(2L)$



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$The$ College$ of$ Law$ argot$ may$ be$ difficult$ to$grasp$in$the$early$days$of$September.$Here$is$a$succinct$ guide$ to$ help$ you$ understand$ the$unique$syntax$of$our$professional$college.$$$

CANs$ –$ Condensed$ Annotated$ Notes.$ Used$for$ surviving$ law$ school$ finals.$ Easily$accessible$by$asking$your$upper$year$mentor$for$theirs$or$ joining$the$LSA$group$on$PAWS$(if$you’re$that$desperate).$$

Will’s* CANs$ –$ A$ famous$ and$ extraordinary$set$of$Condensed$Annotated$Notes$made$by$Will$Lane,$a$USask$Law$alumnus.$$

Jugs$ –$ Pitchers$ of$ beer.$ You$ may$ hear$ this$term$repeatedly$yelled$by$law$students$at$the$Thirsty$ Scholar$ or$ any$ other$ beerjserving$establishment.$$

1L,*2L,*3L$–$The$year$of$ law$school$that$you$are$ currently$ in.$There$ is$no$ for$ sure$date$of$when$you$transition$from$1L$to$2L$to$3L,$but$I$like$ to$ think$ it’s$ when$ you$ fist$ pump$ after$

taking$ that$ foreverjdreaded$ three$ second$glance$ at$ your$ final$ grades$ and$ realize$ that$you've$passed.$That$ is$ unless$ you’re$Andrew$Dusevic…$

UpperOyears$–$All$students$in$2L,$and$3L.$This$term$ is$ used$ to$ help$ 1Ls$ identify$ their$ role$models.$

One*More*Night$–$Almost$never$adhered$to,$this$proclamation$ is$used$to$ indicate$the$ last$night$ of$ going$ out$ and/or$ drinking$ at$ a$ fine$establishment$ such$ as$ the$ Colonial,$ the$Copper$ Mug,$ Louis’,$ or$ the$ Thirsty$ Scholar$prior$ to$ quitting$ for$ the$ duration$ of$ finals.$Habitually$used$by$third$years$who$just$don’t$care$anymore.$$

Lawbrary* and* Lawby$ –$ The$ law$ library$ and$law$ building$ lobby,$ respectively.$ Public$spaces$ in$ the$ College$ of$ Law$ building$ most$commonly$used$by$ law$students.$The$Lawby$is$ a$ common$ meeting$ ground$ for$ lunch,$ticket$sales,$and$law$school$events.$$

I$ am$ also$ secretly$ hoping$ it$ is$ a$ “Pokestop”$come$September.$$

Free$ –$ An$ adjective$ most$ commonly$ used$before$ the$word$ ‘pizza’,$ ‘snacks’,$or$ ‘food’.$ If$you$are$curious$about$where$all$your$tuition$is$going$ and$want$ to$ get$ your$money’s$worth,$be$ sure$ to$ take$advantage$of$everything$ the$law$ school$ provides$ for$ ‘free’$ during$ your$three$(or$more)$years$at$the$college.$$

Section*one,* section* fun$–$A$ rhyme$ thrown$in$the$face$of$section$two$students$whenever$they$refuse$to$go$out$on$weeknights$because$of$ their$ 8:30$ a.m.$ classes.$Used$by$ section$ 1$students$ who$ do$ go$ out$ on$ weeknights,$apparently$making$them$more$fun.$$$

Law* School$ –$ Studying,$ partying,$volunteering,$ networking,$ 'foosballing',$ etc.$Referred$ to$ by$ current$ students$ and$ alumni$as$ the$ best$ years$ of$ their$ lives.•

The Jobs Report by Jared$Dunlop$(3L)

The$Class$of$2017$ recently$went$ through$the$arduous$ process$ of$ attempting$ to$ secure$articling$positions.$$

USask$ students$ managed$ to$ secure$ 83%$ of$the$ available$ spots$ through$ the$ official$coordinated$ recruitment$ process$ offered$ by$the$Law$Society$of$Saskatchewan.$

Two$of$the$hired$USask$articling$students$for$2017$ have$ already$ graduated.$ Of$ the$ 16$students$who$summered$after$1L,$9$accepted$articling$positions$where$they$summered.$$

The$ majority$ of$ the$ nonjreturns$ can$ be$explained$ through$ clerkships.$ None$ of$ the$Saskatchewan$ firms$ who$ offer$ multiple$articling$ spots$ reduced$ their$ numbers$ this$year,$ in$ fact,$ some$ firms$ increased$ their$number$of$spots.$

Three$ students$ of$ the$ Class$ of$ 2017$ secured$spots$ in$ Calgary$ through$ the$ OCI$ (OnjCampus$ Interview)$ process$ during$ the$ fall$semester.$ This$ matches$ the$ number$ of$articling$students$at$large$Calgary$firms$from$the$Class$of$2016.$•$



$$ $


$ $

$ Articling*Spots*


MLT$*$ 6$ 4$

McKercher$$ 4$ 4$

McDougall$Gauley$ 4$ 4$

Miller$Thomson$ 3$ 2$

Stevenson$Hood †$ 1$ 1$

Robertson$Stromberg$ 2$ 2$

OWZW$‡$ 1$ 1$

Leland$Kimpinski$ 1$ j$

Scharfstein §$ 1$ 1$

Plaxton$Jensen$ 1$ 1$

Cuelenaere$**$ 2$ 2$

WMCZ$ 2$ 2$

Kanuka$Thuringer$ 1$ 1$

Ministry$of$Justice$ 2$ 2$

Department$of$Justice$$ 1$ 1$

Learning the Language of the Law: College of Law Lingo by Kelsey$Kreklewich$(3L)







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Hey first years! Congratulations$ on$ your$ acceptance$ and$welcome$ to$ law$ school!$ In$ this$ college$ you$will$have$some$of$the$best$times$of$your$life,$and$you$will$meet$the$most$fantastic$people.$But$ getting$ into$ law$ school$ is$ only$ half$ the$battle—now$you$have$to$worry$about$getting$a$job.$$

I’m$writing$this$article$to$shed$some$ light$on$something$ I$ knew$ absolutely$ nothing$ about$in$first$year:$networking.$To$those$of$you$who$know$ what$ networking$ is,$ congratulations:$you$already$know$more$ than$ I$ did.$To$ those$who$ don’t$ know,$ get$ ready:$ networking$ is$going$to$be$the$word$you$hear$more$than$any$other$ in$ law$school.$A$chill$will$pass$ through$you$every$time…Nah$I’m$just$kidding.$ It$ isn’t$that$ bad—but$ it$ is$ probably$ the$ most$important$thing$you$will$do$in$law$school.$It’s$important$ to$ start$ building$ your$ network$early$so$that$you$can$get$to$know$lawyers$ in$the$community.$$

I$ absolutely$ hated$ the$ idea$of$ networking$ in$first$ year:$ it$ sounded$ so$ awkward$ and$unnatural.$ Being$ put$ into$ a$ cramped$ little$room$ with$ lawyers$ and$ other$ students$ and$being$ forced$ to$ talk$ to$ one$ another$ was$something$ I$ dreaded.$ This$ article$ explains$some$ helpful$ tips$ and$ tricks$ I’ve$ learned$ to$help$ you$ avoid$ some$ of$ the$ awkward$situations$that$I$had$to$go$through.$$

Why is networking important? When$I$was$in$first$year,$I$asked$an$upper$year$that$question.$I$figured$that$just$having$good$grades$ would$ be$ enough$ to$ get$ me$ an$articling$or$summer$position.$$


Law$is$arguably$the$most$social$profession$on$the$planet.$Saskatchewan$is$a$small$Bar,$and$most$ of$ the$ lawyers$ in$ the$ province$ know$each$ other$ in$ some$ way$ or$ another.$ Before$firms$ hire$ an$ articling$ or$ summer$ student,$lawyers$ want$ to$ see$ that$ their$ prospective$student$ can$ carry$ on$ a$ conversation,$ and$generally$ seems$ like$ a$ normal$ human$ being$in$ social$ settings.$ $ So,$ getting$ to$ know$lawyers$ is$ just$ as$ important$ as$ getting$good$grades.$$

Networking$also$gives$you$something$to$talk$about$ in$your$cover$ letter.$ If$ you’re$applying$

to$a$firm$and$know$nothing$about$them$other$than$ the$ fact$ that$ they$ practice$ law,$ the$chances$ of$ you$ getting$ hired$ aren’t$ good.$Networking$ gives$ you$ the$ opportunity$ to$hear$ firsthand$ what$ makes$ a$ certain$ firm$different$ from$ all$ of$ the$ other$ firms,$ and$ it$can$ help$ you$ stand$ apart$ from$ the$ other$applicants.$$

