Catalytic Behaviour of Four Different Supported Noble Metals in the Crude Glicerol Oxidation - OK

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  • 8/18/2019 Catalytic Behaviour of Four Different Supported Noble Metals in the Crude Glicerol Oxidation - OK


    Applied CatalysisA: General 499 (2015) 89–100

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    Applied Catalysis A: General

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    Catalytic behaviour of four different supported noble metals in thecrude glycerol oxidation

    Elżbieta Skrzyńska a,b,∗, Soraya Zaid b, Jean-Sébastien Girardon b, Mickaël Capron b,Franck Dumeignil b,c,∗∗

    a Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, CracowUniversity of Technology, Ul.Warszawska 24, 31-155Cracow, Polandb CNRS UMR8181, Unité de Catalyse et Chimiedu Solide, UCCS, Université de Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies, F-59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, Francec Institut Universitaire de France, MaisondesUniversités, 103, Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris, France

    a r t i c l e i n f o

     Article history:

    Received 25 January 2015

    Received in revised form 30 March 2015

    Accepted 7 April 2015

    Available online 15 April 2015


    Crude glycerol oxidation

    Supported noble metal catalysts





    a b s t r a c t

    The activity of  four different noble metals (Ag, Au, Pd and Pt) in the liquid phase oxidation of  pure

    glycerol was confronted with the results obtained with a crude glycerol fraction, received from a large-

    scale biodiesel production plant. The catalysts were characterized by numerous techniques, giving insight

    into actual metal loading (elemental analysis by ICP and XRF), surface morphology (nitrogen absorption

    methods—BET and porosity), chemical state of both the support andthe metal (XRD and XPS), and, finally,

    the metal particle size distribution (TEM microscopy). A good dispersion of totally reduced noble metal

    particles of a nanometric size (an average metal diameters were equal 3.5 nm, 4.2 nm, 4.7 nm and 21.2 nm

    for respectively Pd, Pt, Au and Ag) was accompanied with a comparable values of  total metal loadings

    on the alumina support (from 0.95 and 0.96wt.% for Pt and Pd, up to 0.98 and 1.13 wt.% for Au and

    Ag supported catalysts, respectively). In terms of  initial reaction rate, the most active sample was the

    Au/Al2O3   catalyst, both using pure (12976 mol h−1 molAu

    −1) or crude glycerol (1230 mol h−1 molAu−1).

    However, comparison of  the selectivities and conversions after 1–2 h shows that the most robust and

    resistant catalyst – toward the impurities present in crude glycerol – isPd/Al2O3 , with a loss of conversion

    less than 50% (in respect to analogous reaction using pure glycerol) and almost unchanged high selectivity

    to glyceric acid (close to 80–90%). Ag/Al2O3 also showed a relatively high resistance to impurities in termsof  glycerol conversion, but with a drastic modification of  its selectivity. The activity of  the two other

    catalysts was dramatically affected with a conversion divided by ca. 4 a nd even 10 for the Pt and the

    Au catalysts, respectively, when using crude glycerol instead of pure glycerol. Finally, the effect of each

    main impurity (MONG-NM, i.e., matter organic non-glycerol and non-methanol; ash; methanol; sulphur

    compounds) was independently studied. In any case, the sulphur compounds and MONG-NM were the

    impurities the most detrimental for the performances of  catalysts. Thus, they should be removed in

    priority from crude glycerol fractions before reaction, while ashes and methanol should not be considered

    as completely undesirable.

    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Nowadays, glycerol is considered as an important bio-derived

    platform molecule and a feedstock for biorefineries [1–5]. Its

    ∗ Corresponding author at: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Cra-

    cow University of Technology, Ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland.∗ ∗ Corresponding author at: CNRSUMR8181,Unité de Catalyse et Chimiedu Solide,

    UCCS, Université de Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies, F-59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq,


    E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Skrzyńska),

    [email protected] (F. Dumeignil).

    upgrading by chemical or biochemical transformations has thus

    attracted much attention, and especially in the last decade [1–19].

    Even if the use of glycerol as a raw material for producing a

    large variety of chemicals is well documented in the literature

    [1,4,6], only a very few applications have reached industrializa-

    tion mainly due to the cost of purified glycerol. To reach viability,

    many processes would need to be adapted to the use of cheap

    dirty waste by-produced with biodiesel (the so-called “glycerine”

    or “crude glycerol”), which currently is the main source of glycerol

    on the market [1–6,20]. As purification of glycerine is a relatively

    expensive multistep process [1,4,6,20], the possibility of direct

    transformation of crude glycerol could be very attractive from an

    0926-860X/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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  • 8/18/2019 Catalytic Behaviour of Four Different Supported Noble Metals in the Crude Glicerol Oxidation - OK


    90 E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100

    industrial point of view. Indeed, in the liquid phase glycerol oxi-

    dation reaction, in addition to the obvious direct economic benefit

    brought when using a cheaper raw material, some other indirect

    economic as well as environmental advantages can be listed: (i)

    the unreacted base used in the conventional process of biodiesel

    production (i.e., basic transesterification) could be directly used in

    a downstream oxidation process, which is often also conducted

    under basic conditions; (ii) the globalamountof wastemineralsalts

    (from base neutralization) shouldthus be reduced; (iii) the number

    of purification steps would also be reduced with only one purifica-

    tion downstream for recovering the final product. Unfortunately,

    as the most of the scientific papers dealing with catalytic conver-

    sion of glycerol to value-added products are based on the use of a

    purified raw material [1,10–19]. Hence, the effect of the different

    impurities present in crude glycerolstreams is still not well known.

    The studies where the crude glycerol fractions were used as

    a raw material are rare [21], especially in the field of glycerol

    oxidation in the liquid phase. Recently, we compared different

    grades of glycerine and investigated in details the effect of each

    major impurity on theperformances of platinum supportedon alu-

    mina in both basic and neutral reaction media [20]. The organic

    matter non-glycerol and non-methanol (called MONG-NM), com-

    prising mainly of various fatty acid derivatives, was identified as

    themost problematic contaminantof crude glycerolfraction, show-ing the highest detrimental effect on the glycerol conversion. The

    same conclusion was reported later by Chan-Thaw et al. [22], who

    worked on oxidation of raw glycerol (from edible rapeseed veg-

    etable oil transesterification) usingsupported Au-Pd nanoparticles.

