Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native American tribes to oppose American Expansion; received aid from the Britis (evidenced by the findings at the Battle of Tippecanoe. The War of 1812 The War Hawks Tecumseh Impressment Chesapeake Incident The British still viewed American sailors as British citizens, still subject to be drafted into the King's Navy; A major sign of disrespect. The British took impressment too far and boarded a U.S. Warship. When they pressed members of the U.S. Navy, Congress viewed it as an act of war. Freedom of the Seas Americans are freedom loving people and believe that no one owns the oceans, when the British didn't respect our right to travel the oceans freely it is viewed as an act of war. This principle will resurface again in WWI and WWII. A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5

Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

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Page 1: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native


Main Event

Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada"

Formed a Confederation of Native American tribes to oppose American Expansion; received aid from the Britis (evidenced by the findings at the Battle of Tippecanoe.

The War of 1812

The War Hawks



Chesapeake Incident

The British still viewed American sailors as British citizens, still subject to be drafted into the King's Navy; A major sign of disrespect.

The British took impressment too far and boarded a U.S. Warship. When they pressed members of the U.S. Navy, Congress viewed it as an act of war.

Freedom of the Seas

Americans are freedom loving people and believe that no one owns the oceans, when the British didn't respect our right to travel the oceans freely it is viewed as an act of war. This principle will resurface again in WWI and WWII.











Page 2: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native


Main Event The War of 1812

The Battle of New Orleans

The Treaty of Ghent

The Era of Good Feelings

Rise of Andrew Jackson

The Hartford Convention

Only major American victory during the War of 1812, built a sense of pride in American Nationalism.

An anti-war movement, this was a gathering of New England States to devise a separate treaty with the British ending their involvement in the War of 1812 so they could resume trade.

An Armastice, an agreement that ended the fighting in the War of 1812 but settled none of the causes for the conflict.

I was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans, I later played a major role in the acquisition of Florida, and my fame would lead to the Presidency.

Period of time following the War of 1812 where only one political party existed and sectional rivalries were put aside to celebrate national pride. Began with the election of James Monroe.











Page 3: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

Manifest Destiny


The Main Event

James K. Polk

Needs of American Industry

People eager for a new start on life

The China Market

Abundance of available land

My election as President was based on my promise to add territory to the United States, my goal was to achieve port access to the Pacific Ocean.

American factories were producing so much that the nation needed to expand its markets and open new lands in which to sell our industrial produce, otherwise inventories would rise, prices would fall, and businesses would fail.

Americans and immigrants facing poverty, debt, and little hope of advancement looked toward the west as a new hope for a new life, a fresh start.

Many saw the potential for great profits in trade with China, port access to the Pacific was crucial to making that happen.

The west was a vast expanse of land, although hostile and filled with danger, the frontier had a mystique of freedom.











Page 4: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event Manifest Destiny




The Mexican War

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant

The most divisive political issue of the antebellum (1800-1860) period was the debate over the western expansion of slavery. Would the west be free or slave?

After a rebellion of American settlers against the government of Mexico I spent a short period as an independent republic (The Lone Star Republic) then was annexed by the United States.

I was the catalyst for manifest destiny, Polk first tried to buy land from Mexico, when they refused to sell the U.S. went to war and acquired the Mexican Cession, most of the western United States.

I resulted in the acquisition of the Mexican Cession; what would become California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado and New Mexico.

We gained our combat experience during the Mexican War serving under General Winfield Scott. We later commanded armies against each other during the Civil War.











Page 5: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native


The Main Event The American Civil War


Horace Greeley


John Brown

Abraham Lincoln

I was the White Elephant in the room from 1800 to 1860 (everybody could see me, but nobody wanted to talk about me). The possibility of me moving west created new political parties and caused great tension between north and south.

I founded the Republican Party as a combination of other political parties dedicated to stopping the western expansion of slavery.

I am a rivalry between sections (regions) of the country. Issues related to me included: Dred Scott Case, Compromise of 1850, Harper's Ferry, Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, etc.

I led a raid on a Federal Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. I was hoping to inspire a regional slave revolt. The raid failed, I was arrested, convicted of treason against the state of Virginia, and hung. I was harolded as a great hero in the North and as the vilest of criminals in the South.

My election as President in 1860 signaled the beginning of the Civil War as seven southern states seceded. Four others seceded after my call for volunteers for the Army.











Page 6: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event The American Civil War


John Wilkes Booth

Radical Reconstruction

Republican Party

Ku Klux Klan

Reconstruction Amendments

I assassinated President Lincoln as a part of a larger plot to assassinate key members of the United States government. I was later captured and killed.

