CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

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Page 1: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

CatChatCat Haven’s quarterly magazine | April 17

INTRODUCING A NEW CATintroduction tips

DENTAl DIsEAsE IN CATsHow it effects all cats

shane goes to the Opera


Page 2: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

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magazine designed by Design City. supporting Cat Haven’s brand since 2005.

visit: designcity.com.au

Photography thanks to alma sarhan.

Please call Chandra Woodley on 0412 115 937 if you are interested in advertising in Cat Chat.

Contentsmessage from roz robinson 2

monthly Donations to Cat Haven 3

Keep Calm and Carry On... 4

Dental Disease in Cats 6

adopt a Cat today 10

Community 12

Fundraising & events 14

staff Profile: Jacqueline Hoar 18

volunteer: Carolyn trethewey 19

Corporate volunteering 19

message from Roz Robinson Cat Haven CeO

Hi everyone

Welcome to the first Cat Chat of 2017 and it’s easter!

even though the year is racing away from us, i would still like to reflect on 2016 and a remarkable achievement made by Cat Haven. For those of you who aren’t aware, we re-homed more cats than ever in our fifty six year history, with 5,278 cats and kittens being given a second chance of a loving home.

We have assisted other rescue groups from as far away as Broome, esperance, geraldton

and Kalgoorlie by taking in cats and kittens when they literally had nowhere to go, as some of these towns have a small population which has already reached saturation point with cat ownership. some of the towns we have taken cats and kittens from have transient populations who cannot commit to long term ownership of a companion animal. as the premier cat welfare organisation in Wa, we owe it to these cats, whenever we can, to take them and give them a second chance. speaking with the public when out at events, sometimes it seems everyone has had a cat from Cat Haven!

the 5,278 cats and kittens meant thousands of cat dinners to serve, bowls to wash and litter trays to clean. it meant lots of linen to be washed for bedding and cleaning, thousands of vet checks, sterilisations and microchips and mountains of data and paperwork to manage. none of this is possible without the hard work of so many:

• the hard working staff and volunteers on grounds, who work here rain, hail or shine including Christmas Day, to care for the cats who rely on them so much.

• those who raise funds and donate to us - we couldn’t do any of our work without your assistance.

• the public who adopt from us and respond to situations when we have too many cats. it is always so rewarding when speaking with adopters in the cat pen sheds to hear that they can see that the cats are so well cared for and how clean our facility is.

more than ever, people are turning to us for help including: those in domestic violence situations who fear for their cat’s safety; those with injured or undesexed cats who cannot afford standard veterinary fees; people who just cannot afford to keep their cat any longer; and those who have moved into rental properties which don’t allow cats.

long may we be able to do this work for the cats of Perth.

Karrinyup Christmas Gift wrapping

thanks once again to Karrinyup shopping Centre for allowing us to have the gift wrapping fundraiser in the lead up to Christmas and special thanks to all of those volunteers who braved the Christmas crowds to fold, twirl, tie and wrap the ‘unwrappable’ into something pretty! We raised $11,408.35! i would also like to thank those volunteers who also wrap gifts year round, every weekend at Karrinyup.

Felines and Fashion

Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing sale in march at the leederville town Hall. We had some amazing clothing, shoes, handbags and jewellery donated. everyone seemed to have a great time buying beautiful designer clothes at a fraction of the original cost. a glass of bubbly and meeting ‘Big and Hairy’, a gorgeous maine Coon cat, added to the afternoon. at the end of it all we had raised over $9,500, and again it’s all thanks to the hard work of many volunteers. On this occasion, two need special mention, Katy Jaksic and shirley Patrick who put so much into making it the success it was - thank you sincerely.

quiz Night

We have our annual quiz night on saturday 6th may at the south Perth Community Centre. as the economy slows, businesses feel the pinch and many just can’t afford to give out vouchers or prizes as they have done in the past. if anyone can assist with prizes, gift vouchers or round sponsorship we would be really grateful. We need items for silent auctions and also prizes. We would also love to see you there - it’s a really fun night.


Have you ever thought about volunteering at Cat Haven but never got any further? not sure of what’s involved or how much time you have to commit? Why not come along to our next volunteer induction on saturday 22nd april at 10.00am to hear what’s involved. you may not have to commit as much time as you think!

thanks to all of you again and i am hoping we might see some of you on saturday 22nd april!

Kind regards,

roz robinson


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Page 3: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

I would like to donate:

$ _________________ each month from my credit card

$ _________________ as a one-off donation

$10 will provide flea and worm treatment for a cat

$25 will feed a cat for a week

$50 will help fund a foster care place for an extended amount of time

$100 will contribute towards vital vet care

$200 will provide a subsidised sterilisation and a microchip for two cats

I’d like to leave a bequest to Cat Haven in my Will. Please tell me how.

