^ t »t 'Mm^Wl fr" "? •if t 1 to MEDICINES.' CATARRH! f T H l ? quettttn U yet tjfwn wkedW l WhaMi thli dlt JL eat*? How knew'when we hare the Catarrh t" As the dl*tat* w*» never truly denned by mtdloal books —never understood by physicians, till my theory of if w u published, -and 1* «UU cft*n mistaken for tone other #»•*<* by the victim*, of It, I Ihererore republish 1U trs.»*Ti»ptom*, la aaawerto the above question* SYMPTOMS. ? ofCa- IkeheedXorlnUeu ssfon,' confusion of i*tscanc*mi,want plfa'j^rftinjlietrtein act* or Atffcttfaa ob*troct^*br«Mhto||-tSr««|k one or both nostrils, 8oon«iur ; 6b«tnictfon gtvftt place aprofuse dlecharte from «ie note, faucet or throat, On blowing the afe&ili fofcH»)» v a-uttl* crust—hardened ntucus—is ttrwniji.o'Un Uo*e4»lUi WwiL ,Th* sensation of a fluid dripping from the >»ad down ini* the throat I* *om*ttmi* fell Varlousnolse* or. r e l i e f toande In the e*w»te»oU«e4. WhoBthe-'«M«rtV».pref»*«d to imuSirity^4sev«rV,WaBy;^rthe^*a**t beeom* 1m paired, and that or nnett It loraetim*! totally S t . lfh« rallawbM are <iom« «f ta* trw*- m tanL s>k*th*r«svtl - - = of it?»*S*atioB otv^ «foayst»lM4si*stit; efe or t# tarry into MEDICINES. That of hearing suffer* much, and the organs of virion P*ttUmte la- the ravage*., An aocuaiulaaon »f, vlteid ftelil^olfoklaforeoflboatlng^ ,*5 ? «* ! S»I» , > •?,!• to *(«" ton AMD NEURALGIA /•.^ - Tail 1 - "Jaohe," are jKBo^cBinrif Th.'lalUr 4 ofW v 4rt«d'«'ne^ouji he** oFjpttagof CatarrlilF * , > -. And now,lf the.tboY* symptoms exist, or a majority And here, It ls-deemed .of the } utmo*^ Importance to corr»ct*prev*lent—almost unpardonable error., Bros chlUi it known to be the Immediate harbinger or con sumption i ^Sot kiowlog; 1 andf not *e*en suspecting, that OatenhsWah* »M*«ein« *s>**5e*ff bronchHkiphyitaani hat^aaunpted to remer* }hl* UtUr asTeotfon by local *»Mlo*UewLtuch at nitrate or<tilver, fomentation*, ln- halations of »".d ears*} vapor*;, A c , to the throat and auoea. .How a„ -«uoh.»Tortt to care hronchltlt afford pApAelf «riden«^ of ijitatlo* only, ^therefore &&} that to ear*, bronchitis, and avert eonsumptjoo, Catarrh mart flat be i cn)fed, TJpbn thl» tommofl aente pottulate, I htvepr*dl«*tad my remedy (or tbaear* of. Catarrh, ani i»*t*nly haT%l the satisfaction to know that It hat, prtywd feataa&Uy lugcwsftu l/a the attainment of lhlt-1 ' obJe«t,>o*1hatln aceompil*rdugthuUtWl>«*wmnenUy, e « » d bwaoWU* and averted wniutrnpUon is thoutaneSf; ofilnatancw t j* t > j j < DI^BASED mVX*V^^s; < J Moariaaay ia«aleompl»lrit>f,))rodac«d by Catarrh, . wUSliTharV^wr beettreicognlaad W fti'TtaoUtjr; Uthatef an obetra^tlon, *r clotlng apef the.taar p#»age freetthee>*tetl»eiKiiMt. Wiltarlewoftenf fromCa- T tarrh than'fr<«feanr athaf *»»*«,* iTh*=c«re of 0at4rrh ratiSw^teditteatty, and, ohvlatet the^nalnfuland smOm J3oW_frtnl»$tt»t. aMital)(cJUVe iqtoiha. practice may etfeeitKlWre^' BuVlt««y«fWoe», v It la now kpown that; *y a^rMlRWthe only po* tt?«e»»Sf<i»thaCatarrh. Itiaayf3MW % 1 H.0AMriC0,,Watert«>wojii^O6 N T.with tOlearaMlranAutd buinetlona ./* f ^Kati**Ja.imrf 'HAML'i Anwilic J»ri#iMtine ' « N AYEE'S * Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BIOOD. And for the tpecdy cute W i f e Wlovioy comilalnt^ Scrofula and Scrofulous Afrettioitj»,sut,l> «• iTuniora, Uleern, Bine*, Gru^tluut, Bllalua, a u d a l l 1 Skill Ulsfemea. ~ " OAKLA-VD, Tiid 6th lime, 18o9 J 0 Arm k Co Goiita I t&il Iljny duty to a knonledgo "What jour hiiiaafUrtllt li% dona tor mc Ilnrtng Inherited -\ gurofuloUs uti-Ulun I Lue sifltiec from, it in vaiious woja foi jiud tun el HUM it buist out in Ulieiaspn wy*hiinU^ aHU sfn* B m«jtn » it tnraed inward ami dlstroiscd iw. it th ttjiiHcb, l»u yeart ago it bioko out ou IUV li 11 \nU L > u 1 mv vtalp and ear« with one aoro nlncli t is jfilnf 1 u 1 lo itlinunii hejendds#ciipU«n 1 hhdtmiH nyta«n.iiua«V(rHt ph»tlci»na,>nt w«l(9ut muebMolii-f ti-oni-ijiy think Jn, fnct, the dftorderfciewwoiae» Atlt«6tkl t*sTi JM.L\ to read In the UotpU Messenger tli t > u lul p? ; nod i an alterative (SaromimHlH), for 11 um tiutu joi i | iti tiott ttnit any thing jou nud« nuwl; )(e g »> t 14ant to Cinclnuatland got it, aud nu, 1} It till it curttl ma I to j t It, asojuni advise, eamll dosts uf a teasj oqnful o m u ! month and utcdqlaioat three fottlti hc-i and ti6ilthy \ skin soon began to formmicki tlio *ct\l> i liith after v whlle*fjll off MytUn itnow<.leai,««i) 1 UHC '•byroj ftclllifiii fliftt the diftase bus, mmfr m my sj stei. It ou con well behove tint I feel wliit I mil s » i , \ hei I toll you th it I hold,, yon to bo ouo oC (lio,ajwotlcs of Ui age, autl roiuaiu o>or griitefally. Yotiri » ALHtl 0 B TALIIY S t . A n t h o n y ' s F i r e , R o s e or ErynSpfelas, letter and SaltRtienin, Siuld iitna, ^ttinRirorut, Sot* Eyes, Drop*}. u. Cr". Ilobort II Piifblo wrrtct from Sale!*, K \ fli>th fijMu J >W»a,4bAt <I J»o„U 1 mi cupid an iujctw;nt» jma^ojj, Ditpsy, Which thuatcned to tntnliute faulty by tho persereringuttofourSanaparllln mid HJ"H H tn er>us Alaligtitxnp jFVyij3>«/« 1 j lic^St do" ^ of the t m » bajg he caret the common Jlrupti >u b> it constant j Br,ODcho,eelc, Goitre or Swelled 3Vec*s ; Zebciton Sloan of Froapcct, Texas writes "Tliro i bot- thjsof your JSaraannullaCcuraltuie from a Gtftrt—« hid* eoui swilling oik'the n«k; \\1IIUI I had Bulloftl (rdin over two y#*r«" Iteucorrheeai or W l i l t e j , O t a r l n u T u m o r , Uterine VIcciatloil,*Feinalo l>l«ca»c*. i.Dr. J B S Channing, of *<«.* \<nk Ci*> u i t « I m<t»t*chMrfiilly comply willi the ^equel^ of >-«)ir i(,th t in •aylng I aave found your Sir ipurllla* mostexrtllpnt alterative In tho numerous compltunts for win li u t employ tu 'i a remedy but ^specially in IVmile llfstat s^ of the £cn r ulou*' dnthests 1 have cured mini) uitafc) ate caaes or loucoitlioei by It ami some \)here tlikioq), pIslntEirss "U'ed byn/c«ii(hon if tliajjifcru* lbodlcea. ation itself vras sooh cured Notliingitithln m^- k u d ^ edge equilx »t for these fenialtl dornjigemeuts^v * J . ei -'# "aTI^iTAT Jalpfil, i n'mi.,,,;,;.'..- ijiii ^T\ri ,„•• x&w km •>S»wi - JS JUwardS Marrow.or ISeWbliry, Vla*-»iltei!, "^Ofin *Jas «iwtan f«mor-fttjone of (h» f males in my famtly had defied all the remedies we could emp'oy has gthl malesinmyfamtlT] m could emp'oy has completely cured hy-)our Extmtt of Bar- rit.' • y Via jmbner f o r , * A » « * . T*Mau»eo4«i/ft «»t« MWa»y"*Oea*i- " "iam> *r*w< ^ « ^•BQir^TK nmiUlAtn,nmeoBATia, hat f^aSSI^^ laU(5fc*«**r "-^ ' ^ - a j A ^ t e a ^ a ^ ^ ^ a ^ t a jaaH SBKWE'fa'i'iaW^riiaaSsri^t^^ "•! ^^li- nM Of Bqaore.haTe syataa shattered, tahjeettalhattarrlble i^retnena, win, ahaoa* OaoAaairwlQ rftieV* aBBaMpWta,, Oe»a doaewUlaeaeHeart^£ ",' ,, fafoa Aa»taiwUljaT» U f l t i i a , t * £ to 4eta win a i t i m a goo4 appetite., ' > .'Pelt Alts will atam Mw H a t ' f l n c y d M ^ f g y a p e p r t a . ^AlawlsetiwUI * " ^ H > * » ' l f t M a<ttf KtM>< "nNta«at wh» arejerioaaly aOkawt W M t f Hi" oeisatamta art aAsated aveadatsHaf Jijf •> a> Met a radical :Core by tie itVWw 9Sm} tflt^iiVttatiiataMtteaaaetiWi- " w i S S S a T d o i e wtt n a e n t l «a«Ml*F'w*afcaa« metrjy^eei ^ ^ . . IkSbr^aMMatSpMt. threettmeaa atfatf , J _ ir ^ rT , tht^itmu. heaBtytJdaaH^retwVi^llltiayilViff aSnrMgaGMe»'«e*a toe tattpnsat oi - ^teraatftaaeea ef health aat>fceaatyJa at*. M- *i s* - ^^ rhwJH»eft»adaa.Va twtm' . ww taptrills. Ottr physician thcunht nothing hut extirpa- tion eoull afford i»lf«r/liut h* iidv&sd'the-tnal of x<wr SariaimitlitiMLcthie last retort lwlHiU cntting t »nV protttl cftaejtlff. After tskjnr jour remedy elgb.t wa« nottmpto^oTtIiedi»eMe»n&lns." ' J »*ji JatyphUU mm« DlWcmfial D i i m e , % B* JCtA^ws Slr ( t; gnat of joursjeht, aud' I**** reallxed with year rmtve cured with It, in. plaints for which It Is reci tUHM, JSfh Augtint, JfiS9"V "^^y complyiirlih thero-^ rod/some'of theeBects r 1lja >• -? ieUce, meet of tht com 'maided and have found its e/rects truly wonderful in the*lr» tlTSferedl and M r turial ZhppfeV On«ofrny^r«tienr»(aW8yphiliac ulcers iahlj throat, vhicb wjMfeontuming his palate and the top of his mouth. fKr^BarsiparlUa, steadily- takm, cuicd htm in live week* Anotliuraras attackeuVby sec ondiuy symptpms in T hii4no»e, and the ulceration had eabjn away s arconaid«rab,le naraitit, to that XlelleTt th* disorder would soon reach hia brsla and lull hjra. Hut it yielded 'o,m> adawaiitration of your Sarsaparilla. the ulcer* healed, andi* it well again, notof aaurix without aowtdisfigiiraUon to Ills face A -woman who luui been treated for the aame dlsoider by mereurj was suffering; frwi'i this poison in her uoee*.,, ihey liad Uceoie so am sitivt to the-weather that on a damp day th* aiilfered ex- crMciatim, pain in her joint* and hone*. She, tco was curea^eatirely hr'our v&anAparilla In a Jew';weeks I knoinrom its s formula,which your agent gave me that this Preparation front) yonr laboratory must be a great «l xeniidy, consequently, tKeUTlruly remarkable results With it hare not mprised me * * frattrnally yoire, < J Q V IAR1MSK,3I 1}i ~ Bbtaualiiiamt^ Gomt, Ijlwer Comtptalnt. "•" VlmiMlisMic*, Preston C^T^aT, etUJaly, 1859 JD» J C. AID. Sir, I have been afflicted wUtf a ilain j fol chronic JKAwatatum fo7a long time, which ikfHed the <t skill of physicians, and; stock- to mi in sp'te of all the'* remedies I could Rnd^urlfl'1 tried yourSariapanlla One bottlt cared at* in two weeks, ancTrestored my sencral > health wo ituch ihat T s«B;fcr better than before 1 was attacked. Xthiuk it a woederful medicine 'J FRiAN Sale* T <3etchell,oCSttquls, write* "I liive been asnicted for year* with an ajfedum-^f, the £u%rv,whicli deairtyed my health I tried everyJUnf, and eve*? tl ing ttiled to relieve m e , and I have be«K* broken-down man for toenejreart'Trom no other cane* than dtramentfit o* „...-«»„_» , - a ._ „ _ Pr ,*avJ'ed IcceWjou, Bg the bless t»eX4»#* My beloved p**t5r,th«Bev. Vr l>pf,*dvi'ed* "-' tryfottrSaoapinlbvllmaaM lie said h»li •XtkinV yotnuadewadmrtttrying .•Jod ithes cttredtme^and bat so purified my blood jtad~snw l al 0 ,,o ~ lew man of me, ying IO pit I feel young again Hit tolhaka a!iew man or ate.. I feel young again The b^t*tJ i c»n>»^saldofycmisnothalfg9pdenous»' ^ ''-J^Ii^raltCaMcer TnM*)r«>J^ilarsrenient, in«ft«tl*>s&|CarIe* mnA^BsMItatloaitf 1AVW^^IC*¥« :urt£ of theseformidable 4 'comp]aiir1**littTereaultedjconi cawshiTol [<d t$Os whe-a Jep- iejiteef thltfreBiedjjfeut our space herewill u^t admit km. Son»aj»CtJi*st?may be W » l la. ' «t« rtiI>lse*A«, Fit*, E; ' I t a l y , Sfetura" *r**pr thee* tfectfonaisW'"' ft power of this medicine *Xi stlmo lion* into vlrdrou* a^lcfw^a-ndUlraw w i b j l WQtthf bejSjgalMiiiilJbeyond i t s been nquiTed bythe ne>> h- «6©i>rSAiiA.Ste , AN jfithtng mnfJuSHM*fh» Sun, .+VV othtrlbr, kjnetet* nariralkK wonStrfnl, knowtt throughoat^the ^lewareUi* t«W] who hav* r-* ^ •omeiiTlng , luh^aadMai M tier k»o*>. tdamoretlittfL taettMatHWdbavew] won in atroagly upon tl TrtftnUkf fir. tMmhnagia Mayeeaaai it^^^Maakift*. 1 " MtK&i$H •«H*rtmr>f t ef «U«>Aitt« my*e oaVredla T^if./ AWieiortaaeai of * , *• Puully Qxoceiiet 4 Pro vUion». ««- -fjr^MT Mtimt OPAU. ililOfc^amJ » CmtatAar'ferAeaay fAT. •>, B. W. UCUBBDN. i j ^-, ... , _ . .. liMSSRa. fii ; "n ty ,iort. 'tt'frjiif. f «gorOfi^IES. 511-** ^f f' 1 " * salll»ll>I^^Kl<J»W»JglaJW»WM»fcw3t^ ^fe^H^K) ^•" . ' » Hood*** A««;e^VW*,Wtk.afAa f th««M r ^bar«a^ Tlf* eaaiamiy eat rTff^ejjwacejtl H*US»g Stone Wttre, •tmericcm People. ••lxm% Pnftilsjli^]*^ jpri fiott*^' „' pnnjiojjc^. TO TBS JiRojJLijiifo ft.w, UTOBSio pit^ttfxrtk, A treatise on the Cause of Early Physical Decline of American People; the Cause of Nervous Debhlty, Consumption' and Marasmus. This work U,on« of-high, moral tone, written In chaste yet thrllllsg larigUager;' steapp**!* directly to the moral consoientipiianeaaof *itPARGRt'i andooARDiito espe- cl*lly.d»tirtiing*cieDtiflo;a5Bd irej^ahia^alds aa/t.treat* merit aqd cure, *"« " * It w p h e sent, by rriaij on receipt of t\vp (3o.) stamps. FAIL NOt TO OBTAIN THIS - TALfJlBiE BOOlt. A IVordoi Ooriecieratlon* Advice to those /fH •" "i wli^'*?PI.'«e4'P««- ' u I i, A claia of nialadle* pi8v«Vttc» a* RSrful extent In obm- munlty—dooming at lesit lOOjOuO youth of both sexes annually,tqantearly wrtrei.•„atlhoses4Ueas.es are very imperfectly undentoo-d. Their external manifestations orsymptomsi»re Renroii»I>ebiHty, itetaxaUoajand.«]x' haustiorjl ftftoasmtti.fart^sllng'ijnd oonanmntlinspf the tissues M'-th^wli'ole^iifr^ 'Bhorthess of breathing? or hurrie«*reat-!ung on ascending, a hill, or a Sight of etalrs-greatpafttift^'oKiui»lHesit.i ^Asthma, Bron- chitis and 8or» Throat ;^..