    The highest initial activity at 50◦C using non-treated raw glyc-

    erol (1672 mol/mol h) was achieved over a 1% Au6Pd4/AC catalyst,

    whichalso showedthe highest activity in a process using commer-

    cial pure glycerol (3205mol/molh). Gil et al. [23] attempted the

    oxidation of partially purified glycerol fractions (minimum purity

    not less than 95.5%) at 60◦C under 5 bar of O2  over carbonaceous

    materials-supported gold catalysts. They reported almost 50% of 

    glycerol conversion after 10h of test with 95.5% glycerol. The per-

    formances were much better when using almost pure, neutralized

    97.1% glycerol with60% of conversion after4 h. Essentially the sameconversion was observed using a high-purity 99.5% commercial

    anhydrous product, but with a higher selectivity to glyceric acid

    (65% vs. 45% when using the neutralized fraction). Sullivan and

    Burnham [24] used model titanium-supported gold catalysts. They

    proved that such catalytic system is very sensitive to impurities

    present in a crude (68.5%) glycerol fraction. The authors obtained

    less than 20% conversion after 24h at 60◦C under air flow atatmo-

    spheric pressure; a remarkably enhanced production of formic

    acid from crude glycerol fraction in comparison to analogous test

    with pure glycerol and purified fractions (after partial removal of 

    potassium, phosphorous and fatty acid derivatives) was observed

    without any tentative explanation [24]. Finally, Kondamudi et al.

    [25] studied photooxidation over a titanium di-silicide catalyst

    (TiSi2)at65 ◦C under atmospheric pressure, where almost 64% con-version with 100% selectivity to glyceric acid were achieved after

    6 h of reaction, using crude glycerol of an unspecified composition.

    In the present paper, we evaluated the impact of glycerol

    purity on the performances of four different noble metals-based

    catalysts, namely: Ag/Al2O3, Au/Al2O3, Pd/Al2O3   and Pt/Al2O3.

    Three of them, i.e., gold, palladium and platinum supported

    catalysts, are commercially available and well known for their

    high activity in the partial oxidation of pure glycerol in the liquid

    phase. In numerous studies, various research groups investigated

    the effect of such parameters as: the reaction temperature, the

    oxygen pressure, the glycerol concentration, the presence of base,

    the catalyst synthesis method, etc . [1,5,10,12–20]. Nevertheless,

    the effect of glycerol purity was investigated only over gold and

    platinum catalysts [20,22,24]. As each of the aforementioned

    research groups used different glycerol fractions, further using dif-

    ferent reaction conditions, it seems quite difficult to draw reliable

    comparative conclusions on the role of each impurity on catalytic

    performances modulation over each type of catalyst. From the

    best of our knowledge, there are no articles concerning oxidation

    of crude glycerol in the liquid phase using other monometallic

    catalytic systems, especially those based on palladium and silver.

    Herein, the abovementionedcatalysts were tested underidenti-

    cal reactionconditions (0.3M glycerolconcentration in the reaction

    mixture, 60◦C, 5 bars of oxygen, NaOH/glycerol molar ratio equal

    4 and glycerol/catalyst weigh ratio of 11), using both commercial

    anhydrous glycerol and a crude glycerol fraction received from

    a biodiesel plant. Then, in order to decouple the effect of each

    impurity and to avoid misinterpretation due to possible interac-

    tions and synergism, eachof identified andquantified impurity was

    separately added to pure glycerol solution and the results were

    compared in terms of glycerol conversion and selectivity to main

    products. We believe that the outcomes of this study will give

    elements to decide which type of catalyst should be used for the

    oxidation of crude glycerol fractions.

    2. Experimental

     2.1. Materials

    Anhydrous glycerol 99% from Sigma-Aldrich and crude glycerol

    from Orlen Południe S.A. were used for the catalytic tests. Themain

    composition of the crude glycerol fraction is given elsewhere [20]

    and consists of 47.4 wt.% of glycerol, 29.1 wt.% of methanol (HPLC),

    8.6 wt.%of water (Karl Fischer titration),1.3 wt.%of ash(gravimetric

    method) and 13.6wt.% of matter organic, non-glycerol and non-

    methanol (MONG-NM, calculated according to IUPAC guidelines

    [26]). The sulphur concentrationin thecrude fraction(0.1 wt.%) was

    further determined by portable XOS Sinide OTG analyzer based on

    Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-RayFluorescence(MWD


    Sodium sulfate (≥

    99.0%, ACS reagent from Sigma-Aldrich),methanol (≥99.9% HPLC grade from Aldrich) and thioglycolic acid

    (≥98.0%, pure from Fluka) were used as received without any fur-

    ther purification. The MONG-NM used for supplementary tests was

    obtained by physical separation from the crude glycerol fraction

    (hydrophobic top layer of the fraction).

    Silvernitrate (≥99.0%, ACS reagent), methanol (≥99.9%CH3OH),

    formaldehyde (37 wt.% in H2O) and sodium hydroxide (purum)

    were all purchased from Sigma Aldrich, and alumina oxide powder

    (activated basic Al2O3, Merck) was used for preparation of silver-

    supported catalyst.

    Commercial 1 wt.% Au/Al2O3  catalyst (AUROliteTM from Sterm

    Chemicals) and1 wt.%Pt/Al2O3 fromSigma-Aldrich weregrounded

    and sieved to obtain fraction 50–125m, while 1 wt.% Pd/Al2O3(powder from Sigma-Aldrich) was used as received. No additional

    pretreatment procedure was applied to these catalysts before


     2.2. Catalyst preparationmethod

    The silver supported alumina oxide catalyst was prepared by

    chemical reduction in the liquid phase. The alumina support pow-

    der (fraction 50–125m) was suspended in a methanol solutionof silver nitrate and, after having adjusted the pH of the reaction

    mixture to 8 with sodium hydroxide, a 2M aqueous solution of 

    formaldehyde was used as a reducing agent. The suspension was

    mixed and heated under the reflux for 90min. Then, the solid was

    separated by filtration, washed with distilled water and dried at

    110 ◦C for 24h prior testing.