Also,$if$you$get$talking$with$a$lawyer$and$you$hit$it$off,$you$can$mention$them$in$your$cover$letter.$ That$ way,$ the$ recruiting$ lawyer$ who$sees$ the$ cover$ letter$ can$go$ ask$ that$ lawyer$about$ you,$ and$ that$ improves$ your$ chances$of$getting$an$interview.$

“Finding Your Fit” You’re$ going$ to$ hear$ a$ lot$ about$ how$important$it$is$to$‘find$your$fit’$at$a$law$firm.$I$know$that$sounds$pretty$hippyjesque,$but$it’s$true.$Every$ law$firm$has$ its$own$culture,$and$they’re$all$different.$$

By$ meeting$ the$ lawyers$ that$ work$ at$ the$firms,$ you$ can$ see$ the$kinds$of$personalities$that$ work$ there$ and$ decide$ whether$ you$think$ you’d$ fit$ in.$ It$ also$ helps$ to$ meet$lawyers$ and$ give$ them$ a$ chance$ to$ get$ to$know$ you$ in$ a$ comfortable$ and$ relaxed$setting.$$

In$an$interview,$you$only$have$a$short$time$to$answer$questions$and$give$a$ little$glimpse$of$your$ personality,$ which,$ unless$ you’re$superhuman,$ is$ almost$ impossible.$ You’ll$ be$nervous$ and$ awkward$ (don’t$ lie$ to$ yourself$and$think$you$won’t—you$will)$and$you$won’t$feel$ comfortable$being$yourself.$Networking$events$ give$ you$ the$ opportunity$ to$ really$showcase$ yourself$ before$ the$ awkward$ and$intimidating$interviews.$$

And,$ as$ an$ added$ bonus,$ there$ is$ always$alcohol$at$networking$events$to$help$with$the$nerves.$Which$brings$me$to$my$first$tip…$

1. DON’T DRINK TOO MUCH This$might$be$the$biggest$ tip$ I$can$give$you.$Yes,$there$is$alcohol$at$every$event.$But$don’t$be$ that$ student$ who$ gets$ bombed$ at$ the$reception$and$makes$an$idiot$of$themselves.$$

Lawyers$use$networking$events$ to$meet$ the$students,$ but$ they$ also$ want$ to$ know$ how$you$conduct$yourself$in$social$situations.$








If$ you$ get$ wasted$ at$ your$ first$ networking$event,$ they$ will$ remember$ and$ they$ won’t$want$ to$ hire$ you$ in$ the$ future.$ Remember,$first$impressions$are$really$important$and$you$don’t$ want$ to$ wreck$ yours$ by$ having$ too$much$to$drink.$$

Some$ helpful$ tips$ for$ maintaining$ a$respectable$level$of$sobriety$is$to$have$a$glass$of$ water$ after$ each$ alcoholic$ drink,$ cut$yourself$off$early,$or$nurse$the$same$drink$for$an$ extended$ period$ of$ time.$ $ (Continued$ on$next$page)$

NETWORKING$PHOTOS$Networking for Dummies: Things I wish I had Known about Networking as a 1L


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2. Try not to skip events

A$lot$of$people$don’t$go$to$networking$events$because$ they$ simply$ don’t$ feel$ like$ getting$dressed$up$and$going$somewhere$after$class:$I’m$ telling$ you$ to$ suck* it* up$and*go.$ This$ is$the$ best$ way$ to$ meet$ lawyers$ in$ a$comfortable$ setting$ and$ chat$ with$ them$about$the$firm.$$

Be$ it$a$firm$reception,$a$wine$and$cheese,$or$the$ Career$ Fair$ in$ March,$ go$ to* as* many*events*as*you*can.$You$ start$ to$ see$a$ lot$of$the$same$faces$at$these$events,$and$you$can$use$that$to$get$to$know$those$lawyers$better.$Also,$ when$ you’re$ applying$ for$ summer$ or$articling$positions,$you$can$mention$that$you$attended$the$firm$reception,$or$met$X$lawyer$at$ the$wine$ and$ cheese,$ and$ how$much$ you$enjoyed$talking$to$them.$$

“There is always

alcohol at




Practice$makes$perfect:$by$going$to$events$in$first$ year,$ you’ll$ get$ more$ comfortable$ with$networking$ and$ get$ to$ know$ some$ of$ the$lawyers,$so$when$second$year$comes$around$you$ aren’t$ nervous$ about$ going$ to$ the$events—you$might$actually$have$fun$at$them.$$

My$ personal$ rule$ was$ that$ I$ had$ to$ talk$ to$three$ lawyers$ at$ every$ event$ before$ I$ was$allowed$ to$ go$ home.$ The$ first$ conversation$might$ be$ a$ bit$ awkward,$ but$ by$ the$ third$lawyer$ I$ was$ feeling$ really$ comfortable$ and$would$usually$stay$to$talk$to$more.$

3. What to wear

OK,$ your$ first$ networking$ event$ is$ fast$approaching…and$ you$ have$ absolutely$ no$idea$what$to$wear.$The$rule$that$I$lived$by$for$networking$ events$ is$when$ in$ doubt,$wear$ a$suit.$After$two$years$of$law$school$I$still$don’t$know$ what$ the$ difference$ is$ between$business$ casual,$ semijformal,$ or$ business$formal,$so$don’t$feel$bad$if$you$don’t$either.$$

It’s$ always$ better$ to$ be$ overdressed$ than$underdressed,$and$putting$on$a$suit$helps$you$look$and$feel$more$professional,$which$might$help$your$confidence.$$

4. Don’t be shy

OK,$ you$ made$ it$ to$ the$ firm$ reception$ and$you’re$ welljdressed.$ Now$ don’t$ stand$ there$

talking$to$your$friends$in$an$awkward$huddle.$Go$ talk$ to$ lawyers:$ that’s$ why$ you’re$ there,$(and$why$they’re$there).$Yes,$it’s$ok$to$talk$to$your$friends,$but$don’t$waste$all$of$your$time$talking$to$them.$You’re$at$the$event$to$meet$lawyers$ and$ build$ your$ network,$ not$ just$ to$stand$around$and$chat$with$your$buddies.$$$

5. Don’t just talk about law

I$ remember$ being$ at$ a$ firm$ reception,$ and$seeing$ five$ students$ in$ the$ span$ of$ ten$minutes$ ask$ this$ one$ lawyer$ the$ same$question:$ “What$ area$ do$ you$ practice$ in?”$How$ boring$ do$ you$ think$ that$ got$ for$ that$lawyer?$Yes,$ it’s$a$good$question$to$get$your$foot$in$the$door,$but$mix$it$up$a$bit.$$

Lawyers$ are$more$ likely$ to$ remember$ you$ if$you$ talk$ to$ them$ about$ interesting$ things.$Also,$ when$ you$ ask$ them$ about$ their$interests,$ the$ conversation$ gets$ a$ bit$ more$comfortable$ because$ you’re$ trying$ to$ get$ to$know$them$on$a$personal$level,$not$just$on$a$professional$level.$$

Talk$ to$ them$ about$ current$ events,$ or$ the$new$movie$ that’s$ coming$ out,$ or$ something$that’s$ going$ on$ in$ Saskatoon$ that$ week.$Don’t$just$ask$the$same$boring$questions$that$everybody$else$will$ask.$$

6. Go early and stay late

Networking$ events$ are$ crowded,$ and$ there$are$ always$ many$ more$ students$ than$lawyers.$ The$ lawyers$ are$ going$ to$ see$approximately$ one$ hundred$ faces$ (or$ more)$that$ evening,$ so$ it’ll$ be$ tough$ to$make$ sure$they$remember$yours.$$

One$ thing$ you$ can$ do$ to$ help$ yourself$ is$ to$show$ up$ right$ on$ time,$ and$ stay$ right$ until$the$ end.$ That$ gives$ you$ an$ opportunity$ to$talk$ to$ lawyers$ before$ they$ get$ swarmed$by$all$ of$ the$ other$ students,$ and$ the$ chances$that$they’ll$remember$you$improve.$$

It$has$been$said$that$people$are$more$likely$to$remember$ either$ the$ first$ thing$ or$ the$ last$thing$ that$ they$ see.$ That$ being$ said,$ don’t$overstay$your$welcome$and$be$that$annoying$student$who$ just$won’t$go$home.$ If$ it$ seems$like$everybody$else$is$leaving,$take$the$hint.$$

