CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

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Page 1: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


Page 2: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


Culver Community High School Culver, Indiana 46511

Page 3: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

A s a n o t h e r y e a r c o m e s t o a c lose , w e Re­f l e c t B a c k o n m e m o r i e s . W e r e m e m b e r t h e t i m e s p e n t in c l a s s r o o m s , t h e c a m a r a d e r i e be­t w e e n f r i e n d s , t h e t h r i l l o f s p o r t s , t h e u n i t y o f o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d t h e e v e r y d a y a d v e n t u r e s o f s t u d e n t l i f e . W e h o p e t o h a v e c a p t u r e d f o r y o u these m o m e n t s t o t r i g g e r p e r s o n a l m e m o r i e s f o r e a ch a n d e v e r y o n e .

Page 4: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


1. A. Fox signing autographs. 2. M. Garret gobbling up the cafeteria's goodies. 3. J . Kline posing for her future centerfold. 4. M. Pratt^and J . Dunfee taking a break. 5. C. Sage and P. Hinsey. Pat never bites the hand that feeds him. 6. D. Smith, J . Lentz, and J . Ahlenius exhibiting their senior pride.

Page 5: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


1. B. Taiclet bursting her bubble.. 2. The not so unusual look of C. Stacy between classes. 3. B. Johnson giving us his look of confi­dence and determination. 4. K. Keller sur­rounded by her two body guards, M. Elliott and A. Hanselman. 5. T. Dancy flashing his bucks. 6. "Father " C. Good showing us his future plans. 7. T. Carlos enjoying his car-mel onion during this year's Homecoming Festivities. 8. M. Duffin resting up from a rough night. 9. R. Lee reliving his childhood days.

Page 6: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

BE YOURSELF! 1. B. Knepper filling his face with Home­

coming Spirit. 2. L. Garbison finds some­thing amusing to smile about. 3. D. Cooper having a little fun at lunch. 4. D. Duffin shows that there is something more in his head than just rocks, 5. I . Doll , R. Williams, J . Bendy, D. Lewis, K. Wildes, G. Smith, and K. Elliott. The out to lunch bunch, in the sun. 6. B. Baker, E. Szymezak, R. Goodman, and L. Wynn. Super Sexy Seniors showing us some legs! 7. S. Personette day-dreaming about where he'd like to be. 8. D. Lowry and S. Overmeyer giving each other a helping leg.

Page 7: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


1. T . Cooper is always blowing out hot air. 2. D. Uidl as a long haired hippy for punk rock day. 3. N. Ash giving a lot of advice. 4. S. Currens, T . Hudd-leston as they do over L. Girton. 5. D. Mackey, cat woman, smiles at another fan. 6. K. Robertson, the teen look for punk rock day. 7. R. Beach, the cool look. 8. Hard head C. Miller, protects himself from falling ceiling tiles. 9. B. Vantwood and T. Goodman brought their beds to school with them.

I I A, 0

Page 8: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 9: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

1. S. Overmyer and R. Shrader 2. P. Hershberger and S. Stayton 3. K. Keller and A. Hanselman 4. R. Goodman and G. Hallinan 5. J . Washburn and S. Crull 6. K. Woodward and S. Frettinger 7. M. Zehner and J . Flagg 8. M. Rogers and T . Burns 9. T . Hudd-leston and M. Thompson 10. A. Coby and C . Hunneshagen 11. M. Wynn and R. Beach 12. D. Lowry and T . Posthuma 13. P. Woodward and B. Ash 14. T . Overmyer and S. Bennett AH couples weren't available for pictures.

Page 10: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Remember the moments of Student Life . . . the first football game, homecoming activities, Christ­mas break, the excitement of the home crowds, making new friends, the new songs, good movies, the new* fads, the preparation for the prom, and finally graduation day. Along with many many more, Reflect Back . . .

6. T . Hesters — hard at work. 7. C . Sanders — sure can boogie. 8. V. Carne­gie and M. Mayfield — what character! 9. T . Carlos and K. Wildes — being buried alive. 10. D. Lowry, D. Dickey, and C . Banks — playing it cool. 11. S. Overmyer and R. Schrader — "Lo s t in Love " .

Page 11: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

ACTIVITIES School Activities allow students to grow and develop. Through activities we

experience many good times. Remember Homecoming . . . the Sweetheart Dance the Prom and Graduation. Remember the great times . . . Reflect Back.

Page 12: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

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1. Juniors show off their # 1 homecoming float. 2. S. Bennett, B. Master, M. Thompson, T. Bennett, and M. Elliott — trucking their way to a victory. 3. S. Smith and T. Posthuma — homecoming queen and her escort. 4. L. Bendy and R. Beach — L. Bendy accepts the award for the Junior class for 1st place in the homecoming float contest. 5. B. Valiquet participates in the tricycle race.

6. M. Wynn escaping the grasp of the opponent. 7. Culver's band leads the homecoming parade. 8. K. Van De Putte has the homecoming spirit. 9. Jorja Jones, crowns S. Smith 1981-82 homecoming queen, as her escort, T . Posthuma, looks on. 10. Cavalier football players anxiously awaiting a touchdown.

Homecoming was a spectacular event this year. The annual float contest and club activities created lots of enthusiasm. Included in the activities were an egg toss, a tricycle race, and a potato sack race. The CCHS band led a beautiful parade of homecoming floats through town. The Junior class took 1st place in the float contest with their "Whale of a T eam" float.

That evening, last year's queen, Jorja Jones, crowned Shan Smith homecoming queen and the winners of the afternoon events accepted their awards.

During the game, fans cheered and created lots of excitement. The events were quite successful which made an evening to be remembered.

Page 13: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


1. The National Help You Out Year Week crew urgently prepares a daring rescue. 2. R. Schmidt doubtfully views the rescue situation. 3. A Zehner leads his people. 4. A Lawson enjoys the glamorous side of being a drowning man's wife. 5. R. Harris insists that he has the only possible rescue plan.

This year's fall play was "Was He Anyone?" The play was based on life and used a drowning man to show how ridiculous all the red tape involved in even common situations can get. To begin with, he jumped overboard and was thrown a life preserver. He could have been rescued at that point, but that would have been to easy. Instead, his wife had to contact a professional rescue agency that could make the arrangements to get him out of the water. The press was contacted and his plight

closely followed by the world. A piano was pushed into the water for him to play and he was given a floating platform to stand on so that he did not have to thread water. After twenty-seven months, all the arrangements were made and the rescue operation was about to begin when all their efforts to keep him afloat failed and he went under for the last time, making a mockery of all their involved planning.

* A

<;' Jf 6. K. Mallory does a one woman charade of "Th i s is a Pleasure C ru i s e? " 7. R. Harris conscienciously sticks to business while A. Zehner dreams of following pleasure. 8. A. Fox serves her country by diligently standing behind it. 9. N. Frettinger sees the bright side of a two year rescue operation. 10. K. Mallory, C . Hildebrand, and K. Robertson mourn the dearly departed drowned man.

Page 14: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Mmyl982 The first Sweetheart Dance took place in March of

1969. It was the brainchild of Mr. Stephan Brown, the FFA advisor at that time. The dance was to bring some cultural enrichment into school life. Another aspect of the dance was to crown the FFA chapter Sweetheart Queen and the FHA chapter Mr. Personality. The 1969 Sweetheart Dance has since become an annual event. The dance has always been semi-formal and all students have been invited to participate.

This year's dance took many months of preparation for each of the sponsoring clubs; FFA and FHA. FFA, headed by advisor Weldon Hicks and President Steve Shank, put in a considerable amount of time and hard work to make this year's dance a success. FHA, headed by advisor Barb Winters and President Susan Currens, helped us with the long hours of making the dance worthwhile. Other important people who helped with the program include: T im Posthuma, Vice-President of FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. A l l who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally arrived.

The night's events were started by the band North Side Station. The band played a large medley of popular songs. The cafeteria was an array of reds and pinks. The mood was set by the hanging crystal ball and the silvery stars strung from the ceiling. The highlight of the evening was the crowning of the Sweetheart Queen and Mr. Personality. Excitement rose as the program began with T im Posthuma and Rhonda Goodman officiating. Tammy Engel and Mike Thompson certainly felt the crowd's electricity as they were crowned the 1982 Sweetheart Queen and Mr. Personality. Michelle Hyland and Mike Elliott, were first runners-up. A l l will reflect back and remember March 19, 1982.

1. - 1982 Sweetheart Court. J . Alhenius, K. Elliott, D. Lewis, R. Shrader, K. Reinhold, M. Hyland, T . Engel, M. Thompson, M. Elliott, C . Slyh, C Shidaker, J . Rickman, D. Lowry, K. Keller, 2. - R. Shrader, B. Quivey — Snuggling together. 3. — S. Arthurholtz, J . Lentz — talking about the night's events. 4. — J . Flagg, M. Zehner — Having some fun. 5. — T . Overmyer — acting wild n' crazy. 6. — J . Allyn. 7. — A. Hanselman. 8. — D. Walters, J . Tanner, and guests. 9. — M. Thompson, T . Engel — 1982 Sweetheart Queen and Mr. Personality — Dancing to the theme song.

Page 15: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally




Two young women go to New York to escape from the clutches of their protective family. Each comes to fulfill her own dreams. Ruth, played by K. Mallory, is determined to become an editor and thinks she finds a job. It turns out the job was set up by one of Eileen's boyfriends to get r id of Ruth. Eileen, Ruth's beautiful sister, played by C. Sage, finds herself constantly fol­lowed around by a variety of men.

Among Eileen's boyfriends are a straight-laced store manager, J . Hansen, and the sexy, man-about-the-town, S. Frettinger. Because of the location of their dumpy apartment, they are constantly bothered by drunks, C. Hildebrand and P. Bickel. Also by sailors, G. Hallinan

and Jr. High boys, who want to "Conga" . The girls are saved by their faithful cop, A. Zehner.

The former tenant, A. Lawson, brings her calling cards around for the sisters to let men know that her business has been moved elsewhere.

Two friends, the wreck and his soon-to-be wife, B. Vantwood and L. Snyder, are trying to work out their differences with her mother, K. Bonine.

Butting in and confusing matters is Apoplous, the sisters' landlord, R. Schmidt. He accuses the girls of stealing his painting. When they finally find good jobs, he tries to be their friend.

The two girls find jobs at a night club, directed by R. Harris. Ruth and the editor, T. Mattison, work out their problems, discovering their feelings are mutual; they are in love.

1. C. Sage and K. Mallory are politely keeping their distance with former tenant A. Lawson. 2. Senior G. Hallinan leads jr . high sailors in the "Conga" . 3. L. Hildebrand and K. Mallory as they take on their new job advertising for night time entertainment. 4. C. Sage reminising of the "good old days". 5. Two outstanding judges, P. Bickel and N. Frettinger, looking for a unique work of art. 6. K. Bonine refuses to let her daughter, L.

Snyder, have her way. 7. A safari hunt can be dangerous with V. Gam, R. Clifton, and P. Bickel! 8. R. Clifton peddling his products on the street corner. 9. C. Sage sings of her love, but to which of her boyfriends, J . Hansen or S. Frettinger? 10. D. Nix and C. Hildebrand enjoying a chief's delight. 1 1 . K. Robertson, B. Vantwoud, C. Hilderbrand, and D. Smith really get into the "Conga" . 12. T. Mattison sings of his love for his "Quiet G i r l " . 13. K. Mallory struggles to fight homesick­ness with her sister C. Sage. 14. K. Mallory, T. Mattison, J . Hansen, C. Sage, and S. Frettinger, enjoying a quiet dinner at home.

Page 16: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

At 4 o'clock in the morning on May 15, several sleepy eyed seniors and sponsors could be seen huddled in groups in front of the high school. They all had one destiny in common — Cedar Point. Two huge silver buses pulled out of the school's driveway and deter­minedly edged their way up to the peninsula of Michi­gan. During the bus ride, seniors entertained themselves by playing cards, listening to music, eating, sleeping, and gossiping. A quick stop was made at McDonalds in Fort Waynu to pick up everyone's favorite breakfast.

As the dreary hours of riding past, excitement rose as seniors spotted road signs bearing the familiar words — Cedar Point. After 6 hours of riding, the group from Culver found tkemselves entering the ever famous amusement park. Instructions were given as to where and what time to meet for departing home, and then the senior class from CCHS was turned loose for the entire day of riding rides. Some brave seniors headed for the roller coasters while others rode what rides they saw first.

The day was enjoyable, except for the fact that the weather became very cool. Many sweatshirts and jackets were bought to keep warm and as a souvenir. As 9 o'clock rolled around, the Culver group slowly returned to the buses after a long day. Heads were counted and the buses roared home.

Many stories were exchanged and exaggerated about how many times a certain ride was ridden or who chick­en out on a ride. Slowly the stories died as the exhaust­ing hours of the day caught up with the seniors as they embedded this day in their minds.