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    E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100 91

     2.3. Catalysts characterization

    The specific surface area(BET method)and poresize distribution

    (BJHmethod)were measured by the nitrogenadsorption technique

    using a TriStar II 3020 apparatus from Micromeritics.

    XRD analysis was performed at ambient temperature on a D8

    Advanced apparatus from Bruker AXS instrument. The samples

    werescanned ata rateof 0.02◦ per stepoverthe5◦≤2 ≤90◦ range(scan time= 3 s step−1). The diffractograms were indexed using the

     JCPDS database.

    The oxidation state of the metals on the surface of fresh

    and used catalysts was determined by XPS analysis (VG ESCALab

    220XL from Thermo Fisher Scientific) using a monochromatized

    aluminium source (AlK˛= 1486.6eV). The high-resolution spectrawere recorded with a 40eV pass energy, and the value of the C1s

    core level (284.6eV) was used for calibration of the energy scale.

    Curve fitting was performedusing the CasaXPS software taking into

    account a Shirley-type background subtraction, symmetric peak

    shape of silver, gold and palladium, and an asymmetric peak shape

    of platinum LA(1.2,85,70) [27].

    For transmission electron microscopy analysis two apparatus

    were used. The first one, a “TEM FEI Tecnai G2-20 twin” electronic

    microscope, working with an accelerating potential of 200kV,

    enabledobservationof samples witha veryhigh resolution(2–5 nmscale), while the second one, a Philips CM 30 Transmission elec-

    tron microscope, working with an accelerating potential of 300 kV

    and equipped withan energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) for the

    local chemical analysis (spatial resolution 10−5 mm3), enabled also

    operating in a transmission scan mode (STEM mode), which is use-

    fulfor mapping of the catalyst surface composition.The samples for

    TEMwere preparedfrom a diluted suspension of catalystin ethanol.

    A drop of suspension was placedon a Lacey carbon-coated grid and

    allowed to dry in air. The particle size distribution was calculated

    by countingover 400 particles over multiple areas using the Visilog

    6.5 software.

    The metal loading in fresh platinum, palladium and gold cat-

    alysts was determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic

    emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES, Vista Pro Varian). The sampleswere prepared by Hot Block/HCl/HNO3   digestion [28]. For the

    silver-supported catalyst, due to low sensitivity and accuracy to

    Ag+ by ICP, X fluorescence spectroscopy was applied using a S2

    Ranger Bruker spectrometer equipped with Pd X-ray tube.

     2.4. Catalytic performances evaluation

    A typical experiment of the liquid phase glycerol oxidation

    was carried out in a 300 cm3 semi-batch stainless steel reactor

    equipped with a gas-induced turbine, 4 baffles, a thermocouple,

    and a thermo-regulated oxygen supply system. In eachexperiment,

    200cm3 of a pure or crude glycerol solution in water were heated

    to 60◦C, and the reaction was started when the calculated amount

    of NaOH with selected catalyst (0.5g) were flushed into the reac-tor and pressurized with oxygen (5bar). In all the experiments,

    the initial concentration of glycerol was 0.3 M, and the amount of 

    base was adjusted to give a NaOH/glycerol molar ratio of 4. For

    the supplementary studies, well-controlled quantities of selected

    and desired amount of additive (Na2SO4, methanol, MONG-NM,

    thioglycolic acid) were introduced in the reactor together with

    the reagents. The products were periodically sampled (1cm3 sam-

    ples directly acidified to quench the reaction) and analyzed with

    an Agilent 1200 HPLC equipped with a Rezex ROA-Organic Acid

    H+ column (300×7.8 mm) and a reflective index detector (RID). A

    solution of H2SO4  (0.0025 M) in deionized water (0.5cm3 min−1)

    was used as an eluent. The identification and quantification of the

    obtainedproducts wasdone by comparison withthe corresponding

    calibration curves.

    3. Results and discussion

     3.1. Catalysts characterization

    First, the metal loading in the fresh catalysts was determined.

    Results presented in Table 1 show that the real metal loading in all

    the tested catalysts was close to the 1w t.%, for the Au, Pd and Pt

    supported materials (metal loading guaranteed by producer), and

    also for the Ag/Al2


     material prepared by the chemical reduction


    Due to the relatively low metal loadings used, the surface prop-

    erties of each catalyst, i.e., the specific surface area and the pore

    size distribution (Table 1, Fig. 1), undoubtedly reflected the char-

    acter of the corresponding alumina support. While information on

    the aluminas used for the preparation of commercial catalysts is

    unavailable, this can be verified for the lab-prepared silver sup-

    ported catalyst (Table 1, Figs.1 and 2).

    Combining the results of nitrogen adsorption–desorption anal-

    ysis with XRD analysis (Fig. 2), we can see that the Au/Al2O3and Pt/Al2O3   catalysts were prepared using gamma alumina

    supports with respectively high (>200m2 g−1) and moderate


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    92 E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100

    Fig. 1. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption profiles (insets) and pore diameter distribution calculated by the BJH method of freshalumina-supported catalysts: (a) Ag/Al2O3 and

    (b) corresponding bare alumina support; (c) Au/Al2 O3; (d) Pd/Al2O3; (e) Pt/Al2O3.

    metallic particles very well dispersed on the support surface. The

    TEM images (Fig. 3) are on line with this assumption.