7. Be Yourself…ish

When$ I$ first$ got$ into$ law$ school,$ I$ was$ so$intimidated$ by$ lawyers.$ I$ thought$ that$ they$were$all$ these$really$professional$people$and$that$ I$ had$ to$ portray$ myself$ as$ a$ really$professional$person$in$order$to$fit$in.$$

Well,$ that$ just$ made$ me$ awkward$ and$uncomfortable$ and$ my$ first$ networking$event$ was,$ you$ guessed$ it,$ awkward$ and$uncomfortable.$ I$ learned$ that$ it’s$ important$to$ just$ be$ yourself:$ you’ll$ be$ more$


That$being$said,$be$a$professional$version$of$yourself.$This$ is$hopefully$obvious$but:$don’t$swear,$ be$ polite,$ thank$ the$ partners$ for$hosting$ the$ reception,$ and$ don’t$ talk$ about$how$drunk$you$got$on$the$weekend.$$

Law$is$a$professional$college,$so$you$want$to$make$ sure$ that$ you$ come$ across$ as$ a$professional$ person.$ Even$ if$ you$ don’t$ feel$professional$quite$yet,$fake$it$till$you$make$it.$$

In Conclusion,

I$hope$these$tips$help$you$guys,$and$ I$hope$ I$haven’t$ scared$ you$ away$ from$ networking$events.$ Networking$ can$ be$ really$ fun$ once$you$get$more$ comfortable$with$ it,$ and$ it’s$ a$great$ way$ to$ learn$ about$ the$ lawyers,$ the$firms,$and$the$practice$areas$in$the$province.$If$ you$ have$ any$ questions$ at$ all,$ not$ just$about$ networking,$ but$ anything$ to$ do$ with$law$ school,$ talk$ to$ upper$ years.$ We’re$ all$really$friendly$and$we’ve$all$gone$through$this$stuff$ already.$ Also,$ other$ upper$ years$might$have$ other$ helpful$ tips$ that$ I$ might$ have$missed.$$

Congratulations$ on$ getting$ into$ law$ school!$Get$ready$for$the$most$amazing$three$years.•$$

$ $Kristie$Anne$will$be$articling$at$McDougall$Gauley’s$Saskatoon$office$in$2017$

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I$ am$ sure$ you$have$ already$been$ added$to$ a$ few$ (million)$ College$ of$ Law$Facebook$ Pages,$ so$ I$ wanted$ to$ make$sure$ you$ were$ aware$ of$ a$ few$ simple$rules$ to$ avoid$ being$ that$ insufferable$classmate$ on$ those$ pages$ (trust$ me,$almost$every$year$has$one).$$

Facebook$ etiquette$ is$ (typically)$unwritten$and$implicit$(at$least$it$used$to$be$until$this$article).$

Rule #1. Don’t be constantly negative Let's$ live$ up$ to$ our$ Instagram$ quotes$people,$and$be$positive.$No$one$needs$a$negative$ Nancy/Ned$ continually$ raining$on$ our$ Facebook$ parade.$ If$ I$ wanted$constant$negativity,$ I$would$ rejtake$Bus$Org$with$Flannigan.$

Rule #2. Don’t say anything disrespectful about (or to) someone on Facebook.*$Seems$ pretty$ straightforward,$ right?$However,$ this$ includes$ passive$aggressive$ or$ cryptic$ posts$ where$ you$don’t$ directly$ call$ anyone$ out,$ but$instead$ say$ something$ like$ “everyone$loves$ a$ guy$ who$ eats$ tuna$ in$ the$lawby…”$ Because$ unless$ you$ are$ going$to$ buy$my$ groceries,$ I$ will$ eat$my$ tuna$sandwich$wherever$I$damn$well$please.$

Rule #3. Don’t make unfounded allegations about anyone on Facebook.$$Seems$ like$ a$ nojbrainer…$ but$ as$ your$friendly$ neighbourhood$ Caveat$ Lector$writer,$ let$ me$ remind$ you…$ in$ any$professional$ college,$ the$ rumour$ mill$ is$strong$ (if$ you$ don’t$ believe$ me,$ go$ ask$your$Dent$or$Med$friends).$$

There$is$no$need$to$transcribe$what$may$or$ may$ not$ have$ happened$ at$ a$ social$event$ on$ any$ LSA$ page$ the$ next$ day.$ I$know$you’re$ thinking,$ “But$what$are$we$

going$ to$gossip$ about$ all$week$ to$ avoid$listening$ in$ Charter?”$ ...$ I$ dunno,$ how$about$Trump?$That$guy$has$more$issues$than$the$Caveat.$

Generally, just don’t be a shit disturber. Try$ to$ abide$ by$ the$ notion$ that$ you$shouldn’t$ write$ anything$ you$ wouldn’t$feel$ comfortable$ with$ your$ mother$reading.$ If$ you’re$ about$ to$ press$ ‘enter’$on$ a$ comment$ that$would$ likely$ trigger$your$mother$to$locate$where$she$stashed$the$ tabasco$ sauce,$ soap,$ or$ wooden$spoon$(what,$no$one$else$was$disciplined$via$ child$ abuse?)$ or$ if$ your$ comment$starts$ with$ something$ like$ “No$ offence,$but…”$ just$ quit$ while$ you’re$ still$ welljliked.$

Our$ Facebook$ groups$ are$ not$ dumping$grounds$ for$ drama$ and$ disrespect.$ This$is$not$a$Trump$rally.$They$are$forums$for$information,$ discussion$ and$ good$ old$fashioned$ online$ bonding.$ I$ am$ all$ for$witty$ banter,$ and$ trying$ to$ score$ the$most$ liked$ comment$ of$ the$ year,$ but$let’s$keep$it$intelligent,$people.$$

Just$ remember,$ there’s$ a$ difference$between$ having$ a$ loud$ online$personality$ and$being$a$dick.$You$begin$to$establish$your$professional$reputation$on$ your$ first$ day$ of$ law$ school,$ and$ it$lasts$throughout$your$legal$career.$$





A Lesson in Online Etiquette: Dal-hou are your Facebook Manners?

By: XOXO$Anonymous


In$2014$on$a$cold$November$night$ $The$ 1Ls$writing$ their$memos$ were$ far$ from$sight$We$ were$ all$ told$ “It’s$ due$ at$ five,”$ then$ we$could$party$But$ if$ it$didn’t$get$ it$done,$ Jensen$said$we’d$be$sorry$$Just$ as$ the$ drinks$ started$ to$ get$ going,$President$Pierre$got$up$and$presented$prizes$for$best$showing$Who$ was$ the$ person$ who$ handed$ theirs$ in$with$only$twelve$seconds$to$spare?$Only$ Katie$ Cooper’s$ memo$ could$ be$submitted$with$such$flair$Pierre$ continued$ on$ giving$ out$ prizes$halfhearted.$But$ once$ the$ awards$ were$ done,$ Tom$ Hall$started:$“What$ would$ it$ be…if$ you$ could$ ask$ one$thing$of$that$ole$Evil$Fish?”$Garrett$ replied$ “Going$ to$ Las$ Vegas,$ that’d$be$my$wish”$A$giant$sigh$from$Mitch$was$exclaimed$“No$ passport$ for$ me.$ I$ can’t$ go,”$ Mitch$complained$With$ a$ twinkle$ in$ his$ eye,$Garrett$ said,$ “For$all$that$its$worth”$“I’ve$ heard$ stories,$ and$ Montreal$ is$ the$Vegas$of$the$North”$$Soon$ after,$ six$ am$ flights$ for$ the$ next$morning$were$booked$The$ fact$ they$ all$ had$ class$ tomorrow$ was$surely$overlooked$As$ they$ hurried$ away$ from$ the$ dive$ that$ is$Specklebellys,$Mitch$ did$ shout,$ “Should$ I$ pack$ my$collection$of$petroleum$jellies?”$$They$ hustled$ and$ bustled$ to$ the$ airport$called$Diefenbaker$ $Where$ were$ the$ other$ Lloyd$ boys?$ I$ guess$Trav$is$a$flaker$The$airport$clerk$asked$“How$many$bags$will$you$check?”$“Zero$ bags$ for$ us,$ we’re$ just$ going$ to$$Québec.”$“What$ about$ carryjons?$ You$ don’t$ have$those$either?”$“To$ be$ honest$ with$ you$ ma’am,$ we’re$ just$going$to$see$Peelers”$$But$what$happened$ in$Montreal$will$ forever$be$eschewed$Even$ the$ stories$ of$ all$ the$ strippers$ Garrett$surely$accrued$And$ such$ ends$ the$ story$ of$ that$ fateful$November$eve$It’s$now$up$to$ the$Class$of$2019$to$see$what$they$can$achieve.•$