I have already left Cat Haven a bequest in my Will.

Your details

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________

EMAIl: ____________________________________________________________________

PHONE: ___________________________

Type of Card: Visa MasterCard

Credit card number ________-________-________-________ EXP. DATE: _______/_______

Signature __________________________________________

Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible

To donate online, please visit: www.cathaven.com.au/store/donation/ Or simply complete this form and either mail or email to us.

send form to:Cat Haven

reply Paid 8388123 lemnos street

shenton Park Wa 6008

Cat Haven is rescuing and rehoming over a thousand more cats a year thanks to our innovative programs (see our main story) but this is costing us far too much to continue on a regular basis. We have come too far in our quest to reduce the rate of euthanasia in shelter cats from 70% to just over 10% and we won’t go back to euthanasing healthy cats simply because we don’t have enough money.

But we desperately need your help to keep this focus - please make a regular monthly donation from your bank, credit card or payroll – as little as $5 a month can make a huge difference.

please make a regular monthly donation to Cat Haven. as little as $5 per month can help save a cat’s life - it’s just the cost of an ice cream!

Visit: www.cathaven.com.au



Page 4: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

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Keep Calm and Carry On…with Kittens!Cat Haven has been conducting Workplace Wellness Kitten De-stress Days in the city for the last year, with many CBD offices hosting a litter of kittens for staff to play with in their lunch break. so why not keep your staff calmer, healthier and happier during their working day, and book a corporate kitten visit to your workplace?

Page 5: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

it is widely thought, with research found across the internet, that if you have a high-stress job, you may suffer from anxiety or high blood pressure. research has also shown that having a pet can help to relieve stress and anxiety, which is known to help protect against heart disease by lowering blood pressure and reducing the heart rate. it is thought that stroking a pet can reduce the level of stress-related hormones in the blood. Believe it or not, by simply spending a few minutes with your pet you can reduce cortisol (a stress hormone) as well as boost serotonin, a happy hormone that makes you feel better and reduces pain. spending time with your pet helps to balance hormones in your favour as well as calm your nerves.

sadly not everyone can own a cat, nor can they take their cat to work with them, so Cat Haven offers workplaces the opportunity to have a visit from some Cat Haven kittens. this service is only offered during kitten season, which usually starts in november and goes through to april.

“We know that many people cannot come to Cat Haven to see the cats in the shelter, especially during the busy work week, so we want to bring the kittens out to the public. We have held over thirty corporate kitten visits in Perth in CBD buildings for companies such as Deloitte, KPmg, the West australian, ajilon, iinet, the Department of social services, Perth arena and many more. the kitten on the front cover (shane) was snapped enjoying his time with the Wa Opera Company at His majesty’s theatre. the kittens have such fun getting out of their small space at the shelter and playing with people.” Chandra Woodley, Cat Haven’s marketing Officer said.

“taking kittens into the workplace means that we can tell more people about Cat Haven and the work we do for animal welfare in the community. it also raises funds for the shelter and

gives people a chance to enjoy the fun and health benefits of interacting with animals” Chandra said.

Kitten visits in the workplace are normally held in a secure meeting room or lunch room for up to two hours during a lunch break, with a Cat Haven staff member supervising the kittens at all times. there is a small fee to cover the cost of the time and resources. all we need is parking near the building entry, a safe room and as many staff as possible coming through to play with the kittens, learn about cat ownership and hopefully make a donation!

Cat Haven provides all the kittens’ needs on the day such as food, toys and cat litter trays as well as hand sanitiser for the staff. all the kittens are health checked and toilet trained, and so far there have been no ‘incidents or accidents’.

People have been very generous at these kitten de-stress days by ‘paying to play’ with the kittens and donating money, cat food and towels all of which is greatly appreciated by Cat Haven.

if you would like to book a Workplace Kitten De-stress day at your organisation or to find out more please email:

[email protected] or [email protected]

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Page 6: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

Dental disease affects nearly all adult cats at some point in their life. Article kindly supplied by perth Cat Hospital

if left untreated, dental disease can be a hidden source of pain and discomfort, lowers the appetite, can cause weight loss and prevents your cat from being able to adequately groom themselves. infection in the gums and surrounding bone can lead to other serious health problems including heart and kidney disease.

in order to perform thorough dental treatment for cats, they will require administration of a general anaesthetic. this allows the vet to perform gum probing to assess for any pathology and also enables them to obtain a complete set of dental x-rays

Before your cat is able to go under an anaesthetic, they will need a full physical examination by your vet. it is also recommended to screen your cat for underlying disease using a pre-anaesthetic blood test, especially if they are over eight years of age. these tests are generally performed through the vet hospital’s in-house laboratory.

a thorough approach to treating your cat’s dental disease will involve the following steps:

1. Full and complete dental exam

it is impossible to perform a complete dental exam in a conscious cat. Whilst we can certainly get a partial picture of what may be happening, under anaesthetic we are able to examine each tooth from all sides.