1. The excitement mounted as the seniors and sponsors waited to enter the park. 2. A view of the park from the top of the big ferris wheel. The park sits on a peninsula, which is bordered by Lake Erie. 3. L. Wynn, E. Kibort, J . Ruby, B. Baker and S. Keller wait in line to get wet on the mill ride. 4. R. Harris, J . Hansen, and S. Cultice on their way to ride the rapids.

Page 17: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

The senior class would like to thank the junior class for a very unique, but nice prom. This year's prom theme was "The Times Of Your L i fe " . The dinner was held at the country club in Plymouth. Guests were greet­ed at the door by senior class president Ed Rickman and his date Susan Currens; junior class president Lor i Bendy and her escort Mike Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. Fuji-mara; and Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz. The dinner started out with a salad. This was followed by fillet mignon, a baked potato, and a beverage. Then ice cream was served for dessert. The meal was enjoyed by all.

The dance took place at the high school gymnasium, which was decorated beautifully. Besides the portraits taken by the photographer, pictures could be taken on a bridge and in a gazebo. To the surprize of all, the band did not show up. But thanks to Mr. Konzelman and his stereo, U-93 was the stand-in. The dance went smoothly, with an intermission for the garter ceremony. When it became time for the King and Queen to be crowned, the names of the King and Queen were announced over the radio. They were Mark Wynn and Lisa Kozubik. They danced to the theme song " T i m e " . Balloons were dropped from the ceiling following the King and Queen's dance.


The after-prom was held at the Camelot Bowling Alley in Culver. Bowling was a big feature. Prizes were given to the three bowlers with the highest score, and to the three bowlers with the lowest scores. Each partici­pant of the after-prom received tickets to be cashed in, to be used for the video games. The two-man band, Duo, played in the restaurant, where refreshments were served. Door prizes were given and doughnuts, milk, and juice were served for breakfast. A l l of the excite­ment had ended by 4:30, and a lot of tired people went home. Many people enjoyed activities together the fol­lowing day.

1. D. Justis and guest, B. Fisher, A. Wiggin pose for a picture. 2. L . Kouzibik being crowned. 3. P. Bickle trying his luck at a video game. 4. K. Wildes and G. Hooker romantically in love. 5. M. Elliott, L . Bendy, and E . Rickman greet people at the Country Club. 6. A. Louk, and D. Smith rock to the music of U-93. 7. B. Master demonstrating an easy win at Pac-Man. 8. G. Hallinan and B. Vantwoud — the perfect couple. 9. V. Carnegie poses for the camera at the after-prom.

Page 18: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Graduation is a time of memories of the past and hopes for the future. For the class of 1982, like other graduating classes, this day was very special. It was a day that the graduating class would be recognized and honored for their academic achievements from the 1st grade to the 12th grade. It was a day for mixed emo­tions, for excitement, for glory.

The last week of school flew past. Addresses were exchanged, parties were arranged and final goodbys

were said. It seemed there was barely enough time to study for exams and to get all the homework completed.

Commencement came and so did the nerves and ex­citement. Seniors gathered in the cafeteria an hour be­fore the ceremony began. The "good ole t imes" were remembered and future plans were compared. Twenty minutes before three, there was a mass of confusion as caps and gowns were put on and checked by fellow classmates.

The processional began and the seniors filed into the gym to the notes of "Pomp and Circumstance". They walked in and sat down in a checkerboard of navy blue and white. Proud parents, relatives and friends watched as the students received their awards and diplomas. A special touch was added when the seniors, joined by the audience, gave Kathy Holbrook a standing ovation. After all the diplomas were received, the seniors filed out of the gym with high hopes and new expectations for their future.

1. The senior class of 1982. 2. J . Young, L . Wynn and A. Zehner listen intensely to the guest speaker. 3. E . Rickman congratulates R. Hartle on receiving her diploma. 4. C . Stacy walks proudly back to her seat. 5. M. Jamieson and L . Hildebrand enter the crowded gym for the ceremony. 6. S. Smith and T . Postuma congratulate each other. 7. C . Barrientos gets ready to receive her diploma. 8. L . Salzer Minix and J . Morgan admire their accomplishments. 9. Mr. Mills hands D. Justis her diploma. 10. P. Robbins, S. Cultice, J . Ahlenius, D. Nies, D. Smith, R. Bachman and L . Repp celebrate their freedom. 11. Senior class mem­bers L . Kozubik, R. Harris, A. Lawson, F . Hoesel, L . Ransdell, W. Nehls and C . Sage, have first row seats.

Page 19: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

iWORLD EVENTS '81- '82 ? f f i T h e R a i n s C a m e , t h e M u d F l o w e d

Death and destruction in Northern California

R e a g a n ' s j e l l y b e a n s WES U.S. Automakers Get Some Relief a s w *

On Golden Porid̂

B r i t i s h

p l e d g e

F a l k l a n d

v i c t o r y

M / s s / > e C o m

Spa, C e Invi

o\ds w

' 3 c / e r s *


AWACS radar plane I * *

Gas $1.12 Candy Bar .30 Pop .40 Movies 3.50 Hamburger .65 Pizza 6.00 Jeans 30.00 Interest Rate 1 8 % Class ring 145.00 Hair cut 14.00 Albums 11.99 yearbook 13.00

| "e49ersStrikeGold

PATCO loses anotner ru

T h e R e a g a n G a m b l e

•Seattle H O W C O L D I T W A S


f Portland" 33°

San Francisco 140° *

v Las Vegas

Los Ange l e s^ ' 46°


-12° Billings Fargo\

-29° Minneapolis J^f*\

(Portland -6°

i Denver*

. - 2 2 ^ X J ^ S T Des M o i n e s ^ — f New York « •

Omaha* ,) C h ^ a0 9 ° U w W « V

— 2 2 ° - \ L - 2 6t • - 1 6 ° / V^\^sWngton , aC .

Wichita l -15°^ Indianapolis'*CharlestonV 2° _ J f f i y a I SLLoufep- > ^ 1 0 o - ^ L '

OkiahomaCity I if^ ' • R a l e i g h ^ w> AL • / 0° • Little RcK^klNashville' 32 Albuquerque/ *L r 1 \ A I I

' 17° / ^^ - v^ -^ i / — 2° m \ •Atlantaj D a l l a s 7 l \ B i r r T ) i n 9 n a

i New Orleans •

Temperatures represent lows during the period from Jan. tOto Jan. 14 (in Fahrenheit)

^Jacksonville 17°

4 Miami Beach


Columbia thundering off the pad:

fa Fahrenheit) ^

J o h n C a r d i n a l C o d y s » ^ a t ' s t 3 w .

Falkland* war Recession St l

British losew<P e n i l 1

two s h i p S " i ^ O a S p r i c e s d o w n Judge cracks \

from l a s t y e a r $Z£X~ Brady's Brave Comeback East C h i c a g o r a m p c o l l a p s e

Duarte in trouble in Salvador


J R H i *'™ p , F Howard Waggner—UP Fernando: Fabulous

Knoxville Fair]

Page 20: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

We begin by looking for acceptance and assistance from others. Meeting new people and making new friends as we all advance forward to the day that we will leave as graduates, taking with us, memories that will last forever. Some­day we will Reflect Back on these years and remember . . .

Page 21: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 22: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 23: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 24: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

One of our great daydreamers, J . Young.

Page 25: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Senior band members worked hard to get this far.

Page 26: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 27: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 28: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 29: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

J i m Ah l en ius - (Industrial Arts) - Band 1, 2, 3; Band Council 3 (V. Pres.); Stage Band 1, 2, 3.

R o c k y B a c h m a n - (Industrial Arts) - Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3.

B r enda B a k e r — (Business) — Pep Block 2, 3.

C e l i n a Ba r r i en tos - (College Prep.) - Art Club 3, 4; F E A 3, 4 (Sec. 4); Spanish Club 3, 4.

A d a m Bas i l e — (Business) — None

R e n e e B e a c h — (College Prep.) — Baseball Statistician 3; Class Pres. 1; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; F E A 4; InterClub Council 3; Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 3); Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Yearbook Staff 4; Track 1.

C h e r y l B e a n — (Home Economics) — Band 1, 2, 3, 4; F H A

1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec. 3) Pep Block 3; Sunshine Society 1, 2, 3.

K e v i n Bon ine — (Industrial Arts) — None

D i a n e B r a a s c h — (Home Economics) — None

J e r r y Bur ton - (Vo-Agriculture) - F F A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Tres. 4). A l a n C o b y - (Industrial Arts) - F F A 2, 3, 4 (Reporter 4); Industrial Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec. 2, 3, 4).

J enn i f e r C o l l i n s — (Business) — Choraliers 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 3); Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; F E A 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Student Council 2.

L i s a C r o n a n — (General) — None

S c o t t C r u l l - (Industrial Arts) - F F A 2, 3; Industrial Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 2, 3).

S c o t t C u l t i c e - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Letter-mans Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; School Newspaper Staff 2; Basketball 1, 2; Golf 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4.

S u s a n C u r r e n s - (Art) - Art Club 1, 2; F H A 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 3, 4); Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Yearbook Staff 4; Track Manager 1, 2, 3; Volleyball Manager 2, 3. •

S c o t t C u r t i s — (Industrial Arts) — None.

D a l e D a y - (Industrial Arts) - Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basket­ball 1, 2; Tennis 2, 3, 4.

L o r i D e V o s - (College Prep.) - F E A 3, 4; School Newspa­per Staff 2; Yearbook Staff 2.

D a w n D i c k e y - (Business) - F H A 3, 4 (Treas. 3); O E A 2.

J o y Do ty - (College Prep.) - F E A 2, 3, 4 (Treas. 3); Pep Block 1, 2, 3; School Newspaper Staff 2; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 2; National Honor Society 4.

D a r r y l Duff in - (Art) - None.

C h r i s t i n a F i e l d s - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Band Council 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; F E A 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4); National Honor Society 3, 4 (Sec.-Treas. 4); Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2; Wrestling Mat Maid 2, 3.

Bonn i e F i s h e r — (Home Economics) — Drama Club 1, 2, 3; F H A 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 3); InterClub Council 3; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Sunshine Society 1, 2 (Treas. 2); Yearbook Staff 4.

R a y m o n d F o r e s t - (College Prep.) - F E A 3, 4; Letter-mans Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4.

Je f f rey F o u s t - (Business) - F F A I , 2; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2; Football 1, 3, 4; Track 2.

S a r a h F o x - (Business) - Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Sunshine Society 1, 2; O E A 2, 3.

J o h n F r a n k l i n - (General) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; F E A 2, 3; Basketball 1.

S t e v e F re t t inge r - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Council 4 (V. Pres. 4); Science Club 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4;

Basketball 9.

Ph i l l ip Gi f ford - (College Prep.) - Drama Club 3, 4; Health Careers Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4).

C i n d y G i r t o n — (Home Economics) — Cheerleader 3; French Club 2; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; School Newspaper Staff 3; O E A 2; Yearbook Staff 3; Basketball 1; Volleyball 1.

T h o m a s G i r t o n - (Industrial Arts) - F F A 2, 3, 4 (Treas. 3, Sentinel 4); Baseball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2.

C h a r l e s G o o d — (College Prep.) — Basketball Manager 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4.

D i a n a G o o d - (Business) - Drama Club 1; F H A 2, 3, 4; Cavalettes 4; School Newspaper Staff 2; O E A 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Sunshine Society 3; Wrestling Mat Maid 2, 3, 4.

Rhonda G o o d m a n — (Business) — Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec.-Treas. 3); F H A 3, 4 (V.Pres. 4); Pep Block 1, 2, 3.

G a r y Ha l l i n an - (College Prep.) - French Club 1; Golf 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 4.

Je f f rey H a n s e n - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Council 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Basketball 1,2; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4.

R o n a l d H a r r i s - (College Prep.) - Boys State Delegate 3; Class Sec.-Treas. 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; School Newspaper Staff 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

Rob in Ha r t l e — (Home Economics) — F H A 3, 4.

L i s a H i l deb rand - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; F E A 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Girls Basketball Manager 1; Wrestling Mat Maid 2, 3.

P a t r i c k H i n s e y — (Business) — F F A 1, 2, 3; Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2;

Wrestling 2, 3, 4.

F r e d H o e s e l - (College Prep.) - Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4.

K a t h l e e n Ho lb rook - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); F E A 2, 3, 4 (Area 3, Miss F E A 2, Historian 3); National Honor Society 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Track 1; Wrestling Mat Maid 2, 3.

L o r i Houghton — (Home Economics) — F H A 2, 3, 4.

J i m J a c o b s o n — (Industrial Arts) — F F A 1, 2, 3; Industrial Arts Club 2, 3, 4 (Reporter 4); Football 1, 3, 4; Track 4; Wrestling 3, 4.

M ichae l J a m i e s o n — (College Prep.) — None

D e b r a J u s t i s — (Business) — None

S h e i l a K e l l e r - (College Prep.) - French Club 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 4); Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Cavalettes 3, 4; O E A 2; Student Council 4; Basketball 1; Volleyball 1.