The Tranquility of Legal memos by: Jared$Dunlop$(3L)

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A$new$year$of$law$school,$a$new$dean.$At$least,$ that’s$ how$ it’s$ been$ for$ this$ year’s$graduating$class.$We$began$our$ first$year$settling$in$with$Dean$Sanjeev$Anand,$only$to$ lose$ him$ to$ the$ Provincial$ Court.$ In$second$ year,$ we$ grew$ fond$ of$ interim$Dean$Beth$Bilson,$who$stepped$in$to$keep$the$ship$afloat$while$the$College$searched$for$Dean$Anand’s$ replacement.$While$we$have$enjoyed$our$time$with$each$dean,$we$couldn’t$ help$ but$ notice$ that$ something$has$been$missing$from$our$last$two$years:$the$ sense$ of$ direction$ and$ progress$brought$by$institutional$continuity.$

Newly$ appointed$ dean$ Martin$ Phillipson$hopes$to$change$all$that.$With$25$years$of$teaching$ experience,$ a$ professional$network$ that$ spans$ the$ University$ and$beyond,$ and$ a$ unique$ perspective$ that$comes$ from$ having$ lived$ and$ worked$ on$three$ different$ continents,$ Dean$Phillipson$brings$a$lot$to$the$table.$One$of$his$many$goals$is$setting$a$clear$vision$for$the$College$of$Law$that$will$ last$for$years$to$come.$$

Although$ his$ five?year$ term$ as$ Dean$ of$the$College$of$Law$only$began$on$July$1,$it$was$ obvious$ to$ me$ upon$ meeting$ Dean$Phillipson,$devoted$husband$and$father$of$three,$that$he$is$already$a$very$busy$man.$Still,$on$short$notice,$he$made$time$ in$his$schedule$to$sit$down$with$me$in$his$office$on$ my$ lunch$ break$ for$ an$ hour?long$interview$on$July$19.$$

Dean$Phillipson$speaks$with$a$crisp$British$accent,$and$is$dressed$in$navy$blue$shorts,$a$ black$ t?shirt,$ and$ black$ running$ shoes.$His$ casual$ dress$ belies$ his$ serious$engagement$ in$ our$discussion.$He$downs$a$cup$of$ black$ coffee$ during$ our$time$ together,$ and,$ while$he$ speaks$ quickly,$ his$responses$ to$ my$ questions$are$anything$but$rushed.$$




“I$was$born$and$raised$in$England.$I$went$to$law$school$there,$and$graduated$quite$young,$ as$most$ people$ do$ in$ England.$ I$was$only$21$when$ I$graduated,$not$even$old$ enough$ to$ shave$ (he$ laughs),$ and$ I$thought$ I$ was$ a$ bit$ young$ to$ enter$ the$profession.$I$just$wasn’t$ready.$I$began$to$think$about$grad$school,$and$I$ended$up$here$at$the$U$of$S.”$$

“It’s$a$long$long$story,$too$long$for$today.$I$ did$ my$Masters$ Degree$ at$ the$ U$ of$ S$and$loved$it.$The$rest$ is$history.$ It$was$a$long$journey.$I$had$my$first$teaching$job$at$Osgoode$Hall$Law$School$ in$Toronto,$and$ then$ taught$ in$ New$ Zealand,$ and$later$ Australia.$ I’ve$ lived$ in$ Saskatoon$now$ for$ 17$ years–I’m$ a$ ‘Saskatonian’$now.$ You$ know$ what?$ I’ve$ done$ my$travelling.$ And$ once$ you’re$ done$ your$travelling$ you$ look$ for$ places$ that$ are$nice$to$live.$I$love$this$city$and$I$love$this$law$school,$so,$why$would$I$want$to$work$anywhere$else?”$$

What$do$you$hope$ to$achieve$ this$ year$as$Dean?$

“I$have$a$whole$bunch$of$things$I$want$to$get$done$ this$ year.$A$ lot$ of$ it$ has$ to$do$with$ listening$to$people.$How$do$people$think$the$school$ is$right$now?$Where$do$people$ think$ the$ school$ needs$ to$ go?$ I$will$also$be$hiring$some$new$faculty.”$$

“I$ will$ also$ be$ doing$ a$ lot$ of$ work$ with$the$ Native$ Law$ Centre.$ In$ fact,$ there$ is$an$announcement$going$out$next$week,$and$we$have$won$a$contract$to$run$a$law$school$ in$ Nunavut.$ The$ press$ release$comes$ out$ from$ the$ Nunavut$government$on$August$21,$and$it$will$be$public$ down$ here$ probably$ on$ August$22.$ We’ve$ successfully$ partnered$ with$the$government$of$Nunavut$to$provide$a$legal$ education$ to$ up$ to$ 25$ students$ in$Iqaluit.”$

“Another$ one$ of$my$ goals$ is$ to$ actually$set$a$vision$for$the$College.$By$the$end$of$this$year,$I$want$to$have$a$clear$vision$for$$







(I$ start$asking$him$ the$next$question,$but$he$interrupts$with$another$thought)$“One$more$ thing.$ I$want$ to$make$more$ noise$about$the$school.$I$don’t$think$the$school$makes$ enough$ noise$ about$ its$ students$and$ how$ good$ it$ is.$ It’s$ very$‘Saskatchewanian,’$ very$ sort$ of$ reticent$in$ saying$ ‘We$ do$ good$ stuff$ here.’$ I’m$very$ proud$ of$ this$ school,$ and$we$ need$to$make$sure$people$know$how$great$we$are.”$

“So,$ lots,$ too$much$ to$ do.$ And$ none$ of$that$ involves$ the$ day$ to$ day$ running$ of$the$school.”$

“Using someone else’s CANs is like wearing

someone else’s clothes. One time out of a hundred

it might actually fit and look okay, but the other 99

times it isn’t gonna fit.” $



Do$you$think$ it$ is$ important$for$a$Dean$to$know$the$students$well?$

“This$ school$has$always$been$very$good$about$ encouraging$ close$ relationships$between$ students$ and$ faculty.$ I$ think$that$ one$ of$ the$ things$ that$ makes$ this$place$ great$ is$ (Continued$ on$ next$ page)$

Getting to Know the New Dean by: Zina$Scott$(3L)




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that$ the$ faculty$ are$ accessible$ and$approachable.$$

So,$ absolutely$ a$ dean$ has$ to$ be$accessible$ and$ approachable,$ but,$ a$dean$has$ to$be$professional$ too.$One$of$the$ beauties$ of$ a$ school$ of$ this$ size$ is$that$ you$ should$ be$ able$ to$ get$ to$ know$almost$ everybody.$ That$ is$ something$that$ this$ school$ has$ a$ long$ tradition$ of,$and$ I’ve$ got$ to$ make$ sure$ we$maintain$it.”$

What$ was$ your$ favourite$ class$ in$ law$school?$What$was$the$most$useful$class$you$ever$took?$

“My$ favourite$ class$ in$ law$ school$ was$International$ Law.$ I$ used$ to$ love$teaching$ it$ as$ well.$ I$ honestly$ think$ it$should$be$a$compulsory$subject.”$

“The$ most$ useful$ class$ I$ ever$ took$ was$Trusts.”$$


(He$ doesn’t$ hesitate)$ “Trusts.$ Why?$Because$ a$ lot$ of$ the$ subject$ matter$ in$Trusts$ is$ the$ sort$ of$ stuff$ that$ you$thought$ law$ school$ was$ going$ to$ be$about.$It’s$about$equity$and$fairness.$The$trust$is$just$a$unique$legal$vehicle.”$(He$is$genuinely$ excited)$ “It’s$ a$ fascinating$concept.$ It’s$ a$ very$ useful$ course$because$ it$ tests$ your$ skills$ in$ a$ unique$way.”$ (He$ apologizes$ for$ what$ he$perceives$to$be$an$incomplete$answer).$$

“Frederic$ William$ Maitland$ (ed:$ b.$ 28$May$ 1850,$ d.$ 19$ December$ 1906),$ who$was$a$very$famous$British$jurist$said$that$the$ trust$ was$the$ greatest$invention$ of$any$Englishman.$So,$ I’ll$ leave$ it$at$that.”$

What$ is$ your$opinion$ of$100%$ final$exams?$

(He$ pauses)$ “I’ve$ got$ to$ be$ careful$ here.$In$law$school$in$England,$every$class$was$a$ 100%$ closed$ book$ final.$ They$ were$horrible.$ I$ think$ my$ answer$ would$ be$

that$pedagogically$they$are$not$the$best$way$ of$ assessing$ a$ student’s$ true$understanding$of$the$material,$but,$they$are$ sometimes$ a$ necessary$ evil.”$ (He$tells$ me$ I$ can$ remove$ the$ word$ ‘evil’$ if$ I$want)$$

“It’s$a$touchy$subject.$I$think$final$exams$are$a$good$part$of$an$assessment,$but$ it$shouldn’t$be$a$‘onejshot$deal.’$That’s$my$take$in$a$nutshell.$If$possible,$it$shouldn’t$be$a$onejshot$deal.$Two$or$ three$pieces$of$ assessment$ would$ provide$ a$ better$idea$of$a$student’s$understanding,$and$of$whether$they$have$done$any$work.”$

“Law is like learning a new

language, and you can’t

expect to be fluent in the

first five minutes.”