£hiiklDg pf the hands and limbs; av.rrtlon to iocJ.Hi' arjd.it(j;,biisuia»3.,.oi- study; dimness of 'iiye^ght^fe?rjfS'meW(S'ry*," Dizziness of the He«(d.;. Seura'glc ^tlrisi.lttxSrlous parts ofthe body; PalnB'ihjthsB back orlim6%llfimoaije. dyspeptl* dr Tpdf- gtjttdliinrregularlty o*tehowalir* deranged sfeoMoni of kidney and other gjai)i3 0f the body, as Leucerrhoea orFleurj»JH)u'n,;4o,-;--iiV9»r.ie Epilepsy, J3y«t«rla and NervQUJi^a«ms»""' " ' ' " How, in nlnelijr-n|ne> oasea out of every one' hundred, all the above'named disora-ert,' an'd>* ihost cf othdrt not named, as Consumption of the Lungs, and that most la- s' duous and wily.fprni,qf Contornptiop of the Spinal Nerves, known 1 as "Tabei Eorsale8"'d*nd "Tabes Mesen- terica," hatve their seat and origin,.id, diseases, of the i "Pelvic Viscera." Hence the wanPof *suc'oess 'onithe! part of the Old School practice la treating symptoms only. ; ''-' :' , : »JKS'fc«/ \>.i ' Dr. Andrew Stji.ne, physician to the Troy Lung and Hygenie instllutei,!! now eijaged la.troatlDg thl^ clans of modern maladies wltlf-t*e niostfiastonBhtngBitecess. The treatment.adopted.by the Institution U new; It Is based upon scientific prlnclplei^OwltSnBw- dhtdovered remedies; -withoutmtaeralsorpoisona. The facilities of cur* ar^MachjitntiMitjgenls c.an,ib> v cai - ad at their horn*i',wl6h'oiut'eSpinSe,^r|4iiny pa>f ofthe country. frornciWca'te, descrjptdonitsafrth^r paae,.bv Utter; and hav#the kedIelnesW&tt^-teera^bytesaii«r;' express.— Printed InterrogatorlSji' will bfe forwarded on applica- tion. - - l-SSSSSBt - " «S |3F^Oohsur^mf,£|||rThaad diseases of the throat cured as.wel(sttrlra'SnJfeot.tKe-parentt\as at the fa- -•••'•- "'-^ i ai3ttli« , 06aa / iWe|lJc»^<Inh*l«g/Ba(*' ' l ffir+3ia*t«$2i*' •&#w:m€&twER. their* atitutlonb^sen _. , w ....... »amfeysp.c»ji. with .i^jlftxjAa^ample. directions fpr ir»e;aSteidt^;r™i^pn'tp ,-»•.»': '. ^Paa^pipptyS|Mipur%ga'toriesor.A^vrce,° cl6*Mii»n!iM|^%^utt attention. > ^ a * l i m b ' e totind at the tn- :^m9*.m^o-9pf'mr-<)6'e»oh, •{pa. Alfra^8T.&fK.«.'$ .j-jlect^ifei it^-appl; . TKaSatttndioi itltatlBn'ro^cotrsuH'tt day,;*8tth^yr,iB.t||a isiifs'oM'l s Stone, %a|t^H3Tir®rio¥, modern ^n^lfrlWotes;^ticWv JtistWfmore -. „-_,, ..,,-„ T _ _, _,ife" *Kentton tb this disea*Wdtaiyrm%Hlfl^trm%nlch sliS'S6ata%th un- hetrd of lucceii, are duimtolttilamatidn and ulceration ° t^The^|aK«te^c^h^ a most im- portant curitlveJoftr^ilnj the nerro^ forces. ^ Price Ptniklei.can'icbrjulfaairi- Ijcciriuj 3tone,''confia'entl- ally by letter or pertocslly- Addreas:..,,,, ylvl2n6 Hatranlj)%eIn»tltution t Troy^ N. T.* R^eiunatioandl^eural^a 1 A .feiljOTi'tlf£s*ae.sa^f«rma^ht,6ure'<'f'or- , |lheu- ±\ mtiUrn'tod i^U Rn«uat.;'It Js an Internal remedy,' pera6riri'f,%*iff6*t-delli wlthjerfecAjiaMr, .- ; ( -- tvf ",-^5 f^T«»tl»me)rt«I«. J T • 'Idardnex't ihenmatlo aooieuralglc Compound" is the best medicine for tfceJ&tsie f i v e r saw.—.Chat. A.< Smith,«o.;imd.pt»t«atoej'B«gj^';-•; •• , ' •, Aftertuffering with Rheiimitlsmfor twenty yeari.and, being confined tomy betlme^eraliweelit last Springi' I watentlrelyuredhr the'wme of one bottle.,t« "Gardl- ntf'sBieuni*j^MdNeut^^oCompottr^d. 1, —Norman I. Ay*r*>?8ilf^HK street. Boiton. " | T r> u .' _.Havlrjfneena constant aatfejurifrom Neuralgia, for «thte*n tncipth^and betn drlv* by excrutrating pain to the trial of numberleu remedies without obtaining reUef,,Iwr -' "' ^ T ~ Neurilglo and" tfOrU AppiClUaDiUOft, JiOWCJIf m«9S. .^W A I havebecn-tfflictedtfrlt^i Salt KheuriFln its worst form fcr-t l*»g ; amey «n'a auBtred tiora than can be irhaglned, ex'etpt by tboso simUtjlyJafBlbted. I tried o a s bottle of your"OoninouaiJ,-.-arid can honestly sayT that t believe myself enufeJy ctu-'edi—ImUy J. Billing- ham, Johnston, M. X- _a» \ a "Gai^ex'iBheumaWiodKeuralgtc, Compound'' hat. entlrdwo'iired me. of suffering of sewral year's stan- oing.^. X.Hodiklns No. 1 Old State House, Boston, —'•lJ* . ^ ,, . . . . '" ' », years a , covered with eoretand Inconstant palS j, *«n* bottle of yonr Oom- S onnd curedybSaX^^W/^&tat^ndiTjM. AUlk srreet, :oston^-ifo; 5^^ft|, r«:W™*l«4%. »,«, " "Qardltfe's. Ktfiusi'atlomdNerir^icltompound" has 4 enHrely Sreim*emt*'dt»r4Tt;i-f^m6m|*on, Pro- .Jli)nmD%ltSla^»:>*^(w f'- ie^jttfa*hoUle ; e C y i n w C4avpoimat$Bri»Ssin» of a •ever* 4 *ti^ckof,'HeurUgli.—-I atuiie.8. Thompton, Pearl ^SH^IIgate Tfn, i^ddtB^:^ :witrf«* s .fci-Jd« - nf "fl.iJin«."«'r»hin!««iir ^th°m V far6PleaSCd t0 '' v5fa&*^iZm+U» been, for three 1 r?> «£ gre*t'-«ttfer«rtre«=St> moBBij hU hands covei tWufea ajtsctloriti n" ^."aardlner's'KlieumaUo was nfferlag with, a pain aad'fthtt it H. &E. I*. Cooper, WATEItTOWN, N.t., OWNERS J07 THE PATENTS, 'AND EXOLUSn^l MANUFA0TDKBB8 FOB NBW TOjl^ AND THE EASTERN STATES, fJ.l«»»Wijt 1wS^;*yl t«^stht>#K^^ uivi WESf ERlSf 1 i^ltSER VE WITH COOPEB'S I5IPROV PATONT sEif^iOTW& mv& 5, €v i8ai. FATKNTU VEiiBlJAR¥ ^.« .^ »^.. ^ , rr : ;-» % -?• w ^ Wat awa^delth>> F1R«;AND ! HIGH18T premlom In the gift of th««a»t%¥'o»:it *imt<ra|*/iB > cletjr, at therrj'airheld *rw»tettowni SepkfeRoirbelng In competition with foarphers from otlir parts of f State; the % . .... » .m •>e*# of these Vat» in the flrs TTAVstNG isold,*>v#iL c :-,._- ll. eUeateoBnti** of this State, la the tut two yean, it'll nnnectssaryi.te add testimonials, as they are ap- proved of everywhere, and itreadmltted to be the o n l y C h e e s e apparatus fit for use;" having made great im- provements in tht l I B A T K B i a a d V A I . Y US, and are making thesain the most s u h a t a n t l a l and p e r - f e c t manner, we are how prepared to'dellver and to Oil, orders from * distance on'th* shortest notlcew Watertown,-*tarchi:18«l. m I ICHECSE fUKSS. A d B E R N ' S Patent, Eci-entrie Press—a new, sltn , pie, d o r m b l o and e b e a p Press. /that thtvhSvaJnsed E .Keiirelirfe Oompoand" lor . _ I ^an«t>»a•l^^gavf eWr« , ^ U e « i and wo&d reel artttxtlcfaVi wl&theeeharassing Heine* ever -,-#"^^'" • - " Tetton. Henry „, ... B. Allen,Bot- WBtj Bottom ftaav '^-Ot^tTCharlli'a, l*Wnfton8fc,;B6*i: v .;W^«t1»'jM'tMM ilgia Oompouad ha* been fffor Bcrofnlbht Hamot*, P > wjuira AH»I .& V"it*#«UM Ann* afASUMIf* Froi* New fork. •». ^ -ii- av ^* W E wouldVt*p*«1Mlytnfora,our pateqruth&wa bavi eonceatrated oar bostaeet in. No. 4 Arcade, where w*h*v* greatly toereaeed faculties to m*Mt th* waoeieJt oar nameroua eattomer* Our ttockof BPlINO AMI* - N T ^ n S B fiOODS wilibtrM* larger than atnat, f audit is bnt just to say, that ho ttor* oot- tideof JvewTorThas a larger stock than wrhave— which w* are, prtMrtd ehtnpeatiMi. r -* i larger to ted at price* which will dtfy mxu " COUNTRY aHInLIlTKflUI* And Mend* generally, who bar* favored, a* with their batroBSf* *t Nc 38 Court^t, will pit*** r*m*mbarihat we hav* removed our stock from that iter*, and shauj htretrte* he thankful to receiv* their favor* at Wo. 4 AAC ADt\ Whir* we have on h*s>(l every thing In tht ' ^IIIililNamY i.INat They can detire. * BONNETS of every description. M B B o m rXOTTERo, FKATHEK8, HEAD BRMSES, DREW OAPS-tm fact, artlol** too nttateroa* to mention. BBs-BAI. VUmnmr* ArfA WBBAVBA. UJHW~rUXt HAtst-twnts^TwUi* and Ouii. Kweadtand Orav* Oapt, Vourrung Bonn***, A*. Aprae,mt »*»' j Ko.AiSeadi 6 ! C-lt>»lNO BCi»iHK««. 2 I N consttiuence of the dec**** of tint ttute Mr*. Mary Welch, ail persons indebted to th* millinery Urn, No 48, Court r)tr**t,*r*requ**t*d,to call immediately and **UH thttr acoounfs, and thereby tav* *rb«b'« and ex- ^ How i» th«tIm. r to pnfch M e*ninrrV Oo^sfoV OAIBT. •tagreatredtctloB from original prlc**._JB| «lWlbtuAaa«iwutbt**a4**te«1 in thtttxrrttS** *y aavtsttst taHttt it, j - ) c v t WttewtoWm, Jaly «8,18ei. ** 1rit0B " ^^^0mim^ : C t 'tim^^^m^ N. B^AdKrmVANrKD to sell new articles. Apfll"le4i|«,i, t.i; :.--. . «6y M OHEESB HOOPS. A D B heavy, well finished and painted. aaBMSK 1 THE $m9Nmx!&&. {>•-. •-.,. * POTSDAM eVWATERTOWN ' . ...'.v^wuuywm* »t* i .-.ai 1861 •30ING! Maili Aoo'onu a.m. p.m. 8 80. o 10" 6 85, 5 45'' «00 6 11 4 00., 8TAH0NS. .Cape "Vincent.,. .Thvee^-Mtje Bay,. .Ohaumoht ...... .liUnerlck . A*oomfsto«W. 1 p. m. p.,m. ..';12 45'f8*0 ..-.18,M 8 IS '.'WW 808 1168 fl 4T .,.,.BrOjfpvllle .:,... v ..ll 40 7 43 7 86 Acoom..i|Iall. r • • ' ' ' 1 00 1 00..-., .... .Potsdam Junction.. T 80 1 28... ;Pot3uam ...... '. '6 20! 9 05.-J; Canton 8 55 i SO. Hermon,,,, 9 18' S 48..'!V..... l)e'Ealb <...'., 8 SO 8 00. Blohvllle .,., 10 10 8 80 ........ Gouverneur :. l0*),./r8!05..,i,'.---'Keir b e!tv., ... U 05, 415 '.Antwerp., 11-82 > 485 ...... k.Phll»a»lphla ...... ;., 2 05 5100. Eyans'Mite...-..,, 12 29 . 6 SO Sanfdra't OOraers.. 12 80 6 40 Watortown..;, 100 8 45 Watertown Junction a. m. "p. m. .11 4042 OQ .11' IS- 1 !! 40 .10 88,1100 .10 05 10 88 . 9 CO 10 20 . » 80 3,0 J>S . 9 00 '»9!f s 8 12' ' 7 60, .7 20 7 00 «40 .- « SO ,6 80 6ti5 T08 T 80 T 85 *T 48, 8 08 8 OT' S 16 8 St S4S 8 55 9iQ" 9 20 9 28 9 55 i. m. 7 15.. 7 45.. 76o . 820.. 8 27., 8 42.. 900.. 9 05.. 9 15,. ,.Watertown Junction.. 11 25 943 .... 9 57 .... 40 IS. >.. 10 8 0 . . . 10 40 .... 11 10 .... a.m. ..Adam* Centre. ..Adam*..:.-:..,. ..P. Manor ..Mannavtlle ,. Bandy Creek .... ..Richland .. Gentreville ..Albion, .... ^Katoas':'.'. ..Witllanutown.,. ..WestOamden .. ..Camden .... rt .. ..MoOonnelswllle.. ..Tabsra; :.«OME ..10 4T . .40 88 ..10 15 ..IOCS' . . 9 47 . . 9 80 ..-9 25 .. 9 12 S43 828 608 7 50 7 40, 7.05 a. m. ADD-ON DAT. Saoerlntendent, 918 tToo 880 ,8 05 rio f^0 7 25 X58 6 60 -5 40 6 25 6 11 5 59 5 46 642 5 88 8 19 8 10 488 445 4 88 4 27 400 p. SACHETS HARBOB, HOME & N . T . KA^p^AH, mm ~TO'TAkrT'irFE0T , 'atONDi\r,"nilj;Q-U8Tri9,1861.' fiOIIVG SOfTH. GOI>*3 NOBT|iI slall. Accom. a. m. p. m. STATIONS. 5 50 6 15 6 80 645 7 10 , Accom. A. tn. . ,.H 40 ...U 18 ...11 00 ...10 45 . ..10 MalL p.nt 9 40 9 15 9 00 5 45 6 2Q 4 80 Sackets Harbor., 4 55 Smfthvllle 5 16 Henderson 5 85 Belleville 6 00 Pierrepont Manor The Trains on this .Road connect with all P4t|esger Trains on the w, & R RR., both ways, *@gr ' ,"' ," t a f B y taking the morning train south, passenger* on the line of this road oan have 7 hour* at Watej'town, andreturn^ometheysabieday. •'!•.•-, • : -M & __ __ ]. * W. T, SEARLE, Supt. *Beireville, AlfclT, 1861. *> « * CABIN'sar-WABE.y VE-HOijLSTJBiltV. A "AjVBnd'ir: fa^t*Uo1^af|jroiS^Srl^MiS^^ workmen, and according to the tuost. approved ahdla- SON w'HK any other EstablishmentTri thitiespect." By the use of the latest improvements in Machinery,, they are enabled to compete with All othen, in prie4s", for the tame cltat'of work. Their' stoclc'- now -osnsltis of the/ SOjand a large;643J«:Of Goodi In their foUbwln" ROSE j*mong .6thtE,arUeles ?OOD eonit WOOD CHAIRS,. MAH0GAS.Y 8QPAJ, 8UADE QDRlAlks, <d BL'K-WAI,»rjT<Po*AS, DAMASK CDRTAINS,- TETiB-A-TETKa '~'- MUSLIN CURTAINS, C0PHN8. MATTRASSE8, sr FEATUEES. *. ^ l O O K l S S GLASSES, ™'00RS10ES, CURT AlSf -PIN8: BVEBYBOIN'C IB INV1TID SO OAU. AND EXAMINE OCR GOODS. Watertown, July, I 8 6 0 , " ,-. ^ly TETS-A-TETiS, DIVANS,. torjN&ies, OTTOMANS. PARLOR CHAIRS, » KA8I CHAIR8J- **9A»R CHAIRS, VSASH, BL.R«BS ANII DOORS, „« Window Frames, Ac, 'Ac. Remember, I am connected with one o( the largest manafacturlng establlshmeats In the Btate, and can and will s<dl tr A Better Article at fUeaper Raton! ~ than any other establistimout tn the county. My Sash, ^n.,,-,|j(li^fl«if) v .ae THnBE FIRST PREXIIVRIS ,. at tho last County Fair. Those wishing to purchase will do well to give me a call ftnd save 2S per retit. l nave also (."a. uand and m. ke to order all kinds and style ot nOULOING, whAe I can sell at t .a lowest living ra.es. ufflce over Central Meat Market, opposite Scovil't SLOB, .. atertown, N.lf. m GtORQK MoCOMBEH. CURD KNIVES. T HE Celebrated Steel Card Knives, which complete* th* list of topis necessary to make the Best Cheese, and that which commands the HIOBHT PRICK. All tor salt oy • H. 4 I . F. OOOPIR, No^S Iron Block. "-^ a> it SASH, DOOR AND BLIND DEPOT. X H A V B made arrangerarttt with the largest estab- lishment In Northern New York for raaofacturing S A S H , D O O R S , B M ? n > g , MOrtDINGS, ' " lf ftt5«| Set And have opened a Depot for their tale onthe8osth Side of the Public Square, over fowler's Paint Shop, op- posite the Woodruff. House. I shall tell 25 # . cent, lower than any other establish mentlntown. , Shop joiner work done to order. ROLLERS, tn moving Buildings, to let cneap. I alto make the Window Frames, paint and glast the Sash, and paint and htng the Blind*, is less time, and for LESS MONET than you can gel any Meohanlc te do the tame. Fletse gall btfor* pareiaslnt etawher* kndiatlif yonrtelves. THOMAB MUXPHT. Watsrtown, Deo. 0,1809. 