She l l ey K e l l e r - (General) - French Club 2, 3, 4; F H A 3; Pep Block 2, 3; O E A 2; School Newspaper 1, 3; Sunshine Society 2; Yearbook Staff 3, 4 (Editor 4); Tennis 3.

E m i l y K i b o r t - (Business) - FHA 1, 2, 3, '4 (Project Chairman 3, 4); Sunshine Society 1.

L i s a K o z u b i k - (College Prep.) - Cheerleader 1 ,2, 3, 4; F F A Chapter Sweetheart 3; Girls State Fair School Delegate 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 (V. Pres. 3); Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec.-Treas. 3, Pres. 4); Student Council 1, 2, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Volleyball 1.

D a v i d K r u l l - (Industrial Arts) - None

Abby L a w s o n - (College Prep.) - Art Club 1, 3, 4; Class Pres. 3; Drama Club 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; F E A 2; Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Pep Block 1; Student Council 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track Manager 2.

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Jef f rey L e n t z — (Industrial Arts) — Chorus 2, 3; Health Careers Club 3, 4; Lettermans Club 2, 3; Football 1; Track 1.

Jenn i f e r L e w i s - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice Pres. 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec.-Treas. 4).

T o d d L e w i s (Industrial Arts) - Baseball 2; Football 1.

Robe r t L i c h t - (Industrial Arts) - Chorus 3; Basketball 1; Cross Country 3.

Robe r t L o u k — (Industrial Arts) — Basketball Manager 1, 3, 4; Cross Country Manager 3, 4; Football Manager 2.

D e n i s e M a c k e y — (Business) — Chorus 1, 2; Cheerleader 4; Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Track 1; Volleyball 1, 2, 3.

J i l l Morgan — (Business) — Drama Club 2; French Club 1; F H A 2, 3, 4; O E A 4; School Newspaper Staff 2; Sunshine Society 3.

Wa l t e r Neh l s - (Industrial Arts) - Class Pres. 2; F E A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Treas. 2, Pres. 3, Area 3 Alternate V. Pres. 3, Historian 4, State Runner-up Mr. F E A 4); Pep Block 3; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3.

Mary N e w m a n - (Vo-Agricu^ture) - F F A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec. 4); Pep Block 1, 2; Basketball 1.

Dona l d N ies - (Industrial Arts) - Baseball 1.

R a n d i Ove r l ey — (Home Economics) — Art Club 4; F H A 1, 2, 3, 4; Cavalettes 1, 2, 3, 4; Sunshine Society 1, 2, 3.

Peggy Pe r sone t t e — (Home Economics) — F H A 2, 3, 4 (Sec. 4); Pep Block 2, 3; Cavalettes 2, 3, 4.

S c o t t P e r sone t t e - (Industrial Arts) - F F A 1, 2, 3.

C o n n i e Wa l t e r s Po l s t r a — (Home Economics) — F H A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Treas. 3); Sunshine Society 2.

T i m o t h y P o s t h u m a - (Vo-Agriculture) - F F A 1, 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 4); Basketball 1.

Mar ia P ra t t - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Council 2, 3; Stage Band 1, 2, 3, 4; All Conference Band 1, 2; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2.

L i s a R a n s d e l l - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Council 1; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Scorekeeper 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Basketball Scorekeeper 1, 2, 3, 4; Indiana University Summer Music Clinic 2, 3.

L e s a R e i n h o l d - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Council 1; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec. 2); F E A 2, 3; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Track 1; Wrestling Mat Maid 2, 3.

Duane Re inho l t - (College Prep.) - F E A 2, 3, 4 (Area V. Pres. and V. Pres. 4); Pep Block 1, 2, 3; InterClub Council 4 (Pres. 4); Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; National Honor Society 4.

L a r r y Repp — (Industrial Arts) — Football 1, 4.

E d R i c k m a n — (College Prep.) — Class President 4; Drama Club 1, 3, 4; F F A 1, 2, 3 (Reporter 2, Pres. 3); National Honor Society 3, 4; C C H S DAR Good Citizen 4; Student Council 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4.

Ph i l l ip Robb ins - (Industrial Arts) - Industrial Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2.

Mark Roge r s — (Industrial Arts) — Industrial Arts Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

J a n e B r a n h a m Ruby — (Home Economics) — Chorus 1.

C o l l e e n Sage - (College Prep.) - Chorus 3, 4 (V. Pres. 4); Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Cavalettes 3, 4; Science Club 2, 3, 4 (Sec.-Treas. 4); Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 3).

C i n d y S e l l e r s - (General) 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3;

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2,

P enny Shaf fer — (Business) — Flag Corps (Other Schools) 1, 2, 3, 4.

S t e p h e n S h a n k - (Vo-Agriculture) - F F A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Basketball Manager 2, 3.

K i t S h e i - (Industrial Arts) - Drama Club 1; Cavalettes 1,

2, 3.

Roge r S h e r o w — (Business) — F F A 1, 2; Baseball 3.

D a n i e l S m i t h - (Industrial Arts) - Basketball 1. Mary L o u S m i t h - (College Prep.) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Council 1; Class Sec.-Treas. 1, 2, 3; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (V. Pres. 3); F E A 4; Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Me l inda S m i t h - (Business) - F H A 2, 3, 4.

S h a n S m i t h - (College Prep.) - Drama Club 1, 2; F E A 4; Cavalettes 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Capt. 3, Capt. 4); Student Council 3, 4; Homecoming Queen 4.

L y n d a Snyde r — (College Prep.) — Band 1, 2; Cheerleader 1, 2; Pep Block 1, 2, 3; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Track Manager 1; Volleyball Manager 1.

L i n d a Spoor — (College Prep.) — Cadet Teacher 4; F E A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Alt. State Corres. Sec. 3. Sec. 3, Alt. State Recording Sec. 4); National Honor Society 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Year­book Staff 4.

C r y s t a l S t a c y - (Home Economics) - F H A 2, 3, 4; O E A 3; Sunshine Society 3.

Ju l i e S t a m p e r — (Art) — Track 1.

E l a i n e S z y m c z a k — (Business) — Band 1, 2, 3; Drama Club 1, 3; Spanish Club 3.

J a n a T a n n e r — (Home Economics) — F H A 2, 4; O E A 2.

K e n t T h o m a s — (Industrial Arts) — F F A 2; Industrial Arts

Club 1, 2.

M ichae l U id l - (Industrial Arts) - Wrestling 1.

B l a n c h e V o l z — (Home Economics) — Drama Club 1, 2.

H e l e n Wa l t e r s - (Home Economics) - FHA 3, 4; O E A 2, 3; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3; Sunshine Society 3.

S u s a n Warne r - (Business) - FHA 2, 3, 4.

M ichae l We ldon - (General) - Spanish Club 3, 4; Basket­ball 2.

P a t r i c i a W i l l i ams - (Home Economics) - Art Club 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; F H A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Parliamentarian 1, 2, 3, 4).

T h o m a s Woodward — (Industrial Arts) — FHA "Mr. Per­sonality" 2.

K a r e n W y n n — (Home Economics) — Drama Club 2, 3; F H A 1, 2, 3, 4 (Historian 3, 4); Pep Block 2, 3.

L i s a W y n n - (Business) - Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President 4; National Honor Society 4; Girls Basketball An­nouncer 1, 2.

Mark W y n n - (General) - Lettermans Club 2, 3, 4 (Pres. 4); Pep Block 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

J o s e p h Y o u n g - (Vo-Agriculture) - F F A 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 3, 4.

August Zehne r - (College Prep.) - Boys State Delegate 3; Lettermans Club 4; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Cross Country 4.

Page 31: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Jeffrey A l len Joseph A l len Paul A m o r Brook Ash Thomas Bailey Caro lyn Banks

Lo r i Bendy Michael Bennett

Scott Bennett Trent Bennett

Kristine berger Paul Bickel

Class Officers: L o r i Bendy, Pres.; Barb Taiclet , Vice-Pres.; Mr. huj imura , Sponsor; Angie Fox, Sec ; and Lo r i Currens, Treas.

Laura Bigley Ruth Bi rk Michael Braden Gerald Buckman Theresa Burns Debra But ler

Page 32: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 33: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Kimber ly Pugh Beverly Quivey Elizabeth Rausch Vincent Carnegie

Page 34: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

J u n i o r * 8 3

Bennett and B. Ash demonstrate the method of Self-defense. 3. J. Kl ine, Row 2: S. Stayton, N. Guy, B. Quivey, B. Taiclet , S. Junior 's spir it . 4. B. Nies boogies to the music. 5. Miss Jenkins, . 6. L. Bigley gets the beat. 7. F. Drang and D. Smith, get all i d L. Loehmer have some fun. 9. T . Duff in and S. Gri f f in are eady to type . 1 1 . A. French does her rout ine 12. M. Garver i . 14. P. A m o r works on his math . 15. J . Kline gets a real big

Ko2ubik and V. Carnegie dance up a s torm. 18. R. Lee rests

Page 35: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Ahlenius, Jennifer Allen, Darryl Arthurhultz, Steve Ash, Natalie Bendy, James

Bodine, James Byer, Mike Carter , James Cl i f ton, Rick C r u m , Ty

Cummings, Thomas DeWitt, Dewayne Dilley, Philip Ditmire, Scott Doty, Lawrence

Drake , Sandra Dusek, Mar t in El l iott , Kyle Fetzer, Eric Francis, Rick

Frettinger, Nancy Gifford, Aianna Guess, Lynn Hanselman, Albert Hesters, Tamara

Page 36: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Hildebrand, Christina Jacobson, Georgana Jenkins, Jeffrey Justis, Michelle Keller, Douglas

Keller, Renee Kersey, Rick Kesmodel, Matthew Kibort, Marilyn Knepper, Brad

Kruli, Barbara Lewis, Douglas Lindvall, Bradley Lough, Matthew Mann, Raymond

Mevis, Bonnie as, Hope

Nies, Jeff Pitts, Lisa Reagan, Rodney

Reinhold, Lisa Rickman, Jeanne Ringer, Shaunna Robertson, Kirsten Salinas, Barbara

Salzer, Eddie Schwartz, Terry Shepperd, Cynthia Shidaker, Cynthia Smith, Donna

Page 37: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


1. J . Bendy preparing himself for a time of prayer. 2. M. Kibort and P. Whitesell find something interesting to look at. 3. R. Clifton takes time out of his busy schedule to flash us one of his sexy smiles! 4. C . Hildebrand wrapped up in her own little world. 5. R. Keller finds typing rather amusing 6. D. Smith clapping to the beat. 7. D. Udil mixing up his secret receipe. 8. D. Keller running away from school. 9. N. Frettinger daydreaming about boys. 10. M. Kesmodel checking out the camera. 11. J . Ahlenius, B. Kruil, L . Guess, S . Warner, and L . Reinhoid chit­chatting during lunch. 12. J . Jenkins attempting to play a solo. 13. D. Stevens giving us that foreign look.

Page 38: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Anderson, Bradly Anderson, Carol Anderson, Jeff Baker, Kelly Bonine, Karen

Boyne, Charlotte Braden, Rhonda Bradley, Quinten Breyfogle, Scott Burton, Donald

Byer, Cammi Causey, Cary Cihak, Deborah Clark, Christen Cooper, L isa

Cooper, Tina Crum, Jeff Dollahan, Bonnie Drang, Richard Dunfee, Joseph

Ellis, Anthony Engelbrecht, Mario Feltner, Boyd

Fitz, Daniel Gardner, Glen Geiger, Lori


Page 39: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Gilbert, Brenda Glassburn, David Gut, Chester Hamman, Brian Hanselman, Betty

Harris, Kim Hartman, Roger Hays, Robert Hesters, Theresa Huddleston, Kevin

Hyland, Michelle Jamieson, Laura Keller, Diane Kinney, Cindy Kirk, Michelle

Klausing, Daniel Kline, Donald Krull, Robert Lenig, Denise Loehmer, Mary

Mangun, Sandra Master, Lisa Miller, Cory Nies, Margie Norton, Melissa

Overmyer, Tami Patrick, Rick Penksa, Debra Pier, Martin Paul Pollock, Jeffrey

Potter, Samuel Pratt, Matthew Reinhold, Kurt Reinholt, Galen Rickman, Cathy

Roberts, Doris Sage, T im Samuelson, Beth Samuelson, Bonnie Schmidt, Robert

Shrader, Ralph Slyh, Carrie Smith, Brad Smith, Chris Smith, Julie

Smith, Tina Stacy, Darren Stayton, Fred Stevens, Denise Stevens, Ryan

Thompson, Brian Thompson, Cindy Valiquet, Robert Van Horn, Ronald Walters, Lynn

Watts, John White, Theresa Woodward, Kim Woodward, Patty Zehner, Melissa

Page 40: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

1. C . Byer, G. Reinholt, and T . Cooper finishing up last minute work. 2. C . Slyh and G. Gardner show off their sparkling personalities. 3. D. Roberts takes time out to pose for a picture. 4. R. Shrader, B. Anderson, F . Stayton, and K. Reinhold having a good time during a pep rally. 5. Spanish Club initi­ation was a "bag" of fun. 6. C . Anderson awaits for her way home from school. 7. J . Dunfee and R. Drang pose for a picture. 8. M. Engelbrecht a wom­an of 101 faces. 9. B. Anderson and K. Woodward try to escape the click of the camera. 10. L . Cooper and T . Smith choking on words of advise. 11. C . Miller having a swinging time at a dance. 12. J . Crum showing his winning style. 13. The sly look of F . Stayton. 14. T . White and D. Penska trying to focus on a living or dead organism. 15. An intelli­gent looking group of students. 16. B. (Tex) Thomp­son finds an amusing joke to laugh about. 17. L . Cooper giving us her innocent look.