    The commercial catalysts exhibited a relatively narrow particle

    size distribution, and almost 30% of all the particles had a diameter

    of 3nm. For the Pt and Pd catalysts, the biggest measured particle

    had a diameter of 16nm and 12nm, respectively, while for the Au

    material, single particles with a diameter of 18–26 nm were also

    found. In the case of the lab-made Ag catalyst, the particle size dis-

    tribution was less uniform, but 30% of all the particles were below

    10nm and almost40% had a diameter between16 and 26nm. Thus,

    the main particle diameter calculated as an arithmetic average of 

    all the particles, increased in the order:

    Pd/Al2O3   (3.5±1.5nm)

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    E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100 93

    Fig. 2. X-ray diffractograms of the fresh catalysts with the position of the main

    diffraction lines expected for the metallic particles: Ag (JCPDS card 01-089-3722),

    Au (JCPDS card 00-004-0784), Pd (JCPDS card 01-087-0637) and Pt (JCPDS card

    00-001-1194). Symbols correspond to: () gamma-Al2O3   (JCPDS 00-010-045); ()

    theta-Al2O3 (JCPDS 01-086-1410); (#)Boehmite,gamma-Al2O3·H2O (JCPDS 00-001-

    1283); and (*)Gibbsite, Al(OH)3 (JCPDS 00-033-0018).

    and 71.2eV for Pt 4f 7/2  [27,30–33]. In each case, the value of the C

    1s core level (284.6eV) was used for calibration of the energy scale

    and the binding energy of Al 2p level was accordingly essentially

    the same, equal 74.6±0.2eV.

    The XPS analysis repeated for the used catalysts after oxidation

    tests with pure andcrudeglycerol confirmed a good stabilityof the

    oxidationstate of the metallic particlesunder operating conditions.

    Irrespectiveof thetypeof glycerolusedin theoxidationtests, theBE

    of each metallic core level remained almost unchanged with very

    small variations at max of +0.1eV or−0.15eV (Table 2). Moreover,

    theratio between themetal and alumina measured beforeand after

    oxidation tests remained practically the same for each type of the


     3.2. Catalytic tests–oxidation of pure and crude glycerol

    The performance of the catalysts was assessed in the liquid

    phase glycerol oxidation reaction with pure and crude streams.

    Eachof the catalystsexhibited differentbehaviours (different activ-

    ities and selectivities),but a clear relation between thepurity of the

    reactant feed and the reaction rate was observed (Table 3).

    For the oxidation of pure glycerol, under our conditions the

    most active catalyst was the Au catalyst, which enabled obtain-ing full conversion after only 30min of reaction (Fig. 5). The main

    products observed at the beginning of the reaction were: glyc-

    eric acid (60% selectivity), glycolic acid (about 20% selectivity)

    and formic acid (10–12% selectivity). The selectivity to these two

    latter compounds remained constant during the progress of the

    experiment, while the glyceric acid selectivity decreased due to

    further oxidation to tartronic acid. That stays in agreement with

    Fig. 3. TEM imagesand histograms of themetallic particle size distributions observed over thecatalysts: (a) Ag/Al2O3; (b) Au/Al2O3 ; (c) Pd/Al2O3; and (d) for Pt/Al2O3.

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    94 E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100

    Fig. 4. XPS spectra of the Ag 3d, Au 4f, Pd 3d and Pt 4f levels with corresponding BE values observed for fresh catalysts: (a) Ag/Al2O3; (b) Au/Al2O3; (c) Pd/Al2O3; and ( d)


     Table 2

    Comparison of theBEs estimatedfor each metallic core levels(Ag 3d, Au 4f,Pd 3d andPt 4f)and selected relations between surface atomicconcentrationsfrom XPSanalysis

    performedfor fresh and spent catalysts.

    Catalyst* Corresponding supported

    metal core level BE (eV)

    Relative atomic concentration

    metal (×100)/Al Na/Al C/Al

    Ag/Al2O3—fresh 368.2 1.5 0 0.34

    Ag/Al2O3—after test with pure glycerol 368.1 1.5

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    E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100 95

     Table 3

    Comparison of theinitial reaction rates andthe selectivities to main products at 10% and 30% isoconversion forthe oxidationof pure and crude glycerol over Ag, Au, Pd and

    Pt supported catalysts. Thereaction conditions are thesame as those in Fig. 5.

    Type o f c atalyst Type o f g lycerol Initial reaction


    (molh−1 molMe−1 )

    Selectivity to main products (%) at:

    10% of glycero lisoconver sion 30% o f gly cer ol isoconvers ion


    Ag/Al2O3   Pure 866 27.8 35.9 35.3 27.2 44.8 28.0 0 0Crude 384 49.5 27.0 17.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    Au/Al2O3   Pure 12976 59.8 19.7 10.2 60.4 20.7 12.5 0.9 0.2

    Crude 1230 43.4 13.2 39.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    Pd/Al2O3   Pure 1091 91.7 2.8 0 85.8 2.6 1.0 5.7 0.3

    Crude 226 81.2 4.9 2.8 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    Pt/Al2O3   Pure 2898 75.6 10.7 11.0 74.0 9.9 8.1 5.1 2.6

    Crude 828 60.5 3.3 36.1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

    * For the calculation of the specific initial reaction rate, we used the metal loadings estimated by elemental analysis; n.a.—not analyzed/not applicable as the calculation

    of selectivities at 30% glycerol isoconversion would require too extensive extrapolation of the experimental results; Abbreviations: GA—glyceric acid, GLYCA—glycolic acid,

    FA—formic acid, TARTA—tartronic acid, OXALA—oxalic acid.

    achievedwithsimilarselectivitiesto glycolicacid (42%) andglyceric

    acid (23%).