(My$question$about$100%$finals$ led$to$an$unplanned$discussion$about$CAN$sharing)$$

“Don’t$even$get$me$started$on$CANs.$(He$shakes$his$head$and$groans)$Everybody$in$law$ school$ knows$ somebody$who$never$came$ to$ class,$ never$ did$ any$ work,$ but$always$managed$to$ace$the$100%$final$at$the$end.$Everybody$knows$at$least$one.$I$used$to$think:$‘How$do$they$do$that?’”$

“I$ have$ tried$ to$ sort$ of$ eradicate$ CAN$sharing$ in$ all$ of$ my$ classes.$ I$ had$ an$Intellectual$ Property$ class$ several$ years$ago,$ and$ there$ was$ a$ huge$ Supreme$Court$ of$ Canada$ case$ that$ came$ down$about$ halfway$ through$ the$ class.$ It’s$called$ The$ Harvard$ Mouse$ Case$ (ed:$Harvard$College$v$Canada$(Commissioner$of$Patents),$2002$SCC$76).$It’s$one$of$the$leading$cases$in$Intellectual$Property$law$in$ Canada$ –$ it$ has$ to$ do$ with$ the$patenting$ of$ life$ forms.$ Anyway,$ it$ is$ a$really$big$decision.”$$

“So,$ I$ spent$ six$ weeks$ on$ it$ in$ class.$ It$was$ fairly$ obvious$ that$ it$ was$ going$ to$make$ up$ a$ good$ chunk$ of$ the$ final.$ I$included$ an$ essay$ question$ that$ asked:$‘Do$ you$ agree$ with$ the$ Supreme$ Court$decision$ in$ The$ Harvard$ Mouse$ Case.$Articulate$why$or$why$not.’$I’d$say$about$one$ third$ of$ the$ class,$ (he$ pauses)$following$ the$ CANs,$ (longer$ pause)$ told$me$that$the$Supreme$Court$hadn’t$made$

its$ decision$ yet.$ I$ almost$ went$ ballistic.$So,$ that$was$ sort$ of$ the$worst$moment$of$CANs$for$me.”$

“There$ is$ nothing$more$ frustrating$ than$marking$ a$ set$ of$ finals$ and$ reading$ the$same$ answer$ over$ and$ over$ again,$ and$the$same$mistakes$over$and$over$again.$So,$ yeah,$ not$ a$ big$ fan$ of$ CANs.$ There$might$be$a$small$role$for$them$in$helping$you$make$ case$briefs,$ but$ the$ analogy$ I$use$is$that$using$someone$else’s$CANs$is$like$ wearing$ someone$ else’s$ clothes.$One$ time$ out$ of$ a$ hundred$ it$ might$actually$ fit$and$ look$okay,$but$ the$other$99$times$it$isn’t$gonna$fit.”$

“There$ is$no$substitute$ in$ law$school$ for$slogging$ through$ the$ material.$ That’s$part$ of$ it.$ The$ grind.$ I’m$ not$ saying$ the$LSA$ doesn’t$ do$ a$ good$ job$ in$ providing$them,$but$ students$have$no$ idea$ if$ they$are$using$the$CANs$of$the$gold$medalist,$or$ of$ someone$ who$ flunked$ out.$ So…$caveat$emptor.”$

“Do law students get

enough experience with

legal research and writing ?

“No. ”


I$warned$Dean$Phillipson$that$ the$next$question$ was$ probably$ the$ most$challenging$of$our$interview.$I$asked,$do$you$ interpret$ the$ purpose$ of$ the$ law$school$ to$ be$ the$ delivery$ of$ a$ classic$legal$education,$or$skills$training$for$the$profession?$

“I$ think$ this$ is$ the$ easiest$ question$ you$have$ asked$ me$ so$ far.$ I$ have$ a$ really$clear$answer.$Law$school$should$provide$a$ classic$ legal$ education.$ It$ is$ the$profession’s$ job$ to$ educate$ the$profession;$ it$ is$ law$ school’s$ job$ to$provide$you$with$the$skillset$that$makes$you$ profession$ ready$ but$ not$ practice$ready.$There$is$a$big$difference.”$

“What$ this$ school$ does$ well$ is$ produce$good$ generalists$ with$ a$ solid$ legal$education.$It$is$clear$to$me$from$meeting$many$ firms$ over$ the$ years$ that$(Continued$on$next$page)$

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that$ is$ what$ the$ profession$ likes.$ I$ am$

not$ going$ to$ mess$ with$ that.$ It$ has$

served$ us$ well$ for$ over$ a$ century.$ Our$

students$ have$ a$ great$ reputation$

because$ we$ deliver$ a$ classic$ legal$

education.$ I$ am$ absolutely$ clear$ on$


“There is no substitute in

law school for slogging

through the material.

That’s part of it.

The grind.”


The$ University$ of$ Saskatchewan$ is$currently$ engaged$ in$ the$ “University$Library$ Master$ Plan”,$ where$ all$ seven$branches$ of$ the$ University$ library$ will$be$ revitalized,$ refurbished,$ and$reimagined$ over$ the$ next$ decade$ to$stay$current$and$meet$the$needs$of$our$campus$ community.$ What$ do$ you$imagine$ to$ be$ the$ future$ of$ the$ Law$Library?$

“The$ Law$ Library$ needs$ a$ physical$

makeover.$ I$ don’t$ think$ there’s$ any$

question$ about$ that.$ It’s$ classic$ late$


libraries$ are$ sacred$ places.$ This$ one$ in$

particular$ is$very$dear$ to$alumni.$So,$we$

can$give$ it$ a$physical$makeover,$but$we$




“Lawyers$ love$ books$ –$ so$ it’s$ a$

challenge.$ $ In$ an$ increasingly$ paperless,$

digital$ world,$ what$ is$ the$ role$ of$ the$

book?$ We$ have$ to$ find$ a$ balance$

between$ that$ and$ preserving$ the$ legal$





be$no$ $


place$ of$ study$

and$ a$ place$ of$


a$ place$ of$



Do$ you$ think$ that$ students$ at$ the$College$ get$ enough$ experience$ in$ legal$research$and$writing?$

(Dean$ Phillipson$ answers$ before$ I$ have$even$finished$my$question)$


“My$ own$ personal$ view$ is$ that$ student$

should$ have$ legal$ research$ and$ writing,$


course$ of$ the$ degree.$ That$ will$ be$

something$that$I’ll$be$working$on.$ In$my$

discussions$ with$ the$ profession,$ it$ is$


“It’s$not$ just$about$being$a$good$writer.$


and$ briefing$ that$ I$ think$ we$ could$ be$

helping$ you$ to$ develop.$ Law$ students$

can$ be$ very$ sensitive$ when$ they$ get$

feedback$on$their$writing.$Law$school$ is$

hard$ because$ everyone$ is$ really$ bright.$

That$ being$ said,$ law$ is$ like$ learning$ a$

new$ language,$ and$ you$ can’t$ expect$ to$

be$ fluent$ in$ the$ first$ five$ minutes.$ Just$

like$ learning$ a$ language,$ you$ learn$ by$

doing.$ It’s$ a$ lifelong$ journey$ with$ the$


“It is law school’s job to

provide you with the

skillset that makes you

profession ready but not

practice ready. There is a

big difference.”