Page 41: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S Establishing ourselves in the network of school organizations, allows us to

develop our leadership qualities. By being in organizations, we gain a chance to experience group participation. Reflecting Back, to the friendships made by our organizations will be a cherished memory.

Page 42: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally




Row 1: M. Hy land , C. Sage, C. Clark, K. Woodward , M. No r t on . Row 2: J . Lewis, T . Engel, J . Flagg, L. Bendy, B. Knepper , L. Re inhold , J . Ahlenius. Row 3: Mr . Konzeiman (Sponsor), L. Kozubik, S. Smith , E. R ickman, T . Bennett, S. Kel ler, M . El l iott , C. S lyh, B.

Taic let .

Row 1: N . Frett inger, K. Pugh, R. Goodman, A. Fox, C. Clark, B. Knepper , T . Nelson, Miss Jones (Sponsor). Row 2: Mr . Konzeiman (Sponsor), S. Keyser, A. French, T . Carlos, J . Flagg, P. A m o r , M. Garver, S. Frett inger, D. Reinholt , S. Keller.


Row 1: Mrs. Coby (Sponsor), C. Fields, W. Nehls, C. Barrientos, D. Reinholt, C. Whi t ing , S. Ringer. Row 2: J . Smith, C. Hi ldebrand, J . Rickman, N . Frett inger, T . Engel, D. Lowry , J . Pollock, B. Knepper , M . Zehner. Row 3: J . Bendy, K. Wildes, A. Hanselman, S. Frett inger, R. Forest, J . Doty , M. Smith , S. Overmyer , L. Currens, S. Stut2man, J . Collins, K. Ho lb rook , L. DeVos, L. Spoor.


Row 1: S. Frett inger, C. Fields. Row 2: K. Ho lbrook , L. Ransdell, C. Sage, A . Lawson, J . Lewis, L. Kozubik. Row 3: Mr . Schmidt (Sponsor), J . Hansen, R. Harr is , E. Rickman.


Page 43: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


Row 1 - P. Williams, A. Gifford, R. Birk, P. Personette, D. Dickey, R. Goodman, S. Currens, K. Wynn. Row 2 -T . Cooper, B. Samuelson, B. Samuelson, D. Butler, S. Drake, N. Ash, R. Overley, C . Kinney, C . Anderson, Mrs. Winters - Sponsor. Row 3 - K. Baker, D. Roberts, B. Hanselman, B. Dollahan, R. Hartle, C . Walters, L . Walters, M. Nies, J . Tanner. Row 4 - S. Warner, L . Houghton, C . Bean, B. Nies, D. Walters, J . Morgan, D. Good, H. Walters.


Row 1 - L . Loehmer, S. Shank, J . Burton, T . Posthuma, M. Newman, A. Coby. Row 2 - T . Schwartz, D. DeWitt, D. Klausing, L . Doty, B. Krull, Mr. Hicks - Sponsor. Row 3 - K. VanDePutte, B. Valiquet, K. Reinhold, D. Burton, C . Sanders, J . Crum.


Row 1 - C . Hunneshagen, P. Gifford, T . Nelson. Row 2 - B. Gilbert, C . Byer, N. Mersch, P. Williams, Mrs. Coffey — Sponsor. Row 3 — L . Pitts, B. Salinas, S. Mangun, C . Sheppard, P. Whitesell, J . Rickman.


Row 1 - S. Staylon, S. Zechiel, D. Good, A. Fox. Row 2 Jamieson, S. Drake, N. Ash.

Mrs. Schoening — Sponsor, B. Rausch, J . Kline, R.

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Row 1 - Mr. Mishler, Sponsor, S. Ditmire, R. Ringer, A. Coby, P. Amor, Row 2 - R. Lee , J . Jacobson, T . Mattison, S. Bennett, Row 3 - B. Mahler, S . Crull, M. Rogers.

Row 1: L . Ransdell, C . Sage, M. Garver, J . Hansen, S . Potter. Row 2: J . Lewis, A. Zehner, V . Gam, C Hunneshagen, L . Currens, E . Salzer, Row 3: S. Frettinger, R. Clifton, Not Pictured: Mr. Garver (Sponsor).

Row 1 — K. Woodward, L . Bigley, A. Lawson, R. Overley, A. Fox, L . Geiger, B. Samuelson, Row 2 — C . Barrientos, C . Slyh, C . Clark, M. Norton, J . Pollock, M. Engelbrecht, M. Hyland, B. Samuelson, D. Weldon, Row 3 - P. Williams, T . Crum, S. Arthurhultz, B. Solberg, J . Pollock, J . Wiggin, M. Garrett, B. Vantwood, G. Jacobson, Row 4 - K. Van De Putte, R. Tanner, K. Elliott, T . Carlos, J . Bendy, K. Wildes, G . Smith, J . Rickman, T . Hesters, Ms. Parcel, Sponsor.

Row 1: R. Harris, R. Birk, D. Butler, C . Shidacker, A. Fox, L . Reinhold, K. Robertson, C . Hildebrand, S. Stutzman, T . Bender. Row 2: R. Schmidt, D. Jimenez, S. Warner, L . Bigley, A. Lawson, L . Cooper, D. Roberts, B. Dollahan. Row 3: P. Gifford, N. Mersch, C . Bonine, J . Pollock, D. Nix, J . Collins, K. Berger, S. Ringer, J . Rickman, C . Gut, K. Wynn. Not Pictured: Mrs, Kalt, Mr. Lawson — (Sponsors).



Page 45: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally



Row 1 — Cynthia Sellers, Kristine Berger, Maria Pratt, Le sa Reinhold, Kathleen Holbrook, Victoria Gam, Lisa Hildebrand. Row 2 — Steve Frettinger, Andrew Hansen, Christen Clark. Row 3 — Brook Ash, Brent Malher, Donald Kline, Matthew Garver. Row 4 — Jeff Hansen, Brian Johnson, Rick Patrick, Director — Charles Byfield (not shown).

Row 1 — John Flagg, Tim Sage, Eric Fetzer. Row 2 — Jennifer Ahlenius, Donna Smith, Kirsten Robertson, Jennifer Lewis, Kristina Mallory, Lisa Ransdell. Row 3 — Bonnie Mevis, Lisa Wynn, Christine Fields, Nancy Frettinger, Deborah Cihak, Melinda Garrett. Row 4 — Samuel Potter, Beverly Quivey, Christina Hildebrand, Mary Lou Smith, Cheryl Bean, Cynthia Sellers. Row 5 — Chester Gut, Karen Bonine, Debra Penksa, Cathy Rickman, Christen Clark, Debra Butler. Row 6 — Maria Pratt, Donald Kline, Kathleen Holbrook, Victoria Gam, Lisa Hildebrand, Kristine Berger. Row 7 — Jeffrey Jenkins, Lesa Reinhold, Andrew Hansen, Matthew Pratt, Kim Woodward, Tracey Nelson. Row 8 — John Franklin, Brent Mahler, Steve Frettinger, Stephanie Stutzman, Nathan Mersch, Brook Ash. Row 9 - Jeff Hansen, Brain Johnson, Scott Cultice, Rick Patrick, Matthew Garver, Laura Bigley. Director — Charles Byfield (not shown).

Row 1 — Christine Fields, Steve Frettinger, Jeff Hansen, Kathleen Holbrook, Victoria Garn, Kristina Mallory. Row 2 — Brian Johnson, Kim Woodward, Kirsten Robertson, Jennifer Ahlenius, Donna Smith, Christen Clark. Director — Charles Byfield (not shown).

90 91

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Row 1 - J . Collins, D. Lenig, D. Nix, P. Spiewak, C . Sage, S. Ringer, T . Hesters, C . Miller, Mr. Geist - Director; row 2 — P. Williams, T . Sullivan, B. Gilbert, H . Nicolas, S. Stutzman, J . Pollock, C . Causey, B. Vantwood; row 3 - M. Pratt, B. Mersch, S. Stayton, T . Mattison, T . Dancy, K. Berger, C . Sellers.

Row 1 - C . Darda, S. Keyser, M. Wynn, D. Lowry, D. Mackey, B. Taiclet, S. Overmyer; row 2 - R. Lee , F . Drang, B.Quivey, M. Smith, A. Lawson, J . Kline, R. Harris, L . Girton; row 3 - Mr. Stevens - Sponsor, J . Flagg, R. Forest, T . Bennett, M. Elliott, D. Smith, S. Cuitice, D. Zechiel. (R. Beach, Not Shown)



Row 1 - D. Good, P. Personette, S. Smith, R. Overley, C . Sage, S. Keller, Miss Dearth Griffin, C . Banks, A. French, G. Hooker, L . Reinhold, M. Norton.

Sponsor (not shown); row 2 — P. Woodward, B. Krull, S.



Page 47: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally



1st row: S. Keller, Miss Dearth — Sponsor, S. Zechiel, K. Holbrook. 2nd row: V. Gam, K. Robertson, R. Birk, R. Jamieson, R. Goodman, B. Rausch, L . Ransdell, C . Fields. 3rd row: S. Keller, J . Kline, C . Hunneshagen, L . Reinhold, 4th row: C . Gut, J . Hansen, P. Hershberger, M. Smith, D. Lenig, D. Smith.

1st row: L . Jamieson, T . Smith, M. McFarland, L . Girton, L . Currens, L . Kozubik, N. Frettinger, T . Engel, M. Elliott, A. Hanselman. 2nd row: R. Forest, T . White, D. Penksa, M. Norton. J . Doty, C . Slyh, K. Woodward, B. Quivey, B. Taiclet, L . Bendy, T . Huddleston, T . Burns. 3rd row: T . Cooper, K. Bonine, C . Clark, M. Engelbrecht, M. Hyland, J . Flagg, R. Shrader, G. Reinholt, C . Barrientos, L . Spoor, C . Hilde­brand, D. Reinholt. 4th row: D. Zechiel, D. Keller, F . Stayton, T . Nelson, J . Washburn, D. Lowry, S. Overmyer, L . Snyder, C . Thompson, S. Potter, B. Knepper, T . Goodman. 5th row: D. Nix, A. Gifford, S. Ringer, Mr. Button — Sponsor, S. Griffin, K. Berger, R. Drang. (R. Beach, Not Shown).


1st row: B. Fisher, S. Keller, M. McFarland, 2nd row: L . Kozubik, Mr. Button, — sponsor, J . Pollock, J . Rickman, S. Currens, L . Spoor, L . Girton, T . Huddleston. (R. Beach, Not Shown)

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ATHLETICS As we gain experience from the challenge of competition, we learn the value

of cooperation. When we Reflect Back, we will remember the enthusiasm of home crowds and the support given by the spirit of the community.


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Page 50: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

C U L V E R — OPP .

Plymouth 1-15, 2-15 Jimtown 15-6, 15-11 N. Judson 1-15, 15-9, 15-8 Glenn 15-10, 9-15, 15-10 Knox 15-3, 13-15, 10-15 Argos 15-9, 3-15, 15-4 Lavilie 15-4, 16-14 TVS 15-4, 15-9 Glenn 7-15, 14-16

i Knox 16-14, 15-8

i N. Prarie 14-16, 15-8, 15-12

I O. Davis 15-5, 15-7

I Triton 15-7, 6-15, 11-15

I CGA 15-1, 11-15, 12-15 Winamac 15-12, 15-8

% Rochester 11-13, 15-3, 15-6

1 Total 11 wins — 5 loses

J .V . Cavelles get set for battle. 6. Ass't Coach jinhilber psyches out the best strategy. 7. C . Slyh

flys for an ace while L . Master and M. Hyland look on to victory. 8. J . Rickman reaches for the stars.

Page 51: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Row 1: S. Zechiel (Manager), L. G i r ton , K. Keller, D. Lowry , A. Lawson, T. Engel, R. Jacobson, D. Smith (Manager). Row 2: Mr . Schwartz (Coach), B. Taiclet , B. Quivey, S. Overmeyer , M . Smi th , L. Currens, J . Kl ine, Mrs. Steinhilber (Assn't Coach).

