Catchment Management Authority NSW Namoi GOVERNMENT Namoi Catchment Management Authority MINUTES MEETING NUMBER 77 Boardroom, Quality Hotel Powerhouse 1 May 2012

Catchment Management NSW Authority GOVERNMENT Namoiarchive.lls.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/496389/archive... · BM noted that operations staff were currently working to

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Page 1: Catchment Management NSW Authority GOVERNMENT Namoiarchive.lls.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/496389/archive... · BM noted that operations staff were currently working to

Catchment Management AuthorityNSW NamoiGOVERNMENT

Namoi Catchment Management Authority



Boardroom, Quality Hotel Powerhouse

1 May 2012

Page 2: Catchment Management NSW Authority GOVERNMENT Namoiarchive.lls.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/496389/archive... · BM noted that operations staff were currently working to

NamoiCMA Minutes - Meeting Number 77

1 May 2012

Time: Meeting commenced at 10:15am.

Present: Brian Tomalin (A/Chair), Hugh Barrett, Juanita Hamparsum, Jo Slack-Smith, Jack Wamock, Bruce Brown (GM), James Hutchinson-Smith (A/OM), Samantha Moss (BM), Francesca Andreoni (SPM), Anne Ferguson (PRO).

Chairs Welcome

A/Chair welcomed NCMA Board Members and staff to the Meeting and acknowledged the Traditional custodians of the land, and Elders past and present of the Kamilaroi nation.

Pecuniary Interest Register tabled.

1.0 A olouies

Adam Marshall.

• Resolution 77.1

That Adam Marshall be granted leave of absence. Carried

2.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting (26/03/12)

2.1 Approval of Minutes

• Resolution 77.2

That the Minutes from NCMA Board Meeting 76 (26/03/12) be accepted and placed on NCMA's website following minor amendments.

Carried 2.2 Updated Actions

• Action 69.7

GM advised that the SPM would be working up a draft Strategic Plan on the basis of the anticipated Cabinet approval of the draft NCMA CAP.

• Action 71.9

Strategy, Policy & Investment Committee Chair advised that an update on the policy review would be provided under Agenda Item 6.0.

• Action 73.2

A/Chair stated that the issue ofNSW CMA CAPs possibly being endorsed as statutory instruments had not been discussed at the NSW CMA Chairs Council Meeting (18/04/12) as discussions on the Chairs Working Group's paper on Livestock Health & Pest Authorities (LHP As) took precedence.

• Action 73.5

A/Chair advised that the matter was not discussed at the NSW CMA Chairs Council Meeting (18/04/12) as other matters took precedence.

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• Action 76.4

R&A Committee Chair indicated she would report under Agenda Item 5 .2.

• Action 76.5

A/Chair indicated that he and the GM were developing the GM's workplan/performance review document which would be tabled at the May Board Meeting.

• Action 76.8

A/Chair noted that the NSW CMA Chairs Council was preparing a submission on the NSW Government's draft Strategic Regional Landuse Policy (due 3/05/12) and that this would encompass comments on NCMA's cumulative impacts modelling.

• Action 76.9

SPM thanked NCMA Board Members for their feedback regarding NCMA's submission on the draft New England North West Strategic Regional Land Use Plan and advised that the submission would be lodged with the NSW Department ofPlanning on 3/05/12.

• Action 76.11

Hugh Barrett noted that NCMA's NRM Facilitator had contacted him vis a vis possible funding for the Narrabri Bushcare project.

3.0 Foreshadowed General Business Items

A/Chair foreshadowed the need to discuss a proposed CMA/Livestock Health & Pest Authority regional services delivery model.

4.0 Corrcs ondence (19/03/12 - 20/04/12)

GM noted he had received correspondence (28/03/12) regarding the Mullaley floodplain issue that requested a meeting with NCMA Board Members. GM advised he had discussed the request with NCMA's solicitor, Everingham Solomons, who had advised against a meeting due to the related ICAC inquiry which was still active.