I was a plan to punish the Southern States for secession and ensure the dominance of the Republican Party in national politics. The greatest demonstration of this was the creation of military districts in the South governed by military Generals to ensure that the freed slaves exercised their rights.

Radical Reconstruction and African American voting ensured our dominance of National Politics for the next 25 years.

We established ourselves as a secret society bent on intimidating African Americans from exercising their new rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.

We were a set of Amendments passed during the Reconstruction period abolishing slavery (13th), granting rights of citizenship (14th), and prohibiting the denial of voting rights based on race (15th).











Page 7: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event


The Spanish-American War


New Markets and Raw Materials

The Yellow Press

The De Lome Letter

U.S.S. Maine

I represented the U.S. desire for an overseas empire to act as a source of raw materials and new markets, for refueling stations for our modernized fleet, and to enhance our status as a world power.

We were the primary needs of the United States' growing industrial complex. Factories were producing more than we could consume and overseas possessions would provide people to buy our goods.

We wanted to boost newspaper sales by sensationalizing and exaggerating stories about Spanish atrocities in Cuba and making the American public more favorable to a declaration of war against Spain. "Give me the pictures, I'll start the war"

I was a letter to the Spanish King that was very insulting of President McKinley, I called him a coward and questioned if he would ever actually act against Spain.

I was the spark for American entry into the Spanish-American War. Although there was little evidence to support it at the time, the Spanish were blamed for my explosion and labeled murderers by the Yellow Press.











Page 8: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event


The Spanish-American War

The Empire of the United States

Theodore Roosevelt

The Great White Fleet

The Roosevelt Corollary


We were the possessions gained by the United States from the Treaty of Paris of 1898. My acquisition signaled the rise of the U.S. as a world power.

I helped organize the famous "Rough Riders" Cavalry Regiment and participated in the "Charge up San Juan Hill". My fame helped me rise to the Presidency in 1901.

I was constructed to demonstrate America's might, and growth as a world power in the early 1900's.

I was Teddy Roosevelt's foreign policy toward Latin America, I was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, some said that I turned the U.S. into an "International Policeman" in the region.

I became a possession of the United States after a rebellion led by Sanford Dole deposed Queen Liliuokalani and established the Pineapple Republic. I was annexed as the 50th State.











Page 9: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native


The Main Event

The Zimmerman Telegram

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

The Lusitania

British Propaganda

World War I

The Archduke Franz Ferdinand

My assassination started this whole mess setting of a chain of events and secret alliances that led to World War I.

I was the German policy of sinking all shipping on the Atlantic Ocean; military or civilian. Freedom of the Seas was an issue near and dear to the hearts of most Americans.

My sinking nearly drew the United States into World War I in 1915, but Woodrow Wilson managed to maintain neutrality until after his reelection.

I was an attempt by Germany to form an alliance with Mexico and coerce them into invading the U.S. in the event we entered World War I. If Germany won the war they would return the Mexican Cession.

I helped to build support for the Allies (Britain, France, and Russia) in the United States and open the American Public's mind to entry into the conflict.










Page 10: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native


The Main Event World War I

The Fourteen Points

Treaty of Versailles

League of Nations

Rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany

New types of weapons

I officially ended World War I, but I helped to create World War II. The determination to humiliate and punish Germany would lead to the rise of Adolf Hitler.

I was Woodrow Wilson's plan for Peace with Honor following World War I. I included disarmament, anti-imperialism, and International cooperation for peace.

I was an international peacekeeping organization formed after World War I. I was miserable failure in preventing World War II because of Britain and France's weakness, Germany's vengeance, and the U.S. and Russia's isolationism.

We were the gruesome new impliments of death developed and used extensively during World War I. We turned the battlefields of Europe into killing fields.

I rose to power as the result of the humiliation levied on Germany by the War Guilt Clause and War Reparations that were part of the Treaty of Versailles.











Page 11: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native


The Main Event

The Great Depression

Black Tuesday (stock market crash)

Overspeculation (Buying on Margin)

Agricultural Overproduction

Easy Credit

High Tariffs closed foreign markets

I was the official beginning of the Great Depression, October 29, 1929, Stock Prices dropped dramatically and rampant business and bank failures followed.

I represented the idea of using the stock market to "get rich quick", many people took out loans to purchase stocks and when stock prices fell they were forced to sell to cover their loans.

American Isolationism of the 1920's led to increased taxes on imports which shut off overseas markets to American goods, consequently supplies increased causing prices to fall and businesses to fail, which only aided in increasing unemployment.