    Such a big difference between the activities of the catalysts canbe first explained in the light of the metallic particles distribution

    on the catalyst’s surface (Table 1). That would follow the concept

    of the “structure-sensitive” behaviour introduced for this reaction

    by Demirel et al. [35], and further confirmed by the works of Prati

    et al.[36] andCarretinet al.[37], andalsofurther discussed byDim-

    itratos et al. [16]. It is generally accepted that small particles with

    narrow size distribution usually means better metal dispersion on

    the catalyst’s surface and higher activity. Indeed, as it can be seen

    from Figs. 3 and 5, silver supported catalyst with the highest aver-

    age diameter and widest particle size distribution (21.2±18.6nm)

    was the least active in the pure glycerol oxidation. It also pro-

    moted an oxidative cleavage of glycerol molecule leading directly

    to glycolic and formic acids (respectively 35.9% and 35.3% selectiv-

    ity at 10% of glycerol conversion—Table 3), while the other metalsfavoureda non-destructive oxidationof hydroxylgroup to tartronic

    acid via glyceric acid. Further transformation of primary products

    should proceed by deep oxidation reactions, leading to mesoxalic

    acid, oxalic acid, formic acid and finally to carbon dioxide in the

    formof carbonate under basicreaction conditions. Possible reaction

    pathways were discussed in details in a previous paper [34].

    Although a complex and thoroughgoing studies are required to

    explain the nature of silver active sites in the glycerol oxidation

    process at liquid phase, very high selectivity to glycolic acid seems

    to be characteristic for this metal. Analogous behaviour was pre-

    viously reported by Ketchie et al. [38], who tested gold and silver

    powders in the glycerol oxidationreaction. Theyconcluded thatnot

    only particle size distributionplays a significant role in the glycerol

    oxidation process and other parameters must also be considered.That also stay in agreement with our experiences with the blank

    testsand quasi-homogenous glycerol oxidationover goldnanopar-

    ticles [34], as well as on the results of catalysts screening from

    samples prepared by different methods, where the mean diame-

    ter of the particles (platinum, gold andsilver) varied between 2 nm

    and 260 nm. As it can be seen from Fig. 5, the purity of glycerol is

    another parameter which greatly affects the process.

    Application of the crude glycerol fraction as a raw material for

    theoxidation process evidently blockedthe catalystsactivity.In any

    case, the decrease in the initial reaction rate was significant, from a

    factor 2 in the case of Ag/Al2O3 to a 10 fold decrease over Au/Al2O3(Table 3). The highest resistance exhibited the catalysts with both

    the lowestand the highest averagediameterof the particles(3.5nm

    for Pd and 21.2nm for Ag, respectively). Except for the palladium

    catalyst, which enabled obtaining 24% of conversion after 2h at

    60 ◦C, the conversions were much below 20%. The selectivities to

    the main products were then compared at 10% of glycerol isocon-version (Table 3). Note that while the conversion of pure glycerol

    over the gold catalyst was 27% after 3 min of reaction, comparison

    with data at 10% conversion in the case of using crude glycerol was

    reliable due to the relatively stable selectivities to main products

    (i.e., glyceric, glycolic and formic acids) observed during the first

    20min of reaction.

    A decrease in selectivity to glyceric acid in favour of formic

    acid was observed over the Pt and Au catalysts when shifting to

    the crude glycerol feed. As methanol was present in the crude

    glycerol fraction (29.1 wt.%), its conversion to formic acid should

    be expected. However, the contribution of this side reaction was

    subtracted when calculating glycerol conversion and selectivities

    (method explained in details elsewhere [20]). Thus, overproduc-

    tion of formic acid could only be explained by a change in glycerolreactivity over the solids placed under crude glycerol conditions.

    The dominating reaction pathways (i.e., selective oxidation of 

    hydroxyl groups leading successively to glyceric and tartronic

    acids, and oxidative cleavage directly to glycolic and formic acids)

    can compete with destructive, deep oxidation of glycerol molecule

    to C1 derivatives. Possibility of bothreactionpathways was verified

    previously by kinetic calculations and proposed for both the non-

    catalytic oxidation at basic medium and the quasi-homogenous

    oxidation of pure glycerol using unsupported gold nanoparticles

    [34]. What is meaningful is that the production of formic acid is

    only marginally increased from 0% to 2.8%, over the Pd catalyst

    (Table 3), with a similar trend for the selectivity to glycolic acid

    (small increase from 2.8% to 4.9%). In the case of the Ag/Al2O3

    catalyst, a completely opposite situation was observed, as theselectivities to C1 and C2 derivatives decreased in favour of that of 

    glyceric acid. Thus, it seems reasonable that the impurities present

    in the crude glycerol fraction blocked the sites responsible for

    oxidative cleavage of glycerol, keeping active the sites responsible

    for the non-destructive oxidation of hydroxyl groups. Thus, in

    spite of poisoning, due to limited concentration of impurities in

    the crude glycerol fraction, an increase of the overall number of 

    available metal particles (i.e. increase of Ag active sites responsible

    for unique high selectivity to glycolic acid) should improve the

    contribution of oxidative cleavage reactions in the crude glycerol

    oxidationprocess and make the decrease of glycolic acid selectivity

    less important. Additional experiments using the silver catalyst

    with a substantially larger loading (2.3 wt.% Ag/Al2O3) and a parti-

    cle size distribution comparable to that of the 1.13wt.% Ag/Al2


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    96 E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100

    Fig. 5. Glycerol conversion() andselectivityto main products:glycericacid (), glycolic acid (),oxalicacid(), tartronicacid (),formicacid(×) intheoxidation ofpure

    glycerol (a–d) and crudeglycerol (e–h). Catalyst: Ag/Al2O3 (a and f); Au/Al2O3 (b and f); Pd/Al2O3 (c and g); Pt/Al2O3 (d andh). Reaction conditions: 200cm3 ofpureor crude

    glycerol solution with nominal 0.3M concentration of glycerol; NaOH/glycerol molar ratio of 4; 0.5g of catalyst;60 ◦C; 5 bars o f O2; and a stirring speed of 1500rpm.

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    E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100 97

    Fig. 6. Glycerol conversion () and selectivity to main products: glyceric acid (),

    glycolic acid () and formicacid (×) in the oxidation of pure glycerol (a) and crude

    glycerol (b)over 2.3wt.% Ag/Al2 O3 . Reaction conditions the same as at Fig. 5.

    sample (mean particle diameters of 20.9±16.2 nm and

    21.2±18.6nm, respectively) proved that a higher concentra-

    tion of active sites on the catalyst surface enables maintaining

    relatively high selectivity to glycolic acid (40–47%) during the

    whole experiment with crude glycerol fraction (Fig. 6).