Some$ students$ have$ noticed$ that$ as$ a$College,$we$are$isolated$from$the$rest$of$the$ University.$ How$ do$ you$ see$ the$College’s$ relationship$ with$ the$ rest$ of$the$campus?$

“I$ think$ that$we$ need$ to$ be$ seen,$more$

involved,$ and$ more$ engaged$ with$ the$

rest$ of$ the$ campus.$One$ of$ the$ things$ I$

think$ I$bring$ to$ the$ table$ is$ five$years$of$

senior$ management$ experience$ on$

campus$ at$ a$ level$ higher$ than$ dean.$ I$

know$ a$ lot$ of$ people$ on$ campus,$ and$ I$

know$ the$ school$ very$well.$When$ I$ said$


about$ the$ school,$ I$ meant$ internally$ as$


“I$ worked$ over$ at$ the$ U$ of$ S$ Medical$

School$ for$ four$ years,$ and$ one$ of$ the$

things$ I$ learned$ there$ was$ the$

importance$ of$ interjprofessional$

education.$ Working$ with$ other$


excellent$ job$ at$ that.$ I$ also$ do$ want$ to$

think$ about$ law$ students$ working$ with$

other$ professions$ in$ some$ way.$ Those$

are$ going$ to$ be$ your$ clients$ someday.$

They$ will$ be$ accountants,$ bankers,$

doctors,$ engineers.$ I$ think$ that$ a$ long$


of$ interjprofessional$ education$ to$ the$

College.$ There$ are$ social$ and$


“The principle of

diminishing marginal

returns applies to the

reading of cases.”


“Again,$ if$ law$ is$ like$ learning$ a$ new$

language,$ you$ also$ have$ to$ learn$ the$

language$ of$ your$ clients.$ It$ is$ about$


some$ exposure$ to$ how$ these$ other$

disciplines$ and$ professions$ work$ during$

law$ school.$ It$ could$ be$ a$ big$ benefit.$

Remember,$ I’m$ not$ talking$ about$ skills$

training,$ but$ I$ do$ believe$ that$ we$ can$

introduce$you$ in$the$context$of$a$classic$

legal$ education$ to$ your$ clients$ of$ the$

future.”$ (Could$ this$ mean$ inter?professional$ college$networking$ events$ in$the$future?$Time$will$tell)$

What$ is$ one$ piece$ of$ advice$ that$ you$could$offer$to$law$students?$

“Balance…$ and,$ the$ principle$ of$

diminishing$ marginal$ returns$ applies$ to$

the$ reading$of$ cases.$ The$balance$piece$

means,$ don’t$ let$ law$ school$ take$ over$

your$ life.$ I$ mean,$ it$ does.$ It’s$ all$

encompassing.$ But,$ law$ school$ is$

stressful.$ We$ have$ students$ who$ have$



to$ add$ to$ the$ stress.$ Balance$ and$

collegiality$ are$ so$ important.$Be$a$ team$


We$ ended$ our$ interview$ with$ a$ couple$light?hearted$ questions.$ (Continued$ on$next$page)$

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If$ you$ were$ to$ get$ rid$ of$ one$ state$ in$ the$USA,$which$one$would$it$be$and$why?$$

(He$ thinks$ about$ it,$ and$ jokes$ that$ the$ goofy$questions$ are$ harder$ than$ the$ substantive$ones!)$ “The$ state$ of$ collective$unconsciousness.”$ (He$ e?mailed$ me$ later$ to$credit$ lyrics$from$“Television:$the$Drug$of$the$Nation”$by$Disposable$Heroes$of$Hiphoprisy)$


“Loved.$ (long$pause)$BUT,$as$Dean$you$have$to$ know$ that$ not$ everybody’s$ gonna$ love$you.$I$don’t$want$to$be$feared,$but$I$do$want$to$be$respected.”$$

At$ the$ close$ of$ our$ interview,$Dean$Phillipson$shakes$my$hand$firmly$and$tells$me$that$he$ is$off$ to$ “argue$ with$ somebody$ about$ his$ car.”$$He$then$hurries$out$of$his$office$and$out$of$my$sight.$$

Dean$ Phillipson$ has$ a$ contagious$ sense$ of$urgency$ about$ him,$ and$ I$ felt$ a$ buzz$ of$

excitement$ while$ reflecting$ on$ our$conversation.$

$As$I$left$the$College$to$move$my$car$out$of$the$10?minute$ max$ loading$ zone$ in$ the$ law$ loop$where$ I$ had$ left$ it$ for$ the$ entirety$ of$ our$interview,$one$thought$lingered$in$my$mind:$$


The Dissent The$College$of$Law’s$Own$Band$

By: Tom$Hall$(3L),$lead$vocalist

I$ know$ you.$ $ In$ fact,$ we$ are$ not$ so$different.$ You$ are$ not$ merely$ a$ logical$robot$ programmed$ to$ read$dry,$ endless$case$ law—I$ mean$ sure,$ you$ made$ it$ to$law$ school,$ but$ there$ is$ much$ more$ to$you$than$that.$$$

You$ have$ a$ love$ for$ music$ engrained$deeply$ in$ your$ soul.$ You$ know$ that$ just$the$right$lyric$can$stamp$itself$onto$your$heart,$and$create$a$permanent$brand$of$shared$ experience$with$ the$writer.$ $ You$have$ felt$ the$ high$ one$ only$ gets$ from$performance;$ when$ your$ fingers$ strike$just$ the$ right$ combination$ of$ notes$ and$the$ room$ is$ filled$ with$ your$ harmony.$You$are$one$of$us.$

We$ love$music$ too,$and$we$believe$ that$it$was$meant$to$be$shared.$We$are$“The$Dissent”$–$a$highjenergy$creative$outlet$for$musicians$in$the$College$of$Law.$$We$don’t$ like$ to$ toot$ our$ own$ horns$ (aye,$thank$you),$but$we$encourage$you$to$ask$around$and$get$a$feel$for$what$we$are$all$about.$ This$ year,$ in$ addition$ to$continuing$ the$ traditional$Dissent$Night$concert$ where$ the$ charity$ that$ Legal$Follies$ will$ fundraise$ for$ is$ announced,$and$headlining$“The$Legal$Follies$Variety$Show”,$ we$ hope$ to$ perform$ at$ some$corporate$ events$ at$ some$ Saskatoon$firms.$$$















We$ are$ also$ excited$ to$ announce$ that$this$ year$ we$ will$ be$ hosting$ lowjpressure,$ open$ calls$ to$ all$ aspiring$Dissenters,$ regardless$ of$ skill$ level$ or$experience!$Dates$TBD.$$

$Our$ doors$ are$ open$ whether$ you$ want$to$be$a$core$member,$a$guest$musician,$or$ just$come$and$have$a$ jam.$Now,$ let’s$bring$the$music.$


























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Pro Bono Students Canada


By: Sarah$Nordin$(3L),$Lara$Bonokoski$(3L),$and$Alexandra$Santos$(2L)$

Who* We* Are:* Pro$Bono$Students$ $Canada$ (PBSC)$ is$ a$national,$ multiple$award$ winning$ law$student$program$$that$ provides$ legal$services$without$ $charge$to$ $organizations$ and$ individuals$ in$ need$across$Canada.$$

The$ University$ of$ Saskatchewan$ PBSC$Chapter$ works$ with$ 25$ to$ 30$organizations$ in$ Saskatoon$ to$ place$ 100$law$student$volunteers$who$provide$over$6000$ hours$ of$ pro$ bono$ legal$ services$each$academic$year.$

Placements$require$3j5$hours$of$work$per$week.$ This$ year’s$ roster$ includes:$CLASSIC$ (WAC,$ LAC,$ SIP,$ Research);$presentations$ about$ consent$ in$ high

schools; internships with various law

firms$ in$ Saskatoon;$ Elizabeth$ Fry$Society;$and$the$Family$Legal$Assistance$Clinic.$To$see$the$full$ list$of$projects$visit$our$website.$

Benefits* of* Volunteering* with* PBSC:*Practical$Legal$Experience;$building$your$resume;$increasing$access$to$justice;$and$community$building$and$networking.$*

Learn* more* about* PBSC:* Stop$ by$ our$office$ (Room$ 81),$ send$ us$ an$ email,$ or$join$ us$ at$ our$ Information* Session*September* 8th,* 2016* @* at* 11:30* in*Room 150. •

The Corporate Law Club

By: Carson$Wetter,$(2L),$President$


On$September$17,$the$CLC$will$$once$ again$ be$ hosting$ everybody’s$favourite$fall$social$event:$Pub$Golf.$Stay$tuned$for$more$details.$$The$Club$will$also$host$a$tour$of$injhouse$counsels’$ offices$ in$ Saskatoon.$ This$event$ provides$ an$ opportunity$ to$ see$what$ a$ lawyer’s$ role$ and$ function$ is$within$ a$ business.$ The$ lawyers$ involved$will$ explain$ the$ benefits$ of$ working$ injhouse,$ rather$ than$ in$ a$ firm,$ as$ well$ as$what$ they$ had$ to$ give$ up$ for$ the$exchange.$