I represented the by-product of increases in technology related to farm equipment and fertilizers, consequently supplies rose and prices fell, this led to massive foreclosures for farmers.

I represent the idea of too many people buying too much stuff without having the ability to pay for it. This leads to people purchasing less, Businesses getting stuck with high inventories, and increases in unemployment.






Page 12: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event

The Great Depression


Massive Business and Bank Failures

The New Deal

Social Security System

Tennesse Valley Authority

FDICThe Stock Market Crash and other factors led to massive unemployment, lost savings, and destroyed lives.

FDR's plan for dealing with crisis of the Great Depression, it dramatically increased the role of the Federal Government in the lives of ordinary citizens. My main goals were Relief, Recovery, and Reform.

I am one of the longest lasting New Deal programs, I created Old-Age Insurance (Pensions and Retirement), Disability Insurance (Workman's Comp), and Unemployment Insurance.

I was an example of how the New Deal involved the Federal Government in regional issues. I, specifically, built a series of hydroelectric dams that provided electricity to citizens in rural areas.

I was meant to stem the problem of mass bank withdrawals and hoarding of money. I insured bank deposits in an effort to restore confidence in the banking system. Without money in banks they can't loan money to troubled businesses and unemployment goes up.






Page 13: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event


World War II

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Aggression

Munich Pact (Appeasement)

Invasion of Poland

Pearl Harbor

"We have achieved Peace in our time"

The Treaty of Versailles

I ended World War I, but by creating the War Guilt Clause and horrific War Reparations to humiliate and crush Germany I helped cause World War II.

I was a conference with Great Britain, France, and Germany where Hitler promised no further acts of aggression in return for a region called the Sudetanland. Of course he broke his promises and soon resumed his aggressive actions in Europe.

I was an alliance between the fascist nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Together we plunged the world into warfare.

I was the official beginning of World War II, the "spark" if you will. Great Britain and France pledged to declare war on Germany if she committed any further acts of aggression after the invasion of Czechoslovakia.

I caused the United States to officially enter World War II, I was a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet meant to leave the South Pacific vulnerable to Japanese invasion.






Page 14: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

Development and Use of Atomic Bombs (Manhattan Project) - Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Division of Germany (Yalta Conference)

Creation of the United Nations (San Francisco Conference)

Trials of Nazi War Crimes (Nuremburg)



World War II

The Main Event

I was the horrific murder of over 6 million Jews and other minorities living in Germany during World War II, part of Hitler's plan for Racial purification through what he called the "Final Solution".

After World War II the German officers that conspired to implement and cover up the Holocaust were put on trial for their crimes against humanity.

I was an international peacekeeping organization meant to prevent the types of aggressive actions that caused World War II. The absence of a World War III is evidence of my success thus far.

After a second World War for which Germany was blamed, it was decided that Germany as it previously existed would be no more. She was split up into four political zones to be governed by the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union.

I ended World War II and would change the nature of world politics forever, possession of me or those like me would guarantee you a voice in world politics. When the Soviets exploded their own in 1949 it ignited the Cold War.






Page 15: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event


The Cold War

The Potsdam Conference

The Hydrogen Bomb

The Korean War

Communist Red China

Communist Revolutions in Europe

I was a meeting at which Soviet leader Joseph Stalin promised to allow free elections in Eastern Europe, instead he propped up Communist Dictatorships as a buffer zone between himself and Western Europe.

I was an early crisis following World War II, President Harry Truman authorized economic and military aid to the governments of Turkey and Greece to prevent Communist takeovers in struggling European nations. (The Truman Doctrine)

The fall of China to Communism in 1949 caused many Americans to suspect that communists had infiltrated the State Department and were working to undermine the policy of containment.

Known as the "Forgotten War", I was the first military flare up following WWII. A limited war, the main U.S. objective was to stop the spread of communism into South Korea.

When the Soviets exploded me in 1949, then launched Sputnik in the 1950's we raised the stakes of the Cold dramatically.






Page 16: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

Cuban Missile Crisis

Berlin Blockade/Airlift

Red Scare

Korean War, Vietnam War, Soviet War in Afghanistan

U.S. Foreign Policies of Containment, Massive Retaliation, Flexible Response, and Realpolitik.

The Cold War

The Main Event


We were the various policies used by the United States during the Cold War to deal with threats of Soviet expansion and acts of aggression that would expand the influence of Communism around the World.

We were the various wars that were fought during the Cold War, although the United States and Soviet Union never went to war with each other they were indirectly warring against each other in these conflicts.