17tf 8?Jim>! ! *^F,Wft,laUrtown l ,.Auk 2 im' " next, the officers n a m 6 a d n ^ S j o i S e ^ f n ^^ MBl,> « Secretary of State are iS s H P ^ S ' ^ i MUNOIteA^flRbBV . V •• . , l^^ff.¥ .J^rtontjountv ' •SIATB OF NEW Vnnw . OmosotTSB SK0RKii R ro>8wTi,An^tlS 1 i To the Sheriff qfthe OoufityofJeffertdn: .,,-'• • ^trrNptlce Is hereby gi.ysn, that at the General n„ tion to be hel*in this State' on ; the Tuesdav•nSK Jr"' he first Monday of JS'ov S »ber n^S *$$%£*& era are to be eleoted, to wit: y " s ? ° w J<mev° retary " 6 * 8 "' ta pUc * ot D * Tid R Flqyitj, A Cpj»ptriU«r,ln the place of Rf.bertDenniston>, . An Attwnejy-Gep.ersl, in the place of Charles G,'My. XX 6 i,ff^ r ^.^^.'n.hep.»ce:of' y4rA A State Treasurer, in the place of Philip Dorsheim.^ . A CarXal 0,ommlssloiier»Jtf the place of Benialin Brjioe, whb was aiAowte'dl:to fiUthe vaoarioy oocSffina bythe^e.a.th.of,gffcueJH.Ba,rnes:,v... . * /"'"»•« In Inspector ofState PrisohsTtntne place of Joslah T Everest^ ' '. > k ' ^ . ••. -,i ,- if- • " v,,!Ul f, A Judge of the' Court of Appeals, in'the place «» George F. Oomstoole; ' . ™"r" °> -All wh9seA«mi g| offlcewlU expire, off De.6ember'neSrt." K - ~ <', ••• *•* J ^ *mf®>' •Atoo*8en*torforth«'EIg»teenthaen,*'« , ^trteM col L prUSng,tJhe,cpnntl«s of/effertfln.und L e . ^ T * COtfJJTT0^MfJE»BS'*O'Bri£ECTEti- - - Three Members of Assembly; >> m- < »• •. ., A County Clerk, t n the place <>.f R'ussel B. Biddlecom-. Two Justices of Besslons.in tn'e'.place of Isaao'8 •'M»i« andHoseaB..Hayes;, ,. s ~ ;• .<«»*•« Two Coroners, In the place ef Jesse Davis and Jim ei All whoae terms of office will expire on the last a»w«» pe comber next. _ ' r'"** u *y,?! Tpu a^e without flelai todeitvtr A s^pysofcthe above sotibe to the SnpervIsoPryr one ofahe'aMesstfrs'if 2.-2 town or wtrd in y.o.or obnntjy. *nd aJsoitVcausira COBT ' ^fj>£«e < tj 1 ^pubUs_|ed'in t all i ^eip^ of sale perl printed in your OoUBtyi once In eaWweelt "until the £lpctiori. n « Ki.nvnmv^ "«w the lelectlon, •oi' •' r B.KLOYDJONKS, , Secretary of State ' OQjSOirBRtfNT RESOL0TIQN8- To amend the Conatl^utlpn.so at'O prohibit the tale ol intoxicating llque-rs as a bevirefe. .; KeiolyedOf-tte AaSemWy oomour,^ That the Constita tlOn of this State be>-au!ended^ roljows: T ••• •• i- •Ehe saie of IntojrJfcatlng liquors as a bevei-oge la her*. by' ( .Mohlbltejl; and'^ne lan shall he' enacted' or belt forjceiBfteifce adorrtlon of liils imendment; to authorise !«uc^tale i j b d tn,eBejisi^t«rc otiail by law prescribe the necessary flfifes and oeiialties for any violation ofTthli pro'v.isloD. I # •» Kesolved (If the Assembly concur.) That the forero- (Sffjmendmfent be referred to the Legislature.^ be cLV aerKftt the ntxt general'election of Senators, and that la conformity tfcsecUoa one of artiole thirteen pf the eon. Mtltutlon.Tt-be* published for three months previous to ^hejtlroeiOftueh el*ction. ; Stftte, qiiSew York, in Senate, March IS, 1861.—Thefofs. golnfYeielutlojiii were duly passed-. By order ofttt Seriate. 9 |JA'S.-XfiRWmj.GER, Oleit. S'ate or New York, In Assembly, April 6, l&ol.-Tb.* foregoing resolutions,were doly passed. By ordero* the AssembXv. , HANSON A . RISLBT, Oierk. •Offlfie of the Secretary of Sttte. f l>I have compared tht! preceding with the original law IR file in this office, and do certify that the same It a vfcorreot transcript therefrom and of the the Whole of til* original D. E. FLOYD JON Eg, .•>' s Secretary of ktttt; inORTClGB SALE. . j T V E k T A U A i T h a s he,ert made in the payment of a Mr certain-indenture of-mortgage executed Ky illjih Nicholson, and Zeraah, hln wife, on the 24th day of Feb- ruary, 1S59, to Patrick O'Doughefty, to secure'the pay- ment of the som of -four hundred and twenty-eght dol- lart.^n two yeaia from the said l!6th day of February. 1850„»ith inters t thereon annually. Th* mortgtgt, with potrer of sale therein contained, wait recwdedto the Jettersto dounty merit's office, on the Otfi'daVw March, 1859, at 8# h. p. m.,ln book 66of mortgage], at pare 440, Ac. Ihat the said mortgage wit, on the 12tfa day of November, I860, dulv tsslgned bysald Pat- rick O.'Itoogherty to Joilah w. Raker. There remsjat doer »nd-unpaid upon Mia mortgage, of prmclptl:*** Interest, at the date of toe first publication of this no- tice, the Sum of four hundred and seventy-three 7M00 dollars. Ho proceedings at law bare been had for the recovery of th* sum so secured, or any >pari th*f*bf. 'The premijts covered by said mortgagt are thertiajit- scribed substantially as follows, to wit: ,.,.•"• All that certain lot of laid situate, lying as* being In the vi lage of gaclteta Harbor, Ja'tat county of Jefferson, and Sttte of New York, tndbotnd- edtutfoUowt, towlt: Ooromencirjg on Main strut ,o* the southeast sdde of the wall between the bulldingi'ti the premises now owned by David Swift, and runaiaf soatB-easterly on the line of said Swift's lot a&out.two hundred and twelve feetto thebarn alley; thenceiwth- easterly on the line of barn alley sixteen feet; thtnet .fnorth-easterly, parallel with the first mentioned line, .iwduttwo hundred and twelve feet.to Mali? street; thence >iiora'westirly. on tbellne of Main ttreet, tlxteen feet to the place of. beginning, including the brick honstiou, the staid premises adjolnlug the said David Swlft't itors. Also, to have the privilege of using the front.nslltau stairway now in the building occupied by the said James R. Simpson and n'djoinlng Uiepremlses hereby conveyed in common with tire said Hannah Slmptoa, her heirs and aaalgus, bb.^ba>vlnjf conveyed said premises to said Nich- olson aforesaid dft theS2d day of June, 185». Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, In punuance of Oiepower of sate Sn BaloJ mortgsge contained, andof the statuteVjn such case made and provided, that the premises aaove described will he sold at public auction, at the lave otrlce.of Hubbard* Lansing, in the village of Watertown, N. V, on We. 7th day or December, 1S61, at 11 o'clock a. m. or thtt day.^Dated Sept. i, 1861'. J0SIAU W. BAKtR, Assigns*. HrnsinDALii!6ixo,Att'js 119dl8w COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES, Trimmed and ready for ale.. „Hr"ORAVI CLOTHES furnished to order. When requested, will tttenff and shave deceased persont, anil prepare them for Burlau— Jearte and Carriages furoiihed, a* nnaU Watertown, July 25,1860. Htf -V'MORTGAGE SALE. A j n o n T C l C r E j a t executed by Jamet P. Wis- ney, and Dahnah A, his wife, of Hounsfleld, Jef- ferson county, NewJCork, twfleorgeE. Hunter, of Brora- vll e, in aald county? bearing date the 27th*day of Sep- tember, ISM, te|'t*|ccr« the payment of the turn of three hundred and ninety-four and 16-100 dollars, and interstt thereon, to be ptld In one year from the date thtrtet Sail mortgage, with power of sale therein ctntaln*d,wt* recorded in the* Clerk*s office of Jefferson ebuniyV'ott the 10th day of October, 185», at 10 O'clock a. m. t lalibtr 69 of raTtgigei at page 181, Xhe amount due on slid mortgage, at ' t i f first publiSatloU of this notic*, v.** ti4& 49. By vtrtue of the power of sale therein contain- ed and with 'he-mortgage recorded, I shall sell, at ptbno auction, to the highest bidder, at Barrow's Hotel in th* rillart ..of'SacKetrHssrbor, Jefferson Conntyi'N. Tv, on the 8lh dayofeKoterniSer next, atl o'clock in, the aftisr- uoon of that Say, th=e premises descrlbid is ttld eert- gage,vk j «Mltth»t-l«jlofl».ri4,tItURt* In thtvlllsge of aacketrflkfrpr^coiiisty.of Jefferson and State of N*w York, hougdfAiaifolloWs, -vis r Beginning at th* corner of Waihlrj|loa-'andBayard itreets,and.running north- easterly along i2xi margin of;Wasnlfl|r>on ifreet ittywij S. W. BALLARD . _ fw-^'s&aftijSa^^ dred and Seven feet; thencesoutheasterly *l*ng theBn* M . v « . . k. «,„„4 .. vl i,H,i, r . * .uvnuMt •' Alotlattly,deed*cl,byP*ttlT.Whttior* tpjlllli* K« 1•?»Mt/i^?~LTfi!?A^fa^ ( tA W J !ffi8 I^^nf^-twofeel^othViouthwestrharglnofBayArd, *»*-wfliV^^2^S!!* , S lw,hehM * »P">««» ^he hwdred*ndi*y*n feefcto^i* place of bejlnnlm. and will keep a large stock of .. s r ^ e d BrawnvHIe, Hug 6, *«tt, ' rr ' . »*^ OI^RGBiAHCttW^Mortgsi**. W. fti-BtowlHt. Attorney. 95dwl8 >f.C-j.'iri?l.::!Qfirl-. 5 L'- CULTIVATOB TEETH, WBV» IEFJ—Polished. NtJIP mum 3LiyE. NO. 4 COITEr STREET, OPEN. CHOICE SINGLE * DOVBLEIWOODS, ^pHBjmd^riiiTitdhis* Jtutt received an estlrc new ADV-MADtB OI.OTHING j OBN*S» >?JBl«|i«lHsmG GO«« », ' An fresh frtra*.N*w.toric,wtil«hhe will tell for earn only at taeh rates at will defy ecnspetiUon. «Hv»aiaoatl J, M. CLARK A t - •, wummmn. if, i8*io. , • a 50O io-o/r. PAIS. *.qt « 88W4 COOPERS'. r-*K«r* rp, ' /?» IJ , « l . I . O « r « t » from the vicinity ot W*- />"«s t tvfUiwu wild taken up, a thckthnt ^tARK, L\. *..' «'• •!.«!» '»i, .bmeoh t In seats, star In the •v.,.,.1,,.,.,1 iiytit irt««ii iDiHotig o» ltih t i l l The owner w « , IL H, yi'hxs, Aniise'l'Kt <W'. 21,1 " AreYouIasured? WATERTOWN im-jBSm , TtS '*•- WJ Insurance Agency. . A. *fHAr*r^wi'i5<!tt»iii,.: CA^ITAl^Aj|!»;8tJ|i»Li^s?.|l,OOq } 00(6 jt=* . ,4- * -^r^i'.li '"'^ »«w*iswiat-«-™M*« ^ , . ^ernmjtWE INSCHANOE'CO.,' = ,* of Hartford. Capital.and.Surilas..j,,.. t .^..t)880,OOffi #PH<ENIX KVS*5f AHCIT, of Hartford, Capital andSug>Iu|.'3s .... ".... |«!!),000 •CO^ECTBHDT I^RANCB CO., of Hark»a.'^C*|l^i'nd SWpmi'...,,* »26O,OO0 cTflfcy^IBB IN8HKA«CJ5 C€}., of New Hsyen. Capital and Surplus, «880,0OO \FBSTER»'HA«8A«HXS»ir)CS INS. CO. or-Plltsfleld. Oapllsf and i<^i^,$280,000. NORTH WESTERN .INMXHAtVCE CO., ef Oswego. Capital and Surplus .... f2S0,5O0. ATLANTIC INSIJRANCIE, of New'York. qaplU^rjLgnrj^,^., s?250,OOO. A L B A N Y F I R E INSURANCE CO.. Capital ...... :fi0tt,O00. . NEW YORK i l l E MS. CO., C A P I T A L O V E R «4,O0O,O0O. . The above sound, reliable Companies continue to In- sure atl kinds of property, at Mr rates Policies prompt- ly Issued, and losses fairly adjusted and paid. Watertown Agency—at the Express Office. 41tf J. If, BUM f A * ,n,, I B A BROWN'S ESXATE. •\rOTi«B io'cridltors^Puriusotto "an order of fl> Milton HiMerwStiy Bjwrogate nf JeirirtOB,county, tH. X. bearing Stfo'SerpwaoeFfltB, £ D., 1861,ttoUc*U Jiereby given, according to lair, to all pertoni having Sslalms tgainit the estate of Ira Brown, late of Rutland Jefferson county, N, Y., decessed, Intestate, that thty are required to p'Meot ,thej,same,. With the vouchtrl thereof.'to-tHe'sab.crlWrt^eadminUtratfrrt Of all the singular the goods, chattel* and credit* of the Mid de- ceased, atihe residence of Stephen Adtlt, one of west subscribers, at bii residence. IrtRutlsnd aforesaid, on or b'effee theiSthTdayortltrch.lSfil. Dated, Sep, k f h , ^ ^ 4m6 ' ALZINA BROWN, Administrators. ,8iirreow E. GALE'S ESTATE.' P tJHSVANT.to '«n order of Milton H. Merwin, Subrogate of the county of Jefferson, and according to the statute In such OJSO made and provided, notice li hereby given to all persons having claims against Simeon fc. Gale,' deceased^ late of Brownvllle, in said county, that ,they are required to erhiblt the same, with th* vOnobcfS thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of th* last will and testament of said deceased, at hit residence, corner of State and High street, in Watertown, In slid county, on or before the 1st day of March next,—Dated August 28d, 1801. 2ra6 %V$LLIAJI GOtfNDBILU HENRY J. VAN HOOSER'S BSTA*«. X T O T I C E TO OREDlTOBS'.ii-Pursuattt to an order ~ " • - ' ,te of Jslfeiion eoun- *. B, 1861v nolle* I* all per<onS having., claims against the estate ef Herivy J. Van Uooser, late of Lyme, In said connty, deceased, that they are r « « * ed to present the same-.with the voucher*,thereof, to the subscrllier, the exeeulrIx'6F;ir^I«tWiU Wd.testament, of the said deceased, athe^resldcnoemlynie aftrelMd, on or before the U day of A.pillri»Xfc-r-Dat%dBehtem* ber 24th. 1801. OAXIUIUltiBiP. VAN HOOSEA i TmfJ "••' Rxecutrlif. AVILLIAIV W E B B ' S ' 1 M T A T E . IN made by Mlltoa H. Merw «, mmW M ftW«* ty of Jefferson, bearing; date April, 24th, A. &;!*>•• all person* having claim* against the * ^ K I s S f f i Webb, late ottJstamplon, Jeftrtbtf «Mrr*r ( lfM°II» deceased, that thsy are req«lr*a Wr*wn^**f»i!tw with the voucher* thereof, to the undertlW* »»*»* eoutor ofthe Ust wUl suidte*t»ment of tjhtl^dgjgr ed, at hU resldsoeeln Chatnploa ivfortdsJd, o j m t W j » Uie2Ad'*yof*'ovemb«rnext. ^#t'..- , ,? 'l^^eb. m^£l^m' -**** r nr*" -*!*-* -V V* li.*) ,*•» r— ( A , , f ^ a , - , - ,J*M*"r