2. Gum probing and checking for pathology

each tooth is probed carefully under the gum tissue to assess for any loss of gum attachment to the tooth and to diagnose feline tooth resorptive lesions. it is ideal for the veterinarian to use feline specific instruments to ensure the gentlest approach to your cat’s mouth. Feline tooth resorptive lesions are extremely painful and once they have developed, the changes in the tooth are irreversible. unfortunately, the only form of treatment for tooth resorptive lesions is tooth extraction.

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Dental Disease in Cats

vet’s voice

Page 7: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

3. Dental X-rays

We recommend all cats undergoing dental treatment have a full mouth dental x-ray series done. Up to 50% of dental pathology in cats will be hidden below the gum line which means many lesions will not be detected without taking x-rays.

early tooth resorptive lesions in cats may not be easy to pick up, but on x-rays they show up easily. X-rays will also reveal to us the extent of the resorption lesion and the shape of the tooth root structures. this makes surgical tooth extraction a much safer procedure for your cat, and makes it easier for the vet too.

4. Teeth ultrasonic scale and polish

after carefully probing every tooth and obtaining x-rays, your vet will proceed with cleaning each tooth surface with an ultrasonic scaler. this removes all the tartar from the tooth surface. Polishing the tooth surface creates a smooth area making it more difficult for plaque to adhere to and thus delaying further tartar formation.

5. Tooth extractions if necessary

reasons for tooth extraction are numerous but include abscess formation, tooth resorptive lesions, crown fractures, severe gum recession with root exposure and loose teeth. if the cat requires a tooth extraction, we recommend to firstly administer a local nerve block to provide them with additional pain relief.

extracting a cat’s tooth is no simple matter as their roots are often three times the depth or size of the crown, as opposed to human teeth where the crown and root are of similar size. this means the extraction procedure can be far more time consuming and complicated than in humans, especially when removing a multi-rooted tooth. many tooth extractions require a surgical flap of gum tissue to be elevated to be able to access the root properly without damage to the surrounding bone and gums. Where possible, once the tooth is extracted we seal the sockets with a special dental fibre cement called alvogyl and then suture the gum flap back in place using fine dissolvable sutures.

6. Developing a Dental prevention plan

Prevention is key and the home care that you provide for your cat’s oral health will form a vital part of their ongoing treatment plan. recommendations may include special diets such as royal Canin Dental, addition of supplements to the drinking water, and for some very compliant cats brushing their teeth.

not all cats will tolerate regular teeth brushing. if your cat is fearful or has a tendency to bite or scratch, we do not recommend attempting to brush their teeth as it can increase their anxiety and lead to you getting injured. Brushing needs to be done on a regular basis using an enzyme-enhanced

toothpaste designed specifically for cats with a special animal toothbrush. Do not use human toothpastes, as the ingredients can be harmful to your cat and his/her teeth.

introduce your cat to brushing gradually. at first clean your cat’s teeth before feeding them so you can reward them with treats. start by getting your cat used to having his/her mouth handled, then progress to smearing some of the toothpaste on the outside surfaces of the teeth by holding the mouth closed and lifting the lip a little. Only when this is well accepted do you begin brushing. Be gentle. a circular motion is the most effective for cleaning teeth.

(Head to www.perthcathospital.com.au for a video on how to brush your cat’s teeth.)

7. Regular dental check ups

We recommend that your cat returns for a revisit one week after their dental procedure, or sooner if advised by your vet. if all is well at this check-up, from here we recommend a repeat dental check every six months. Problems that may need to be checked more frequently include retained temporary teeth, gum disease, mouth infections, loose and fractured teeth and tartar build up.

For more information see www.perthcathospital.com.au or contact perth Cat Hospital in leederville, on (08) 6489 2222.

not all cats will tolerate regular teeth brushing. if your cat is fearful

or has a tendency to bite or scratch, we do not recommend attempting

to brush their teeth as it can increase their anxiety and lead to you

getting injured. Brushing needs to be done on a regular basis.

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Page 8: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

introducing a new cat to the household

can be a frightening and stressful

time for both your new cat and your

other pet family members. getting the

introduction right can make a huge

difference in their attitude toward each

other later on, so it is worth making the

extra effort to make sure you get it right

from the start.

step 1: setting up the home for your new pet.