• Resolution 77.3

That NCMA's Solicitor, Everingham Solomons, respond to the Mullaley floodplain issue correspondence stating that a meeting with NCMA Board Members would not be appropriate as that matter was still the subject of an ICAC inquiry.


GM advised he had requested the OM to develop an extractive industry developments running sheet which would be circulated within the OM's monthly Board Reports. GM noted this would commence in May 2012.

Juanita Hamparsum sought an update on correspondence forwarded to Brad Mullard (Executive Director Minerals, Department of Trade & Investment) on 2/04/12 requesting a copy ofDPI's Licencing Agreement for NCMA to sign to enable us to become custodian of the Namoi Water Study. GM stated he had not received a response to the request but would follow up the matter with Richard Sheldrake (Director General, Department of Primary Industries).

• Resolution 77.4

That the NCMA Board accept the correspondence register (19/03/12- 20/04112) Carried

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5.0 Hnancials

5.1 MTD, YTD P/L and Balance Sheet and Investment Budget to Actuals

BM stated that on a YTD basis NCMA was respectively $50k and $975k behind budget on recurrent and investment expenditure. BM noted that operations staff were currently working to contract all F'12 projects and that there were no foreseeable difficulties in meeting the investment budget target by the end ofF'12.

Jo Slack-Smith queried the $153k underspend in the Improving Soil Carbon Program. A/OM advised that the monies would be expended under the current Precision Agriculture Project by 30/06/12.

A/OM provided Board Members with a detailed overview on the status of the current investment funded projects. He noted that only two contracts under the Canopy Cover Project program were still to be exchanged.

Broad discussion took place on NCMA's innovative Youth Program and its success.

BM stated that one minor vehicle accident had occurred during March 2012.

BM reported there were no legislative changes or disclosures.

• Resolution 77.5

That the NCMA Board accept the BM's Report. Carried

5.2 Risk & Audit Committee

Committee Chair advised that the Committee had met prior to the NCMA Board Meeting and requested that the previously circulated R&A Committee Meeting Minutes (26/03/12) be taken as read.

Committee Chair noted that the Top 10 Risk Assessment had been reviewed by the GM and tabled to the Committee. Discussion on them was placed on hold pending the NCMA Board and Senior Executive Risk Assessment Session (2/05/12)

Committee Chair stated that the allocation ofNCMA interest monies for F'l3 and F'14 was currently being reviewed by the R&A Committee. Committee Chair noted that NSW Treasury had refused NCMA's application to increase "interest money" expenditure in F'l3 in excess of the amount detailed in the forward estimates. BM stated that this may place some ofNCMA's CAP activities under threat.

• Action 77.1

BM to develop a briefing paper detailing the level ofNCMA interest monies and related forward expenditure and possible impact on NCMA. Briefing paper to be tabled to the R&A Committee and presented at the May Board Meeting.

GM noted that NSW Treasury's positioning on declining (12 of 13 requests by CMA's) increased expenditure ofCMA interest monies may threaten the CAP development processes of the CMA's not involved in the pilot CAP program.

Committee Chair advised that the Committee had reviewed the completed Board Exit Interviews and would table recommendations at the May Board Meeting.

Committee Chair stated that the Committee would be undertaking a review of the 2011-12 Annual Report's financial statements and preparation processes.

GM stated that the NSW CMAs had been granted Ministerial exemption on establishing External Audit & Risk Committees for F'12 but that the exemption would expire on 30/06/12. GM noted that following discussions with NSW Treasury, it had become apparent that three non-executive NCMA Board Members

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could be members of an NCMA External Audit Committee provided they met the pre-qualification requirements which, in brief, required members to have formal accounting qualifications and/or received appropriate AICD training.

• Resolution 77.6

That the NCMA Board endorse Jack Warnock as a member of the R&A Committee. Carried

• Resolution 77.7

That the R&A Committee Charter be amended to include NSW Treasury's External Audit & Risk Committee Charter requirements.