L Plymouth 5-15, 1-15 W Jimtown 15-11, 15-11 L N. Judson 3-15, 3-15

" L CGA 10-15, 10-15 " W Argos 14-16. 15-3, 15-12

W Glenn 5-15, 15-9, 6-15 L Knox 11-15, 15-9, 6-15 W Argos 12-10, 15-12 L Laville 3-15, 9-15 W TVS 15-6, 9-15, 15-11 L New Prairie 15-10, 0-15, 7-15 W Oregon Davis 17-15, 13-10 L Tr i ton 8-15, 3-15

~ L Knox 4-15, 10-12 ***W Oregon Davis 13-15, 15-4, 11-9

L CGA 13-15, 11-15 W Winamac 15-6, 15-3 L Rochester 9-15, 3-13

*W Laville 5-15, 15-12, 15-11 *L Bremen 10-8, 8-15, 5-15

'Sectional — Semi-Finalists **Triton Tourney - Third Place

*"Glenn Tourney - Third Place

1. M. Smith, K. Keller, J . Kl ine, (21) A. Lawson, and (22) D. L owry set up one t o u g h o f fense . 2 . Coach Schwartz takes charge. 3. A. Lawson sets M. Smith up for a spike while (40) K. Keller watches in suspense. 4. The Cavelles take t ime out for a huddle . 5. L. Currens shows her spik­ing skills as A. Lawson watches ea­gerly. 5. (21) A. Lawson, (30) S. Overmyer , and K. Keller watch as D. Lowry looks for the missing ball . 7. (23) J . Kline and (21) A. Lawson stand by as S. Overmeyer does her thing. A W A R D WINNERS: M.V.P. - M. Smith Mental A t t i tude - L.

G i r ton Most Improved - J . Kl ine

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C U L V E R — OPP . New Prarie 14 16 Tr i ton 22 12 LaVille 16 19 T.V.S. 8 15 N. Judson 8 34 Glenn 12 28 Winamac 18 8 Jimtown 14 26 S. Central 30 16 Total : 3 Wins - 6 Losses

1. B. Vantwoud (62) and Mr.

tension bui lds, 2. Cu lve r Unas u p for gruesome offense. 3. P. Hin-sey (22) receives a lateral pass

(10). 4, M. \ -aver.

Row 1: C . Darda, R. Stevens, D. Pratt, B. Knepper, M. Pratt. Row 2: Mr. Doll (Asst. Coach), Mr. Geist (Asst. Coach), Mr. Heath (Head Coach), Mr. Hummel (Asst. Coach), D. Zechiel (Manager). Row 3: K. Reinhold, B. Anderson, B. Master, K. Wildes, E . Salzer, R. VanHorne. Row 4: L . Repp, B. Vantwoud, W. Nehls, J . Foust, J . Flagg, J . Young, J . Bendy. Row 5: S. Ditmire, P. Hinsey, M. Thompson, R. Harris, M. Lough, D. Lewis, R. Bachman, S. Bennett. Row 6: M. Wynn, A. Hanselman, T . Carlos, P. Amor, T . Bennett, M. Elliott, J . Jacobson.

L The protec­tion. 2 . Cuiv asm. 3. Cul ­ver she Heath sends in the

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Culver O p p Rochester 19 38 Bremen 17 4 4 Winamac 2 0 38 T r i t on 2 1 35 P lymouth 15 4 8 O-Davis 28 27 T V S 23 35 S. Centra l 17 39 J . Glenn 25 30 LaVi l le 25 34 Knox 4 4 16 Caston 3 8 ro

T o ta l 9 3

1 — Cross Country stars, F. Stayton, P. Robbins, and R Lee, stretching before a meet. 2 — Mr. Lawson shot F. Hoesel for not turning in his gov­ernment assignment. 3 - R. Lee, A. Zehner, F. Hoesel , and P. Dil ley be­ing held prisoners by Mr. Browder .


Row 1 - R. Schmidt , M . Garver, A. Hansen, B. Johnson, J . C r u m , B. L indva l i , and K. VanDePutte . Row 2 - Mr . Stevens, S. Cultise, J . Hansen, K. El l iott , S. Keyser, D. Day, and J . A l l yn .

4 - J . A l l yn hi t t ing a scoop shot. 5 - A . Hansen, number one singles. 6 — R. Schmidt giving it all he's got. 7 - Mr . Stevens, D. Day and B. L indval i contemplat ing an upset.

Row 1 — B. Louk, Manager, R. Lee t P. Dilley, F. Stayton, and Coach Browder. Row 2 — E. Rickman, A. Zehner, P. Robbins, R. Forest, and F. Hoesel. This is the first Cross Country team to qualify for regional in the history of CC.H.S.

Culver O p p . N . Judson 4 1 T V S 4 1 Rochester 0 5 C M A 0 5 LaVi l le 3 2 Knox 5 0 T r i t on 5 0 P lymouth 1 4 New Prarie 5 0 Bremen 1 4 J im town 0 5 J . Glenn 0 5 To ta l 6 7

Page 54: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

•'22s *i • I

Culvei ' O p p . Winamac 16 14 Knox 2 2 17 N. Judson 23 7 Argos 9 12 Bremen 14 3 9 Warsaw 11 3 9 Rochester

A 27 2 1

T r i t on 13 18

16 21

•Plymouth 2 1 4 4 total 4 6 *tourney

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Sectional Team: Row 1 - L. G i r ton , A . Lawson, R. Jacobson, D. L owry , D. Kel ler, C. Thompson . Row 2 - (Coach) Miss Jenkins, G. Jacobson, B. Mevis, S. Overmyer , B. Taiclet , T . Hesters, J . R ickman, (Ass't Coach) Mrs. SteinhiJber.

1. A. Lawson plays a tough offense. 2. B. Mevis attempts to dr ive around her opponent . 3. B. Mevis, (32) B. Taiclet, (22) D. L owry and A. Lawson a t tempt the fast break. 4. (32) B. Taiclet picks herself up while (52) L. G i r ton comes to help. 5. (50) B. Mevis earned the best free th row percentage and (42) S. Overmyer won the Cavelle award. 6. D. L o w r y won the best defensive award and the most assists. 7. (Manager) L. Bendy, (Ass't Coach) Mrs. Steinhilber, (Coach) Miss Jenkins, A. Lawson, L. G i r ton and R. Jacobson watch intensely. 8. Coach Jenkins drinks to the occasion. 9. A . Lawson concentrates on making her foul shots. 10. A . Lawson — Mental A t t i tude A w a r d winner. 1 1 . (32) B. Taiclet was the Cavelles best rebounder and (50) B. Mevis was the Most Valuable Player. 12. (50) B. Mevis, T . Hesters and (32) B. Taiclet set up their defense.

C u l v e r — Opp .

Winamac 31-22 w Knox 49-23 w N. Judson 44-34 w Argos 37-28 w Bremen 33-57 L Warsaw 43-54 L Rochester 41-33 L CGA 37-45 L

*Argos 40-45 L *Caston 62-32 W Kewanna 73-18 W Tr i ton 49-47 W Glenn 36-48 L Laville 40-39 W

"Bremen 60-32 W Jimtown 26-33 L N. Prairie 34-43 L

*~Caston 50-43 W *"CGA 25-53 L

*Argos Tourney = Third Place, **Bi-County

***Sectional= Semi-Finalists.

• H H H U H H H n B S n U H B

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Page 57: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Row 1 — Mike El l iott , John Flagg, Joe Young, Scott Keyser, Steve Shanks (manager). Row 2 — Coach " I k e " Dol l , Mark Wynn , A lbert Hanselman, Kyle El l iott , Chuck Good (manager),

ksslst • ns .

Oregon Davis 68-81 Lavil le 56-77 Rochester 49-76 N o r t h Judson 35-57 Breman 48-32 West Central 50-46 T r i t on 42-48 Argos 50-59 No r th Prairie 55-56 Bremen 38-62 J imtown 53-54 C M . A . 58-38 Knox 48-92 T.V.S. 61-53 Winamac 50-54 Argos 43-55 John Glenn 41-57 P lymouth 49-95 T r i t on 35-38 West Central 51-42 K n o x 59-63 Tota l : 5 wins/16 losses

1. Coa w i th a very determined look. 3. T.V.S. sandwiched by the Cavs, A. Hanselman & K. Ell iott . 4. S. Keyser reaching l o r the t o p ! 5. M . W y n n , f o r w a r d , breezes down the court . 6. A. Hanselman looking for the ak. 7. J . Young ' 'Foot Loose & Fancy Free " . 8. J . Young hustling down the court . 9. M. E A. Hanselman & Trent Bennet " W h a t was that ca l l? " . 1 1 . K. Elliott deciding what his next move w i l l be, 12 , A . Hanse lman ant ic ipat ing t h e rebounct. 13. S. Keyser showing his technique.

Page 58: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Row 1 - J . Pol lock, R. Drang, B. Van twoud , M. Lough, E. Salzer, J . Jacobson, K. Walters, Row 2 - R. Sheppard, C. Darda, M. Pratt , D. Smith , G. Hal l inan, D. Poort , Row 3 - M. Bennett, P. Hinsey, S. Bennett , T . Matt ison, F. Drang, J . Dunfee, P. Gi f ford, M. Thompson , Row 4 - Mr. Darda, Mr. H u m m e l , (coaches)

1. D. Smith shows determinat ion t o win. 2. T ry ing hard for a p in . 4. The ref - gett ing down to see a Culver win. 5. Chris Darda, most valuable wrestler. 6. T . Matt ison victorious again!! ! ! 7. G. Hal l inan receiving some pointers f rom coach Humme i . 8. P. Hinsey exhausted after a winning match. 9. Pin em ' T i m ! 10. M. Pratt , S. Bennett , J . Dunfee, coach H u m m e l sh#w effects on defeat.

Darda's Outstanding Wrest l ing Achievements

Chris Darda, the first state qualifier in 15 years at CCHS. The best individual school record ever 35-0. Set season record victories - 27 wins, 4 loses. No ties Scored 176 team points. Most consecutive pins — 9. Most pins - 22 . School record in quickest pin - 17 sec. Won Championships at St. Joe Invitat ional , Knox Invi tat ional , Nor thern States Conference Tourney , Sec­tional Tourney , 2nd in regional, 3 rd in semi-state, t ied 9 t h in state, made t op 12 wrestlers in 9 8 lbs. in state. He received M O S T V A L U A B L E W R E S T L E R for the most points scored in a season — 176.


C U L V E R O P P . Bremen 14 57 Winamac 21 52 Ham. Gavit 15 56 Highland 16 51 LaPorte 24 45 Rochester 23 45 LaVille 17 54 Glenn 24 44 St. Joe 27 44 LaSalle 25 46 Marion 22 49 Tr i ton 32 4 1 O.D. 48 26 Knox Tourney 8th Marion 30 40 Conference 5th N. Judson 37 32 Sectional 3rd

Record 2-13

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1. M. Leohmer finds the relief of the finish line. 2. D. Keller antici­pates an easy win . 3. B. Quivey wins a hard earned v ictory. 4. K. Keller jumps to new heights. 5. J . Kl ine challenges the bar. 6. B. Salinas flies to capture the lead. 7, C. Slyh gives it her al l . 8. K. W o o d w a r d makes the relay team's total effort all wor thwhi le . 9. R. Jacobson stretchs for v ic tory Jump.

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Row 1: R. Shrader, R. Lee , R. Drang, T . Mattison, M. Garver, B. Masters, R. Hays. Row 2: (Coach) Mr. Haeck, J . Jacobson, J . Hansen, A. Hanselman, L . Loehmer, F . Hoesel, (Manager) E . Salzer, (Ass't Coach) Mr. Ge i s t

1. R. Shrader leaps to cross the bar. 2. A. Hansel­man shows his determination to win. 3. B. Masters breaks the school record with 12 ft. 4. R. Shrader tackles the hurdles. 5. F. Drang shot puts. 6. R. Lee enjoys a sizable lead. 7. G. Smith works hard to win. 8. P. Dilley and R. Lee lead the pack with L. Loehmer and R. Drang following for Culver. 9. B. Masters attempts the high-jump. 10. G. Gardener flies high doing the long-jump. 11. L. Loehmer makes it to the finish. 12. R. Drang gasps for air. 13. B. Masters lands after a pole-vault attempt.

Culver Opp. John Glenn — 42 85 Winamac — 53 74 Tipp. Valley — 87 40 Argos — 67 59 Plymouth — 21 97 Triton - 21 41 O.D. - 81 4 6 Marquette — 79 48 C M A - 46 82 S. Central — 46 64 O . D . - 46 44 LaVille - 34 93 Conference — 5th Record — 2 8

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er, Mr. Stevens - coach, G. Hal l inan, K. VanDePutte , T . C r u m . J .

Row 1 - B. Spicer, B. Ash, B. Knepper , R. Stevens, R. Shepperd, D. Keller, R. V a n H o r n , Row 2 - Q. Bradley, K. Reinhold, D. Zechiel, F. Stayton, D. Cooper, D. A l len, coach Doug Snyder.