When you first bring your new cat home you will need to set him or her up in their own room. ideally pick a room that your current pets do not use much, for example a spare room or a study. ensure the room has food, water, comfortable resting areas, hiding places, a litter tray, toys and a scratching post. these should be new items or items that have come with the cat as we do not want to introduce any new smells to our newcomer just yet. using Feliway, a synthetic feline facial pheromone, is highly recommended due to its calming effects. Feliway comes in a diffuser that you can easily plug into a power point in the room. if you have not had your new cat examined by a veterinarian yet, now is a good time to do so as we want to ensure that your new addition to the family is healthy.

Wait until your new cat is settled into this new environment before introducing him or her to the rest of the pet family.

How will you know that your new pet has settled in? look for friendly behaviours such as purring or rubbing around your legs. Facial rubbing on furniture, playing with toys, resting on its side, and eating, drinking, grooming and toileting normally are all signs that your new pet is becoming comfortable in his or her new home.

step 2. Introducing your pets to each other’s scent

you can start introducing your pets by allowing them to smell and hear each other without any visual contact. you can do this by feeding your new cat and your pet family by the door to the new cat’s room. By doing this they will associate the smell and sound of each other with a positive experience. you can even give small treats near the door.

after two to three days you can switch the locations of the pets so that they can get used to each other’s smells. again remember, no visual contact as yet. you can use a piece of cloth and gently rub it over the new cat’s face to capture their facial pheromones. then you can leave the cloth near your existing cats and dogs so they can investigate the new smells on their own. adding treats by the cloth creates a positive association with the new cat.

step 3. letting them see each other

if all is going well and there is no aggression from either side, you can try visual introduction. you would usually be expecting to get to this stage no earlier than one week. remember we do not want to rush this process and we want to make sure that all the pets are comfortable at each stage before moving to the next. if possible try to have a barrier such as a screen door or baby gate, or in the case of a dog a crate can be good, to allow visual contact only. you can continue to feed or give treats while allowing this visual interaction. if you have more than one pet, visually introduce only one pet at a time. Keep the sessions short and if there are any signs of distress or negativity separate the pets and try again later.

Article kindly supplied by Dr liam Brown owner and principal Veterinarian at East Fremantle Veterinary Clinic.

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vet’s voice

How to Introduce a New Cat to your pet Family

Page 9: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

step 4. supervised contact

the final step in the process is to let the pets meet face to face. you should only proceed to this step once the pets are comfortable with seeing each other. Don’t worry if they ignore each other initially or in the case of cats hiss at each other and walk away. it will take time for your pets to be friends. Keep watching closely and allow them to take it at their own pace. if there is any sign of distress or negativity towards each other, separate them immediately and go back to step 3. if the sessions are going well you can start to increase the length and frequency of the supervised contact.

step 5. Unsupervised contact

slowly over time, as your pets build up confidence, you can start allowing short periods of time without supervision. it is important that, during this time, each pet still has their own resources such as food bowl, sleeping area and litter tray. this will help prevent competition for these things. Over time you will find that you no longer need to supervise your pets and in the best-case scenario a new friendship will start to bloom.

if you have problems along the way and you find that one pet is harassing the other or that there is conflict, don’t be afraid to seek professional assistance. the best way to do this is to contact your veterinarian who can provide you with further advice or refer you to a qualified behaviourist.

Building brands.Transforming businesses.

pawsome websites

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Page 10: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

nataliemingmilky nena

Give a Cat a second Chance– adopt a Cat today.Cat Haven has hundreds of cats and kittens in need of a good home. Please come into Cat Haven to meet your new friend or see our website: www.cathaven.com.au

abigail Charisma

Jenny JoyJon Juliet

Blanquismo Clara

Pedro & Jasper Pretty girlPenny Princess

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Page 11: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

rogue sasha sophia

marilyn monroe


lilliput lu lulu

nigel noogie

Hocus PocusDaisy eartha Kitt


long timer this is Kamaria although we call her ‘socks’. We fostered socks a few months ago after her previous owner passed away and she was taken to Cat Haven. she was a very frightened, hissy, growling little cat. Perhaps there was something else that happened to turn her from a loving, family pet or perhaps she was just very scared at leaving her loving home.

socks is a very shy, timid girl who responds well to being in an environment with perhaps no children, just one person, and no other pets. she is very sweet and loves being stroked, having her tummy tickled and has the cutest little meow.

Come and meet her in Hillarys; her foster mum will give you all the info you need.



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Page 12: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

Olive the Cat in a Very sticky situation this poor oil covered cat, aptly named Olive, was surrendered to Cat Haven along with more than twenty others from an animal hoarding environment. she had apparently fallen into a bucket of car engine oil and she was covered from head to toe in a thick layer of oil. sadly she was in a very bad state as she was left without being cleaned or cared for overnight. Cat Haven staff had to spend the day gently cleaning a very stressed and sticky cat in a bucket of detergent and water, and after monitoring her condition, we were able to rehome her to a loving forever home.