CATARRH! « N AYEE'S * Sarsaparillanyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031930/1861-10-15/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · knonledgo "Wha t jou r hiiiaafUrtll li% dona to mc ... laU (5fc*«**' ^-ajA^tea

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Page 1: CATARRH! « N AYEE'S * Sarsaparillanyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031930/1861-10-15/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · knonledgo "Wha t jou r hiiiaafUrtll li% dona to mc ... laU (5fc*«**' ^-ajA^tea


t »t







t o


CATARRH! f T H l ? quettttn U yet tjfwn wkedW lWhaMi thli dlt JL eat*? How knew'when we hare the Catarrh t"

As the dl*t at* w*» never truly denned by mtdloal books —never understood by physicians, till my theory of if w u published, -and 1* «UU cft*n mistaken for tone other #»•*<* by the victim*, of It, I Ihererore republish 1U trs.»*Ti»ptom*, la aaawerto the above question*


ofCa-IkeheedXorlnUeu ssfon,' confusion of i*tscanc*mi,want

plfa'j^rftinjlietrtein act* or

Atf fc t t faa ob*troct^*br«Mhto||-tSr««|k one or both nostrils, 8oon«iur;6b«tnictfon gtvftt place t© aprofuse dlecharte from «ie note, faucet or throat, On blowing the afe&ili fofcH»)»v a-uttl* crust—hardened ntucus—is ttrwniji.o'Un Uo*e4»lUi WwiL ,Th* sensation of a fluid dripping from the >»ad down ini* the throat I* *om*ttmi* fell Varlousnolse* or. r e l i e f toande In the e*w»te»oU«e4. WhoBthe-'«M«rtV».pref»*«d to imuSirity^4sev«rV,WaBy;^rthe^*a**t beeom* 1m paired, and that or nnett It loraetim*! totally S t .

l fh« rallawbM are <iom« «f ta* trw*- m t a n L s>k*th*r«svt l - - = of it?»*S*atioB otv^

«foayst»lM4si*stit; efe or t# tarry into


That of hearing suffer* much, and the organs of virion P*ttUmte la- the ravage*., An aocuaiulaaon »f, vlteid


,*5?«*!S»I»,> •?,!•to *(«" ton


/ • . ^ - T a i l 1 -"Jaohe," are

jKBo cBinrif Th.'lalUr4ofWv4rt«d'«'ne^ouji he** oFjpttagof CatarrlilF * , > -.