Culver O p p John Glenn 9 18 P lymouth 0 19 Knox 6 4 C M A 2 12 John Glenn 16 5 Winamac 9 12 LaVi l le 3 19

Record 2 5

1. R. Stevens pitching. 2. D. Zechiel watches a foul ball go by. 3. F. Stayton str ik ing out . 4. O. Bradley, K. Reinhold, B. Knepper , F. Stayton, D. Kel ler,

after B. Ash in a

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H o * h R. Sheppard , a Kmppvr, f> Bobbins, M . W y n n , W , Nehls, D . Day, R, Har r i s B Johnson R (Ass't Coach) Mr . Snyder, M. El l iott , T . Carlos, K. El l iott , T . Bennett , S. Keyser, J . A l l yn , J . Bei

q i u ^ Wynn and T ' C a r l o s 9 e t r e * * V on defense. 2. R. Harr is takes a dar ing lead off first 3. M. Wynn follows through his swing. 4. M. W y n n returns to the dugout after a good effort. 5. T Bennett uses all he can t o get a base hit . 6. S. Keyser takes a nap before batt ing. 7. R. Harr is and

u V y 6 t f d , O W S ' l V s t 0 e a r , y ' ' 8 T - C a r l o s > K - E ] l i o » ' R - H ^ s , D. Day, M. El l iott cheer their team on. 9. M. Ell iott throws a curve


C C H S - 28 Knox — 1

C C H S - 3 T V S - 4

C C H S - 5 P lymouth — 15

C C H S - 10 T r i t on — 0

C C H S - 8 J im town — 0

C C H S - 1 John Glenn - 2

C C H S - 19 W. Centra l - 0

C C H S - 3 LaVi l le - 5

C C H S - 0 No r th Judson — 6

C C H S - 3 N. Prairie — 7

C C H S - 13 Winamac — 14

C C H S - 7 Argos - 3

C C H S - 18 T r i t on - 0

C C H S - 3 St. Joe - 13

C C H S - 3 J imtown — 9

C C H S - 5 Bremen - 7

C C H S - 0 John Glenn - 2

C C H S - 6 C M A - 2

C C H S - 6 LaVi l le - 0

C C H S - 4 Davis - 6

C C H S - 7 Rochester — 2

C C H S - 0 N . Prairie — 3

Record - 9-13


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The building blocks of education enables us to establish and obtain higher goals, which help form a better world in which to grow. In future years we will Reflect Back on how the experience of education enriched our lives.

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• I B

' f % •

i Patrick J . Mark — Principal John Nelson — Athlet ic Director Eileen Bulter — Principal 's Secretary


Weldon Hicks

1. T o m Fuj imura — Guidance Counsel­or 2. Rose Master — Treasurer 3. Regi-na Anderson — Teachers ' A ide 4. Ruth Shanks — Guidance Counselor 5. Ruby T o r o k — Guidance Secretary 6. Sharon Coffey — Corpora t i on R.N. 7. Carrie Jones — Librar ian.

1. — S. Shanks — work ing di l igently. 2. — M. Newman f inding her homework amusing. 3. — A . Coby, J . Jacobson, T . G i r ton , M . Newman, J . Young , S. Shanks checking out this month 's poster pig. 4. — J . Jacobson — looking over an ag repor t .

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Page 66: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

• I


Robert Triggs


Kent Perry Connie Schoening Michael Schwartz


Page 67: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Rick Bu t t on — Sponsor Rick Geist


1. L. Spoor works intent ly to meet the deadline. 2. L. G i r ton works on perfect ing the yearbook.

1981-82 Calvalcade Staff - J . Pol lock, R. Beach, S. Kel ler, M . McFar land, S. Currens, Mr . Bu t t on , L. Kouzbik, J . R ickman, L. G i r ton , and L. Spoor.

1 3 4

1. C. Sage and B. Van twoud rehears­ing the leading roles. 2. S. Stayton seems interested in something else. 3. J . Pollock bends down in view of the camera. 4. D. Nix, S. Ringer, S. Stutzman and C. Sellers — are ready to sing!

1 3 5

Page 68: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Jan Moon Vick i Dearth


Page 69: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 70: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Ray Gangloff Dale H u m m e l Ter ry Mishler


1. K. Walters tries for perfect ion. 2. — R. Wil l iams acts surprised. 3. — D. Smith shows off his smile. 4. — M. Braden shows a great interest. 5. — J . Ahlenius, P. Dil ley, D. Keller and R. Kersey work on their drafts.

Mar i l yn Coby Paul Schmidt Sharon Staf ford


1. — B. Knepper looks over his assignment. 2. — S. Potter shows intense concentrat ion. 3. — P. Hershberger takes a break. 4. — K. Baker finds the answer. 5. — T . Burns, L. G i r ton , B. Raush, K. Pugh, and R. Jamieson learn some new equations. 6. — M. Kesmodel prays before his big test.

Page 71: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

1. B. Van twood and C. Whi t ing wearing the latest style in glasses. 2. R. Beach and L. Currens showing off Delphina, their pr ide and joy. 3. G. Hal l inan demonstrates a physics exper iment . 4. C. Rickman taking a break f r om looking for bacteria. 5. L. Bendy and D. Mackey brewing up their secret love pot ion .

Page 72: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Lathan Lawson Wi l l iam " D o c " Heath Paul Pare


Richard But ton


1. T . Duff in and V. P i t tman concentrate on history. 2. D. Duf f in, M . Welden, D. Nies, J . Lentz, M . Udel , S. Curt is , and D. Kru l l live through another day of government class. 3. C. Sellers, R. Jamieson, S. Stutzman and B. Mahler listen intent ly to Mr. Lawson. 4. J . Ahlenius is c lowning around. 5. G. Hooker , C. Banks and K. Berger deciding whether to laugh or cry about their surprise quiz.

1 — Th i rd year Spanish class; L. G i r ton , M . McFar land, K. Keller, M. El l iott , T . Good­man, T . Engel, D. Reinholt, J . Flagg, J . Washburn, and T . Burns. 2 — Mr. But ton 's kids: P. Hinsey, F. Stayton, R. Shrader, M . Engelbrecht, and R. Drang. 3 — E. Szymc-zak takes a Spanish siesta. 4 — C. Weath-ersby studies her vocabulary words. 5 — L. Spoor checks over her spelling. 6 — E. Fetzer plays peek-a-boo!

Page 73: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 74: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally
Page 75: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


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Page 76: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Compliments Of


Dr. Thomas M. Pugh

1001 Lake Shore Drive

Culver, Indiana 46511 842-3465

Good Luck From


Dr. F.L. Babcock Optometrist

203 S. Main Street

Culver, Indiana 46511


Kokomo, Ind., Inc.

1701 Pidco Drive Plymouth, Indiana 46563

Phone 936-3220

The weekend. And you've got a little t ime to spend Any way you want. Good times, good friends. And Coca-Cola to help make it great.

WM Ifs the real thing. Cgfce.

Congratulations To The Seniors Of

" 8 2 " From:



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1 7 8 M A I N S T R E E T

M O N T E R E Y . I N D I A N A 4 6 9 6 0

H O U R S ;

9 : 0 0 A . M . - 4 : 3 0 P . M



P H O N E : ( 2 1 9 ) 5 4 2 - 2 T O O


Page 77: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

U(aij's. ^Beauty <Salon

Specializing In Styling For Men And Women

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Hardware and Housewares 113 Water Street • Plymouth, IN 46563

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from Knox, Indiana 46534

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Winamac, Indiana 46996




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46975 223-2992

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M P h o i t e P h o n x 842-2291

>'s Body $hop BODY REPAIR aiid PAINTING

104 Nortji>f?Jymouth Street C U L V E IfciN D I A N A 46511

Prop. M ike Tanner H O U R S : Monday-Friday :8 to 5 Saturday: 8 to 12 noon

P . O . B O X 1 1 3

! - I T E R S F O R D , I N D I A N A 4 6 9 4 5

P H O N E 5 4 2 - 4 4 1 1 B U S I N E S S

P H O N E 5 4 2 - 4 5 8 9 H O M E

A R G O S 8 9 2 - 6 4 0 0


804 S MAIN




115 Main Street Culver, IN. 46511 Phone: 842-2982

RCA Gibson Quazar Magic Chef

Sales And Service Westinghouse

Congratulations To The Graduates

Good Luck In The Future


Home Of The Best Deals On Wheels.

415 Lakeshore Drive Richard Woodward



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Ottering everything beautiful for your home"

Home Of The Areas Finest Furniture.



Page 78: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

w A

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A bank, in itself, is nothing more than a bunch of money, stacks of paper, and brick and mortar. I t ' s the people who work in our bank that have made our reputation for personal service. A t The Willing Bank, we set out to make this rep­utation by hiring only people who

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Plymouth, Indiana 46563 Phone A/C 219-936-2440

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THE KELLY SHOP 0" Fine Ladies Ready To Wear

Fabrics Of Al l Types

THE GIFT SHOP Gifts For Al l Occasions

110 North Main St. Culver

B O N I N E F U N E R A L r H O M E

104 Lakeshore Drive

Congratulations To Al l Graduates

M A S T E R ' S ^ t L H A R D W A R E ^

Best Wishes To The Class

Of '82'


Monterey, Indiana


A Most Unique Selection Of Gifts

Bridal Registry 111 E. Washington St.

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T r e a t s


X)8 North Michigan Street, P L Y M O U T H , I N D I A N A 46563

3 T r e a t s ** 214 N. M i c h i g a n St.

P L Y M O U T H , I N D I A N A 46563

Complete Student Shops

In Both Stores

Tuxedo Rental And Sales


Page 79: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

A jJJ A tradition of progressive banking

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our finest tradition. T h e Las t W o r d in B a n k i n g



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We Fea Image P

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118 N. Main, Culver J Phone: 842-3080



Culver Indiana

Phone: 842-2742

Compliments Of \\r


S P E C I A L I S T S , I N C .


Growers Of

"Indiana's Finest Apples." Culver, Ind. 46511 842-2933 A

Page 80: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally



PLYMOUTH AUTO CENTER fp|SS Airport Road, Plymouth, Ind.

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Best Wishes To The Graduates And To All Our

Friends In The Culver Area


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F A S H I O N F A B R I C S Pa t te rns - Not ions

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P H O N E :

9 3 6 - 8 8 5 5

2 2 2 N . M I C H I G A N S T . P L Y M O U T H , I N D .

HOURS: S u n d a y 12 :30 P M — 1 0 P M

M o n - T h u r s . 11 A M — 1 1 P M F r i . & S a t . 1 1 A M — 1 2 P M

D i n i n g R o o m O r d e r s T a k e n Unt i l 15 M i n P r i o r To C l o s i n g

Congratulations To The Class

Of " 8 2 " From


Hamlet, Indiana


Page 81: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

SHIRT SHED, INC. Division Of Nexus Marketing Group

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842-2351 Don Clifton

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200 E. & 800 N. MONTEREY, IN




Joseph L. Currens, Sr. Family


2 1 8 S o u l n M . c n . g o n S i r e e l

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P k o n e 9 3 6 - 2 0 7 0

The Finest Names Boating

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Fine Family Dining Corner S. Main & Davis Street



Page 82: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Dear Lor i , Life can be rough but having^a sister like you

makes the going alot easier. You are a beautiful understanding person who is the most precious gift anyone has ever given me. I 'd be lost without you. Thanks for all the love and sunshine you have brought into my life.

Your big sister, Susie

Congratulations T o ^ ^ The Class Of ^

"1982" From Your Friends A t


l i i J : J : i l i U ; H V I L L A G E

CUlVfRJND, cot . "•842-3606

Congratulations to the graduating class of 1982 and

future home owners.


Monday-Friday 9:30-6:30 Saturday 9:30-5 PM


1 PM to 5 PM

Portraits Weddings

Commercial Cameras

Sales & Service

UMDAU p H O T O q R A p H V

201 North Michigan Street Plymouth, Indiana


Page 83: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


From: Bonnie M., Kirsten R., Christina H. , Jeanne R., Nancy F., Donna S., Georgie J .

Eddie, We are proud of you and the class of

'82 ' . Mom, Dad & the Girls

Tom & Cindy, It's hard to believe you've graduated. It only

seems like yesterday when we took this picture. We hope both of you will remember us always.

Love, Dad, Mom, and Lisa



LISA: You've come a long way, baby, but you still have a ways to go. Love, MOM and DAD


There is nothing more beautiful than a rain­bow, but it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow. If life is to be rounded and many-colored like a rainbow, both joy and sor­row must come to it. Those who have never known anything but prosperity and pleasure become hard and shallow, but those whose prosperity has been mixed with adversity be­come kind and gracious.

Love and God Bless


Page 84: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

I wish you the best of luck in years to come. I hope you have loads of fun at college. I know you won't believe me, but I will miss you. Don't celebrate graduating too much.

Your favorite sister, Christina

Congratulations class of '82; we've finally made it! It's hard to believe that after 13 long years school is actually over. I hope that everyone had as much fun as I did. We were very lucky to have the best teaching staff around; without them a lot of us would never have made it. May each and every one reach for their dreams. May you find love by carrying it with you and know happiness by bringing it to others. Just remember;

"You can make yourself into the kind of person who can spread love around, and nothing can be more important to the world than that. When you know that you are a faith-building, cheer-spreading, hope-generating, encouragement-offering person, you will know how wonderful you are. For the person who gives love, falls in love with life, you find that living can be an inspiring experience. It is so exciting living with a heart full of love for others!"