Carried • Resolution 77.8

That the NCMA Board accept the Risk & Audit Committee Chair's Report. Carried

5.3 OH&S Matters

No OH&S matters to report.

6.0 Strategy, Policy & Investment Committee

Committee Chair advised that the Committee had met following the March Board Meeting (26/03/12) and would continue to meet following each Board Meeting.

Committee Chair tabled the draft Committee Charter to the Board and requested feedback.

• Action 77.2

Board Member comments/changes to the Strategy, Policy & Investment Committee Charter to be provided to the Committee Chair/SPM with the revised document to be tabled for approval at the May Board Meeting.

R&A Committee Chair noted that following finalisation of the SP&I Committee's Charter and Terms of Reference, both Committees would meet to determine the policy activities of both Committees to ensure clarity and avoid duplication of workload.

Committee Chair asked for guidance on the circulation of the Committee Meeting Minutes.

• Action 77.3

Strategy, Policy & Investment Committee Meeting Minutes to be circulated to all NCMA Board Members as part of the normal monthly Board Package.

• Resolution 77.9

That the NCMA Board accept the Strategy, Policy & Investment Committee Chair's Report. Carried

7.0 P\'P Wodong Gr·ou

PVP Working Group Chair advised that the Committee had not met prior to the NCMA Board Meeting but that the CC (Nat V eg) would provide a Working Group update under Agenda Item 7 .1.

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7.1 Native Ve ctation/P\'P 0 erations U date

CC (Nat Veg)'s previously circulated report was taken as read.

CC (Nat Veg) noted that the draft Native Vegetation Regulation and EOAM was expected to be released for public consultation during mid-June.

CC (Nat Veg) stated there had been no reduction in the PVP backlog (17) but there had been a decrease in the number of outstanding PVP requests (11 to 8). He noted that with a full staff compliment he expected the backlog would be progressively reduced.

CC (Nat Veg) indicated that the new Native Vegetation Regulation would likely include an environmental works RAMA to cover native groundcover establishment and scald rehabilitation.

CC (Nat Veg) noted that the two workshops on the draft Native Vegetation Regulation at Walgett and Tamworth had been delayed pending the release of the draft Native Vegetation Regulation, with funding expected to be received to assist with the associated costs.

CC (Nat Veg) stated that the NCMA PVP Team would undertake training on the 'Economics of Clearing' cash flow tools on 5/06112 that would assist farmers with investment decision making in relation to clearing.

It was noted by the CC (Nat Veg) that a Catchment-wide publicity campaign would commence on the new Native Vegetation Regulation following its gazettal, probably in September 2012.

CC (Nat Veg) noted that guidelines were currently being developed for PVP staff in assessing clearing applications in over-cleared sub-catchments. CC (Nat Veg) indicated that he and the SPM would also be discussing the alignment of these guidelines with the draft NCMA CAP.

• Resolution 77.10

That the NCMA Board accept the CC (Nat Veg)'s Report. Carried

8.0 Chairs Report

Acting Chair's previously circulated report was taken as read.

Jo Slack-Smith asked a question on membership of the National Carbon Working Group. A/Chair advised the Working Group comprised a number ofNRM organisation Chairs from across Australia and that the focus was on the development of carbon trading entities that could become a source of income for NRM entities.

Juanita Hamparsum queried the status of the state-wide offsets register. GM advised that the offsets register was due to be developed but nothing had been received to date. GM noted that he would be raise the matter at the upcoming NSW CMA GM's Meeting on 6/06/12.

A/Chair stated he had received a compliment from Garry West (Chair, Northern Region Joint Regional Planning Panel) on the quality of the Maules Creek Coal submission developed by the CC (Namoi West).

• Action 77.4

CC (Namoi West) to be congratulated on the quality ofNCMA's Maules Creek Coal submission.

Acting Chair congratulated the SPM and GM on the quality of the papers they submitted at the National NRM Conference (Adelaide, 17 & 18 April2012) adding he had received many favourable comments on and for them.