And now,lf the.tboY* symptoms exist, or a majority

And here, It ls-deemed .of the }utmo*^ Importance to corr»ct*prev*lent—almost unpardonable error., Bros chlUi it known to be the Immediate harbinger or con sumption i ^Sot kiowlog;1 andf not *e*en suspecting, that OatenhsWah* »M*«ein« *s>**5e*ff bronchHkiphyitaani hat^aaunpted to remer* }hl* UtUr asTeotfon by local *»Mlo*UewLtuch at nitrate or<tilver, fomentation*, ln-halations of »".d ears*} vapor*;, Ac , to the throat and auoea. .How a„ -«uoh.»Tortt to care hronchltlt afford

pApAelf «riden«^ of ijitatlo* only, ^therefore &&} that to ear*, bronchitis, and avert eonsumptjoo, Catarrh mart flat beicn)fed, TJpbn thl» tommofl aente pottulate, I htvepr*dl«*tad my remedy (or tbaear* of. Catarrh, ani i»*t*nly haT%l the satisfaction to know that It hat, prtywd feataa&Uy lugcwsftu l/a the attainment of lhlt-1

' obJe«t,>o*1hatln aceompil*rdugthuUtWl>«*wmnenUy, e « » d bwaoWU* and averted wniutrnpUon is thoutaneSf; ofilnatancw t j * t > j j

< D I ^ B A S E D mVX*V^^s; <

JMoariaaay ia«aleompl»lrit>f,))rodac«d by Catarrh, . wUSliTharV^wr beettreicognlaad W fti'TtaoUtjr;

Uthatef an obetra^tlon, *r clotlng apef the.taar p#»age freetthee>*tetl»eiKiiMt. Wiltarlewoftenf fromCa-T

tarrh than'fr<«feanr athaf *»»*«,* iTh*=c«re of 0at4rrh r a t i S w ^ t e d i t t e a t t y , and, ohvlatet the^nalnfuland smOm J3oW_frtnl»$tt»t. aMital)(cJUVe iqtoiha.

practice may etfeeitKlWre^' BuVlt««y«fWoe», v „ It la now kpown that; * y a ^ r M l R W t h e only p o *

tt?«e»»Sf<i»thaCatarrh. I t i a a y f 3 M W % 1 H .0AMriC0 , ,Water t«>woj i i^O6 N T.with

tOlearaMlranAutd buinetlona

./* f ^ K a t i * * J a . i m r f ' H A M L ' i

Anwilic J»ri#iMtine '

« N A Y E E ' S *


And for the tpecdy cute W i f e Wlovioy comilalnt^ S c r o f u l a a n d S c r o f u l o u s Afrettioitj»,sut, l>

« • i T u n i o r a , U l e e r n , B i n e * , G r u ^ t l u u t , B l l a l u a , a u d a l l 1 S k i l l U l s f e m e a . ~ "

OAKLA-VD, Tiid 6th lime, 18o9 J 0 Arm k Co Goiita I t&il Iljny duty to a

knonledgo "What jour hiiiaafUrtllt li% dona tor mc Ilnrtng Inherited -\ gurofuloUs uti-Ulun I Lue sifltiec from, it in vaiious woja foi j i u d tun el HUM it buist out in Ulieiaspn wy*hiinU^ aHU s fn* B m«jtn » it tnraed inward ami dlstroiscd iw. it th ttjiiHcb, l » u yeart ago it bioko out ou IUV li 11 \nU L > u 1 mv vtalp and ear« with one aoro nlncli t is jfilnf 1 u 1 lo itlinunii hejendds#ciipU«n 1 hhdtmiH nyta«n.iiua«V(rHt ph»tlci»na,>nt w«l(9ut muebMolii-f ti-oni-ijiy think Jn, fnct, the dftorderfciewwoiae» At l t«6tk l t*sTi JM.L\ to read In the UotpU Messenger tli t > u lu l p? ; nod

i an alterative (SaromimHlH), for 11 um tiutu joi i | i t i tiott ttnit any thing jou nud« nuwl; )(e g »> t 14ant to Cinclnuatland got it, aud nu, 1} It till it curttl ma I to j t It, asojuni advise, 1« eamll dosts uf a teasj oqnful o m u

! month and utcdqlaioat three fottlti hc-i and ti6ilthy \ skin soon began to formmicki tlio *ct\l> i liith after v

whlle*fjll off MytUn itnow<.leai,««i) 1 UHC '•byroj ftclllifiii fliftt the diftase bus, mmfr m my sj stei. It ou con well behove tint I feel wliit I mil s » i , \ hei I toll you th it I hold,, yon to bo ouo oC (lio,ajwotlcs of Ui age, autl roiuaiu o>or griitefally. Yotiri »

ALHtl 0 B TALIIY S t . A n t h o n y ' s F i r e , R o s e o r E r y n S p f e l a s ,

l e t t e r a n d S a l t R t i e n i n , S i u l d i i t n a , ^ t t i n R i r o r u t , S o t * E y e s , D r o p * } . u .

Cr". Ilobort II Piifblo wrrtct from Sale!*, K \ fli>th fijMuJ>W»a,4bAt<IJ»o„U1mi cupid an iujctw;nt» jma^ojj, Ditpsy, Which thuatcned to tntnliute faulty by tho persereringuttofourSanaparllln mid HJ"H H tn er>us Alaligtitxnp jFVyij3>«/« 1 j lic^St do" ^ of the t m » bajg he caret the common Jlrupti >u b> it constant j B r , O D c h o , e e l c , G o i t r e o r S w e l l e d 3Vec*s; Zebciton Sloan of Froapcct, Texas writes "Tliro i bot-

thjsof your JSaraannullaCcuraltuie from a Gtftrt—« hid* eoui swilling oik'the n«k; \\1IIUI I had Bulloftl (rdin over two y#*r«" I t e u c o r r h e e a i o r W l i l t e j , O t a r l n u T u m o r ,

U t e r i n e V I c c i a t l o i l , * F e i n a l o l > l « c a » c * . i.Dr. J B S Channing, of *<«.* \<nk Ci*> u i t « I

m<t»t*chMrfiilly comply willi the ^equel^ of >-«)ir i(,th t in •aylng I aave found your Sir ipurllla* mostexrtllpnt alterative In tho numerous compltunts for win li u t employ tu 'i a remedy but ^specially in IVmile llfstat s^ of the £cnrulou*' dnthests 1 have cured mini) uitafc) ate caaes or loucoitlioei by It ami some \)here tlikioq), pIslntEirss "U'ed byn/c«ii(hon if tliajjifcru* lbodlcea. ation itself vras sooh cured Notliingitithln m - k u d ^ edge equilx »t for these fenialtl dornjigemeuts^v * J

. ei - ' # "aTI^iTAT

Jalpfil, i n'mi.,,,;,;.'..- ijiii

^T\ri „ , „ • •

x&w km

•>S»wi -


JUwardS Marrow.or ISeWbliry, Vla*-»iltei!, "^Ofin *Jas «iwtan f«mor-fttjone of (h» f males in my famtly

had defied all the remedies we could emp'oy has gthl

malesinmyfamtlT] m could emp'oy has

completely cured hy-)our Extmtt of Bar-

rit.' • y Via jmbner f o r , * A » « * .

T*Mau»eo4«i/ft «»t«

MWa»y"*Oea*i-" "iam> *r*w<

^ «

^•BQir^TK nmiUlAtn,nmeoBATia, hat

f ^ a S S I ^ ^ laU(5fc*«**r " -^ ' ^-ajA^tea^a^^^a^ta jaaH

SBKWE'fa'i'iaW^riiaaSsri^t^^ "•! ^^li-

nM Of Bqaore.haTe syataa shattered,

tahjeettalhattarrlble i^retnena, win, ahaoa*

OaoAaairwlQ rftieV* aBBaMpWta,, Oe»a d o a e w U l a e a e H e a r t ^ £ " , ' ,, fafoa Aa»taiwUljaT» U f l t i i a , t * £ to 4eta win a i t i m a goo4 appetite., ' >

.'Pelt Alts will atam Mw H a t ' f l n c y d M ^ f g y a p e p r t a .

^AlawlsetiwUI * " ^ H > * » ' l f t M a<tt f KtM><

"nNta«at wh» arejerioaaly aOkawt W M t f Hi" oeisatamta art aAsated aveadatsHaf Jijf •> a> Met a radical :Core by t i e i t V W w 9Sm}

tflt^iiVttatiiataMtteaaaetiWi- " w

i S S S a T d o i e wtt n a e n t l «a«Ml*F'w*afcaa« metrjy^eei ^ ^ . .

IkSbr^aMMatSpMt. threettmeaa a t f a t f , J _ i r ^ r T , t h t ^ i t m u . h e a B t y t J d a a H ^ r e t w V i ^ l l l t i a y i l V i f f aSnrMgaGMe»'«e*a toe tattpnsat oi -^teraatftaaeea ef health aat>fceaatyJa

a t * . M- *i s*-

^ ^ rhwJH»eft»adaa.Va

twtm' . ww taptrills. Ottr physician thcunht nothing hut extirpa­tion eoull afford i»lf«r/liut h* iidv&sd'the-tnal of x<wr SariaimitlitiMLcthie last retort lwlHiU cnttingt »nV protttl cftaejtlff. After tskjnr jour remedy elgb.t wa« nottmpto^oTtIiedi»eMe»n&lns." ' J »*ji

J a t y p h U U mm« D l W c m f i a l D i i m e , %

B* J C t A ^ w s Slr( t; gnat of joursjeht, aud' I**** reallxed with year

rmtve cured with It, in. plaints for which It Is reci

tUHM, JSfh Augtint, JfiS9"V " ^ ^ y complyiirlih thero-^

rod/some'of theeBects r1lja >• -? ieUce, meet of th t com

'maided and have found its e/rects truly wonderful in the*lr» tlTSferedl and M r turial ZhppfeV On«ofrny^r«tienr»(aW8yphiliac ulcers iahlj throat, vhicb wjMfeontuming his palate and the top of his mouth. fKr^BarsiparlUa, steadily- takm, cuicd htm in live week* Anotliuraras attackeuVby sec ondiuy symptpms inThii4no»e, and the ulceration had eabjn awaysarconaid«rab,le naraitit, to that XlelleTt th* disorder would soon reach hia brsla and lull hjra. Hut it yielded 'o,m> adawaiitration of your Sarsaparilla. the ulcer* healed, a n d i * it well again, notof aaurix without aowtdisfigiiraUon to Ills face A -woman who luui been treated for the aame dlsoider by mereurj was suffering; frwi'i this poison in her uoee*.,, ihey liad Uceoie so am sitivt to the-weather that on a damp day th* aiilfered ex-crMciatim, pain in her joint* and hone*. She, tco was curea^eatirely hr'our v&anAparilla In a Jew';weeks I knoinrom itssformula,which your agent gave me that this Preparation front) yonr laboratory must be a great «l xeniidy, consequently, tKeUTlruly remarkable results With it hare not mprised me

* * frattrnally yoire, < JQ V I A R 1 M S K , 3 I 1}i ~ B b t a u a l i i i a m t ^ G o m t , I j l w e r C o m t p t a l n t .