Niffy’s Fiery Adventure

luckily this couple were following Cat Haven on facebook when they saw a picture of a cat that looked just like theirs!Beau and laura from Kalamunda couldn’t believe their luck when they were reunited with their lost cat niffy earlier this year after a shire burn off in their suburb caused niffy to flee. He disappeared that day and after weeks of searching and calling, Beau thought that perhaps niffy had been taken by a snake during the burn off. in fact, niffy was found by a local resident a few kilometers away and handed in to Cat Haven. Five weeks after the burn off, laura saw a photo of niffy on the Cat Haven facebook page saying that he had been adopted to someone via one of our external adoption Centres, then he was returned to Cat Haven. they recognized him immediately and came in to Cat Haven straight away to see if niffy was their cat. lucky niffy was reunited that day, acting as if nothing had ever happened! Beau said “When we took him home it was a lovely big surprise for the kids and the dog was super excited to see him - he has settled in comfortably.”

Community your cat, your stories

smooky the santa Cat On Christmas eve, Ben and his daughter eloise had the surprise of their year when santa (one of our talented staff members) arrived on their doorstep to deliver smooky the kitten. Ben had been considering adopting a kitten for his daughter for a year when he was introduced to the gorgeous grey kitten smooky and fell in love. We organised a very special santa delivery for a surprise on Christmas eve and eloise was smitten.12 | Cat Chat April 2017


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miffy story supplied by nick Whiteley and Breony allen

“in February 2016, my husband and i, keen to support the Cat Haven, and contemplating adopting a kitten, attended a ‘Cats on mats’ Cat Haven fundraiser organised by yoga vine. Cat Haven brought along a number of eight week old kitties to the yoga session and they had a ball, jumping and racing about while we moved through our yoga practice - it was a wonderful, unique experience! One of the kittens, a tiny tortoiseshell named miffy, was unfortunately overwhelmed with excitement when she arrived and couldn’t participate in the yoga class. We waited around after class to meet miffy, who by this stage had regained her composure.

it was love at first sight - miffy was adorable and she purred her head off as she clambered up our t-shirts to nestle into our necks. miffy was kept in foster care to monitor her health for a few months, but we kept in touch with her lovely foster carer and visited her at her foster home. We officially adopted miffy in april 2016. Our lives have been so enriched by the addition of miffy to our family! miffy is a very sweet, playful, sociable little girl, who loves chasing balls, belly scratches, purring like a motor, and snuggling. We are utterly in love with miffy and can’t imagine life without her. We are so grateful to Cat Haven for saving our special little girl and for introducing her to us!”

Kittens Dumped in a Box at our Door

there are unlocked cat kennels right near the door with blankets, food and water where people can leave cats after hours if they have to.three scared and hungry kittens were dumped in a closed box with no water or warmth on the doorstep of Cat Haven in shenton Park last month.

this was the tipping point for Cat Haven as we had recently had an influx of hundreds of unwanted cats and kittens due to the late and ongoing kitten season, with as many as eighty cats a day being surrendered at the peak. at the time, we were caring for over 320 cats on site, over two thirds of them being kittens. another 500 cats and kittens were being cared for in temporary foster homes.

“sadly the box of kittens was just left on the doorstep early one morning. a Cat Haven staff member nearly stood on it, but when she picked it up and realized how light it was,

she had a feeling it had kittens inside. We know it was probably someone thinking they were doing the right thing, but there are unlocked cat kennels right near the door with blankets, food and water where people can leave cats if they absolutely have to.” Chandra Woodley, Cat Haven marketing Officer said.

the kittens were only two weeks old and were tiny, but they seem to be doing well and are currently being cared for by a foster carer. they will be monitored and once they are healthy enough at about nine weeks old, they will come back to Cat Haven to be sterilized then adopted out to a good home.

Then Now

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Refuge and Nursing Home Companion Cats Update Jimothy - Zonta House Women’s Refuge

It’s been a year since Zonta House adopted Jimothy as a comfort cat for the women’s refuge and we caught up with him and the staff on his one year anniversary to see how life is for the big, gentle companion cat.

“Jimbo has been a wonderful addition to the refuge. A lot of women have said that they feel better just knowing there is a cat here and then once they get to know him they are smitten. He is so affectionate and seems to have a sixth sense when one of the women needs some TlC. He will sit with them for hours and watch TV or sit outside with them and run around to make them laugh.

staff are constantly finding him on their office chairs and we have got used to walking around with white cat hair on our pants. He is a valued member of the team and we don’t know how we did without him.” marnie – Zonta Team leader

Our Nursing Home Cat Coordinator louise commented that “Jimothy recently celebrated his ninth birthday with the staff and residents, where they threw him a morning tea birthday party, complete with balloons and a birthday cake! Jimothy and Zonta House are a perfect match. It brings me so much joy when I drop in for my monthly visit. It is a perfect example of how much happiness and how much of a benefit a companion cat can be.”

maverick at BrightwaterOur nursing Home Cat Coordinator, louise told us maverick’s story:

maverick is a beautiful, Big boy with a funny little meow who was nine years old when he was surrendered to a small rescue group. We don’t know very much about his history, only that his old owner was unable or no longer wanted to keep him.

