La Ropa y las vacaciones Kate Cavanaugh Context : Ss have just started a unit using clothing vocab. As their spring break is coming up next week, we will discuss what type of clothing they usually take and ss will plan a vacation to a Spanish speaking country, including their packing list for the trip. Content Objectives: Ss will become more comfortable using clothing vocab and will also learn a few new words/verbs that may help them. Language Objectives: Ss will write, listen and speak in order to create their packing list and share their vacation plans with the class. Materials: Pwpt and accompanying handout (both designed by me), white board & markers, ss vocab lists. Procedure: Activity 1: Introduce info about packing, vacations 1. Ask students to take out their vocab lists while I set up. 2. Remind students that their spring break is coming up (as if they need the reminder) and ask for volunteers to share where they are going, if anywhere. Write a few of these to the side on the white board at front of room. 3. Based on responses, ask students whether these places are hot or cold this time of year and whether they could wear the same type of clothing to each place. (If both hot and cold places are volunteered, obviously not going to wear same clothes!) 4. Tell students where I went on Spring Break a few weeks ago, having them guess which type of clothes I

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La Ropa y las vacacionesKate Cavanaugh

Context: Ss have just started a unit using clothing vocab. As their spring break is coming up next week, we will discuss what type of clothing they usually take and ss will plan a vacation to a Spanish speaking country, including their packing list for the trip.

Content Objectives: Ss will become more comfortable using clothing vocab and will also learn a few new words/verbs that may help them.

Language Objectives: Ss will write, listen and speak in order to create their packing list and share their vacation plans with the class.

Materials: Pwpt and accompanying handout (both designed by me), white board & markers, ss vocab lists.


Activity 1: Introduce info about packing, vacations1. Ask students to take out their vocab lists while I set up.

2. Remind students that their spring break is coming up (as if they need the reminder) and ask for volunteers to share where they are going, if anywhere. Write a few of these to the side on the white board at front of room.

3. Based on responses, ask students whether these places are hot or cold this time of year and whether they could wear the same type of clothing to each place. (If both hot and cold places are volunteered, obviously not going to wear same clothes!)

4. Tell students where I went on Spring Break a few weeks ago, having them guess which type of clothes I probably packed for my trip (example of what they should do).

5. After they have guessed (in Spanish) a few things that I probably packed, I will show them a few clip art pics of what I brought.

Transition: Explain to students that this was an example of what they’ll be doing, as I pass out the handout explaining what exactly they’ll be doing.

Activity 2: 1. Ask for a volunteer to read the directions aloud, giving a recap afterwards in English with the help of the students. Students will (individually) make a list of what they themselves will (or would) pack for their vacation, including at least ten items. In pairs, they will give a mini presentation to the class, telling us all where their partner is going and what items they plan to bring with them.

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2. Remind them that this will be similar to their fashion show that they are working on for later in the week and will be GREAT practice speaking in front of the class!

3. Once finished, all ss will present his/her partner’s info to the class.

Standards: This activity lends itself to the Communications section of the ACTFL and MiWL Communication Standards 1.1 and 1.3 (Interpersonal and Presentational Communication, respectively). Students will be able to communicate in various forms (speaking, listening, and writing). This also applies to MiWL Standard 4.1 Comparing Languages, allowing students to make comparisons and identify similarities between Spanish and English.

Support of CO & LO: This lesson aligns itself with the objectives of having ss listen and speak to one another, as well as writing in the TL in order to complete their assignment. They will be using not only the vocab they have been studying but also a few new words that will help them in their mini presentations.

Use of English: The class in which I am currently working uses a combination of Spanish & English (Spanglish). The Intern and my mentor teacher both try to use as much Spanish with the students as possible, but as this is a first year class, the teachers usually use Spanish and repeat it in English so they students will understand better. I will attempt to follow the same pattern, using as much Spanish as I can while still keeping the students on track with a bit of English.

Visual Aspects: The Powerpoint will keep students attention during the time in which I will be speaking (hopefully!). The background is vacation themed, so students should have no trouble realizing what we will be talking about. Pictures of clothing, paired with the written words will also aid in their understanding. The handout will be a brief description of their mini-assignment, with a simple layout.