"•" VlmiMlisMic*, Preston C^T^aT, etUJaly, 1859 JD» J C. A I D . Sir, I have been afflicted wUtf a ilain

j fol chronic JKAwatatum fo7a long time, which ikfHed the <t skill of physicians, and; stock- to mi in sp'te of all the'* remedies I could Rnd^urlfl'1 tried yourSariapanlla One bottlt cared at* in two weeks, ancTrestored my sencral

> health wo ituch ihat T s«B;fcr better than before 1 was attacked. Xthiuk it a woederful medicine ' J FRiAN

Sale* T <3etchell,oCSttquls, write* "I liive been asnicted for year* with an ajfedum-^f, the £u%rv,whicli deairtyed my health I tried everyJUnf, and eve*? tl ing ttiled to relieve me , and I have be«K* broken-down man for toenejreart'Trom no other cane* than dtramentfit o* „ . . . - « » „ _ » , - a ._ „ _ Pr,*avJ'ed

IcceWjou, Bg the bless

t»eX4»#* My beloved p**t5r,th«Bev. Vr l>pf,*dvi'ed* "-' tryfottrSaoapinlbvllmaaM lie said h»li

•XtkinV yotnuadewadmrtttrying B« .•Jod i thes cttredtme^and bat so purified my blood

jtad~snw lal0 , ,o

~ lew man of me,

ying IO pit

I feel young again Hit tolhaka a!iew man or ate.. I feel young again The b^t*tJ ic»n>»^saldofycmisnothalfg9pdenous»' ^

' ' - J ^ I i ^ r a l t C a M c e r T n M * ) r « > J ^ i l a r s r e n i e n t , in« f t« t l*>s&|CarIe* m n A ^ B s M I t a t l o a i t f

1AVW^^IC*¥« :urt£ of these formidable4'comp]aiir1**littTe reaultedjconi

cawshiTol [<d t$Os whe-a


i e j i t ee f thltfreBiedjjfeut our space herewil l u^t admit km. Son»aj»CtJi*st?may b e W » l la.

' «t« r t i I > l s e * A « , F i t * , E; ' I t a l y , Sfetura" *r**pr thee* t f ec t fona i sW'"'

ft power of this medicine *Xi stlmo lion* into vlrdrou* a lcfw^a-ndUlraw wibjl WQtthf bejSjgalMiiiilJbeyond its

been nquiTed bythe ne>>


j f i th tng mnfJuSHM *fh» Sun, .+VV

othtrlbr, kjnetet* nariralkK wonStrfnl, knowtt throughoat^the

^lewareUi* t«W] who hav* r-* •omeiiTlng

, luh^aadMai M tier k»o*>. tdamoretlittfL taettMatHWdbavew] won in atroagly upon tl TrtftnUkf fir.

tMmhnagia Mayeeaaai

i t ^ ^ ^ M a a k i f t * . 1 "

MtK&i$H •«H*rtmr>ftef «U«>Aitt« my*e oaVredla

T ^ i f . / AWieiortaaeai of * , *•

Puully Qxoceiiet 4 Pro vUion». « « - - f j r ^ M T M t i m t O P A U . ililOfc^amJ »

CmtatAar'ferAeaay fAT.

•>, B. W. U C U B B D N . i j ^ - , „ ... , _ . ..

liMSSRa. fii; "n ty ,iort. ' t t ' frj i i f . f«gorOfi^IES.

511-** ^ f f'1 " *

salll»ll>I^^Kl<J»W»JglaJW»WM»fcw3t^ ^ f e ^ H ^ K )

^•" . ' »


A « « ; e ^ V W * , W t k . a f A a f t h « « M r ^ b a r « a ^ T l f * eaaiamiy eat

rTff^ejjwacejtl H*US»g

Stone Wttre,

•tmericcm People. ••lxm% P n f t i l s j l i ^ ] * ^ jpri f i o t t*^ ' „'

pnnjiojjc^. TO T B S JiRojJLijiifo ft.w, UTOBSio pit^ttfxrtk, A treat ise on t he Cause o f Early Physical Decline of

American People; the Cause of Nervous Debhlty, Consumption' and Marasmus.

This work U,on« of-high, moral tone, written In chaste yet thrl l l l sg larigUager;' s t e a p p * * ! * directly to the moral consoientipiianeaaof *itPARGRt'i andooARDi i to espe-cl*lly.d»tirtiing*cieDtiflo;a5Bd irej^ahia^alds aa/t .treat* merit aqd cure, *"« " *

It w p h e sent, by rriaij o n receipt of t\vp (3o.) stamps.


A I V o r d o i O o r i e c i e r a t l o n * A d v i c e t o t h o s e / f H •" "i wli^'*?PI.'«e4'P««- ' u I i,

A claia o f nialadle* pi8v«Vttc» a* RSrf ul extent In obm-munlty—dooming at lesit lOOjOuO youth of both sexes annually,tqantearly wrtrei.•„atlhoses4Ueas.es are very imperfectly undentoo-d. Their external manifestations orsymptomsi»re Renroii»I>ebiHty, itetaxaUoajand.«]x' haustiorjl ftftoasmtti.fart^sllng'ijnd oonanmntlinspf the tissues M'-th^wli'ole^iifr^ 'Bhorthess of breathing? or hurrie«*reat-!ung on ascending, a hill, or a Sight of etalrs-greatpafttift^'oKiui»lHesit.i ^Asthma, Bron­chitis and 8or» Throat ;^..£hiiklDg pf the hands and limbs; av.rrtlon to iocJ.Hi' arjd.it(j;,biisuia»3.,.oi- study; dimness of 'iiye^ght^fe?rjfS'meW(S'ry*," Dizziness of the He«(d.;. Seura'glc ^tlrisi.lttxSrlous parts ofthe body; PalnB'ihjthsB back orlim6%llfimoaije. dyspeptl* dr Tpdf-gtjttdliinrregularlty o*tehowalir* deranged sfeoMoni of kidney and other gjai)i3 0f the body, as Leucerrhoea orFleurj»JH)u'n,;4o,-;--iiV9»r.ie Epilepsy, J3y«t«rla and NervQUJi^a«ms»""' " ' ' "

How, in nlnelijr-n|ne> oasea out of every one' hundred, all the above'named disora-ert,' an'd>* ihost cf othdrt not named, as Consumption of the Lungs, and that most la­s' duous and wily.fprni,qf Contornptiop of the Spinal Nerves, known1 as "Tabei Eorsale8"'d*nd "Tabes Mesen-terica," hatve their seat and origin,.id, diseases, of the i "Pelvic Viscera." Hence the wanPof *suc'oess 'onithe! part of the Old School practice la treating symptoms only.; ' ' - ' : ' ,:»JKS'fc«/ \>.i '

Dr. Andrew Stji.ne, physician to the Troy Lung and Hygenie instllutei,!! now eijaged la.troatlDg thl^ clans of modern maladies wltlf-t*e niostfiastonBhtngBitecess. The treatment.adopted.by the Institution U new; It Is based upon scientific prlnclplei^OwltSnBw- dhtdovered remedies; -withoutmtaeralsorpoisona. The facilities of cur* ar^MachjitntiMitjgenls c.an,ib>vcai-ad at their horn*i',wl6h'oiut'eSpinSe,^r|4iiny pa>f ofthe country. frornciWca'te, descrjptdonitsafrth^r paae,.bv Utter; and hav#the kedIelnesW&tt^-teera^bytesaii«r;' express.— Printed InterrogatorlSji' will bfe forwarded on applica­tion. - - l-SSSSSBt - " «S

|3F^Oohsur^mf,£| | |rThaad diseases of the throat cured as.wel(sttrlra'SnJfeot.tKe-parentt\as at the fa-- • • • ' • - "'-^iai3ttli«,06aa/iWe|lJc»^<Inh*l«g/Ba(*'

' lffir+3ia*t«$2i*'



atitutlonb^sen _. „ , w . . . . . . . »amfeysp.c»ji. with .i^jlftxjAa^ample. directions fpr

i r » e ; a S t e i d t ^ ; r ™ i ^ p n ' t p , - » • . » ' : '. ^Paa^pipptyS |Mipur%ga'tor iesor .A^vrce ,°

c l 6 * M i i » n ! i M | ^ % ^ u t t attention. > ^ a * l i m b ' e totind at the tn-:^m9*.m^o-9pf'mr-<)6'e»oh,

•{pa. Alfra^8T.&fK.«.'$

.j-jlect^ifei it^-appl;

. TKaSatttndioi itltatlBn'ro^cotrsuH'tt day,;*8tth^yr,iB.t||a

isiifs'oM'l s Stone,


modern ^ n ^ l f r l W o t e s ; ^ t i c W v JtistWfmore

-. „-_,, ..,,-„ T_ _, _,ife" *Kentton tb this

disea*Wdtaiyrm%Hlfl^trm%nlch sliS'S6ata%th un-hetrd of lucceii, are duimtolttilamatidn and ulceration

° t ^ T h e ^ | a K « t e ^ c ^ h ^ a most im­portant curit lveJoftr^i lnj the nerro^ forces. Price

Ptniklei.can'icbrjulfaairi- Ijcciriuj 3tone,''confia'entl-ally by letter or pertocslly- Addreas:..,,,,

ylvl2n6 Hatranlj)%eIn»tltutiontTroy^ N. T.*

R^eiunatioandl^eural^a 1A .feiljOTi'tlf£s*ae.sa^f«rma^ht,6ure'<'f'or-,|lheu-± \ mtiUrn'tod i^U Rn«uat.;'It Js an Internal remedy,'

pera6riri'f,%*iff6*t-delli wlthjerfecAjiaMr, .-;

( - - tvf " , - ^ 5 f^T«»tl»me)rt«I«. J T •

'Idardnex't ihenmatlo aooieuralg lc Compound" is the best medicine for tfceJ&tsie f i v e r saw.—.Chat. A.< • Smi th ,«o . ; imd.pt» t«a toe j 'B«gj^ ' ; - • ; •• , ' •,

Aftertuffering with Rheiimitlsmfor twenty yeari.and, being confined tomy betlme^eraliweelit last Springi' I watentlrelyuredhr the'wme of one bottle.,t« "Gardl-ntf'sBieuni*j^MdNeut^^oCompottr^d.1,—Norman I . Ay*r*>?8ilf^HK street. Boiton. " | T r> u .' _.Havlrjfneena constant aatfejurifrom Neuralgia, for «thte*n tncipth^and betn d r l v * by excrutrating pain to the trial of numberleu remedies without obtaining reUef,,Iwr - ' "' ^ T ~ Neurilglo and" tfOrU AppiClUaDiUOft, JiOWCJIf m«9S. .^W A

I havebecn-tffl ictedtfrlt^i Sa l t KheuriFln its worst form fcr-t l *»g ; amey «n'a auBtred t iora t h a n can be irhaglned, ex'etpt by tboso simUtjlyJafBlbted. I tried o a s bottle o f your"OoninouaiJ,-.-arid can honest ly sayT that t be l ieve myself enufeJy ctu-'edi—ImUy J. Billing-ham, Johnston, M. X- _a» • \ a "Gai^ex'iBheumaWiodKeuralgtc, Compound'' hat. entlrdwo'iired me. of suffering of sewral year's stan-o i n g . ^ . X.Hodikl n s No. 1 Old State House, Boston, —'•lJ* . ,, . . . . '" ' »,

years a „ , covered with eoretand Inconstant palS j , *«n* bottle of yonr Oom-

Sonnd curedybSaX^^W/^&tat^ndiTjM. AUlk srreet, :oston^-ifo; 5 ^ ^ f t | , r«:W™*l«4%. »,«, " "Qardltfe's. Ktfiusi'atlomdNerir^icltompound" has4

enHrely S r e i m * e m t * ' d t » r 4 T t ; i - f ^ m 6 m | * o n , Pro-. J l i ) n m D % l t S l a ^ » : > * ^ ( w f'-

ie^jttfa*hoUle; eCyinw C4avpoimat$Bri»Ssin» of a •ever*4*ti^ckof,'HeurUgli.—-I atuiie.8. Thompton, Pearl ^SH^IIga te Tfn, i^ddtB^:^

:witrf«*s.fci-Jd« - nf "fl . iJin«."«'r»hin!««iir

^ t h ° m V f a r 6 P l e a S C d t 0 '' v5fa&*^iZm+U» been, for three1

r ? > « £ gre*t'-«ttfer«rtre«=St> moBBij hU hands covei

tWufea ajtsctloriti n"

^."aardlner's'KlieumaUo was nfferlag with, a pain

aad'fthtt it

H. &E. I*. Cooper,

W A T E I t T O W N , N . t . ,




fJ.l«»»Wijt1wS^;*y lt«^stht>#K^^

uivi WESf ERlSf1 i^ltSER VE

W I T H C O O P E B ' S I 5 I P R O V


sEif iOTW& mv&

5, €v

i8ai . F A T K N T U V E i i B l J A R ¥ ^.« .^ » ^ . . ^ T © , r r : ; - » % • -?• w ^ Wat awa^delth>> F1R«;AND ! HIGH18T premlom In the gift of th««a»t%¥'o»:it * imt<ra |* / iB > c l e t j r , at therrj'airheld *rw»tettowni SepkfeRoirbelng In competition with foarphers from otlir parts of f State;



. . . . .»

.m •>e*#

of these Vat» in the flrs T T A V s t N G isold,*>v#iL „ c : - , . _ -l l . eUeateoBnti** of this State, la the t u t two yean, it'll nnnectssaryi.te add testimonials, as they are ap­proved of everywhere, and itreadmltted to be the o n l y C h e e s e apparatus fit for use;" having made great im­provements in tht l I B A T K B i a a d V A I . Y U S , and are making thesain the most s u h a t a n t l a l and p e r ­f e c t manner, we are how prepared to'dellver and to Oil, orders from * distance on'th* shortest notlcew




I C H E C S E f U K S S .

Ad B E R N ' S Patent, Eci-entrie Press—a new, sltn , pie, d o r m b l o and e b e a p Press.