Being a small rescue group, they knew a senior cat would have a better chance at finding a home with us, and so Cat Haven agreed to take him on.

it was great timing, because not long after his arrival we received a request for a Companion Cat from Brightwater in Kingsley. From the moment i said hello to mav, i knew he was perfect!

He was so friendly and smoochy, all he wanted was pats. We cared for him in our administration office for a couple of weeks to test his temperament (which was beautiful!) and he was then taken to Brightwater in november last year.

the staff are absolutely besotted with him! although Cat Haven provides all that he needs, we regularly find the staff have bought him new collars and toys out of their own pocket because they love to spoil him. On his arrival the staff were arguing over which office he would live in for the first month while he settled in! mav, also known as ‘mickey’ by staff and residents, now owns the place and the residents love to sit with him, and give him pats as he wanders around. He is an incredibly loved member of their home.

“mickey just becomes more and more loved every day. He is interacting with clients more and more, and he is gentle and patient with everyone. He really is pure joy.” aileen Williams – service manager, Brightwater

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Donations, Appeals & Campaigns

We would like to thank everyone who has donated money, towels, food, clothes, linen, goods or their valuable time and resources to Cat Haven – we couldn’t do without you! Here are just a few highlights of how people and organisations have helped us in the last quarter.

purrlesque Burlesque dancers, sugar Blue Burlesque, are helping to promote monthly donations to Cat Haven. april’s social media campaign to encourage more people to make a small, regular monthly donation to Cat Haven has been launched on facebook and instagram! it features a series of beautiful photos of fabulous burlesque performers from sugar Blue Burlesque posing with our kittens, wearing jewellery from Diamonds & Pearls jewellery store. We are encouraging people to share the photos throughout the month of april and anyone who signs up for a regular donation to Cat Haven, will go in the draw to win a gorgeous pair of pearl earrings worth $2000 (thanks to Diamonds and Pearls, Hay street, Perth).

For information about sugar Blue Burlesque Dance academy and Corporate entertainment head to: www.sugarblueburlesque.com

make a monthly donation and go in the draw

to win pearl earrings worth $2000!

To make a regular donation from your credit card or bank, please visit

www.cathaven.com.auand click on the big donate button

– it’s quick, easy and safe!

Donateto Cat Haven


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superheros 1

a big thanks to the heroic team at Perth allied Costumers for donating their time and fantastic costumes for a photoshoot with shelter cats to help with our Facebook campaign earlier in the year encouraging people to donate online!

Robin the Rich to pay the poor! 2 robin is a cat lover who asked friends and family to donate to Cat Haven instead of birthday presents for his 30th birthday. robin raised an amazing $1250 in donations for Cat Haven – thank you for this generous party gift to the cats.

robin said: “as a kid i grew up with rescue cats and always wanted to give back to ensuring a better life for homeless cats. all cats deserve to be in a happy, safe environment within their forever home. all of my friends know that i am a cat person and i felt that instead of receiving gifts for my 30th, why not raise awareness of the work that Cat Haven does and request donations in lieu. making a difference to others and providing a second chance to defenceless animals is far more rewarding. if these donations save one cat from an uncertain future then it will have been worth it. i held my 30th birthday party at Fraser’s restaurant’s private dining room on australia Day with around 55 guests. i was overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity and i am extremely thankful for the contributions they made.”

Toby Takes the Cake 3 seven year old toby is an avid cat lover and has just raised $230 from a Cake stall held at his home for family and friends. toby used the money to donate food and toys for the cats at the shelter and took the time to have a look around so he could find out a bit more about how Cat Haven works.

Cat Haven CeO roz robinson said “We are in absolute awe of the work toby has done in fundraising for us. For someone so young to be so caring, is humbling for all of us. thank you toby so much for your efforts - we are proud of his support.”

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA)thanks to the staff and charity of the year team at CCiWa for nominating us as runner up Charity of the year and giving us a kind donation of $1500.


2 2


Cat Haven had a record re-homing year with 5278 cats finding new homes out of the 6573 cats surrendered to us in 2016.