"Robert Schuller" HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!



f I k


M r s W h t t e r s

Y o u ' r e

t h e

G R E A T E S T ! L o v e , m .

S u s i e

Page 85: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Congratulations anb

Best JtJOisbe*!

your Jrkni always,

Congratulations Seniors

You've Come A Long Way,

Linda. Lester Spoor


,ook to this ( *.y ?or it is life,

iMthe very life of life 111 (for yesterday \\ is already a dream, . ^ a n 4 tomorrow

is only a vision; But today, well lived, | makes every yesterday! a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.




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3 T3


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la s < i 2 |p o (—

is •si £ o ^ .21

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Page 86: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


You've been such a great friend to all of us for four super years! Thank you for the sun­shine you brought to our lives each day you were with us. May your future be filled with infinite happiness and success; nobody deserves it more than you. Love, Sheila, Joy, Cindy, Chris, and Renee.

FHA To the 1981-82 FHA members and

officers, You've each brought a drop of sunshine into my life. The last year in the club has given me the chance to grow and experience many things I thought unat­tainable. The single greatest thing about our club is that each of you brought some­thing unique into the club. A l l the small things some of you did not go unnoticed. I appreciate all of your efforts.

1980-81 1981-82 FHA President, Susan Currens

FRIENDS I Do You Remember?!!??!! J^k LISA KOZUBIK Wet T-Shirt con­

tests, Bluebellys, Janet and Janice, CMA football games, Mike and Greg, A r t class, and a girl named Ann Marie? LYNDA SNYDER Black cats, Blue­bellys, The L.F. phone booth number, Racing home 101 excuses to our Moms, Indiana Beach, Hot fudge sundaes at D.Q.? RENEE BEACH Nunemakers, Skin­ny dipping, Fondue, Cruising Plymouth in the rain, Long Johns Slivers, Yearbook conventions, Working on History maps, Your special hairdo for the Prom?

ABBY LAWSON Purdue, Frankie and Charlie, Mike and Kerry from Fresh­men art class, Catching a stove on fire, A parking garage, Hunting for bottles, Working on the homecoming float?

Thanks for all the good times I hope this sparks some memories for you

Best Wishes and Much Success, Your Friend Susie

Page 87: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally

Ahienius, James 5, 25, 33, 132, 144, 171 Ahlenius, Jennifer 71, 73, 75, 84, 90, 91,

100, 101, 131, 141 Allen, Darryl 71. 130 Alien, Jeffrey 63, 137 Allyn, Joseph 25, 63, 107, 124 Amor, Paul 63, 69, 88, 105 Anderson, Bradley 77, 81, 105, 112, 113 Anderson, Carol 77, 81, 86 Anderson, Jeff 77 Anderson, Regina 128 Arthurhultz, Steve 24, 71, 88 Ash, Brook 15, 63, 68, 90, 91, 123 Ash, Natalie 10, 71, 86, 87 Bachman, Rocky 16, 33, 40, 105, 171 Bailey, Thomas 63 Baker, Brenda 2. 9, 31, 40, 46, 55, 57 Baker, Kelly 77, 86, 140. 142 Banks, Carolyn 2. 5, 17. 63, 69, 93. 144 Barrientos, Celina 2, 33, 40, 85, 88, 94,

170 Basile, Adam Beach. Renee 11, 15, 20, 40, 44, 52, 57,

98, 99 3, 164, 167, 168. 172 Bean, Cheryl 3, 40, 51, 86, 90 Bender, Tammy 89 Bendy, James 2, 8, 71, 75, 85, 88, 105,

124 Bendy, Lori 16, 20, 31, 63, 68. 84, 94,

11. 143 Bennett, Michael 16. 63. 68, 116 Bennett, Scott 15, 20, 63, 88. 105. 116,

117 Bennett, Trent 20, 63, 84, 92, 105. 124,

125 Berger, Kristine 63, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94,

144 Bickel, Paul 30, 63, 126 Bigley, Laura 63, 68, 88, 89, 90, 131 Birk, Ruth 63, 86, 89, 94, 139 Bodine, James 71 Bonine, Karen 26, 77, 89, 90, 94 Bonine, Kevin 41 Boyne, Charlotte 13, 77 Braasch, Diane 41 Braden, Michael 13, 63, 141 Braden, Rhonda 13, 77 Bradley, Qulnten 17, 123 Breyfogle, Scott 12, 77 Browder, John 106 Buchman, Gerald 63 Burton, Donald 2, 77, 86 Burton, Jerry 41, 86 Burns, Theresa 15, 63, 94, 140, 145 Bulter, Debra 63, 86, 89, 90 Butler, Eileen 128 Button, Richard 94, 95, 134, 145 Byer, Tammy 77, 81, 87, 142 Byer, Mike 71 Byfield. Charles 131 Carlos, Tony 7, 17, 64, 88, 105, 124,


Carnegie, Victor Carnegie, Vincent 5, 17, 31, 69 Carter, James 71 Causey, Cary 77, 92 Cinak, Deborah 77, 90, 118 Clark, Chirsten 77, 84, 88, 90, 91, 94 Clark, John 13, 64, 138 Clifton, Donovan 147 Clifton, Rick 26, 27, 71, 75, 89 Coby, Alan 15, 41, 86, 88, 129 Coby, Marilyn 2, 85, 0 Coffey, Sharon 87, 128 Cooper, David 8, 64 Cooper, Lisa 77, 81, 89 Cooper. Tina 10. 77, 81, 86, 94 Collins, Jennifer 2, 41, 85, 89. 92 Cronan, Lisa 41 Crull, Scott 14, 41, 88 Crum, Jeff 77, 81. 86, 122

Crum, Ty 16, 71. 88, 107, 122 Cultice, Scott 31, 33. 41, 90. 92. 107,

131 Cummlngs, Thomas 71 Currens, Lorraine 2, 63, 64, 68, 85, 89,

94. 102, 103 Currens, Susan 10, 41, 86, 95. 118, 134,

3 Curtis, Scott 41, 51, 144 Dancy, Mr. 147 Dancy, Michael Dancy, Thomas 5, 6, 64, 92 Darda, Christopher 64, 92. 105, 116 Day, Dale 42, 56, 107, 124, 125 Dearth, Vicki 94, 137 DeVos, Lori 2, 42, 85 DeWitt, Dewayne 12. 71, 86 Dickey, Dawn 16, 17, 42. 86, 133 Dilley, Philip 12, 71, 106. 120, 141 Dttmire, Scott 71, 88, 105 Doll. Lawrence 8, 105. 112. 114, 115,

142 Dotlahan. Bonnie 77, 86, 89 Doty, Joy 2, 42, 56. 85, 86, 94. 172 Doty, Lawrence 71, 136 Drake, Sandra 71, 86, 87, 139 Drang, Frank 64, 68, 92, 110. 120 Drang, Richard 77, 81. 94, 110, 121,

142 Duffin. Darryl 8, 144 Duffin, Latanya 64, 68, 144 Duffin, Michael 5, 7, 64 Dunfee, Joseph 5, 77, 81. 110, 117 Dusek, Martin 71, 142 Dutt, Marianne 147 Elliott, John Michael 24. 31, 64, 84, 92,

94, 105, 114, 115, 124, 125, 145 Elliott, Kyle 6. 8, 24, 71, 88, 107, 114,

115, 124, 125 Ellis, Anthony 77 Engel, Tammy 2, 24, 25, 64, 68, 84. 85,

94, 102, 145 Engelbrecht, Mario 13, 77, 81, 88, 94,

145 Eskridge, Lee 147 Feltner, Boyd 77, 146

Fetzer, Eric 1, 90, 122, 5 Fields, Christine 2, 49, 51, 85, 90, 91,

94, 164, 172 Fitz, Daniel 77 Fisher, Bonnie 30, 43, 53, 95 Flagg, John 15, 64, 65, 84. 90, 92, 92,

105, 115, 122, 125, 144 Forest, Raymond 2, 43, 55, 85, 92, 94,

105, 115, 145 Foust. Jeffrey 43, 54. 105 Fox, Angela 5, 23, 63, 64, 68, 87, 88,

89, 164 Fox, Sarah 16, 43 Francis, Richard (Rick) 71, 139 Franklin, John 43, 51, 90 French, Angela 5, 69, 93. 118 Frettinger, Nancy 2, 26, 71, 85, 90, 94,

131, 166 Frettinger, Steve 2, 14, 43, 50, 51, 85,

89, 90. 91 Fujimura, Thomas 63, 128 Gangloff, Ray 141 Garbison, Lori 8, 64 Gardner, Glen 77, 81. 120 Gam, Victoria 5, 64, 68, 89, 90. 91, 94,

100, 101 Garrett, Melinda 5, 64, 88, 90, 130 Garver, Bill 143 Garver, Matthew (Mickey) 64, 69, 89, 90,

91, 107, 121 Geiger, Lori 77, 88 Geist, Richard 92, 104, 135, 121 afford, AUmna 71, 86, 94 Gilbert, Brenda 78, 87, 92 Girton, Cindy 2, 44. 166, 172

Girton, Lisa 10, 64, 92, 94, 95. 102. 110. 111. 0

Girton, Thomas 44, 56, 129, 166 Glassburn, David 78 Glassburn, Melody 64 Golden, Michelle 5, 65 Good, Charles 2, 7, 44, 55, 115 Good, Diana 3, 16, 44, 45. 86. 87, 93,

133 Goodman, Rhonda 9, 14, 16, 44. 86, 94,

98, 99 Goodman, Kevin Tony 11. 65, 94. 145 Griffin. Susan 65, 68, 93, 94 Guess. Lynn 71, 75 Gut, Chester 12, 78, 89, 90, 94 Guy. Nancy 65, 68 Haeck, Roger 121 Hallinan. Gary 2, 13, 14, 26. 37, 44. 55.

116. 117, 122, 143 Hamman, Brian 78, 142 Hanselman, Albert 2, 6. 14, 71. 85, 94,

105, 114. 115, 120. 121, 142 Hanselman, Betty 78, 86, 142 Hansen. Andrew 65, 90, 90, 107 Hansen, Jeff 45, 47, 49, 51. 56, 85, 89,

90, 91, 94, 107, 131 Harris, Kim 78 Harris. Ronald 22. 23, 31, 33, 40, 45,

85, 89, 105, 124, 125 Hartle, Robin 32, 45, 86 Hartman, Roger 78 Hays, Robert 78, 121 Heath, William (Doc) 105. 124, 138. 144 Hershberger, Paul 14, 65, 94, 140 Hesters, Tamara 17, 71, 88, 100. 101.

108, 109. I l l Hesters, Theresa 78. 92 Hicks, Weldon 86, 129 Hildebrand, Christina 2, 72, 75, 85, 89,

90, 94, 106, 164 Hildebrand, Lisa 24, 32, 45, 51, 90, 91,

168 Hinsey, Patrick 5, 32, 45, 56. 104, 105,

116, 117, 5 Hoesel, Fred 33, 46, 106, 121 Hooker, Gina 2, 5, 30, 65, 93, 144 Holbrook, Kathleen 2, 46, 51, 85, 90, 91,

94 Houghton, Lori 46, 86, 139 Huddleston, Kevin 78 Huddleston, Treva 10, 15, 65, 94, 95 Hummel. Dale 105, 116, 117, 141 Hunneshagen, Colleen 15. 65. 87, 89. 94,

137 Hyland, Michelle 24, 78. 84. 88, 94. 100,

101 Jacobson, Georgana 72, 88, 100, 101.

108, 109, 118, 166 Jacobson. James 46, 88, 105, 110, 121,

129 Jacobson, Rosemarie 65, 102, 110, 111,

118, 119 Jamieson, Laura 78, 94 Jamieson. Michael 32, 46 Jamieson, Roxanna 65, 87. 94, 137, 140.

144 Jenkins, Denise 68, 110, 111, 118, 142 Jenkins, Jeffrey 72, 75, 90 Jimenez, Debra 12, 65, 89 Johnson, Brian 6, 65, 90, 91, 107, 124,

131 Jones, Carrie 128 Justis, Debra 30, 33, 46, 164 Justis, Michelle 72 Kalt, Mimi 12, 89, 136 Keller, Diane 78, 100, 101. 108. 109,

111, 118, 141 Keller, Douglas 72. 75, 94, 123 Keller, Kimberly 6, 14, 24, 65, 102, 103,

108. 109, 118, 145 Keller, Renee 72, 75

Keller, Sheila 31, 46, 55, 57, 84, 93, 94. 137, 172

Keller, Shelley 2, 47, 57, 94, 95, 134, 137

Kersey, Richard 72. 141 Kesmodel. Matthew 72, 75, 140 Keyser, Scott 65, 92. 107, 114. 115.