/ t h a t thtvhSvaJnsed E .Keiirelirfe Oompoand" lor

. _ I ^ a n « t > » a • l ^ ^ g a v f eWr« , ^ U e « i and wo&d reel

artttxtlcfaVi wl&theeeharassing Heine* ever

- , - # " ^ ^ ' " • - " Tetton. Henry „, . . . B. Allen,Bot-WBtj Bottom ftaav '^-Ot^tTCharlli'a,

l*Wnfton8fc,;B6*i: v .;W^«t1»'jM'tMM

ilgia Oompouad ha* been fffor Bcrofnlbht Hamot*,


> wjuira AH»I

.& V"it*#«UM Ann* afASUMIf*

Froi* New fork. •». ^ -ii- av ^ *

WE wouldVt*p*«1Mlytnfora,our pateqruth&wa bavi eonceatrated oar bostaeet in. No. 4 Arcade,

where w*h*v* greatly toereaeed faculties to m*Mt th* waoeieJt oar nameroua eattomer* Our ttockof BPlINO AMI* - N T ^ n S B fiOODS w i l i b t r M * larger than atnat, faudit is bnt just to say, that ho ttor* oot-tideof JvewTorThas a larger stock than wrhave— which w* are, prtMrtd ehtnpeatiMi. r -*

i larger • to ted at price* which wi l l dtfy


" C O U N T R Y aHInLIlTKflUI* And Mend* generally, who bar* favored, a* with their batroBSf* *t Nc 38 Court^t, will pit*** r*m*mbarihat we hav* removed our stock from that iter*, and shauj htretrte* he thankful to receiv* their favor* at W o . 4 AAC ADt\ Whir* we have on h*s>(l every thing In tht

' ^ I I I i l i l N a m Y i . I N a t They can detire. *

BONNETS of every description. M B B o m rXOTTERo, FKATHEK8, HEAD BRMSES, DREW OAPS-tm fact, artlol** too nttateroa* to mention.

B B s - B A I . VUmnmr* A r f A W B B A V B A . UJHW~rUXt HAtst-twnts^TwUi* and Ouii . Kweadtand Orav* Oapt, Vourrung Bonn***, A*.

A p r a e , m t » * » ' j Ko .AiSeadi

6!C-lt>»lNO BCi»iHK««. 2

IN consttiuence of the dec**** of tint ttute Mr*. Mary Welch, ail persons indebted to th* millinery Urn, No

48, Court r)tr**t,*r*requ**t*d,to call immediately and **UH thttr acoounfs, and thereby tav* *rb«b'« and ex-

^ How i» th«tIm.rto pnfchMe*ninrrV Oo^sfoV OAIBT. •tagreatredtctloB from original prlc**._JB| «lWlbtuAaa«iwutbt**a4**te«1 in thtttxrrttS** *y aavtsttst taHttt it, j - ) c v t

WttewtoWm, Jaly «8,18ei. * * 1 r i t 0 B "

^^^0mim^: C • t

'tim^^^m^ N . B ^ A d K r m V A N r K D to sell new articles. Apfll"le4i|«,i, t . i ; :.--. . «6y


O H E E S B H O O P S .

A D B heavy, well finished and painted.


THE $m9Nmx!&&. {>•-. •-.,.

* P O T S D A M e V W A T E R T O W N '

. ...'.v^wuuywm* »t*i.-.ai 1 8 6 1

• 3 0 I N G ! Maili Aoo'onu a.m. p.m.

8 80. o 10" 6 85, 5 45'' « 0 0 6 11

4 00.,


.Cape "Vincent.,. .Thvee -Mtje Bay,. .Ohaumoht . . . . . . .liUnerlck .


p. m. p.,m. ..';12 45'f8*0 ..-.18,M 8 IS '.'WW 808

1168 fl 4T .,.,.BrOjfpvllle . : , . . . v . . l l 40

7 43 7 86

Acoom..i |Iall . r • • ' ' ' 1 00 1 00 . . - . , • . . . . .Potsdam J u n c t i o n . . T 80 1 2 8 . . . ; P o t 3 u a m . . . . . . ' .

'6 20! 9 05.-J; Canton 8 55 i SO. Hermon,,,, 9 18' S 48..'!V.....l)e'Ealb <...'., 8 SO 8 00. Blohvllle .,.,

10 10 8 8 0 . . . . . . . . Gouverneur :. l0*),./r8!05..,i,'.---'Keirbe!tv., . . . U 05, 4 1 5 '.Antwerp., 11-82 > 485 . . . . . .k .Phl l»a»lphla . . . . . . ; . , 2 05 5100. Eyans'Mite . . . - . . , ,

12 29 . 6 SO Sanfdra't OOraers.. 12 80 6 40 Watortown..;, 100 8 45 Watertown Junction

a. m. "p. m. .11 4042 OQ .11' IS-1!! 40 .10 88,1100 .10 05 10 88 . 9 CO 10 20 . » 80 3,0 J>S . 9 00 '»9!f

s 8 12'

' 7 60, .7 20 7 00 « 4 0

.- « SO ,6 80 6ti5 T08 T 80 T 85

*T 48, 8 08 8 OT' S 16 8 St S4S 8 55 9iQ" 9 20 9 28 9 55

i. m.

7 15. . 7 45. . 7 6 o . 8 2 0 . . 8 27., 8 42.. 900. . 9 0 5 . . 9 1 5 , .

,.Watertown Junct ion . . 11 25

9 4 3 . . . . 9 5 7 . . . .

4 0 IS. >.. 10 8 0 . . . 10 4 0 . . . . 11 10 . . . . a.m.

..Adam* Centre.

. .Adam*. . : . - : . . , .

. .P. Manor

..Manna vtlle , . Bandy Creek. . . . ..Richland .. Gentreville ..Albion,.... ^Katoas':'.'.


..WestOamden ..

. .Camden. . . . rt.. ..MoOonnelswllle.. ..Tabsra; :.«OME

..10 4T

. .40 88

..10 15


. . 9 47

. . 9 80 . . -9 25 . . 9 12

S43 828 608 7 50 7 40, 7.05

a. m. ADD-ON DAT. Saoerlntendent,

9 1 8 tToo 880

,8 05 rio f^0 7 25

X 5 8 6 60

-5 40 6 25 6 11 5 59 5 46 6 4 2 5 88 8 19 8 10 488 445 4 88 4 27 4 0 0

p. n£

S A C H E T S H A R B O B , H O M E & N . T .


mm ~TO'TAkrT'irFE0T,'atONDi\r,"nilj;Q-U8Tri9,1861.' fiOIIVG S O f T H . G O I > * 3 N O B T | i I slall. Accom. a. m. p. m.


5 50 6 15 6 80 645 7 10

, Accom. A. tn.

. , . H 40 . . . U 18 ...11 00 .. .10 45 . ..10

MalL p.nt 9 40 9 15 9 00 5 45 6 2Q

4 80 Sackets Harbor. , 4 55 Smfthvllle 5 16 Henderson 5 85 Belleville 6 00 Pierrepont Manor

The Trains on this .Road connect with all P4t|esger Trains on the w, & R RR., both ways, *@gr ' ,"' ,"

t a f B y taking the morning train south, passenger* on the line of this road oan have 7 hour* at Watej'town, andreturn^ometheysabieday. •'!•.•-, • : -M & __ __ ]. * W. T, SEARLE, Supt. *Beireville, AlfclT, 1861.

*> « * •

C A B I N ' s a r - W A B E . y VE-HOijLSTJBiltV. A


f a ^ t * U o 1 ^ a f | j r o i S ^ S r l ^ M i S ^ ^

workmen, and according to the tuost. approved ahdla-

S O N w'HK any other EstablishmentTri thitiespect." By the use of the latest improvements in Machinery,, they are enabled to compete with All othen, in prie4s", for the tame cltat'of work. Their' stoclc'- now -osnsltis of the/

SOjand a large;643J«:Of Goodi In their

foUbwln" ROSE

j*mong .6thtE,arUeles ?OOD eonit WOOD CHAIRS,. MAH0GAS.Y 8QPAJ, 8UADE QDRlAlks, <d



^ l O O K l S S GLASSES, ™'00RS10ES,

CURT AlSf -PIN8: B V E B Y B O I N ' C

IB INV1TID SO OAU. AND EXAMINE OCR GOODS. Watertown, July, I 8 6 0 , " , - . ^ l y



V S A S H , B L . R « B S A N I I D O O R S , „ « W i n d o w F r a m e s , A c , ' A c .

Remember, I am connected with one o( the largest manafacturlng establlshmeats In the Btate, and can and will s<dl tr

A B e t t e r A r t i c l e a t f U e a p e r R a t o n ! ~ than any other establistimout tn the county. My Sash, ^n. , , - , | j ( l i^f l«i f ) v .ae

T H n B E F I R S T P R E X I I V R I S ,. at tho last County Fair.

Those wishing to purchase will do well to give me a call ftnd save 2S per retit.

l nave also (."a. uand and m. ke to order all kinds and style ot

n O U L O I N G , whAe I can sell at t .a lowest living ra.es.

ufflce over Central Meat Market, opposite Scovil't SLOB, .. atertown, N.lf.


C U R D K N I V E S .

TH E Celebrated Steel Card Knives, which complete* th* list of topis necessary to make the Best Cheese,

and that which commands the HIOBHT PRICK. All tor salt oy • H. 4 I . F. OOOPIR,

No^S Iron Block.




S A S H , D O O R A N D B L I N D D E P O T .

X H A V B made arrangerarttt with the largest estab­lishment In Northern New York for raaofacturing

S A S H , D O O R S , B M ? n > g , M O r t D I N G S , ' " lf ftt5«| Set

And have opened a Depot for their tale onthe8osth Side of the Public Square, over fowler's Paint Shop, op­posite the Woodruff. House.

I shall tell 25 # . cent, lower than any other establish mentlntown. ,

Shop joiner work done to order. ROLLERS, tn moving Buildings, to let cneap. I alto make the Window Frames, paint and glast

the Sash, and paint and htng the Blind*, is less time, and for LESS MONET than you can gel any Meohanlc te do the tame.

Fletse gall btfor* pareiaslnt etawher* kndiatlif yonrtelves. THOMAB MUXPHT.

Watsrtown, Deo. 0,1809. 17tf

8?Jim>!!*^F,Wft,laUrtownl,.Auk 2 im' "

next, the officers n a m 6 a d n ^ S j o i S e ^ f n ^ ^ M B l , > « Secretary of State are iS s H P ^ S ' ^ i

MUNOIteA^flRbBV .V •• . , • l ^ ^ f f . ¥ .J^rtontjountv ' •SIATB OF NEW Vnnw .

OmosotTSB S K 0 R K i i R r o > 8 w T i , A n ^ t l S 1 i To the Sheriff qfthe OoufityofJeffertdn: .,,-'• • trrNptlce Is hereby gi.ysn, that at the General n„

tion to be hel*in this State' on ;the Tuesdav•nSK Jr"' he first Monday of JS'ovS»ber n ^ S * $ $ % £ * & era are to be eleoted, to wit: • y " s ? ° w

J<mev°retary " 6 * 8 " ' t a *° p U c * ot D*Tid R Flqyitj, A Cpj»ptriU«r,ln the place of Rf.bertDenniston>,

. A n Attwnejy-Gep.ersl, in the place of Charles G,'My.

X X 6 i , f f ^ r ^ . ^ ^ . ' n . h e p . » c e : o f ' y 4 r A

A State Treasurer, in the place of Philip Dorsheim.^

. A CarXal 0,ommlssloiier»Jtf the place of Benialin • Brjioe, whb was aiAowte'dl:to fiUthe vaoarioy oocSffina bythe^e.a.th.of,gffcueJH.Ba,rnes:,v... . * / " ' " » • «

In Inspector of State PrisohsTtntne place of Joslah T Everest^ ' '. > • k '^ . ••. -,i ,- if- • "v,,!Ulf,

A Judge of the' Court of Appeals, in'the place «» George F. Oomstoole; ' . ™"r" °>

-All wh9seA«mi g | offlcewlU expire, off De.6ember'neSrt." K- ~ <', ••• *•* J *mf®>'

•Atoo*8en*torforth«'EIg»teenthaen,*'«,^trteMcolL prUSng,tJhe,cpnntl«s of/effertfln.und L e . ^ T *

COtfJJTT0^MfJE»BS'*O'Bri£ECTEti- -- Three Members o f Assembly; >> m• - < »• •. ., •

A County Clerk, tn the place <>.f R'ussel B. Biddlecom-. Two Justices of Besslons.in tn'e'.place of Isaao'8 •'M»i«

andHoseaB..Hayes;, ,. s~ ;• .<«»*•« Two Coroners, In the place ef Jesse Davis and Jim e i

All whoae terms of office will expire on the last a»w«» pe comber next. _ ' r'"**u*y,?!