I was the hysteria that stemmed from the belief that communists were actively working to start a revolution in the United States by undermining government agencies.

I was a Soviet attempt to starve westerners out of Berlin, the Capital of Germany (located in Communist East Germany) and the West's response to "at all costs" keep West Berlin alive.

I was the defining event of the Cold War and the closest that the U.S. and U.S.S.R. ever came to actual nuclear war. I stemmed from the Cuban invitation to the Soviets to place ICBM's in their nation, which would have placed every American city within reach of Soviet missiles.






Page 17: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event


The Civil Rights Movement


Plessy v. Ferguson

Jim Crow Laws


Rosa Parks and Dr. King

I was a Supreme Court decision that legalized the segregation of the races in public facilities as long as said facilities were "separate but equal".

I was the legal separation of the races, I occured in two ways: De Jure Segregation which consisted of laws passed segregating public facilities and restricting the activities of African Americans, and De Facto Segregation which were unwritten rules (customs) defining segregation (mainly in the Northern Cities).

I was the name given to segregation laws in the South. I placed numerous restrictions on the day-to-day lives of African Americans in the Southern United States.

I was the penalty for violating segregation policies (De Jure or De Facto), oftentimes I occured without any trial and many that used me were acquitted by Juries of their peers in State Courts.

We initiated the Civil Rights Movement by starting a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. We were protesting the segregated City Bus Lines. Our protest grew into a national movement aimed at providing African Americans with Social, Economic, and Political Equality in the United States.






Page 18: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

Affirmative Action Programs

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Disobedience


Brown v. Board of Education


The Civil Rights Movement

The Main Event

I was a Supreme Court decision that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and ended the segregation of public schools. Later decisions would lead to further integration of American society.

I am a word describing the integration, the mixing, of races in United States society and culture either through government action or cultural change.

I was the foundation of the Civil Rights Movement, a strategy of non-violent resistance. I was characterized by peaceful marches, speechmaking, sit-ins, etc.

We were key government actions that led to the desegregation of all public facilities and allowed for greater voter registration for African Americans combating the poll taxes and literacy tests in the Southern United States.

I was a government program meant to make up for years of racial discrimination in the workplace and in Universities throughout the United States. I helped establish quotas for hiring new employees and enrolling students. I was overturned by Bakke v. Regeants of the University of California on the basis that I represented reverse discrimination and two wrongs didn't make a right.






Page 19: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

The Main Event


The Domino Theory


Tonkin Gulf Resolution

The Vietnam War

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Communist Red China

I was a botched (failed) CIA-backed invasion of Cuba by Cuban refugees that had fled the Castro regime. I made the Cubans feel they needed greater security so they invited the Soviets to place nuclear missiles in Cuba. When Vietnam fell into crisis

The fall of this nation to Communism in the 1950’smade the United States more determined than everto enforce the containment doctrine in SoutheastAsia.

I was the United States policy relating to Communism until 1972, I hand-cuffed the U.S. into committing troops in Vietnam to stop the spread of communism, similar to actions taken in Korea in 1949.

I was the idea that if Vietnam fell to communism, all of Southeast Asia (including India - a key American ally in the region) might fall to communism. I was the driving force behind the U.S. committing troops and escalating military involvement in Vietnam.

I provided President Lyndon B. Johnson with the "blank check" to wage war in Vietnam without an official declaration of war. I gave him the authority to take all necessary actions to stop the spread of communism into South Vietnam.






Page 20: Causes Main Event Stirred up support for war with Great Britain over desires for territorial expansion; "On to Canada" Formed a Confederation of Native

Draft Dodging

Kent State University

My Lai Massacre

Tet Offensive

Anti-War Movement

Richard Nixon - Vietnamization

Lyndon B. Johnson - Credibility Gap


The Vietnam War

The Main Event

In an effort to maintain public support for the Vietnam War I authorized the reporting of false casualty numbers and descriptions of battles. When this was reported, I severely damaged the American public's trust in its government.

I won the Presidential election of 1968 on the promise to return the nation to a state of "Law and Order" and to withdraw American forces from Vietnam in a plan for "Peace with Honor".

We were the opposition to the Vietnam War, we held rallies, protested government buildings, and evaded the Draft to keep from participating in what we believed was an unjust war.

We were events within Vietnam that provided inspiration to the anti-war movement.

I was a protest against the Vietnam War that went tragically wrong and resulted in the deaths of four American students (two of which were not even participants in the protest). I, along with these other events, became the centerpeice for the anti-war movement.