Cataract - Ophthalmology _ Fastbleep

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    Written by: Tay Xue Chao, Brian Diaz from Manchester University,


    A cat aract is opacity within the lens of the eye, and may affect either one or both eyes. The

    opacity changes the transparency and refractive index of the lens, resulting in the blurring of a

    persons vision. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2007), cataracts account for

    47.9% of blindness worldwide. The reported prevalence of childhood cataracts ranges from 1-15

    per 10,000 children.
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    Nuclear Cataract

    Cortical Cataract

    Subcapsular Cataract

    This occurs at the centre of the lens, and

    interferes with distance vision. It is the most

    common type of cataract, and is usually the

    result of advancing age.

    This begins at the outer rim of the lens, and

    gradually works towards the centre of the

    lens. It resembles the spokes of a wheel. It is

    most commonly found in patients with


    This affects the back of the lens, causing

    glare and blurring of vision. It is the most

    rapidly progressing type of cataract. Risk

    factors for the development of a

    subcapsular cataract are use of steroids,

    diabetes, and myopia.

    Types of Cataract


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    Risk Factors

    The following are associated with acquired cataract in developed nations:

    Age (above 60 years of age)


    Phys ical trauma

    Alcohol consumption

    Sunlight exposure

    Low educational levels

    Poor lifest yle habits inclusiv e of malnutrition and physic al inactiv ity

    Metabolic sy ndrome

    Diabetes mellitus

    Sys temic cortic osteroid use and possibly prolonged administration of high doses ofinhaled corticosteroids


    The lens of the eye is composed of specialised cells arranged in a highly ordered and complex

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    manner. These cells are stratified epithelia and have a very high content of cytoplasmic protein

    the crystallins. These proteins, along with the complex structure, impart transparency to the


    Unlike other epithelia, the lens does not shed nonviable cells. As such, it is particularly

    susceptible to the degenerative effects of aging on cell structure. The exact pathogenetic

    mechanisms of this are not known. It has, however been observed that most of the risk factors

    identified are environmental stressors that lead to the formation of toxins or the impairment ofantioxidants.

    Clinical Presentation: Symptoms and Signs

    Opacification of lens is painless, progressive, and highly variable

    Often bilateral but asymmetrical

    Common complaints inc lude problems with night driving, reading road signs, and

    reading fine print

    "Myopic s hift" (an increase in nearsightedness) happens prior to opacificati on of lens Cataracts may present as immature (transmits red reflex), mature (does not transmit

    red reflex), or hypermature (cortex of lens has liquefied and lens nucleus is mobile within


    Mature and hypermature cataracts can give rise to secondary glaucoma that is

    associated with a red and painful eye (unlike many other glaucoma's)

    With regards to the presentation of congenital cataracts:

    Approximately one-third of congenit al cat aracts in chil dren are inherited, one third are ass ociat ed

    with systemic diseases, and one-third are idiopathic or sporadic.

    Parent's observation of cataract

    Visual behaviour that deviates from normal

    Asy mmetry of red reflex identified on Bruckner testing (simultaneous red reflex tes t)

    Leukocoria (white pupillary reflex)


    Strabismus (Squint)


    Delayed development

    Family history of hereditary cataracts

    Genetic disorder assoc iated with cataracts

    Cataracts detected in infants and young children must be referred to a specialist as soon

    as possible in order to allow for normal visual development and to prevent blindness.