Tpu a^e without flelai todeitvtr A s^pysofcthe above sotibe to the SnpervIsoPryr one ofahe'aMesstfrs'if 2.-2 town or wtrd in y.o.or obnntjy. *nd aJsoitVcausira COBT ' ^fj>£«e< t j 1^pubUs_|ed' in tal l i^eip^ of sale

perl printed in your OoUBtyi once In eaWweelt "until the £lpctiori. n « K i . n v n m v ^ "«w the lelectlon,

•oi' • ' r B.KLOYDJONKS,

, Secretary of State ' OQjSOirBRtfNT RESOL0TIQN8-

To amend the Conatl^utlpn.so a t 'O prohibit the tale ol intoxicating llque-rs as a bev ire fe . .; KeiolyedOf-t te AaSemWy oomour,^ That the Constita

tlOn of this State be>-au!ended^ roljows:T ••• •• i -•Ehe saie of IntojrJfcatlng liquors as a bevei-oge la her*.

by'(.Mohlbltejl; and'^ne lan shall he' enacted' or belt forjceiBfteifce adorrtlon of liils imendment; to authorise !«uc^tale i j b d tn,eBejisi^t«rc otiail by law prescribe the necessary flfifes and oeiialties for any violation ofTthli pro'v.isloD. I # •»

Kesolved (If the Assembly concur.) That the forero-(Sffjmendmfent be referred to the Legislature.^ be cLV aerKftt the ntxt general'election of Senators, and that la conformity tfcsecUoa one of artiole thirteen pf the eon.

Mtltutlon.Tt-be* published for three months previous to ^hejtlroeiOftueh el*ction. ; Stftte, qiiSew York, i n Senate, March IS, 1861.—Thefofs.

golnfYeielutlojiii were duly passed-. By order ofttt Seriate. 9 |JA'S.-XfiRWmj.GER, Oleit.

S'ate or New York, In Assembly, April 6, l&ol.-Tb.* foregoing resolutions,were doly passed. By ordero* the AssembXv. , H A N S O N A . RISLBT, Oierk.

•Offlfie of the Secretary of Sttte. f l>I have compared tht! preceding with the original law IR file in this office, and do certify that the same It a vfcorreot transcript therefrom and of the the Whole of til* original D. E . FLOYD JON Eg, .•>'

s Secretary of ktttt;

i n O R T C l G B S A L E . . j

T V E k T A U A i T has he,ert made in the payment of a Mr certain-indenture of-mortgage executed Ky illjih Nicholson, and Zeraah, hln wife, on the 24th day of Feb­ruary, 1S59, to Patrick O'Doughefty, to secure'the pay-ment of the som of -four hundred and twenty-eght dol-lart.^n two yeaia from the said l!6th day of February. 1850„»ith inters t thereon annually. Th* mortgtgt, with potrer of sale therein contained, wait recwdedto the Jettersto dounty merit's office, on the Otfi'daVw March, 1859, at 8# h. p. m.,ln book 66of mortgage], at pare 440, Ac. Ihat the said mortgage wit, on the 12tfa day of November, I860, dulv tsslgned bysald Pat­rick O.'Itoogherty to Joilah w. Raker. There remsjat doer »nd-unpaid upon Mia mortgage, of prmclptl:*** Interest, at the date of toe first publication of this no­tice, the Sum of four hundred and seventy-three 7M00 dollars. Ho proceedings at law bare been had for the recovery of th* sum so secured, or any >pari th*f*bf.

'The premijts covered by said mortgagt are thertiajit-scribed substantially as follows, to wit: , . , . • " •

All that certain lot of laid situate, lying as* being In the vi lage of gaclteta Harbor, Ja'tat county of Jefferson, and Sttte of New York, tndbotnd-edtutfoUowt, towl t : Ooromencirjg on Main strut ,o* the southeast sdde of the wall between the bulldingi'ti the premises now owned by David Swift, and runaiaf soatB-easterly on the line of said Swift's lot a&out.two hundred and twelve feetto thebarn alley; thenceiwth-easterly on the line o f barn alley sixteen feet; thtnet

.fnorth-easterly, parallel with the first mentioned line, .iwduttwo hundred and twelve feet.to Mali? street; thence >iiora'westirly. on tbellne of Main ttreet, tlxteen feet to the place of. beginning, including the brick honstiou, the staid premises adjolnlug the said David Swlft't itors. Also, to have the privilege of using the front.nslltau stairway now i n the building occupied by the said James R. Simpson and n'djoinlng Uiepremlses hereby conveyed in common with tire said Hannah Slmptoa, her heirs and aaalgus, bb. ba>vlnjf conveyed said premises to said Nich­olson aforesaid dft theS2d day of June, 185».

Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, In punuance of Oiepower of sate Sn BaloJ mortgsge contained, andof the statuteVjn such case made and provided, that the premises aaove described will he sold at public auction, at the lave otrlce.of Hubbard* Lansing, in the village of Watertown, N. V, on We. 7th day or December, 1S61, at 11 o'clock a. m. or thtt day.^Dated Sept. i, 1861'.

J0SIAU W. BAKtR, Assigns*. HrnsinDALii!6ixo,Att'js 119dl8w

C O F F I N S A N D B U R I A L C A S E S , Trimmed and ready for ale.. „Hr"ORAVI CLOTHES furnished to order. When requested, will tttenff and shave deceased persont, anil prepare them for Burlau— Jearte and Carriages furoiihed, a* nnaU

Watertown, July 25,1860. Htf

- V ' M O R T G A G E S A L E .

A j n o n T C l C r E j a t executed by Jamet P. Wis-ney, and Dahnah A , his wife, of Hounsfleld, Jef­

ferson county, NewJCork, twfleorgeE. Hunter, of Brora-vll e, in aald county? bearing date the 27th*day of Sep­tember, ISM, te|'t*|ccr« the payment of the turn of three hundred and ninety-four and 16-100 dollars, and interstt thereon, to be ptld In one year from the date thtrtet Sail mortgage, with power of sale therein ctntaln*d,wt* recorded in the* Clerk*s office of Jefferson ebuniyV'ott the 10th day of October, 185», at 10 O'clock a. m.t lalibtr 69 of raTtgigei at page 181, Xhe amount due on slid mortgage, at ' t i f first publiSatloU of this notic*, v.** ti4& 49. By vtrtue of the power of sale therein contain­ed and with 'he-mortgage recorded, I shall sell, at ptbno auction, to the highest bidder, at Barrow's Hotel in th* rillart ..of'SacKetrHssrbor, Jefferson Conntyi'N. Tv, on the 8lh dayofeKoterniSer next, a t l o'clock in, the aftisr-uoon of that Say , th=e premises descrlbid i s ttld eert-gage,vkj«Mltth»t-l«jlofl».ri4,tItURt* In thtvlllsge of aacketrflkfrpr^coiiisty.of Jefferson and State of N*w York, hougdfAiaifolloWs, -vis r Beginning at th* corner of Waihlrj|loa-'andBayard itreets,and.running north­easterly along i2xi margin of;Wasnlfl|r>on ifreet ittywij S . W . B A L L A R D . _

f w - ^ ' s & a f t i j S a ^ ^ dred and Seven feet; thencesoutheasterly *l*ng theBn*

M . v « . . k. «,„„4 . . v l i , H , i , r . * . u v n u M t • ' Alotlattly,deed*cl,byP*ttlT.Whttior* t p j l l l l i * K« 1 • ? » M t / i ^ ? ~ L T f i ! ? A ^ f a ^ ( t A W J ! f f i 8 • I^^nf^-twofeel^othViouthwestrharglnofBayArd,

* » * - w f l i V ^ ^ 2 ^ S ! ! * , S l w , h e h M * »P">««» ^he hwdred*ndi*y*n feefcto^i* place of bejlnnlm. and will keep a large stock of .. s r ^ e d BrawnvHIe, Hug 6, *«tt, ' rr' . » * ^ OI^RGBiAHCttW^Mortgsi**.

W. fti-BtowlHt. Attorney. 95dwl8 >f.C-j.'iri?l.::!Qfirl-. 5 L'-

C U L T I V A T O B T E E T H ,

WBV» IEFJ—Pol ished.



C H O I C E S I N G L E * D O V B L E I W O O D S ,

^pHBjmd^riiiTitdhis* Jtutt received an estlrc new

A D V - M A D t B O I . O T H I N G j

O B N * S » > ? J B l « | i « l H s m G G O « « » , '

An fresh frtra*.N*w.toric,wtil«hhe will tell for earn only at taeh rates at will defy ecnspetiUon.

«Hv»aiaoatl J, M. CLARK At- •,

wummmn. if, i8*io. , • a


io-o/r. PAIS . *.qt « 88W4

COOPERS'. • r - *K«r* r p ,

' /?» I J , « l . I . O « r « t » from the vicinity ot W*-/>"«s t tvfUiwu wild taken up, a thckthnt tARK, L\. *..' «'• •!.«!» '»i, .bmeoh t In seats, star In the

•v.,.,.1,,.,.,1 iiytit irt««ii iDiHotig o» ltih t i l l The owner w • « , IL H, yi'hxs,

Aniise'l'Kt <W'. 21 ,1 "

AreYouIasured? WATERTOWN im-jBSm

, T tS '*•- W J

Insurance Agency. . A.

*fHAr*r^wi'i5<!tt»iii,.: CA^ITAl^Aj | !» ;8 tJ | i»Li^s? . | l ,OOq } 00(6

jt=* . ,4- * -^r^i'.li '"'^ »«w*iswiat-«-™M*« ^ , .

• ^ernmjtWE INSCHANOE'CO.,' = ,* of Hartford. Capital.and.Surilas..j,,..t.^..t)880,OOffi

# P H < E N I X KVS*5f AHCIT, of Hartford, Capital andSug>Iu|.'3s...."....|«!!),000

• C O ^ E C T B H D T I ^ R A N C B C O . , of Hark»a.'^C*|l^i 'nd SWpmi'. . . , ,* »26O,OO0

c T f l f c y ^ I B B I N 8 H K A « C J 5 C€}. , of New Hsyen. Capital and Surplus, «880,0OO

\ F B S T E R » ' H A « 8 A « H X S » i r ) C S I N S . C O . or-Plltsfleld. Oapllsf and i<^i^,$280,000.

N O R T H W E S T E R N . I N M X H A t V C E C O . , ef Oswego. Capital and Surplus.... f2S0,5O0.

A T L A N T I C I N S I J R A N C I E , of New'York. qaplU^rjLgnrj^,^ . , s?250,OOO.

A L B A N Y F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O . . Capital ......:fi0tt,O00. .

NEW YORK i l l E MS. CO., C A P I T A L O V E R «4 ,O0O,O0O.

. The above sound, reliable Companies continue to In­sure atl kinds of property, at Mr rates Policies prompt­ly Issued, and losses fairly adjusted and paid.

Watertown Agency—at the Express Office.

41tf J. If, BUM fA*,n,,•

I B A B R O W N ' S E S X A T E . • \ r O T i « B io'cridltors^Puriusotto "an order of

f l > Milton HiMerwStiy Bjwrogate nf JeirirtOB,county, tH. X. bearing Stfo'SerpwaoeFfltB, £ D., 1861, ttoUc* U Jiereby given, according to lair, to all pertoni having Sslalms tgainit the estate of Ira Brown, late of Rutland Jefferson county, N, Y. , decessed, Intestate, that thty are required to p'Meot ,thej,same,. With the vouchtrl thereof.'to-tHe'sab.crlWrt^eadminUtratfrrt Of all the singular the goods, chattel* and credit* of the Mid de­ceased, atihe residence of Stephen Adtlt, one of west subscribers, at bii residence. IrtRutlsnd aforesaid, on or b'effee theiSthTdayortltrch.lSfil.

Dated, Sep, k f h , ^ ^

4m6 ' ALZINA BROWN, Administrators.

,8iirreow E . GALE'S ESTATE. '

Pt J H S V A N T . t o '«n order of Milton H. Merwin, Subrogate of the county of Jefferson, and according

to the statute In such OJSO made and provided, notice li hereby given to all persons having claims against Simeon fc. Gale,' deceased^ late of Brownvllle, in said county, that ,they are required to erhiblt the same, with th* vOnobcfS thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of th* • last will and testament of said deceased, at hit residence, corner of State and High street, in Watertown, In slid county, on or before the 1st day of March next,—Dated August 28d, 1801. 2ra6 %V$LLIAJI GOtfNDBILU

H E N R Y J . V A N H O O S E R ' S B S T A * « . X T O T I C E TO OREDlTOBS'.ii-Pursuattt to an order

~ " • - ' ,te of Jslfeiion eoun-*. B, 1861v nolle* I* all per<onS having.,

claims against the estate ef Herivy J. Van Uooser, late of Lyme, In said connty, deceased, that they are r « « * ed to present the same-.with the voucher*,thereof, to the subscrllier, the exeeulrIx'6F;ir^I«tWiU Wd.testament, of the said deceased, athe^resldcnoemlynie aftrelMd, on or before the U day of A.pill ri»Xfc-r-Dat%d Behtem* ber 24th. 1801. OAXIUIUltiBiP. VAN HOOSEA i

TmfJ "••' Rxecutrlif.

A V I L L I A I V W E B B ' S ' 1 M T A T E .

I N made by Mlltoa H. Merw «, mmW M ftW«* ty of Jefferson, bearing; date April, 24th, A. & ; ! * > • • all person* having claim* against the * ^ K I s S f f i Webb, late ottJstamplon, Jeftrtbtf «Mrr*r( l f M ° I I » deceased, that thsy are req«lr*a Wr*wn^**f»i!tw with the voucher* thereof, to the undert lW* » » * » * eoutor ofthe Ust wUl suidte*t»ment of t j h t l ^ d g j g r ed, at hU resldsoeeln Chatnploa ivfortdsJd, o j m t W j » Uie2Ad'*yof*'ovemb«rnext. .» ^#t ' . . - , ,?

' l ^ ^ e b . m^£l^m'

-**** r n r * " -*!*-* -V V* li.*) ,*•» r— ( A

• , , f ^ a , - , -, J * M * " r