We have had the best year ever for adoptions at Cat Haven with a re-homing rate of 80%, which is an awesome result for a single animal shelter. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing support of donors, adopters, volunteers, supporters and staff. it was a tough year with a steady flow of over 6500 cats coming in and because we are keeping more cats alive than ever before, we have been very low on funds.

We have taken cats from all over Wa this year, with cats being surrendered to us from other rescue groups who have flown them down to Perth for rehoming during the quieter winter months when they are still breeding in the warmer areas.

To help ease the pressure on some of the smaller animal rescue groups in regional areas, Cat Haven has taken in cats and kittens flown down from places as far afield as:

Broome, Karratha, port Hedland and Carnarvon, through to Kalgoorlie, Geraldton, Bunbury and Narrogin to name a few.

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Fundraising & EventsFamily fun to support the cats









sAVE THE DATE!CH 2017 quiz NightOur annual open day and fete.

Date: 6 may 2017

location: south Perth Community Hall


Our popular quiz night is being held on saturday may 6th at south Perth Community Hall. Doors open 6pm for a 7pm sharp start. strictly no ByO drinks; all available to purchase on the night. ByO food is fine but crisps are available at the bar. Our fabulous compere is maddie Burke from 96Fm and there is a great silent auction, raffles and prizes to be won. Prizes for Best Cat Costume!

tickets are only $25.

Contact details: shirley on [email protected] Booking link: https://www.trybooking.com/pllD

Up Coming EventsPolka Dot vintage marketClaremont on april 22nd and 23rd

annual street appeal september 15th (Friday) – please help and register with us to shake a tin for the cats on the day.

Wet nose Daysunday October 15th

please contact shirley on [email protected] if you can help at any of these events or for more information.

past eventsFelines & Fashion Fundraiser - $9500 raised! 4

Cat Haven held its first ever Felines & Fashion Fundraiser on march 19th at the leederville town Hall. this event was predominantly the sale of pre loved women’s clothing but thanks to several very kind supporters of Cat Haven, including Perth Designer morgan marks, we also had racks of new clothing for sale, along with many designer handbags, jewellery and shoes. the event was a great success, raising a huge $9500 on the day and we hope this will be an annual event.

We would like to thank our generous supporters and these events would not be possible without the tireless effort of volunteers who worked long and hard sorting, pricing and hanging clothing, setting up on the day and helping customers. We would like to specially thank Brooks Choice relocations for transporting the stock to and from the event free of charge. also thanks to melanie greensmith for her generous donation of two $250 Wheels & Dollbaby vouchers. it was thrilling that our beautiful mascot, Big and Hairy, the 10kg maine Coon cat came to visit and thank you to the Hon michael mischin, our Patron and his wife lorraine for supporting us on the day.

100 st Georges Terrace Cat in the Hat party 5

a fabulous Cat in the Hat party at 100 st georges terrace in the city raised $2400 for Cat Haven from the sale of delicious cat cupcakes and coffee, and generously donated raffle prizes. We had a kitten petting tent set up in the foyer where people ‘paid to play’ and a huge amount of cat toys, bowls, food and blankets were also donated by the kind tenants of the building. thank you for your heartfelt generosity 100 st georges terrace!

Woogi Espresso Kitties in the Café 6

the workers on adelaide terrace were treated to a kitten petting morning at Woogi espresso in march where people could ‘pay to play’ and buy coffee and rolls with $1 from each being donated to Cat Haven. Over $600 was raised – a fantastic effort by the whole cat loving Woogi team!

Cat Haven’s February movie Night Fundraiser

a fantastic result of over $2400 raised for Cat Haven from the movie Fundraiser of ‘a street Cat named Bob’ at the luna Cinemas in February – thank you to all the volunteers and supporters who attended.

Telethon Community Cinemas

Heartfelt thanks to Ken gibbons from telethon Community Cinemas for allowing Cat Haven supporters to attend two outdoor screenings of a street Cat named Bob for just the cost of a $10 cat food donation. Well over $500 worth of much needed cat food was donated!

Page 18: CatChat - Advice - Foster - Donate - Cat haven · Felines and Fashion Following on from the success of the clothing stall at Wet nose Day, Cat Haven had its first pre-loved clothing

If I were to describe my current role in one sentence…

my role involves ensuring that the crucial funds we receive from our incredibly generous supporters, are spent in the most efficient and effective manner to ensure that we are able to continue the important work we do at the shelter.

I am currently working on…

in accounts we are continuously working on our systems and procedures to work towards minimal input with maximum results and efficiencies.

In five years from now I will be…


The most interesting project I have worked on…

Working with our reception staff to implement a new point of sale system. this system has helped us to serve customers more efficiently and has also resulted in more accurate reporting and fewer errors which saves us money (which is crucial!!). this project was very carefully budgeted and implemented and all staff involved were incredibly enthusiastic and supportive. seeing the outcome was very rewarding.

