Black 1 Bransen Black Mrs. Sarah Deonier English 10 AA 16 August, 2014 Cats Cradle Essay In the novel Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut the cats cradle is referred to many times thorough the novel. Through these phrases and words referring to the cats cradle, Vonnegut is referring to life. All through the novel the main character Jonah, is on a search for something he doesn't even know exists, and in a way this relates to everyone in life at sometime. We are all searching for something to believe in no matter what anyone says about it. Throughout the novel the main character, Jonah, is following a made up religion that he calls Bokononism. Jonah tries to follow this religion to the best he can, always reading the Books of Bokonon just like a christian would read the bible. This

Cats Cradle Essay

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Essay for Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut

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Black 1Bransen Black Mrs. Sarah Deonier English 10 AA16 August, 2014

Cats Cradle EssayIn the novel Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut the cats cradle is referred to many times thorough the novel. Through these phrases and words referring to the cats cradle, Vonnegut is referring to life. All through the novel the main character Jonah, is on a search for something he doesn't even know exists, and in a way this relates to everyone in life at sometime. We are all searching for something to believe in no matter what anyone says about it.

Throughout the novel the main character, Jonah, is following a made up religion that he calls Bokononism. Jonah tries to follow this religion to the best he can, always reading the Books of Bokonon just like a christian would read the bible. This religion is just like the cats cradle he looks at it, but gains no sustenance from it. Just like the cats cradle.

Throughout the novel Vonnegut doesnt specifically refer to the cats cradle. Things that can relate to the cats cradle are all around. Because some things are never as they seem. As an example, when Jonah and the taxi driver go to the cemetery to find Dr. Hoenikker s plot they approach a gigantic head stone, thinking it was for him only to find that the stone was for his wife when she passed. The stone was decorated by the children, weather it be a poem or a personal message each child put a personal touch to their mothers stone. When Jonah and the taxi driver found Dr. Hoenikkers stone, it was nothing but a little stone with his name on it, no personal touches. That represents the cats cradle in a sense; Nothing is ever what it may seem.

The entire point of the cats cradle is that nothing is ever what it seems. See the cat? See the cradle? Is a representation of the fact that some people only see what they want to see or what other people make them see. In the novel, Newt Hoenikker says No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cats cradle is nothing but a bunch of Xs between someones hands. this shows that as a child he saw what his father asked him to see.

In conclusion, the cats cradle can relate to all of us, we sometimes see things or believe things that other people tell us that turn out to not be true, or steer you from what you though originally. The novel Cats Cradle was an ironic metaphor for itself. The text is very thought-prevoking in the fact that it really makes you think about your own life and the way people can steer your vision of what you may see.