    While the conversion of the crude fraction was again lower in

    comparison to tests with pure glycerol (initial reaction rate equal,

    respectively to 305 and 492molh−1 molAg−1), a significant out-

    come is that at comparable 15% isoconversion the selectivity to

    formic acid decreased from 36% to 10% in favour of glyceric acid

    (growth from 14% to 35% using pure and crude glycerol, respec-

    tively), and essentially the same selectivity to glycolic acid was

    maintained, i.e., 41% for oxidation of pure glycerol and 42% while

    using the crude fraction. Thus, the ratio between the impuritiesand the silver active sites present on the catalyst surface has to

    be controlled and kept at adequate low level, and/or higher metal

    loading has to be applied, in order to maintain high conversion

    rates and achieve profitable selectivity to more valuable C2 and C3


     3.3. Catalytic tests with addition of single impurities

    The reasonable questions which arose from tests with crude

    glycerol fraction were: (i) what is the impact of separate impu-

    rities?; (ii) Which of them should be limited to the minimum?; and

    (iii) is there any key enabling proper choice of the catalyst forcrude

    glycerol oxidation? In our previous work, we identified the answer

    to the first question applied for the platinum supported catalyst

    [20]. Namely, MONG-NM, which in majority consists of various

    fatty acid derivatives (i.e., fatty acid methyl esters left after incom-

    plete separation of biodiesel, as well as mono-,di- and triglycerides

    coming from unconverted fatty raw material used for biodiesel

    production—more detailed discussion on this topic can be found

    elsewhere [20]), was found to be the most problematic impurity,

    as its deposition on the catalyst surface physically blocked the

    access of glycerol to the active sites. While the performances of the

    catalysts exhibiting a high activity might be restored by a simple

    washing procedure with an organic solvent, the presence of small

    quantities of MONG-NM in the reaction mixture strongly hindered

    the glycerol conversion. The mineral salts had only a small detri-

    mental effect on the process,while a lowconcentration of methanol

    promoted the oxidation by improved oxygensolubility in the reac-

    tion mixture. Only the effectof the organic sulphur derivatives was

    not assessed. The presence of such components was recently evi-

    denced in the crude glycerol fraction, using sulphur sensitive GC

    chromatography. Their content was estimated by MWD XRF mea-

    surements. The origin of such impurities in crude glycerol fraction

    is not obvious.They canbe formed during biodieselproduction pro-

    cess, i.e., during neutralization of the basic catalyst conventionally

    used for transesterification, as well as during acidic esterification

    of low quality vegetable oils and other free fatty acids rich-raw

    materials. However, they canalso be present in the initial fatty acidraw material, especially when non-conventional raw materials are

    used, like: discards from vegetable oils industry, waste fats from

    food processing plants, gastronomy or leather manufacture, etc .

    Also, a non-refined oil obtained from crops demanding high levels

    of sulphur fertilization (including rapeseed oil) can be responsible

    for the presence of organic sulphur derivatives in crude glycerol

    fractions [39–41]. Our experiences with Au/Al2O3   suggested that

    strong poisoning of the active sites by organic sulphur derivatives

    might be expected also in the processes with other noble metals

    supported catalysts [42]. Thus, a series of catalytic experiments

    with pure glycerol and small amounts of single additives, repre-

    senting the impuritiespresent in crude glycerol fractions,including

    organic sulphur derivatives, were carried out. On the basis of our

    previous experiments with crude glycerol using supported plat-inum [20] and also gold catalysts [42], we decided to add into the

    mixture comparable amount of methanol, higher concentration of 

    sodium sulphate (due to its tinny effect on the conversion), and as

    small as possible amount of MONG-NM and thioglycolic acid addi-

    tives, as they were expected to be the most powerful and the most

    problematic at thesame time (both components shouldbe avoided

    in the mixtures injected on the HPLC column, and also possible

    strongpoisoning of both thecatalystand the walls of reactor might

    appear). Composition of each prepared and tested reaction mixture

    can be found in Table 4.

    Clear similarities between the behaviour of the catalysts can be

    observed (Fig. 7). The presence of methanol or sodium sulphate

    affected the glycerol conversion in the lowest extent. A small pro-

    motional effect of CH3OH, previously attributed to an increase inthe oxygen solubility in the reaction mixture [20], was evidenced

    only when platinum and palladium catalysts were used, although

    their selectivity was affected in different ways (Table 5).

    The palladium catalyst practically did not exhibit any change

    in performances, while the destructive oxidation pathway was

    enhanced over the supported platinum catalyst. At 10% isoconver-

    sion, the selectivity to glyceric acid dropped from 75.6% to 48% in

    favourof formicacid–from11%to almost40%.Forthe other two cat-

    alysts, a small detrimental effect of methanol was observed, which

    indicated that a purely physical phenomenon of change in oxygen

    dissolution in the reaction composition is not the most impor-

    tant factor affecting process with methanol addition over these

    two catalysts. Indeed, the results of pure glycerol oxidation under

    oxygen pressure varying from 3 to 10bars [34] showed that the

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    98 E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100

     Table 4

    Composition of each reaction mixture used to assess the effect of impurities in crude glycerol fractions. Solutions of nominal 0.3M glycerol concentration were prepared

    from crude glycerol (11.656 g of crude fraction in 200cm3) or pureglycerol (5.53g of pure, anhydrous glycerol in 200cm3 ) with single, selectedadditive.

    Type of impurity identified in crude

    glycerol/additive used

    Tests with pure glycerol Tests with crude glycerola

    concentration of impurities (wt.%)

    Amount of additive


    Concentration in the

    reaction mixture (wt.%)

    Methanol 4.28 cm3 1.7 1.7

    Ash/Na2SO4   2.432 g 1.2 0.1

    MONG-NMb 0.271 g 0.1 0.8

    OSDc/thioglycolic acid 1l 7 ppm 66 ppm

    a No additives, impurities originated from crude fraction.b MONG-NM–matter organic non-glycerol and non-methanol [20].c OSD—organic sulphur derivatives.