The best part of my job is…

Coming to work with an amazing team of people including our volunteers. the sense of community amongst groups such as our foster carers or even groups of volunteers who come in to take on a particular task is truly remarkable and very rewarding to be a part of or just to witness.

On weekends I like to…

spend time with my husband and dog Chancer, visit family and friends and just generally get out and about. i am not one for sitting still which can make weekends exhausting.

my favourite holiday destination and why…

lake Como in italy and Banff in Canada - both equal winners as being there feels like you are living in a postcard. the beauty and the way that people live around the natural landscape is truly breathtaking.

my signature dish…

lasagne - because cheese and pasta can never turn out badly.

I became an accountant because…

i liked the idea that each problem had a solution.

If I wasn’t an accountant I would be…

is professional confectionery taster an option?

my all-time favourite movie is…

empire records.

One thing I want to do in my lifetime is…

visit austin in texas for the south by south West music Festival and visit my husband’s family in vietnam.

something no one knows about me is…

my favourite movie is actually the sound of music.

If I could meet anyone dead or alive, it would be…

mick Jagger.

my biggest lesson in life is…

sometimes mistakes or bad choices are life’s best lessons.

staff focus

Two for One Adoption Dealsalways ask if Cat Haven is running any two for One adoption Deals…two cats are often better than one because they can entertain and comfort each other while you are out, and you get twice the love and fun!

One year ago these two tabby cats found their forever home together. sun and smiggle, close siblings, were fostered out together until they were old enough to be adopted and they were just inseparable. luckily for them, a year ago they were spotted at the shelter by a kind lady who took them both together and they have been living in harmony ever since.

Jacqueline Hoar Cat Haven accounts ace

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Cat Haven news

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Carolyn Trethewey

reiki specialist and Cat Calmer

If I were to describe my current volunteer role at Cat Haven in one sentence…

i sit in meditation in the vicinity of stressed or anxious cats to support their wellbeing, helping them feel safe in letting their unique purrsonalities shine through, so they can more quickly find their forever homes. (i wrote this article for the shelter animal reiki association in 2015: http://shelteranimalreikiassociation.org/demystifying-reiki-at-animal-shelters-why-you-should-volunteer-today/)

I became a Volunteer at Cat Haven because…

meditation is amazing in its ability to facilitate relaxation and the process of letting go, whilst being a very gentle approach. this is perfect for supporting shelter animals especially those wary of humans. Plus, i think it’s important to give back to the community and i really love cats!

I am currently working on…

Completing a results coaching certification to compliment the other aspects of my business, Pause. (www.pausehq.com.au)

The best part of my volunteer job is…

two things! Witnessing transformation in the cats, subtle or otherwise. For example, a cat that is sitting huddled in a litter tray… relaxing enough within 5-10 minutes of meditation to start exploring their condo and even to have something to eat. the second is learning that one of the cats i have spent time with has been adopted!

When I am not at Cat Haven I normally….

am working on or in my business.

Volunteer Focus

Corporate Volunteering Boarding Kennel renovation thanks to the hard-working corporate volunteering team from Brookfield gis and all our individual kind volunteers who helped transform our old boarding kennels into a new, bright, freshly painted and repaired boarding facility. Cat Haven raises significant funds from our boarding kennels that go straight back into the running of the shelter. thanks to Charlotte Fehr for her meticulous organisation of the project! the boarding kennels renovation would not have been possible without the generous donation of paint and equipment from Dulux and Bunnings subiaco.

If you are interested in volunteering at Cat Haven or organising a team from work to come down to Cat Haven, please contact: [email protected]

pen sponsorsZoe Edwards Jacqui mcGuiganRosalie Bean simon Thurston

On weekends I like to…

relax by spending quality time with my husband, our two cats (roger and leilani) and my friends and family.

One thing I want to do in my lifetime is…

start a non-profit organisation aimed at helping elderly shelter animals. (i am currently setting aside 30% of commissions from one of my business ventures, to help ensure i make this happen!)

something no one knows about me is…

When i was a little girl i wanted to be a vet. now it is one of my dreams to build collaborative relationships with the veterinary community, particularly in regards to animal reiki.

my biggest lesson in life is…

the last six months for me have turned out completely different than i anticipated but i am loving it! so my new mantra is simple: let go and trust. (Of course at times this is easier said than done!)

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please Donate, Adopt, Foster, Bequeath, Volunteer.

ReceptionPh (08) 9442 [email protected]

BoardingPh (08) 9442 [email protected]

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! please recycle this brochure and give it to a cat-friendly friend.

Open 7 days a week(Closed Christmas Day and good Friday)Please see our website for opening hours.

23 lemnos street, shenton Park Wa 6008