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• Resolution 77.11

That the NCMA Board accept the Acting Chair's Report. Carried

9.0 General Manager's Report

GM's previously circulated report was taken as read.

10.0 Namoi Councils 2011 U date

NChair welcomed Col Murray (Chair, Namoi Councils) and Stephen Bartlett (Executive Officer, Namoi Councils) to the meeting.

Col Murray gave a presentation to the Board outlining the activities and achievements ofNamoi Councils over the past 12 months.

Col Murray noted the role ofNamoi Councils Minerals & Energy and Water Working Groups and thanked Namoi CMA for its significant input on water and environmental matters.

NChair congratulated Namoi Councils for their leadership role on regional issues across the Namoi Catchment.

• Action 77.5

EA to circulate Namoi Councils' PowerPoint presentation to all Board Members and senior staff. PRO to place on NCMA's website.

t t .0 Strategic Planning/ Activities Report

SPM's previously circulated report was taken as read.

SPM thanked Board Members for their feedback on the draft NCMA IP Brief (F' 13). She advised that the final IP template had not yet been developed and lodgement date was still currently unknown.

SPM indicated she was currently drafting NCMA's submission on the New England North West Strategic Regional Land Use Plan which was due for lodgement by 3/05/12.

SPM stated that advertising for the recruitment of the three Community Reference Panels had commenced and requested all NCMA Board Members and staff to encourage any appropriate candidates they knew to apply for Panel Membership.

SPM advised that the draft MERl Strategy had been delayed and would be tabled at the May Board Meeting.

Broad discussion took place on NCMA's role in the development of a set of Regional/National Environmental Accounts. SPM stated NCMA was one of four regional NRM bodies who had submitted some asset information (of the 1 0 regions participating) in the pilot and noted the international linkages.

SPM noted she and the GM had both presented papers at the National NRM Conference in Adelaide on 17 & 18/04/12 which had been well received by attendees.

Jack Wamock noted the appointment of 11 new members to the Namoi Aboriginal Advisory Committee (NAAC). SPM advised that the appointments had included a mix of new and returning members.

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• Resolution 77.12

That the NCMA Board accept the SPM 's Report. Carried

11.1 NCMA Extractive Industries Polic~·

SPM noted the previously circulated NCMA Extractive Industries Policy and recommended that the Policy be approved by the NCMA Board.

• Resolution 71.13

That the NCMA Board adopts the revised NCMA Extractive Industries Policy. Carried

12.0 lnvestment/0 erations Re ort

OM's previously circulated report was taken as read.

A/OM noted that Operations staff were currently focus sing on final contracting and expenditure of available F' 12 investment funds.

A/OM advised that interviewing to fill the two vacant positions in the Narrabri Office would commence shortly.

Broad discussion occurred on the innovative nature ofNCMA's Frog Croaker !phone application.

A/OM provided Board Members with a brief overview on the current status of all F'12 onground projects.

• Resolution 77.14

That the NCMA Board accept the OM's Report. Carried

13.0 PRO Re ort

PRO's previously circulated report was taken as read.

PRO stated that following a directive by the Department of Premier & Cabinet, the NSW CMAs had been directed to use the NSW Government W aratah logo.

• Resolution 77.15

That the NCMA Board accept the PRO's Report. Carried

14.0 General Business

A/Chair and Jo Slack-Smith noted an interest in discussions relating to Livestock Health & Pest Authorities (LHP A) as current members of existing LHP A Boards.

A/Chair advised that following the Ryan Review of LHP As, the NSW CMA Chairs Council had formed a Working Group to develop a CMA position on a proposed new regional service delivery model.

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15.0 Next Board Meeting Date

Next Board Meeting to be held Large Conference Room, NCMA Offices, Tamworth on 28 May 2012 assuming the previous Chairman, Jim McDonald, is available for a Board Dinner on that date. Alternatively, if he is unavailable, the meeting will be held in Narrabri at a venue to be confirmed.

Meeting closed at: 3:00pm

Brian Tomalin Bruce Brown Acting Chair Namoi CMA GM Namoi CMA

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