    Fig. 7. Changes in conversion during theoxidation glycerol in thepresenceof various additives: 2.432g of sodium sulphate ();4.28ml of methanol ();0.271g ofMONG-

    NM (); 1l of thioglycolic acid (). Conversion of pure glycerol (, full line) and crude glycerol (, dotted line) without additives are given for comparison. Catalysts:

    Ag/Al2O3—(a); Au/Al2O3—(b); Pd/Al2O3—(c); Pt/Al2O3—(d). Thereactionconditions are thesame as those in Fig. 5.

    performance of the gold nanoparticles practically did not change,

    which was also the case for the process in the absence of cata-

    lyst. Thus, the effect of a small increase in the oxygen dissolution

    caused by the presence of small amounts of methanol, i.e., physi-

    cal aspect, might be less important than that of the chemical one,

    especially if we remark that selectivities of both catalysts changed

    in comparison to the process performed without methanol addi-

    tion (Tables 4 and 5). For the gold catalyst, cleavage to formic was

    muchmore important (selectivity to formic acid shifted from 10.2%

    to 31.5%), while for the silver catalyst, the high selectivity to gly-

    colicacid dropped from 35.9% to 14.5%in favour of non-destructive

    oxidation to glyceric acid (of which the selectivity increased from

    27.8% to 46.5%).

    Similarly, the effect caused by addition of sodium sulphate was

    more important over silver and gold catalysts than over platinum

    and palladium catalysts. In the case of the two latter ones, the

    selectivity remained almost unchanged. In contrast, over the gold

    material, again a small increase in selectivity to formic acid was

    observed (10.2–27.7%). Overthe silver catalyst,a drastic increase in

    glyceric acid selectivity was evidenced(from 27.8% to 46.8%), while

    the selectivity to glycolic acid remained substantially unchanged

    (36.3% vs.35.9%), and finally, the presence of sodium sulphate erad-

    icatedthe formicacid formation route (decrease in selectivity from

    35.3% to 0%). The difference in the initial reaction rate observed

    upon addition of sodium sulphate was the less pronounced com-

    paredto thatobservedusing other additives. Moreover,the amount

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    E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100 99

     Table 5

    Comparison of theinitial reaction rates over Ag, Au, Pd and Pt catalystsand selectivities to main products at 10% isoconversion in thepresence of various additives: 2.432g

    Na2SO4, 4.28ml CH3OH, 0.271 g of MONG-NM and 1l of thioglycolic acid. Reaction conditions are thesame as those in Fig. 7.

    Type of catalyst Type of additive Initial reaction rate

    (molh−1 molMe−1 )

    Selectivity to main products (%) at 10% of 

    glycerol isoconversiona

    Glyceric acid Glycolic acid Formic acid

    Ag/Al2O3   Na2SO4   673 46.8 36.3 0

    CH3OH 550 46.5 14.6 21.2

    MONG-NM 385 44.3 25.0 16.4

    HSCH2COOH 234 59.5a 7.1a 0a

    Au/Al2O3   Na2SO4   9551 58.3 12.7 27.7

    CH3OH 8176 57.1 9.1 31.5

    MONG-NM 1230 65.7 6.8 13.3

    HSCH2COOH 492 60.5a 8.7a 4.1a

    Pd/Al2O3   Na2SO4   1149 84.1 3.2 0.2

    CH3OH 1389 81.9 1.8 1.2

    MONG-NM 718 76.9 2.3 0

    HSCH2COOH 722 87.7 1.3 0

    Pt/Al2O3   Na2SO4   1449 75.3 7.4 14.5

    CH3OH 2957 48.0 10.1 39.5

    MONG-NM 468 75.0 4.3 16.1

    HSCH2COOH 483 72.2a 2.9a 0a

    a Forthe tests with thioglycolic acid addition using silver, gold andplatinum,the catalystsselectivities presentedin this table aregiven forthe highest observed values of 

    glycerol conversion, namely4.1% forAg/Al2 O3, 6.8% for Au/Al2O3  and 7.3% for Pt/Al2O3.

    of Na2SO4  used in the additional tests was 10-fold larger than the

    amount of ash actually present in the crude glycerol streams used

    for the tests. Hence, it is obvious that this component was not

    responsible for any important decrease in the glycerol conversion,

    especially when the process was carried out over the palladium-

    based catalyst.

    The third type of tested impurity was a hydrophobic, dark

    brown, complex mixture of fatty acids derivatives, present in

    crude glycerol fractions after biodiesel separation process [20]. We

    previously showed thatthis mixture, recognized as “matter organic

    non-glycerol and non-methanol” (MONG-NM), blocks the access

    to active sites of Pt/Al2O3   catalysts by reversible adsorption on

    the catalyst surface. Regeneration of such deactivated catalysts ishowever possible, but it requires extensive washing with a solvent

    capable of dissolving the adsorbed hydrophobic fatty acid deriva-

    tives [20]. Concerning silver and palladium catalysts, the glycerol

    conversion observed when adding MONG-NM to pure glycerol

    was very similar to that observed when directly using the crude

    glycerol fraction (Fig.7). Interestingly, the same catalysts were also

    the least sensible ones to organic sulphur poisoning among the

    tested samples. Indeed, the ratio between the glycerol conversion

    in the presence of thioglycolic acid to the glycerol conversion with

    pure glycerolafter2 h was 0.35 forPd/Al2O3, 0.15for Ag/Al2O3,and

    only 0.10 and 0.07 for Pt/Al2O3 and Au/Al2O3, respectively. Exactly

    the same sequence can be found when using the initial reaction

    rates ratiosas a criterion(calculated from results in Tables 3 and 5):