The$ CLC$ will$ also$ host$ a$ guest$ speaker$who$ will$ discuss$ his/her$ experiences$working$in$corporate$law.$$We$also$hope$to$ add$ a$ new$ event$ this$ year$ j$ a$meetjandjgreet$ with$ lawyers$ from$ small$ and$mediumjsized$ corporate$ firms$ in$Saskatoon.$

The$CLC$will$be$holding$an$informal$and$yetjtojbejscheduled$ meeting$ this$September.$•$





















$$$Below:$2Ls$chatting$with$The$Honourable$Justice$ Rosalie$ Silberman$ Abella,$ of$ the$Supreme$ Court$ of$ Canada$ after$ her$lecture$ presented$ by$ PBSC$ in$ March$ 0f$2015$$












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By: Leon$Thomson$(3L),$President


The$ Indigenous$ Law$ Students$ Association(ILSA)$ would$ like$ to$welcome$you$back$and$ invite$you$to$ join$us$this$school$year$by$becoming$a$member$and$keeping$updated$with$ILSA$events$and$initiatives.$$

ILSA$ is$ an$ independent,$ autonomous,$ notjforjprofit$ volunteer$organization.$ The$ objectives$ and$ purpose$ of$ the$ organization$are:$$

To$ Foster$ a$ community$ of$ academic,$ professional$ and$ social$support$among$Indigenous$students$in$the$College$of$Law;$

To$ Represent$ and$ support$ the$ academic$ and$ professional$interests$of$Indigenous$students$at$the$College$of$Law;$and,$


Membership$ is$ free$ and$ is$ open$ to$ all$ UofS$ law$ students$ who$have$selfjidentified$as$being$of$First$Nations,$ Inuit$and/or$Métis$ancestry.$ ILSA$ also$ welcomes$ and$ encourages$ associate$memberships$ for$ any$ person,$ regardless$ of$ ethnicity,$ who$expresses$ a$ genuine$ interest$ in$ Indigenous$ culture$ and$Indigenous$legal$issues.$$

Some$ILSA$initiatives$to$look$forward$to$this$school$year$include:$soup$and$bannock$lunches,$guest$speakers,$the$Halloween$party$and$ Legal$ Follies$ after$ party,$ cultural$ teachings,$ community$involvement,$and$the$yearjend$ILSA$Graduation$Banquet.$

To$become$a$member,$ join$“ALSA”$on$the$U$of$S$PAWS$group$(we$are$in$the$process$of$a$name$change).$•$



By: Kelsey$Corrigan$(3L),$USask$Chapter$President

Level$(previously$Canadian$Lawyers$Abroad)$is$a$club$that$gives$law$ students$ the$ opportunity$ to$ foster$ social$ change$ through$law.$ The$ University$ of$ Saskatchewan$ joins$ 16$ other$ chapters$across$Canada$and$unites$law$students$who$share$an$interest$in$equality$and$human$rights.$$

Level$ hosts$ many$ exciting$ events$ throughout$ the$ year,$ giving$members$the$opportunity$to$fundraise,$engage$with$the$student$body,$ raise$ awareness$ about$ critical$ issues,$ and$ effect$substantive$positive$change.$ In$addition,$Level$provides$a$great$way$to$socialize$outside$of$the$classroom$and$get$to$know$your$fellow$ law$students,$especially$ those$elusive$3Ls$ that$are$never$on$campus.$$

Some$ of$ the$ events$ that$ Level$ hosted$ last$ year$ include:$ trivia$nights,$ a$ clothing$ drive,$ piejinjthejface,$ a$ panel$ on$ human$trafficking,$and$a$very$dramatic$season$of$assassins$(1Ls,$you$will$know$what$ assassins$ is$ soon).$We$ also$ participated$ in$ another$successful$ year$ of$ the$ Dare$ to$ Dream$ program,$ an$ innovative$

justice$ education$ program$ that$ provides$ law$ students$with$ the$opportunity$to$engage$with$Aboriginal$youth$and$educate$them$about$the$justice$system.$$

This$ year,$ Level$ will$ focus$ on$ the$ theme$ of$ “Women’s$ Rights”$and$explore$ issues$ including:$missing$and$murdered$Indigenous$women,$ economic$ rights$ for$women,$ reproductive$ and$mental$health,$exploitation$of$women,$and$women$and$armed$conflict.$$

If$you$are$passionate$about$these$issues$and$want$to$break$down$barriers$in$law,$this$is$the$club$for$you.$$We$are$always$excited$to$welcome$ new$ members$ and$ hear$ fresh$ ideas$ for$ potential$events.$First$years$have$always$been$active$in$club$participation$and$will$have$plenty$of$opportunities$to$take$on$leadership$roles$this$year.$The$first$Level$meeting$will$occur$shortly$after$school$starts,$so$keep$your$eyes$open$for$meeting$updates.•$

CONTACT$INFORMATION$j$LEVEL$E@mail:[email protected]$






The Indigenous Law Students’

Association (ILSA) $


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Just Rights

By: Ravinder$Chana$(3L),$PresidentAre$you$a$socially$conscious$law$student$looking$to$make$a$difference?$Then$Just$Rights$is$the$club$for$you!$$

Just$Rights$is$a$student$led$group$with$a$mandate$ to$ raise$ awareness$ about$human$rights.$$

Our$previous$year$was$one$of$the$Club’s$most$ successful$ to$ date.$ It$ was$ capped$off$ with$ a$ record$ breaking$ amount$ of$money$ raised$ for$ the$ Elizabeth$ Fry$Society$ of$ Saskatoon$ at$ our$ Annual$Painting$Justice$Art$Auction.$$

We$also$put$together$an$advocacy$letter$writing$ workshop$ led$ by$ city$ councillor$Charlie$Clark,$and$hosted$an$Art$and$Eat$event.$$

The$ club$ also$ raises$ awareness$ by$coordinating$ a$ justice$ week,$ something$we$ will$ continue$ to$ do$ this$ year$ from$October$ 17$ –$ 21.$ We$ will$ also$ organize$visits$ to$ the$Regional$Psychiatric$Centre$to$ explore$ human$ rights$ issues$ first$hand.•$


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Green Legal By: Justine Shenher (2L), and Taylor

Anne Yee (3L), Co-Presidents

Green$ Legal$ is$ a$ student$ club$ that$ aims$to$ increase$ environmental$ awareness$and$ involvement$ within$ the$ College$ of$Law,$build$environmental$law$and$policy$analysis$ skills$ among$ members,$ and$support$ communityjbased$ nonjgovernmental$organizations$through$law$and$policy$research.$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Green$Legal$works$on$various$grassroots$initiatives$ identified$ by$members$ of$ the$club.$Last$ year,$ we$ participated$ in$Sustainability$Week$by$creating$a$display$reflecting$each$federal$party’s$stance$on$the$environment$during$the$election.$We$also$ cojorganized$ a$ campusjwide$ event$called$ EcoBash,$ had$ nachos$ with$environmental$ lawyers$ to$ learn$ about$their$ experience$ in$ the$ profession,$ and$provided$ and$washed$ reusable$mugs$ to$law$ students$ to$ reduce$ waste.$ $We$ also$introduced$ vermicomposting$ to$ the$College,$which$was$a$great$success.$•$



By: Tyler$Evans$(3L),$President

The$ Criminal$ Law$ Club$ (CLC)$ is$ a$relatively$ new$ club$ at$ the$ College.$ The$club$ is$open$to$anyone$ interested$ in$ the$practice$ of$ either$ criminal$ defense$ or$public$prosecutions.$$$

The$ mandate$ of$ the$ CLC$ is$ to$ raise$awareness$ about$ and$ provide$ access$ to$the$ criminal$ defense$ and$ prosecutions$bar$ in$Saskatoon$ and$beyond.$The$Club$also$exists$to$help$educate$members$and$the$student$body$about$current$issues$in$Criminal$ Law.$Members$ of$ the$ CLC$ can$attend$ meetings$ of$ the$ Saskatoon$Criminal$Defense$Lawyers$Association.$$

Last$ year$ the$ CLC$ coordinated$ tours$ of$both$ the$ Saskatoon$ Police$ Station$ and$the$ Psychiatric$ Hospital$ in$ North$Battleford.$ We$ hosted$ three$ speakers:$criminal$ defense$ practitioner$ and$criminal$ procedure$ Professor$ Bill$ Roe,$former$ dean$ The$ Honourable$ Judge$Sanjeev$ Anand$ and$ criminal$ defense$practitioner$ Brian$ Pfefferle.$ $ We$ also$featured$ presentations$ where$ students$described$ their$ experiences$ in$ the$Criminal$ Law$ Practicum$ Program,$ the$summer$ student$ program$ in$ Public$Prosecutions,$ and$ the$ Clinical$ Intensive$Program$at$CLASSIC.$$