    Differential Diagnosis

    Macular degeneration

    Presbyopia Retinal disease

    Retinoblastoma (in children)


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    The slit lamp is a binocular


    Provides a three dimensional view of

    the eye

    A beam or "slit " of light is used as

    opposed to diffuse light

    Height and width can be adjusted

    Anatomic features of the eye can be


    Provides greater magnification and

    illumination than most handheld devices

    Is used to diagnose a number of

    traumatic and non-traumatic disorders,

    Slit lamp examination
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    including cataract

    Posterior capsular opacification on retroillumination with slit lamp


    There is no proven therapy to prevent either cataract formation or its progression once it

    has developed. However, the following have been observed to be of benefit in decreasingrisk:

    Eating a healthy diet

    Eating a diet rich in lutein and zeaxanthin

    Smoking cessation

    Postmenopausal oestrogen use (longer than 10 years)

    Vitamin supplementation


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    Most widely used

    Most effective


    The hard lens nucleus is liquefied by

    an ultrasonic probe

    Fragments are aspirated, along with

    soft lens fibres

    Replacement lens (folded) is placed

    into empty capsular bag where it gradually


    The incision made through lens

    capsule heals on its own

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    Early complications

    Rupture of posterior capsule (3%)

    Trauma to iris

    Prolapsed iris

    Wound gape

    Haemorrhage in anterior chamber

    Rupture of lens capsule with loss of


    Vit reous haemorrhage

    Choroidal haemorrhage

    Post-operative endophthalmitis

    Late Complications

    Opacification of posterior capsule(20%)

    Cystoid macular oedema


    Retinal detachment

    Open and closed angle glaucoma

    Age-related macular degeneration

    Complications that may result from surgery

    Postoperative thickening of the lens capsule frequently occurs over time causing gradual

    deterioration of vision. This can be treated by splitting the capsule with a laser.


    Postoperatively 95% of patients that have no other complications achieve a corrected acuity of


    The major risk factors that affect prognosis are diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes

    causes fluctuating blood glucose levels. Occasionally, high blood glucose levels cause

    oedema and subsequent swelling of the lens. When the blood glucose diffuses, the swelling in

    the lens also reduces. This repeated action causes cataracts.

    In paediatric cataracts, visual acuities of 20/20 to 20/40 may be achieved if cataracts are

    diagnosed and treated early.


    Cataracts are lens opacities that can range in severity from unnoticed dots to total fogging of

    vision. Cataracts are by far the commonest cause of preventable blindness worldwide.

    Age-related causes are most common, although there are also familial or congenital caus es.

    Gradual painless deterioration of vision is the most common symptom reported, with other

    possible co-existing symptoms such as glare and problems with night driving dependent on the

    type of cataract.

    Early symptoms can be alleviated with spectacles, but to correct vision, surgery is required.

    Surgery involves the insertion of an intraocular lens to replace the affected one. The exact

    technique used is determined by the aetiology and density of the cataracts. Phacoemulsification

    (a form of small incision surgery) is the most frequently used technique. Further investigations

    such as blood glucose, serum calcium, and liver biochemistry should be considered in order to

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    diagnose any possible underlying metabolic disorder.

    It is also worth noting that cataracts may not always be bilateral, and hence, eyes may be

    managed and treated individually according to the severity of the cataract within each eye.

    Useful resources


    Videos: ( (Cataracts

    explained in lay terms)


    (Cataract surgery, Phacoemulsification) My favourite!


    Kumar and Clark Clinical Medicine 7th edition

    UpToDate articles "Cataract", "Cataract in children", and "Slit lamp examination"


    All images tak en from:


    SkillsEye Examination & Vision AssessmentIdentifying and Treating Eye EmergeOcular History TakingUsing an OphthalmoscopeConditions

    Age-related Macular DegenerationAllergic Eye Diseas esBlindness: Global EpidemiologyCataractCorneal DisordersCranial Nerve III, IV and VI PalsiesEyelid, Orbital and Lacrimal DisordersGlaucomaIntraocular TumoursOcular InflammationOphthalmic InfectionsOphthalmic Involvement in Systemic DiseaseRetinal DetachmentRetinitis PigmentosaRetinoblastomaRetinopathySquintPresentationsDiplopiaDry EyeEyelid Lumps, Bumps and Rashes

    Floaters, Flashers and HalosForeign BodyLoss of VisionOcular Pain and HeadachesOphthalmic TraumaOptic Disc Swelling and Optic AtrophyOrbital Swellings