124. 125 Kibort, Emily 47 Kibort, Marilyn 31, 72, 75, 138 Kinney, Cindy 78, 86. 108, 109 Kirk, Michelle 78 Klausing, Daniel 78 Klausing, Douglas 65, 68, 86 Kline, Donald 78, 90, 91 Kline, Julie 5, 65, 68. 69, 87, 92, 94,

102. 103, 119 Knepper. Brad 2, 8. 72, 73, 84, 85, 94,

105, 112, 123, 124. 140 Konzeiman. Robert 84, 143 Kozubik, Lisa 30. 33, 47, 69, 84, 85. 94.

95, 98. 99, 134, 167 Krull, Barbara 71, 72, 75. 93 Krull. David 47, 144. 164 Krull, Robert 78, 86, 112 Lawson, Abby 22, 26, 33, 47. 55, 88,

89, 92, 102, 103, 110, 111 Lawson, Latham 144 Lee, Ronald 7, 65, 69, 88, 92, 106, 120,

121 Lenig, Denise 78, 92, 94 Lentz, Jeff 2, 5. 47, 124. 132, 144 Leohmer, Lawrence 5, 65. 68. 86, 120,

121 Leohmer, Mary 78, 118 Lewis. Douglas 8, 24. 72, 105, 112 Lewis, Jennifer 47, 51, 56, 84. 85, 89,

90 Lewis, Todd 48 Licht, Robert 2, 48, 57, 132 Lindvali, Bradley 72, 107 Lough. Matthew 72. 105, 116 Louk, Andy 31, 65 Louk, Robert 48, 106, 112 Lowry, Darci 2, 5, 9, 15, 17, 24. 65, 85,

92, 94, 102. 103. 110, 111 Mackey, Denise 10, 16, 48, 92, 98, 99,

143 Mahler, Brent 66, 88, 90, 92, 144 Mallory, Kristina 26, 27, 66, 90. 91 Mangun, Sandra 78, 87 Mann, Raymond 72 Mark, Patrick J . 32, 33. 128 Master, Barry 20, 31, 66, 105. 120, 121 Master, Lisa 78, 101, 118 Master, Rose 128 Mattison, Timothy 66, 88, 92, 116, 117,

121, 127 Mayfield, Mark 17, 66, 138 McFarland, Melinda 16. 66. 94, 95. 134,

145, 170 McKee, Albert 147 Mersch. Bart 66, 92 Mersch, Nathan 66, 87, 89, 90 Mevis, Bonnie 66, 72, 90. 100, 101, 110,

111, 166 Miller, Cory 11, 13, 78. 81, 92 Millis, William 33 Minix, Lori Salzer 33, 48 Mishler, Terry 88. 141 Moon, Jan 136 Morgan, Jill 16, 33, 48, 57. 86 Nehls, Walter 2, 33. 48. 85, 105, 124 Nelson, Martin 13, 66 Nelson, Tracey 66. 71, 87. 90, 94 Nelson, John 128 Newman, Mary 49. 86, 129 Nicolas, Hope 72, 92 Nies. Beth 2. 66, 68. 86 Nies, Donald 33, 49, 144 Nies, Jeff 72

Nies. Margie 78, 86 Nix, Donna 27. 66. 89, 92, 94. 133. 135 Norris, Paul 66 Norton. Melissa 78, 84, 88, 93, 94, 108.

109 Overley, Randi 13. 49, 55. 86. 89. 93 Overmyer, Tammy 15, 25, 78, 142 Overmyer, Catherine 147 Overmyer, Jeanette 147 Overmyer, Shelli 2, 9. 14, 17, 66, 68,

85, 92 ,94 , 102. 103, 110, 111 Parcel. Cyndi 88. 130 Pare, Paul 144 Patrick. Rick 78, 90. 91, 131 Penksa, Debra 78, 81, 90, 94, 100, 101 Perry. Kent 133 Personette, Peggy 16, 49, 55, 86. 93 Personette, Scott 9, 49 Pier, Martin Paul 78 Pittman, Vernell 12, 66, 144 Pitts, Lisa 72, 87 Pollock, Jeffery 78. 88, 92, 110, 135 Pollock, Jennifer (Jenny) 2. 10, 12, 66,

69, 85, 88, 89, 95, 118, 134 Polstra, Connie Walters 50. 86 Poort. Richard Dean 66, 116 Posthuma, Tim 15, 20, 21, 33, 86. 164 Potter, Samuel 79, 89, 90. 94, 140 Pratt, Dominic 66, 105 Pratt, Maria 50. 51, 90, 90, 92 Pratt, Matthew 5, 79, 90,5, 116, 117 Pugh. Kimberly 66, 98. 99, 140 Qulvey, Beverly 5, 6, 24, 66, 68, 90, 92,

94. 118 Ransdell, Lisa 33, 50, 51, 85, 89. 90, 94 Rausch, Elizabeth (Betty) 66, 87, 94, 137,

140 Rausch. Tom 146 Reagan. Rodney 72 Reinhold, Gladys 147 Reinhold. Kurt 24. 79. 81, 86, 105, 112,

113, 123, 142 Reinhold. Lesa 50, 51, 90, 94 Reinhold, Lisa 71, 72, 75, 84, 89, 93 Reinholt, Duane 50, 85, 94, 145 Reinholt, Galen 79, 81, 94. 112 Repp. Larry 33. 50. 56. 105 Rickman. Cathy 57. 79, 90, 99. 143 Rickman, Eddie 31. 32. 40, 51, 55, 57,

84, 85, 106 Rickman. Jeanne 2, 72, 85, 87, 88, 89

95, 101, 108. 109, 11. 118. 134. 166 Ringer, Randall 67. 88, 138 Ringer, Shaunna 2, 72, 85. 89. 92, 94

135 Robbins, Philip 33, 51, 106. 124. 132 Roberts, Doris 79, 81, 86, 89 Robertson. Kirsten 11. 12. 23, 27, 72,

89, 90, 90, 94. 99. 166 Rogers, Mark 15. 51. 88 Ruby, Jane Branham 3. 51, 139 Sage, Colleen 5. 26, 27, 33, 51, 55, 56

84, 85, 89, 92. 93. 135 Salinas, Barbara 72. 87, 119 Salzer, Richard (Eddie) 72, 89. 105, 116 Samuelson. Beth 13, 79, 86, 88, 130 Samuelson, Bonnie 13, 79, 86. 88 Sanders, Clinton 17, 67, 86, 6 Schmidt, Paul 85, 140 Schmidt, Robert 79, 89, 107 Schoening, Connie 87, 133 Schwartz, Donna 139 Schwartz, Michael 40. 68, 101, 102, 133 Schwartz, Terry 72. 86 Sellers, Cynthia 51. 90, 91, 92. 135, 144 Shaffer, Penny 130, 139 Shank. Stephen 52, 56, 86, 115, 129 Shanks, Ruth 128 Shei, Katherine (Kit) Sheppard, Cynthia 87, 72 Sheppard, Roger 67, 116, 123, 124 Sherow, Roger 52 Shidaker, Cynthia 24. 72, 89 Shidler, Catherine 7 Shock, Donna 67

Shrader. Ralph 14. 17, 24, 79. 81, 91, 112, 113. 120. 121, 145

Slyh, Carrie 24. 79. 81. 84, 88. 94, 100, 101, 108, 109, 118, 119

Smith, Brad 79 Smith, Chris 79 Smith, Daniel 5, 33, 52, 141, 171 Smith, Donna 27, 31, 72, 73, 75, 90. 91,

94, 100, 101, 102, 138, 166 Smith, Douglas 67, 68, 92, 116, 122 Smith, Glenn 8, 73. 88. 120 Smith, Julie 2, 79, 85 Smith, Mary Lou 2. 51, 52, 55, 85, 90,

92. 94, 102, 103, 137 Smith, Melinda 52 Smith, Shan 20, 21, 33, 53. 55. 57 84

93 Smith, Tammy 73, 146 Smith, Tina 79, 81, 94, 136 Snyder, Doug 124 Snyder, Lynda 2, 26, 53, 94 Solbert, Bruce 73, 88 Spicer, Robert 73, 123 Spiewak, Pamela 67, 92 Spoor, Linda 2, 53, 85, 94. 95. 134

145, 170 Stacy. Crystal 6. 16. 32. 53 Stacy, Darren 79 Stafford, Sharon 118, 140, 143 Stamper, Brian 73 Stamper, Julie 53 Stayton, Fred 77, 81, 94. 106. 112, 113

123. 145 Stayton, Sharon 14, 67, 68k 87, 92, 135 Stevens, Denise 79, 136 Stevens, Dwight 73, 75 Stevens, Ron 92, 105, 107, 112, 115

122, 123. 136 Stevens, Rayn 79 Straw. Anthony 67, 68. 142 Stutsman, Stephanie 67, 85, 89. 90, 92

135, 144 Sullivan, Teresa 92, 146 Szymczak. David 73 Szymczak, Elaine 9. 53, 145 Taiclet, Barbara 6, 63. 67, 68, 84, 92,

94, 102, 110, 111 Tanner, Ronald 73, 88 Thomas, Kent 54, 142 Thompson, Brian 79, 81, 142 Thompson, Cindy 79, 94, 100, 101 108

109, 118 Thompson, Michael 15, 20. 24, 25 67

105, 110 Torok, Ruby 128 Trigg. Robert 132 Uldl, Daniel 10, 75. 142 Uidl, Michael 73. 144 Valiquet, Robert 13, 20, 79, 86 Vandeputte, Kenneth 21, 73, 86, 88,

107. 122 Vandeputte, Ronald 67


Ace Hardware Bauer's Store Bennett's Plumbing & Heating Burt 's Body Shop, Inc. Derf's Jewelers Inc. Dilt 's Brothers Hawk's Garage — Bob and Randy Hiatt 's Hardware and Lumber Horse Palace Howard's Barber Shop Ideal Cleaners

PATRONS Klausing's Snow Removal Maxinkuckee Home Supply Price's Village Valet Cleaners Sundae's — never a dull menu Verl 's Barber Shop WTCA in Plymouth Zehner's Garage

Van Horn. Ronald 79. 105. 112, 123 Vantwoud, William 11, 27, 31, 67, 88,

92, 104, 105, 116, 135, 143 Volz, Blanche 16, 54 Waters, Debra 3, 25, 67, 86. 118 Walters, Helen 13, 43, 54, 86 Walters, Kelly 16, 64, 67, 110, 1 Waiters, Lynn 79, 86 Warner, Mary 147 Warner, Sandra 71, 73. 75, 89, 133 Warner, (Welsenburger) Susan 54. 86 Washburn, Jacqueline 14, 67, 94. 145 Watts, John 79, 136 Weathersby, Chavez 67, 145 Weaver. Gary 73, 142 Weldon, Denise 67. 69, 88 Weldon, Michael 54, 144 White. Theresa 79, 81, 94 WroteseH, Peggy 73. 75. 87 Whiting, Chris 2, 73. 85, 3 Wiggin. John 73, 88 Wildes, Kevin 2, 8. 17, 30, 73, 85, 88,

105, 112, 113, 2 Williams, Bonnie 73 Williams, Pam 73 Williams, Patricia 54. 86, 87, 88, 92 Williams, Roger 8, 73, 1 Winters, Barbara 12, 86, 139 Woodward. Kim 14, 77. 79, 81, 84, 88,

90, 91, 94, 108, 109. 118, 119 Woodward, Patty 15. 164, 171 Woodward, Thomas 54, 164, 171 Wynn, Karen 55, 86, 89 Wynn, Lisa 9. 31, 40, 51, 55, 57, 90 Wynn, Mark 15, 16, 21, 44. 55, 92, 104,

105, 114. 115. 124. 125 Young, Joseph 48. 55, 105, 114, 115,

129 Zechiel, Dean 71, 92, 94, 105, 112, 113 Zechiel, Susan 67, 68. 87. 94, 102, 123,

139 Zehner, August 22, 23, 55, 89, 106 Zehner, Melissa 2, 15, 25, 79, 85, 109

PATRONS Keith and Sandi Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Moon Mr. and Mrs. Kent Perry Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Coby Joey Currens Mr. and Mrs. John Schoening

Page 88: CAVALCADE - CulverAHS · FFA, Rhonda Goodman, Vice-President of FHA, and Mary Newman, Secretary of FFA. All who helped had a feeling of accomplishment when the day of the dance finally


You know, graduation day really makes you think. Remember the elementary school, the playground with the old tree stump. The step into junior high was a big one for us. We made new friends and had new teachers. We waited anxiously for the rollar skating party to come. We thought that we were cool in high school, our heads held high and being big shots meant something!! Remember your first date, hands all sweaty, rehearsing your lines for the 99th time before asking the cute girl in algebra class out. It was a great privilege standing in the senior hall, looking down at everyone as they passed. Now those days are gone, the good times and bad, and only your memories will bring them back. It's kind of funny after 12 years of laughter, sorrow, victories, defeats, friends, and enemies, that will all be over in time. They call my name, I walk up onto the platform, the audience claps while I receive my diploma. School's over and a new life has begun.

— Marilyn Alt