    0.66Pd/Al2O3 > 0.27Ag/Al2O3 > 0.17Pt/Al2O3 > 0.03Au/Al2O3

    As almost 66ppm of sulphur derivatives were detected in

    the reaction mixture prepared from the crude glycerol fraction

    (Table 2), it seems reasonable to conclude that it was the main

    reason why the results of crude glycerol oxidation over gold and

    platinum catalysts were worse from that arising from test with

    single MONG-NM addition (Fig. 7). All these observations clearly

    indicate that MONG-NM and organic sulphur derivatives have the

    most detrimental effect on the glycerol conversion in the oxida-

    tion process. Although removal of hydrophobic MONG-NM might

    be realized by simple two-phase separation (less expensive grav-

    itational or induced by centrifugation, tangential flow separation,

    etc .), the removal (or deactivation) of organic sulphur derivatives

    would require more sophisticated and expensive methods. Thus,

    an improvement of the catalyst’s resistance to sulphur should be


    Decoupling of the effects of the impurities allowed us to deduce

    some specific trends concerning selectivity modifications. How-

    ever, these conclusions cannot be straightforwardly transposed to

    real streams, as the complexity of crude glycerol composition is

    such that some synergistic or antagonistic effects can be obtained

    in the simultaneous presence of various impurities families. More-

    over, the differences in the catalyst morphology can also play a

    role in the response of the catalytic system to separate impurities,

    even if the present data do not allow us to conclude onthat specificaspect. However, under the conditions used in the present paper,

    the Pd-based catalyst suffered the least of selectivity modification.

    Gold and platinum catalysts should not be used in the oxidation

    of crude glycerol in the presence of large amounts of methanol, as

    undesirable conversion of glycerol to formic acid was increased in

    such a case. Analogous effect was also reported by Sullivan [24] f or

    crude glycerol oxidation over Au/TiO2  catalyst. On the other hand,

    the presence of organic sulphur derivatives efficiently blocked this

    undesirable reaction, and selectivity to formic acid was then neg-

    ligible (or very low) for all the tested catalysts. This additive had

    also the most marked influence in the change of selectivity over

    the Ag catalyst from glycolic to glycericacid, i.e., at 4.1% conversion

    these selectivities were 7.1% and 59.5%, respectively. For compari-

    son, duringthe test without any additivesthe selectivity to glycolic

    acid at initial stage of the process (the lowest analyzed conversion

    of 6.3%) was 26.9%, while selectivity to glyceric acidwas only33.7%,

    and it further stabilized at the level of 25–27% (Fig. 5a). Unique

    high selectivity to glycolic acid was maintained only in the pres-

    ence of mineral salt and MONG-NM (respectively 36.3% and 25.0%

    at 10% isoconversion). Interestingly, the general performances of 

    the Ag catalyst were almost identical when using pure or MONG-

    NM-added glycerol.

    4. Conclusions

    The results presented in this paper highlight the impact of 

    impurities present in crude glycerol fractions in the reaction of 

    liquid phase glycerol partial oxidation over four different types of 

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    100 E. Skrzyńska et al./ Applied Catalysis A: General 499 (2015) 89–100

    monometallic noble catalysts supported on alumina. The complex-

    ity of crude glycerol composition and its variety depending on its

    origin (biodiesel production conditions from which it is issued),

    as well as possible synergetic/antagonistic effects between the

    impurities, makes it difficult to strictly draw any definitive conclu-

    sion. Nevertheless, based on the present results, some rationales

    in the choice of proper catalysts for crude glycerol oxidation can

    be given. Hence, monometallic gold catalysts, known from their

    excellent activity in pure glycerol oxidation, should be avoided

    when using unpurified waste fractions from biodiesel production.

    This catalyst was the most sensitive to all the tested impurities.

    Among the tested monometallic catalysts, palladium seems to be

    the most resistant to both methanol, mineral salts, MONG-NM

    and even to organic sulphur derivatives, which easily poison gold

    and platinum catalysts. Pt/Al2O3 can be used for oxidation of frac-

    tions rich in ash (mineral salts) and methanol, while an increase

    in formic acid production might be expected in the presence

    of this latter. Finally, the silver catalyst, with a high selectiv-

    ity to glycolic acid (close to 50% at higher reaction rates) can

    be used for processes with elevated MONG-NM concentrations.

    Other impurities can drastically change the selectivity (glyceric

    acid then becomes the main product), which can be an inter-

    esting and non-conventional method of controlling the products

    distribution.The results presented in this paper clearly show that the issue

    of crude glycerol impurities is very complex and that the effect

    of each impurity on the performance of various noble metal cata-

    lysts can be substantially different in terms of both the activity and

    the selectivity. This opens interesting perspectives in the further

    studies on bimetallic catalytic systems. One should also consider

    catalytic systems with enhanced sulphur resistance, as this impu-

    rity – together with MONG-NM of which a sticky amalgam can be

    physically separated before reaction – had the most detrimental

    effect on the overall glycerol conversion performances.


    This work was performed, in partnership with the SAS PIVERT,

    within the frame of the French Institute for the Energy Tran-

    sition (Institut pour la Transition Energétique (ITE) P.I.V.E.R.T.

    ( selected asan Investmentfor theFuture

    (“Investissements d’Avenir”). This work was supported, as part of 

    the Investments for the Future, by the French Government under

    the reference ANR-001.

    The authors would like to acknowledge Orlen Południe S.A. for

    the crude glycerol samples kindly provided for testing.

    Maxence Vandewalle (Université de Lille1 Scienceset Technolo-

    gies) is acknowledged for XRF analysis.

    The “Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER)”,

    “CNRS”, “Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais” and “Ministère de l’Education

    Nationale de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche” are

    acknowledged for fundings of X-ray diffractometers and XPS/LEIS/

    ToF-SIMS spectrometers within the Pôle Régional d’Analyses de


    The authors would like to thank theEuropeanUnionthroughthe

    Małopolska Regional Operational Programme (MROP) 2007-2013,

    for funding of portable XOS Sinide OTG analyser.


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