This$ year,$ the$ CLC$ hopes$ to$ facilitate$more$ tours$ and$bring$ in$more$ speakers.$We$ are$ interested$ in$ new$ and$ active$members,$and$are$working$to$become$a$helpful$ resource$ for$ students$ interested$in$Criminal$Law.•$




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Criminal Law Club $

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The$ legal$ theory$ and$philosophy$ reading$group$will$meet$ once$each$month$during$the$academic$year$to$discuss$a$paper$or$book$dealing$with$issues$in$legal$theory$or$legal$philosophy.$$

The$members$ of$ the$ reading$ group$ select$ readings$ at$ the$ first$meeting$of$the$year.$One$member$will$be$responsible$for$leading$the$ discussion$ at$ each$ meeting.$ Membership$ is$ open$ to$ all$students$ at$ the$ College$ of$ Law:$ knowledge$ of$ legal$ theory$ or$philosophy$is$not$a$condition$for$membership.$









By: Mike$Crampton$(3L),$Evan$Hutchison$(3L),$and$Jon$Milani$(3L),$Managing$Editors

The$ Saskatchewan$ Law$ Review$ is$ an$ academic$ journal$ that$features$peerjreviewed$articles$on$topics$of$ interest$to$ lawyers,$judges,$ and$ academics.$ The$ Law$ Review$ has$ a$ long$ and$distinguished$ history:$ first$ published$ as$ the$ Saskatchewan$ Bar$Review$ in$ 1936,$ it$ has$ featured$ the$ writing$ of$ Supreme$ Court$justices$and$leading$academics$alongside$those$of$students$and$practicing$ lawyers$ from$across$ the$ country.$ The$Law$Review$ is$distributed$ to$every$practicing$ lawyer$ in$Saskatchewan,$ and$ to$academic$institutions$across$Canada$and$abroad.$Its$articles$are$often$cited$by$academics$and$the$courts.$

The$ Editorial$ Board$ of$ the$ Law$ Review$ is$ composed$ of$ nine$secondjyear$and$nine$thirdjyear$students,$chosen$by$the$Faculty$Advisor.$Law$school$grades$are$the$primary$qualification$for$the$Board,$ but$ relevant$ experience,$ especially$ publishing$experience,$ is$ also$ considered.$ The$ Board$ meets$ every$ Friday$during$the$academic$year$to$review$submissions,$discuss$policy,$and$distribute$editing$assignments,$which$are$completed$during$the$week.$Students$ also$write$book$notes$–$ concise$ reviews$of$lawjrelated$ books$ –$ that$ are$ published$ in$ the$ Law$ Review.$Student$editors$receive$academic$credit$for$their$work.$$

















intellectual$ property$ law,$ to$ bankruptcy$ and$ insolvency.$ Your$work$ will$ be$ made$ anonymous$ and$ reviewed$ by$ the$ Board,$which$may$select$it$for$publication.$Publishing$in$the$Law$Review$is$ an$ excellent$ addition$ to$ your$ curriculum$ vitae,$ and$ a$ way$ to$signal$your$credibility$as$a$legal$writer$and$researcher.$$

Submission$guidelines$are$found$on$the$Law$Review$webpage$on$the$ College’s$ website,$ or$ on$ the$ inside$ cover$ of$ any$ printed$issue.$•$



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The Legal Theory and Philosophy Reading Group $By: Mike$Crampton$(3L),$and$Evan$Hutshison$(3L),$Founders


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Legal Follies and Dissent Night By: Madasan$Yates$(3L)

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If$ you$are$an$upperjyear$ this$ term,$ then$you$either$went$ to$Law$Games$and$had$the$ time$ of$ your$ life,$ or$ did$ not$ go$ and$realized$ what$ a$ horrible$ mistake$ you$made$ when$ all$ your$ classmates$ came$back$ and$ recounted$ their$ tales$ of$ glory.$$Law$ Games$ is$ a$ gathering$ of$ 700+$ law$students$ from$ across$ the$ country,$ who$convene$at$one$ law$school$ for$ four$days$of$ sports,$ academic$ competitions$ and$social$events.$ $$The$ object$ of$ Law$ Games$ is$ to$ field$ a$team$ of$ students$ who$ will$ crush$ the$sports$ (or$ at$ least$ make$ it$ to$ all$ their$games$ on$ time)$ and$ still$ go$ out$ every$night$ and$ beat$ Ottawa$ U$ at$ 15$ person$flip$cup,$or$stop$the$Sherbrooke$Machine$in$ yet$ another$ chugging$ contest.$$$$

Points$ earned$ in$ competition$ count$toward$ different$ cups.$ $One$ such$ cup$ is$the$ Talent$ Cup,$ which$ USask$ won$ in$2015$ in$ Halifax$ (mostly$ thanks$ to$ Tom$Hall,$ who$ overcame$ the$ team’s$ poorly$planned$ Lion$ King$ display).$ In$ 2016,$USask$dominated$the$sports$with$a$team$of$athletic$beasts.$These$mongrels$made$it$ to$ nearly$ every$ semijfinal,$ winning$events$ such$ as$ indoor$ soccer,$ and$brought$ home$ the$ Athletic$ Cup.$$$USask$is$all$about$the$Spirit$Cup.$We$go$out$ to$ our$ games,$ we$ play$ respectfully$and$ are$ sportsmanlike$ (unless$ I$ am$ on$the$ team).$ We$ hang$ out$ with$ other$schools$ and,$ with$ a$ charm$ emblematic$of$Saskatchewan,$we$are$easily$the$most$fun$and$most$liked$school.$ It’s$almost$as$if$the$Spirit$Cup$was$made$for$USask.$$


If$ you$ think$ you$ can$ be$ a$ part$ of$ our$shenanigans,$ then$ I$ encourage$ you$ to$apply$to$join$Law$Games.$$You$will$return$home$ beat$ up$ and$ bruised,$ sleepjdeprived,$ and$ severely$ dehydrated,$ but$with$ the$ honour$ of$ having$ represented$your$school$at$Law$Games.$

The$theme$this$year$ is$“Game$of$Laws,”$a$nod$to$the$popular$HBO$series$“Game$of$ Thrones.”$ The$ theme$ will$ give$ Law$Games$a$more$ regal$ feel$ and$give$me$a$reason$ to$ wear$ a$ Daenerys$ Targaryen$outfit.$ Keep$ an$ eye$ on$ your$ emails$ for$more$information$later$in$September!$•$















$ $$$$$$$$$The$2016$USask$Law$Games$team$in$Sherbrooke,$Québec.$$


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $

Law Games – “Game of Laws” – UBC 2017 By: Jenna$Killam$(3L), Lead$organizer$and$twojtime$attendee$





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Martin Phillipson




Extrovert, Talkative



A good red from the Rhone Valley.


a)! Dance$b)!Cry$c)! Laugh$$d)!Argue$e)!Other:$$

The$ song$ that$ always$ gets$ me$ on$the$dance$floor$is:$$

“Love Shack” by The B-52’s.

The$ best$ thing$ about$ Saturday$night$is:$

Sunday sleep in.


Dogs. Cats are Selfish. !



Potato chips


a)! Graduating$from$law$school$b)!Getting$a$high$score$on$my$LSAT$c)! Becoming$Dean$of$the$College$of$Law$d)!Other: Meeting “Rush”

My work in the med school at the U of S.


Neil Peart from “Rush” $


“The Third Man”, “Sullivan’s Travels” and anything directed by Preston Sturges




People who diss BlackBerrys.


C in Criminal Law.


Take setbacks gracefully. That’s when people are watching.

Draw a picture of yourself below:

I cannot draw to save my life. •

C A V E A T • Q U I Z

Dean Martin Phillipson

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!!!!!!!!!!!!|!Volume!13,!Issue!1!!!!!!! 20!













Perks of your 2016-2017 Law Students’ Association Membership by!Jared!Dunlop!(3L),!and!Annie!Quangtakoune!(3L)!

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!!!!!!!!!!!!|!Volume!13,!Issue!1!!!!!!! 19!












































































24! 25!Law'Review'


26! 27!CBA'“Meet'your'Match”'Reception'@'







! ! ! ! !



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Make The Caveat Great Again
